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User:Tobias1984/Sandbox 2

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Created Thu, 21 Feb 2013 20:08:38 +0000 by the MissingTopics tool (run again with these settings)

Wanted Title
13 Allenby Formation
11 Achatinellastrum
11 David J. Siveter
10 Intercentrum
10 Symplectocyon
10 Protemnocyon
9 Vishnucyon
9 Patagonian Molasse Formation
9 Sarcocyon
9 Charopinae
9 Arctamphicyon
9 La Meseta Formation
9 Pachycynodon
9 James Brookes Knight
9 Goupilictis
8 1779 in paleontology
8 1777 in paleontology
8 1768 in paleontology
8 Sphenodontiformes
8 Ectypodus
8 1780 in paleontology
8 1786 in paleontology
8 Cladida
8 1783 in paleontology
8 1781 in paleontology
8 1782 in paleontology
8 1785 in paleontology
7 El Brete
7 Pycnodontidae
7 Basilemys
7 Bulletin of the Mizunami Fossil Museum
7 1788 in paleontology
7 Bothremys
7 1764 in paleontology
7 1772 in paleontology
7 1774 in paleontology
7 1775 in paleontology
7 1771 in paleontology
7 1770 in paleontology
7 1766 in paleontology
7 1767 in paleontology
7 Praecardioida
7 1765 in paleontology
7 Danata Formation
6 1759 in paleontology
6 1760 in paleontology
6 1762 in paleontology
6 The Ultimate Guide: T-Rex
6 1761 in paleontology
6 Earl Douglass
6 Brule Formation
6 Richards Spur
6 Rhombifera
6 1789 in paleontology
6 Elizabeth Nicholls
6 1792 in paleontology
6 Memoirs of the Queensland Museum
6 Macrobaenidae
6 Astroconodon
6 Archaeaspinus
6 Micrina
6 Monobathrida
6 Samuel Almon Miller
6 Feuilley
6 Beyond T-Rex
6 Myledaphus
6 1791 in paleontology
6 1793 in paleontology
5 Fossil Lake
5 Freiberger Forschungshefte
5 Bothriodontinae
5 James W. Kitching
5 Mackenziurus
5 Burmese amber
5 1754 in paleontology
5 1753 in paleontology
5 Huaqiao Formation
5 Jinogondolella
5 José María Bermúdez de Castro
5 Karakhtia
5 Bridger Formation
5 Olenidae
5 Zygopleuroid group
5 Palaeanodonta
5 1799 in paleontology
5 Paläontologische Zeitschrift
5 Palaeoserenomyces
5 Willwood Formation
5 1756 in paleontology
5 1757 in paleontology
5 Bunolistriodon
5 Cimolestidae
5 Pleurosternidae
5 Climatiidae
5 1802 in paleontology
5 1800 in paleontology
5 1797 in paleontology
5 1796 in paleontology
5 1795 in paleontology
5 Villavieja Formation
5 Coryphodontidae
5 Eric Buffetaut
5 Phascolotherium
5 Hybodontoidea
5 Semionotidae
5 Cryptodidymosphaerites
5 Camerata (subclass)
5 Spalacotheriidae
5 1670 in paleontology
5 1817 in paleontology
5 1667 in paleontology
5 Maimetshidae
5 1695 in paleontology
5 Graculavidae
5 Dipleurozoa
5 1698 in paleontology
5 1700 in paleontology
5 1703 in paleontology
5 1702 in paleontology
5 1701 in paleontology
5 Karl Mayer-Eymar
5 Kathleen B. Pigg
5 1674 in paleontology
5 1673 in paleontology
5 1672 in paleontology
5 1675 in paleontology
5 Microbrachomorpha
5 Alticonodon
5 Hachisuka Masauyi
5 Haldanodon
5 1704 in paleontology
5 1697 in paleontology
5 1669 in paleontology
5 Aetiocetidae
5 1706 in paleontology
5 1668 in paleontology
5 New Jersey Amber
5 Ruth A. Stockey
4 Palaeontologia Polonica
4 Mesoreodon, Miniochoerus
4 Gulick
4 H. H. Smith
4 Smithsonian Contributions to Zoology
4 Nothrotheriidae
4 Globigerinoides
4 Nongshanian
4 1818 in paleontology
4 1811 in paleontology
4 Pliohyracidae
4 Gerald Mayr
4 1804 in paleontology
4 Zalambdalestidae
4 Epitheliazoa
4 Pleurocentrum
4 Charnwood Terrane
4 Onychodictyon
4 Cécile Mourer-Chauviré
4 Fillmore Formation
4 Peradectidae
4 Peramus
4 Lutrini
4 Golden Valley Formation
4 Siphogonotuchida
4 Xidagou Formation
4 Pantolambdidae
4 Pararaucaria patagonica
4 Paravendia
4 Magnetic chronozone
4 Nycteroleteridae
4 Neoplanorbinae
4 Ermaying Formation
4 Narryer gneiss
4 Phylloceratida
4 Harold Elmer Anthony
4 Lotagnostus americanus
4 Belemnitella americana
4 Nomen vanum
4 Alachua Formation
4 1823 in paleontology
4 Inoceramus labiatus
4 Runningwater Formation
4 Rotalipora
4 Kushlukiidae
4 Arginbaataridae
4 Strophomenata
4 Buen Formation
4 Arikaree Formation
4 Dorypygidae
4 Cedaria
