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Hi Grk1011, I've opened a reassessment on Ireland in the Eurovision Song Contest 2008 as I feel there should be greater encyclopedic information (broad coverage) within the article. I don't think it would take much work to bring it up to scratch as all the information is already out there, some of it in place on Wikipedia. But it would be worth people doing the work as the article is used as an example of a "Foo in the Eurovision Song Contest YEAR" Good Article, and it would be worth giving people something reasonably comprehensive and worthwhile to work toward. SilkTork *YES! 13:33, 2 January 2009 (UTC)

Hi Grk1011, I've opened a reassessment on Greece in the Eurovision Song Contest 2008 as I feel there should be greater encyclopedic information (broad coverage) within the article. I don't think it would take much work to bring it up to scratch as all the information is already out there, some of it in place on Wikipedia. But it would be worth people doing the work as the article is used as an example of a "FOO in the Eurovision Song Contest YEAR" Good Article, and it would be worth giving people something reasonably comprehensive and worthwhile to work toward. SilkTork *YES! 13:39, 2 January 2009 (UTC)

A note from the GACC

Hi there Grk1011!
The Good Article Collaboration Center has been restarted, and since you are a member, we are asking for your help in making the articles Seinfeld, Sarah Palin, and President of the United States good articles. We hope to see you there. Cheers. --LAAFansign review 19:06, 27 December 2008 (UTC)


Hello, nice to see that you're interested in Greek topics :) Sorry that we seem don't seem to agree in many things but well... that shouldn't be a problem. I'd like to personally discuss a couple of things with you:

  1. When one adds the POV tag, one should mention why he does so in the talk page. That is to explain the reasons he added them and if there is POV allow people to correct the article. If we don't know what one finds as POV we can't discuss it and we can't correct it if it exists.
  2. What is your relation with Greekboy? It seems that you edit each others pages and comment on the same things. You also appear to vote on the same things and you are from the same place. That makes me to suspect of a sock-puppet, sock-puppets are not allowed on wikipedia (in case you don't know), so please if you are the same person don't use both accounts to vote.--Lady 6thofAu (talk) 02:17, 16 January 2009 (UTC)
I don't have to make a section on the talk page, it's assumed that if I put a POV tag on a page that I feel the page does not have NPOV, hence what the tag implies, a POV issue. If it was something specific, I would just fix it, but the whole page is a mess with some irrelevant information and some fluff in other areas. A POV tag will encourage others to dive in and identify and attempt to neutralize the article. Also, don't go around accusing people of being socks. Grk1011/Stephen (talk) 02:28, 16 January 2009 (UTC)

Then, you need to read this: Wikipedia:NPOV_dispute#How_to_initiate_an_NPOV_debate--Lady 6thofAu (talk) 02:32, 16 January 2009 (UTC)

and also this: Wikipedia:NPOV_dispute#Adding_a_page--Lady 6thofAu (talk) 02:34, 16 January 2009 (UTC)

Read the talk page over again, there are plenty of issues. Grk1011/Stephen (talk) 02:39, 16 January 2009 (UTC)
I really can't guess the issues if you don't mention them. For some of them it may be the case that you just confuse the meaning of POV, e.g. someone wrote that "the conclusion was that the shot was direct", which is the conclusion as announced. You thought though this is POV and you wrote "he may wanted to scare them", which indeed might have been the case and was mentioned in the article with "there may have been no intention". The fact is that law-terms are precise and writing something slightly different than what is mentioned in the sources may totally change the meaning (e.g. "may have been a direct shot", is totally different from the conclusion that is reported in the article from the announcement that "it was direct but maybe with no intention"). I'd suggest to write a section about POV since you think there is POV in the article and then we may discuss the issues.--Lady 6thofAu (talk) 02:53, 16 January 2009 (UTC)

Signing in

What is wrong with you Grk? So what if you know it's me, what's the deal? I know who I am, not trying to hide it. I was just reading a number of articles today and did not feel like signing in as I was only making minor edits on typos and formats that needed help as I passed by them. FYI, I had already moved onto to something else before you left your last comment, BTW, real mature!

