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2017 in paleobotany

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List of years in paleobotany
In paleontology
In arthropod paleontology
In paleoentomology
In paleomalacology
In reptile paleontology
In archosaur paleontology
In mammal paleontology
In paleoichthyology

This article records new taxa of plants that are scheduled to be described during the year 2017, as well as other significant discoveries and events related to paleobotany that are scheduled to occur in the year 2017.

Ferns and fern allies

Name Novelty Status Authors Age type locality Location Notes Images

Annularia sardiniana[1]

Sp. nov


Cleal et al.

Carboniferous (Moscovian)

San Giorgio Basin


A member of Equisetopsida.

Annularia stopesiae[2]

Sp. nov


Álvarez-Vázquez & Wagner

Carboniferous (Westphalian)

( Nova Scotia)

An Annularia species.

Arthropitys barthelii[3]

Sp. nov


Neregato et al.


Parnaíba Basin


A member of Calamitaceae.

Arthropitys tocantinensis[3]

Sp. nov


Neregato et al.


Parnaíba Basin


A member of Calamitaceae.

Asplenium sanshuiense[4]

Sp. nov


Xu & Jin in Xu et al.

Early Eocene

Huachong Formation


A fern, a species of Asplenium.

Azolla colhuehuapensis[5]

Sp. nov


Vallati et al.

Late Cretaceous (Maastrichtian)

Lago Colhué Huapi Formation


A member of Salviniales, a species of Azolla.

Boweria nowarudensis[6]

Sp. nov


Frojdová et al.

Carboniferous (early Moscovian)


A leptosporangiate fern belonging to the group Filicales.

Claytosmunda chengii[7]

Nom. nov


Bomfleur, Grimm & McLoughlin

Middle Jurassic


A member of the family Osmundaceae; a replacement name for Ashicaulis claytoniites Cheng (2011).

Osmundastrum pulchellum[7]

Comb. nov.


Bomfleur, Grimm & McLoughlin

Early Jurassic (Pliensbachian-Toarcian)

Djupadal Formation


A member of Osmundaceae. Originally described as a species of Osmunda; transferred to the genus Osmundastrum.


Costatoperforosporites friisiae[8]

Sp. nov


Mendes et al.

Early Cretaceous (late Aptian–early Albian)

Lusitanian Basin


A member of Anemiaceae described on the basis of spores.

Cystodium sorbifolioides[9]

Sp. nov


Regalado et al.

Late Cretaceous (earliest Cenomanian)

Burmese amber


A fern belonging to the family Cystodiaceae.

Cystodium sorbifolioides

Goniophlebium macrosorum[10]

Sp. nov


Xu & Zhou in Xu et al.



A fern belonging to the family Polypodiaceae.

Hymenophyllum iwatsukii[11]

Sp. nov


Herrera et al.

Early Cretaceous


A filmy fern, a species of Hymenophyllum.


Gen. et comb. nov


Frojdová et al.

Carboniferous (early Moscovian)

 United Kingdom

A leptosporangiate fern belonging to the group Filicales; a new genus for "Boweria" minor Kidston (1923).

Korallipteris alineae[12]

Sp. nov


Conran et al.

Early Miocene

 New Zealand

A fern.

Lygodium goonyellum[13]

Sp. nov


Rozefelds et al.

Oligocene–early Miocene


A species of Lygodium.

Rhabdoxylon taiyuanense[14]

Sp. nov


Ma, Wang & Sun

Early Permian

Taiyuan Formation


A fern belonging to the family Botryopteridaceae.

Salvinia bogotensis[15]

Sp. nov


Pérez-Consuegra et al.



A species of Salvinia.

Salvinia magdalenensis[15]

Sp. nov


Pérez-Consuegra et al.



A species of Salvinia.


Name Novelty Status Authors Age type locality Location Notes Images


Gen. et sp. nov


Wu & Guo in Guo et al.

Early Cretaceous

Yixian Formation


A liverwort belonging to the family Conocephalaceae. Genus includes new species C. hexagonites.

Frullania pinnata[17]

Sp. nov


Heinrichs et al.

Late Cretaceous (Cenomanian)

Burmese amber


A liverwort, a species of Frullania. Li et al. (2021) considered it to be conspecific with Frullania baerlocheri.[18]

Frullania rovnoi[19]

Sp. nov


Mamontov et al.


Rovno amber


A liverwort, a species of Frullania.

Lejeunea hamatiloba[20]

Sp. nov


Lee et al.


Dominican amber

 Dominican Republic

A liverwort, a species of Lejeunea.

Lejeunea resinata[20]

Sp. nov


Lee et al.


Dominican amber

 Dominican Republic

A liverwort, a species of Lejeunea.

Lejeunea urbanioides[20]

Sp. nov


Lee et al.


Dominican amber

 Dominican Republic

A liverwort, a species of Lejeunea.

Metzgerites multifidus[16]

Sp. nov


Wu in Guo et al.

Early Cretaceous

Yixian Formation


A liverwort belonging to the family Metzgeriaceae.

Pallaviciniites stricta[16]

Sp. nov


Wu & Guo in Guo et al.

Early Cretaceous

Yixian Formation


A liverwort belonging to the family Pallaviciniaceae.


Gen. et sp. nov


Wu & Guo in Guo et al.

Early Cretaceous

Yixian Formation


A liverwort belonging to the family Pelliaceae. Genus includes new species P. latithallus.


Gen. et sp. nov


Heinrichs et al.

Cretaceous (Albian-Cenomanian)

Burmese amber


A liverwort belonging to the family Frullaniaceae. Genus includes new species P. cornigera.

Radula cretacea[22]

Sp. nov


Bechteler, Renner, Schäfer-Verwimp & Heinrichs in Bechteler et al.

Cretaceous (late Albian or early Cenomanian)

Burmese amber


A species of Radula liverwort

Riccardiothallus palmata[16]

Sp. nov


Wu & Guo in Guo et al.

Early Cretaceous

Yixian Formation


A liverwort belonging to the family Aneuraceae.


Name Novelty Status Authors Age type locality Location Notes Images


Gen. et sp. nov


Evreïnoff et al.

Devonian (Famennian)

Mandowa Mudstone


A member of Lycopsida belonging to the group Isoetales. Genus includes new species C. irvingii.

Lepidodendron vaselgense[24]

Sp. nov


Anikeeva & Orlova in Orlova et al.

Late Carboniferous


Lepidostrobus tevelevii[24]

Sp. nov


Orlova, Mamontov & Anikeeva in Orlova et al.

Late Carboniferous



Gen. et comb. nov



Carboniferous and Permian


A lycophyte. The type species is "Bothrodendron" pacificum Steinmann.


Gen. et sp. nov


Matsunaga & Tomescu

Early Devonian

Beartooth Butte Formation

 United States
( Wyoming)

A lycophyte. Genus includes new species S. radicans.

Sublepidodendron nelidovense[27]

Sp. nov


Mosseichik in Mosseichik & Ignatiev

Carboniferous (Viséan)

Moscow Coal Basin

( Tver Oblast)

A lycopod belonging to the group Lepidodendrales and the family Flemingitaceae.

Sublepidodendron puchkoviorum[27]

Sp. nov


Mosseichik in Mosseichik & Ignatiev

Carboniferous (Viséan)

Moscow Coal Basin

( Tula Oblast)

A lycopod belonging to the group Lepidodendrales and the family Flemingitaceae.

Tenellisporites antarcticus[28]

Sp. nov


Cantrill in Cantrill, Ashworth & Lewis

Early Miocene


A lycopod belonging to the group Isoetales described on the basis of megaspores.

Ulodendron ulianovii[27]

Sp. nov


Mosseichik in Mosseichik & Ignatiev

Carboniferous (Viséan)

Moscow Coal Basin

( Tver Oblast)

A lycopod belonging to the group Lepidodendrales and the family Flemingitaceae.


Name Novelty Status Authors Age Unit Location Notes Images

Baiera triassica[29][30]

Nom. nov


Gnaedinger & Zavattieri

Late Triassic

Paso Flores Formation


A replacement name for Baiera taeniata Geinitz (1876) (preoccupied).

Ginkgo hamiensis[31]

Sp. nov


Wang & Sun in Wang et al.

Middle Jurassic

Xishanyao Formation


A species of Ginkgo.

Ginkgo neimengensis[32]

Sp. nov


Xu et al.

Early Cretaceous

Huolinhe Formation


A species of Ginkgo.

Nagrenia leviana[33]

Sp. nov



Middle Jurassic

Angren Formation


A member of Ginkgoales.

Nagrenia pilosa[33]

Sp. nov



Middle Jurassic

Angren Formation


A member of Ginkgoales.

Pseudotorellia crista[34]

Sp. nov


Horiuchi & Uemura


Minato Formation


A member of Ginkgoales, described on the basis of leaves.

Pseudotorellia kimurae[34]

Sp. nov


Horiuchi & Uemura


Minato Formation


A member of Ginkgoales, described on the basis of leaves.

Sphenobaiera eximia[35]

Sp. nov


Na, Sun & Wang in Na et al.

Middle Jurassic

Daohugou Beds



Name Novelty Status Authors Age Unit Location Notes Images


Gen. et comb. nov


Coiro & Pott

Early Cretaceous (Aptian)

Anfiteatro de Ticó Formation


A cycad belonging to the family Zamiaceae and the subfamily Bowenioideae; a new genus for "Almargemia" incrassata Archangelsky (1966).


Gen. et sp. nov


Spencer & Hilton in Spencer et al.

Jurassic (latest Callovian to earliest Oxfordian)

Oxford Clay Formation

 United Kingdom

A cycad. Genus includes new species O. motturii.


Gen. et sp. nov


Martínez et al.

Late Cretaceous

Mata Amarilla Formation


A cycad belonging to the family Zamiaceae. Genus includes new species Z. amyla.


Name Novelty Status Authors Age Unit Location Notes Images

Cathaya vanderburghii[39]

Sp. nov


Gossmann ex Winterscheid & Gossmann



A species of Cathaya.

Cupressinocladus guyangensis[40]

Sp. nov


Jin & B.N. Sun in Jin et al.

Early Cretaceous

Guyang Formation


A member of Cupressaceae sensu lato.

