For the help page regarding IPA for Standard Catalan and Standard Valencian, see Help:IPA/Catalan.
This is the pronunciation key for IPA transcriptions of Insular Catalan on Wikipedia.
It provides a set of symbols to represent the pronunciation of Insular Catalan in Wikipedia articles, and example words that illustrate the sounds that correspond to them. Integrity must be maintained between the key and the transcriptions that link here; do not change any symbol or value without establishing consensus on the talk page first.
Standard Catalan phonemes, in bold, are followed by their most common phonetic values and their respective occurrence amongst the Insular Catalan dialects.
Except for complex clusters, examples in the charts are spelled in Standard Catalan.
Lloret, Maria-Rosa, The phonological role of paradigms: The case of insular Catalan, Barcelona: University of Barcelona
Serra, Pep (2016), Territorial singularity reflected on a linguistic particularity: about a regressive assimilation in insular Catalan, Girona: University of Girona, ISSN1616-413X
El català de l'Alguer: un model d'àmbit restringit, Barcelona: Institut d'Estudis Catalans (IEC), 2003