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National anthem of Yemen

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al-Jumhūriyah al-Muttaḥidah
English: "United Republic"
Arabic: الجمهورية المتحدة

National anthem of Yemen
Former national anthem of South Yemen
Also known asArabic: رددي أيتها الدنيا نشيدي (English: "Repeat, O World, My Song")
LyricsAbdollah Abdolwahâb Noʿmân, 1979
MusicʾAyub Ṭâreš, ext. 1979
Adopted1979 (by South Yemen)
22 May 1990 (by Yemen)
Relinquished1990 (by South Yemen)
Preceded by
instrumental recording by the United States Navy Band

"United Republic",[a] also known by its incipit "Repeat, O World, My Song",[b] is the national anthem of Yemen. It was written by ʿAbdullāh ʿAbd al-Wahhāb Nuʿmān to music composed by ʾAyyūb Ṭārish. It was formerly used as the national anthem of South Yemen but was adopted by Yemen when the country was unified in 1990.[1]

During its usage by South Yemen from 1979 to 1990,[2] the anthem was known as the National Anthem of People's Democratic Republic of Yemen.[3]



Official lyrics since 2006

Arabic original[4] Arabic Latin alphabet IPA transcription[c] English translation

رَدِّدِيْ أَيَّتُهَا الدُّنْيَا نَشِيْدِيْ
رَدِّدِيْهِ وَأَعِيْدِيْ وَأَعِيْدِيْ
وَاذْكُرِيْ فِيْ فَرْحَتِيْ كُلَّ شَهِيْدِ
وَامْنَحِيْهِ حُلَلاً مِّنْ ضَوْءِ عِيْدِيْ
𝄇 رَدِّدِيْ أَيَتُهَا الدُّنْيَا نَشِيْدِيْ 𝄆

وَحْدَتِيْ، وَحْدَتِيْ
يَا نَشِيْداً رَائِعاً يَمْلَاُ نَفْسِيْ
أَنْتِ عَهْدٌ عَالِقٌ فِيْ كُلِّ ذِمَّة
رَايَتِيْ، رَايَتِيْ
يَا نَسِيْجاً حِكْتُهُ مِنْ كُلِّ شَمْسِ
أُخْلُدِيْ خَافِقَةً فِيْ كُلِّ قِمَّة
أُمَّتِيْ، أُمَّتِيْ
اِمْنَحِيْنِي الْبَأسَ يَامَصْدَرَ بَأسِيْ
وَاذْخُرِيْنِيْ لَكِ يَا أَكْرَمَ أُمَّة

عِشْتُ إِيْمَانِيْ وَحُبِّيْ سَرْمَدِيَّا
وَمَسِيْرِيْ فَوْقَ دَرْبِيْ عَرَبِيَّا
وَسَيَبْقٰى نَبْضُ قَلْبِيْ يَمَنِيَّا
لَنْ تَرَى الدُّنْيَا عَلٰى أَرْضِيْ وَصِيَّا

Raddidī ʾayatuhā d-dunyā nashīdī
Raddidīhi wa-ʾaʿīdī, wa-ʾaʿīdī
Wā-dhkurī fī-farḥatī kulla shahīdi
Wā-mnaḥīhi ḥullalān min ḍawʿi ʿīdī
𝄆 Raddidī ʾayatuhā d-dunyā nashīdi 𝄇

Waḥdatī, waḥdatī,
Yā nashīdān rāʾiʿan yamlau nafsī
ʾAnti ʿahdun ʿaliqun fī-kulli dhimmah
Rāyatī, rāyatī,
Yā nasījān ḥiktahu min kulli shamsi
ʾUkhludī khāfiqatan fī-kulli qimmah
ʾUmmatī, ʾummatī,
ʾImnaḥīni l-bạsa yā maṣdari bạsī
Wa-ʾadhkhurīni laki yā ʾakrama ʾummah

ʿIshtu ʾīmānī wa-ḥubbī ʾumamiyā[d]
Wa-masīrī fawqa darbī ʿArabiyā
Wa-sayabqā nabḍu qalbī yamaniyā
Lan tarā d-dunyā ʿalā ʾarḍī waṣiyā.

