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Draft:The Crimean Human Rights Group

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The Crimean Human Rights Group (CHRG, Ukrainian: Кримська правозахисна група) is a Ukrainian non-governmental organization of Crimean human rights defenders and journalists. Its purpose is to promote respect and defence of human rights in Crimea by attracting wide attention to human rights and international humanitarian law issues in the Russia occupied territories of Ukraine as well as to search for and develop procedures to defend human rights in Crimea and to release everybody unlawfully deprived of liberty due to the Russian aggression.[1] The future organization team started working in 2014, and in 2015 the organization was set up.

The CHRG has been monitoring and documenting human rights violations and war crimes in Crimea on a regular basis since March 2014. The CHRG activity is, first of all, based on field work, monitoring of politically reasoned court proceedings, and delivery of legal and other types of aid for the victims of human rights violations.[2]

Major aspects of organization activity[3]:

  • Collection and analysis of information on human rights situation in Crimea[4];
  • Large-scale promotion of awareness of governmental bodies, international organizations, inter-governmental agencies, non-governmental organizations, mass media and target groups by publishing and disseminating analytical and communication documents on the human rights situation in Crimea[5][6];
  • Contribution to human rights defense and international law norm respect in Crimea;
  • Assistance in defending and releasing the persons unlawfully deprived of liberty for political reasons due to the aggression against Ukraine;
  • Advocacy to release civilians abducted and unlawfully detained in Crimea and other territories occupied by Russia after February 24, 2022, and to return them to Ukraine;
  • Production of recommendations for governmental bodies and international organizations in human rights sphere;
  • Support for “Human Rights in Crimea” topic media profile and activities of Crimea Platform Expert Network

The CHRG has published over 115 reviews on the human rights situation in Crimea, produced over 45 topic papers and reports for international organizations (UN[7], OSCE[8], Council of Europe[9])

The organization has experience in preparing and submitting evidence to international courts (Government of Ukraine submitted a Memorial to the UN International Court of Justice due to suit placed by Ukraine against Russia under International Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Racial Discrimination. The Memorial was prepared together with the CHRG).[10]

The Crimean Human Rights Group together with the Prosecutor’s Office of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea and the city of Sevastopol filed two lawsuits in the International Criminal Court on war crimes: unlawful conscription of Ukrainian citizens living in the occupied Crimea to the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation[11] and propaganda of such conscription, in particular among Crimean children.[12]

The Prosecutor’s Office of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea and the Prosecutor General’s Office together with Global Rights Compliance, Crimean Human Rights Group, Truth Hounds, and Crimean Institute for Strategic Studies have collected evidence of persecuting Crimean Tatars along political, ethnic, and religious lines since the start of occupation. On May 18, 2022, this information was submitted to the Prosecutor’s Office of the International Criminal Court as further evidence of crimes against humanity committed by the Russian Federation and its occupation administration in the occupied peninsula territory (source: https://crimeahrg.org/uk/zlochini-proti-lyudyanosti-do-mks-napravleni-chergovi-dokazi-zlochiniv-rosi%d1%97-proti-krimskih-tatar/)

The CHRG regularly publicizes international crimes of Russia in the occupied territories of Ukraine, that caused the decision of the Prosecutor General’s Office of the Russian Federation of May 6, 2022, on including the CHRG in the register of “undesirable organizations in Russia[13]

The CHRG is a member of

  • Inter-governmental Commission on Recognizing Persons Deprived of Liberty due to Armed Aggression against Ukraine and Taking Actions on Their Social Security
  • Advisory Board at the Commissioner for Human Rights of the Parliament of Ukraine[15]
  • Advisory Board on De-Occupation and Reintegration of Temporarily Occupied Territory of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea and the city of Sevastopol[16]

The CHRG is one of key Crimea Platform Expert Network organizations, promoting its team extension and international advocacy strengthening. Ms. Olha Skrypnyk, CHRG Board Chairperson, was delegated by the Crimea Platform Expert Network to speak to the audience of Crimea Platform Inauguration Summit on August 23, 2021, being the only representative of the civil society among the Summit participants.[17]

The Crimean Human Rights Group is a member of UKRAINE. 5:00AM Coalition that collects and documents war crimes and crimes against humanity committed during the Russian armed aggression against Ukraine. The CHRG is also one of co-founders of the Human Rights House CRIMEA.


  • September 2023, Human Rights Tulip by Embassy of the Kingdom of the Netherlands in Ukraine. The organization was also nominated for Global Human Rights Tulip Award (source: https://suspilne.media/crimea/641266-kpg-uvijsla-do-desati-organizacij-nominovanih-na-miznarodnu-premiu-global-human-rights-tulip-2023/)


  1. ^ "Human Rights House Crimea". Human Rights House Foundation. Retrieved 2024-09-16.
  2. ^ "Monitoring – The Crimean Human Rights Group". crimeahrg.org. Retrieved 2024-09-16.
  3. ^ "Crimean Human Rights Group | Civic Solidarity". www.civicsolidarity.org. Retrieved 2024-09-16.
  4. ^ "Crimea". United States Department of State. Retrieved 2024-09-16.
  5. ^ "Ukrainian children face dire future under Russian occupation, human rights experts warn - English Section". www.polskieradio.pl (in Polish). Retrieved 2024-09-16.
  6. ^ "RUSSIA/UKRAINE: 10 YEARS OF OCCUPATION OF CRIMEA" (PDF). Amnesty International.
  7. ^ "Provisions Suggested by CHRG Included into UN GA Crimea Anti-Militarization Resolution – The Crimean Human Rights Group". crimeahrg.org. Retrieved 2024-09-16.
  8. ^ "Discrimination of Crimean Residents for Non-Possession of Russian Documents Issued Unlawfully by Russia in Crimea and Deportation of Ukrainian Citizens from Crimea" (PDF). www.osce.org.
  9. ^ "Human rights situation in the Autonomous Republic of Crimea and the City of Sevastopol, Ukraine". Council of Europe: Information Documents SG/Inf(2023)29.
  10. ^ Zubkova, Daria (2017). "Crimean Human Rights Group Sends Evidence Of Denial Of Access To Native-Language Education In Crimea To ICJ". Ukrnews.{{cite news}}: CS1 maint: url-status (link)
  11. ^ "What evidence of unlawful conscription to the RF Armed Forces in Crimea has been presented to the International Criminal Court? (infographic) – The Crimean Human Rights Group". crimeahrg.org. Retrieved 2024-09-16.
  12. ^ "Propaganda of RF Armed Forces Among Crimean Children – Coercion to Serve in the Occupying Power Army – The Crimean Human Rights Group". crimeahrg.org. Retrieved 2024-09-16.
  13. ^ "Crimean human rights group declared "undesirable" in russia". imi.org.ua. Retrieved 2024-09-16.
  14. ^ "The expert council". Mission of the President of Ukraine in the Autonomous Republic of Crimea. Retrieved 2024-09-16.
  15. ^ людини, Уповноважений Верховної Ради України з прав. "Створено Консультативну раду при Уповноваженому Верховної Ради України з прав людини". ombudsman.gov.ua. Retrieved 2024-09-16.
  17. ^ "The Occupation of Crimea – a Challenge for the Global Order". libmod.de. 2021-12-02. Retrieved 2024-09-16.
  18. ^ OSCE, U. S. Mission (2024-04-11). "Joint Statement on the 2024 Democracy Defender Award". U.S. Mission to the OSCE. Retrieved 2024-09-16.