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Wikipedia:Meetup/Wellington/Meetup 23 May 2020

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Wellington Meetup 23 May 2020

  • Date: Saturday 23 May 2020
  • Time: 10:00 am to midday
  • Location: Virtual Meeting at this link https://meet.jit.si/WellingtonWikimediaMeetup
    Note this video conferencing software link will ask permission to use your computer camera and microphone. You will need to agree to get full functionality. Google Chrome or Chromium is recommended for the best experience (not all aspects work correctly with other browsers).
  • Cost: Free



The group are meeting virtually while the Covid-19 higher alert levels in New Zealand occurs. Virtual Meeting at this link https://meet.jit.si/WellingtonWikimediaMeetup

Future Meetups


This is a fortnightly event but double check the Wikipedia:Wellington Meetup page to confirm.

Join the Wikimedia User Group of Aotearoa New Zealand to be kept informed.

Also see Wikipedia:New Zealand Wikipedians' notice board for discussion relevant to New Zealand Wikipedians.



Add your name to the list by adding an asterisk and four tildes like this: * Headbomb {t · c · p · b} 15:22, 13 May 2023 (UTC)[reply]


  1. Einebillion
  2. Quilt Phase
  3. David Nind
  4. Ambrosia10
  5. Giantflightlessbirds
  6. Oronsay
  7. Gertrude206
  8. MargaretRDonald (talk) 21:21, 22 May 2020 (UTC)[reply]
  9. Jonathanischoice
  10. DrThneed
  11. MurielMary (talk) 23:07, 22 May 2020 (UTC)[reply]

Unable to come




At the Feb 15 meeting the attendees discussed what could be improved to make the meetups more effective. The decision was more focus on tools and demonstrations of tools.

  • Introduction to meet up by organisers
  • Round table for participants to say what you’re working on and if you need help with anything - bring along your Wikipedia, Wikidata, or Wikimedia problems
  • Wiki News
    • .. add any news from the wider Wiki movement the group may be unaware of...
      • #1Lib1Ref campaign is underway. Anyone can help by adding citations to various language Wikipedias. Add the #1Lib1Ref to the edit summary and be counted. More information can be found here
  • Review of questions raised during round table
    • .. add your questions/problems here...
      • Could I seek help from the group about the Public Domain Mark and CC0? This is to resolve a Deletion Notification for an image I uploaded to Commons from my Flickr account: File:Vickers anti-aircraft predictor.jpg. Quilt Phase (talk)
      • Yes: in short, that's not someone else's Public Domain photo you found; it's one you're releasing into the public domain (so CC0). You'll need to change your Flickr license, and then we can delete all the warnings. This is timely; I encountered the same problem with another photographer's work last week, and it would be great to share this with the group. —Giantflightlessbirds (talk) 22:40, 21 May 2020 (UTC)[reply]
  • Demonstration of another tool - Ambrosia10 (talk) to talk about Wikipedia Weekly and iNaturalist. There is a WikiCommons tool that installs a button you can push to bring up candidate openly licensed research grade photographs of plants and animals from iNaturalist. It puts a button near the species category that you can then push and will then assist you to automatically upload these images. See script to install tool See this video on how to use this tool. Example would be Celmisia spectabilis
  • How tos:
  • Get on with problem solving, editing, and chatting