Cupressinoxylon artabeae[41]

Sp. nov


Ruiz et al.

Paleocene (Danian)

Salamanca Formation


A member of Cupressaceae described on the basis of fossil wood.

Cupressinoxylon rotundum[42]

Sp. nov


Pujana in Pujana, Raffi & Olivero

Late Cretaceous

Santa Marta Formation

(James Ross Island)

Elatocladus heerianus[43]

Sp. nov


Nosova & Kiritchkova in Nosova, Kiritchkova & Kostina

Middle Jurassic (Aalenian-Bajocian)

Prisayan Formation


A conifer.


Gen. et sp. nov


Sokolova, Gordenko & Zavialova

Cretaceous (AlbianCenomanian)

( Kemerovo Oblast)

A member of Sequoioideae. Genus includes new species K. fecundum.


Gen. et sp. nov


Wan et al.

Late Triassic (Norian)

Huangshanjie Formation


A conifer described on the basis of fossil wood, possibly an ancestral form of the Sequoioideae. Genus includes new species M. triassicum.

Pararaucaria taquetrensis[46]

Sp. nov


Escapa & Leslie

Early Jurassic


A member of Cheirolepidiaceae.


Gen. et sp. nov


Herrera et al.

Early Cretaceous (Aptian-Albian)


A member of Cupressaceae. Genus includes new species P. diminutus.

Pinus arunachalensis[48]

Sp. nov

Junior homonym

Khan & Bera


Dafla Formation


A pine. The name P. arunachalensis turned out to be preoccupied by Pinus arunachalensis Srivastava (2017); Khan & Bera (2018) coined a replacement name Pinus daflaensis.[49]

Pinus nanfengensis[50]

Sp. nov


Wang et al.

Late Miocene

Xianfeng Basin


A pine.

Pinus uniseriata[50]

Sp. nov


Wang et al.

Late Miocene

Xianfeng Basin


A pine.

Pityostrobus pluriresinosa[51]

Sp. nov


Smith et al.

Early Cretaceous

 United States
( California)

A member of Pinaceae, a species of Pityostrobus.

Platycladus tengchongensis[52]

Sp. nov


Deng & Sun in Deng et al.

Late Pliocene

Mangbang Formation


A species of Platycladus.

Podocarpoxylon multiparenchymatosum[53]

Sp. nov


Pujana & Ruiz

Paleocene (Danian)[41]-Eocene

Río Turbio Formation
Salamanca Formation[41]


A member of the family Podocarpaceae described on the basis of fossil wood.

Podocarpoxylon prumnopityoides[54]

Sp. nov


Gnaedinger et al.

Early Cretaceous (Valanginian)

Mulichinco Formation


A member of the family Podocarpaceae described on the basis of fossil wood.

Podozamites doludenkoae[55]

Sp. nov


Nosova, van Konijnenburg-van Cittert & Kiritchkova

Early and Middle Jurassic (Toarcian-Bajocian)

Karadiirmen' Formation
Kokala Formation


A conifer belonging to the family Podozamitaceae, described on the basis of leaves.

Podozamites irkutensis[55]

Sp. nov


Nosova, van Konijnenburg-van Cittert & Kiritchkova

Middle Jurassic (Aalenian-Bajocian)

Prisayan Formation


A conifer belonging to the family Podozamitaceae, described on the basis of leaves.

Retrophyllum spiralifolium[56]

Sp. nov


Wilf in Wilf et al.


La Huitrera Formation


A species of Retrophyllum.

Retrophyllum superstes[56]

Sp. nov


Wilf in Wilf et al.

Late Cretaceous (Maastrichtian)

Lefipán Formation


A species of Retrophyllum.

Scarburgia baiyanghensis[57]

Sp. nov


Yang et al.

Middle Jurassic

Xishanyao Formation


Possibly a member of Podocarpaceae.

Storgaardia gansuensis[58]

Sp. nov


Li & Wu in Li et al.

Middle Jurassic (Aalenian-Bajocian)

Yan'an Formation


A member of Coniferales, a species of Storgaardia.


Gen. et sp. nov


Herrera et al.

Cretaceous (Aptian-Cenomanian[59])

 Czech Republic[59]

A member of Cupressaceae. Genus includes new species S. foliatus, as well as "Cyparissidium" bohemicum Bayer (1914).[59]

Other seed plants

Name Novelty Status Authors Age Unit Location Notes Images

Adiantites tevelevii[60]

Sp. nov


Orlova, Pustovoit & Anikeeva

Carboniferous (Viséan)


A seed fern.

Allicospermum papillosum[61]

Sp. nov


Nosova & Hvalj

Middle Jurassic


A gymnosperm seed, possibly of ginkgoalean affinity.

Allicospermum uzbekistanicum[61]

Sp. nov


Nosova & Hvalj

Middle Jurassic


A gymnosperm seed.

Allicospermum valentinae[61]

Sp. nov


Nosova & Hvalj

Middle Jurassic


A gymnosperm seed, possibly of ginkgoalean affinity.

Caytonanthus rewaensis[62]

Sp. nov


Prakash & Das

Early Cretaceous

Bansa Formation


A seed fern belonging to the family Caytoniaceae.

Dicroidium bandelii[63]

Sp. nov


Abu Hamad et al.


Umm Irna Formation


A seed fern. Originally described as a species of Dicroidium, but subsequently transferred to the genus Jordaniopteris.[64]


Gen. et sp. nov


Wan et al.

Permian (Wuchiapingian)

Wutonggou Formation


A conifer described on the basis of fossilized wood. Genus includes new species D. jimsarensis.

Ephedra canterata[66]

Sp. nov


Puebla et al.

Early Cretaceous (Aptian)

La Cantera Formation


A species of Ephedra.

Gigantopteridium utebaturianum[67]

Sp. nov


Koll, DiMichele & Manchester


Waggoner Ranch Formation

 United States
( Texas)

A gigantopterid.

Hydropterangium roesleri[68]

Sp. nov


Van Konijnenburg-van Cittert et al.

Late Triassic (Rhaetian)


Pollen organ of a plant of uncertain affinities. Originally described as a species of Hydropterangium; Shi et al. (2024) transferred it to the genus Harrisiothecium.[69]


Gen. et sp. nov



Carboniferous (Viséan)

Kizel Coal Basin


A seed fern belonging to the family Callistophytaceae. Genus includes new species K. flexuosa .


Gen. et sp. nov


Yang & Lin in Yang et al.

Early Cretaceous

Yixian Formation


A member of Gnetophyta showing intermediate morphology between the Ephedraceae, Gnetaceae and Welwitschiaceae. Genus includes new species L. decussata.

Nilssonia gristhorpensis[72]

Sp. nov


Van Konijnenburg-van Cittert et al.

Middle Jurassic (Bajocian)

Cloughton Formation

 United Kingdom


Gen. et sp. nov

In press


Late Triassic (Norian or Rhaetian)

Ganhaizi Formation


A possible relative of the flowering plants. Genus includes new species N. triassica.

Partitisporites krassilovii[74]

Sp. nov



Early Cretaceous (Albian)


A gymnosperm described on the basis of fossil pollen.


Gen. et sp. nov


Pacyna, Barbacka & Zdebska in Pacyna et al.

Late Triassic (Norian)

Grabowa Formation


A member of Voltziales belonging to the new family Patokaeaceae. Genus includes new species P. silesiaca.


Gen. et sp. nov


Yang, Xie & Ferguson

Middle Jurassic


A member of Gnetales. Genus includes new species P. jurassicum.

Scytophyllum karamayense[77]

Sp. nov


He et al.

Late Triassic

Karamay Formation


A peltaspermalean seed fern.

Sphenarion angustae[78]

Sp. nov


Huang et al.

Middle Jurassic

Jiulongshan Formation


A member of Czekanowskiales, a species of Sphenarion.

Tatarina? furcata[79]

Sp. nov


Gomankov in Gomankov, Kiuntzel & Meyen

Late Permian


A seed fern belonging to the family Peltaspermaceae.

Tatarina raristomata[79]

Sp. nov


Gomankov in Gomankov, Kiuntzel & Meyen

Late Permian


A seed fern belonging to the family Peltaspermaceae.


Gen. et sp. nov


Shi et al.

Early Triassic

Turpan Basin


A member of Coniferophyta of uncertain phylogenetic placement. Genus includes new species T. taoshuyuanense.

Umaltolepis mongoliensis[81]

Sp. nov


Herrera et al.

Early Cretaceous (AptianAlbian)

Tevshiin Govi Formation


A member of Vladimariales (a group of seed plants of uncertain phylogenetic placement).


Gen. et sp. nov


Wan et al.

Carboniferous (Pennsylvanian)-early Permian

Taiyuan Formation


A gymnosperm described on the basis of fossil wood. Genus includes new species Y. miscellum.

Other plants

Name Novelty Status Authors Age type locality Location Notes Images


Gen. et sp. nov


Decombeix & Galtier

Carboniferous (late Tournaisian)


Genus includes new species A. conradii

Baragwanathia brevifolia[84]

Sp. nov

Junior homonym

Kraft & Kvaček

Late Silurian

Požáry Formation

 Czech Republic

An aquatic precursor of dry land lycophytes. The name is preoccupied by Baragwanathia brevifolia Hundt (1952); Kraft & Kvaček (2021) coined a replacement name Baragwanathia brevifolioides.[85]


Gen. et comb. nov


Granier, Azerêdo & Ramalho

Late Jurassic (Oxfordian)


A green alga, probably a primitive member of the family Dasycladaceae; a new genus for "Cylindroporella" lusitanica Ramalho (1970).


Gen. et sp. nov


Wang & Spencer in Wang et al.

Permian (WuchiapingianChanghsingian)

Xuanwei Formation


A member of Noeggerathiales. Genus includes new species D. quadrisegmentorum


Gen. et sp. nov


Xu et al.

Devonian (Givetian)

Hujiersite Formation


An early euphyllophyte. Genus includes new species D. levigata

Draconisella mortoni[89]

Sp. nov


Granier in Granier & Lethiers

Early Cretaceous (Hauterivian or Barremian)


A green alga belonging to the group Dasycladales and the family Triploporellaceae.


