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About the word 'ermita'


There is in Spanish a word which is 'ermita'. I think that there is not any equivalent word to it in English. I think that people usually translate it to 'hermitage' wrongly.

Here is the definition of 'ermita': "1. f. Capilla o santuario, generalmente pequeños, situados por lo común en despoblado y que no suelen tener culto permanente." (http://dle.rae.es/?id=G2lLzHH) whose tranlation can be: "Chapel or shrine, usually small and often located in deserted areas. In this kind of buildings, there are not worship activities constantly in most cases."

The meanings in English that I found are: (https://www.wordreference.com/definition/hermitage)

  1.the habitation of a hermit.
  2.any secluded place of residence or habitation;
  3.Fine Art(cap.) a palace in Leningrad built by Catherine II and now used as an art museum.

--Yolanda95 (talk) 10:26, 5 September 2018 (UTC)Yolanda95[reply]

About the words 'aldea', 'ciudad' and 'pedanía'


I think that the word 'aldea' can also be translated wiht 'hamlet'. The definition of the Spanish word is "1. f. Pueblo de escaso vecindario y, por lo común, sin jurisdicción propia." (http://dle.rae.es/?id=1fOp9Vn) and the definition of 'hamlet' is: (http://www.wordreference.com/definition/hamlet)

Government a small village. British Terms, Government a village without a church of its own, belonging to the parish of another village or town.

In my opinion, the word 'ciudad' can be translated sometimes with 'town'.

In regards to the word 'pedanía', I think that it can be translated sometimes with the word 'district'. The definition of the Spanish word is "1. f. Territorio bajo la jurisdicción de un alcalde pedáneo." (http://dle.rae.es/?id=SIBag08) and 'alcalde pedáneo' means" "1. m. y f. Persona que tiene atribuciones de alcalde sobre una entidad administrativa inferior al municipio.". The words 'entidad administrativa are the key for the word 'district'.

--Yolanda95 (talk) 10:51, 7 September 2018 (UTC)Yolanda95[reply]