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User talk:Nobs01/Archive02

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Cberlet seeks mediation with nobs over endless disagreements and lack of constructive editing progress at the following related pages: Talk:VENONA project; Talk:Significance of Venona; Harry Magdoff; Harry Magdoff and espionage; and others. I have spent over one month trying to forge compromise text on these pages. A third party suggested we debate the multiple issues at Talk:VENONA project and filed an RfC for that page. The RfC has not produced the desired results. Nobs argues in circles, produces mountains of unrelated and dubious arguments, fights over simple citations, makes claims not supported by underlying documents, and continues to insert his POV and questionable claims into the pages rather than arriving at an agreement on the Talk:VENONA project page. I have tried to write NPOV text on several pages pending a resolution on the Talk:VENONA project. Nobs simply ignores this and inserts only his side of the issues. In addition, a number of other editors have had the same experience with Nobs on several other pages. I am willing to try to hammer out a compromise on the Talk:VENONA project that will serve as a model for these other disputes. Most recently, and what prompted this request for mediation, Nobs declared we had reached a major agreement, and then promptly inserted his POV version of the text. Without mediation, there is no hope of resolving this matter. At issue is how to cite and summarize information from various government agencies and secondary sources regarding Soviet era espionage.--Cberlet 18:04, 27 September 2005 (UTC)

I would like to further substantiate this behavior regarding the article on Alger Hiss. Nobs has an extensive edit history with the page, consistently inserting POV material with circular reasoning, dubious sources, personal interpretation, and in one particular case, blatantly false information that was later traced to the Anti-Zionist world conspiracy author, Douglass Reed. He frequently deletes unfavorable facts without checking with anyone else, and inserts his own POV in biographical sections meant to be neutral. The page has two sections meant to present the case for Alger Hiss's innocence and Hiss' guilt, but Nobs ignores the agreed format to litter the article with inapprioapte and highly biased additions. Many of his citations do not justify the statements written, but he refuses to justifiy them and instead replies to some non-issue.--Timoteo III 05:15, 3 December 2005 (UTC)[reply]

No. 334, Moscow Center to Mexico City, 20 May 1944. However, for context see especially the previously released message, New York KGB to Moscow, No. 786, 1 June 1944, that mentions that friends of David Niles (a White House staffer) "will arrange anything for a bribe," i.e., get the transit visas for the Fishers.


By H. B. Laes


wikipedia-watch.org (was active; blacklisted prior to archiving)

,:" I have seen Berlet's ‘guilt by association' strategy ‘up close and personal,' so I know he is capable of shoddy journalism.

See also


===Abraham George Silverman=== In 1942 Silverman became civilian chief of analysis and plans to the assistant chief of the Army Air Force Air Staff for Material and Service.

Lauchlin informed Silverman orally 'on various matters' including the possibility that the government was about to break the Soviet code. Harry Dexter White had gave government documents to Silverman. Both men had helped Greg Silvermaster and other Soviet spies obtain or keep government jobs and had used their positions to influence U.S. policies in ways helpful to the Soviet Union.

Certainly Georege Silverman and Silvermaster were able to learn much about U.S. policies and about Currie's and White's own views through their friendship with them. Both at least occasionally obtained copies of government documents, probably from both Currie and White. Currie seems to have been involved in carrying out orders from Roosevelt to get U.S. intelligence services to return Soviet cryptographic documents to the Soviet Union and to cease decoding operations, and he seems to have spoken of it to colleagues, including William Yandell Elliott.[27] Both Currie and White helped Silvermaster keep his job on more than one occasion in 1942 and 1943 when he was attacked for being a communist, though it is reasonable to suppose that they did so because they believed him innocent of any wrongdoing-even if he was sympathetic to leftist and communist causes. (The main reason Silvermaster had come under suspicion was his active involvement in the labor movement in California in the 1930s, in which he associated with leading members of the CPUSA.) And the Soviet Union no doubt found much to like in some of the policy positions taken by Currie and White, even if those positions were taken in order to further U.S. interests. Nothing in this story provides credible evidence of espionage or of an effort to undermine U.S. interests.

Aileron occured in the Venona traffic and was identified as Abraham George Silverman. The “D.” first initial given here may be an error or perhaps based on Silverman generally being known as “George Silverman.” The first letter of the name “George” is rendered in Russian by a Cyrillic letter that is usually Latinized as “Dzh.”

Aileron as a cover name was an obvious reference to Silverman’s Air Force position.



American League for Peace and Democracy (American league for peace and democracy), 268 Fourth Avenue, New York town center; Chairman: Dr. Harry F. Ward, R. M. Lovett, Earl Browder (General Secretary of the CPUSA), Clarence Hathaway.

Amalgamated Clothing Workers, CIO (union of the workers of the Bekleidungsindustire), 15 union Square, New York town center, president: Sidney Hillmann, Jacob F. Potofsky.

American Association for Social Security (American combination for social welfare assistance), 41 union Square, New York town center, Secretary-General: Abraham Epstein, Bishop F. J. McConnell.

American Civil Liberties Union (American combination for the basic liberties), 31 union Square, New York town center

Dr. Henry F. Ward, Roger N. Baldwin, Arthur Garfield Hays, Robert W. Duenn.

American Federation OF Teachers, Local No. 5 (American teacher combination), 114 East Sixteenth Street, New York town center; Chairman: CJ. Hendly, chairman of the national federation: Rev. Jerome Davis, Dr. Bernhard Stern.

American Committee for the Protection of the Foreign Born, 100 Fifth Ave., New York; Chairman: Rev. Hermann F. Reissig, Charles Right, Carol White King.

American Friends Of the Chinese People (American friends of the Chinese people), 168 west Twenty third Street, New York town center; Chairman: M.S. Stewart, M. Forsyth, Professor R.M. Lovett, George S. Counts.