Gen. et sp. nov


Meyen in Gomankov, Kiuntzel & Meyen

Late Permian


A plant of uncertain phylogenetic placement, described on the basis of rounded or slightly elongated discs bearing a system of dark strokes. Genus includes new species E. multistriatus.


Gen. et sp. nov


Strother in Strother et al.


Kanosh Shale

 United States
( Utah)

A green alga belonging to the group Charophyta. Genus includes new species G. orthogonalis.


Gen. et sp. nov


Meyen in Gomankov, Kiuntzel & Meyen

Late Permian


A plant of uncertain phylogenetic placement, probably a bryophyte, described on the basis of oval or egg-shaped sheets formed by two systems of cells. Genus includes new species H. dvinensis.

Ilfeldia gregoriensis[91]

Sp. nov


Pšenička et al.

Carboniferous (Gzhelian)

Douro Carboniferous Basin


A plant of uncertain phylogenetic placement; may be affiliated with ferns or pteridosperms.

Lamprothamnium? barcinencis[92]

Sp. nov


De Sosa Tomas, Vallati & Martín-Closas

Early Cretaceous (late Aptian–early Albian)

Cerro Barcino Formation


A green alga belonging to the group Charophyta.


Gen. et sp. nov


Bippus et al.

Early Cretaceous

( British Columbia)

A moss belonging to the family Polytrichaceae. Genus includes new species M. alophosioides.


Gen. et comb. nov


Pšenička et al.

Carboniferous (Pennsylvanian)

 Czech Republic

A plant of uncertain phylogenetic placement; may be affiliated with ferns or pteridosperms. A new genus for "Ilfeldia" robusta Obrhel (1957) and "Ilfeldia" lobecensis Obrhel (1965).

Scenedesmus texanus[94]

Sp. nov


Benson, Miller & Wood

Late Jurassic

Bossier Formation

 United States
( Texas)

A green alga, a species of Scenedesmus

Selliporella cornutuformis[95]

Sp. nov


Sokač & Grgasović

Middle Jurassic


A green alga belonging to the group Dasycladales.


Gen. et sp. nov


Cascales-Miñana & Gerrienne

Devonian (LochkovianPragian)

Nogueras Formation


An early polysporangiophyte. Genus includes new species T. diezii

Triploporella ? edgelli[97]

Sp. nov


Maksoud, Granier & Azar

Early Cretaceous (latest Barremian–earliest Aptian)


A green alga belonging to the group Dasycladales.


Gen. et sp. nov



Middle Ordovician


A putative land plant, possibly a member of Rhyniales. Genus includes new species V. primitiva.


Gen. et sp. nov


LoDuca & Tetreault


Eramosa Lagerstätte

( Ontario)

An alga belonging to the group Dasycladales. Genus includes new species W. nodifera.


Gen. et sp. nov


Xu et al.

Devonian (Frasnian)

Zhumulate Formation


A member of Cladoxylopsida. Genus includes new species X. lignescens.


Gen. et sp. nov


Liu & Wang

Middle Jurassic (Callovian)

Jiulongshan Formation


Originally described as an early angiosperm; Herendeen et al. (2017) considered the holotype specimen to be inadequately preserved for critical assessment of the relationships of the taxon.[102] Genus includes new species Y. daohugouensis.

Flowering plants

Name Novelty Status Authors Age Unit Location Notes Images

Acer ningmingensis[103]

Sp. nov


Chen & Wong in Chen et al.


Ningming Formation


A maple.

Aceroxylon pravalense[104]

Sp. nov


Iamandei & Iamandei



A member of the subfamily Hippocastanoideae within the family Sapindaceae described on the basis of fossil wood.

Aceroxylon zarandense[104]

Sp. nov


Iamandei & Iamandei



A member of the subfamily Hippocastanoideae within the family Sapindaceae described on the basis of fossil wood.

Aglaia siwalica[105]

Sp. nov


Prasad et al.



A species of Aglaia.


Gen. et sp. nov


Brea et al.

Miocene (Burdigalian)

Santa Cruz Formation


A member of Akaniaceae. Genus includes new species A. santacrucensis.

Albizia ningmingensis[107]

Sp. nov


Ma et al.


Ningming Formation


A species of Albizia.

Aleurites australis[108]

Sp. nov


Rozefelds et al.



A species of Aleurites.


Nom. et comb nov




Green River Formation

 United States

A member of the Araliales
a replacement name for Araliophyllum MacGinitie (1969).
The type species is A. quinus

Anacardium incahausi[110]

Sp. nov


Woodcock, Meyer & Prado


Piedra Chamana Fossil Forest


A species of Anacardium.

Andiroxylon aegyptiacum[111]

Sp. nov


El-Saadawi et al.



A member of Fabaceae.

Andiroxylon barghoornii[112]

sp. nov.

Jud in Jud & Dunham


Santiago Formation


A Fabaceae wood morphospecies.

Annona miocenica[105]

Sp. nov


Prasad et al.



A species of Annona.

Aralia asiatica[113]

Nom. nov




( Tomsk Oblast)

A species of Aralia; a replacement name for Aralia rugosa Dorofeev.

Aralia borealis[113]

Nom. nov




( Tomsk Oblast)

A species of Aralia; a replacement name for Aralia tertiaria Dorofeev.

Aralia wetteravica[109]

Nom. nov





A species of Aralia; a replacement name for Aralia dubia (Ettingshausen, 1868).

Aralia mammuthica[113]

Nom. nov




( Sakha Republic)

A species of Aralia; a replacement name for Aralia dubia Nikitin (1976).

Aralia tobolica[113]

Nom. nov




( Omsk Oblast)

A species of Aralia; a replacement name for Aralia lucida Dorofeev (1963).

Arceuthobium conwentzii[114]

Sp. nov


Sadowski et al.


Baltic amber

Europe (Baltic Sea coast)

A species of Arceuthobium.

Arceuthobium groehnii[114]

Sp. nov


Sadowski et al.


Baltic amber

Europe (Baltic Sea coast)

A species of Arceuthobium.

Arceuthobium obovatum[114]

Sp. nov


Sadowski et al.


Baltic amber

Europe (Baltic Sea coast)

A species of Arceuthobium.


Gen. et sp. nov


Takahashi, Herendeen & Xiao

Late Cretaceous (early Coniacian)

Futaba Group


Possibly a relative of Trochodendraceae. Genus includes new species A. verticillata.

Atalantia siwalica[105]

Sp. nov


Prasad et al.



A species of Atalantia.

Avicennia sexiensis[110]

Sp. nov


Woodcock, Meyer & Prado


Piedra Chamana Fossil Forest


A species of Avicennia.

Baccaurea miocenica[105]

Sp. nov


Prasad et al.



A species of Baccaurea.

Balanites siwalica[105]

Sp. nov


Prasad et al.



A species of Balanites.

Bastardiopsis palaeodensiflora[117]

Sp. nov


Ramos, Brea & Kröhling

Late Pleistocene

El Palmar Formation


A species of Bastardiopsis.

Bauhinia purniyagiriensis[105]

Sp. nov


Prasad et al.



A species of Bauhinia.

Beilschmiedia oleifera[112]

sp. nov.

Jud in Jud & Dunham


Santiago Formation


A species of Lauraceae

Betula erkovetskiensis[118]

Sp. nov


Blokhina & Bondarenko


Sazanka Formation

( Amur Oblast)

A birch.


Gen. et comb. nov



Early Cretaceous


A member of Araliales; a new genus for "Araliaecarpum" kolymense Samylina (1960).


Gen. et sp. nov


Pérez-Lara, Castañeda-Posadas & Estrada-Ruiz


El Bosque Formation


A member of Anacardiaceae described on the basis of fossil wood. Genus includes new species B. chiapiasense.

Brassaiopsis kolakovskyana[113]

Nom. nov





A species of Brassaiopsis; a replacement name for Aralia angustiloba Kolakovsky.

Bridelia hanumanchattiensis[105]

Sp. nov


Prasad et al.



A species of Bridelia.

Burseroxylon panamense[112]

sp. nov.

Jud in Jud & Dunham


Santiago Formation


A Sapindales wood morphospecies

Caldesia europaea[120]

Sp. nov


Hably in Hably & Meller



A species of Caldesia.

Calophyllum siwalikum[121]

Sp. nov


Khan, Spicer & Bera in Khan et al.



A species of Calophyllum.

Cariniana valverdei[110]

Sp. nov


Woodcock, Meyer & Prado


Piedra Chamana Fossil Forest


A species of Cariniana.

Carpolites drupifera[122]

Sp. nov



Middle Miocene


A fossil fruit of uncertain phylogenetic placement.

Carpolites lubstovensis[122]

Sp. nov



Middle Miocene


A fossil fruit of uncertain phylogenetic placement.


Gen. et sp. nov



Late Cretaceous (Cenomanian)

Burmese amber


A member of Lauraceae. Genus includes new species C. burmitis.

Cathiaria japonica[115]

Sp. nov


Takahashi, Herendeen & Xiao

Late Cretaceous (early Coniacian)

Futaba Group


Possibly a member of Buxaceae sensu lato.

Ceratopetalum edgardoromeroi[124]

Sp. nov


Gandolfo & Hermsen

Eocene (Ypresian)

Laguna del Hunco Formation


A species of Ceratopetalum.

Chadronoxylon sakhalinensis[125]

Sp. nov



Late Cretaceous (TuronianConiacian)

( Sakhalin Oblast)

A dicotyledon described on the basis of fossil wood.

Chaneya ningmingensis[126]

Sp. nov


Liufu, Chen & Wang


Ningming Formation


A fossil fruit.

Choerospondias nanningensis[127]

Sp. nov


Fu et al.

Late Oligocene

Yongning Formation


A species of Choerospondias.

Chrysophyllum bhairauvensis[105]

Sp. nov


Prasad et al.



A species of Chrysophyllum.

Cinnamomum camphoricarpum[128]

Sp. nov





A species of Cinnamomum.

Cinnamomum camphoricum[128]

Nom. nov





A species of Cinnamomum; a replacement name for Cinnamomum gracile (Geyler, 1877).

Cinnamomum costulatum[128]

Nom. nov





A species of Cinnamomum described on the basis of fossil fruits; a replacement name for Cinnamomum apiculatum Saporta (1889).