4 Stuttgarter Beiträge zur Naturkunde
4 1664 in paleontology
4 Ptychopariina
4 1798 in paleontology
4 Quentin Cronk
4 1666 in paleontology
4 Arundeloconodon
4 1709 in paleontology
4 1708 in paleontology
4 1681 in paleontology
4 Czatkowice 1
4 Bull Canyon Formation
4 1680 in paleontology
4 1679 in paleontology
4 1676 in paleontology
4 1678 in paleontology
4 1686 in paleontology
4 1687 in paleontology
4 1693 in paleontology
4 1694 in paleontology
4 1707 in paleontology
4 1692 in paleontology
4 1691 in paleontology
4 1689 in paleontology
4 1690 in paleontology
4 Ectopterygoid
4 Julien Tafforet
4 Senckenbergiana Lethaea
4 Stagodontidae
4 1661 in paleontology
4 1752 in paleontology
4 1750 in paleontology
4 1751 in paleontology
4 Thelegnathus
4 Corvicondodon
4 Triconodon
4 Cricetodon
4 Lichidae
4 Tiglian
4 Lev Nesov
4 1749 in paleontology
4 1748 in paleontology
4 Cyanorus
4 1663 in paleontology
4 Cerro Cuadrado Petrified Forest
4 Lonchidiidae
4 Ictidosaurus angusticeps
4 Clarkina
4 1662 in paleontology
4 Stenoplesictinae
4 Bone Valley Formation
4 Listriodon
4 Proheteromys
3 Halymenites major
3 Hantkenina
3 Haplodontheriinae
3 Cervoidea
3 Ilek Formation
3 Harrymys
3 David Martill
3 Heshanggou Formation
3 Joshua Platt
3 Journal of Mammalian Evolution
3 Herman F. Becker
3 Hearne craton
3 Ivovicia
3 Historical Biology
3 Hathliacynidae
3 David Unwin
3 Haplogale
3 Eoconodontus notchpeakensis
3 Ellipsocephaloidea
3 Enchodontidae
3 Cyclurus
3 Elasmotheriini
3 Cyriacotheriidae
3 Dictyoclostus americanus
3 Kirk R. Johnson
3 Cosmine
3 Cranioceratini
3 Ctenacanthiformes
3 Ctenodactyloidea
3 Edmund Flint
3 Cyrtolitidae
3 Divisadero Largo Formation
3 Diplocynodontidae
3 Dinnetherium
3 Didelphodonta
3 Dolichorhininae
3 Donald Quicke
3 E. Koken
3 Dzharakhuduk
3 Duibian
3 Dromomerycinae
3 Cornute
3 Cladoceramus
3 Gobiotheriodon
3 Groebertherium
3 Germanic Basin
3 Geological Studies Unit of the Indian Statistical Institute
3 Gelocidae
3 Groenlandaspidae
3 Guildavis
3 Delocrinus missouriensis
3 Gypsonictops
3 Gymnospermopsida
3 Charles Rochester Eastman
3 Gaudryceras
3 G. Mayr
3 Erquelinnesla
3 Ernst Friedrich Rudolph Karl Koken
3 Denisodon
3 Deseado Formation
3 Eucastor
3 Filicopsida
3 Furcacaudiformes
3 Fundación Conjunto Paleontológico de Teruel-Dinópolis
3 Chiosella
3 Fossil Butte Member
3 Hakusanodon
3 Oramel Lucas
3 San Angelo Formation
3 Saurosphargis
3 Scalpellum
3 Sabalites
3 Ronzotherium
3 Richard Cowan (taxonomist)
3 Richard J. Butler
3 Scaphites hippocrepis
3 Scelidotherinae
3 Shandgolictis
3 Sharps Formation
3 Sheep Creek Formation
3 Sentinel Butte Formation
3 Sean P. Modesto
3 Scleronychophora
3 Sclerorhynchoidea
3 Rhynchosauroides
3 Reticulofenestra
3 Prolecanites gurleyi
3 Promusophaga
3 Protopliomerops
3 Prokennalestes
3 Proentelodon
3 Praediscosphaera
3 Proborhyaena
3 Pseudocorax
3 Pteraspididae
3 Randolph S. Currah
3 Records of the Australian Museum
3 Père Bernardin
3 Puget Group
3 Pterotrigonia thoracica
3 Ptychoparella
3 Sieblosiidae
3 Solling Formation
3 White River Formation
3 Whitehill Formation
3 Wichita Group
3 Weymouthiidae
3 Watinoceras
3 Venericardia planicosta
3 W. Bock
3 Wilbur H. Scofield
3 William Lee Stokes
3 Zia Sand Formation
3 Zoosystema
3 Zhangheotheriidae
3 Yahuarango Formation
3 Woodbury Creek
3 Xenohyus
3 Ursini (Ursinae)
3 Upper Harrison Beds Formation
3 Strebloceras
3 Streptognathodus
3 Sweetognathus
3 Steven R. Manchester
3 Stenogale
3 Sprigginidae
3 Stanley A. Tyler
3 Sören Jensen
3 Talonid
3 Trewavasiidae
3 Turkey Branch Formation
3 Tragoportax
3 Toxichelidae
3 Tetragraptus fructicosus
3 Thyestiida
3 Plesiadapoidea
3 Planecphora
3 Mariopteris
3 Meekoceras
3 Megacricetodon
3 Marambio Group
3 Maingkhwan
3 Luolishania
3 Macrochlamydinae
3 Melvius
3 Mesogaulus
3 Mioprionodon
3 Miotragocerus
3 Michael J. Donoghue
3 Mezmaiskaya Cave
3 Mesungulatum
3 Metasequoia occidentalis
3 Lore Rose David
3 Lophophyllidium proliferum
3 Latimerioidei
3 Leo J. Hickey
3 Leonardus
3 Lagomeryx
