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Wikipedia:WikiProject Japan/Film credits glossary

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This page is a glossary of terms used in the Japanese film and animation industries translated into English. Translation of credits requires knowledge of the terminology used by both the American and Japanese film industries, including live action and anime. This article provides a useful translation guide for those wishing to do help out this project and its descendants in this way.



Terms are listed alphabetically according to romanization.

Japanese Rōmaji English Notes
アドバイザー adobaizā advisor  
アフレコ afureko voice/dialogue recording From "after recording": in Japanese animation, voices are typically recorded after the animation is complete (compare puresuko). For "dubbing," see dabingu and fukikae.
合いの手 ainote interlude  
アニメーション animēshon animation Like Pokémon animation (ポケモンアニメーション, Pokémon animēshon) as an example.
アニメーションデザイン animēshon dezain animation design  
アニメーションディレクター animēshon direkutā animation director  
アニメーション監修 animēshon kanshū animation supervisor  
アニメーション監督 animēshon kantoku animation director  
アニメーションコーディネーター animēshon kōdinētā animation coordinator  
アニメーションキャラクター animēshon kyarakutā animation character
character design
アニメーションキャラクターデザイン animēshon kyarakutā dezain animation character design Like animation Pokémon design (アニメーションポケモンデザイン, animēshon Pokémon dezain) as an example.
アニメーション協力 animēshon kyōryoku animation assistance/support  
アニメーションプロダクション animēshon purodakushon animation production  
アニメーションプロデューサー animēshon purodyūsa animation producer  
アニメーション製作 animēshon seisaku animation production  
アニメーション制作 animēshon seisaku animation work  
アニメーション製作協力 animēshon seisaku kyōryoku animation production assistance  
アニメーション制作協力 animēshon seisaku kyōryoku animation work assistance/support  
アニメーションプロデューサー animēshon purodyūsā animation producer  
アニメーター animētā animator  
アニメ anime anime  
アニメデザイン anime dezain anime design  
アニメディレクター anime direkutā anime director  
アニメ監修 anime kanshū anime supervisor  
アニメ監督 anime kantoku anime director  
アニメコーディネーター anime kōdinētā anime coordinator  
アニメキャラクター anime kyarakutā anime character  
アニメキャラクターデザイン anime kyarakutā dezain anime character design Like anime Pokémon design アニメポケモンデザイン, anime Pokémon dezain) as an example.
アニメ協力 anime kyōryoku anime cooperation  
アニメプロダクション anime purodakushon anime production  
アニメプロデューサー anime purodyūsā anime producer  
アニメ製作 anime seisaku anime production  
アニメ制作 anime seisaku anime work  
アニメ製作協力 anime seisaku kyōryoku anime production cooperation  
アニメ制作協力 anime seisaku kyōryoku anime work cooperation  
アシスタント ashisutanto assistant Can be used after any credit term
アシスタントプロデューサー ashisutanto purodyūsā assistant producer  
アソシエイトプロデューサー asoshieito purodyūsā associate producer  
アレンジメント arenjimento arrangement  
アテレコ atereko ADR/revoicing/dubbing from to lay down a voice (声をあてる, koe o ateru)
アート āto art  
アートデザイン āto dezain art design  
アートディレクター āto direkutā art director  
アート協力 āto kyōryoku art cooperation  
番組 bangumi program  
番組事業 bangumi jigyō program business  
番組宣伝 bangumi senden program promotion  
番組担当 bangumi tantō program manager  
ビデオ bideo video  
ビデオチェック bideo chekku video check  
ビデオディレクター bideo direkutā video director  
ビデオ編集 bideo henshū video editing  
美術 bijutsu art director
background supervisor
In live-action, it refers to an art director (the second-highest position in the art department). In traditional animation, it refers to a background supervisor.
美術監督 bijutsu kantoku production designer
background supervisor
In live-action, it refers to a production designer (the head role of the art department). In traditional animation, it refers to a background supervisor (except on productions which have both 美術監督 and 美術 credits, in which case 美術監督 refers to a production designer).
美術設定 bijutsu settei background artists
art design
refers to the major backgrounds, usually used for individual artists
ボーカルス bōkarusu vocals  
部長 buchō chief director  
文芸担当 bungei tantō script supervisor
チーフディレクター chīfu direkutā chief director  
著作 chosaku publication, author, copyright  
ダビング dabingu dubbing/sound mixing/audio mixing the process of combining dialogue/ADR, sound effects and music (with original production sound, where applicable) to produce the finished soundtrack.