[ræd.dɪ.di ʔæ.jæ.tʊ.hæː‿d.dʊn.jæː næ.ʃiː.diː]
[ræd.dɪ.di.hɪ wɑ.ʔɑ.ʕɪː.diː wɑ.ʔɑ.ʕɪː.diː]
[wɑːð.kʊ.ri fiː fɑr.ħɑ.ti kʊl.læ ʃæ.hiː.di]
[wɑːm.nɑ.ħɪ.hi ħʊ.læ.læːn mɪn dˤɑw.ʕɪ ʕɪː.diː]
𝄆 [ræd.dɪ.di ʔæ.jæ.tʊ.hæː‿d.dʊn.jæː næ.ʃiː.diː] 𝄇

[wɑħ.dæ.ti wɑħ.dæ.ti]
[jæː næ.ʃiː.dæn rɑ̯ː.ʔɪ.ʕɑn jæm.læ.ʔʊ næf.si]
[æn.tɪ ʕɑh.dʊn ʕɑ.lɪ.qʊn fiː kʊl.lɪ ðɪm.mæ]
[rɑː.jæ.ti rɑː.jæ.ti]
[jæː næ.si.ʄæn ħɪk.tʊ.hu mɪn kʊl.lɪ ʃæm.si]
[ʊχ.lʊ.di χɑ.fɪ.qɑ.tæn fiː kʊl.lɪ qɪm.mæ]
[ʊm.mæ.ti ʊm.mæ.ti]
[ɪm.nɑ.ħɪ.nɪ‿l.bæʔ.sæ jæː mɑsˤ.dɑ.rɪ bæʔ.si]
[wɑð.χʊ.rɪ.ni læ.ki jæː æk.rɑ.mæ ʊm.mɑ]

[ʕɪʃ.tʊ i.mæː.ni wɑ.ħʊb.bi u.mæ.mi.jæ]
[wɑ mæ.sɪ.ri fɑw.qɑ dɑr.bi ʕɑ.rɑ.bi.jæ]
[wɑ sæ.jæb.qɑː nɑb.dˤʊ qɑl.bi jæ.mæ.ni.jæ]
[læn tɑ.rɑː‿d.dʊn.jæː ʕɑ.læ ɑr.dˤɪ wɑ.sˤɪ.jæ]

Repeat, O World, my song.
Echo it over and over again.
Remember, through my joy, each martyr.
Clothe her with the shining mantles of our festivals.
𝄆 Repeat, O World, my song. 𝄇

My unity, my unity
O marvelous song which fills my heart,
You are the promise of all to come,
My banner, my banner
O cloth nailed from every sun
Raised forever, on every peak
My nation, my nation
give me strength, o source of strength
And save me for you, the best of nations.

In faith and love I am part of mankind,
And I shall march first among the Arabs.
And my heart beat shall remain that of a Yemenite.
No foreigner shall ever hold dominion over Yemen.

Previous version from 1979 to 2006

Arabic original[6] Arabic Latin alphabet English translation

رددي أيتها الدنيا نشيدي
ردديه وأعيدي وأعيدي
واذكري في فرحتي كل شهيد
وأمنحيه حللاً من ضوء عيدي
𝄇 رددي أيتها الدنيا نشيدي 𝄆

يـا بلادي نحن أبنـاء وأحفاد رجالك
سوف نحمي كل ما بين يدينا من جلالـك
وسيبقى خالد الضوء على كل المسالك
كل صخرة في جبالك
كل ذرة في رمالك

كـل أنداءفي ضـلالـك
إنـها ملك أمـانينا الـكبيرة
𝄇 جاء من أمجاد ماضيك المثيرة 𝄆


وحدتي … وحدتي
يا نشيدا رائـعاً يملأ نـفسي أنتِ عـهد عالق في كل ذمة
رايتي … رايتي
يا نسيجاً حكته من كل شـمس اخـلدي خافقة في كل قمة
أمتي … أمتي
امنحيني البأس يا مصدر بأسي واذخريني لك يا أكرم أمة

عشت إيماني وحبي سرمديا
ومسيري فوق دربي عربيا
وسيبقى نبـض قلبي يمنيا
لن ترى الدنيا على أرضي وصيا
𝄇 رددي أيتها الدنيا نشيدي 𝄆


