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Zealand (Folketing constituency)

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for the Folketing
Outline map
Location of Zealand within Denmark
Population849,629 (2022)[1]
Electorate634,513 (2022)
Area7,227 km2 (2022)[2]
Current constituency
  • 20 (2011–present)
  • 21 (2007–2011)
Members of the Folketing[3]
Created from

Zealand (Danish: Sjælland) is one of the 12 multi-member constituencies of the Folketing, the national legislature of Denmark. The constituency was established in 2007 following the public administration structural reform. It consists of the municipalities of Faxe, Greve, Guldborgsund, Holbæk, Kalundborg, Køge, Lejre, Lolland, Næstved, Odsherred, Ringsted, Roskilde, Slagelse, Solrød, Sorø, Stevns and Vordingborg. The constituency currently elects 20 of the 179 members of the Folketing using the open party-list proportional representation electoral system. At the 2022 general election it had 634,513 registered electors.

Electoral system


Zealand currently elects 20 of the 179 members of the Folketing using the open party-list proportional representation electoral system.[4][5] Constituency seats are allocated using the D'Hondt method.[6][7] Compensatory seats are calculated based on the national vote and are allocated using the Sainte-Laguë method, initially at the provincial level and finally at the constituency level.[8][9] Only parties that reach any one of three thresholds stipulated by section 77 of the Folketing (Parliamentary) Elections Act - winning at least one constituency seat; obtaining at least the Hare quota (valid votes in province/number of constituency seats in province) in two of the three provinces; or obtaining at least 2% of the national vote - compete for compensatory seats.[10][11]

Election results



Election Red–Green
Green Left
Social Democrats
Social Liberals
Conservative People's
Liberal Alliance
I / Y
Danish People's
Votes % Seats Votes % Seats Votes % Seats Votes % Seats Votes % Seats Votes % Seats Votes % Seats Votes % Seats Votes % Seats
2022 17,107 3.29% 0 50,778 9.77% 2 10,121 1.95% 0 157,580 30.33% 7 12,259 2.36% 0 65,433 12.59% 3 23,560 4.53% 1 34,435 6.63% 1 22,384 4.31% 1
2019 27,272 5.24% 1 45,992 8.83% 2 10,305 1.98% 0 147,057 28.23% 7 30,354 5.83% 1 126,419 24.27% 6 30,449 5.85% 1 9,289 1.78% 0 56,697 10.89% 2
2015 35,374 6.75% 1 20,575 3.92% 1 18,202 3.47% 0 146,464 27.93% 7 16,906 3.22% 0 102,818 19.61% 4 15,083 2.88% 0 32,598 6.22% 1 134,195 25.59% 6
2011 29,959 5.63% 1 51,952 9.77% 2 133,571 25.12% 5 39,840 7.49% 1 139,888 26.30% 6 24,863 4.68% 1 23,857 4.49% 1 85,571 16.09% 3
2007 8,316 1.58% 0 67,570 12.84% 3 134,280 25.51% 6 20,721 3.94% 0 146,300 27.79% 6 44,593 8.47% 2 14,401 2.74% 0 88,140 16.74% 4

(Excludes compensatory seats)





Results of the 2022 general election held on 1 November 2022:[12][13][14][15][16]