3 Lagarcito Formation
3 Kuldana Formation
3 La Quina
3 Lepidodendraceae
3 Lepidophloios
3 Lipovskaya Formation
3 Lithoglyphinae
3 Ligerimys
3 Lev Alexandrovich Nesov
3 Leptodus americanus
3 Leptomerycidae
3 Mirotenthes digitipes
3 Monotis subcircularis
3 Paraptenodytinae
3 Parocnus
3 Pecten gibbus
3 Paragloborotalia
3 Paleoparadoxiidae
3 Palaeoprionodon
3 Paleoenvironment
3 Pediomys
3 Percy Raymond
3 Phacopidella
3 Phyllotillon
3 Peter Schouten
3 Petalodontidae
3 Periptychus
3 Perisphinctes tiziani
3 Cerdops burgheri
3 Odontopteris
3 Nanhsiungchelyidae
3 Neostreptognathus
3 Neptunea tabulata
3 Mycoparasitic
3 Mycoparasite
3 Montana Group
3 Morganucodontidae
3 Nerinea trinodosa
3 Nesodontinae
3 Oakville Formation
3 Obrieniidae
3 Notochampsidae
3 Nonomys
3 Neurankylus
3 Nils Peter Angelin
3 Kladno Formation
3 Instytut Paleobiologii
3 1645 in paleontology
3 1646 in paleontology
3 1647 in paleontology
3 1648 in paleontology
3 1853 in paleontology
3 Boffidae
3 Argana Basin
3 2014 in paleontology
3 1643 in paleontology
3 1644 in paleontology
3 1649 in paleontology
3 1826 in paleontology
3 1807 in paleontology
3 Berrias
3 1805 in paleontology
3 Bernard Ngeneo
3 1810 in paleontology
3 1814 in paleontology
3 1650 in paleontology
3 1819 in paleontology
3 Asiatherium
3 Asioryctes
3 2015 in paleontology
3 1642 in paleontology
3 1633 in paleontology
3 Bromacker
3 Brian J. Marples
3 Archaeomaenidae
3 1632 in paleontology
3 1631 in paleontology
3 Achatinellinae
3 Aceratherini
3 Aceratheriini
3 1630 in paleontology
3 Archaeorthoptera
3 1634 in paleontology
3 1637 in paleontology
3 1638 in paleontology
3 1639 in paleontology
3 1641 in paleontology
3 Boremys
3 Brachychirotherium
3 1635 in paleontology
3 Archer City Formation
3 Brachyodus
3 1655 in paleontology
3 1656 in paleontology
3 1724 in paleontology
3 1725 in paleontology
3 1736 in paleontology
3 1735 in paleontology
3 1723 in paleontology
3 1722 in paleontology
3 1720 in paleontology
3 1737 in paleontology
3 Banksieaeformis
3 1721 in paleontology
3 Bairdia
3 Balistoidei
3 1727 in paleontology
3 1731 in paleontology
3 1730 in paleontology
3 1729 in paleontology
3 1732 in paleontology
3 1733 in paleontology
3 1726 in paleontology
3 1734 in paleontology
3 Balistoidea
3 1738 in paleontology
3 1719 in paleontology
3 1684 in paleontology
3 1747 in paleontology
3 1746 in paleontology
3 1685 in paleontology
3 1683 in paleontology
3 1682 in paleontology
3 1657 in paleontology
3 1658 in paleontology
3 1659 in paleontology
3 1660 in paleontology
3 1688 in paleontology
3 1710 in paleontology
3 1714 in paleontology
3 1715 in paleontology
3 Batrachosauroididae
3 1718 in paleontology
3 Belantseidae
3 1713 in paleontology
3 1745 in paleontology
3 1711 in paleontology
3 1712 in paleontology
3 Anjohibe
3 1636 in paleontology
3 Calpionellid
3 Calyptraphorus velatus
3 Acta Geologica Sinica
3 Amphiperatherium
3 Caseodontidae
3 American Midland Naturalist
3 Cardiodictyon
3 Cainotheriidae
3 Cactocrinus multibrachiatus
3 Carlos A. Jaramillo
3 Alcelaphini
3 Amiinae
2 Placostylus bivaricosus etheridgei
2 Nipponamia
2 Praeorbulina
2 Presacral
2 Pitikantia
2 Presidente Prudente Formation
2 Nodocapitus
2 Afganella
2 Potomac Group
2 Aethrikos
2 Praeaulacidae
2 Nominal genus
2 Actinodin 1
2 Nipple Hill
2 Piscolithax
2 Proceedings of the Entomological Society of Washington
2 Nicholas Carlile
2 Proceedings of the Estonian Academy of Sciences
2 Procoelous
2 1744 in paleontology
2 Ngapakaldia
2 Pisco Basin
2 Pisco Formation
2 Primaspis
2 Niobrara (fish)
2 Prioniodinina
2 Agassizodus
2 Pristichampsidae
2 Aethocephalichthys
2 Planomedusites
2 Nyctitheriidae
2 Nymphophilinae
2 Pliomera
2 Podolimirus
2 Polyacrodus
2 Plastomenus
2 Platyasterida
2 Pliensbach
2 Pleurocentra
2 Plesiochelys
2 Actonian
2 Occiperipatoides
2 O. Lucas
2 Polyglyphanodon
2 Pomatiinae
2 Pontesford-Linley Fault System
2 Progonomys
2 Adrian Hunt
2 Porthochelys
2 Aegean (stage)
2 Postcanine
2 Nuculana
2 Pontesford-Lindley Lineament
