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Congressional endorsements for the 2008 United States presidential election

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This article lists the endorsements made by members of the 110th United States Congress for candidates for their party's nominations in the 2008 United States presidential election. All of the Democratic members of Congress are also superdelegates to their party's presidential nominating convention, except for those from Florida and Michigan. For further details of superdelegates and their voting intentions see List of superdelegates at the 2008 Democratic National Convention. This page lists congressional endorsements, which are distinct from superdelegates' intentions to vote.

Candidates for the US 2008 presidential election who have congressional endorsements

Candidate Party Senate
Barack Obama Democratic 46 188 233
Hillary Clinton Democratic 0 28 28
John McCain Republican 16 29 45
Ron Paul Republican 0 2 2

List of senators

Senator Party State Endorsement Reference
Richard Shelby Republican Alabama
Jeff Sessions
Ted Stevens Alaska
Lisa Murkowski
John McCain Arizona John McCain (self)
Jon Kyl John McCain [1]
Blanche Lincoln Democratic Arkansas Barack Obama [2]
Mark Pryor Barack Obama [3]
Dianne Feinstein California Barack Obama [4]
Barbara Boxer Barack Obama [5]
Wayne Allard Republican Colorado
Ken Salazar Democratic Barack Obama [6]
Chris Dodd Connecticut Barack Obama [7]
Joe Lieberman Independent John McCain [8]
Joe Biden Democratic Delaware Barack Obama (Vice Presidential nominee)
Tom Carper Barack Obama [5]
Bill Nelson Florida Barack Obama [9]
Mel Martinez Republican John McCain [1]
Saxby Chambliss Georgia John McCain [1]
Johnny Isakson John McCain [1]
Daniel Inouye Democratic Hawaii Barack Obama
Daniel Akaka Barack Obama [10]
Larry Craig Republican Idaho
Mike Crapo
Dick Durbin Democratic Illinois Barack Obama [1]
Barack Obama Barack Obama (self)
Richard Lugar Republican Indiana
Evan Bayh Democratic Barack Obama
Chuck Grassley Republican Iowa
Tom Harkin Democratic Barack Obama [5]
Sam Brownback Republican Kansas John McCain [11]
Pat Roberts John McCain
Mitch McConnell Kentucky John McCain
Jim Bunning
Mary Landrieu Democratic Louisiana Barack Obama [5]
David Vitter Republican
Olympia Snowe Maine John McCain [1]
Susan Collins John McCain [12]
Barbara Mikulski Democratic Maryland Barack Obama [13]
Ben Cardin Barack Obama [14][15]
Ted Kennedy Massachusetts Barack Obama [16]
John Kerry Barack Obama [17]
Carl Levin Michigan Barack Obama [18]
Debbie Stabenow Barack Obama [19]
Norm Coleman Republican Minnesota John McCain [1]
Amy Klobuchar Democratic Barack Obama [20]
Thad Cochran Republican Mississippi
Roger Wicker
Kit Bond Missouri
Claire McCaskill Democratic Barack Obama [21]
Max Baucus Montana Barack Obama [22]
Jon Tester Barack Obama [22]
Chuck Hagel Republican Nebraska
Ben Nelson Democratic Barack Obama [23]
Harry Reid Nevada Barack Obama
John Ensign Republican
Judd Gregg New Hampshire
John E. Sununu
Frank Lautenberg Democratic New Jersey Barack Obama [24]
Bob Menendez Barack Obama [25]
Pete Domenici Republican New Mexico John McCain [1]
Jeff Bingaman Democratic Barack Obama [26]
Chuck Schumer New York Barack Obama [1]
Hillary Clinton Barack Obama
Elizabeth Dole Republican North Carolina John McCain [1]
Richard Burr John McCain [1]
Kent Conrad Democratic North Dakota Barack Obama [27]
Byron Dorgan Barack Obama
George Voinovich Republican Ohio
Sherrod Brown Democratic Barack Obama
Jim Inhofe Republican Oklahoma
Tom Coburn John McCain [28]
Ron Wyden Democratic Oregon Barack Obama [29]
Gordon H. Smith Republican John McCain [1]
Arlen Specter Pennsylvania
Bob Casey Jr. Democratic Barack Obama
Jack Reed Rhode Island Barack Obama
Sheldon Whitehouse Barack Obama [30]
Lindsey Graham Republican South Carolina John McCain [1]
Jim DeMint Mitt Romney [31]
Tim P. Johnson Democratic South Dakota Barack Obama
John Thune Republican John McCain [32]
Lamar Alexander Tennessee
Bob Corker
Kay Bailey Hutchison Texas
John Cornyn John McCain [33]
Orrin Hatch Utah
Bob Bennett
Patrick Leahy Democratic Vermont Barack Obama [34]
Bernie Sanders Independent
John Warner Republican Virginia John McCain [1]
Jim Webb Democratic Barack Obama
Patty Murray Washington Barack Obama [35]
Maria Cantwell Barack Obama [35]
Robert Byrd West Virginia Barack Obama [36]
Jay Rockefeller Barack Obama [37]
Herb Kohl Wisconsin Barack Obama [38]
Russ Feingold Barack Obama [39]
John Barrasso Republican Wyoming
Mike Enzi