Party Votes per nomination district Total
% Seats
Faxe Greve Guld
Køge Lol
Con. Com. Tot.
Social Democrats A 10,876 11,176 13,620 13,954 16,459 13,939 10,437 17,084 11,246 14,143 15,038 9,608 157,580 30.33% 7 0 7
Venstre V 4,517 8,222 3,810 5,230 6,368 7,707 2,411 5,668 4,859 6,924 6,984 2,733 65,433 12.59% 3 0 3
Moderates M 4,117 5,784 3,443 4,876 4,951 6,457 1,773 5,584 4,142 7,218 4,653 3,328 56,326 10.84% 2 1 3
Green Left F 3,600 3,220 3,059 5,239 4,187 7,843 1,510 4,494 3,879 7,043 3,770 2,934 50,778 9.77% 2 1 3
Denmark Democrats Æ 3,944 2,715 3,311 3,416 5,383 3,986 2,494 4,264 3,289 2,590 4,354 2,119 41,865 8.06% 2 0 2
Liberal Alliance I 2,462 4,222 1,693 2,922 2,573 4,209 878 3,637 2,429 4,851 2,975 1,584 34,435 6.63% 1 1 2
Conservative People's Party C 1,756 2,265 1,460 1,678 1,591 2,748 708 2,781 2,706 3,036 1,777 1,054 23,560 4.53% 1 0 1
The New Right D 2,107 1,653 1,521 1,853 3,185 2,090 1,054 2,568 1,807 1,585 2,331 1,236 22,990 4.42% 1 0 1
Danish People's Party O 1,680 1,742 3,308 1,620 2,607 1,905 1,392 2,205 1,404 1,460 1,834 1,227 22,384 4.31% 1 0 1
Red–Green Alliance Ø 1,042 936 1,111 1,537 1,764 1,763 656 1,502 1,368 2,861 1,344 1,223 17,107 3.29% 0 1 1
Danish Social Liberal Party B 703 1,201 495 1,043 867 1,572 190 1,104 1,037 2,631 850 566 12,259 2.36% 0 1 1
The Alternative Å 680 560 531 840 1,009 1,229 262 829 908 1,739 662 872 10,121 1.95% 0 1 1
Independent Greens Q 68 434 92 274 139 325 46 139 244 340 382 81 2,564 0.49% 0 0 0
Christian Democrats K 90 102 95 117 111 146 57 124 129 117 109 63 1,260 0.24% 0 0 0
Lisa Sofia Larsson (Independent) 47 19 34 34 97 36 24 40 63 34 41 51 520 0.10% 0 0 0
Rasmus Paludan (Independent) 37 19 35 32 38 26 27 42 20 30 47 33 386 0.07% 0 0 0
Valid Votes 37,726 44,270 37,618 44,665 51,329 55,981 23,919 52,065 39,530 56,602 47,151 28,712 519,568 100.00% 20 6 26
Blank Votes 465 440 554 629 704 666 305 677 561 656 623 409 6,689 1.27%
Rejected Votes – Other 122 196 144 161 229 184 129 194 113 173 172 91 1,908 0.36%
Total Polled 38,313 44,906 38,316 45,455 52,262 56,831 24,353 52,936 40,204 57,431 47,946 29,212 528,165 83.24%
Registered Electors 45,733 52,677 46,871 54,352 63,921 66,088 31,368 63,780 48,173 66,179 60,183 35,188 634,513
Turnout 83.78% 85.25% 81.75% 83.63% 81.76% 85.99% 77.64% 83.00% 83.46% 86.78% 79.67% 83.02% 83.24%

Votes per municipality:<[17]

Party Votes per municipality Total
Faxe Greve Guld
Køge Lejre Lol
Sorø Stevns Vord
Social Democrats A 6,795 7,755 13,620 13,954 9,281 9,492 4,447 10,437 17,084 7,178 5,694 14,143 15,038 3,421 5,552 4,081 9,608 157,580
Venstre V 2,631 5,686 3,810 5,230 4,007 5,296 2,411 2,411 5,668 2,361 2,645 6,924 6,984 2,536 2,214 1,886 2,733 65,433
Moderates M 2,448 3,738 3,443 4,876 2,816 4,320 2,137 1,773 5,584 2,135 2,193 7,218 4,653 2,046 1,949 1,669 3,328 56,326
Green Left F 2,083 1,977 3,059 5,239 2,322 5,380 2,463 1,510 4,494 1,865 1,970 7,043 3,770 1,243 1,909 1,517 2,934 50,778
Denmark Democrats Æ 2,385 1,816 3,311 3,416 3,347 2,651 1,335 2,494 4,264 2,036 1,652 2,590 4,354 899 1,637 1,559 2,119 41,865
Liberal Alliance I 1,521 2,513 1,693 2,922 1,531 2,895 1,314 878 3,637 1,042 1,296 4,851 2,975 1,709 1,133 941 1,584 34,435
Conservative People's Party C 917 1,427 1,460 1,678 919 1,960 788 708 2,781 672 1,737 3,036 1,777 838 969 839 1,054 23,560
The New Right D 1,331 1,100 1,521 1,853 2,091 1,363 727 1,054 2,568 1,094 900 1,585 2,331 553 907 776 1,236 22,990
Danish People's Party O 1,053 1,171 3,308 1,620 1,507 1,281 624 1,392 2,205 1,100 710 1,460 1,834 571 694 627 1,227 22,384
Red–Green Alliance Ø 585 656 1,111 1,537 903 954 809 656 1,502 861 727 2,861 1,344 280 641 457 1,223 17,107
Danish Social Liberal Party B 340 811 495 1,043 501 913 659 190 1,104 366 522 2,631 850 390 515 363 566 12,259
The Alternative Å 386 356 531 840 459 641 588 262 829 550 422 1,739 662 204 486 294 872 10,121
Independent Greens Q 43 398 92 274 97 276 49 46 139 42 199 340 382 36 45 25 81 2,564
Christian Democrats K 57 81 95 117 67 87 59 57 124 44 70 117 109 21 59 33 63 1,260
Lisa Sofia Larsson (Independent) 25 12 34 34 51 22 14 24 40 46 34 34 41 7 29 22 51 520
Rasmus Paludan (Independent) 25 13 35 32 26 21 5 27 42 12 9 30 47 6 11 12 33 386
Valid Votes 22,625 29,510 37,618 44,665 29,925 37,552 18,429 23,919 52,065 21,404 20,780 56,602 47,151 14,760 18,750 15,101 28,712 519,568
Blank Votes 297 310 554 629 368 432 234 305 677 336 290 656 623 130 271 168 409 6,689
Rejected Votes – Other 68 147 144 161 123 123 61 129 194 106 64 173 172 49 49 54 91 1,908
Total Polled 22,990 29,967 38,316 45,455 30,416 38,107 18,724 24,353 52,936 21,846 21,134 57,431 47,946 14,939 19,070 15,323 29,212 528,165
Registered Electors 27,729 35,660 46,871 54,352 37,498 44,970 21,118 31,368 63,780 26,423 25,442 66,179 60,183 17,017 22,731 18,004 35,188 634,513
Turnout 82.91% 84.04% 81.75% 83.63% 81.11% 84.74% 88.66% 77.64% 83.00% 82.68% 83.07% 86.78% 79.67% 87.79% 83.89% 85.11% 83.02% 83.24%

