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Wikipedia:Good articles in other languages/Chinese

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Article list of "Wikipedia:good articles" in Chinese
# Articles in Chinese instance of Articles in English Count of languages
1 加拿大 country, sovereign state Canada 383
2 瑞士 country, state, federation Switzerland 371
3 地球 terrestrial planet, inner planet of the Solar System Earth 361
4 阿根廷 country, nation, federal republic Argentina 360
5 印度尼西亚 country, presidential system, island country Indonesia 353
6 克罗地亚 country, unitary state, sovereign state Croatia 342
7 大韩民国 country, constitutional republic, sovereign state South Korea 341
8 伊斯兰教 major religion Islam 327
9 語言 aptitude Language 326
10 阿尔伯特·爱因斯坦 human Albert Einstein 312
11 动物 taxon, first-order class Animal 303
12 亚伯拉罕·林肯 human Abraham Lincoln 284
13 古兰经 religious text, literary work Quran 274
14 天王星 outer planet, superior planet, ice giant Uranus 249
15 上海市 megacity, metropolis, global city Shanghai 239
16 马丁·路德·金 human Martin Luther King Jr. 233
17 麻薩諸塞州 U.S. state Massachusetts 224
18 宇宙 universe Universe 222
19 哺乳动物 taxon Mammal 219
20 史蒂芬·霍金 human Stephen Hawking 201
21 中世纪 historical period, age Middle Ages 194
22 食盐 mixture, ingredient Salt 190
23 斯科普里 capital city, tourist destination, big city Skopje 188
24 病毒 taxon Virus 188
25 恐龙 taxon, clade Dinosaur 186
26 马赛 commune of France, college town, big city Marseille 186
27 疟疾 endemic disease, class of disease Malaria 183
28 尼尔斯·玻尔 human Niels Bohr 183
29 民族主義 Nationalism 180
30 國際音標 phonetic alphabet International Phonetic Alphabet 179
31 约翰·亚当斯 human John Adams 178
32 武汉市 sub-province-level division, human settlement, prefecture-level city Wuhan 178
33 波尔多 commune of France, big city Bordeaux 176
34 无政府主义 school of thought, political movement, philosophical school Anarchism 175
35 圓周率 real number, transcendental number, mathematical constant Pi 174
36 电子 type of quantum particle Electron 170
37 尼斯 commune of France, big city Nice 170
38 世界遗产 conservation designation, heritage designation World Heritage Site 170
39 納粹德國 historical country Nazi Germany 167
40 圖盧茲 commune of France, college town, big city Toulouse 167
41 恩里科·费米 human Enrico Fermi 165
42 美索不达米亚 cultural landscape, historical region, ancient civilization Mesopotamia 165
43 马克斯·韦伯 human Max Weber 164
44 第十四世达赖喇嘛 human 14th Dalai Lama 163
45 量子力学 branch of physics, physical theory Quantum mechanics 163
46 chemical element, lithophile Iodine 161
47 安德鲁·杰克逊 human Andrew Jackson 160
48 紫式部 human Murasaki Shikibu 155
49 chemical element, chalcophile element Gallium 154
50 里尔 commune of France, big city Lille 154
51 chemical element, gas Radon 154
52 尤利西斯·格兰特 human Ulysses S. Grant 154
53 詹姆斯·克拉克·麦克斯韦 human James Clerk Maxwell 153
54 chemical element, gas, atmophile element Xenon 153
55 潘基文 human Ban Ki-moon 152
56 努瓦克肖特 city, big city, commune of Mauritania Nouakchott 151
57 諾瓦克·喬科維奇 human Novak Djokovic 151
58 chemical element, chalcophile element Antimony 150
59 chemical element, lithophile Rubidium 149
60 chemical element, lithophile Niobium 147
61 chemical element Polonium 147
62 南特 commune of France, big city Nantes 146
63 文翠珊 human Theresa May 144
64 埃博拉出血热 infectious disease, class of disease Ebola 143
65 chemical element, lithophile Yttrium 143
66 chemical element, radioactive element Actinium 142
67 安德鲁·约翰逊 human Andrew Johnson 142
68 星座 Constellation 142
69 chemical element Rhenium 142
70 格勒诺布尔 commune of France, big city Grenoble 141
71 chemical element, chemical substance Lanthanum 141
72 蒙彼利埃 commune of France, big city Montpellier 140
73 天花 infectious disease, class of disease, symptom or sign Smallpox 139
74 石油输出国组织 cartel, intergovernmental organization, advocacy group OPEC 138
75 chemical element, synthetic element Rutherfordium 138
76 富兰克林·皮尔斯 human Franklin Pierce 137
77 肥胖症 academic discipline, health risk, class of disease Obesity 137