PS: REMINDER: Wikipedia is about knowledge, not about pretentious teenage drama. (GreekStar12 (talk) 03:02, 17 January 2009 (UTC))

Excuse you. I was just wondering why you weren't logged in. It makes it much harder to get in contact with you and you were editing for the entire day. I didn't get why you couldn't just sign in. Grk1011/Stephen (talk) 04:20, 17 January 2009 (UTC)

Hey Grk, it did seem a little weird to me that you would say something like that; if someone did actually vandalize your message, then it's cool. Send me a message anytime! Thanks. (GreekStar12 (talk) 04:41, 17 January 2009 (UTC))

Portuguese Eurovision

Hello, how are you? lol well i'm here to "give" you de new newspaper of portuguese eurovision, i now that you doesn't understand, but if you are a member of the project, you have to have knowlege about what's happening in the project lol but i want to say you sorry, for the red words that will appear in the box, and sory for my english lol i make many mistakes lol i pasted the same box in your portuguses discussion page, but it doesn't appear :S i put there to, for you can see the bos whithout red links.

and... here it is! :D

Boletim de Noticias do WikiProjecto Eurovisão

Feito: Criado à pouco mais de 4 meses, o WikiProjecto Eurovisão, já mudou bastantes artigos eurovisivos, mas ainda nem metade foi arranjado. De reparar, as seguintes páginas: Festival Eurovisão da Canção 1956, Festival Eurovisão da Dança 2007, etc, estas são apenas duas páginas que já sofreram alterações, no entanto desde que o projecto começou, apenas foi colocada uma coluna, comum a todos os artigos eurovisivos, no inicio da página, e foi feita a reformolação da tabela de participantes, no entante, é necessário ainda traduzir textos e tabelas de outras wikipédias, e também nós mesmos a criar novos textos para tornar mais completos os nossos artigos, um dos melhores artigos sobre Eurovisão, pode ser encontrado em Festival Eurovisão da Canção 2008, que também presisa ainda da tradução e criação de textos, mas em termos de tabelas/estrutra esta bastante bom. Falando agora no Festival Eurovisão da Canção 2009, é de lembrar que este já tem todas as participações individuais criadas, no entanto estas precisam de ser actualizadas de vez em quando. O artigo deste ano, poderá vir a ser destacado, depois de estarem colocadas todas as tabelas, de ser azulado, e de ter bastantes textos.
Este WikiProjecto começou no dia 2 de Setembro de 2008, ou seja, à {{Idade em dias|month1=9|day1=2|year1=2008}} dias. Este projecto tem como objectovo desenvolver e melhorar todos os artigos relacionados com a Eurovisão (artistas, músicas, locais, festivais, etc) - para artigos sobre os festivais, ter como base e estilo definido, o artigo 88Festival Eurovisão da Canção 2008]]. Devido a existência de um novo projecto da EBU, este projecto além de contribuir para a Eurovisão, também terá a responsabilidade de criar os artigos sobre a Ásiavisão. Atenção: O Wikiprojecto Eurovisão, foi integrado num projecto mais abranjente, o WikiProjecto Concursos, onde se encontra a Eurovisão, Ásiavisão e Sequim de Ouro. A(s) páginas do projecto, ainda não se encontra(m) como deve de ser, pelo que pesso desde já a ajuda de todos, para ajudarem na transformação do projecto, podem ler mais a baixo o que é necessário fazer.
O que Fazer?: Para já, é necessário efectuar a reparação na página do próprio projecto, onde nas páginas destinadas aos anos, devem ser colocadas todas as músicas e artistas que participaram nesse ano, assim como o local, apresentadores, entradas individuais, etc. Nas páginas "guardadas" para os países, devem ser colocadas todas as entradas dos países no festival, assim com comeentadores, etc (mais tarde também serão incluidos nomes de artistas e respectivas músicas que participaram nos festivais de selecção de cada país. Para o Projecto, isto é basicamente o que é necessário fazer. Falando agora à parte do projecto, o mais urgente a fazer, é completar as colunas que aparecem do lado direito das páginas, com os dias do festival, etc (nota: devem ser postas as imagens que se encontram na wiki inglesa no topo dessa colona); outro trabalho importante, e que venho a desenvolver à um tempo, é transformar todas as tabelas, para as que se encontram já nalguns festivais, como por exemplo o Festival Eurovisão da Canção 2008 (sei que dá um pouco de trabalho, mas fica muito melhor ;) ). Para além disto, é necessário que sejam para já, "trazidas" das outras wikipédias, todas as tabelas referentes a cada artigo (assim como os textos, mas se arranjarmos as tabelas já é bom). Nota: estes objectivos, não são apenas para o Festival Eurovisão da Canção, mas também para o da Dança, e Canção Júnior. Em relação á Ásiavisão, tenho acompanhdo o artigo noutras wikipédias, e não existem novidades, por isso não nos preocupemos com ele agora. Voltando à Eurovisão, existiam três concursos que não devem saber que existem, falo do Festival Eurovisão da Jovens Talentos, de Jovens Bailarinos e de Jovens Músicos, para estes três ainda não existe nenhum artigo criado, pelo que se criarem artigos, agradeço desde já. Falando agora da última vertente do projecto, o Sequim D'Ouro, apenas está criada a página mãe, que também está muito imcompleta, para este festival, é necessário criar infobox (semelhante á da Eurovisão, apenas mudando a cor - talvez para vermeho vinho- e alguns pontos), predefinições tal como na Eurvisão, e criar os artigos. A estrutura do Sequim de Ouro, é semelhante à da Eurovisão, por isso irão existir artigos sobre cada ano do concurso, de cada país, cada entrada individual, de cantores, músicas, tal como na Eurovisão.