ディレクター direkutā director  
動画 dōga in-between animation
Literally "video".
動画チェック dōga chekku in-between animation check Literally "video check".
動画検査 dōga kensa in-between animation check
In-between animation supervisor
Literally "video inspection".
動画協力 dōga kyōryoku in-between animation cooperation
video cooperation
usually used to list outside studios which assisted with some of the animation. Literally "video cooperation".
エディター editā editor  
エグゼクティブプロダクション eguzekutibu purodakushon executive production  
エグゼクティブプロデューサー eguzekutibu purodyūsā executive producer  
絵コンテ ekonte storyboard lit. picture continuity
エンディングテーマ endingu tēma ending theme The ending theme for the television production.
演出 enshutsu assistant director
episode director
directed by
Literally "direction", "director", "directed by".
演出助手 enshutsu joshu production assistant
assistant to the director
演奏 ensō musical performance
performed by
フィルム firumu film  
吹替 fukikae revoicing, or dub/dubbing "Revoicing" is the term used in the film industry.
furitsuke choreography (music) usally prefers who is choreographing the music.
原案 gen'an original planning
original development
原案協力 gen'an kyōryoku original planning assistance/support
original development assistance/support
原画 genga key animation  
原画補佐 genga hosa key animation assistance  
原作 gensaku original work  
現像 genzō film developer
ゲストキャラクター gesuto kyarakutā guest character
guest character design
背景 haikei backgrounds
usually used for studios or groups that produced the backgrounds, sets or scenery, esp. in animation
配給 haikyū distribution company that distributed the film
ハーモニィ処理 hāmonī shori harmony treatment  
編曲 henkyoku arrangement (music) usually refers to who is arranging the music
編集 henshū editor  
一部原曲 ichibu genkyoku original score  
インアソシアシオンウィズ in asoshiashion uizu in association with  
色指定 iroshitei colorist
colorist designation
colorist coordination
助監督 jokantoku assistant director  
カメラ kamera camera operator  
監督 kantoku director  
企画 kikaku planning  
企画協力 kikaku kyōryoku planning coordinator/support  
記録 kiroku recorder, production diary/journal  
コーディネート kōdinēto coordination, coordinating Usually spelled as (コーディネイト, coordinate, kōdineito.)
広報 kōhō publicity
public relations
公開日 kōkaibi release date  
コンポーザー konpōzā composer  
コリオグラフィー koriogurafī choreography  
構成 kōsei organization (as in "series organization")
クリエーター kuriētā creator  
脚本 kyakuhon script
キャメラマン kyameraman cameraman  
キャラクターデザイン kyarakutā dezain character design  
キャラクター原案 kyarakutā genan character draft  
キャラクター設定 kyarakutā settei initial character design
character design
キャスティング kyasutingu casting  
キャスティング協力 kyasutingu kyōryoku casting assistance  
協力 kyōryoku coordination
メカニックデザイン mekanikku dezain mechanical design Usually shortened to メカデザイン (mekadezain, “mecha design”). This mostly refers to the design of robots.
ミキサー mikisā mixer  
ミュージック myūjikku music  
ネガティブ編集 negatibu henshū negative editing Usually shortened to ネガ編集 (nega henshū, "nega editing").
音楽 ongaku music
音楽監督 ongaku kantoku music director  
音楽協力 ongaku kyōryoku music co-production
music coordination
音楽製作 ongaku seisaku music production  
音楽制作 ongaku seisaku music work  
音響 onkyō sound  
音響監督 onkyō kantoku sound director
audio director
音響効果 onkyō kōka sound effects  
音響協力 onkyō kyōryoku sound coordinating  
音響プロデューサー onkyō purodyūsā sound producer  
音響製作 onkyō seisaku sound production  
音響制作 onkyō seisaku sound work  
オープニングテーマ ōpuning tēma opening theme The opening theme for the television production.
パフォーマー pafōmā performer  
プレスコ・プリレコ puresuko / purireko pre-scoring or pre-recording (esp. of the voice track) From "pre-scoring" or "pre-recording." Voice recording for animated works in Japan is typically done after the animation is partially/fully complete, but pre-scoring has been used in a number of works, such as Knights of Sidonia.