American Friends Of the Soviet Union (American friends of the Soviet Union), 461 Fourth Avenue, New York town center; Corliss Lamont, treasurer: A.A. More brightly.

American Student Union (American student trade union), 112 East Nineteenth Street, New York town center; Secretary-General: Joseph P. Lash, Celeste Strack (agencies in 300 US colleges)

American Youth Congress, 55 west Forty second Street, New York town center (organize from the communist youth league), chairmen: W. Hinckley, Joseph P. Lash.

Young Communist League (communist youth league), 464 Sixth Avenue, New York town center; Carl Ross, Celeste Srack, Angelo Herndon.

Communist Worker's School, 31 East Twelfth Street, New York town center; Director: A. Markoff, J.R. Brodsky, Dr. H. Selsan, L Boudin, H. Sacker, Irving Schwab

Co-operational League Of the United States Of America (cooperative league of the USA) 167 west Twelfth Street New York town center (Moscow intimate) of chairmen: Dr. J.P. Warbuse

Communist Party of the United States of America, 35 East Twelfth Street, New York town center; Chairman: W.Z. Foster, Secretary-General: Earl Browder. H. Benjamin, W. Weiner, J.W. Ford, A.W. Berry, A. Markoff

Congress Of Industrial Organizations, New York town center Counsel (congress of the Organistionen of the industry, Stadrat of New York), 1133 Broadway, New York town center; National chairmen in the State of New York: John L Lewis, chairman: A.S. Haywood

China Aid Council (advice for China assistance), 268 Fourth Avenue, New York town center; M. Forsyth, J. Waterman Wise, Rabbi S.S. Wise, M. Stewart, Joseph P. Lash, J.P. Davis, O. Lattimore

Communist Worker's Bookshop (communist book shop for workers), 50 East Thirteenth Street, New York town center

Daily Worker ("DAILY Worker"), 50 East Thirteenth, Street New York town center; Herausgeberin: Larence Hathaway

Federated Press 30 Irivng Place New York town center of chairmen: Franc Palmer

Federation Of Architects, Engineers, Chemists and Technicians (CIO), (union of the Architektern, engineers, chemists and technicians); Chairman: L.A. Berne, deputy chairmen: M.E. Scherer

Descendants of the American Revolution (native), (descendants of the American revolution), 126 East Nineteenth Street, New York town center; National chairmen: M. Hatfield, attorney Arthur Garfield Hays

country find (American find for Public service), (support rear for publicly officials), 2 west Thirtheenth Street, New York town center; R. Baldwin, Morris L Ernst

International Labor Defense (Moscow intimate), (international combination to the Verteidung of the workers), 112 East Nineteenth Street, New York town center; Chairman: Vito Marcantonio, J. Brodsky

International Ladies Garment Workers Union (international trade union of the female workers of the clothing industry), 2 west Sixteenth Street, New York town center; Chairman: David Dubinsky

International Publishers (international publishers) 381 Fourth Avenue New York town center A. Trachtenberg

Jewish DAILY liberty (Jewish daily paper) 50 haste Thirteenth Street publisher: MJ. Olgin

Jewish People's Committee Against Fascism and anti-Semitism (committee of the Jewish people against fascism and Antisemitismus), 1133 Broadway, New York town center; Chairman: W. Weiner

Labor Research Association (research council of the trade unions), 80 Fifth Avenue, New York town center; Director: R.W. Thinly (rear supports) from the country

International Workers Order (community of the international workers), 80 Fifth Avenue, New York town center; Chairman: W. Weiner, attorney J. Brodsky

League for Mutual Aid (league for mutual assistance) 104 Fifth Avenue New York town center; Acting Secretary-General: A. School child, J. Davis, J. Baker

League Of American Writers (league of American writers), 381 Fourth Avenue, New York town center; Chairman: D. C. Stewart, acting Secretary-General: H. Fulsome, M. Gold, G. Hicks.

League Of Women Shoppers, 220 Fifth Avenue, New York town center; E. Preston (Mrs. R.N. Baldwin), M. Forsyth

Methodist Federation for Social Service (combination of the Methodists for social services), 150 Fifth Avenue, New York town center; Bishop F.J. McConnell

National Committee for People's Rights (national committee for international law), 150 Fifth Avenue, New York town center; Chairman: R. Kent, M. Gold

National Lawyers Guild (combination of the national lawyers), 31 Union Square, New York town center

National Maritime Union (CIO), (national shipping trade union), 126 Eleventh Avenue, New York town center; Chairman: J. Curran

National Mooney Billings Committee, 112 haste Nineteenth Street, New York town center; Rabbi S.S. Wise

National Negro Congress (national congress of the Afroamerikaner), 35 East Twelfth Street, New York town center; Chairman: A.P. Randolph, J.W. Ford, A. Herndon, J.P. Davis

National Urban League (national city league), 1133 Broadway, New York town center; Rev. L Hollingsworth Wood, W.C. Poletti

National Women's Trade Union League (national league that trade unionist inside), 247 Lexington Avenue, New York town center; R. Schneiderman, A. Nestor, M. Schwartz

Negro Youth Congress (congress for black young people), 35 haste Twelfth Street, New York town center; Chairman: W.F. Richardson, Secretary-General: E.E. Strong

New School for Social Research, 66 west Twelfth Street, New York town center; Chairman: A. Johnson, attorney B. Bass, Heywood Broun

North American Committee ton of Aid Spanish Democray (North American committee for the support of the democracy in Spain), 381 Fourth Avenue, New York town center; Bishop F.j. McConnell

Peoples Press, 1133 Brodway, New York town center; Owner: Corliss Lamont, J. Waterman Wise, R.S. Childs