List of representatives

District Member Party State Endorsement Reference
1 Jo Bonner Republican Alabama Mitt Romney
2 Terry Everett Republican
3 Mike D. Rogers Republican
4 Robert Aderholt Republican
5 Bud Cramer Democratic
6 Spencer Bachus Republican John McCain [1]
7 Artur Davis Democratic Barack Obama [1]
At large Don Young Republican Alaska
1 Rick Renzi Republican Arizona John McCain [1]
2 Trent Franks Republican
3 John Shadegg Republican John McCain [1]
4 Ed Pastor Democratic Hillary Clinton [40]
5 Harry Mitchell Democratic Barack Obama [41]
6 Jeff Flake Republican John McCain [1]
7 Raúl Grijalva Democratic Barack Obama [42]
8 Gabby Giffords Democratic Barack Obama
1 Marion Berry Democratic Arkansas Barack Obama [3]
2 Vic Snyder Democratic Barack Obama [3]
3 John Boozman Republican Mike Huckabee
4 Mike Ross Democratic Barack Obama [3]
1 Mike Thompson Democratic California Barack Obama
2 Wally Herger Republican
3 Dan Lungren Republican John McCain [1]
4 John Doolittle Republican
5 Doris Matsui Democratic Hillary Clinton [1]
6 Lynn Woolsey Democratic Hillary Clinton [1]
7 George Miller Democratic Barack Obama [43]
8 Nancy Pelosi Democratic
9 Barbara Lee Democratic Barack Obama [44]
10 Ellen Tauscher Democratic Hillary Clinton [45]
11 Jerry McNerney Democratic Barack Obama
12 Jackie Speier Democratic Hillary Clinton [46]
13 Pete Stark Democratic Barack Obama [47]
14 Anna Eshoo Democratic Barack Obama [48]
15 Mike Honda Democratic
16 Zoe Lofgren Democratic Barack Obama [49]
17 Sam Farr Democratic Barack Obama
18 Dennis Cardoza Democratic Barack Obama [50]
19 George Radanovich Republican
20 Jim Costa Democratic Barack Obama [50]
21 Devin Nunes Republican
22 Kevin McCarthy Republican
23 Lois Capps Democratic Barack Obama [51]
24 Elton Gallegly Republican
25 Howard McKeon Republican
26 David Dreier Republican
27 Brad Sherman Democratic Hillary Clinton [52]
28 Howard Berman Democratic Barack Obama [53]
29 Adam Schiff Democratic Barack Obama [54]
30 Henry Waxman Democratic Barack Obama [53]
31 Xavier Becerra Democratic Barack Obama [55]
32 Hilda Solis Democratic Hillary Clinton [56]
33 Diane Watson Democratic Hillary Clinton [57]
34 Lucille Roybal-Allard Democratic Hillary Clinton [58]
35 Maxine Waters Democratic Barack Obama
36 Jane Harman Democratic Hillary Clinton [59]
37 Laura Richardson Democratic Hillary Clinton [60]
38 Grace Napolitano Democratic Barack Obama
39 Linda Sánchez Democratic Barack Obama [61]
40 Ed Royce Republican
41 Jerry Lewis Republican
42 Gary Miller Republican
43 Joe Baca Democratic Barack Obama
44 Ken Calvert Republican
45 Mary Bono Republican
46 Dana Rohrabacher Republican
47 Loretta Sanchez Democratic Hillary Clinton [62]
48 John Campbell Republican
49 Darrell Issa Republican John McCain [1]
50 Brian Bilbray Republican
51 Bob Filner Democratic Barack Obama
52 Duncan Hunter Republican
53 Susan Davis Democratic Barack Obama
1 Diana DeGette Democratic Colorado Barack Obama
2 Mark Udall Democratic Barack Obama
3 John Salazar Democratic Barack Obama
4 Marilyn Musgrave Republican
5 Doug Lamborn Republican
6 Tom Tancredo Republican
7 Ed Perlmutter Democratic Barack Obama [63]
1 John Larson Democratic Connecticut Barack Obama [64]
2 Joe Courtney Democratic Barack Obama [65]
3 Rosa DeLauro Democratic Barack Obama [66]
4 Christopher Shays Republican John McCain [1]
5 Chris Murphy Democratic Barack Obama [64]
At large Mike Castle Republican Delaware John McCain [1]
1 Jeff Miller Republican Florida John McCain [1]
2 Allen Boyd Democratic
3 Corrine Brown Democratic Barack Obama
4 Ander Crenshaw Republican
5 Ginny Brown-Waite Republican
6 Cliff Stearns Republican
7 John Mica Republican
8 Ric Keller Republican John McCain [1]
9 Gus Bilirakis Republican John McCain [1]
10 Bill Young Republican
11 Kathy Castor Democratic Barack Obama [67]
12 Adam Putnam Republican
13 Vernon Buchanan Republican
14 Connie Mack IV Republican
15 Dave Weldon Republican
16 Tim Mahoney Democratic
17 Kendrick Meek Democratic Barack Obama
18 Ileana Ros-Lehtinen Republican John McCain [1]
19 Robert Wexler Democratic Barack Obama [1]
20 Debbie Wasserman Schultz Democratic Barack Obama
21 Lincoln Díaz-Balart Republican John McCain [1]
22 Ron Klein Democratic Barack Obama
23 Alcee Hastings Democratic Barack Obama
24 Tom Feeney Republican
25 Mario Díaz-Balart Republican John McCain [1]
1 Jack Kingston Republican Georgia
2 Sanford Bishop Democratic Barack Obama [68]
3 Lynn Westmoreland Republican
4 Hank Johnson Democratic Barack Obama [1]
5 John Lewis Democratic Barack Obama