Cinnamomum fajumicum[128]

Nom. nov



Eocene (Bartonian)


A species of Cinnamomum; a replacement name for Cinnamomum africanum Engelhardt (1907).

Cladium zhenyuanensis[129]

Sp. nov


Liang & Zhou in Liang et al.



A species of Cladium.

Clausena miocenica[105]

Sp. nov


Prasad et al.



A species of Clausena.

Cnestis purniyagiriensis[105]

Sp. nov


Prasad et al.



A species of Cnestis.

Combretum purniyagiriense[105]

Sp. nov


Prasad et al.



A species of Combretum.


Gen. et sp. nov


Baas et al.

Late Cretaceous (Maastrichtian)-earliest Paleocene

Deccan Intertrappean Beds


A probable member of Connaraceae described on the basis of fossil wood. Genus includes new species C. dimorphum. Originally named in 2017 in a publication which did not fulfill all requirements of the International Code of Nomenclature of Algae, Fungi and Plants; subsequently validated in 2022.[131]

Cordia asenjoi[110]

Sp. nov


Woodcock, Meyer & Prado


Piedra Chamana Fossil Forest


A species of Cordia.

Cordia eocenica[110]

Sp. nov


Woodcock, Meyer & Prado


Piedra Chamana Fossil Forest


A species of Cordia.

Cordia florifera[110]

Sp. nov


Woodcock, Meyer & Prado


Piedra Chamana Fossil Forest


A species of Cordia.

Cretacaeiporites aegyptiaca[132]

Sp. nov


Ibrahim et al.

Late Cretaceous (Cenomanian)

Bahariya Formation


Cyclocarya simipaliurus[133]

Sp. nov


Wu et al.

Late Miocene

Nanlin Formation


A species of Cyclocarya.

Cynometra grandis[110]

Sp. nov


Woodcock, Meyer & Prado


Piedra Chamana Fossil Forest


A species of Cynometra.

Dalbergia santa-rosa[110]

Sp. nov


Woodcock, Meyer & Prado


Piedra Chamana Fossil Forest


A species of Dalbergia.

Dalbergia tanakpurensis[105]

Sp. nov


Prasad et al.



A species of Dalbergia.

Dendrokingstonia palaeonervosa[105]

Sp. nov


Prasad et al.



A species of Dendrokingstonia.

Derris mioscandens[105]

Sp. nov


Prasad et al.



A species of Derris.

Dicotylophyllum subpeltatum[134]

Sp. nov


Kvaček & Bubík



A flowering plant of uncertain phylogenetic placement described on the basis of leaf impressions.

Diospyros communis[135]

Nom. nov





A species of Diospyros; a replacement name for Diospyros dubia Göppert (1854).

Dipterocarpus miogracilis[136]

Sp. nov


Prasad et al.

Middle Miocene

Siwalik Formation


A species of Dipterocarpus.


Gen. et sp. nov




Dominican amber

 Dominican Republic

A member of Apocynaceae belonging to the subfamily Asclepiadoideae. Genus includes new species D. neotropicus.

Drimycarpus siwalicus[105]

Sp. nov


Prasad et al.



A species of Drimycarpus.


Gen. et sp. nov


Soares et al.


Novo Remanso Formation


A member of the family Annonaceae described on the basis of fossil wood. Genus includes new species D. amazonicum.

Enkianthus maii[122]

Sp. nov



Middle Miocene


A species of Enkianthus.

Euphorbioxylon crotonoides[112]

sp. nov.

Jud in Jud & Dunham


Santiago Formation


A Euphorbiaceae wood morphospecies

Exbucklandia acutifolia[139]

Sp. nov


Huang & Zhou in Huang et al.



A species of Exbucklandia.

Fallopia conwentzii[140]

Nom. nov




( Kaliningrad Oblast)

A species of Fallopia; a replacement name for Polygonum convolvuloides Conwentz.

Fallopia palaeodonica[140]

Sp. nov




( Rostov Oblast)

A species of Fallopia.

Ficus koek-noormaniae[112]

sp. nov.

Jud in Jud & Dunham


Santiago Formation


A wood morphospecies Ficus

Foveomonocolpites ravnii[74]

Sp. nov



Early Cretaceous (Albian)


A flowering plant described on the basis of fossil pollen.

Frangula priabonica[141]

Sp. nov



Eocene (Priabonian)

Headon Hill Formation

 United Kingdom

A species of Frangula.

Gomphandra palaeocoriacea[105]

Sp. nov


Prasad et al.



A species of Gomphandra.


Gen. et sp. nov


Ramos, Brea & Kröhling

Late Pleistocene

El Palmar Formation


A member of Detarioideae described on the basis of fossil wood. Genus includes new species G. palmariensis.

Grewia tanakpurensis[136]

Sp. nov


Prasad et al.

Middle Miocene

Siwalik Formation


A species of Grewia.

Humboldtia miocenica[105]

Sp. nov


Prasad et al.



A species of Humboldtia.

Hura chancayensis[110]

Sp. nov


Woodcock, Meyer & Prado


Piedra Chamana Fossil Forest


A species of Hura.

Hydrochariphyllum kvacekii[120]

Sp. nov


Hably in Hably & Meller



A member of the family Hydrocharitaceae.


Gen. et sp. nov


Del Rio & De Franceschi in Del Rio, Haevermans & De Franceschi

Eocene (Ypresian)


A member of the family Icacinaceae. Genus includes new species I. tainiaphorum.

Ilex miodipyrena[144]

Sp. nov


Denk et al.

Miocene (early Burdigalian)

Güvem Formation


A holly.

Ixora purniyagiriensis[105]

Sp. nov


Prasad et al.



A species of Ixora.

Jenkinsella conferta[145]

Sp. nov


Golovneva & Alekseev

Late Cretaceous (Coniacian-Santonian)

Sym Formation


A Cercidiphyllaceae infructescence morphospecies.

Jenkinsella filatovii[145]

Comb. nov


(Samylina) Golovneva & Alekseev


Omsukchan Formation


A Cercidiphyllaceae infructescence morphospecies.
First named Kenella filatovii (1976)
Moved from Nyssidium filatovii (2010)

Jenkinsella gardnerii[145]

Comb. nov


(Chandler) Golovneva & Alekseev


Wuyun Formation


A Cercidiphyllaceae infructescence morphospecies.
Moved from Carpolithes gardnerii (1961)
includes some Nyssidium arcticum of Crane (1984)

Jenkinsella jiayinensis[145]

Comb. nov


(Feng et al.) Golovneva & Alekseev


Wuyun Formation


A Cercidiphyllaceae infructescence morphospecies.
Moved from Nyssidium jiayinense (2000)

Jenkinsella knowltonii[145]

Nom. nov


Golovneva & Alekseev


 United States
( Colorado)

A Cercidiphyllaceae infructescence morphospecies.
A replacement name for Berrya racemosa (1930)

Jenkinsella krassilovii[145]

Sp. nov


Golovneva & Alekseev


Darmakan Formation

( Amur Oblast)

A Cercidiphyllaceae infructescence morphospecies.

Jenkinsella makulbekovii[145]

Sp. nov


Golovneva & Alekseev


Naran-Bulak Formation


A Cercidiphyllaceae infructescence morphospecies.

Jenkinsella vilyuensis[145]

Sp. nov


Golovneva & Alekseev

Late Cretaceous (Turonian-Coniacian)

Timmerdyakh Formation


A Cercidiphyllaceae infructescence morphospecies.


Gen. et sp. nov


Friis, Pedersen & Crane

Early Cretaceous (early-middle Albian)

Patapsco Formation

 United States
( Maryland)

A flowering plant belonging to an early-diverging eudicot lineage. The type species is Kenilanthus marylandensis.


Gen. et sp. nov



Middle Miocene


A member of Ericaceae. Genus includes new species K. dorofeevi.


Gen. et sp. nov



Middle Miocene


A member of Cyperaceae. Genus includes new species K. lubstovensis.


Gen. et comb. nov


Kodrul & Maslova

Late Cretaceous (Campanian)

Kundur Formation

( Amur Oblast)

A member of the family Platanaceae; a new genus for "Celastrinites" kundurensis Golovneva, Sun & Bugdaeva (2008).

Lagerstroemia prakashii[105]

Sp. nov


Prasad et al.



A species of Lagerstroemia.

Lagerstroemioxylon thanobolensis[148]

Sp. nov


Soomro et al.


Manchar Formation


A member of the family Lythraceae described on the basis of fossil wood.

Laurinoxylon elongatum[112]

sp. nov.

Jud in Jud & Dunham


Santiago Formation


A Lauraceae wwod morphospecies

Lecythioxylon enviraense[149]

Sp. nov


Kloster, Gnaedinger & Adami-Rodrigues


Solimões Formation


A member of the family Lecythidaceae described on the basis of fossil wood.

Leguminocarpon siwalicum[136]

Sp. nov


Prasad et al.

Middle Miocene

Siwalik Formation


A member of Fabaceae.

Lepisanthes miocenica[105]

Sp. nov


Prasad et al.



A species of Lepisanthes.

Lepisanthes tanakpurensis[105]

Sp. nov


Prasad et al.



A species of Lepisanthes.


Gen. et sp. nov



Middle Miocene


A member of Ericaceae. Genus includes new species L. europea.

Lyonia polonica[122]

Sp. nov



Middle Miocene


A species of Lyonia.

Macaranga zhangpuensis[150]

Sp. nov


Wang & Sun in Wang et al.


Fotan Group


A species of Macaranga.

Machilus miovillosus[136]

Sp. nov


Prasad et al.

Middle Miocene

Siwalik Formation


A species of Machilus.

Mahonia ningmingensis[151]

Sp. nov


Hu & Chen in Hu et al.


Ningming Formation


A species of Mahonia.


Gen. et sp. nov


Kowalski & Fagúndez



A member of the family Ericaceae belonging to the tribe Ericeae. Genus includes new species M. miocaenica.

Mallotus prejaponicus[105]

Sp. nov


Prasad et al.



A species of Mallotus.

Mammea paramericana[153]

Sp. nov


Nelson & Jud

Early Miocene


A species of Mammea.

Mastixia asiatica[154]

Sp. nov


Khan, Bera & Bera in Khan et al.