Progressive Women's Council (advice of progessiver women), 80 East Eleventh Street, New York town center; Chairman: C Shavelson, Generalsekretaerin: Rose Nelson, R. Chaikin

Edge School OF Social Science (socialist), 7 East Fifteenth Street, New York town center; D Alexander, Norman Thomas

Social Economic Foundation Inc. (donation for social science) directors: Corliss Lamont, A.A. Heller, C Recht, M. van Kleek

Social Work Today (magazine), 112 East Nineteenth Street, New York town center; B. Goldman, S.M. Issacs, L Merrill, M. van Kleek

Scottsboro Defense Committee, 112 East Nineteenth Street, New York town center; Director: Rev. A.K. Chalmers

Socialist Party the USA (a socialist party of the USA), 11 west Seventeenth Street, New York town center; Norman Thomas, J. Altman

Southern Tenant Farmers Union (CIO), (trade union of dependent Farmer of the Southern States), 112 East Nineteenth Street/50 East Twelfth Street, New York town center; H. Kester

Transport Workers Union (CIO), (transport worker trade union), 80 East Eleventh Street, New York town center; Chairman: M. Pour, to A. Hogan, T. Santo

United Christian Council for Democracy, 150 Fifth Avenue, New York town center; Chairman: W.F. Cochran, R. Niebuhr

United Office and Professional Workers OF America (CIO) 30 East Twentieth Street New York town center of chairmen: J. Merrill

Workers LIBRARY Publishers Inc., 39 haste Twelfth Street, New York town center; (experts for propaganda in the CPUSA)

Workers Defense League (league for the defense of the rights of the workers), 112 East Nineteenth Street, New York town center; J. Davis, R. Morss Lovett, M. Shapiro, Norman Thomas

Workers Alliance, New York State section, 781 Broadway, New York town center; Chairman: S. Weisman, D Lasser

Women's International League for Peace and Freedom (international woman league for peace and liberty), 150 Fifth Avenue, New York town center

Young Pioneers (boy of pioneers), 80 Fifth Avenue, New York town center (member of the CPUSA)

Zookniga corporation, 245 Fifth Avenue, New York town center

As is the case for the second list in the appendix it concerns also with this an official list, which was published on 1 August 1939 and on realizations FBI as well as other intelligence services been based. The second list was presented 1948 and supplemented until always 1953 again. All communist groups, which emerge both in the pre-war and the post-war list, are marked by one "". In the meantime some trade unions communists had excluded other openly communist groups from their membership lists, were dissolved, partially also by government resolution. Although Roosevelt had forbidden hearing messages between the Soviet Union and America and/or Canada, the secret services did not adhere to it. The fact that someone was a member at a federation, a committee or a Soviet group of supports, did not mean still for a long time that this person was an active communist or a feeler gauge. Thousands ofpeople with an inclination for liberal thinking became members, without being or the ideas of communism support thereby communists. The variety of these groups shows however completely clearly that Moscow infinitely set up many traps for the harmless ones and the sympathizers, in order to then recruit from this humans their feeler gauges. These even one said that they give up the kompromi tierende membership and into the underground should go, what even mean could the fact that they become members of conservative groups and openly had to criticize their former friends.

List of the 1948 as communist classified organizations, Attorney General's list Federal Register 13 (20 March 1948):