2 Occitanomys
2 Adolf Pascher
2 Pomatodelphis
2 Pomatrum
2 Pondres
2 Actinodin 2
2 Agnotocastorinae
2 Nemocardium
2 Neocalamites
2 Pteraspidae
2 Pteridospermales
2 Pterioidea
2 Nellia
2 Pterotrigonia
2 Psiloceratidae
2 Neocytherideis
2 Albumaresidae
2 Neoschwagerina
2 Pseudoparablastomeryx
2 Pseudorhyncocyonidae
2 Pseudosphaerexochus
2 Neonereites
2 Ptychoceratodontidae
2 National Heritage Resources Act
2 Mylodon harlani
2 Myorycteropus
2 Purgatoire Formation
2 Qi Wang
2 Qiang Ji
2 Aldo F. Rincon
2 Quarterly Journal of the Geological Society
2 Pulleniatina
2 Mytiloides
2 Nanjemoy Formation
2 Naomichelys
2 Alcoota Station
2 Namba Formation
2 Nakunodon
2 Ptychoparioidea
2 Neospathodus
2 Pseudoneptunea
2 Pronodens
2 1740 in paleontology
2 Promesodreodon
2 Pronothodectes
2 Pronotolagus
2 Proscalops tertius
2 Propotamochoerus
2 Agriochoeridae
2 Promacrauchenia
2 Pionaspis
2 1742 in paleontology
2 Agrio Formation
2 Nesogoral
2 1741 in paleontology
2 Prokennalestes trofimovi
2 Prosirenidae
2 Prosogyrotrigoniidae
2 Protorhyssalinae
2 Protorcula
2 Protriticites
2 Pseudoceras
2 Albert Jefferson Woolman
2 Neotrigonia
2 Aimulosia
2 Protodipleurosoma
2 Protembolotherium
2 Prospiraxis
2 1739 in paleontology
2 Protictis
2 Protocetinae
2 Agriotheriini
2 1743 in paleontology
2 Physonemus
2 Parahelicampodus
2 Abanico Formation
2 Parafusilina bosei
2 Parakoldinioidia
2 Paramedusium
2 Paraperipatus
2 Paranyctoides
2 Paraethomys
2 Paracypris
2 Paracharnia
2 Paracas Formation
2 Paraconid
2 Paracordylodus
2 Paracyathus
2 Paracosoryx
2 Parapithecus fraasi
2 P.E. Biron
2 Pareiasaurinae
2 2022 in paleontology
2 Parnaibaia
2 Ozarkodinida
2 2021 in paleontology
2 Oxytomidae
2 Paratricuspiodon
2 Ozarkodinina
2 A. Mones
2 Parapithecus grangeri
2 A. A. Borissiak
2 Parasaniwa
2 Parastylonuridae
2 Parastrapotherium
2 Papéis Avulsos de Zoologia
2 Pantolesta
2 Palaeontographica
2 Palaeomerycinae
2 Palaeolabrus
2 Acila
2 Pachyaena intermedia
2 Pachyaena gracilis
2 Palaeoplatoda
2 Palaega
2 Palaechthonidae
2 Acritophiomys
2 Pachyamia
2 Pachysyrnola
2 Padarn Tuff
2 Palaeaspis
2 Acrilla
2 Palaeoscolex
2 Pachyaena gigantea
2 Palynomorphs
2 Palmatolepus unicornis
2 Acanthodiformes
2 Pampatherium
2 Pantolambdodontidae
2 Acanthocythereis
2 Paliella
2 Acanthokara
2 Palasteriscidae
2 Palaeospinacidae
2 Paleoentomologist
2 PCD16
2 Paleontology in Washington D.C.
2 Paleoniscid
2 Paromomyidae
2 Paronychophora
2 Peter Lutz
2 Peter Houde
2 Ooperipatellus
2 Peterborough Member
2 Petr Konstantinovich Tchudinov
2 1849 in paleontology
2 Petroleum Abstracts
2 Petalonamae
2 Ooperipatus
2 Perirehaedulus
2 Ophiomusium
2 2014 in science
2 Ophiacantha
2 Opalized
2 Perleididae
2 Onychodictyidae
2 Ongghonia
2 1827 in paleontology
2 Olenina
2 Acteonellinae
2 Pachyaena ossifraga
2 Ohio Bureau of Public Roads
2 Picture Gorge
2 Phyllocarid
2 Phoberomys insolita
2 1829 in paleontology
2 Phallocephale
2 Oliver Rieppel
2 Phenacocoelinae
2 Philip T. Tyson
2 Philip Ashmole
2 Ophiura
2 Acrodontidae
2 Paulocnus
2 Pateraspis
2 Otekaike Limestone
2 Peace Reach
2 Pearce River Group
2 Otaian
2 2019 in paleontology
2 Patene
2 Patagoniophis
2 Paropisthopatus
2 Oulad Abdoun Basin
2 Paroxyclaenidae
2 Pastoralodontidae
2 Otter Sandstone Formation
2 2020 in paleontology
2 Ostreoidea
2 2018 in paleontology
2 2016 in paleontology
2 Peraiocynodon
2 2015 in science
2 Orangemeryx
2 Periptychinae
2 Pericotoxodon
2 Ordosemys
2 Oreodonts
2 Pediorallus
2 Orthogibbinae
2 Quaternary Science Reviews
2 Orodontida
2 2017 in paleontology
2 Peradectes
2 Pilekia
2 Richard L. Cifelli
2 Uintacrinida
2 U.S. Geological and Geographical Survey of the Territories
2 Tychobrahea
2 Ukhaa Tolgod
2 Ulnare
2 1623 in paleontology
2 Upper Germanic Trias Group
2 Ungulatomorpha
2 Twitya formation
2 1624 in paleontology
2 Tselfatiiformes
2 Tsagaantsav Formation
2 Trossulus
2 Tubipora
2 Tugurites
2 Turboella
2 Tupo Formation
2 Urasterellinae
2 Urgonian
2 Verlag Friedrich Pfeil
2 Ventrilia
2 Ventogyrus
2 Vermiceras