O WikiProjecto Eurovisão (agora Concursos) conta já com 7 participantes. São eles:
  1. João P. M. Lima
  2. Gustavo Siqueira Diga
  3. FifthMore
  4. levs
  5. Eurogirl
  6. PBJP Arthur J@Mp@
  7. Grk1011
Como Fazer?:Para criar tudo o que foi mencionado em cima, ou mesmo melhorar, basta ir a WikiProjecto Eurovisão (actual concursos), onde se encontram todos os artigos relacionados com a Eurovisão (até mesmo os que não existem). Mas atenção, conforme for criando as predefinições, deverá fazer uma tabela de estado, e colocar no seu sitio respectivo (como já existe para alguns países); também pode ajudar na colocação das predefinições, nos respectivos artigos, assim como melhorar os mesmos. Ter sempre em conta, que o estilo dos artigos eurovisivos, é o do Festival Eurovisão da Canção 2008
{{Contagem decrescente para o ESC}}

{{Contagem decrescente para o EDC}} {{Contagem decrescente para o JESC}}

Não percas tempo, vem ajudar a Wikipédia Lúsofona, a ser a mãe das Wikipédias em termos Eurovisivos! Conto Contigo!

Userbox - Para mostrar na sua página de usuário, que pertence/participa no WikiProjecto Eurovisão, basta adicionar o seguinte código: {{Wikipedia:Userbox/Eurovisão}}

Convite - Copia o seguinte código para a pagina de discussão de qualquer usuário. {{Convite de projeto|1=Eurovisão|2=Eurovision cds.jpg}}

center|300 px

Você recebeu esta mensagem por ser um dos participantes do WikiProjecto Eurovisão - Mensagem escrita por João P. M. Lima e entregue por João P. M. Lima, usando o João P. M. Lima

the ideia, is to reform the project page, and put in all the eurovision's articles pages, the same tabels, and complete with somo information, it's basecly this, the articles of 1956, 2008, etc, only apears to give some examples how to do the reformolations lol but they aren't (sufficient) good articles, but i'm working on them lol bye, and congratulations for the work made in the eurovision's articles, here, in english wikipedia see you --João P. M. Lima (talk) 18:04, 17 January 2009 (UTC)

i almost forgot lol, that big frase, in the end of the box, say: "Don't lose time, come to help Lusofone*1 Wikipedia, to be the mother of the Wikipedias in terms of Eurovision! I count*2 with you!
  • 1 it's the word for the countries that speak portuguese, but i don't know how to write
  • 2 i don't know if it's like that you said in english, but what i think that i can say in other way, like this I dispose of you - sorry if i'm saying a big stupidity lol bye --João P. M. Lima (talk) 18:13, 17 January 2009 (UTC)
i have seen taht article one time, and it's a realy good one lol i'm trying to meke some translantions of english articles, go see London Underground, i have translated the entire article, only miss the history, and that text that stays in the top of the page lol but i translated him in the holydays, now i doesn't have many time lol but my wikipedian work (now), is almost translate english articles lol João P. M. Lima (talk) 18:36, 17 January 2009 (UTC)

The article for St. Vasilios Church (Massachusetts) is going up for speedy deletion and I want to notify you because it looks like the original creator is absent and you're the next most prominent contributor. Soap Talk/Contributions 04:23, 6 February 2009 (UTC)

Gia Sena and Awards template

Why do you keep changing the spellings on Gia Sena? We agreed to leave the spelling to a g and now you are changing all of the x's to ks and i's to ei. Who said that those are the spellings that we agreed on, just because you say so? I've read many, many other Greek articles and album pages where they use the X for Ξ, being the logical way, so why are you so stuck on this specific article?. You keep reverting everyone's edits saying that it's what the community has agreed on when you are the only one making these rules.