  • Alabama People's Educational Association
  • Florida Press and Educational League
  • Oklahoma League for Political Education
  • People's Educational and Press Association of Texas
  • Virginia League for People's Education
  • Congress against Discrimination
  • Congress of American Revolutionary Writers
  • Congress of American Women Congress of the Unemployed
  • Connecticut Committee to aid Victims of the Smith Act
  • Connecticut Ste Youth Conference
  • Council for Jobs, Relief and Housing
  • Council for Pan-American Democracy
  • Council of Greek American
  • Council on African Affairs
  • Daily Worker Press Club
  • Dennis Defense Committee
  • Detroit Youth Assembly
  • East Bay Peace Committee
  • Emergency Committee to Save Spanish Refugees
  • Everybody's Committee to Outlaw War
  • Families of the Baltimore Smith Act Victim
  • Families of the Smith Act Victims
  • Finish-American Mutual Aid Society
  • Frederick Douglas Educational Center
  • Freedom Stage, Inc.
  • Friends of the Soviet Union
  • George Washington Carver School, New York City
  • Harlem Trade Union Council
  • Hawaii Civil Liberties Committee
  • Hellenic-American Brotherhood
  • Hollywood Writers Mobilization for Democracy
  • Hungarian-American Council for Democracy
  • Hungarian Brotherhood
  • Idaho Pension Union
  • Independant Party, Seattle, Washington
  • Industrial Workers of the World
  • International Labor Defense
  • International Workers Order, its subdivisions, subsidiaries and affiliates*
  • Jewish Culture Society
  • Jewish People's Committee
  • Jewish People's fraternal Order
  • Joint Anti-Fascist Refugee Committee
  • Joseph Weydemeyer School of Social Science, St. Louis, Missouri
  • Labour Council for Negro Rights
  • Labor Research Association Inc.*
  • Labor Youth League
  • League for Common Sense
  • League of American Writers*
  • Macedoman-American People's League
  • Maritime Labor Committee to Defend AI Lannon
  • Massachusetts Committee for the Bill of Rights
  • Massachusetts Minute Women for Peace
  • Maurice Braverman Defense Committee
  • Michigan Civil Rights Federation
  • Michigan Council for Peace
  • Michigan School of Social Science
  • National Association of Mexican Americans
  • National Committee for Freedom of the Press
  • National Committee for the Defense of Political Prisoners
  • National Committee to Win Amnesty for Smith Act Victims
  • National Committee to Win the Peace
  • National Conference on American Policy in China and the Far East
  • National Council for American-Soviet Friendship
  • National Federation for Constitutional Liberties
  • National Labor Conference for Peace
  • National Negro Congress*
  • National Negro Labor Council
  • Nature Friends of America
  • Negro Labor Victory Committee
  • New Committee for Publications
  • North American Committee to Aid Spanish Democracy*
  • North American Spanish Aid Committee
  • North Philadelphia Forum
  • Ohio School of Social Sciences
  • Oklahoma Committee to Defend Political Prisoners
  • Pacific Northwest Labor School, Seattle, Washington
  • Palo Alto Peace Club, Palo Alto, Kalifornien
  • Peace Information Center
  • Peace Movement of Ethopia
  • People's Drama, Inc.
  • People's Educational Association (Los Angeles Educational Center)
  • People's Institute of Applied Religion
  • People's Programs (Seattle, Washington)
  • People's Radio Foundation, Inc.
  • Philadelphia Labor Committee for Negro Right*
  • Philadelphia School of Social Science and Art
  • Photo League
  • Pittsburgh Art Club
  • Political Prisoners' Welfare Committee
  • Polonia Society of the IWO
  • Proletarian Party of America
  • Protestant War Veterans of the USA Inc.
  • Provisional Committee of Citizens for Peace, Southwest Area Provisional Committee on Latin American Affairs
  • Quad City Committee for Peace
  • Queensborough Tenants League
  • Revolutionary Workers League
  • Romanian-American Fraternal Society
  • Russian American Society, Inc. [2]
  • Samuel Adams Scholl, Boston, Massachusetts
  • Santa Barbara Peace Forum, Santa Barbara, Kalifornien
  • Schappes Defense Committee
  • Schneiderman-Darcy Defense Committee
  • School of Jewish Studies
  • Seattle Labor School, Seattle, Washington
  • Serbian-American Fraternal Society
  • Serbian Vidovidan Council
  • Slavic Council of Southern California
  • Slovak Workers Society
  • Slovenian-American National Council
  • Socialist Workers Party, including American Committee for European Workers' Relief
  • Southern Negro Youth Congress
  • Syracuse Women for Peace
  • Tom Paine School of Westchester, New York
  • Trade Union Committee for Peace
  • Trade Unionists for Peace
  • Tn-State Negro Trade Union Council
  • Ukrainan-American Fraternal Union
  • Union of New York Veterans
  • United American Spanish Aid Committee
  • United Committee of Jewish Societies and Landsmannschaft
  • United Committee of South Slavic American
  • United Defense Council of Southern California
  • United Harlem Tenants and Consumers Organization
  • United May Day Committee
  • United Negro and Allied Veterans of America
  • United World Federalists
  • Veterans of the Abraham Lincoln Brigade
  • Virginia League for People's Education
  • Voice of Freedom Committee
  • Walt Whitman School of Social Science, Newark, New Jersey
  • Washington Bookshop Association
  • Washington Committee for Democratic Action
  • Washington Committee to Defend the Bill of Rights
  • Washington Commonwealth Federation
  • Washington Pension Union
  • Wisconsin Conference on Social Legislation
  • Workers Alliance Yiddisher Kultur Farband
  • Young Communist League*
  • Yugoslav-American Cooperative Home, Inc.
  • Yugoslav Seamen's Club, Inc.



If you got a minute can you take a look at Wikipedia:Categories for deletion/Log/2005 November 7#Category:Soviet spies to Category:Aed Soviet spies. This is a challenge to the sourcing of Venona project materials & direct related article series. Thank you. nobs 21:02, 8 November 2005 (UTC)[reply]

The Discipline Inspection Commission of the Central Military Commission (CMC) held a plenary meeting on September 26 to study and discuss the spirit of the 4th Plenum of the 16th Party Central Committee and the Enlarged Meeting of the Central Military Commission and the 4th Plenary Session of the Central Discipline Inspection Commission, and study ways to implement them.

The meeting emphasized that discipline inspection commissions at all levels of the army must take the study and implementation of the spirit of the 4th Plenum of the 16th Central Committee of the Party and the Enlarged Meeting of the Central Military Commission as an important political task and grasp it firmly and do it successfully so as to give full play to their functionary role and provide powerful political, ideological, disciplinary and working-style guarantee. We must earnestly implement Chairman Hu Jintao's important instruction given at the Enlarged Meeting of the Central Military Commission on enhancing the capabilities of Party organizations at various levels of the army, further strengthen the building of discipline inspection commissions at various levels, constantly enhance their discipline inspection capability by centering on the central task of the army, enhance the capability to effectively supervise high- and medium-level cadres, improve the capability of fostering inner-Party democracy and protecting the Party member's rights, enhance the capability of enforcing discipline and handling cases according to law, foster the capability to assist the Party committees to improve the Party's style of work, organize and coordinate the fight against corruption, and do a better job of fighting against corruption and improving the Party's style of work in the army, so as to make new contributions to the army building in an all-round way.

5. Discipline inspection organizations of the Party

Discipline inspection organizations of the Party consist of the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection, local Party commissions for discipline inspection at various levels and the grassroots Party commissions for discipline inspection.

The Central Commission for Discipline Inspection works under the leadership of the Party Central Committee.

The local Party commissions for discipline inspection at various levels and the grassroots Party commissions for discipline inspection work under the dual leadership of the Party committee at the same level and Party commission for discipline inspection at the next higher level.

The term of each Party commission for discipline inspection is the same as that of the Party committee at the same level.

The plenary session of the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection elects its standing committee, secretary and deputy secretaries and reports this to the Party Central Committee for approval.

The plenary sessions of local Party commissions for discipline inspection at various levels elect the standing committee and secretary and deputy secretaries, and the results are passed by the Party committee at the same level and reported to the Party committee at the next higher level for approval.

Whether a discipline inspection commission or discipline inspection members for a grassroots Party committee shall be established or put into position is to be decided by a Party organization at the next higher level in light of specific conditions.