2 Vescerro
2 Viaphacops
2 Viacheslav Mikhailovich Chkhikvadze
2 1621 in paleontology
2 Vendella
2 Vaca Muerta Formation
2 1622 in paleontology
2 Urpalov Formation
2 Vale Formation
2 Vale do Rio do Peixe Formation
2 Vastan Lignite Mines
2 Valentine Formation
2 Trophites subbullatus
2 Trochactaeon conicus
2 Tibiofibula
2 Thyasira
2 Thurmanniceras
2 1629 in paleontology
2 Tirasiana
2 Tom O'Loughlin
2 Tom Meijer
2 Tolstochikhin Formation
2 Thunder Birds
2 Thryptodus
2 Thames Group
2 Tetrameraden
2 Tetragonostylops
2 The Coleopterists Bulletin
2 The Paleontological Institute
2 Thrinaxodon liorhinus
2 Thomas H. Rich
2 Tongue River Formation
2 1628 in paleontology
2 Trigonocarpus
2 Trigonictis
2 Trigonellites latus
2 Trigonostylopidae
2 Trilobiticeras
2 Trinucleioidea
2 Trimeroceras
2 Tricuspiodon
2 1625 in paleontology
2 1627 in paleontology
2 Trachyceras
2 Toxoprion
2 Trans-Saharan Belt
2 Treatise on Ecology and Paleoecology
2 Trichiuriformes
2 1626 in paleontology
2 Vibracellina
2 Victoria Group
2 Yalovach Svita
2 1606 in paleontology
2 Yaadia valentina
2 Yeadonian
2 Yerrapalli Formation
2 You Hailu
2 Yorgiidae
2 Ynezian
2 1607 in paleontology
2 1608 in paleontology
2 Woodwardian Museum
2 1609 in paleontology
2 Woodbinian
2 Word Formation
2 Wrangellia Composite Terrane
2 Xanthosia (crab)
2 Xandarella
2 Yuanqu Basin
2 Yuri Alexandrovich Orlov
2 Zulma Gasparini
2 1602 in paleontology
2 1603 in paleontology
2 Zuni Basin
2 1601 in paleontology
2 Édouard Desor
2 Zhangjiakou Formation
2 1604 in paleontology
2 Zaragoza University Museum
2 1605 in paleontology
2 Zacanthoididae
2 Zeauvigerina
2 Zenaspidida
2 Zhang Fucheng
2 Zenaspididae
2 Withlacoochee River Site
2 Wimanornis
2 Waitakian
2 W. James Hall
2 W. E. Scott
2 Walter G. Joyce
2 Wambalana
2 Wangliidae
2 Wangerripian
2 Wang Xiaolin
2 1618 in paleontology
2 Vraconian
2 Vidalamiinae
2 Vidalamia
2 Victoriaconodon
2 1620 in paleontology
2 Virtual Geomagnetic Pole
2 Viviparinae
2 1619 in paleontology
2 Washakie Formation
2 Wataru Mimura
2 William H. Reed
2 William G. R. Crampton
2 William E. Carlin
2 William Hosea Ballou
2 1611 in paleontology
2 1610 in paleontology
2 Williamsoniella
2 William Chenoweth
2 1612 in paleontology
2 1616 in paleontology
2 Watsonella crosbyi
2 1617 in paleontology
2 1615 in paleontology
2 1614 in paleontology
2 Widanelfarasia
2 1613 in paleontology
2 Tetragonites
2 Tethytragus
2 Sandberger
2 San Jose Formation
2 Salvador Contreras-Balderas
2 Sandelzhausen
2 Santa Cruz Formation
2 Saurodon leanus
2 Saukiandidae
2 Saukia
2 Salenia
2 Sagenocrinida
2 Ryohei Fujii
2 Ruth Olive Schornhurst Breen
2 1716 in paleontology
2 Ryosuke Motani
2 Rzehakina
2 SPAG17
2 Röt Formation
2 Saurosternon
2 Saxonian (stage)
2 Shandong Tianyu Museum of Nature
2 Severodvinian
2 Serratolamna
2 Shigeru Miki
2 Shu-Gang Hao
2 1654 in paleontology
2 Sibyllonautilus
2 Semicytherura
2 Selena Y. Smith
2 Schizaster
2 Scapherpetontidae
2 Scaphellinidae
2 Schizodidae
2 Scincogekkonomorpha
2 Scirrotherium
2 Sciponoceras
2 Russian palaeoentomological school
2 1717 in paleontology
2 Redonda Formation
2 Redlichioidea
2 Raymond Carl Jackson
2 Regimitra
2 Remiornis
2 Requieniidae
2 Renland
2 Remopleurididae
2 Rawtheyan
2 Raphiophoridae
2 Rainer Zangerl
2 Rainer R. Schoch
2 Quercymegapodiidae
2 Rampart Cave
2 Ramuri
2 Raninoides
2 Randallia
2 Retropluma
2 Reynesella
2 Romualdo Member
2 Roger L. Kaesler
2 Roger B. J. Benson
2 Rotaliatina
2 Rotularia
2 Rumiodon
2 Rowley (ornithologist)
2 Rodez Basin
2 Rod S. Taylor
2 Richard A. Robison
2 Richard's Spur
2 Rhynchippus equinus
2 Mycterops whitei
2 Richard Oswald Karl Kräusel
2 Roca Formation
2 Rifean corridor
2 Siemiradzkia
2 Sileshi Semaw
2 Stratotype Canyon
2 Straparollus
2 Strabopida
2 Striarca
2 Stromerius
2 Supraoccipital
2 Sudoeste Rio-Grandense
2 Subathu
2 Stono
2 Stoliczkaia
2 Stenophlebia latreillei
2 Stenophlebia karatavica
2 Stenophlebia eichstaettensis
2 Stenophlebia lithographica
2 Stenophlebia phryne
2 Stikinoceras
