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Wikipedia:Meetup/Aotearoa New Zealand Online/1

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Aotearoa New Zealand Online Meetup 1

  • Date: Sunday 19 July 2020
  • Time: midday to 2pm
  • Location: Virtual Meeting at this link https://meet.jit.si/WikiAotearoa
    Note this video conferencing software link will ask permission to use your computer camera and microphone. You will need to agree to get full functionality. Google Chrome or Chromium is recommended for the best experience (not all aspects work correctly with other browsers). The jitsi meet video conferencing platform is 100% open source and fully encrypted. No account is needed and it's free.
  • Cost: Free

Chat for sharing pastes, URLs and so on


The Jitisi video conferencing platform has a chat functionality. This is used to share urls and other commentary while the discussions are occurring. The facilitators may take a copy to help with writing up outcomes from the meeting on the meeting Wikipedia page. Any copies will be deleted once outcomes and notes are completed.

Future Meetups


This is a monthly event running every 4 weeks, but double check the Aotearoa New Zealand Online page to confirm.

Join the Wikimedia User Group of Aotearoa New Zealand to be kept informed.

Also see Wikipedia:New Zealand Wikipedians' notice board for discussion relevant to New Zealand Wikipedians.



Add your name to the list by adding an asterisk and four tildes like this: # ~~~~


  1. Einebillion (talk)
  2. QuiltPhase - just for a short time
  3. Ambrosia10 (talk)
  4. MurielMary (talk) 11:07, 5 July 2020 (UTC)[reply]
  5. Oronsay (talk)
  6. MargaretRDonald (talk) 20:34, 18 July 2020 (UTC)[reply]
  7. Schwede66 23:41, 18 July 2020 (UTC)[reply]
  8. Pippipip (talk) 23:49, 18 July 2020 (UTC)[reply]
  9. Canley (talk) 00:12, 19 July 2020 (UTC)[reply]
  10. Gertrude206 (talk)

Unable to come

  1. David Nind - travelling, so might not be able to join



1. Introduction to meet up by organisers (if there are any newbies joining us)

2. Progress on Action Points

  • MurielMary agreed to investigate via the affiliate rep at the Wikimedia Foundation to see whether there is a notification system to enable user groups to keep up to date with what's happening globally. (transferred from the Wellington Wiki Meetup - COVID19 lock down / online meeting agenda)
  • Update from MurielMary - I got a recommendation from other user groups about which mailing list to join and have subscribed today. Will monitor whether it's got the right information we are looking for and report back. FYI the list of mailing lists is here: https://lists.wikimedia.org/mailman/listinfo
I've been posting announcements from this mailing list to the WPNZ facebook page. Is this useful to continue with?
Group agreed that communication via the WPNZ facebook page and this meeting was increadibly useful. Group also happy for MurielMary to filter through the emails and just pass on those that are of interest to the group.
Giantflightlessbirds not in meeting. Question deferred to the next meeting.
  • Quilt Phase agreed to follow up with James Taylor, Auckland Museum. James has responded to Quilt Phase saying that he felt he wouldn't be telling the group anything new. He feels it would be better to wait until Auckland Museum could absorb and action some of the recommendations of the report Giantflightlessbirds had completed for the Auckland Museum. Einebillion noted that she's struck this issue with people before. She thinks that other's see the people in the group that help facilitate the group activities as all having high levels of knowledge when we know that our group is very varied. Not only in what we do but what we know about. Supported Quilt Phase going back to James to let him know he can talk to the group twice. Once to present the presentation that Quilt Phase was so impressed by and then further down the track as Auckland Museum advances on its goals. No one in this group will know everything James is talking about and we're not all experts in everything. Ambrosia10 also supported this approach. Quilt Phase agreed to follow up with James Taylor, Auckland Museum.
  • Take screen shot as Wiki folk will want one! Ambrosia10 (talk)