The following candidates were elected:[18][19]



Results of the 2019 general election held on 5 June 2019:[20][21][22][23]

Party Votes per nomination district Total
% Seats
Faxe Greve Guld
Køge Lol
Con. Com. Tot.
Social Democrats A 9,793 10,606 12,995 12,772 15,072 12,661 10,000 17,409 10,270 13,225 13,478 8,776 147,057 28.23% 7 1 8
Venstre V 9,180 13,752 8,040 10,408 12,653 14,106 5,134 11,787 9,481 12,923 12,438 6,517 126,419 24.27% 6 1 7
Danish People's Party O 4,453 4,739 5,444 4,632 6,915 5,210 3,065 5,179 4,552 4,141 5,540 2,827 56,697 10.89% 2 1 3
Socialist People's Party F 3,525 3,048 2,844 3,189 3,566 7,854 1,736 4,192 3,522 5,924 3,788 2,804 45,992 8.83% 2 1 3
Conservative People's Party C 2,487 3,260 1,674 2,586 2,276 3,879 912 2,841 2,637 4,136 2,349 1,412 30,449 5.85% 1 1 2
Danish Social Liberal Party B 1,596 3,123 1,430 2,849 2,306 3,616 632 2,411 2,510 5,441 2,626 1,814 30,354 5.83% 1 1 2
Red–Green Alliance Ø 1,793 1,549 1,815 2,667 3,006 2,474 1,234 2,372 2,230 3,752 2,410 1,970 27,272 5.24% 1 1 2
Hard Line P 1,221 995 1,102 1,102 1,827 1,195 830 1,380 1,039 937 1,608 818 14,054 2.70% 0 0 0
The New Right D 1,078 1,255 847 975 1,489 1,488 588 1,355 989 1,116 1,455 684 13,319 2.56% 0 1 1
The Alternative Å 663 654 614 934 980 1,073 273 900 858 1,675 859 822 10,305 1.98% 0 1 1
Liberal Alliance I 662 1,184 432 884 630 1,128 241 956 712 1,360 745 355 9,289 1.78% 0 0 0
Klaus Riskær Pedersen E 471 386 407 540 597 542 213 507 411 520 458 277 5,329 1.02% 0 0 0
Christian Democrats K 305 355 326 377 394 474 171 394 363 462 349 201 4,171 0.80% 0 0 0
Pinki Karin Yvonne Jensen (Independent) 6 6 5 49 21 7 3 7 18 10 15 15 162 0.03% 0 0 0
Valid Votes 37,233 44,912 37,975 43,964 51,732 55,707 25,032 51,690 39,592 55,622 48,118 29,292 520,869 100.00% 20 9 29
Blank Votes 316 245 359 350 428 431 218 383 299 407 408 274 4,118 0.78%
Rejected Votes – Other 96 155 145 140 210 135 77 130 119 172 100 77 1,556 0.30%
Total Polled 37,645 45,312 38,479 44,454 52,370 56,273 25,327 52,203 40,010 56,201 48,626 29,643 526,543 83.72%
Registered Electors 44,862 52,157 47,446 52,991 63,878 64,780 32,741 62,805 47,539 64,331 59,710 35,670 628,910
Turnout 83.91% 86.88% 81.10% 83.89% 81.98% 86.87% 77.36% 83.12% 84.16% 87.36% 81.44% 83.10% 83.72%

