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The following tables list the International Phonetic Alphabet (IPA) symbols used for Wu Chinese (吳語). For simplicity, only one romanization is given. See romanization of Wu Chinese for more variants.

Initial consonants
IPA Wugniu Examples[i]
b b [du˨ b za˨˩]
ɕ sh [bəʔ˩ ɕjã˨ ŋu˨˧]
d d [ɲiɪʔ˩ dɤ˨˧]
j [tsaʔ˦ i˨˧]
f f [zɹ̩˨ le˥ fu˨˩] 自來
g g [ɡ se˥ βu˨˩] 山河
h h [kʰwən˧ loʔ˥ hwəʔ˨˩] 睏落
ɦ gh [fɑ̃˦ ɦjɔ˨ tsɹ̩˦]
k k [doʔ˩ k tsʰən˨˧]
kh [ɦja˨ wa˥ dɤ˨˩]
l l [lɔ˨ zoŋ˦]
m m [tɕjaʔ˧ mø˥ dɤ˨˩]
n n [tsʰoʔ˥ na˨˩]
ŋ ng [jɪʔ˧ ŋ ŋe˨˩] 眼眼
ɲ[ii] gn [kʰe˦ koʔ˧ ɲ ] 開國
p p [liɪʔ˩ piɪʔ˨ koʔ˨˧]
ph [tsɔ˧ ke˨˩]
s s [sən˧ kɔ˥ ɲioʔ˨˩] 烤肉
t t [tã˧ kʰe˥ sɹ̩˨˩] 開司
c [tsʰo˦ mo˨ jã˦] 搓麻
tɕʰ ch [loʔ˩ tɕʰ le˨˧]
th [ze˨ sɹ̩˨˩]
ts ts [tʰe˧ tsɔ˥ sɹ̩˨˩] 退
tsʰ tsh [tsʰaʔ˧ u˦]
v v [v te˦]
z z [zã˨ sən˥ ku˨˩] 生果
ʑ zh [ʑjɲ˨ ɕjã˥ mo˨˩] 相罵
Final consonants
IPA Wugniu Examples[i]
Cons. Rhyme
-n[iii] ən en [sa˧ zən˥ kwɑ̃˨˩]
in in [te˥ ge˧ ɲin˨˩] 單隑
wən[iv] uen [kwən˧ di˥ loŋ˨˩] 地龍
ɥn[v] yn [tɕʰi˥ ɦɥn˨˩]
-ŋ joŋ[vi] iong joŋ˨ dɤ˦] (嘸)
oŋ ong [su˥ ˧ dɤ˨˩]
-ʔ aʔ aq [s˧ l˦] 殺辣
əʔ eq [lɔ˨ əʔ˥ laʔ˨˩]
oʔ oq [l˩ zã˨ sɹ̩˨˧ ] 場勢
jaʔ[vi] iaq [hwaʔ˧ jaʔ˦]
jɪʔ[vii] iq [ɦã˨ jɪʔ˥ dɤ˨˩]
joʔ[vi] ioq [da˨ ɦjoʔ˦]
waʔ[iv] uaq [hwaʔ˧ pi˦]
wəʔ[iv] ueq wəʔ˩ sən˨˧]
ɥɪʔ[v] iuq [faʔ˧ ɕɥɪʔ˦ ]
IPA Wugniu Examples[i]
a a [kʰa˥ mi˧ de˨˩] 面台
ã an [fã˦ ve˨ ɦoʔ˦] 飯學
ɑ̃ aon [tɑ̃˦ bɑ̃˨˧] 打朋
e e [khuəʔ˧ pe˥ ŋa˨˩]
i i [ɕjaʔ˦ sɹ̩˧ i˦] 削水
ja[vi] ia [bø˨ ɦja˥ mɔ˨˩] 𨒃
jã[vi] ian ˦ bjɪʔ˩ dɤ˨˧] 鼻頭
jɔ[vi] iau [tɕ˥ kwe˨˩] 關(熱)
jɤ[vi] ieu [kʰa˥ ɦ˨˩]
o o [tjɔ˦ tsʰo˥ tsɹ̩˨˩]
ø oe [bəʔ˩ ɕjã˨ kø˨˧] 白相
ɔ au [gaʔ˩ nɔ˨ mã˨˧]
ɤ eu [tɕʰi˥ kən˧ tɤ˨˩] 躥跟
ɹ̩[ii] y [koʔ˧ tsɹ̩˦]
u u [du˨ dɤ˥ moŋ˨˩] 頭夢
wa[iv] ua [tsaʔ˧ kwa˦] (老)着
wã[viii] uan ˨ sɹ̩˥ ɦ˨˩]
wɑ̃[iv] uaon [ɕjɔ˦ di˨ kwɑ̃˦] 捎地
we[iv] ue [kwe˦ ɦja˨ ɦo˦] 夜學
wø[iv] uoe [kʰ˥ sɹ̩˨˩] (辰光老)
y iu [ba˨ y˦]
ɥø[v] ioe ɥø˨ zoʔ˦]
IPA Numeric