A general Party branch committee and a Party branch committee shall include discipline inspection members.

The Central Commission for Discipline Inspection may, if needed, accredit a discipline inspection group or discipline inspectors to central Party and state organs.

Leaders of the discipline inspection group or discipline inspectors may attend, as non-voting members, related conferences organized by Party leaders of the organ concerned.

Their work must be supported by the Party leaders and organizations of the organ concerned.



When George H. Earle, a former US Minister to Bulgaria and to Austria, met with President Roosevelt to inform him of information he had received indicating Soviet responsibility for the massacre, the President responded, "I have noted with concern your plan to publish your unfavourable opinion of one of our allies. . . I not only do not wish it, but I specifically forbid you to publish any information or opinion about an ally that you might have acquired while in office or in the service of the US Navy." Louis Fitz Gibbon added that "Earle was promptly transferred to Samoa."

Louis FitzGibbon, Katyn Charles Scribner's Sons, New York, (1971), pp. 183-184



'Gaik Badalovich Ovakimian (b. 1898) was of Armenian background and he joined the KGB in 1931 while a graduate student at Moscow's Bauman Higher Technical School and went immediately into foreign intelligence.

Ovakimian was sent to Germany on an assignment emphasizing scientific-technical espionage. In 1932 he returned to the Soviet Unionin for advanced technical training at the Workers' and Peasants' Red Army Military-Chemical Academy. In 1933 Ovakimian was sent to the United States as deputy head of the KGB's scientific-technical intelligence section, operating under the cover of being an engineer for Amtorg.

In 1939 Ovakimian became chief of scientific intelligence in the United States while at the same time began studying for a doctorate in chemistry at a New York University.

In 1941 Ovakimian was arrested during a meeting with an agent who had been turned by the FBI. After the German invasion of the Soviet Union on 22 June 1941, the United States agreed to forgo prosecution and allowed him to return to Moscow.

Ovakimian became deputy chief of the KGB's foreign intelligencein 1943 and attained the rank of major-general. In 1946 Ovakimian left the KGB to engage in full-time scientific work.


  • John Earl Haynes and Harvey Klehr, Venona: Decoding Soviet Espionage in America, Yale University Press (1999).

Ovakimian, Gaik Ovakimian, Gaik

"Covert relationship" is not "artful language" of Haynes & Klehr; it is in fact a common jargon phrase.
  • US Dept. of State FOIA - Church Report (1975) [3]
  • Andrew and Leslie Cockburn, Dangerous Liaison: The Inside Story of the U.S.-Israeli Covert Relationship, (1991)
  • Defining the Future of the NRO for the 21st Century, National Reconnaissance Office (26 August 1996) [6]
  • British House of Commons, Regulation of Investigatroy Powers Bill, (2000) [7]
  • Scottish Executive, Covert Human Intelligence, Code Partices (2000) [8]
  • Supreme Court of Canada, Full Memorandum re CAFFII, Court File No. S.C.C. No. 28227, (13 August 2001) [9]
  • Bob Woodward, Secret CIA Units Playing a Central Combat Role, Washington Post, (18 November 2001) [10]
  • US Objectives In Central And South Asia, The Nation, (5 February, 2002) [11]
  • Correspondence, South Africa's Nuclear Decisions, (2002) [12]
  • U.S. Supreme Court 03-1395: Tenet v. Doe - Reply (Petition), (2003) [13]
  • US Army Professional Writing Collection, Soldiers of the State: Reconsidering American Civil-Military Relations, (2004) [14]
  • Chip Berlet & Matthew N. Lyons, Liberal & Neoconservative Cooperation with State Repression, The Public Eye, (no date) [15]
  • Google Results 1,890,000 for covert+relationship [16]

Arbitration filed naming you


Please be advised that today I filed an arbitration case naming you. It can be found at Wikipedia:Requests_for_arbitration#Nobs01_and_others_acting_in_concert.--Cberlet 21:25, 15 November 2005 (UTC)[reply]

Talk:Chip Berlet


Ok, here's the problem. You put stuff on there about Kiko Martinez; what does Chip Berlet have to do with Kiko Martinez? Fred Bauder 20:59, 16 November 2005 (UTC)[reply]

You still don't answer the question, what does that have to do with Chip Berlet? He is known to be in the Lawyer's guild, might have been a member of the committee and edited the magazine of the committee, but what is the connection, if any, with Francisco Kiko Martinez. Another matter, so far as I know, Kiko is alive, has never been convicted of a crime and is a member in good standing of the Colorado Bar. Fred Bauder 21:39, 16 November 2005 (UTC)[reply]

Exhibit 4


Hi Nobs, yes I read it, but I've no idea what it means. SlimVirgin (talk) 06:36, 18 November 2005 (UTC)[reply]

Sorry, I'm still not following you. I wrote that the context in which some of your posts were made raised the possibility of malice. But how is that connected to whatever exhibit 4 is? Please don't speak in riddles: either say what you have to say, or don't say anything, please. SlimVirgin (talk) 20:37, 18 November 2005 (UTC)[reply]

Discussion retreived from User talk:SlimVirgin/archive21


Statement by Nobs01


Hi! Have you been following Statement by Nobs01 at the RfArb, and particularly Exhibit 4? Thanks. nobs 04:59, 18 November 2005 (UTC)[reply]