2 Stenophlebia rolfhuggeri
2 Sydney Development
2 Symphysurina
2 Tedoribaatar
2 Tealliocarididae
2 Tateana
2 Tegama Group
2 Tegotheriidae
2 Tesuque Formation
2 Terebratulina
2 Tapirus veroensis
2 Tapirus copei
2 São Gabriel, Rio Grande do Sul
2 Syntomodus
2 Synechodontiformes
2 Tabular bone
2 Tacuarembó Formation
2 Tangshanaspis
2 Taeniodonts
2 Stenophlebia corami
2 Stenophlebia amphitrite
2 Skythian
2 Skinnera
2 Sivatheriinae
2 1652 in paleontology
2 Solemydidae
2 Solimões Formation
2 Solent Group
2 1653 in paleontology
2 Siphoecphora
2 Simoliophis
2 Simocyoninae
2 Simimeryx
2 Simosauridae
2 Singletusk
2 Siphlonuridae
2 Sinodoridae
2 Solitary corals
2 1651 in paleontology
2 Spinammatoceras
2 Sphenovipera
2 Sphenoparme
2 Spirosolenites
2 Spitidiscus
2 Squamacula
2 Squalorajoidei
2 Spencella
2 Spence Shale
2 Somalinautilus
2 Solnhofenamiinae
2 Solnhofenamia
2 Sonninia
2 Spacedaily.com
2 Spathulate
2 Sparnotheriodontidae
2 Quercy Phosphorites
2 Moradi Formation
2 Eurekia apopsis
2 Euprox
2 Euproopidae
2 Eurymylus
2 Exostinus
2 Falang Formation
2 Fabiany A. Herrera
2 F. Heller
2 Euphoberiidae
2 Euphoberiida
2 Esthonychidae
2 Blastomerycinae
2 Eromanga Sea
2 Etadunna Formation
2 Eubaena
2 Eumyarion
2 Eugene Richardson
2 Blasensandstein Formation
2 Falsifusus
2 Fangou Formation
2 Florelliceps
2 Flabellophyton
2 Bill Clemens
2 Fluvioviridavidae
2 Fold belt
2 Fossa tricipitalis
2 Fort Hays Limestone
2 Foratiscala
2 Filippo Nesti
2 Billingsella corrugata
2 Fengshanian
2 Federal preserve
2 Favositidae
2 Fenland Terrane
2 Ferdinand Broili
2 Blairmore Group
2 Ferrifronsidae
2 Ferrifrons
2 Ernst von Berg
2 Bob Makela
2 Elandsfontein
2 Ehringsdorf
2 Brachyopterella
2 Elasmodontomys obliquus
2 Elements of Geology
2 Elwynomys
2 Ellipsocephaloides
2 Bortons
2 Brachyrhyncocyon
2 Brachytheciaceae
2 Eberhard Frey
2 Earth-Science Reviews
2 Branchian Series
2 Echinoids
2 Eclogae Geologicae Helvetiae
2 Ecphorosycon
2 Ecphora wardi
2 Ecomorphological
2 Borealestes
2 Encyclopedia of Paleontology
2 Eoprotrachyceras
2 Eoporpita
2 Eophreatoicus
2 Eoschizodidae
2 Bolaspidella
2 Ernest Munier-Chalmas
2 Bocaconodon
2 Erfurt Formation
2 Eokochaspis
2 Bolshaya Synya River
2 Ensenada Formation
2 Endothyra
2 Endotesta
2 Entalophora
2 Eoastrapostylops
2 Eoconchariidae
2 Eoblattida
2 Bilater
2 Fossil Ridge
2 Gregory Wenzel
2 Greenland ice cores
2 Graneros Shale
2 Griesbachian
2 Groeberellidae
2 Grès Rouge Group
2 Grzegorz Niedźwiedzki
2 Bavarillidae
2 Bavelian
2 Bedoulian
2 Globorotalia
2 Bellerophontinae
2 Globecphora
2 Globotruncana
2 Glossopleura
2 Beisselina
2 Goiás Ocean
2 Glyptogenys
2 Batopora
2 Guilestes acares
2 Barton Group
2 Hakusanobaatar
2 Hajime Koizumi
2 Barry Chernoff
2 Hallidaya
2 Hapalodectes anthracinus
2 Barbourofelinae
2 Halodon
2 Hadrodelphis
2 Basicranium
2 Bathypluma
2 Guy Ellcock Pilgrim
2 Bathyurus extans
2 Gypsonictopidae
2 Bathyocos
2 Basisphenoid
2 Gyroscala
2 Glaessneria
2 Glabellum
2 Garber Formation
2 Gar W. Rothwell
2 Galianemys
2 Gargasian
2 Gastrocoptinae
2 Gaultian
2 Belén Formation
2 Gaudeamus (rodent)
2 Galesphyrus
2 Gaindatherium
2 Fritz Kurt Alexander von Schwerin
2 Bernhard Peyer
2 Francis Tully
2 Fritz Theodor Overbeck
2 Frýda
2 Bemalambdidae
2 G. M. Wheeler Survey
2 Benton Formation
2 Gavin C. Young
2 Gazellospira
2 Georges Demathieu
2 George Reber Wieland
2 George H. Baur
2 Belostomatids
2 Gerhard Storch
2 Gibraltar Scientific Society
2 Bellinurina
2 German Geological Society
2 Georg Christian Füchsel
2 Beltanella
2 Geodiversitas
2 Generitype
2 Beltanelloides
2 Geolabididae
2 Geologic uplift
2 Geological Society of France
2 Geological Committee
2 Eaglefordian
2 E. nidhoggi
2 Crenilabium
2 Cremnoceramus
2 Camptoneuritidae
2 Cretalamna
2 Cribrilina
2 Croizetoceros
2 Campanha Meridional
2 Cribrohantkenina
2 Campyloprion
2 Cannonball Formation
2 Cordaites lungatus
2 Copemys
2 Coon Creek, Tennessee
2 Cordylodus andresi
2 Carcinoplax
2 Corviconodon
2 Capitan Reef
2 Correlation (geology)