A species of Mastixia.

Mastixia siwalika[154]

Sp. nov


Khan, Bera & Bera in Khan et al.



A species of Mastixia.

Medinilla siwalica[105]

Sp. nov


Prasad et al.



A species of Medinilla.

Meiogyne purniyagiriensis[105]

Sp. nov


Prasad et al.



A species of Meiogyne.

Metrosideros dawsonii[155]

Sp. nov


Tarran et al.



A species of Metrosideros.

Metrosideros wrightii[155]

Sp. nov


Tarran et al.



A species of Metrosideros.

Millettia mioinermis[105]

Sp. nov


Prasad et al.



A species of Millettia.

Millettioxylon sindhiensis[156]

Sp. nov


Soomro et al.


Manchar Formation


A member of Fabaceae described on the basis of fossil wood.


Gen. et sp. nov



Eocene to Miocene

Dominican amber

 Dominican Republic

Originally described as a member of Orchidaceae,[157] but this interpretation was challenged by Selosse et al. (2017).[158] Genus includes new species M. elongatus.

Myristica siwalica[105]

Sp. nov


Prasad et al.



A species of Myristica.


Gen. et sp. nov


Jud et al.

Paleocene (early Danian)

Lower Salamanca Formation


A member of the family Rhamnaceae. Genus includes new species N. grandensis.


Gen. et sp. nov


Han, Liu & Wang

Early Cretaceous (Barremian-Aptian)

Yixian Formation


An early flowering plant. Genus includes new species N. lingyuanensis.


Gen. et sp. nov


Friis et al.


La Meseta Formation

(Seymour Island)

A water lily. Genus includes new species N. antarctica.

Palaquium palaeograndis[105]

Sp. nov


Prasad et al.



A species of Palaquium.


Gen. et sp. nov


Rodriguez-Reyes et al.

Miocene (Burdigalian to Tortonian)

Alajuela Formation
Cucaracha Formation


A member of Malpighiales of uncertain phylogenetic placement, described on the basis of fossil wood. Genus includes new species P. crystallosa.


Gen. et comb. nov



Late Cretaceous (Cenomanian) to Oligocene (Rupelian)

 Czech Republic

A member of Myricaceae; a new genus for "Dryandra" cretacea Velenovský (1883). Genus also includes "Dryandra" yakovlevii Palibin (1930) and "Aspleniopteris" schrankii Sternberg (1825).


Gen. et sp. nov


Ramos, Brea & Kröhling

Late Pleistocene

El Palmar Formation


A member of Detarioideae described on the basis of fossil wood. Genus includes new species P. concordiensis.

Paraphyllanthoxylon botarii[104]

Sp. nov


Iamandei & Iamandei



A member of the family Phyllanthaceae described on the basis of fossil wood.

Paraphyllanthoxylon vancouverense[164]

Sp. nov


Jud et al.

Late Cretaceous (Coniacian)

Comox Formation

( British Columbia)

An angiosperm tree described on the basis of fossil wood.

Parashorea mioplicata[105]

Sp. nov


Prasad et al.



A species of Parashorea.


Gen. et sp. nov



Late Eocene

Esmeraldas Formation


A member of the family Passifloraceae. Genus includes new species P. sogamosense.

Peltophoroxylon diversiradii[166]

Sp. nov



Early Eocene

Bridger Formation

 United States
( Wyoming)

A member of Caesalpinioideae described on the basis of fossil wood.

Persicaria omoloica[140]

Sp. nov




( Irkutsk Oblast)

A species of Persicaria.

Persoonieaephyllum blackburniae[167]

Sp. nov


Carpenter, Tarran & Hill

Middle Eocene


A member of the family Proteaceae belonging to the subfamily Persoonioideae.


Gen. et sp. nov


Mistri, Kapgate & Sheikh ex Kapgate & Manchester in Kapgate, Manchester & Stuppy

Late Cretaceous (late Maastrichtian)

Dhuma Formation


A member of Phyllanthaceae described on the basis of fossil fruit. Genus includes new species P. singpurensis.

Physalis infinemundi[169]

Sp. nov


Wilf et al.



A species of Physalis.

Piranheoxylon perfectum[104]

Sp. nov


Iamandei & Iamandei



A member of the family Picrodendraceae described on the basis of fossil wood.

Platanus serrata[113]

Nom. nov




Raton Formation

 United States
( Colorado)

A species of Platanus; a replacement name for Aralia serrata Knowlton (1917).

Polygonum palaeosibiricum[140]

Nom. nov




( Tomsk Oblast)

A species of Polygonum; a replacement name for Polygonum reticulatum Dorofeev.

Popowia siwalica[105]

Sp. nov


Prasad et al.



A species of Popowia.

Populus simonioides[170]

Sp. nov





A species of Populus.

Prioria canalensis[171]

Sp. nov


Rodríguez-Reyes et al.

Miocene (Burdigalian)

Cucaracha Formation


A species of Prioria.

Prioria elbaiae[110]

Sp. nov


Woodcock, Meyer & Prado


Piedra Chamana Fossil Forest


A species of Prioria.

Prioria hodgesii[171]

Sp. nov


Rodríguez-Reyes et al.

Miocene (Burdigalian)

Cucaracha Formation


A species of Prioria.

Pseudowinterapollis africanensis[172]

Sp. nov


Grímsson et al.

Early Miocene

Elandsfontyn Formation

 South Africa

A member of Winteraceae described on the basis of fossil pollen.

Pterolobium punctatopsis[173]

Sp. nov


Jia et al.

Middle Miocene

Maguan Basin


A species of Pterolobium.

Pyrus wischneideri[174]

Sp. nov



Late Miocene


A pear.

Quercus wischgrundensis[174]

Sp. nov



Late Miocene


An oak.

Randia tanakpurensis[105]

Sp. nov


Prasad et al.



A species of Randia.

Rhizopalmoxylon nypoides[175]

Sp. nov


Kathal et al.

Late CretaceousPaleocene (late Maastrichtian–early Danian)

Deccan Intertrappean Beds


A member of the family Arecaceae.

Rhododendron polonicum[122]

Sp. nov



Middle Miocene


A species of Rhododendron.

Rosa miopannonica[135]

Nom. nov





A rose; a replacement name for Rosa styriaca Kovar-Eder & Krainer (1988).

Rourea blatta[176]

Sp. nov


Jud & Nelson

Early Miocene

Cucaracha Formation


A member of the family Connaraceae.

Rubus chandlerae[177]

Nom. nov




Headon Hill Formation

 United Kingdom

A species of Rubus; a replacement name for Rubus acutiformis Chandler (1925).

Rubus fotjanovae[177]

Nom. nov




( Sakhalin Oblast)

A species of Rubus; a replacement name for Rubus alnifolius Fotjanova (1988).

Rubus laticarpus[177]

Nom. nov




( Novosibirsk Oblast)

A species of Rubus; a replacement name for Rubus brevis Nikitin (2007).

Rubus mammuthicus[177]

Nom. nov




( Sakha Republic)

A species of Rubus; a replacement name for Rubus decipiens Nikitin (1976).

Rubus nikitinii[177]

Nom. nov




( Tomsk Oblast)

A species of Rubus; a replacement name for Rubus pygmaeus Nikitin (2007).

Rubus novorossicus[177]

Nom. nov





A species of Rubus; a replacement name for Rubus aralioides Negru (1986).

Rubus tobolicus[177]

Nom. nov




( Novosibirsk Oblast)

A species of Rubus; a replacement name for Rubus minor Nikitin (2007).

Sabalites geneseensis[178]

Sp. nov


Greenwood & West

Early Paleocene

Scollard Formation

( Alberta)

A palm tree belonging to the subfamily Coryphoideae.

Sabalites guangxiensis[179]

Sp. nov


Wang & Sun in Wang et al.


Ningming Formation


A palm tree.

Sapindus eotrifoliatus[105]

Sp. nov


Prasad et al.



A species of Sapindus.


Gen. et 3 sp. nov


Friis, Crane & Pedersen

Early Cretaceous (late Barremian–early Albian)

Almargem Formation
Figueira da Foz Formation


A member of Laurales of uncertain phylogenetic placement. Genus includes new species S. dolichostemon, S. brachystemon and S. parvus.


gen. et sp. nov.

Jud in Jud & Dunham


Santiago Formation


A Sapotaceae wood morphospecies,
type species S. penningtonii

Sarcochlamys miopulcherrima[105]

Sp. nov


Prasad et al.



A species of Sarcochlamys.

Saururus aquilae[181]

Sp. nov


Grímsson, Grimm & Zetter

Late Cretaceous (Campanian)

Eagle Formation

 United States
( Wyoming)

A species of Saururus.

Saururus stoobensis[181]

Sp. nov


Grímsson, Grimm & Zetter



A species of Saururus.

Schima kwangsiensis[182]

Sp. nov


Shi, Quan & Jin in Shi et al.

Late Oligocene

Yongning Formation


A species of Schima.

Securidaca precorymbosa[105]

Sp. nov


Prasad et al.



A species of Securidaca.


Gen. et sp. nov


Atkinson, Stockey & Rothwell

Late Cretaceous (late Campanian)

Spray Formation

( British Columbia)

A member of Cornales of uncertain phylogenetic placement. Genus includes new species S. vancouverensis.

Smilax tengchongensis[184]

Sp. nov


Wu et al.

Late Pliocene


A species of Smilax.


Gen. et sp. nov


Poinar & Rasmussen


Baltic amber

Europe (Baltic Sea coast)

A member of Orchidaceae. Genus includes new species S. baltica.

Suciacarpa xiangae[183]

Sp. nov


Atkinson, Stockey & Rothwell

Late Cretaceous (late Campanian)

Spray Formation

( British Columbia)


Gen. et sp. nov


Jud et al.

Paleocene (early Danian)

Lower Salamanca Formation


A member of the family Rhamnaceae. Genus includes new species S. grandensis.

Symplocoxylon panamense[112]

sp. nov.

Jud in Jud & Dunham


Santiago Formation


An Ericales wood morphospecies

Tabernaemontana moralesii[110]

Sp. nov


Woodcock, Meyer & Prado


Piedra Chamana Fossil Forest


A species of Tabernaemontana.