The intent issue; I never set out to trash Cberlet as alleged. Would it help if I demonstrated it. nobs 06:41, 18 November 2005 (UTC)[reply]
The point being, Slim, I beleive I've read two posting of yours referring to me as acting with "malice" and I'd like to give you every opportunity to amend that statement. Thank you. nobs 20:19, 18 November 2005 (UTC)[reply]
An allegation has been made that nobs has acted in "malice"; nobs stands ready to document (a) nobs has made good faith efforts to resolve disputes since nobs first contact with Cberlet; (b) Cberlet has violated policy provisions for dispute resolution; (c) user:Cberlet has fanned the flames of disputes by editing practices in violation of policy provisions; (d) nobs raising the current issues at Talk:Chip Berlet was only delayed by nobs good faith recusal in August [17] from further editing, "As gesture of good faith in anticipation of collaborative efforts & dispute resolution"; (e) nobs raised the issue (i) substance of Laird Wilcox report (ii) basis for Chip Berlet using Wikipedia to smear of Mr. Wilcox's integrity on 20 September [18]; (f) Cberlet responded by repeating the unsubtantiated smear of Wilcox and delivered personal attack against nobs [19]; (g) nobs gave second opportunity to substantiate using Wikipedia as a platform to deliver personal smear against Wilcox [20].
I could continue if necessary, but clearly this dispute did not arise over night, and Cberlet has done nothing to mitigate it. And I do not believe yourself, or anyone else, can substantiate the charge that nobs has acted with "mailce". Thank you so much, and let me add I do believe you have an earned reputation for fairness as a Wikipedia Administator. nobs 21:14, 18 November 2005 (UTC)[reply]

Proposed wording


At Wikipedia:Requests for arbitration#Statement by SlimVirgin could be amended with an addition like this,

Let me amend, where he term "malice" appears with reference to User:Nobs01, delete "malice" and insert "questionable".

Just a suggestion, so it looks less of a personal attack. Thank you. nobs 21:46, 18 November 2005 (UTC) [21][reply]

You've misunderstood the way the term "malice" was being used: I wrote that the context within which you were editing raised the issue of malice in the legal sense. Please read what was actually written rather than adopting your own interpretation. Anyway, I don't want to continue discussing this, so please don't write to me again about it. I wonder whether you realize that you appear to be obsessed by Chip and that this, in part, is where the concern stems from. SlimVirgin (talk) 22:07, 18 November 2005 (UTC)[reply]
Response: "malice" in the legal sense is precisely how I interpret User:SlimVirgin reference, and my use of the term. nobs 22:11, 18 November 2005 (UTC)[reply]

Please stop editing mediation pages


Nobs, please respect the fact that our mediation is suspended due to the arbitration. Please stop editing the mediation pages. Please act in accordance with Wikipedia policies and practices.--Cberlet 16:27, 18 November 2005 (UTC)[reply]

I've moved the page to a user subpage: User:Nobs01/Workshop. Since the page wasn't heavily utilized during mediation, there shouldn't be too much of a problem. Thanks! Flcelloguy (A note?) 23:21, 18 November 2005 (UTC)[reply]

Arbitration accepted


Wikipedia:Requests for arbitration/Nobs01 and others has been accepted. Please place evidence at Wikipedia:Requests for arbitration/Nobs01 and others/Evidence. You may make proposals and comment on proposals at Wikipedia:Requests for arbitration/Nobs01 and others/Workshop. Fred Bauder 19:37, 20 November 2005 (UTC)[reply]

Please see Wikipedia:Requests for mediation/Cberlet and Nobs01. Thank you. Flcelloguy (A note?) 01:13, 21 November 2005 (UTC)[reply]

Your email is returning my mail


If you are using the paid version of netzero, be careful, they refused to stop deducting $ from my account and I had to close it. In any case, I'd be happy to send you a gmail invite, if you have a working email i can send it to. Sam Spade 08:39, 21 November 2005 (UTC)[reply]



It survived and they made me an admin! I couldn't have done it without you and appreciate all you did for me with your vote. Never hesitate to ask me if you need anything. The usertalk is always on.--MONGO 04:37, 23 November 2005 (UTC)[reply]

Dubious sources

  • "Smith and Jones are Knights of the Garter. Smith kills his wife. It is inappropriate when writing an article about Jones to include information like this, 'Smith, also a member of the Knights of the Garter, killed his own wife' under the heading "Crimes of Jones." Most uses of guilt by association are more subtle than this"
  • Q. "Is a judgement made only about the specific reference in source material, or to the reliability of the author of such guilt by association tactics, which then would apply to other works by the same source?
  • Mr. Bauder. "Only to those using smear tactics. [22]
  • From the Introduction:
  • "the trail from the bloody atrocities of the Waffen SS to the ethnic outreach arm of the Republican Party and even to the paneled walls of White House briefing rooms."
  • Laird Wilcox, Political Research Associates, A Study in "Links and ties", (Editorial Research Service, 1999), pp. 120, 130. ISBN 0-993592-96-5 Parameter error in {{ISBN}}: checksum
  • "One cannot but reflect on the many articles by Chip Berlet “linking and tying” individuals to various right-wing causes based on “someone being quoted alleging a connection...”.
  • "Whatever the nature of the relationship between Chip Berlet and Political Research Associates and Leonard Zeskind and the Center For Democratic Renewal and Guardian, it’s significant that both parties regularly attempt to “link and tie” opposing individuals and groups with the publications they have written for or were favorably reported in. If one uses the standards suggested by their own writings, their “links” with Guardian bear looking into. If, on the other hand, these “links and ties” with the Guardian are tangential and unimportant, then so might be the alleged “links and ties” of their enemies on the right.”
  • Wilcox is the founder of the Wilcox Collection on Contemporary Political Movements at the University of Kansas, one of the largest of its kind in the world, which contains hundreds of thousands of documents on all political movements. He is also editor and publisher of annual guides on extremism. Quoted in Racial Extremism in the Army, MAJ Walter M. Hudson, The Military Law Review, Vol 159 (Mar 99), fn 31, Department of the Army, Washington, DC. Pamphlet No 27-100-159 [23]


