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From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

I am a long-standing, enthusiastic Wikipedian. So far, I have been a very infrequent contributor! But I am now (semi) retired & I hope to be more actively engaged in the Wikipedia community.

I am curious about why so few women contribute to Wikipedia. I personally know of many professional, well-educated women who are retired or in similar situations with time and desire to contribute to good causes, and yet do not contribute to Wikipedia. This is a topic I'd love to explore further as I think retired educators would be a great volunteer resource.

For a full CV, please view my detailed profile in Wikimedia.

My links:


Pages & people I watch

  • DocJames: [[1]] James Heilman, MD, CCFP-EM, Clinical Faculty member of the Department of Emergency Medicine, Faculty of Medicine, University of British Columbia (Clinical Assistant Professor) & active wikipedian in BC
  • Women in Red - open group of editors working to improving content systemic bias in the wiki movement.

Info to keep at hand

  • To create a new sandbox (call it anything, such as 'sandbox2') enter this in the search box, using your actual username:

User:Yourname/sandbox Then click on the reply you may create the page "User:Yourname/sandbox"

Potential starting points for new (or intimidated) editors

  • structured tasks (& Newcomer page, help boxes)
  • Wikidata has a nice starting module
  • phone app to upload photos to Wikicommons
  • Also: list of articles needing photos

Wiki projects & accomplishments


Things I'd like to study & become a Wikipedia expert about (sometime in the future)

  • Voyageurs
  • Border pedagogy
  • some aspect of train history in Canada
  • (I hope I can add to this list soon)

My educational affiliations

Institution Affiliation
This user has an affiliation with Athabasca University.
Advanced Certificate in Instructional Design
This user attends or attended
Simon Fraser University.
B.Sc. Biological Sciences
This user has an affiliation with St. Francis Xavier University.
M.A. Adult Education
This user attends or attended the
University of British Columbia.
Post-Graduate Diploma in Intercultural Studies
UVicThis user has an affiliation with the
University of Victoria.
Employed 4 years as Biology Instructor
TRUThis user has an affiliation with Thompson Rivers University
Charter Student of Cariboo College (original name of TRU)
UFVThis user has an affiliation with the
University of the Fraser Valley.

  In 2017-2020, worked as a sessional instructor at University of the Fraser Valley

Things I do to help


I have contributed as a juror to the AfroCreatives WikiProject.

This user is a member of the
Wikipedia Typo Team.
This user is a member of
the Guild of Copy Editors.
This editor is a WikiGnome.