Terminalia bhairauvensis[105]

Sp. nov


Prasad et al.



A species of Terminalia.

Toddalia purniyagiriensis[105]

Sp. nov


Prasad et al.



A member of the family Rutaceae.

Trochodendroides magadanica[186]

Nom. nov


Golovneva in Golovneva et al.



A member of Cercidiphyllaceae described on the basis of fossil leaves.

Trochodendroides montana[186]

Sp. nov


Alekseev in Golovneva et al.



A member of Cercidiphyllaceae described on the basis of fossil leaves.

Trochodendroides samyliniae[186]

Nom. nov


Alekseev in Golovneva et al.



A member of Cercidiphyllaceae described on the basis of fossil leaves.

Tropidogyne pentaptera[187]

Sp. nov


Poinar & Chambers

Cretaceous (Albian or Cenomanian)

Burmese amber


A probable member of Cunoniaceae.

Typha asiatica[188]

Nom. nov





A species of Typha described on the basis of fossil seeds; a replacement name for Typha elongata Dorofeev (1982).

Typha latissimisperma[188]

Sp. nov



Oligocene (Rupelian)

Bembridge Marls

 United Kingdom

A species of Typha described on the basis of fossil seeds previously attributed to the species Typha latissima.

Typha transdnestrovica[188]

Nom. nov



Miocene (Serravallian)


A species of Typha described on the basis of fossil seeds; a replacement name for Typha elliptica Negru (1972).

Ventilago miocalyculata[105]

Sp. nov


Prasad et al.



A species of Ventilago.

Wagatea miospicata[105]

Sp. nov


Prasad et al.



A member of the family Fabaceae.

Xanthophyllum mioglaucum[105]

Sp. nov


Prasad et al.



A species of Xanthophyllum.

Xylia siwalika[136]

Sp. nov


Prasad et al.

Middle Miocene

Siwalik Formation


A species of Xylia.

Zelkova ningmingensis[189]

Sp. nov


Ma et al.


Ningming Formation


A species of Zelkova.


Gen. et 2 sp. nov


Heřmanová, Dašková & Kvaček in Heřmanová et al.

Late Cretaceous (Turonian to Maastrichtian)

Aachen Formation
Klikov Formation
Walbeck Formation

 Czech Republic

A member of the Normapolles complex described on the basis of fossil flowers and fruits. Genus includes new species Z. vachae and Z. sklenarii.