Votes per municipality:[24]

Party Votes per municipality Total
Faxe Greve Guld
Køge Lejre Lol
Sorø Stevns Vord
Social Democrats A 6,270 7,504 12,995 12,772 8,543 8,573 4,088 10,000 17,409 6,529 5,384 13,225 13,478 3,102 4,886 3,523 8,776 147,057
Venstre V 5,494 9,194 8,040 10,408 7,752 9,416 4,690 5,134 11,787 4,901 5,121 12,923 12,438 4,558 4,360 3,686 6,517 126,419
Danish People's Party O 2,779 3,312 5,444 4,632 4,109 3,498 1,712 3,065 5,179 2,806 2,425 4,141 5,540 1,427 2,127 1,674 2,827 56,697
Socialist People's Party F 1,971 1,977 2,844 3,189 2,094 5,855 1,999 1,736 4,192 1,472 1,867 5,924 3,788 1,071 1,655 1,554 2,804 45,992
Conservative People's Party C 1,375 1,955 1,674 2,586 1,238 2,683 1,196 912 2,841 1,038 1,345 4,136 2,349 1,305 1,292 1,112 1,412 30,449
Danish Social Liberal Party B 888 2,095 1,430 2,849 1,320 2,287 1,329 632 2,411 986 1,394 5,441 2,626 1,028 1,116 708 1,814 30,354
Red–Green Alliance Ø 1,052 1,128 1,815 2,667 1,605 1,430 1,044 1,234 2,372 1,401 1,176 3,752 2,410 421 1,054 741 1,970 27,272
Hard Line P 800 688 1,102 1,102 1,201 855 340 830 1,380 626 510 937 1,608 307 529 421 818 14,054
The New Right D 687 860 847 975 961 999 489 588 1,355 528 512 1,116 1,455 395 477 391 684 13,319
The Alternative Å 423 443 614 934 476 573 500 273 900 504 436 1,675 859 211 422 240 822 10,305
Liberal Alliance I 380 694 432 884 381 742 386 241 956 249 412 1,360 745 490 300 282 355 9,289
Klaus Riskær Pedersen E 291 244 407 540 305 340 202 213 507 292 205 520 458 142 206 180 277 5,329
Christian Democrats K 194 259 326 377 231 290 184 171 394 163 143 462 349 96 220 111 201 4,171
Pinki Karin Yvonne Jensen (Independent) 4 4 5 49 11 6 1 3 7 10 9 10 15 2 9 2 15 162
Valid Votes 22,608 30,357 37,975 43,964 30,227 37,547 18,160 25,032 51,690 21,505 20,939 55,622 48,118 14,555 18,653 14,625 29,292 520,869
Blank Votes 215 146 359 350 246 293 138 218 383 182 164 407 408 99 135 101 274 4,118
Rejected Votes – Other 66 118 145 140 136 84 51 77 130 74 55 172 100 37 64 30 77 1,556
Total Polled 22,889 30,621 38,479 44,454 30,609 37,924 18,349 25,327 52,203 21,761 21,158 56,201 48,626 14,691 18,852 14,756 29,643 526,543
Registered Electors 27,485 35,535 47,446 52,991 37,478 44,170 20,610 32,741 62,805 26,400 25,053 64,331 59,710 16,622 22,486 17,377 35,670 628,910
Turnout 83.28% 86.17% 81.10% 83.89% 81.67% 85.86% 89.03% 77.36% 83.12% 82.43% 84.45% 87.36% 81.44% 88.38% 83.84% 84.92% 83.10% 83.72%

The following candidates were elected:[25][26]



Results of the 2015 general election held on 18 June 2015:[27][28][29][30]