6 Tom Price Republican
7 John Linder Republican
8 Jim Marshall Democratic
9 Nathan Deal Republican
10 Paul Broun Republican
11 Phil Gingrey Republican
12 John Barrow Democratic Barack Obama [70]
13 David Scott Democratic Barack Obama [69]
1 Neil Abercrombie Democratic Hawaii Barack Obama [1]
2 Mazie Hirono Democratic Barack Obama [1]
1 Bill Sali Republican Idaho
2 Mike Simpson Republican
1 Bobby Rush Democratic Illinois Barack Obama [1]
2 Jesse Jackson Jr. Democratic Barack Obama [1]
3 Dan Lipinski Democratic Barack Obama [71]
4 Luis Gutierrez Democratic Barack Obama [1]
5 Rahm Emanuel Democratic Barack Obama
6 Peter Roskam Republican John McCain [1]
7 Danny Davis Democratic Barack Obama [1]
8 Melissa Bean Democratic Barack Obama [1]
9 Jan Schakowsky Democratic Barack Obama [1]
10 Mark Kirk Republican John McCain [1]
11 Jerry Weller Republican
12 Jerry Costello Democratic Barack Obama [1]
13 Judy Biggert Republican
14 Bill Foster Democratic Barack Obama [72]
15 Tim V. Johnson Republican
16 Donald Manzullo Republican
17 Phil Hare Democratic Barack Obama [1]
18 Ray LaHood Republican John McCain [1]
19 John Shimkus Republican John McCain [1]
1 Pete Visclosky Democratic Indiana Barack Obama [73]
2 Joe Donnelly Democratic Barack Obama [74]
3 Mark Souder Republican
4 Steve Buyer Republican
5 Dan Burton Republican
6 Mike Pence Republican
7 André Carson Democratic Barack Obama [75]
8 Brad Ellsworth Democratic Barack Obama
9 Baron Hill Democratic Barack Obama [51]
1 Bruce Braley Democratic Iowa Barack Obama [51]
2 David Loebsack Democratic Barack Obama [76]
3 Leonard Boswell Democratic Hillary Clinton [77]
4 Tom Latham Republican
5 Steve King Republican
1 Jerry Moran Republican Kansas
2 Nancy Boyda Democratic
3 Dennis Moore Democratic Barack Obama
4 Todd Tiahrt Republican
1 Ed Whitfield Republican Kentucky
2 Ron Lewis Republican
3 John Yarmuth Democratic Barack Obama [78]
4 Geoff Davis Republican
5 Hal Rogers Republican
6 Ben Chandler Democratic Barack Obama [79]
1 Steve Scalise Republican Louisiana
2 William Jefferson Democratic Barack Obama
3 Charlie Melancon Democratic
4 Jim McCrery Republican
5 Rodney Alexander Republican
6 Don Cazayoux Democratic
7 Charles Boustany Republican
1 Tom Allen Democratic Maine Barack Obama [80]
2 Mike Michaud Democratic Barack Obama
1 Wayne Gilchrest Republican Maryland
2 Dutch Ruppersberger Democratic Barack Obama
3 John Sarbanes Democratic Barack Obama
4 Donna Edwards Democratic Barack Obama
5 Steny Hoyer Democratic Barack Obama
6 Roscoe Bartlett Republican
7 Elijah Cummings Democratic Barack Obama [1]
8 Chris Van Hollen Democratic Barack Obama
1 John Olver Democratic Massachusetts Barack Obama [81]
2 Richard Neal Democratic Barack Obama
3 Jim McGovern Democratic Hillary Clinton [82]
4 Barney Frank Democratic Hillary Clinton [83]
5 Niki Tsongas Democratic Barack Obama
6 John Tierney Democratic
7 Edward Markey Democratic
8 Michael Capuano Democratic Barack Obama [84]
9 Stephen Lynch Democratic Hillary Clinton [85]
10 William Delahunt Democratic Barack Obama [86]