General research



  1. ^ Christopher J. Cleal; Giovanni G. Scanu; Carla Buosi; Paola Pittau; Evelyn Kustatscher (2017). "Middle Pennsylvanian vegetation of the San Giorgio Basin, southern Sardinia (Italy)". Geological Magazine. 154 (5): 1155–1170. Bibcode:2017GeoM..154.1155C. doi:10.1017/S0016756816000765. S2CID 131561709.
  2. ^ Carmen Álvarez-Vázquez; Robert H. Wagner (2017). "A revision of Annularia and Asterophyllites species from the lower Westphalian (Middle Pennsylvanian) of the Maritime Provinces of Canada". Atlantic Geology. 53: 17–62. doi:10.4138/atlgeol.2017.002.
  3. ^ a b Rodrigo Neregato; Ronny Rößler; Roberto Iannuzzi; Robert Noll; Rosemarie Rohn (2017). "New petrified calamitaleans from the Permian of the Parnaíba Basin, central-North Brazil, part II, and phytogeographic implications for late Paleozoic floras". Review of Palaeobotany and Palynology. 237: 37–61. Bibcode:2017RPaPa.237...37N. doi:10.1016/j.revpalbo.2016.11.001. hdl:11449/173996.
  4. ^ Kewang Xu; Wenbo Liao; Jianhua Jin; Xiaoyan Liu (2017). "Asplenium sanshuiense sp. nov.: the lowest latitude fossil record of the genus". Acta Geologica Sinica (English Edition). 91 (4): 1179–1189. doi:10.1111/1755-6724.13353. S2CID 135376004.
  5. ^ Patricia Vallati; Andrea De Sosa Tomas; Gabriel Casal; Marcos Calo (2017). "Salviniales from the Late Cretaceous of the Golfo San Jorge Basin". Cretaceous Research. 74: 45–55. Bibcode:2017CrRes..74...45V. doi:10.1016/j.cretres.2017.02.004.
  6. ^ a b Jana Frojdová; Josef Pšenička; Jiří Bek; Christopher J. Cleal (2017). "Revision of the Pennsylvanian fern Boweria Kidston and the establishment of the new genus Kidstoniopteris". Review of Palaeobotany and Palynology. 236: 33–58. Bibcode:2017RPaPa.236...33F. doi:10.1016/j.revpalbo.2016.08.011.
  7. ^ a b c Benjamin Bomfleur; Guido W. Grimm; Stephen McLoughlin (2017). "The fossil Osmundales (Royal Ferns)—a phylogenetic network analysis, revised taxonomy, and evolutionary classification of anatomically preserved trunks and rhizomes". PeerJ. 5: e3433. doi:10.7717/peerj.3433. PMC 5508817. PMID 28713650.
  8. ^ Mário Miguel Mendes; Eduardo Barrón; David J. Batten; João Pais (2017). "A new species of the spore genus Costatoperforosporites from Early Cretaceous deposits in Portugal and its taxonomic and palaeoenvironmental significance". Grana. 56 (6): 401–409. doi:10.1080/00173134.2016.1269189. hdl:20.500.12468/754. S2CID 90049504.
  9. ^ Ledis Regalado; Alexander R. Schmidt; Marc S. Appelhans; Bork Ilsemann; Harald Schneider; Michael Krings; Jochen Heinrichs (2017). "A fossil species of the enigmatic early polypod fern genus Cystodium (Cystodiaceae) in Cretaceous amber from Myanmar". Scientific Reports. 7 (1): Article number 14615. Bibcode:2017NatSR...714615R. doi:10.1038/s41598-017-14985-7. PMC 5668433. PMID 29097728.
  10. ^ Cong-Li Xu; Jian Huang; Tao Su; Xian-Chun Zhang; Shu-Feng Li; Zhe-Kun Zhou (2017). "The first megafossil record of Goniophlebium (Polypodiaceae) from the Middle Miocene of Asia and its paleoecological implications". Palaeoworld. 26 (3): 543–552. doi:10.1016/j.palwor.2017.01.006.
  11. ^ Fabiany Herrera; Robbin C. Moran; Gongle Shi; Niiden Ichinnorov; Masamichi Takahashi; Peter R. Crane; Patrick S. Herendeen (2017). "An exquisitely preserved filmy fern (Hymenophyllaceae) from the Early Cretaceous of Mongolia". American Journal of Botany. 104 (9): 1370–1381. doi:10.3732/ajb.1700246. PMID 29885232.
  12. ^ John G. Conran; Joseph A. Jackson; Daphne E. Lee; Elizabeth M. Kennedy (2017). "Gleichenia-like Korallipteris alineae sp. nov. macrofossils (Polypodiophyta) from the Miocene Landslip Hill silcrete, New Zealand". New Zealand Journal of Botany. 55 (3): 258–275. doi:10.1080/0028825X.2017.1317278. S2CID 91077403.
  13. ^ Andrew C. Rozefelds; Mary E. Dettmann; H. Trevor Clifford; Raymond J. Carpenter (2017). "Lygodium (Schizaeaceae) in southern high latitudes during the Cenozoic — A new species and new insights into character evolution in the genus". Review of Palaeobotany and Palynology. 247: 40–52. Bibcode:2017RPaPa.247...40R. doi:10.1016/j.revpalbo.2017.07.001.
  14. ^ Jing Ma; Shi-Jun Wang & Ke-Qin Sun (2017). "Rhabdoxylon taiyuanense n. sp.: A new botryopterid fern from the Lower Permian of Shanxi Province, North China". Palaeoworld. 26 (3): 489–499. doi:10.1016/j.palwor.2016.05.002.
  15. ^ a b Nicolás Pérez-Consuegra; Aura Cuervo-Gómez; Camila Martínez; Camilo Montes; Fabiany Herrera; Santiago Madriñán; Carlos Jaramillo (2017). "Paleogene Salvinia (Salviniaceae) from Colombia and their paleobiogeographic implications". Review of Palaeobotany and Palynology. 246: 85–108. Bibcode:2017RPaPa.246...85P. doi:10.1016/j.revpalbo.2017.06.003.
  16. ^ a b c d e Caiqing Guo; Jianxin Yao; Jianwei Zhang; Pengcheng Wu; Chengsen Li (2017). "New fossil liverworts from the Lower Cretaceous of Western Liaoning, China". Acta Geologica Sinica (English Edition). 91 (5): 1542–1552. doi:10.1111/1755-6724.13399. S2CID 133867341.
  17. ^ Jochen Heinrichs; Kathrin Feldberg; Patrick Müller; Alfons Schäfer-Verwimp; Matt von Konrat; Bork Ilsemann; Michael Krings (2017). "Frullania pinnata spec. nov. (Frullaniaceae, Porellales), a new leafy liverwort in mid-Cretaceous Burmese amber from Myanmar". Cretaceous Research. 78: 56–60. Bibcode:2017CrRes..78...56H. doi:10.1016/j.cretres.2017.05.030.
  18. ^ Ya Li; Li-Qin Li; Kathrin Feldberg; Peng-Cheng Wu; Harald Schneider; Alexander R. Schmidt; Yong-Dong Wang (2021). "Re-appraisal of two fossil Frullaniaceae species (Marchantiophyta, Porellales) from the mid-Cretaceous Burmese amber". Cretaceous Research. 124: Article 104803. Bibcode:2021CrRes.12404803L. doi:10.1016/j.cretres.2021.104803. S2CID 233841009.
  19. ^ Yuriy S. Mamontov; Jörn Hentschel; Nadezhda A. Konstantinova; Evgeny E. Perkovsky; Michael S. Ignatov (2017). "Hepatics from Rovno amber (Ukraine), 6. Frullania rovnoi, sp. nov". Journal of Bryology. 39 (4): 336–341. doi:10.1080/03736687.2017.1343220. S2CID 90476291.
  20. ^ a b c Gaik Ee Lee; Laura Kolberg; Julia Bechteler; Alfons Schäfer-Verwimp; Matthew A.M. Renner; Alexander R. Schmidt; Jochen Heinrichs (2017). "The leafy liverwort genus Lejeunea (Porellales, Jungermanniopsida) in Miocene Dominican amber". Review of Palaeobotany and Palynology. 238: 144–150. Bibcode:2017RPaPa.238..144L. doi:10.1016/j.revpalbo.2016.11.013.
  21. ^ Jochen Heinrichs; Kathrin Feldberg; Julia Bechteler; Patrick Müller; Matthew A.M. Renner; Jiří Váňa; Alfons Schäfer-Verwimp; Alexander R. Schmidt (2017). "A fossil genus of the Frullaniaceae (Porellales, Jungermanniopsida) from the mid-Cretaceous of Myanmar". Cretaceous Research. 74: 223–226. Bibcode:2017CrRes..74..223H. doi:10.1016/j.cretres.2017.02.023.
  22. ^ Julia Bechteler; Alexander R. Schmidt; Matthew A. M. Renner; Bo Wang; Oscar Alejandro Pérez-Escobar; Alfons Schäfer-Verwimp; Kathrin Feldberg; Jochen Heinrichs (2017). "A Burmese amber fossil of Radula (Porellales, Jungermanniopsida) provides insights into the Cretaceous evolution of epiphytic lineages of leafy liverworts". Fossil Record. 20 (2): 201–213. doi:10.5194/fr-20-201-2017.
  23. ^ Mathilde Evreïnoff; Brigitte Meyer-Berthaud; Anne-Laure Decombeix; Renaud Lebrun; Philippe Steemans; Paul Tafforeau (2017). "A new Late Devonian isoetalean lycopsid from New South Wales, Australia: Cymastrobus irvingii gen. et sp. nov". Palaeontologia Electronica. 20 (3): Article number 20.3.47A. doi:10.26879/767.
  24. ^ a b O. A. Orlova; A. V. Tevelev; D. A. Mamontov; E. V. Anikeeva (2017). "Late Carboniferous lycopsids of the Karantrav locality (the Southern Urals)". Moscow University Geology Bulletin. 72 (1): 28–36. doi:10.3103/S0145875217010100. S2CID 132583239.
  25. ^ Alexander B. Doweld (2017). "A review of the nomenclature of Cyclostigma (Cyclostigmatales: Cyclostigmataceae; fossil Isoetophyta)". Taxon. 66 (6): 1456–1465. doi:10.12705/666.12.
  26. ^ Kelly K. S. Matsunaga; Alexandru M. F. Tomescu (2017). "An organismal concept for Sengelia radicans gen. et sp. nov. – morphology and natural history of an Early Devonian lycophyte". Annals of Botany. 119 (7): 1097–1113. doi:10.1093/aob/mcw277. PMC 5604611. PMID 28334100.
  27. ^ a b c Yu.V. Mosseichik; I.A. Ignatiev (2017). "Viséan lycopods from the Moscow Basin: New species and suprageneric affiliation" (PDF). Lethaea Rossica. 15: 1–19.
  28. ^ David John Cantrill; Allan C. Ashworth; Adam R. Lewis (2017). "Megaspores of an early Miocene aquatic lycopod (Isoetales) from Antarctica". Grana. 56 (2): 112–123. doi:10.1080/00173134.2016.1144784. S2CID 88739607.
  29. ^ Silvia C. Gnaedinger; Ana M. Zavattieri (2017). "First record of voltzialean male cone (Lutanthus) and podocarpacean female cone (Rissikistrobus) from the Late Triassic of Argentina, including new plant remains from the Paso Flores Formation". Ameghiniana. 54 (2): 224–246. doi:10.5710/AMGH.18.10.2016.2986. S2CID 131879609.
  30. ^ Silvia C. Gnaedinger; Ana M. Zavattieri (2017). "A new name for Baiera taeniata Geinitz, Ginkgo taeniata (Geinitz) Frenguelli, and Sphenobaiera taeniata (Geinitz) Morel, Ganuza and Zúñiga". Ameghiniana. 54 (2): 252–254. doi:10.5710/AMGH.18.10.2016.3058. hdl:11336/56240. S2CID 89163072.
  31. ^ Zixi Wang; Fankai Sun; Peihong Jin; Yingquan Chen; Jingwei Chen; Peng Deng; Guolin Yang; Bainian Sun (2017). "A New Species of Ginkgo with Male Cones and Pollen Grains in situ from the Middle Jurassic of Eastern Xinjiang, China". Acta Geologica Sinica (English Edition). 91 (1): 9–21. doi:10.1111/1755-6724.13060. S2CID 133030173.
  32. ^ Xiao-Hui Xu; Liu-Yin Yang; Bai-Nian Sun; Yong-Dong Wang; Ping Chen (2017). "A new Early Cretaceous Ginkgo ovulate organ with associated leaves from Inner Mongolia, China and its evolutionary significance". Review of Palaeobotany and Palynology. 244: 163–181. Bibcode:2017RPaPa.244..163X. doi:10.1016/j.revpalbo.2017.05.007.
  33. ^ a b Natalya Nosova (2017). "New findings of the female reproductive structures of Nagrenia Nosova (Ginkgoales) and the seeds of Ginkgo gomolitzkyana Nosova from the Middle Jurassic of Angren, Uzbekistan". Review of Palaeobotany and Palynology. 239: 1–13. Bibcode:2017RPaPa.239....1N. doi:10.1016/j.revpalbo.2016.11.017.
  34. ^ a b Junji Horiuchi; Kazuhiko Uemura (2017). "Paleocene occurrence of Pseudotorellia Florin (Ginkgoales) from Northeast Japan and the Meso–Cenozoic history of Pseudotorellia and Torellia". Review of Palaeobotany and Palynology. 246: 146–160. Bibcode:2017RPaPa.246..146H. doi:10.1016/j.revpalbo.2017.05.011.
  35. ^ Yuling Na; Chunlin Sun; Hongshan Wang; David L. Dilcher; Yunfeng Li; Tao Li (2017). "A brief introduction to the Middle Jurassic Daohugou Flora from Inner Mongolia, China". Review of Palaeobotany and Palynology. 247: 53–67. Bibcode:2017RPaPa.247...53N. doi:10.1016/j.revpalbo.2017.08.003. S2CID 134673649.