Party Votes per nomination district Total
% Seats
Faxe Greve Guld
Køge Lol
Con. Com. Tot.
Social Democrats A 9,297 10,561 12,657 12,173 14,514 13,784 9,679 17,230 10,310 14,087 13,197 8,975 146,464 27.93% 7 1 8
Danish People's Party O 10,660 11,499 11,534 10,167 15,623 13,045 7,024 12,914 10,512 10,114 13,577 7,526 134,195 25.59% 6 1 7
Venstre V 7,621 10,847 6,760 8,666 10,333 11,758 4,494 9,357 7,703 10,339 9,298 5,642 102,818 19.61% 4 1 5
Red–Green Alliance Ø 2,324 2,091 2,853 3,414 3,728 3,236 2,019 3,278 2,684 4,148 3,253 2,346 35,374 6.75% 1 1 2
Liberal Alliance I 2,337 4,009 1,501 2,650 2,449 3,957 802 3,438 2,493 4,456 3,052 1,454 32,598 6.22% 1 0 1
Socialist People's Party F 1,489 1,215 1,319 1,447 1,691 3,498 1,111 1,690 1,532 2,920 1,562 1,101 20,575 3.92% 1 0 1
The Alternative Å 1,195 1,028 1,097 1,563 1,916 1,860 646 1,573 1,545 2,838 1,464 1,477 18,202 3.47% 0 1 1
Danish Social Liberal Party B 934 1,506 791 1,901 1,312 2,097 365 1,175 1,402 3,257 1,432 734 16,906 3.22% 0 1 1
Conservative People's Party C 1,212 1,353 933 1,357 1,191 1,613 935 1,526 1,300 1,780 1,151 732 15,083 2.88% 0 1 1
Christian Democrats K 133 149 190 182 145 184 80 235 193 234 182 89 1,996 0.38% 0 0 0
Aamer Ahmad (Independent) 9 19 8 10 11 18 9 10 7 13 13 9 136 0.03% 0 0 0
Michael Christiansen (Independent) 10 1 6 1 5 13 2 8 3 2 3 4 58 0.01% 0 0 0
Bent A. Jespersen (Independent) 1 0 1 0 4 2 2 1 6 3 3 2 25 0.00% 0 0 0
Valid Votes 37,222 44,278 39,650 43,531 52,922 55,065 27,168 52,435 39,690 54,191 48,187 30,091 524,430 100.00% 20 7 27
Blank Votes 281 301 354 368 409 469 224 440 355 507 441 252 4,401 0.83%
Rejected Votes – Other 141 137 152 148 182 196 108 144 105 217 124 97 1,751 0.33%
Total Polled 37,644 44,716 40,156 44,047 53,513 55,730 27,500 53,019 40,150 54,915 48,752 30,440 530,582 85.74%
Registered Electors 43,596 50,763 47,693 51,506 63,408 63,228 33,835 61,884 46,557 62,392 58,576 35,369 618,807
Turnout 86.35% 88.09% 84.20% 85.52% 84.39% 88.14% 81.28% 85.67% 86.24% 88.02% 83.23% 86.06% 85.74%

Votes per municipality:[24]