2 Cross Valley Formation
2 Crotalocrinitidae
2 Cystiphyllum niagarense
2 Calhouns Shale Formation
2 Calliops
2 Cystoporida
2 Cytheropteron
2 Daira (genus)
2 Dactylothele
2 Caddis-flies
2 Cypridopsis
2 Callipteridium
2 Calymenia
2 Cryphaeus
2 Crusafont Pairó
2 Ctenocystoidea
2 Calymene cambrensis
2 Cuspidaria
2 Cushmanidea
2 Culmacanthus
2 Coomb Volcanic Formation
2 Contributions in Science
2 Chickasha Formation
2 Chiasmolithus
2 Chester Stock
2 Chiloguembelina
2 Castlecliff
2 Chondrenchelyiformes
2 Chlamydoselachus thomsoni
2 Chlamydoselachus fiedleri
2 Chesathais
2 Chatsworth Grit
2 Cavioidea
2 Cebochoeridae
2 Cerro Bandera Formation
2 Chamops
2 Charles C. Mook
2 Castorinae
2 Castoroidinae
2 Catalina Suarez
2 Christopher Beard
2 Chugwater Group
2 Colombian Geological Institute
2 Coelodonta nihowanensis
2 Coccosphaerales
2 Colpocoryphe grandis
2 Colpodon
2 Conomedusites
2 Coniophis
2 Columnariina
2 Clear Fork Group
2 Clayton E. Ray
2 Cidarina
2 Church Stretton Fault System
2 Church Stretton Fault
2 Carl Diener
2 Clansayesian
2 Carl Christian Gmelin
2 Clark Hubbs
2 Dalby Group
2 Damaran belt
2 Dissacus zanabazari
2 Dissacus willwoodensis
2 Dissacus serratus
2 Dissacus zengi
2 Ditomopyge
2 Bruce J. MacFadden
2 Bucanopsinae
2 Ditrupa
2 Dissacus serior
2 Dissacus rotundus
2 Dissacus argenteus
2 Dipoides
2 Diploporita
2 Dissacus europaeus
2 Dissacus indigenus
2 Dissacus praenuntius
2 Dissacus navajovius
2 Dissacus magushanensis
2 Don E. Wilson
2 Don Williams (animator)
2 Dryolestes priscus
2 Drepanopteridae
2 Drahomira rugata
2 Dsungaripterid
2 Ducabrook Formation
2 Brandonia
2 Brembodontidae
2 Dystactotylos
2 Drahomira kriziana
2 Drahomira glaseri
2 Donald R. Prothero
2 Brooksville 2 Site
2 Donald Prothero
2 Donguz Formation
2 Dorraletes
2 Drahomira barrandei
2 Bromacker Quarry
2 Bucanopsis
2 Diplobathrida
2 Delphinodon
2 Butleria (prehistoric mammal)
2 De la Merveille
2 Deltaic
2 Deltoidonautilus
2 Burckhardt (ornithologist)
2 Democrinus
2 Democricetodon
2 De-Ming Wang
2 C. ter Haar
2 Dashankou
2 Daryl Domning
2 Damsel flies
2 David Dunkle
2 David Gilette
2 David Moore (botanist)
2 CAN15
2 Cabinet du Roi
2 Denisodon moroccensis
2 Buntonia
2 Dihoplus megarhinus
2 Dihoplus kirchbergensis
2 Diego Pol
2 Dihoplus pikermiensis
2 Dihoplus ringstroemi
2 Buena Vista Formation
2 Dinosaur Alley
2 Bulimella
2 Didymosella
2 Didier Descouens
2 Diane M. Scott
2 Desmatochoerinae
2 Deshayesites
2 Dibrachicystidae
2 Dicranocaris
2 Bungartiidae
2 Bunodont
2 Hapalodectes dux
2 Hapalodectes hetangensis
2 Luis M. Chiappe
2 Luis Chiappe
2 Ludwig Keilhack
2 Anoplokaros
2 Lutenian
2 Löwenstein Formation
2 Léon Paul Choffat
2 Anomalomys
2 Lucas Kraglievich
2 Lower Germanic Trias Group
2 Lophochelyinae
2 Lophocetus
2 Lophiotherium
2 Anthracomartus
2 Anoplotherioidea
2 Anoplotheriinae
2 Lorenzo Pareto
2 Lorenz Books
2 Lü Junchang
2 Maba, Guangdong
2 Manchurodon
2 Malvinella
2 Maliamia
2 Manny Perez (animator)
2 Mantonipatus
2 Marginal cell
2 Andrew B. Heckert
2 Manx Group
2 Andrewsiphius
2 Aneuretopsychidae
2 Macroneuropteris
2 Annales Zoologici
2 Annalisa Berta
2 Macrostomata
2 Macroxyelinae
2 Aneurophyte
2 Magadina
2 Madigania
2 Lophiomerycidae
2 Lophiodontidae
2 Lesmesodon
2 Lescuropteris
2 Archaboilus
2 Lestrodus
2 Leucocratic
2 Arariphrynus
2 Araripina Group
2 Leuropezos
2 Leptolepiformes
2 Archaeocyathida
2 Lawson Cove
2 Laveineopteris
2 Lathropatus
2 Leioceras
2 Leionucula
2 Archaeopteridales
2 Archaeopteryx (journal)
2 Leiopterella
2 Liaoning Paleontological Museum
2 Araripe Basin
2 Litorina transgression
2 Litomylus
2 Antipleuridae
2 Llyn Shear Zone
2 Lohoodon lushiensis
2 Longmyndian Sequence
2 Lonchocephalidae
2 Anthracotheriinae
2 Lithistida
2 Apatotheria
2 Limulavida
2 Limnoecus
2 Apidium phiomense
2 Limulina
2 Linopteris
2 List of GSSAs
2 Apidium moustafai
2 Marie Zarriello
2 Andrahomana
2 Mongolonyx dolichognathus
2 Mongolochelyidae
2 Mongolestes huangheensis
2 Mongolonyx robustus
2 Monian Composite Terrane