1 Bart Stupak Democratic Michigan Barack Obama
2 Peter Hoekstra Republican
3 Vern Ehlers Republican
4 David Lee Camp Republican
5 Dale Kildee Democratic Barack Obama
6 Fred Upton Republican John McCain [1]
7 Tim Walberg Republican
8 Mike J. Rogers Republican
9 Joe Knollenberg Republican
10 Candice Miller Republican
11 Thad McCotter Republican
12 Sander Levin Democratic Barack Obama
13 Carolyn Cheeks Kilpatrick Democratic Barack Obama [87]
14 John Conyers Democratic Barack Obama [1]
15 John Dingell Democratic Barack Obama
1 Tim Walz Democratic Minnesota Barack Obama [88]
2 John Kline Republican
3 Jim Ramstad Republican
4 Betty McCollum Democratic Barack Obama [89]
5 Keith Ellison Democratic Barack Obama [1]
6 Michele Bachmann Republican
7 Collin Peterson Democratic Barack Obama
8 Jim Oberstar Democratic Barack Obama [90]
1 Travis Childers Democratic Mississippi
2 Bennie Thompson Democratic Barack Obama [91]
3 Chip Pickering Republican John McCain [1]
4 Gene Taylor Democratic
1 Lacy Clay Democratic Missouri Barack Obama [1]
2 Todd Akin Republican
3 Russ Carnahan Democratic Barack Obama [1]
4 Ike Skelton Democratic Hillary Clinton [92][93]
5 Emanuel Cleaver Democratic Hillary Clinton [94]
6 Sam Graves Republican
7 Roy Blunt Republican
8 Jo Ann Emerson Republican
9 Kenny Hulshof Republican
At large Denny Rehberg Republican Montana
1 Jeff Fortenberry Republican Nebraska
2 Lee Terry Republican
3 Adrian Smith Republican
1 Shelley Berkley Democratic Nevada Barack Obama
2 Dean Heller Republican
3 Jon Porter Republican
1 Carol Shea-Porter Democratic New Hampshire Barack Obama [95]
2 Paul Hodes Democratic Barack Obama [96]
1 Rob Andrews Democratic New Jersey Barack Obama
2 Frank LoBiondo Republican John McCain [1]
3 Jim Saxton Republican
4 Chris Smith Republican
5 Scott Garrett Republican
6 Frank Pallone Democratic Hillary Clinton [1]
7 Mike Ferguson Republican
8 Bill Pascrell Jr. Democratic Barack Obama
9 Steve Rothman Democratic Barack Obama [1]
10 Donald M. Payne Democratic Barack Obama [97]
11 Rodney Frelinghuysen Republican
12 Rush Holt Jr. Democratic Barack Obama
13 Albio Sires Democratic Hillary Clinton [98]
1 Heather Wilson Republican New Mexico
2 Steve Pearce Republican
3 Tom Udall Democratic Barack Obama
1 Tim Bishop Democratic New York Barack Obama [1]
2 Steve Israel Democratic Barack Obama
3 Peter King Republican John McCain [1]
4 Carolyn McCarthy Democratic Barack Obama [1]
5 Gary Ackerman Democratic Barack Obama [1]
6 Gregory Meeks Democratic Barack Obama [1]
7 Joseph Crowley Democratic Barack Obama [1]
8 Jerrold Nadler Democratic Barack Obama [1]
9 Anthony Weiner Democratic Barack Obama [1]
10 Edolphus Towns Democratic Barack Obama [1]
11 Yvette Clarke Democratic Barack Obama [99]
12 Nydia Velázquez Democratic Barack Obama [1]
13 Vito Fossella Republican
14 Carolyn Maloney Democratic Barack Obama [1]
15 Charles Rangel Democratic Barack Obama [100]
16 José Serrano Democratic Barack Obama [1]
17 Eliot Engel Democratic Barack Obama [1]
18 Nita Lowey Democratic Barack Obama [1]
19 John Hall Democratic Barack Obama [1]