Also, why did you change the awards template on Sakis Rouvas? In most other singers' pages (US) the template features the national award (Grammy in US/(Arion in Greece)) and the video awards or Oscars and Golden Globes for actors. The temp showed the chronology of the VMAs and the OGAE as it is a special acheivement. Just because it has not yet been done on other Greek singers' pages does not mean it is wrong, right? (GreekStar12 (talk) 02:56, 19 January 2009 (UTC))

We agreed to leave it at "ks" as you were the only one advocated the "x" in the discussions, including the discussion on WP Greece. Also you keep going over the top on Rouvas, if you would read my edit summaries you would see what I mean. I hope you will remember them as well instead of trying to do the same exact edits over again a month later. I'm not making things up, I've been here for almost 2 years, I know how to do things, but you can't seem to accept this and feel the need to challenge my every move. It really annoys me and I feel like you are insulting me by doing this. If you would just make an attempt to have a normal conversation, ie through msn messenger, aim, etc. I would be very happy to discuss how things are done. You can ask me questions and stuff, I think it would be worth it. If you just click the "e-mail this user" button on the left menu when on my user page, you can send me your email address. I seriously think this is the only way we can stop going back and forth. I have the msn of pretty much every user I edit with, and it would be great if I had yours too. Please consider :) Grk1011/Stephen (talk) 03:04, 19 January 2009 (UTC)

Let's just say some other users agreed, a great majority of articles still use the x and you don't seem to do anything about them. I read your edit summaries and you are doing many things the way you want. I have looked on the pages of American artists that show the same formats I use, so it's not like I am going against policy. Wiki is American, thus these articles are far more correct than any Greek ones. I am not trying to insult you, but I haven't seen you do much about many other articles that apparently go against the spellings, mostly just my edits and articles I have created. I have a right to say that I feel insulted too as you keep following my every move, it's creepy. If you are such an experienced editor, than you should be more co-operative rather than overwriting everyone's edits. BTW how many people actually voted on the spellings, I am fighting on this because I know that they are not correct. No offense, but I have read a lot of your work and your edits and I slightly doubt the fluency of your Greek. Also, many of my edits have been left the way they are for a long time with no complaints from any other user, but you always go and find something, even if it's not against policy -It's annoying! Sometimes I think you do it on purpose because there is a user that actually challenges some of your theories. You have to learn to accept other's views although it may be hard because you've been here for a long time, but if you remember, the first Greek albums articles were all a mess with wrong information, so nobody's perfect

PS, sometimes I also think you play favorites. The picture of Rouvas in Istanbul was taken out (put in by another user) because it was apparently not fair use which is not allowed on bios, but the pic of Paparizou in Kiev, also not fair use is still up. There can't be any true fair use images as it was a once in a lifetime event, so why allow it in some articles and not others? Why have Yiannis Parios but not Yia Sena? There needs to be consistency.(GreekStar12 (talk) 03:34, 19 January 2009 (UTC))

I don't speak Greek and the reason I don't change the other articles is because I'm not interested in them. I like Greek music. I don't know if you use your watchlist or not, but since I edit the Greek music articles I have the pages in my watchlist so when I log in, I see your edits and look at them, just like everyone does. The fact that I am on more than the others doesn't mean that I am singling you out. The fair use pic of Elena is used only on one article, and it was "once in a lifetime" the same reason why we have the Rouvas picture. However, as non-free pictures, they can only be used once and that pic is already used on the article for "Shake It" so if you want it on Rouvas's bio, take it off the song page. Also, I am extra critical of your edits because you not only lie (work in the music industry, yet only 17; know the real Rouvas sales numbers, yet I know that some are wrong for a fact), but fend off friendly requests to talk off wiki, and insult my wiki knowledge; it annoys me, so I tend not to give you much slack. Grk1011/Stephen (talk) 03:54, 19 January 2009 (UTC)


Grk1011, could you ever discuss something before changing the info? FYI, Mandoukion is not a neighbourhood, it is a village like Potamos, but smaller - and you can't say just Corfu, Greece, you need to mention the city too, that's like saying one's from Pelopenese, Greece (GreekStar12 (talk) 03:13, 19 January 2009 (UTC)) BTW, the associated acts is not just for members of a group, it is also for recurring collaborations with other acts and production. Chech out some US artist pages, they are way more established than any Greek pages.