Stand-alone tones
˥˨ 52 陰平 (◌1) [kʰe˦ hwən˥˨]
˧˦ 34 陰去 (◌5) [vəʔ˧ taʔ˧ ka˧˦] 勿搭
˨˧ 23 陽去 (◌6) [məʔ˩ zɹ̩˨ dɤ˨˧] 物事
ʔ˥ ◌ʔ55 陰入 (◌7) [vəʔ˧ səʔ˥ i˨˩]
ʔ˩˨ ◌ʔ12 陽入 (◌8) [dɤ˨ tsɹ̩˧ ɦuəʔ˩˨] 頭子
Supplementary tonal changes
˥ 55 陰平 (◌1) [ɦwã˧ toŋ˥ dɔ˨˩]
ʔ˩ ◌ʔ11 陽入 (◌8) [ɦəʔ˩ pʰoʔ˨ kʰwən˨˧] 撲睏
˨˩ 21 / [kʰwən˧ səʔ˥ hwəʔ˨˩] 睏失
˦ 44 / [dʑi˧ ba˨ dɤ˦] 掮牌
˧ 33 / [zu˧ dən˨ tsoŋ˦] 臀中
˨ 22 / [fɑ̃˧ tsaʔ˧ mɔ˨ dɤ˦] 放隻
ʔ˦ ◌ʔ44 / [gue˨ saʔ˦]
ʔ˨ ◌ʔ33 / [ɲjã˨ gəʔ˧ toŋ˥ tsʰe˨] 東采
ʔ˨ ◌ʔ22 / [tɑ̃˥ zaʔ˧ vəʔ˧ zaʔ˨] 當着勿


  1. ^ a b c d Glosses are displayed over the dotted line. (Instructions: for desktop computers, hover your mouse cursor over it; for iOS mobile browsers, request desktop website on your toolbar and then click on the dotted line; for Android mobile browsers, it is unavailable). Vocabulary are drawn from 上海话大词典 (2007).[1]
  2. ^ a b In sinological phonetic notation, , ɹ̩] are represented as ⟨ȵ , ɿ⟩.
  3. ^ The final consonant [-n] is pronounced as [-ɲ] by some speakers.
  4. ^ a b c d e f g h The non-syllabic gliding [w] may be less explicitly transcribed with the syllabic [u], as in [ua, uã, uaʔ, uɑ̃, ue, uən, uəʔ, uø].
  5. ^ a b c d The non-syllabic gliding [ɥ] may be less explicitly transcribed with the syllabic [y], as in [yɪʔ, yn, yø].
  6. ^ a b c d e f g The non-syllabic gliding [j] may be less explicitly transcribed with the syllabic [i], as in [ia, iã, iaʔ, iɪʔ, ioŋ, ioʔ, iɔ, iɤ].
  7. ^ [jɪʔ] is often shortened to be [ɪʔ]. Also refer to [v].
  8. ^ [wã] is often merged to [wɑ̃] in the post-1966 generation. Also refer to [iv].
  9. ^ The numeric contours are as given in Qian (1988).[2] An experimental and mathematical description of the contours slightly differed from Qian is given by Zhu (1995, 1999, 2005).[3]


  1. ^ 钱乃荣; 许宝华; 汤珍珠, eds. (2007). 上海话大词典 [Shanghainese Grand Dictionary]. 上海辞书出版社.
  2. ^ 钱乃荣 (1988). "第贰章语音". In 许宝华; 汤珍珠 (eds.). 上海市区方言志 [A study of the Shanghai Urban Dialect]. 上海教育出版社. pp. 4, 8, 9, 24.
  3. ^ Zhu, Xiaonong (1995). Shanghai Tonetics (PhD thesis). Australian National University.

See also