Party Votes per municipality Total
Faxe Greve Guld
Køge Lejre Lol
Sorø Stevns Vord
Social Democrats A 5,666 7,377 12,657 12,173 8,238 9,517 4,267 9,679 17,230 6,276 5,474 14,087 13,197 3,184 4,836 3,631 8,975 146,464
Danish People's Party O 6,516 8,170 11,534 10,167 9,574 9,175 3,870 7,024 12,914 6,049 5,586 10,114 13,577 3,329 4,926 4,144 7,526 134,195
Venstre V 4,609 7,355 6,760 8,666 6,204 7,707 4,051 4,494 9,357 4,129 4,062 10,339 9,298 3,492 3,641 3,012 5,642 102,818
Red–Green Alliance Ø 1,446 1,503 2,853 3,414 2,079 2,069 1,167 2,019 3,278 1,649 1,421 4,148 3,253 588 1,263 878 2,346 35,374
Liberal Alliance I 1,458 2,453 1,501 2,650 1,488 2,675 1,282 802 3,438 961 1,420 4,456 3,052 1,556 1,073 879 1,454 32,598
Socialist People's Party F 888 812 1,319 1,447 994 2,428 1,070 1,111 1,690 697 740 2,920 1,562 403 792 601 1,101 20,575
The Alternative Å 676 679 1,097 1,563 938 1,021 839 646 1,573 978 771 2,838 1,464 349 774 519 1,477 18,202
Danish Social Liberal Party B 569 998 791 1,901 763 1,310 787 365 1,175 549 758 3,257 1,432 508 644 365 734 16,906
Conservative People's Party C 686 889 933 1,357 647 1,109 504 935 1,526 544 534 1,780 1,151 464 766 526 732 15,083
Christian Democrats K 81 119 190 182 93 115 69 80 235 52 74 234 182 30 119 52 89 1,996
Aamer Ahmad (Independent) 4 15 8 10 3 12 6 9 10 8 4 13 13 4 3 5 9 136
Michael Christiansen (Independent) 8 1 6 1 4 11 2 2 8 1 1 2 3 0 2 2 4 58
Bent A. Jespersen (Independent) 1 0 1 0 2 1 1 2 1 2 1 3 3 0 5 0 2 25
Valid Votes 22,608 30,371 39,650 43,531 31,027 37,150 17,915 27,168 52,435 21,895 20,846 54,191 48,187 13,907 18,844 14,614 30,091 524,430
Blank Votes 171 204 354 368 226 318 151 224 440 183 188 507 441 97 167 110 252 4,401
Rejected Votes – Other 89 90 152 148 126 139 57 108 144 56 60 217 124 47 45 52 97 1,751
Total Polled 22,868 30,665 40,156 44,047 31,379 37,607 18,123 27,500 53,019 22,134 21,094 54,915 48,752 14,051 19,056 14,776 30,440 530,582
Registered Electors 26,706 35,105 47,693 51,506 37,308 43,192 20,036 33,835 61,884 26,100 24,430 62,392 58,576 15,658 22,127 16,890 35,369 618,807
Turnout 85.63% 87.35% 84.20% 85.52% 84.11% 87.07% 90.45% 81.28% 85.67% 84.80% 86.34% 88.02% 83.23% 89.74% 86.12% 87.48% 86.06% 85.74%

The following candidates were elected:[31][32]



Results of the 2011 general election held on 15 September 2011:[33][34][35][36]

Party Votes per nomination district Total
% Seats
Faxe Greve Guld
Køge Lol
Con. Com. Tot.
Venstre V 10,749 15,049 9,627 11,657 14,257 15,259 5,802 13,059 10,673 13,788 12,642 7,326 139,888 26.30% 6 1 7
Social Democrats A 8,501 8,662 13,097 11,449 13,443 11,711 9,279 15,208 9,716 11,498 12,645 8,362 133,571 25.12% 5 2 7
Danish People's Party O 6,744 7,327 6,606 6,396 10,456 8,580 4,544 8,092 6,418 6,523 9,038 4,847 85,571 16.09% 3 1 4
Socialist People's Party F 3,249 2,810 4,262 4,071 5,207 4,990 5,440 4,706 3,556 5,605 4,780 3,276 51,952 9.77% 2 0 2
Danish Social Liberal Party B 2,734 3,410 2,328 3,712 3,454 4,729 1,255 3,546 3,253 6,327 3,009 2,083 39,840 7.49% 1 1 2
Red–Green Alliance Ø 1,966 1,668 2,325 2,713 3,181 2,939 1,583 2,763 2,296 3,680 2,681 2,164 29,959 5.63% 1 1 2
Conservative People's Party C 1,972 2,576 1,603 2,146 1,786 2,831 961 2,797 1,828 3,028 1,999 1,336 24,863 4.68% 1 0 1
Liberal Alliance I 1,675 2,586 1,284 1,890 1,784 2,966 814 2,282 1,951 3,149 2,246 1,230 23,857 4.49% 1 0 1
Christian Democrats K 116 116 197 191 205 167 92 264 185 205 171 113 2,022 0.38% 0 0 0
Johan Isbrandt Haulik (Independent) 9 3 14 11 10 9 12 14 12 12 9 9 124 0.02% 0 0 0
Peter Lotinga (Independent) 2 1 1 6 11 0 3 6 7 4 72 3 116 0.02% 0 0 0
Bent A. Jespersen (Independent) 0 1 1 2 4 4 3 3 13 0 5 2 38 0.01% 0 0 0
Valid Votes 37,717 44,209 41,345 44,244 53,798 54,185 29,788 52,740 39,908 53,819 49,297 30,751 531,801 100.00% 20 6 26
Blank Votes 292 242 296 299 382 369 209 368 298 347 334 220 3,656 0.68%
Rejected Votes – Other 103 182 146 94 139 216 153 160 83 209 132 96 1,713 0.32%
Total Polled 38,112 44,633 41,787 44,637 54,319 54,770 30,150 53,268 40,289 54,375 49,763 31,067 537,170 87.75%
Registered Electors 43,164 49,416 48,364 51,088 62,955 60,919 35,795 60,856 45,747 60,344 58,086 35,430 612,164
Turnout 88.30% 90.32% 86.40% 87.37% 86.28% 89.91% 84.23% 87.53% 88.07% 90.11% 85.67% 87.69% 87.75%