There is something on wiki called other stuff exists, which means just because you see it on another page, doesn't mean that its right. Please respond to my well thought out response above. "Mandoukion, Greece" would be what you put, the other stuff is not necessary. Grk1011/Stephen (talk) 03:19, 19 January 2009 (UTC)


How do you know that Psinakis, Spyropoulos and Evangelinos are not his personnel. Psinakis is his personal manager from 1991-2005; 2008-present, Spyropoulos his record label manager for ten years, Evangelinos his exclusive choreographer. If being an exclusive collaborator in management and image of an artist doesn't make them personnel than what does. You can argue Evangelinos but not Psinakis and Spyropoulos

A good example of a template that show personnel correctly is Template:Aerosmith, Chech it out and then talk. These aren't mere collaborations, but I wonder if you are even familiar with Elias Psinakis and Konstantis Spyropoulos. I am going to put those two back. (GreekStar12 (talk) 03:47, 19 January 2009 (UTC))

There needs to be a reasonable expectation that those articles will be made, otherwise they are just making the template huge. Its there too be helpful, to be able to get you from page to page, not list every single page remotely related to him. Grk1011/Stephen (talk) 03:55, 19 January 2009 (UTC)

It is perfectly acceptable to remove flaming and trolling from discussions, and that is what this is. It serves to villify, to turn a scholarly discussion into an "us and them" and will result only in enflaming the situation. If you can justify keeping such a rant, you have a different goal to me. J Milburn (talk) 21:32, 21 January 2009 (UTC)

I read your edit summary, that would have done. Grk1011/Stephen (talk) 21:32, 21 January 2009 (UTC)

Washington St Tunnel

Are you just going to put a template up or actually start the discussion? Grk1011/Stephen (talk) 21:49, 21 January 2009 (UTC)

I didn't really have anything to say; I expect the reasons for merger are self-evident. I'm mostly just marking the page since I don't have time at the moment to implement the merge. I will check the talk page for unexpected objections before I do so, of course. If you have an opinion on the merge, feel free to leave a note on the talk page, or if you support it, feel free to implement it while I am away. -- Beland (talk) 21:59, 21 January 2009 (UTC)

Selection procedure in Eurovision

We seem to working on a basic misunderstanding here. The selection process as far as I can pick up from reliable sources and our own article on the Eurovision, is part of the Eurovision. I'm not clear on why you feel that it is not, and why you feel it matters to have the selection process as regarded as outside the Eurovision process. SilkTork *YES! 15:00, 22 January 2009 (UTC)

It happens before the contest, some countries just chose someone out of the blue, so for Greece, they just so happen to have a national final. Also when you change the heading, you make the promotion section a subsection of the selection process which it is not, it is something that takes place before the contest. The EBU has no control over the selection, all that matters to them is who will be sent and with what song. Grk1011/Stephen (talk) 18:11, 22 January 2009 (UTC)
It is a part of Eurovision. How countries choose will differ, but they all have a selection process. I note what you are saying about the promotion of the song, however that is a questionable section and is probably best removed anyway. As there is a separate song article, the bulk of the material in the promotion sections might more appropriately go there. Some mention of there being a promotion is certainly appropriate, but an entire section seems rather too much, and goes away from the main focus of the article. SilkTork *YES! 19:09, 22 January 2009 (UTC)
Sorry to intervene here, since it is not even my talk, but I actually agree with leaving it as a "Before Eurovision" section too. It is part of the lead up to Eurovision, yes, but it is before the contest itself actually takes place. Thus it is "Before Eurovision", as in Eurovision is only 3 days long (2 semi finals, 1 final). I mean that is how I see it personally. So it makes scene to have a section titled Before Eurovision that includes information like selection and promo and other things that were done before the contest took place in May. And I don't think it goes off focus to include a promotional section, only because ERT actually has a big part of their budget just for promotion of the entry around Europe, thus tie-ing it in to the whole process. Maybe that isn't very clear in the article? Greekboy (talk) 19:43, 22 January 2009 (UTC)
The promotion section is to gain support for the song yes, but it is also to gain support for Greece in esc, so it is just as relevant here. It was added because there was a whole in the article between after the song was chosen and the start of the contest. The song selection is not necessarily a "part" of the contest, it is just the way that a country chooses their entrant. Some countries use television shows similar to American Idol and just send the winner to the contest, its function is not always for esc is what im trying to get at. Grk1011/Stephen (talk) 19:56, 22 January 2009 (UTC)