Raddidī ʾayatuhā d-dunyā nashīdī
Raddidīhi wa-ʾaʿīdī, wa-ʾaʿīdī
Wā-dhkurī fī-farḥatī kulla shahīdi
Wā-mnaḥīhi ḥullalān min ḍawʿi ʿīdī
𝄆 Raddidī ʾayatuhā d-dunyā nashīdi 𝄇

Yā Bilādī, naḥnu ʾabnāʾu wa-ʾaḥfādu rijālik
Sawfa naḥmī kulla mā bayna yadayna min jalālik
Wa-sayabqā khālida ḍ-ḍawʾi ʿalā kulli l-masālik
Kullu ṣakhri fī-jibālik,
Kulli dharrati fī-rimālik.

Kullu ʾandāʾ fī-ḍilālik,
ʾInnahā milku ʾamānīnā l-kabīra,
Jāʾa min ʾamjādi māḍīki l-muthīra.


Waḥdatī, waḥdatī, yā nashīdān rāʾiʿan yamlau nafsī
ʾAnti ʿahdun ʿaliqun fī-kulli dhimmah
Rāyatī, rāyatī, yā nasījān ḥiktahu min kulli shamsi
ʾUkhludī khāfiqatan fī-kulli qimmah
ʾUmmatī, ʾummatī, ʾimnaḥīni l-bạsa yā maṣdari bạsī
Wā-dhkhurīni laki yā ʾakrama ʾummah

ʿIshtu ʾīmānī wa-ḥubbī ʾumamiyā
Wa-masīrī fawqa darbī ʿArabiyā
Wa-sayabqā nabḍu qalbī yamaniyā
Lan tarā d-dunyā ʿalā ʾarḍī waṣiyā.
𝄆 Raddidī ʾayatuhā d-dunyā nashīdi 𝄇


Repeat, O World, my song.
Echo it over and over again.
Remember, through my joy, each martyr.
Clothe her with the shining mantles of our festivals.
𝄆 Repeat, O World, my song. 𝄇

O my country, we are children and grandchildren of your men.
We will guard all of your majesty in our hands.
Its light will remain for ever, in every place.
Every rock of your mountains,
Every particle of your soil.

All the moisture of your waters
Are ours.
It is the sovereign of our hopes,
Our rights.
They come from the great glories of your past.


My unity, my unity
O marvelous song which fills my heart, you are the promise of all to come,
My banner, my banner
O cloth nailed from every sun raised forever, on every peak
My nation, my nation
Give me strength, o source of strength, and save me for you, the best of nations.

In faith and love I am part of mankind,
And I shall march first among the Arabs.
And my heart beat shall remain that of a Yemenite.
No foreigner shall ever hold dominion over Yemen.
𝄆 Repeat, O World, my song. 𝄇


See also



  1. ^ Arabic: الجمهورية المتحدة, romanizedal-Jumhūriyah al-Muttaḥidah
  2. ^ Arabic: رددي أيتها الدنيا نشيدي, romanized: Raddidī ʾayatuhā d-dunyā nashīdī
  3. ^ See Help:IPA/Arabic and Yemeni Arabic.
  4. ^ Often sung as أُمَمِيَّا omamiyâ [u.mæ.mi.jæ].[5]


  1. ^ Reed, W. L.; Bristow, M. J., eds. (1993). National Anthems of the World (8th ed.). Cassell. ISBN 0-304-34218-1. Retrieved 2021-09-20 – via Open Library. p. vii: The same situation applies to Yemen, where in view of the unification of North and South Yemen, the National Anthem for South Yemen has been retained.
  2. ^ "South Yemen (1979-1990) – nationalanthems.info".
  3. ^ "Yemen National Anthem". National Anthems.info.
  4. ^ "Yemeni National Anthem - Embassy of the Republic of Yemen London". Embassy of the Republic of Yemen London. Retrieved 2022-04-03.
  5. ^ OSYS (2021-03-30). "Montage - National Anthem of the Republic of Yemen". YouTube. Retrieved 2022-04-03.
  6. ^ "الجمهورية المتحدة". yemen-nic.info. Retrieved 2020-04-22.