Votes per municipality:[24]

Party Votes per municipality Total
Faxe Greve Guld
Køge Lejre Lol
Sorø Stevns Vord
Venstre V 6,486 10,192 9,627 11,657 8,394 9,905 5,354 5,802 13,059 5,863 5,550 13,788 12,642 4,857 5,123 4,263 7,326 139,888
Social Democrats A 5,352 6,102 13,097 11,449 7,872 8,309 3,402 9,279 15,208 5,571 5,163 11,498 12,645 2,560 4,553 3,149 8,362 133,571
Danish People's Party O 4,027 5,253 6,606 6,396 6,428 6,112 2,468 4,544 8,092 4,028 3,403 6,523 9,038 2,074 3,015 2,717 4,847 85,571
Socialist People's Party F 2,030 1,939 4,262 4,071 3,152 3,183 1,807 5,440 4,706 2,055 1,760 5,605 4,780 871 1,796 1,219 3,276 51,952
Danish Social Liberal Party B 1,646 2,358 2,328 3,712 1,934 2,957 1,772 1,255 3,546 1,520 1,678 6,327 3,009 1,052 1,575 1,088 2,083 39,840
Red–Green Alliance Ø 1,201 1,130 2,325 2,713 1,640 1,957 982 1,583 2,763 1,541 1,258 3,680 2,681 538 1,038 765 2,164 29,959
Conservative People's Party C 1,190 1,726 1,603 2,146 1,006 1,953 878 961 2,797 780 853 3,028 1,999 850 975 782 1,336 24,863
Liberal Alliance I 988 1,677 1,284 1,890 1,076 1,883 1,083 814 2,282 708 1,049 3,149 2,246 909 902 687 1,230 23,857
Christian Democrats K 79 90 197 191 130 103 64 92 264 75 67 205 171 26 118 37 113 2,022
Johan Isbrandt Haulik (Independent) 4 2 14 11 6 6 3 12 14 4 6 12 9 1 6 5 9 124
Peter Lotinga (Independent) 2 1 1 6 9 0 0 3 6 2 3 4 72 0 4 0 3 116
Bent A. Jespersen (Independent) 0 1 1 2 2 2 2 3 3 2 7 0 5 0 6 0 2 38
Valid Votes 23,005 30,471 41,345 44,244 31,649 36,370 17,815 29,788 52,740 22,149 20,797 53,819 49,297 13,738 19,111 14,712 30,751 531,801
Blank Votes 178 167 296 299 226 229 140 209 368 156 158 347 334 75 140 114 220 3,656
Rejected Votes – Other 79 115 146 94 89 163 53 153 160 50 55 209 132 67 28 24 96 1,713
Total Polled 23,262 30,753 41,787 44,637 31,964 36,762 18,008 30,150 53,268 22,355 21,010 54,375 49,763 13,880 19,279 14,850 31,067 537,170
Registered Electors 26,476 34,270 48,364 51,088 37,150 41,299 19,620 35,795 60,856 25,805 23,807 60,344 58,086 15,146 21,940 16,688 35,430 612,164
Turnout 87.86% 89.74% 86.40% 87.37% 86.04% 89.01% 91.78% 84.23% 87.53% 86.63% 88.25% 90.11% 85.67% 91.64% 87.87% 88.99% 87.69% 87.75%

The following candidates were elected:[37][38]



Results of the 2007 general election held on 13 November 2007:[39][40][41][42][43]