Just wanted to let you know, for the newsletter, that Wikinews will be publishing an interview with Nicole in the next few days. We also got a CC-licensed photo from Sony BMG which is now on her article. Mike H. Fierce! 14:15, 27 January 2009 (UTC)

What, no excitement? :P I also scheduled an interview with Kikki Danielsson. We'll be running Eurovision interviews through May. Mike H. Fierce! 09:13, 30 January 2009 (UTC)
Sorry, I'm not really sure what I'm supposed to be doing lol. But thats pretty cool, where are you publishing them? Grk1011/Stephen (talk) 14:32, 30 January 2009 (UTC)


Please have a look at this: [1]. Your attention is required! Thank you!--Michael X the White (talk) 13:00, 28 January 2009 (UTC)

Rouvas image

The original image (used in the Shake It article) was mine taken from an ERT screenshot of a television program. I had uploaded it under my old account. (GreekStar12 (talk) 06:22, 31 January 2009 (UTC))

What do you mean? (GreekStar12 (talk) 06:28, 31 January 2009 (UTC))
I believe I had sourced it as a screenshot both times, crediting the networks, as it was not taken personally by me. Also, I argue that it was not only an important event in the artist's life, but also in Greece's Eurovision history, as it was the best placement up until that point with record points. (GreekStar12 (talk) 06:35, 31 January 2009 (UTC))

MGP 2009

Re this: OK. I did the same to 2008 though (before I saw your message). I think the preselection contests deserve their own articles. Have you reached consensus on this? --Bensin (talk) 03:35, 1 February 2009 (UTC)

Then I think we agree. Both Melodi Grand Prix and Melodifestivalen deserves their own article for every year, and then a summary of the preselection process with the best parts from those articles should be on the "X in ESC"-articles. That should improve the quality of the "X in ESC"-articles as they'll then have more focus on the performance in ECS than they'll have if the articles include everything about the preselections. Do you agree with this? --Bensin (talk) 03:53, 1 February 2009 (UTC)

Greece in ESC 2004

What was with taking out the charts that showed all of the points to and from Greece??? Do you think you could possibly ever mention something before spontaneously taking things out, please, cause that would be appreciated. I mean, your rational was that they are 'big and obnoxious'. Not having a section on the votes is ridiculous...What's possibly more relevant to a country in esc than the votes they received? It is what they're working for.

Also, you put ref tags on the records section. I'm curious if you actually read it. What kind of sources do you want? If you look back at the other ESC articles by year, you'll see these records are true. They're not really arguable by any means.(GreekStar12 (talk) 20:33, 1 February 2009 (UTC))

If you look around, there are no voting tables on any of the modern contest pages, we decided not to have them since they become huge since there are a lot more countries participating these days. You need to write out who voted for who and how many points. Also you need sources four everything and these sources need to say exactly what you write, you can' use the source to prove your own point. For example, where does it say that he had the highest point average and was Greece's most successful entrant in cumulative points? Who said it was the most successful in sales? Who said it was the best selling of the year. We go by we can prove, not what we think is right. Grk1011/Stephen (talk) 20:39, 1 February 2009 (UTC)

Sure, I get that, but what do you want me to source then, the actual Wiki contest articles? If one were to look, they could compare them themselves, as it is very self-explanatory. I get that sources are needed, but in this case, I don't get what sources exactly you want me to use. Looking on the other articles, UK in the ESC, UK in the ESC 1997, 'My Number One', they do not provide sources for the records as they can be proven by the esc articles/voting charts. Thus, I need you to be more specific. I can easily source the best-selling of the year/best esc single sales stuff. But about the points, it's not hard to see that 252 is higher than 218. I don't think that any ESC sites would be that specific.(GreekStar12 (talk) 00:28, 2 February 2009 (UTC))

Yea I know, I've had problems with that before, but making the connection, "oh this is bigger just look at the info" is a text book example of original research since you came up with that point on your own without a source saying it. It can be tough sometimes, but a source is always needed. When we expanded the 2005, 2006, and 2008 articles we just looked through the archives at ert, oikotimes, and esctoday and wrote whatever they said. we didnt bring our personal account or conclusions into the mix. you cant do that if you want the article to go somewhere, which for us is to become a Good Article. Grk1011/Stephen (talk) 00:51, 2 February 2009 (UTC)

Well earned award

I noticed you have put a lot of work into the newsletter project of WP:EURO, so I think you deserve this for your efforts...

