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Wikipedia:Adopt-a-typo/I Just Found A Home

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A Small cottage
An example of a family cottage just waiting to be introduced to the life and color a little typo can bring to a home.

Here is the list of successful participants of the Adopt-a-Typo Program.






Alphabetical by misspelling

  • 10s of, 10's of, 100s of, 100's of, 1000s of, 1000's of (tens of, hundreds of, thousands of)
  • 1990's; 1980's; 1970's etc. (1990s; 1980s; 1970s etc)
  • links to 10s, 20s, 30s, 40s, 50s, 60s, 70s, 80s, 90s (that are meant to go to 1910s, 1920s, 1930s, 1940s, 1950s, 1960s, 1970s, 1980s, 1990s)
  • abillity (ability)
  • accidentaly/acidentally (accidentally)
  • accomodation (accommodation)
  • accordian (accordion)
  • activies (activities)
  • activy (activity)
  • affect on/upon (effect on/upon)
  • affect of (effect of)
  • affects of (effects of)
  • affiar/affiars (affair/affairs)
  • agressive/agression (aggressive/aggression)
  • aierd/aied/ared (aired)
  • alude (allude)
  • alot (a lot)
  • alraedy (already)
  • alright (all right)
  • amd (and)
  • an alumni (an alumnus/alumna/alum)
  • ancesteral (ancestral)
  • ancestory/ansestory/ancestery/ansestery (ancestry)
  • ans (and)
  • ansestor/ancester/ansester/ancester (ancestor)
  • appearence (appearance)
  • apperance (appearance)
  • applicance (appliance)
  • applicances (appliances)
  • are lead by/is lead by (are led by/is led by)
  • aritcle (article)
  • arragement (arrangement)
  • arrangment (arrangement)
  • assesment (assessment)
  • asitant (assitant)
  • assit (assist/assistant)
  • assitant (assistant)
  • assistent (assistant)
  • assitent (assistant)
  • atthe (at the)
  • Barnabus (when should be Barnabas)
  • beeen (been)
  • beeing (being)
  • been been (when should be been)
  • belive (believe)
  • breats (breast(s))
  • calandar (calendar)
  • calender (calendar)
  • Caliornia (California)
  • carreer (career)
  • cemetary (cemetery)
  • Check Republic (Czech Republic)
  • childre* (children)
  • childern (children)
  • childrens (children's)
  • comerical/commerical (commercial)
  • compnay (company)
  • concious (conscious)
  • confermed (confirmed)
  • constist (consist)
  • Conferderate (Confederate)
  • contist (consist)
  • currrent* (current*)
  • cyling/cicling/cyle (cycling/cycle)
  • deparment (department)
  • descentent (descendant)
  • Detriot (Detroit)
  • disassociative (dissociative)
  • eary (early)
  • easle (easel)
  • elimiant* (eliminate/elimination, etc.)
  • elude (allude) and related (eluded/eludes)
  • endorsment (endorsement)
  • entertainnent (entertainment)
  • "eternal links" ("external links")
  • exemple (example)
  • explicity (explicitly)
  • "external link(s)" ("external links")
  • "for exemple" ("for example")
  • formar (former) and related (formarly)
  • fourty (forty)
  • genology/geneology/geneaology (genealogy)
  • giutar (guitar)
  • Ghandi (Gandhi)
  • Humbolt (Humboldt/Humblot)
  • hurricaine (hurricane)
  • hte (the)
  • iniatitive (initiative)
  • initative (initiative)
  • inititiave (initiative)
  • independant (independent)
  • industral (industrial)
  • infanry (infantry)
  • intergrate (integrate) & friends
  • inthe (in the)
  • intrest (interest)
  • it's (as a possessive) (its)
  • its (as a contraction) (it's)
  • its's (it's or its)
  • John Hopkins University
  • jsut (just)
  • keybord (keyboard)
  • kms (km)
  • all misspellings of Kyrgyz
  • all misspellings of Kyrgyzstan