20 Kirsten Gillibrand Democratic Barack Obama [1]
21 Michael McNulty Democratic Barack Obama [1]
22 Maurice Hinchey Democratic Barack Obama [1]
23 John M. McHugh Republican
24 Michael Arcuri Democratic Barack Obama [1]
25 James T. Walsh Republican
26 Tom Reynolds Republican
27 Brian Higgins Democratic Barack Obama [1]
28 Louise Slaughter Democratic Barack Obama [1]
29 Randy Kuhl Republican John McCain [1]
1 G. K. Butterfield Democratic North Carolina Barack Obama [1][101]
2 Bob Etheridge Democratic Barack Obama
3 Walter B. Jones Jr. Republican Ron Paul [102]
4 David Price Democratic Barack Obama [103]
5 Virginia Foxx Republican
6 Howard Coble Republican
7 Mike McIntyre Democratic Barack Obama
8 Robin Hayes Republican
9 Susan Myrick Republican
10 Patrick McHenry Republican
11 Heath Shuler Democratic Hillary Clinton [104]
12 Melvin Watt Democratic Barack Obama [103]
13 Brad Miller Democratic Barack Obama [105]
At large Earl Pomeroy Democratic North Dakota Barack Obama [106]
1 Steve Chabot Republican Ohio
2 Jean Schmidt Republican
3 Mike Turner Republican
4 Jim Jordan Republican
5 Bob Latta Republican
6 Charlie Wilson Democratic Barack Obama
7 Dave Hobson Republican
8 John Boehner Republican
9 Marcy Kaptur Democratic
10 Dennis Kucinich Democratic Barack Obama
11 Stephanie Tubbs Jones Democratic Barack Obama
12 Pat Tiberi Republican
13 Betty Sutton Democratic Barack Obama
14 Steve LaTourette Republican John McCain [1]
15 Deborah Pryce Republican John McCain [1]
16 Ralph Regula Republican
17 Tim Ryan Democratic Barack Obama
18 Zack Space Democratic Barack Obama
1 John Sullivan Republican Oklahoma
2 Dan Boren Democratic
3 Frank Lucas Republican
4 Tom Cole Republican
5 Mary Fallin Republican
1 David Wu Democratic Oregon Barack Obama [107]
2 Greg Walden Republican
3 Earl Blumenauer Democratic Barack Obama [108]
4 Peter DeFazio Democratic Barack Obama [97]
5 Darlene Hooley Democratic Barack Obama
1 Bob Brady Democratic Pennsylvania Barack Obama
2 Chaka Fattah Democratic Barack Obama [109]
3 Phil English Republican
4 Jason Altmire Democratic Barack Obama
5 John Peterson Republican
6 Jim Gerlach Republican John McCain [1]
7 Joe Sestak Democratic Barack Obama
8 Patrick Murphy Democratic Barack Obama [1]
9 Bill Shuster Republican
10 Chris Carney Democratic Hillary Clinton [citation needed]
11 Paul Kanjorski Democratic Hillary Clinton [110]
12 John Murtha Democratic Hillary Clinton [111]
13 Allyson Schwartz Democratic Barack Obama
14 Mike Doyle Democratic Barack Obama
15 Charlie Dent Republican
16 Joe Pitts Republican
17 Tim Holden Democratic
18 Tim Murphy Republican
19 Todd Russell Platts Republican John McCain [1]
1 Patrick Kennedy Democratic Rhode Island Barack Obama [112]
2 James Langevin Democratic Barack Obama
1 Henry Brown Republican South Carolina
2 Joseph Wilson Republican John McCain [1]
3 Gresham Barrett Republican
4 Bob Inglis Republican
5 John Spratt Democratic Barack Obama [113]
6 Jim Clyburn Democratic Barack Obama [114]
At large Stephanie Herseth Sandlin Democratic South Dakota Barack Obama [115]