The Invisible Barnstar
For pioneering the WikiProject Eurovision newsletter to update members on news and to encourage more participation, and keeping it running even with inactivity and the small size of the project. Camaron | Chris (talk) 08:54, 2 February 2009 (UTC)

Camaron | Chris (talk) 08:54, 2 February 2009 (UTC)

Nicole interview

It's done! Read it and tell me what you think. Mike H. Fierce! 16:53, 2 February 2009 (UTC)

Wow, looks great! I read that you are interviewing more people? Who else? Grk1011/Stephen (talk) 16:58, 2 February 2009 (UTC)
Anne-Marie David is the next one. Mike H. Fierce! 17:08, 2 February 2009 (UTC)

Edit warring

Quick: why shouldn't I block yo for 3RR? (hint).

Anyone speak in his favour?

William M. Connolley (talk) 19:42, 7 February 2009 (UTC)

Στέφανε read the last 2 lines of Connolley's link and do what they say, i.e. re-revert yourself. Then trust the WP community that if you're right the article will be reverted to its correct state shortly by someone else. "Shortly" in this case may take a few days, but that's too little in the grand scheme of things. NikoSilver 20:26, 7 February 2009 (UTC)
Ah, okay thanks! Grk1011/Stephen (talk) 20:32, 7 February 2009 (UTC)
Now go ahead and tell him what you did and that you're gonna be a good boy from now on. (Sheesh man! Only 4 minutes for a song? I don't want to imagine what you guys would do if it were something really controversial, like the Greek genocide or the Great Fire of Smyrna or TRNC or FYROM...) NikoSilver 20:50, 7 February 2009 (UTC)

Thanks for the invitation

Thankyou I have joined could you look at Malta in the Eurovision Song Contest 2009 thanks 安東尼 TALK 圣诞快乐 22:04, 9 February 2009 (UTC)

Thanks 安東尼 TALK 圣诞快乐 22:29, 9 February 2009 (UTC)

Another odd edit by the same author [2] looks like refs were simply removed, do you think it should be reverted?安東尼 TALK 圣诞快乐 22:48, 9 February 2009 (UTC)

Re: Greek Riots

Truer words were never spoken written, erm typed. ;-) If the discussion wasn't pages long, I'd be inclined to continue. But se la vie. --Cybercobra (talk) 21:48, 10 February 2009 (UTC)

if you wish to vote you can do that here [3] Der Blaue Reiter (talk) 19:37, 11 February 2009 (UTC)
It was on my watchlist anyway, but thanks. Grk1011/Stephen (talk) 21:38, 11 February 2009 (UTC)


Who's to say that people do not associate the instrument with him? It is the type of guitar that he most commonly uses at his shows. As he also plays guitar live, then why wouldn't the instrument be associated with him. I've seen certain articles that describe notable instruments down to the color, while the majority just list the specific instrument brands, so what would make it associated with the artist's image by your definition? (GreekStar12 (talk) 01:38, 12 February 2009 (UTC))

Who decided that it was a notable instrument is the problem. Did someone actually write in a reliable source that Rouvas is known for his guitar or did you decide he was on your own? Grk1011/Stephen (talk) 02:07, 12 February 2009 (UTC)

Anne Marie David interview

It's done! Before you ask about the hyphen, she said she was marketed that way but she does not personally spell her name with it, so she asked that it not be used. Mike H. Fierce! 12:33, 16 February 2009 (UTC)

Just like last time, I'd love your thoughts. :) With my interviews, I'm like a mom who cooks, I always want to know how people like it! Mike H. Fierce! 00:09, 17 February 2009 (UTC)
lol. Well done. This one seems longer than the last. Its so interesting to hear them reflecting on ESC when they took part so long ago. Grk1011/Stephen (talk) 00:39, 17 February 2009 (UTC)
Anne Marie had some choice words for France 3 and for how the show is run today. She didn't hold back at all, which I respect her for. It's better than some past winners who are more interested into holding on to vestiges of fame instead of speaking their minds. Mike H. Fierce! 08:15, 17 February 2009 (UTC)