3. Matters related to the Aotearoa New Zealand User Group

  • Discussion of communication needs: what are the best ways to communicate to/from and amongst prospective, new and experienced editors in Aotearoa? These different groups might need different tools e.g. currently we have a facebook page, which is useful for people new to Wikimedia and people looking to connect with NZ editors, but is it also of value to experienced editors? Should we also have a mailing list? Instead of/as well as the facebook page?
  • General discussion. Group ended up supporting the facebook page and comments on the agenda pages for the group.
  • Discussion of web presence for the User Group: do we want to investigate a website for the group? Need to scope what the purpose would be, what content we'd want on it, what platform to use, would it require funds (possible to apply to the WM Foundation for a grant). Wikimedia UK example: https://wikimedia.org.uk/ and Wikimedia Australia example: https://wikimedia.org.au/wiki/Wikimedia_Australia
  • Agreed a web presence would be a good idea. Action point for MurielMary to follow up with the Foundation as to whether there are any limitations for a meet up group to set up a website in the absence of a chapter being authorised.

4. Wiki News - add any news from the wider Wiki movement the group may be unaware of

  • LD42020 is a linked open data and libraries conference that folk may be interested in. They are having several presentations on Wikidata - particularly on 30 July and 2 August. Have a look at this site to see more.
  • Noted by group

5. Round table for participants to say what you’re working on and if you need help to do anything or want anything demonstrated - You can add requests for help here prior to the meeting if you want

  • Have written two big articles (Kemp's Deed and Christchurch Central Recovery Plan; the latter is still a work in progress) and they could do with proofreading. Schwede66 23:50, 18 July 2020 (UTC)[reply]
  • Oronsay has been following new articles and checking they are linked to wikidata. Noticed that bots have been through and caused a lot of duplication. Has been trying to sort that. Have also completed an article on Joan Richmond and tweeted out about it. Someone picked up on it and translated it into two other language wikis. Now a second person has translated it into a third language wiki.
  • Pippipip has been working on articles. They've noticed that the citation form seems to have changed. It seems to be dissuading people from using a blog as a reference. General discussion agreed about the usefulness and authority of some blogs. Group wondered whether the user experience testing wasn't rigourous and whether the citation tool may have other options to reference blogs that are more buried now.
  • Ambrosia10 Now up to G on the pre-1900 woman botanists. Investigating talking at various web events including Open Access in Australia and a Smithsonian event about Woman scientists. Also promoted requesting access via Wikimedia Library to journals for research. https://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/The_Wikipedia_Library
  • MurielMary has been helping new editors that are writing articles on women. Has found an automatic way to find drafts on women which helps with targeting efforts. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wikipedia:AfC_sorting/Culture/Biography/Women
  • QuiltPhase Doing mostly photography around New Plymouth. Wikishootme had a lot of red dots. Has been spending time sorting out the metadata in Wikimedia commons. Has been entering these images into Wikidata as well.
  • Canley About a month ago Schwede66 posted on the noticeboard and wanted a clean set of data of New Zealand locations. Has been working on that request periodically. Came across the same issue with bots creating a lot of duplicates. Also connecting with the Gazetter ID wasn't complete. After writing scripts and running programmes etc to tidy stuff up and merge duplicates in bulk have now finished the New Zealand Gazetter IDs all have wikidata items.
  • Gertrude206 has been working on articles about women playrights, doctors and nurses including an article on St Helens hospital.
  • In a discussion about Quick statements MargaretRDonald mentioned difficulties with"Create Last". It might just be related to the citations but it keeps crashing. Is anyone else having problems. Also no joy working with wikicommons. Can edit but can't publish. Group discussed and MargaretRDonald will try another computer and another browser to see if that fixes the issue. Canley will contact outside of meeting to discuss quickstatements. (QuickStatements problem solved by User:99of9
  • Einebillion has been working on setting up an Open Refine workshop. It's all go and ready to run on Saturday.

6. Review of questions raised during round table

  • Questions were answered during the round table.

7. Demonstration of another tool

  • No tools nominated

8. Get on with problem solving, editing, and chatting

  • Group got on with editing and working.



Next meeting and Meetup timetables

  • 16 August, same time, same place