  • Washington Post. Obituary: Richard S. Welch. 29 Dec. 1975, A16. ISBN 01908286
  • Document Abstract:
  • "The murder of Richard S. Welch, CIA station chief in Athens, was the entirely predictable result of the disclosure tactics chosen by certain American critics of the agency as part of their effort to destroy it." [24]
  • Laird Wilcox, Political Research Associates, A Study in "Links & ties", subchapter Chip Berlet and U.S Law Enforcement and Intelligence Agencies, (Editorial Research Service, 1999), pp. 121-124. ISBN 0-993592-96-5 Parameter error in {{ISBN}}: checksum [25]
    • "Referring to Counterspy, a Washington Post editorial asked, "What other result than the killing [of Richard Welch] did Mr. [Timothy] Butz and his colleagues at Counterspy expect when they fingered Mr. Welch?"126 Butz, incidentally, was on the editorial staff of The Public Eye, along with Chip Berlet and Russ Bellant.127
126 Richard S. Welch, Washington Post, (29 December 1975), p. A16. [26]
127 Public Eye Staff, The Public Eye (Vol II, Issues 1 & 2, 1979), 3. [27]
  • "In 1991 Chip Berlet and Linda Lotz released a revised version of their Reading List On Intelligence Agencies and Political Repression... The list notes that "This is the reading list circulated by Phil Agee at his Speakout lectures."121
121 Chip Berlet and Linda Lotz, Reading List on Intelligence Agencies and Political Repression (NY:National Lawyers Guild Civil Liberties Committee, 1991).
  • Chip Berlet and Linda Lotz, Reading List on Intelligence Agencies and Political Repression, (NY:National Lawyers Guild Civil Liberties Committee, Rev. 1/14/91) [28]
  • "Public Eye Another spawn of the first Counterspy".
  • "[Agee] could not have inflicted the damage he has on this Country without the help of his colleagues at CounterSpy and the Covert Action Information Bulletin (CAIB), his two major exposure instruments, and others who in various ways have aided, abetted, publicized, defended and supported them and him. "
  • "The original Counterspy with which Agee was affiliated began publication with its March 1973 issue; it ceased publishing after its November 1976 issue--until publication was resumed under new management in December 1978. "
  • "In late 1978, Halperin's CPR published a 'Materials List' to assist its members in their agit-prop work against American intelligence agencies. "
  • "Arranged by the cited Communist front, the National Lawyers Guild (NLG)..."
  • "Counterspy 12/78: 'lists numerous CIA agents now overseas.' "
  • "The CIA station chief in Athens, Richard Welch, was murdered by terrorists after two or three listings in Counterspy "
  • "Counterspy's publisher, the Organizing Committee for a Fifth Estate (OC 5)"

Human Rights & Democide

  • Laird Wilcox, Political Research Associates, A Study in "Links & ties", subchapter Chip Berlet and U.S Law Enforcement and Intelligence Agencies, Editorial Research Service, 1999, p. 121-124. ISBN 0-993592-96-5 Parameter error in {{ISBN}}: checksum [29]
  • "A 1981 issue of the publication states unequivocally that “The Public Eye is produced in conjunction with the National Lawyers Guild Committee Against Government Repression and Police Crimes.” It also lists Chip Berlet as a managing editor.95
95 The Public Eye, Volume III, Issues 1 and 2 (1981). [30]
  • Harvey Klehr, Far Left of Center: The American Radical Left Today (Transaction Books, New Brunswick, 1988), p. 161.
  • "The NLG is an affiliate of the Soviet-controlled International Association of Democratic Lawyers (IADL).... Over the years it has steadfastly supported every twist and turn in Soviet foreign policy, including the invasions of Hungary, Czechoslovakia and Afghanistan."
  • "An estimated one million Afghans were killed between 1979 and 1989"
  • "Significant 20th century democides...Afghanistan (1979-2001) 1,400,000 "

subst:User talk:Nobs01

My RfA

Thanks. WikiThanks.
Thanks. WikiThanks.
I would like to express my thanks to all the people who took part in my (failed) RfA voting. I was both surprised and delighted about the amount of support votes and all the kind words! I was also surprised by the amount of people who stated clearly that they do care, be it by voting in for or against my candidacy. That's what Wiki community is about and I'm really pleased to see that it works.
As my RfA voting failed with 71% support, I don't plan to reapply for adminship any more. However, I hope I might still be of some help to the community. Cheers! Halibutt 05:10, 29 November 2005 (UTC)[reply]

Nice one


Wikipedia:Articles for deletion/American terrorism--MONGO 05:45, 30 November 2005 (UTC)[reply]



"Recurse yourself"[31] is one of the better malaprops I've heard recently. I'm not quite sure how that would work, but it reminds me of a similarly impossible command which I won't repeat. Or, maybe it's a nice thing, like "say it again" or "amen". Anyway, you can't dissect humor. Cheers, -Willmcw 10:53, 1 December 2005 (UTC)[reply]

peer review requested: Joseph McCarthy


Hey nobs...I posted the following on the talk page for the Wisconsin and USSenate wikiprojects.

Peer review has been requested for the Joseph McCarthy article. Please make all peer review comments at Wikipedia:Peer review/Joseph McCarthy/archive1. TomerTALK 20:37, 1 December 2005 (UTC)[reply]

Thank you!


