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Wikipedia:USEP/Courses/JHU MolBio Ogg SP14/Articles 81

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Articles - section 81

Article Comments Main editors Changes
AB5 toxin Group 81B id before id diff
DNA base flipping Group 81E id before id diff
Gene cluster Group 81F id before id diff
Molecular paleontology Group 81G id before id diff
Nondisjunction Group 81D id before id diff
Polysomy Group 81A id before id diff
Spermatocyte Group 81C id before id diff
Viral transformation Group 81H id before id diff

Groups and Students



Group Members
Group 81A Ssumpf, DHayes14
Group 81B Gkaltam, Mmehta10, ReeseLanger
Group 81C Tatabox8, Amanaresi
Group 81D Wpeissner, Previte01
Group 81E Magladem96, Amontei2
Group 81F Kneal0627, Mnemcek
Group 81G PaleoBioJackie, Cchandu1
Group 81H Richarnj, CarpeDiem90

Students / articles

Student Group Main article Review 1 Review 2 Review 3
Amanaresi 81C Spermatocyte DNA base flipping Viral transformation Polysomy
Amontei2 81E DNA base flipping Molecular paleontology Spermatocyte Polysomy
CarpeDiem90 81H Viral transformation Nondisjunction Molecular paleontology Polysomy
Cchandu1 81G Molecular paleontology DNA base flipping Spermatocyte Viral transformation
DHayes14 81A Polysomy DNA base flipping Nondisjunction AB5 toxin
Gkaltam 81B AB5 toxin Molecular paleontology Spermatocyte Nondisjunction
Kneal0627 81F Gene cluster AB5 toxin Viral transformation Nondisjunction
Magladem96 81E DNA base flipping Spermatocyte Nondisjunction Viral transformation
Mmehta10 81B AB5 toxin Gene cluster Molecular paleontology Spermatocyte
Mnemcek 81F Gene cluster Polysomy DNA base flipping Molecular paleontology
PaleoBioJackie 81G Molecular paleontology Spermatocyte Gene cluster AB5 toxin
Previte01 81D Nondisjunction Polysomy AB5 toxin Gene cluster
ReeseLanger 81B AB5 toxin Viral transformation DNA base flipping Molecular paleontology
Richarnj 81H Viral transformation Gene cluster Polysomy Spermatocyte
Ssumpf 81A Polysomy Nondisjunction AB5 toxin Gene cluster
Tatabox8 81C Spermatocyte Viral transformation Gene cluster DNA base flipping
Wpeissner 81D Nondisjunction AB5 toxin Polysomy DNA base flipping