My next scheduled interviews are with Edsilia Rombley and Chiara (who as you know, will be returning for a third time to Eurovision this year). Mike H. Fierce! 12:24, 18 February 2009 (UTC)

Greece ESC 2009 %

Hey, where'd you find the percentages? I just looked on eurovision/ert.gr and they reported

  • "Out of Control"-15.1%
  • "Right on Time"-10.5%
  • "This Is Our Night"-74.3%

Are you sure you have the correct totals? Or just the individual jury/televote result? (GreekStar12 (talk) 23:25, 18 February 2009 (UTC))

OK, so I figured it out. You used the ESCToday reference; the numbers for that article only represented the international forum member vote that accounted for the vote of Stella Flora, a member of the Greek jury. The ERT numbers show the totals. So far there haven't been any distinctions on how much of the percentage belonged to the public and how much to the jury. However, if you can find a way to fit it in there smoothly, you should probably include the ESCToday viewer percentages too. (GreekStar12 (talk) 23:33, 18 February 2009 (UTC))

Oops. I didn't even notice that it said international jury, thanks. I don't think that should be included in the chart because it only has to do with 1/7 of a jury vote. It might however be ok to write about the results of that poll in the prose. Grk1011/Stephen (talk) 00:27, 19 February 2009 (UTC)


Redirects are fine not only for a short time but for an indefinite period of time. Please see WP:R2D for the relevant guideline. In short, redirects do not hamper performance and fixing them is actually worse performance-wise. Also, some redirects are in place because a separate article might be created in the future. You should not fix redirects unless they bring you to the wrong article or it is a misspelling. Finally, you should also check WP:USSH for a style-guideline for U.S. roads. The origin of the style guide is a bit complicated but you should generally not fix redirects relating to U.S. roads. --Polaron | Talk 23:16, 24 February 2009 (UTC)


So I have now published two interviews, conducted two more (waiting for the replies), and scheduled two more after that, with three others giving me their decisions either today or next week. With all the e-mails and scheduling and research I've done, I have not contacted a single past performer from Greece yet. Do you have any suggestions as to who I should talk to? Who are you most interested in hearing from? Obviously I'd love Elpida but she has completely retired and I don't know if I could find her. Mike H. Fierce! 07:18, 27 February 2009 (UTC)

I'm mostly a fan of the more modern artists. I think Mando would be cool since she recently came back to the music scene after a 5 year break, though I haven't heard much in the past few months. Also Katy Garbi would be nice. Annet Artani would be really easy since she makes herself so available, just yesterday I sent and received an message from her through her myspace. Grk1011/Stephen (talk) 14:14, 27 February 2009 (UTC)
I haven't gotten a chance to pick one of those names but I'll have to think about it. I have to admit I'd like talking to Katy. Here's my newest article, tell me what you think. Mike H. Fierce! 15:37, 3 March 2009 (UTC)
Looks great! Katy would be good, I heard that there was some controversy over her dress, but haven't been able to track down any info on it. Grk1011/Stephen (talk) 16:16, 3 March 2009 (UTC)
What, because it had that slit? I thought it was pretty provocative especially for Greece. I uploaded a new free photo to Chiara; her interview should be out tomorrow. Mike H. Fierce! 23:37, 4 March 2009 (UTC)
That "slit" was like 4 inches wide and went all the way up i believe. Grk1011/Stephen (talk) 23:43, 4 March 2009 (UTC)

And this is the new one. You know the deal, read, tell me what you think... Mike H. Fierce! 09:57, 5 March 2009 (UTC)

Sorry it took a while to write this up. I only noticed your revert now. I must ask, what is the point of having the note at the top of the table which says "Where only one number is provided, there is no award for international material." This is the reason I simplified the figures because this is the case. Even though some organisations may still state separate figures for domestic and international material despite both figures being the same, it in no way changes how it is percieved. The note at the top clarifies the situation, making the repetition of numbers unnecessary. Or do you have a reason to justify the repetition? Thanks. --Lakeyboy (talk) 09:22, 28 February 2009 (UTC)