78 阿茲特克 civilization, culture, historical ethnic group Aztecs 136
79 chemical element, synthetic element Einsteinium 136
80 郑州市 prefecture-level city, big city Zhengzhou 136
81 本杰明·哈里森 human Benjamin Harrison 135
82 南京市 city, sub-province-level division, prefecture-level city Nanjing 135
83 瑪雅文明 civilization, culture, pre-Columbian era Maya civilization 134
84 chemical element, synthetic element Berkelium 133
85 渡鴉 taxon Common raven 133
86 chemical element, synthetic element Fermium 133
87 贝桑松 commune of France, big city Besançon 130
88 成都市 city, megacity, sub-province-level division Chengdu 130
89 第戎 commune of France, big city Dijon 130
90 雷恩 commune of France, big city Rennes 130
91 chemical element, synthetic element Oganesson 129
92 冠状病毒 taxon, organisms known by a particular common name Coronavirus 127
93 廣義相對論 physical law, scientific theory General relativity 123
94 汉谟拉比 human Hammurabi 122
95 兰斯 commune of France, big city Reims 122
96 拜仁慕尼黑足球俱乐部 association football club, sports club FC Bayern Munich 121
97 免疫系统 anatomical system type Immune system 120
98 勒阿弗尔 commune of France, big city, port settlement Le Havre 120
99 梅斯 commune of France, big city Metz 120
100 阿雅克肖 city, commune of France Ajaccio 119
101 昂热 city, commune of France, big city Angers 119
102 克莱蒙费朗 commune of France, big city Clermont-Ferrand 119
103 電機工程學 academic major, academic discipline, technical sciences Electrical engineering 119
104 杭州市 sub-province-level division, prefecture-level city, big city Hangzhou 119
105 马克斯·玻恩 human Max Born 119
106 费利克斯·门德尔松 human Felix Mendelssohn 118
107 孚日圣迪耶 commune of France Saint-Dié-des-Vosges 118
108 聖訓 Hadith 117
109 奥尔良 commune of France, big city Orléans 117
110 圣艾蒂安 commune of France, big city Saint-Étienne 117
111 精神分裂症 mental disorder, class of disease Schizophrenia 116
112 亞眠 commune of France, big city Amiens 114
113 卡昂 commune of France, big city Caen 113
114 米卢斯 commune of France, big city Mulhouse 113
115 普瓦捷 city, commune of France Poitiers 112
116 图尔 commune of France, big city Tours 112
117 骨痛熱症 infectious disease, class of disease, symptom or sign Dengue fever 108
118 鸟神星 dwarf planet, cubewano Makemake 107
119 艾瑪·史東 human Emma Stone 106
120 矩阵 Matrix (mathematics) 106
121 利摩日 commune of France, big city Limoges 105
122 脑膜炎 class of disease, symptom or sign Meningitis 105
123 夸克 type of quantum particle Quark 105
124 安妮·勃朗特 human Anne Brontë 104
125 克里斯托弗·诺兰 human Christopher Nolan 104
126 妊神星 dwarf planet, cubewano, gravitationally bound system Haumea 104
127 小熊座 constellation Ursa Minor 103
128 膀胱 organ type, class of anatomical entity Bladder 102
129 拉罗谢尔 city, commune of France, port settlement La Rochelle 102
130 巴勃羅·埃斯科瓦爾 human Pablo Escobar 102
131 青森縣 prefecture of Japan Aomori Prefecture 101
132 导数 unary operation Derivative 101
133 蒂埃里·亨利 human Thierry Henry 101
134 特鲁瓦 commune of France Troyes 101
135 普通翠鸟 taxon Common kingfisher 100
136 福州市 prefecture-level city, big city, port settlement Fuzhou 100
137 星际穿越 film Interstellar (film) 100
138 水豚 taxon Capybara 99
139 詹姆斯·查德威克 human James Chadwick 99
140 弱相互作用 fundamental interaction Weak interaction 98
141 Windows 10 operating system, proprietary software Windows 10 98
142 木卫四 regular moon, moon of Jupiter Callisto (moon) 97
143 伊朗伊斯蘭革命 revolution Iranian revolution 97
144 乍得湖 endorheic lake Lake Chad 97
145 科羅拉多河 river Colorado River 96
146 福冈县 prefecture of Japan Fukuoka Prefecture 96
147 希格斯玻色子 type of quantum particle Higgs boson 96
148 傳染病 class of disease Infectious disease 96
149 靜岡縣 prefecture of Japan Shizuoka Prefecture 96
150 终结者 film The Terminator 96
151 .no country code top-level domain .no 95
152 航空母舰 ship type Aircraft carrier 95
153 大犬座 constellation Canis Major 95
154 克里斯汀·貝爾 human Christian Bale 95
155 两伊战争 war, annexation, war of aggression Iran–Iraq War 95
156 约瑟夫·毕苏斯基 human Józef Piłsudski 95
157 重性抑郁障碍 class of disease Major depressive disorder 95
158 长崎县 prefecture of Japan Nagasaki Prefecture 95