1 David Davis Republican Tennessee
2 Jimmy Duncan Republican
3 Zach Wamp Republican
4 Lincoln Davis Democratic
5 Jim Cooper Democratic Barack Obama [1]
6 Bart Gordon Democratic
7 Marsha Blackburn Republican
8 John Tanner Democratic Hillary Clinton [2]
9 Steve Cohen Democratic Barack Obama [116]
1 Louie Gohmert Republican Texas
2 Ted Poe Republican
3 Sam Johnson Republican
4 Ralph Hall Republican
5 Jeb Hensarling Republican
6 Joe Barton Republican
7 John Culberson Republican
8 Kevin Brady Republican
9 Al Green Democratic Barack Obama [1]
10 Michael McCaul Republican
11 Mike Conaway Republican
12 Kay Granger Republican
13 Mac Thornberry Republican
14 Ron Paul Republican Ron Paul (self)
15 Ruben Hinojosa Democratic Barack Obama
16 Silvestre Reyes Democratic Barack Obama
17 Chet Edwards Democratic Barack Obama [117]
18 Sheila Jackson-Lee Democratic Hillary Clinton [118]
19 Randy Neugebauer Republican
20 Charlie Gonzalez Democratic Barack Obama [119]
21 Lamar Smith Republican
22 Nick Lampson Democratic
23 Ciro Rodriguez Democratic Hillary Clinton
24 Kenny Marchant Republican
25 Lloyd Doggett Democratic Barack Obama [120]
26 Michael C. Burgess Republican
27 Solomon Ortiz Democratic Barack Obama
28 Henry Cuellar Democratic Barack Obama
29 Gene Green Democratic Hillary Clinton [121]
30 Eddie Bernice Johnson Democratic Barack Obama [122]
31 John Carter Republican
32 Pete Sessions Republican
1 Rob Bishop Republican Utah
2 Jim Matheson Democratic Barack Obama
3 Chris Cannon Republican
At large Peter Welch Democratic Vermont Barack Obama [123]
1 Rob Wittman Republican Virginia
2 Thelma Drake Republican
3 Bobby Scott Democratic Barack Obama [124]
4 Randy Forbes Republican
5 Virgil Goode Republican
6 Bob Goodlatte Republican
7 Eric Cantor Republican
8 Jim Moran Democratic Barack Obama
9 Rick Boucher Democratic Barack Obama [125]
10 Frank Wolf Republican
11 Tom Davis Republican John McCain [1]
1 Jay Inslee Democratic Washington Barack Obama
2 Rick Larsen Democratic Barack Obama [126]
3 Brian Baird Democratic Barack Obama [127]
4 Richard "Doc" Hastings Republican
5 Cathy McMorris Republican
6 Norm Dicks Democratic Barack Obama
7 Jim McDermott Democratic Barack Obama [128]
8 Dave Reichert Republican
9 Adam Smith Democratic Barack Obama [1]
1 Alan Mollohan Democratic West Virginia Barack Obama [129]
2 Shelley Moore Capito Republican
3 Nick Rahall Democratic Barack Obama [130]
1 Paul Ryan Republican Wisconsin
2 Tammy Baldwin Democratic Barack Obama
3 Ron Kind Democratic Barack Obama
4 Gwen Moore Democratic Barack Obama [1]
5 Jim Sensenbrenner Republican
6 Tom Petri Republican
7 Dave Obey Democratic Barack Obama [131]
8 Steve Kagen Democratic Barack Obama [132]
At large Barbara Cubin Republican Wyoming
At large Eni Faleomavaega Democratic American Samoa Barack Obama [1]
At large Eleanor Holmes Norton Democratic District of Columbia Barack Obama [1]
At large Madeleine Bordallo Democratic Guam Barack Obama [133]
At large Luis Fortuño Republican Puerto Rico
At large Donna Christian-Christensen Democratic Virgin Islands Hillary Clinton [134]