プロダクション purodakushon production  
プロデューサー purodyūsā producer  
ラインプロデューサー rainpurodyūsā line producer  
ライティングディレクター raitingu direkutā writing director  
連絡デスク renraku desuku communications desk
response desk
リリクス ririkusu lyrics  
録音 rokuon sound
録音演出 rokuon enshutsu sound assistant director/production
audio director/production
recording director/production
作画 sakuga animation
key animation
作画監督 sakuga kantoku animation director
key animation director
作詞 sakushi lyrics (music)
usually refers to who is writing the song
作曲 sakkyoku composer (music) usually refers to who is composing the music
撮影 satsuei photography
animation camera shooting staff
This role differs greatly between live action and animation short on cameras on one hand, and digitally-composited animation on the other. In live action, traditional animation shot on film, and stop-motion animation, satsuei refers to controlling the camera movement, lighting, framing, and other aspects of the shooting process. In computer animation, and traditional animation that is inked, painted and composited digitally, satsuei refers to combining all the different visual elements together; this includes animation, backgrounds, 3D objects and digital effects. In general, this role should be referred to as compositing when writing about digitally-composited animation, to avoid confusing it for traditional film cinematography.
撮影技師 satsuei gishi camera operator  
撮影監督 satsuei kantoku director of photography
camera director
compositing supervisor/director
撮影協力 satsuei kyōryoku camera support
photography assistance
compositing assistance
photography cooperation
撮影製作 satsuei seisaku photography  
撮影制作 satsuei seisaku photography
camera operator
サウンド saundo sound  
製作 seisaku production
executive production
executive producer
in association with
original production by
special cooperative company
制作 seisaku production
制作デスク seisaku desuku production desk  
製作委員会 seisaku iinkai production committee  
製作管理 seisaku kanri production manager  
制作管理 seisaku kanri work manager  
製作協力 seisaku kyōryoku production assistance  
制作協力 seisaku kyōryoku work assistance/support  
制作進行 seisaku shinkō production assistant  
製作スタジオ seisaku sutajio production studio  
制作スタジオ seisaku sutajio work studio  
製作担当 seisaku tantō executive producer
associate producer
production manager
宣伝 senden advertising/promotion/marketing  
宣伝プロデューサー senden purodyūsā advertising/promotion/marketing producer  
選曲 senkyoku theme song
music selection
設定管理 settei kanri setting management  
設定協力 settei kyōryoku setting cooperation
staging assistance
concept cooperation
concept coordination
仕上 shia coloring
ink & paint
仕上検査 shia kensa digital paint check
finish animation check
touch-up animation check
ink & paint check
Check the clean-up work to make sure the animation cels look good.
仕上協力 shia kyōryoku ink & paint assistance/support
digital paint assistance/support
finish animation assistance/support
touch-up animation assistance/support
Usually refers to outside studios which assisted in the ink and paint processes.
仕上げ shiage touch-up animation
clean up animation
animation clean-up
Literally "finishing".
色彩設計 shikisai sekkei color keys
color design
シナリオ shinario script / episode script, scenario Produced by the scriptwriter, it usually goes through 4/5 drafts before it is approved.
シンガー shingā singer  
照明 shōmei lighting  
照明監督 shōmei kantoku lighting director  
主題歌 shudaika theme song  
This can appear before any title
総監督 sōkantoku executive director
chief director
series director
general director
Literally "general director".
ソング songu song  
ソングライター songuraitā songwriter  
挿入歌 sōnyūka insert song
background song
song used during the movie, usually in the background (i.e., in a cafe)
総作画監督 sōsakuga kantoku general animation director
chief animation director
総作画監督補 sōsakuga kantoku ho assistant executive animation director  
総作監補佐 sōsakukan hosa assistant executive animation director  
スーパーバイザー sūpābaizā production supervisor
タイミング taimingu timing  
タイトル taitoru title
the credits (basically who picked the font and designed the opening and ending credit rolls)
タイトルリストワーク taitoru risuto wāku title list work  
テーマソング tēma songu theme song The theme song for the television production.
提供 teikyō sponsor usually refers to who is sponsoring this program
テロップ teroppu television opaque projector  
テロップリストワーク teroppu risuto wāku television opaque projector list work  
特殊効果 tokushukōka special effects  

uta vocals
usually refers to who is singing the song
ゼネラルマネージャー zeneraru manējā general manager  
ゼログラフィ zerogurafi xerography Usually shortened to (ゼログラフ, xerograph, zerogurafu).