2 Mononotella
2 Ambolisatra
2 Monnier (ornithologist)
2 Mongolestes hadrodens
2 Moncayo Natural Park
2 Minyplanetes
2 Millericrinida
2 Microvertebrate
2 Mioclaenidae
2 Miocochilius
2 Missarzhevsky
2 American Journal of Conchology
2 Ameura
2 Alonzo W. Hancock
2 Monroecreekian
2 Murtoilestes abramovi
2 Murtoilestes
2 Murero Formation
2 Museu de Paleontologia de Monte de Alto
2 Alexander Edward Peden
2 Mycterops matthieui
2 Mycterops blairi
2 Aletodon
2 Munis Entomology & Zoology
2 Muikirk
2 Cephalofovea
2 Montiparus
2 Alloiopteris erosa
2 Allohyaena
2 Morphospace
2 Mucrospinifer mucronatus
2 Moselopteridae
2 Microstonyx
2 Microhyus
2 Megalictis petersoni
2 Megalictis frazieri
2 Anagalidae
2 Meisenheim Formation
2 Meishucunian
2 Amphistegina
2 Amphitragulus
2 Melanie L. DeVore
2 Andalgala Formation
2 Medusinites
2 Marshall Felch
2 Marsdenian
2 Mark V. Erdmann
2 Martín Ezcurra
2 María de Lourdes Lozano-Vilano
2 Medullosaceae
2 May flies
2 Mattimys
2 Merlia
2 Merycochoerinae
2 Amphicynodontinae
2 Metasequoia milleri
2 Metapolygnathus
2 Metaxyacanthus
2 Mexican amber
2 Amiopsinae
2 Ammagnostus
2 Ampasambazimba
2 Metaperipatus
2 Metahapalodectes makhchinus
2 Mesophis nopcsai
2 Mesogondolella
2 Mesocnus
2 Mesopsychidae
2 Amphimoschus
2 Amphilemuridae
2 Messelornithidae
2 Latecphora
2 Late Albian
2 Baeothele
2 Huangshanophyton
2 Hondadelphys
2 Huasteconodon
2 Huayansi Formation
2 Hukoutherium ambigum
2 Huilatherium
2 Hugh Beadnell
2 Honanodon macrodontus
2 Honanodon lushiensis
2 Holocephalans
2 Holkerian
2 Hippuritidae
2 Holsteinian
2 Homoiostelea
2 Honanodon hebetis
2 Honanodon chow
2 Homostelea
2 Hukoutherium shimemensis
2 Hunic terranes
2 Austinornis
2 Ichthyodectiformes
2 Iberomeryx
2 Ictitheriinae
2 Idiornithidae
2 Aureliachoerus
2 Iharkút
2 Ignaz Hawle
2 Hystricognathous
2 Hyracodontinae
2 Austrosassia
2 Hyainailouros
2 Hyaenictis
2 Hydrome
2 Hylonomoipos
2 Hypocercal
2 Hypagnostus
2 Hildegarde Howard
2 Highway Department
2 Harpagolestes orientalis
2 Harpagolestes koreanicus
2 Harpagolestes immanis
2 Harpyodidae
2 Harwich Formation
2 Balcombian
2 Headon Hill Formation
2 Hassiavis
2 Balognathidae
2 Hardegsen Formation
2 Hapalorestes lovei
2 Hapalodectes serus
2 Hapalodectes leptognathus
2 Haplaletes
2 Bananogmiidae
2 Haplomylus
2 Haplomeryx
2 Balumtun Sandstone
2 Heitizigou
2 Helen Michel
2 Hermanites
2 Balbinipleura
2 Herefordopterus
2 Bairnsdalian
2 Hessolestes
2 Hexamocaras hertzeri
2 Heteromorphus
2 Heterohelix
2 Henry Felch
2 Henry Coquand
2 Helodermatoidea
2 Helicampodus
2 Heliaster
2 Hemiaster
2 Hemicidaroida
2 Henri Coquand
2 Hemithlaeus
2 Ilia (genus)
2 Illaenidae
2 Arthricocephalus chauveaui
2 Arthropitys
2 Karl Beurlen
2 Katoporida
2 Kelba (genus)
2 Kiyatherium
2 Arpagodus
2 Kennalestidae
2 Arthropod Structure & Development
2 Kansai, Tajikistan
2 Jun Tazaki
2 Arvernoceros
2 Julia A. Clarke
2 KNM ER 23000
2 KNM ER 732
2 Kangaroo Well
2 Kamloops Group
2 KNM WT 17400
2 Arowhana
2 Knocklofty Formation
2 Archinacella instabilis
2 Ladatheca cylindrica
2 La Quinta Formation (Mexico)
2 Archimylacridae
2 Laitryngew
2 Las Curtiembres Formation
2 Lantern flies
2 Lakadong Sandstone
2 Archotuba
2 Argile Plastique
2 Kolopsis rotundus
2 Kokopellia
2 Kokomopteridae
2 Kolopsis torus
2 Konothele
2 Kunminia
2 Armillifera
2 Judithemys
2 Jozef Klembara
2 Isurolamna
2 Isuan
2 Isheevo
2 Ituzaingó Formation
2 Astromyelon
2 Jackelotodus
2 J. Michael Parrish
2 J.-M. Dutuit
2 Ischnacanthidae
2 Irridinitus
2 Aulacopleuridae
2 Indonautilus
2 Imbrian
2 Instituto y Museo de Ciencias Naturales
2 1600 in paleontology
2 Iranotheriinae
2 Interparietal
2 August Rothpletz
2 Astraspidiformes
2 Astraponotus
2 Johnlongia
2 John M. Harris
2 John Loy
2 Jonathan I. Bloch
2 Jordi Agustí
2 Journal of Cave and Karst Studies
2 Asiatoceratodontidae
2 Joseph Curtis Moore
2 John Day River Valley
2 Asterophyllites
2 Janassidae
2 Jan Bergström
2 Jampolium
2 Japonites
2 Jean-Sébastien Steyer
2 Jinniushan
2 Jingmai O'Connor
2 Mycterops ordinatus