  36. ^ Mario Coiro; Christian Pott (2017). "Eobowenia gen. nov. from the Early Cretaceous of Patagonia: indication for an early divergence of Bowenia?". BMC Evolutionary Biology. 17 (1): 97. doi:10.1186/s12862-017-0943-x. PMC 5383990. PMID 28388891.
  37. ^ Alan R.T. Spencer; Russell J. Garwood; Andrew R. Rees; Robert J. Raine; Gar W. Rothwell; Neville T.J. Hollingworth; Jason Hilton (2017). "New insights into Mesozoic cycad evolution: an exploration of anatomically preserved Cycadaceae seeds from the Jurassic Oxford Clay biota". PeerJ. 5: e3723. doi:10.7717/peerj.3723. PMC 5578371. PMID 28875075.
  38. ^ L.C.A. Martínez; A. Iglesias; A.E. Artabe; A.N. Varela; S. Apesteguía (2017). "A new Encephalarteae trunk (Cycadales) from the Cretaceous of Patagonia (Mata Amarilla Formation, Austral Basin), Argentina". Cretaceous Research. 72: 81–94. Bibcode:2017CrRes..72...81M. doi:10.1016/j.cretres.2016.12.008.
  39. ^ Heinrich Winterscheid; Rolf Gossmann (2017). "Validation of Cathaya vanderburghii (Pinaceae) from European Neogene". Phytotaxa. 302 (2): 188–192. doi:10.11646/phytotaxa.302.2.9.
  40. ^ Peihong Jin; Teng Mao; Junling Dong; Zixi Wang; Mingxuan Sun; Xiaohui Xu; Baoxia Du; Bainian Sun (2017). "A new species of Cupressinocladus from the Lower Cretaceous of Guyang Basin, Inner Mongolia, China and cluster analysis". Acta Geologica Sinica (English Edition). 91 (4): 1200–1214. doi:10.1111/1755-6724.13355. S2CID 133840278.
  41. ^ a b c Daniela P. Ruiz; Mariana Brea; M. Sol Raigemborn; Sergio D. Matheos (2017). "Conifer woods from the Salamanca Formation (early Paleocene), Central Patagonia, Argentina: Paleoenvironmental implications". Journal of South American Earth Sciences. 76: 427–445. Bibcode:2017JSAES..76..427R. doi:10.1016/j.jsames.2017.04.006. hdl:11336/41178.
  42. ^ R.R. Pujana; M.E. Raffi; E.B. Olivero (2017). "Conifer fossil woods from the Santa Marta Formation (Upper Cretaceous), Brandy Bay, James Ross Island, Antarctica". Cretaceous Research. 77: 28–38. Bibcode:2017CrRes..77...28P. doi:10.1016/j.cretres.2017.04.016.
  43. ^ N. V. Nosova; A. I. Kiritchkova; E. I. Kostina (2017). "Leafy shoots and pollen cones of conifers from the Middle Jurassic deposits of the Irkutsk Coal Basin". Paleobotanika. 8: 5–27. doi:10.31111/palaeobotany/2017.8.5.
  44. ^ Alexandra Sokolova; Natalia Gordenko; Natalia Zavialova (2017). "The most ancient member of the Sequoioideae – The new genus Krassilovidendron Sokolova, Gordenko et Zavialova (Cupressaceae s.l.) from the Albian–Cenomanian of Western Siberia (Russia)". Cretaceous Research. 77: 1–27. Bibcode:2017CrRes..77....1S. doi:10.1016/j.cretres.2017.04.014.
  45. ^ Mingli Wan; Wan Yang; Peng Tang; Lujun Liu; Jun Wang (2017). "Medulloprotaxodioxylon triassicum gen. et sp. nov., a taxodiaceous conifer wood from the Norian (Triassic) of northern Bogda Mountains, northwestern China". Review of Palaeobotany and Palynology. 241: 70–84. Bibcode:2017RPaPa.241...70W. doi:10.1016/j.revpalbo.2017.02.009.
  46. ^ Ignacio Escapa; Andrew Leslie (2017). "A new Cheirolepidiaceae (Coniferales) from the Early Jurassic of Patagonia (Argentina): Reconciling the records of impression and permineralized fossils". American Journal of Botany. 104 (2): 322–334. doi:10.3732/ajb.1600321. hdl:11336/40738. PMID 28213347.
  47. ^ a b Fabiany Herrera; Gongle Shi; Patrick Knopf; Andrew B. Leslie; Niiden Ichinnorov; Masamichi Takahashi; Peter R. Crane; Patrick S. Herendeen (2017). "Cupressaceae Conifers from the Early Cretaceous of Mongolia". International Journal of Plant Sciences. 178 (1): 19–41. doi:10.1086/689577. S2CID 88563588.
  48. ^ Mahasin Ali Khan; Subir Bera (2017). "First discovery of fossil winged seeds of Pinus L. (family Pinaceae) from the Indian Cenozoic and its palaeobiogeographic significance". Journal of Earth System Science. 126 (5): 63. Bibcode:2017JESS..126...63K. doi:10.1007/s12040-017-0846-7.
  49. ^ Mahasin Ali Khan; Subir Bera (2018). "Pinus daflaensis (Pinaceae), a replacement name for P. arunachalensis Khan & Bera". Phytotaxa. 334 (2): 200. doi:10.11646/phytotaxa.334.2.9.
  50. ^ a b Hao-Bo Wang; Alexei A. Oskolski; Frédéric M.B. Jacques; Yue-Hua Wang; Zhe-Kun Zhou (2017). "Lignified woods of Pinus (Pinaceae) from the late Miocene of central Yunnan, China, and their biogeographic and paleoclimatic implications". Palaeoworld. 26 (3): 553–565. doi:10.1016/j.palwor.2016.06.003.
  51. ^ Selena Y. Smith; Ruth A. Stockey; Gar W. Rothwell; Stefan A. Little (2017). "A new species of Pityostrobus (Pinaceae) from the Cretaceous of California: moving towards understanding the Cretaceous radiation of Pinaceae". Journal of Systematic Palaeontology. 15 (1): 69–81. doi:10.1080/14772019.2016.1143885. S2CID 88292891.
  52. ^ Peng Deng; Junling Dong; Zixi Wang; Xuelian Wang; Guolin Yang; Yuli He; Yifan Hua; Bainian Sun (2017). "Cuticular microstructure of Platycladus tengchongensis sp.nov.from the Pliocene of Tengchong, Yunnan, and reconstruction of paleoatmospheric CO2". Earth Science Frontiers. 24 (1): 65–77. doi:10.13745/j.esf.2017.01.005.
  53. ^ Roberto R. Pujana; Daniela P. Ruiz (2017). "Podocarpoxylon Gothan reviewed in the light of a new species from the Eocene of Patagonia". IAWA Journal. 38 (2): 220–244. doi:10.1163/22941932-20170169. hdl:11336/48473.
  54. ^ Silvia Gnaedinger; Rodolfo A. Coria; Eva Koppelhus; Silvio Casadío; Maisa Tunik; Philip Currie (2017). "First Lower Cretaceous record of Podocarpaceae wood associated with dinosaur remains from Patagonia, Neuquén Province, Argentina". Cretaceous Research. 78: 228–239. Bibcode:2017CrRes..78..228G. doi:10.1016/j.cretres.2017.06.014. hdl:11336/30408.
  55. ^ a b Natalya Nosova; Johanna H.A. van Konijnenburg-van Cittert; Anna Kiritchkova (2017). "New data on the epidermal structure of the leaves of Podozamites Braun". Review of Palaeobotany and Palynology. 238: 88–104. Bibcode:2017RPaPa.238...88N. doi:10.1016/j.revpalbo.2016.11.005.
  56. ^ a b Peter Wilf; Michael P. Donovan; N. Rubén Cúneo; María A. Gandolfo (2017). "The fossil flip-leaves (Retrophyllum, Podocarpaceae) of southern South America". American Journal of Botany. 104 (9): 1344–1369. doi:10.3732/ajb.1700158. hdl:11336/75287. PMID 29885237.
  57. ^ Tao Yang; Li-ying Yi; Jing-wen E; Xiao-rong Guo (2017). "A new species of Scarburgia from Middle Jurassic of Junggar Basin, Xinjiang, China". Global Geology. 36 (2): 327–332. doi:10.3969/j.issn.1004-5589.2017.02.001.
  58. ^ Qi-Jia Li; Peng-Cheng An; Jun Li; Zhen-Rui Zhao; Jing-Yu Wu; Yong-Dong Wang; Yu-Ting Zhu; Su-Ting Ding (2017). "Cuticular structure of Storgaardia Harris from the Middle Jurassic of Northwest China and its systematic and biogeographical significances". Palaeoworld. 26 (1): 149–158. doi:10.1016/j.palwor.2016.04.005. S2CID 130503476.
  59. ^ a b c Jiří Kvaček; Zuzana Heřmanová; Jana Bruthansová; Jakub Karch; Jan Žemlička; Jan Dudák (2018). "Stutzeliastrobus bohemicus comb. nov. – basal Cupressaceae conifer from the Cenomanian of the Bohemian Cretaceous Basin, Central Europe" (PDF). Fossil Imprint. 74 (1–2): 179–188. doi:10.1515/if-2017-0013. S2CID 172092721.
  60. ^ Olga A. Orlova; Ksenia G. Pustovoit; Ekaterina V. Anikeeva (2017). "Pteridosperms from the Lower Carboniferous of South Urals, Russia". Plant Systematics and Evolution. 303 (7): 945–955. doi:10.1007/s00606-017-1421-z. S2CID 20801309.
  61. ^ a b c Natalya Nosova; Aleksej Vladimirovič Hvalj (2017). "New findings of the seeds Allicospermum Harris (gymnosperms) from the Middle Jurassic of Angren, Uzbekistan". Review of Palaeobotany and Palynology. 247: 26–39. Bibcode:2017RPaPa.247...26N. doi:10.1016/j.revpalbo.2017.08.001.
  62. ^ Neeru Prakash; Neelam Das (2017). "First record of microsporophyll genus Caytonanthus Thomas from Early Cretaceous beds of South Rewa Gondwana Basin, India: Its evolutionary and palaeogeographical significance". Island Arc. 26 (1): e12163. doi:10.1111/iar.12163.
  63. ^ A. Abu Hamad; P. Blomenkemper; H. Kerp; B. Bomfleur (2017). "Dicroidium bandelii sp. nov. (corystospermalean foliage) from the Permian of Jordan". PalZ. 91 (4): 641–648. doi:10.1007/s12542-017-0384-2. S2CID 90520943.
  64. ^ Heidi M. Anderson; Maria Barbacka; Marion K. Bamford; W. B. Keith Holmes; John M. Anderson (2019). "Dicroidium (foliage) and affiliated wood Part 3 of a reassessment of Gondwana Triassic plant genera and a reclassification of some previously attributed". Alcheringa: An Australasian Journal of Palaeontology. 44 (1): 64–92. doi:10.1080/03115518.2019.1622779. S2CID 199109037.
  65. ^ Mingli Wan; Wan Yang; Lujun Liu; Jun Wang (2017). "Ductoagathoxylon jimsarensis gen. nov. et sp. nov., a gymnospermous stem from the Wuchiapingian (upper Permian) Wutonggou Formation in the Junggar Basin, northern Bogda Mountains, northwestern China". Review of Palaeobotany and Palynology. 241: 13–25. Bibcode:2017RPaPa.241...13W. doi:10.1016/j.revpalbo.2017.02.004.
  66. ^ Gabriela G. Puebla; Ari Iglesias; María A. Gómez; Mercedes B. Prámparo (2017). "Fossil record of Ephedra in the Lower Cretaceous (Aptian), Argentina". Journal of Plant Research. 130 (6): 975–988. doi:10.1007/s10265-017-0953-1. hdl:11336/59894. PMID 28528483. S2CID 23766815.
  67. ^ Rebecca A. Koll; William A. DiMichele; Steven R. Manchester (2017). "Reevaluation and taxonomic clarification of Gigantopteridium and Cathaysiopteris of western equatorial Pangea and their biogeographical significance". Journal of Paleontology. 91 (5): 859–870. Bibcode:2017JPal...91..859K. doi:10.1017/jpa.2017.25.
  68. ^ Johanna H.A. van Konijnenburg-van Cittert; Evelyn Kustatscher; Christian Pott; Günter Dütsch; Stefan Schmeißner (2017). "First record of the pollen-bearing reproductive organ Hydropterangium from the Rhaetian of Germany (Wüstenwelsberg, Upper Franconia)". Neues Jahrbuch für Geologie und Paläontologie - Abhandlungen. 284 (2): 139–151. doi:10.1127/njgpa/2017/0655.
  69. ^ Gongle Shi; Else Marie Friis; Kaj Raunsgaard Pedersen; Qiang Fu; Peter R. Crane (2024). "A new Harrisiothecium pollen organ from the Upper Triassic of South Central China". Review of Palaeobotany and Palynology. 105079. doi:10.1016/j.revpalbo.2024.105079.
  70. ^ Serge V. Naugolnykh (2017). "Kizelopteris, a new genus of climbing pteridosperms from the Lower Carboniferous of the Urals, Russia". Wulfenia. 24: 241–254.
  71. ^ Yong Yang; Long-Biao Lin; David K. Ferguson; Shou-Zhou Zhang; Tao Wan (2017). "A new gnetalean macrofossil from the Early Cretaceous and its evolutionary significance". Cretaceous Research. 74: 56–64. Bibcode:2017CrRes..74...56Y. doi:10.1016/j.cretres.2017.02.007.
  72. ^ Johanna H.A. van Konijnenburg-van Cittert; Christian Pott; Christopher J. Cleal; Gea Zijlstra (2017). "Differentiation of the fossil leaves assigned to Taeniopteris, Nilssoniopteris and Nilssonia with a comparison to similar genera". Review of Palaeobotany and Palynology. 237: 100–106. Bibcode:2017RPaPa.237..100V. doi:10.1016/j.revpalbo.2016.11.009.
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