Past candidates




Joe Biden

  • Sen. Thomas Carper (DE)

Chris Dodd

  • Rep. Xavier Becerra (CA) (Obama)
  • Rep. Rosa DeLauro (CT) (Obama)
  • Rep. Chris Murphy (CT) (Obama)
  • Rep. Tim Ryan (OH) (Clinton)

John Edwards

  • Rep. Bruce Braley (IA) (Obama)
  • Rep. G. K. Butterfield (NC) (Obama)
  • Rep. Bob Etheridge (NC)
  • Rep. Stephanie Herseth-Sandlin (SD) (Obama)
  • Rep. Charlie Gonzalez (TX) (Obama)
  • Rep. Eddie Bernice Johnson (TX) (Obama)
  • Rep. Mike McIntyre (NC)
  • Rep. Mike Michaud (ME)
  • Rep. Brad Miller (NC) (Obama)
  • Rep. Jim Oberstar (MN) (Obama)
  • Rep. Dave Obey (WI) (Obama)
  • Rep. David Price (NC) (Obama)
  • Rep. Heath Shuler (NC) (Clinton)
  • Rep. Bart Stupak (MI)
  • Rep. Mel Watt (NC) (Obama)

Bill Richardson

  • Sen. Jeff Bingaman (NM) (Obama)
  • Rep. Mike Doyle (PA)
  • Rep. Gene Green (TX) (Clinton)
  • Rep. Solomon Ortiz (TX) (Clinton)
  • Rep. Ed Pastor (AZ) (Clinton)
  • Rep. Silvestre Reyes (TX) (Clinton)
  • Rep. Tom Udall (NM)



Rudy Giuliani

  • Sen. David Vitter (LA)
  • Sen. Norm Coleman (MN) (McCain)
  • Sen. Kit Bond (MO)
  • Rep. Judy Biggert (IL)
  • Rep. Mary Bono (CA)
  • Rep. Charles Boustany (LA)
  • Rep. Charlie Dent (PA)
  • Rep. David Dreier (CA)
  • Rep. Jo Ann Emerson (MO)
  • Rep. Phil English (PA)
  • Rep. Vito Fossella (NY)
  • Rep. Jim Gerlach (PA)
  • Rep. Peter King (NY)
  • Rep. Jerry Lewis (IL)
  • Rep. Frank LoBiondo (NJ)
  • Rep. Candice Miller (MI)
  • Rep. Devin Nunes (CA)
  • Rep. Jon Porter (NV)
  • Rep. George Radanovich (CA)
  • Rep. Dave Reichert (WA)
  • Rep. Ed Royce (CA)
  • Rep. Pete Sessions (TX)
  • Rep. James T. Walsh (NY)
  • Rep. Jerry Weller (IL)
  • Del. Luis Fortuño (PR)

Mike Huckabee

  • Rep. John Boozman (AR)
  • Rep. Duncan Hunter (CA)
  • Rep. Bob Inglis (SC)
  • Rep. John Linder (GA)
  • Rep. Don Young (AK)

Mitt Romney

  • Sen. Wayne Allard (CO)
  • Sen. Bob Bennett (UT)
  • Sen. Thad Cochran (MS)
  • Sen. Jim DeMint (SC)
  • Sen. Judd Gregg (NH)
  • Sen. Orrin Hatch (UT)
  • Sen. Lisa Murkowski (AK)
  • Rep. Robert Aderholt (AL)
  • Rep. Rodney Alexander (LA)
  • Rep. Brian Bilbray (CA)
  • Rep. Marsha Blackburn (TN)
  • Rep. Ginny Brown-Waite (FL)
  • Rep. Dave Camp (MI)
  • Rep. John Campbell (CA)
  • Rep. Chriss Cannon (UT)
  • Rep. John Carter (TX)
  • Rep. Howard Coble (NC)
  • Rep. Mike Conaway (TX)
  • Rep. Ander Crenshaw (FL)
  • Rep. Vernon Ehlers (MI)
  • Rep. Tom Feeney (FL)
  • Rep. Mike Ferguson (NJ)
  • Rep. Virginia Foxx (NC)
  • Rep. Phil Gingrey (GA)
  • Rep. Kay Granger (TX)
  • Rep. Wally Herger (CA)
  • Rep. Peter Hoekstra (MI)
  • Rep. Jack Kingston (GA)
  • Rep. Joe Knollenberg (MI)
  • Rep. Ron Lewis (KY)
  • Rep. Connie Mack (FL)
  • Rep. Jim McCrery (LA)
  • Rep. Buck McKeon (CA)
  • Rep. Thomas Petri (WI)
  • Rep. Tom Price (GA)
  • Rep. Ralph Regula (OH)
  • Rep. Hal Rogers (KY)
  • Rep. Mike D. Rogers (AL)
  • Rep. Dana Rohrabacher (CA)
  • Rep. Bill Shuster (PA)
  • Rep. Mike Simpson (ID)
  • Rep. Lamar Smith (TX)
  • Rep. Tom Tancredo (CO)
  • Rep. Lynn Westmoreland (GA)
  • Rep. Ed Whitfield (KY)