  • Lac Qui Parle (Lac qui Parle)
  • lated (later/late/last/lasted/dated)
  • legendry (legendary)
  • leachleech homophone
  • liase (liaise)
  • libarary (library)
  • libary (library)
  • all misspellings of Liechtenstein
  • main stream/main-stream (mainstream)
  • all misspellings of maintenance/maintaining
  • malnutrion (malnutrition)
  • matress (mattress)
  • Medditerranean (Mediterranean)
  • medeival (medieval)
  • medeval (medieval)
  • medievel (medieval)
  • medival (medieval)
  • metalic and friends
  • midieval (medieval)
  • Mindanao (Mindinao)
  • minerology and friends
  • Minnasota (Minnesota)
  • minuet (minute)
  • mispell (misspell)
  • moeity (moiety)
  • norrow (narrow) and related (norrowly/norrowed)
  • occur/occurs/occurred/occurring/occurrence/occurrences
  • all misspellings of official/officially
  • ofthe/of the
  • only, all incorrect usages of
  • onthe (on the)
  • oposite and all variations (opposite)
  • oxgen (oxygen)
  • parlament (parliament)
  • paliament (parliament)
  • parliment (parliament)
  • parralel (parallel)
  • payed (paid)
  • peice (piece)
  • personnell (personnel) and other misspelled forms of personnel/personal
  • pheonix (phoenix)
  • Philadalphia/Phildelphia/ Philidelphia (Philadelphia)
  • Phillipine/Phillippine (Philippine)
  • Phillipines/Phillippines (Philippines)
  • pocelain (porcelain)
  • poduct (product)
  • poeple (people)
  • porgram (program)
  • portait (portrait)
  • potrait (portrait)
  • premire/premired (premiere/premiered)
  • primarilly (primarily)
  • priviledge, privelege (privilege)
  • probelm (problem)
  • procenium (proscenium)
  • progect(s) / progected / progecting (project(s) / projected / projecting)
  • progectile (projectile)
  • progectionist (projectionist)
  • progector (projector)
  • protoype (prototype)
  • pubic (public)
  • pubicly (publicly)
  • publically (publicly)
  • pulish (publish and all variations thereof)
  • pyschedelic (psychedelic)
  • raccon (raccoon)
  • readyness (readiness)
  • reconnaissnace (reconnaissance)
  • relevent/relavant (relevant)
  • reminiscient (reminiscent)
  • restult (result)
  • Ruth Bader GinsbErg (Ruth Bader GinsbUrg)
  • rythm (rhythm)
  • Sacremento (Sacramento)
  • Scotish/Scotttish (Scottish)
  • Scottland/Scotand/Sotland/Scotlnd/Scotalnd/Scoland (Scotland)
  • secuirty (security)
  • sedement (sediment)
  • sediement (sediment)
  • sedament (sediment)
  • seperate (separate)
  • sevice (service)
  • ship-mate (shipmate)
  • signular (singular)
  • similiar (similar)
  • Singaore (Singapore)
  • skyscaper (skyscraper)
  • skyscrapper (skyscrapper)
  • Sparticus (Spartacus)
  • standerd (standard)
  • sub urb (suburb)
  • sub-genre (subgenre)
  • sub-urb (suburb)
  • succum/succumed/succuming (succumb/succumbed/succumbing)
  • surmize (surmise)
  • sware (swear)
  • Taiwain (Taiwan)
  • teh (the)
  • the the (the)
  • their/there/they're, improper use of
  • they'ir (they're)
  • thights (thighs or tights)
  • thre (three, the, or there)
  • Toronoto (Toronto)
  • tounge (tongue)
  • trancend (transcend)
  • tronado (tornado)
  • uknown (unknown)
  • all misspellings of unofficial/unofficially
  • untilthe (until the)
  • vieing (vying)
  • ventlation / ventlate (ventilation / ventilate)
  • whilest (while)
  • Winsconsin (Wisconsin)
  • Wisconson (Wisconsin)
  • withing (within)
  • withthe (with the)
  • womens (women's)
  • Word War (World War)
  • Word War I (World War I)
  • Word War II (World War II)
  • yeild (yield)
  • Ziegfield Follies (Ziegfeld Follies)