General discussion on what people are doing.
  • Ambrosia10 is working on updating data on early Canadian and American women botanists. Link to the document @Ambrosia10 is working on for early women botanists.
  • DrThneed working on investigating new project
  • Jonathanischoice working on Tertiary Education Commission page in wikipedia and surrounding articles. Also still working on his wine project. Asked about either taking pdf of wine export information off a website extracting the figures and using that data or was there an alternative way. Encouraged to approach the institution to ask whether they could release the data openly. NZ state agencies are strongly encouraged to use NZ Government Open Access and Licensing framework to determine licensing for published resources such as datasets and lodging the datasets with data.govt.nz. Asking means more advocacy for open data for the whole community and success means that others don’t have to do the data extraction work again in the future. You can ask data.govt.nz staff to ask on your behalf by using the Request dataset form. There's also information on why NZ government are investing in open data and give talking points on convincing people to put the effort in and release their data.
  • Oronsay has been updated the recent Ockham book awards and tidying up wikidata issues with geographical places in NZ.
  • MargaretRDonald has been working on author disambiguation with the intention of using the scholar template on some academic wikipedia pages. Also doing work on Bloodhound. The data is terrible about Australia. Is there a process to get this improved? Advice from Ambrosia10 is to document the research and then send an email back to the person that manages that dataset at the source institution. It’s reliant on that person to improve their dataset and it does take time for the source institution dataset improvements to work through to GBIF and then onto Bloodhound. Also asked what to do in Bloodhound when a mistake is made attributing a specimen. Further discussion parked with a one-on-one planned between MargaretRDonald and Ambrosia10.
  • MurielMary Spending time on editing and reviewing new articles by new editors. Noted that new editors often directly contact MurielMary after working on their article when they should be resubmitting their article so it goes back into the queue.
  • David Nind Tidied up outstanding Wikipedia and Wikidata tasks on personal list. Listening to the Wikipedia Weekly podcasts.
  • Giantflightlessbirds has been continuing working as a Wikipedian in Residence at Massey University. Working on putting Massey University academics into Wikidata including encouraging academics to set up an ORCID profile. There is an ORCID zine available under Creative Commons BY SA copyright licence. Discussion about ORCID noted that ORCID profiles are private by default. To change this in your own ORCID profile go to your profile, account settings, Visibility Preferences, edit it and select By default, who should be able to see information added to your ORCID Record? Everyone. Group were encouraged to create their own ORCID profile, make it public and add their professional and volunteer work including wiki volunteering (if privacy wasn't a concern). An example ORCID profile was shared: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-5398-7721 Also connecting with the Cawthron Institute in Nelson. Canterbury University are also interested in updating Wikipedia and Wikidata and have been in contact. Recognises that the Radio New Zealand Critter of the Week and Wikipedia has been a bit neglected recently and will be picking that up.
  • Quilt Phase talked about the COVID19 Check In Project. Mentioned that projects often suffer from lack of take up. General discussion on the marketing and communications of projects and initiatives. It was reported there has been limited email notifications to the New Zealand User Group representatives. An example was the Wikimedia Hackathon 2020 Remote Hackathon where a number of people only found out half way through or too late to attend.

Action point MurielMary agreed to to investigate via the affiliate rep at the Wikimedia Foundation whether there is a notification system for user groups.

  • General discussion on how to set up the Wikimedia User Group of Aotearoa New Zealand with an off-wiki website, with a mailing list, with a place for discussions and video meetings etc. Discussion needed on our strategy/comms goals for different audiences e.g. interested people with no knowledge of the Wikiverse, new editors, experienced editors, GLAM and other institutions etc. A couple of examples to look at and consider:

Action point Einebillion to raise this discussion as an agenda point for the next meeting

  • Einebillion has not done a lot of Wiki work in the past fortnight. Has finally got a new laptop and will be spending time facilitating this group, adding outcomes to the meeting page, and finally loading and playing with Open Refine to work with Quick Statements to refine a great workflow to increase productivity.
  • Gertrude206 has been working on a Wikipedia article for Dr Diana Mason. Asked about how you add an article for a person when there is already a different person of the same name in Wikipedia. Advised to add to the title the person's name and within brackets their main occupation. Example James Cook (boxer)

