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Talk:Salva congruitate

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General description


I would like to edit the general description and expand it a little bit. Even thought I have not much to add to it, I will do so anyway, because there is not much to begin with and all additions here are a step up I think.

Salva congruitate[1] is a Latin scholastic term in logic, which means "without becoming ill-formed"[2], Salva meaning rescue, salvation, welfare and congruitate meaning combine, coincide, agree. Salva Congruitate is used in logic to mean that two terms may be substituted for each other while preserving the truth value and grammaticality in all contexts[3].

Ok, since no one has seen fit to leave any comments at all, I will edit the article now.
--Fan Singh Long (talk) 06:42, 13 February 2012 (UTC)[reply]

Hola: el intercambio de términos gramaticales de la misma categoría no preserva el Valor de Verdad (truth value)pero sí la gramaticalidad. Saludos — Preceding unsigned comment added by Inti Reyes (talkcontribs) 18:22, 18 August 2013 (UTC)[reply]


  1. ^ W.V.O. Quine, Philosophy of logic
  2. ^ Dr. Benjamin Schnieder, Canonical Property Designators, P9
  3. ^ W.v.O. Quine, Quiddities, P204

Remarks on Salva Congruitate


Timothy C. Potts


Timothy C. Potts describes salva congruitate as a form of replacement in the context of meaning. It is a replacement which preserves semantic coherence and should be distinguished from a replacement which preserves syntactic coherence but may yield an expression to which no meaning has been given. This means that supposing an original expression is meaningful, the new expression obtained by the replacemant will also be meaningful, though it will not necessarily have the same meaning as the original one, nor, if the expression in question happens to be a proposition, will the replacement necessarily preserve the truth value of the original[1].

Bob Hale


Bob Hale explains salva congruitate as substantival expressions in natural language, which are able to replace singular terms without destructive effect on the grammar of a sentence, but are not to be thought of as discharging the semantic function of bona fide singular terms. This means that some terms are not singular, but function as such. This can be examplified by terms such as 'to be', or 'to become'[2].

Ok, since no one has seen fit to leave any comments at all, I will edit the article now.
--Fan Singh Long (talk) 06:42, 13 February 2012 (UTC)[reply]


  1. ^ Timothy C. Potts, Structures and categories for the representation of meaning, P57
  2. ^ Bob Hale, Singular erms, P34