Hi Nobs01,

I would like to thank you for your kind support on my RfA. I'll do my best to be a good administrator. If you need anything, or if I ever do something wrong with my new powers, please contact me. Mushroom 17:41, 2 December 2005 (UTC)[reply]


  1. This again is a great example of Cberlet assigning motives where they do not exist (see WP:AGF). Category:Soviet spies was not created by nobs, and nobs has agreed with Cberlet the name is problamatic from the first issuance of an objection [32]

RFA for TheParanoidOne


Hello Nobs01. Thanks for the vote of confidence in my RFA. I have now officially received the badge, so I shall try my best to be a good administrator. Thanks again. --TheParanoidOne 21:49, 4 December 2005 (UTC)[reply]

Reaching the point of ridiculous


Yes, that's right, Wikipedia is getting ridiculous. [33]...latest edit war...did you know that on 9/11 that the planes were only alledged to have been hijacked?--MONGO 16:00, 12 December 2005 (UTC)[reply]

Page protection


FYI - Wikipedia talk:Requests for comment/SlimVirgin2

An added note - Since I posted this RfC, it has drawn support from several editors who have recognized SlimVirgin's violations of PPol. As with any dispute resolution proceeding around here these days though, the clique of usual suspects has arrived on site to disrupt any attempt to shed light on this blatant policy violation by attacking me personally in response as the one who filed it. Willmcw, Katefan0, and company also appear to be watching the clock very strictly on this one to try and delete it the second 48 hours expires if there's no second certification, regardless of how many other neutral and non-biased editors have agreed that she broke the rules. If you have a moment and are willing to support it your help is much needed. This is a classic case of admins thinking that they're "above the rules," which is at the root of all the problems with this site that have been exposed recently. Rangerdude 22:07, 17 December 2005 (UTC)[reply]



Not "priveleged". Thanks, -Willmcw 08:30, 21 December 2005 (UTC)[reply]

Final decision


The arbitration committee has reached a final decision in the Wikipedia:Requests for arbitration/Nobs01 and others case. Raul654 17:56, 23 December 2005 (UTC)[reply]

Solzhenitsyn qutations added


I've added a couple of quotations from Solzhenitsyn's Gulag Archipelago ([34]). I thought you might be interested; as I translated from my native language, some revision may prove useful. Constanz - Talk 17:18, 23 January 2006 (UTC)[reply]

Episcopal Church in Wisconsin-


Hi!I started 3 articles concerning the Episcopal Church in Wisconsin:1.Episcopal Diocese of Milwaukee,2.Episcopal Diocese of Fond du Lac,3.Episcopal Diocese of Eau Claire.I need some help to get them into the Religion in Wisconsin category plus any other categories they are supposed to be in.Thank you-RFD 16:53, 26 January 2006 (UTC)[reply]

Blocked until 23 Dec


In belated implementation of your Arbcom ban, I've placed a block on this account, expiring on the 23rd December, this year. Alai 22:52, 28 January 2006 (UTC)[reply]

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Thank you, and have a wiki wiki day! BD2412 T 03:34, 17 February 2006 (UTC)[reply]

Hi! A contributor Bianca Delgado (talk | contribs) recently did some heavy-handed text removal on a couple of articles you created, Eugene Dennis and Duncan Lee. I don't know if those deletions are good edits, so if you want to take a look, well, you know, take a look :-) — Weregerbil 10:11, 20 February 2006 (UTC)[reply]

Hmm, another new editor almost blanked Anna Colloms and Ruth Wilson with no comment or discussion. I'll revert those deletions. I'm starting to think someone is on a sock puppet assisted revisionism rampage against accused Soviet spies. Weregerbil 10:27, 20 February 2006 (UTC)[reply]

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  • Updated image info and upgraded its license to PD-USSR

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Two images


Hello, Image:Mark BT.jpg and Image:AntonovA40.jpg had been tagged as {{PD-USSR}} without evidence, so I have retagged them as {{no license}}. Mushroom (Talk) 14:22, 10 March 2006 (UTC)[reply]

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  • Reuploaded PD image

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Image Tagging for Image:Semenov.jpg


Thanks for uploading Image:Semenov.jpg. The image has been identified as not specifying the source and creator of the image, which is required by Wikipedia's policy on images. If you don't indicate the source and creator of the image on the image's description page, it may be deleted some time in the next seven days. If you have uploaded other images, please verify that you have provided source information for them as well.

For more information on using images, see the following pages:

This is an automated notice by OrphanBot. For assistance on the image use policy, see User talk:Carnildo/images. 14:58, 20 March 2006 (UTC)[reply]

Image Tagging for Image:TWMMGoodPic.jpg


Thanks for uploading Image:TWMMGoodPic.jpg. The image has been identified as not specifying the source and creator of the image, which is required by Wikipedia's policy on images. If you don't indicate the source and creator of the image on the image's description page, it may be deleted some time in the next seven days. If you have uploaded other images, please verify that you have provided source information for them as well.

For more information on using images, see the following pages:

This is an automated notice by OrphanBot. For assistance on the image use policy, see User talk:Carnildo/images. 16:32, 22 March 2006 (UTC)[reply]

Long talk page


Greetings! Your talk page is getting a bit long in the tooth - please consider archiving your talk page (or ask me and I'll archive it for you). Cheers! BD2412 T 00:19, 17 June 2006 (UTC)[reply]

Name of a spy


Hi, you may be banned from editing Wikipedia but nevertheless I've got a question to you: In your article on Stephen Rich, you refer to him twice as Stephan. Which is the correct spelling? Thanks in advance, and all the best, <KF> 13:17, 7 October 2006 (UTC)[reply]

Your request for arbitration


Hello Nobs, you should really consider withdrawing your appeal at Wikipedia:Requests for arbitration. It really is not a positive way to start anew after a ban.

The full remedy you were complaining about reads: "Nobs01 is banned for one year for personal attacks. The ban may be renewed for additional years by any 3 administrators after its expiration should personal attacks of the virulence found in this case continue."

All that is saying is that you are on parole and basically to avoid similar conflicts as you had last year... which I hope you also want.

Forget about all that stuff from last year and just get back in the fun stuff: reading and editing Wikipedia Lost Kiwi(talk) 02:21, 14 December 2006 (UTC)[reply]