Could I seek help from the group about the Public Domain Mark and CC0? This is to resolve a Deletion Notification for an image I uploaded to Commons from my Flickr account: File:Vickers anti-aircraft predictor.jpg. Quilt Phase (talk) Group noted answer by Giantflightlessbirds. Einebillion explained that Creative Commons Zero (CC0) is a Creative Commons copyright licence and waiver that allows those that own copyright in works to waive all their copyright rights to the work. People automatically own copyright in the works they create (unless it's a commissioned work or work done in the course of their employment). This waiver ensures that the owner of the copyright can give the work to the public domain. The waiver is a legal assertion and cannot be revoked. Alternatively the public domain mark provided by Creative Commons is an indication that, where this mark has been asserted, that there is a belief that no further copyright rights exist in the work in multiple legal jurisdictions. Because Wikimedia Foundation servers are in the USA copyright must be cleared for both the New Zealand and the USA legal jurisdictions. To figure out whether a work has ascended to the public domain in the USA check out the handy Public Domain in the USA webpage at Cornell University. In the case of this image Quilt Phase is the sole copyright owner as they were the creator of the image and the image does not depict a copyright work. Quilt Phase changed the copyright status from Public Domain to a Creative Commons Zero (CC0) copyright waiver on the Flickr copy of the work but was wondering how to edit the upload that had been challenged in Wikimedia Commons. Ambrosia10 encouraged being brave with resolving challenged work and, once resolved, the challenge information can be safely removed. The CC0 copyright template is here. Ambrosia10 edited the entry to demonstrate how to action going forward. General discussion about the frustration of seeing public galleries, libraries, archives, and museums adding Creative Commons copyright licensing or All Rights Reserved assertions to images that are clearly in the public domain. Particular mention of Dunedin Public Art Gallery and Hocken Library and University of Otago. General discussion on ways this can be challenged involving emailing and corresponding with the institutional leadership, boards, and representatives of funding agencies responsible for funding organisations. Group acknowledged that some organisations in New Zealand are best practice e.g. Culture Waitaki's online collection https://collection.culturewaitaki.org.nz/explore CC BY 4.0 or no known copyright. Two participants agreed to meet up separately to discuss a way forward with Dunedin institutions.

Jonathanischoice asked about maps in Wikipedia - more specifically how to add maps to info boxes. No one was that familiar with this functionality. David Nind suggested reviewing this Wikipedia page and this Wikipedia Weekly video.

David Nind asked about using Author Disambiguator. Giantflightlessbirds demoed the Author Disambiguator tool. Main points to note were

  • ensure that you've logged in and authorised the tool to make changes on your behalf.
  • ensure that the researcher / author you are disambiguating has a Q number in Wikidata.
  • after you add the author name into the search box and conduct the search be careful to check the entries that are listed to make sure that the author is the correct author. Check and Uncheck the check boxes as required.
  • that the publications listed will be only those that appear in Wikidata. There are likely other publications completed by the author that have yet to be loaded.
  • when you accept the changes that you've made the tool will use Quick Statements to process the links you've created into Wikidata. This may take some time. Leave the web page in the background so the tool can process.
  • the tool is being updated frequently so if it doesn't work or doesn't appear, its very likely someone is improving it so just come back to it at a later time.
  • the author also known as entries in Wikidata do not help this disambiguation tool at this time.

David Nind demonstrated their workflow using the Internet Archive Wayback Machine browser plugin Demoed using Internet Archive Wayback Machine browser plugin to archive web pages as part of referencing edits to wikipedia pages. The link to find this plugin in the Chrome Store is https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/wayback-machine/fpnmgdkabkmnadcjpehmlllkndpkmiak
Video extraction and import into Wikimedia Commons Group discussion on the difficulties and work-arounds required to get videos into Wikimedia Commons. Quilt Phase talked through his process. Ambrosia10 shared their process for downloading video from YouTube then uploading to Wikimedia Commons. https://docs.google.com/document/d/1GlxJnOzHJtiyG6p-oVTmq1mUDmWk_JiOIPT-ohVN1G8/edit?usp=sharing David Nind suggested loading video to Internet Archive and provided a link to the guide https://help.archive.org/hc/en-us/articles/360017808151-Movies-and-Videos-A-Basic-Guide- and https://archive.org/details/movies

Action Points
  • MurielMary agreed to to investigate via the affiliate rep at the Wikimedia Foundation whether there is a notification system for user groups.
  • Einebillion agreed to add an agenda point to the next meeting to discuss the Aotearoa New Zealand User Group communications strategy.

Next meeting and Meetup timetables