Party Votes per nomination district Total
% Seats
Faxe Greve Guld
Køge Lol
Con. Com. Tot.
Venstre V 11,007 15,390 10,829 11,931 14,921 15,506 7,014 13,430 11,071 13,637 13,335 8,229 146,300 27.79% 6 2 8
Social Democrats A 8,966 9,193 12,852 11,075 13,155 13,145 7,940 15,339 9,738 12,249 12,633 7,995 134,280 25.51% 6 1 7
Danish People's Party O 6,461 7,354 7,103 6,620 10,823 8,562 5,234 8,305 6,441 6,534 9,654 5,049 88,140 16.74% 4 1 5
Socialist People's Party F 4,138 3,608 5,305 5,468 6,704 6,090 8,032 6,012 4,552 7,313 5,834 4,514 67,570 12.84% 3 0 3
Conservative People's Party C 3,555 4,221 2,913 3,809 3,525 4,957 1,503 5,110 3,338 5,608 3,682 2,372 44,593 8.47% 2 0 2
Danish Social Liberal Party B 1,382 1,584 1,274 2,286 2,134 2,292 524 1,788 1,593 3,234 1,402 1,228 20,721 3.94% 0 1 1
New Alliance Y 992 1,425 843 1,300 1,302 1,703 402 1,313 1,199 2,029 1,166 727 14,401 2.74% 0 1 1
Unity List Ø 512 445 577 781 804 840 362 674 591 1,434 654 642 8,316 1.58% 0 1 1
Christian Democrats K 151 155 163 202 176 205 76 229 204 268 182 104 2,115 0.40% 0 0 0
Valid Votes 37,164 43,375 41,859 43,472 53,544 53,300 31,087 52,200 38,727 52,306 48,542 30,860 526,436 100.00% 21 7 28
Blank Votes 177 130 226 199 264 237 129 238 193 195 202 150 2,340 0.44%
Rejected Votes – Other 58 91 148 56 108 154 131 108 70 138 78 117 1,257 0.24%
Total Polled 37,399 43,596 42,233 43,727 53,916 53,691 31,347 52,546 38,990 52,639 48,822 31,127 530,033 86.84%
Registered Electors 42,920 48,920 49,243 50,415 63,188 60,238 37,618 60,654 44,794 58,847 57,783 35,723 610,343
Turnout 87.14% 89.12% 85.76% 86.73% 85.33% 89.13% 83.33% 86.63% 87.04% 89.45% 84.49% 87.13% 86.84%

Votes per municipality:[24]

Party Votes per municipality Total
Faxe Greve Guld
Køge Lejre Lol
Sorø Stevns Vord
Venstre V 6,631 10,416 10,829 11,931 8,789 9,956 5,550 7,014 13,430 6,132 5,663 13,637 13,335 4,974 5,408 4,376 8,229 146,300
Social Democrats A 5,433 6,577 12,852 11,075 7,753 9,283 3,862 7,940 15,339 5,402 5,194 12,249 12,633 2,616 4,544 3,533 7,995 134,280
Danish People's Party O 3,940 5,298 7,103 6,620 6,766 6,058 2,504 5,234 8,305 4,057 3,367 6,534 9,654 2,056 3,074 2,521 5,049 88,140
Socialist People's Party F 2,535 2,464 5,305 5,468 3,826 4,034 2,056 8,032 6,012 2,878 2,321 7,313 5,834 1,144 2,231 1,603 4,514 67,570
Conservative People's Party C 2,180 2,820 2,913 3,809 2,053 3,377 1,580 1,503 5,110 1,472 1,667 5,608 3,682 1,401 1,671 1,375 2,372 44,593
Danish Social Liberal Party B 862 1,086 1,274 2,286 1,221 1,348 944 524 1,788 913 813 3,234 1,402 498 780 520 1,228 20,721
New Alliance Y 582 948 843 1,300 709 1,071 632 402 1,313 593 643 2,029 1,166 477 556 410 727 14,401
Unity List Ø 318 308 577 781 419 515 325 362 674 385 291 1,434 654 137 300 194 642 8,316
Christian Democrats K 106 123 163 202 124 125 80 76 229 52 67 268 182 32 137 45 104 2,115
Valid Votes 22,587 30,040 41,859 43,472 31,660 35,767 17,533 31,087 52,200 21,884 20,026 52,306 48,542 13,335 18,701 14,577 30,860 526,436
Blank Votes 117 92 226 199 145 161 76 129 238 119 100 195 202 38 93 60 150 2,340
Rejected Votes – Other 32 67 148 56 68 104 50 131 108 40 34 138 78 24 36 26 117 1,257
Total Polled 22,736 30,199 42,233 43,727 31,873 36,032 17,659 31,347 52,546 22,043 20,160 52,639 48,822 13,397 18,830 14,663 31,127 530,033
Registered Electors 26,353 34,007 49,243 50,415 37,393 40,892 19,346 37,618 60,654 25,795 23,190 58,847 57,783 14,913 21,604 16,567 35,723 610,343
Turnout 86.27% 88.80% 85.76% 86.73% 85.24% 88.12% 91.28% 83.33% 86.63% 85.45% 86.93% 89.45% 84.49% 89.83% 87.16% 88.51% 87.13% 86.84%

The following candidates were elected:[44][45]


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