Fred Thompson

  • Sen. Lamar Alexander (TN)
  • Sen. Bob Corker (TN)
  • Sen. Jim Inhofe (OK)
  • Sen. Roger Wicker (MS)
  • Rep. Gresham Barrett (SC)
  • Rep. Dan Burton (IN)
  • Rep. Steve Buyer (IN)
  • Rep. David Davis (TN)
  • Rep. Jimmy Duncan (TN)
  • Rep. Louie Gohmert (TX)
  • Rep. Steve King (IA)
  • Rep. Donald Manzullo (IL)
  • Rep. Thad McCotter (MI)
  • Rep. Susan Myrick (NC)
  • Rep. Jeff Miller (FL)
  • Rep. Adam Putnam (FL)
  • Rep. John Sullivan (OK)
  • Rep. Lee Terry (NE)
  • Rep. Zach Wamp (TN)
  • Rep. Lynn Westmoreland (GA)


  1. ^ a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z aa ab ac ad ae af ag ah ai aj ak al am an ao ap aq ar as at au av aw ax ay az ba bb bc bd be bf bg bh bi bj bk bl bm bn bo bp bq br bs bt bu bv bw bx by bz ca cb cc cd ce cf cg ch ci cj ck cl cm cn Endorsements '08 The Hill
  2. ^ Sen. Lincoln shifts support to Barack Obama[permanent dead link]
  3. ^ a b c d "Arkansas Democrats Back Obama After Clinton Suspends Campaign". www.arkansasbusiness.com. Archived from the original on 2008-09-18.
  4. ^ California Senator Dianne Feinstein Endorses Clinton Archived July 25, 2007, at the Wayback Machine Press Release. July 25, 2007. Hillary for President
  5. ^ a b c d "Campaign". TheHill.
  6. ^ "Remaining Colo. supers endorse Obama | Politics West". Archived from the original on September 1, 2008.
  7. ^ "Dodd endorses Obama". Archived from the original on March 3, 2008.
  8. ^ Lieberman to Endorse McCain William Kristol. The Weekly Standard. December 16, 2007.
  9. ^ "US Senator Bill Nelson endorses Barack Obama". Archived from the original on 2011-09-29. Retrieved 2008-06-15.
  10. ^ Barack Obama : : Change We Can Believe In | Sam Graham-Felsen's Blog: Senator Daniel Akaka Endorses Barack Obama; Delegate Countdown - 151 To Go Archived May 13, 2008, at the Wayback Machine
  11. ^ Sam Brownback Endorses John McCain The Associated Press. November 7, 2007. FoxNews.com
  12. ^ McCain Endorsements Archived 2014-02-26 at the Wayback Machine March 1, 2007. Retrieved March 13, 2007
  13. ^ Sen. Mikulski endorses Obama Archived 2008-06-08 at the Wayback Machine
  14. ^ http://www.exam____iner.com/a-1423975~Sen__Cardin_endorses_Obama.html[permanent dead link]
  15. ^ "The Local Delegation: Sen. Ben Cardin (D-Md.)". The Washington Post.
  16. ^ Boston Globe
  17. ^ Sam Graham-Felsen's blog. John Kerry Endorses Barack Obama Archived 2008-01-16 at the Wayback Machine Jeff Zeleny. January 10, 2008. The New York Times.
  18. ^ Obama makes campaign stop in Flint Archived 2008-09-18 at archive.today
  19. ^ "Debbie Stabenow makes final Michigan superdelegate switch from Hillary Clinton to Barack Obama - National, Michigan State & Local Elections 2008 News & Polls - MLive.com". Archived from the original on 2008-09-18. Retrieved 2008-06-15.
  20. ^ https://news.yahoo.com/s/ap/20080331/ap_on_el_pr/obama_endorsement;_ylt=AtS7fd5I6Z7oFM1T6t8PA9hh24cA [dead link]
  21. ^ AP: Sen. McCaskill to endorse Obama Article. January 12, 2007. USA Today
  22. ^ a b "Superdelegate endorsements for Tuesday 6/3 - Part III". June 3, 2008.
  23. ^ https://news.yahoo.com/s/ap/20080112/ap_on_el_pr/obama_endorsement Press Release. January 12, 2008 Nebraska Sen. Nelson Endorses Obama Retrieved January 12, 2009
  24. ^ "Superdelegates Holt and Lautenberg line up behind Obama". nj.com. Archived from the original on 2008-06-07.
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