159 坎佩尔 commune of France Quimper 95
160 基因工程 Genetic engineering 94
161 鯨鯊 taxon Whale shark 94
162 智神星 asteroid 2 Pallas 93
163 阿讷西 commune of France, big city Annecy 93
164 长颈鹿 taxon Giraffe 93
165 卡卡 human Kaká 93
166 安妮 human Anne, Queen of Great Britain 92
167 御夫座 constellation Auriga 92
168 爱媛县 prefecture of Japan Ehime Prefecture 92
169 巴约讷 commune of France Bayonne 91
170 國際關係學 academic major, academic discipline International relations 91
171 偏頭痛 class of disease Migraine 91
172 托马斯·穆勒 human Thomas Müller 91
173 高角羚 taxon Impala 90
174 英仙座 constellation Perseus (constellation) 90
175 阿瑟·康普顿 human Arthur Compton 89
176 Google地球 virtual globe Google Earth 89
177 富山縣 prefecture of Japan Toyama Prefecture 89
178 威廉三世 human William III of England 89
179 伊斯蘭教法學 specialty, interdisciplinary science, academic discipline Fiqh 88
180 永斯·贝采利乌斯 human Jöns Jacob Berzelius 88
181 关节炎 arthropathy, class of disease, symptom or sign Arthritis 87
182 小犬座 constellation, deity Canis Minor 87
183 新潟市 city of Japan, big city, city designated by government ordinance Niigata (city) 87
184 三角函数 Trigonometric functions 87
185 唧筒座 constellation Antlia 86
186 北冕座 constellation Corona Borealis 86
187 波蘭國旗 national flag Flag of Poland 86
188 怪兽电力公司 film, animated film Monsters, Inc. 86
189 光电效应 principle, physical phenomenon Photoelectric effect 86
190 加勒比海盗:黑珍珠号的诅咒 film Pirates of the Caribbean: The Curse of the Black Pearl 86
191 希拉克略 human Heraclius 85
192 伊西多·拉比 human Isidor Isaac Rabi 85
193 诺罗敦·西哈努克 human Norodom Sihanouk 85
194 織女一 variable star, double star, A-type main sequence star Vega 85
195 沙托鲁 commune of France Châteauroux 84
196 第一次十字军东征 religious war First Crusade 84
197 馬克士威方程組 mathematical descriptions of the electromagnetic field, physical theory Maxwell's equations 84
198 讷韦尔 commune of France Nevers 84
199 腦筋急轉彎 animated film Inside Out (2015 film) 83
200 岡山市 city, city of Japan, big city Okayama 83
201 老人与海 literary work The Old Man and the Sea 83
202 天燕座 constellation Apus 82
203 中华人民共和国国旗 national flag Flag of China 82
204 鐵甲奇俠 film Iron Man (2008 film) 82
205 科学哲学 subject heading, branch of science, branch of philosophy Philosophy of science 82
206 台北101 skyscraper Taipei 101 82
207 星際大戰五部曲:帝國大反擊 film The Empire Strikes Back 82
208 奥格·玻尔 human Aage Bohr 81
209 水蛇座 constellation Hydrus 81
210 小狮座 constellation Leo Minor 81
211 天卫四 moon of Uranus, regular moon Oberon (moon) 81
212 加勒比海盗3:世界的尽头 film Pirates of the Caribbean: At World's End 81
213 克劳迪奥·蒙特威尔第 human Claudio Monteverdi 80
214 南冕座 constellation Corona Australis 80
215 巨爵座 constellation Crater (constellation) 80
216 天猫座 constellation Lynx (constellation) 80
217 奧斯卡·辛德勒 human Oskar Schindler 80
218 凤凰座 constellation Phoenix (constellation) 80
219 加勒比海盗2:聚魂棺 film Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Man's Chest 80
220 賽德娜 asteroid, trans-Neptunian object, small Solar System body Sedna (dwarf planet) 80
221 巨蛇座 constellation Serpens 80
222 烧伤 symptom or sign Burn 79
223 克拉拉·舒曼 human Clara Schumann 79
224 时钟座 constellation Horologium (constellation) 79
225 玛丽二世 human Mary II 79
226 奥利弗·卡恩 human Oliver Kahn 79
227 蜘蛛人 film Spider-Man (2002 film) 79
228 杜鵑座 constellation Tucana 79
229 小威廉·皮特 human William Pitt the Younger 79
230 萊因哈德·海德里希 human Reinhard Heydrich 78
231 望远镜座 constellation Telescopium 78
232 南三角座 constellation Triangulum Australe 78
233 三角龍屬 fossil taxon Triceratops 78
234 衍射 Diffraction 77
235 江南Style single Gangnam Style 77
236 矩尺座 constellation Norma (constellation) 77
237 罗盘座 constellation Pyxis 77
238 薛定谔方程 Schrödinger equation 77
239 秋田市 city of Japan, core city of Japan, big city Akita (city) 76
240 安第斯神鹫 taxon Andean condor 76
241 松山市 core city of Japan, big city, prefectural capital of Japan Matsuyama 76
242 山案座 constellation Mensa (constellation) 76
243 雷神 film Thor (film) 76
244 不确定性原理 scientific theory Uncertainty principle 76
245 .bv country code top-level domain .bv 75
246 引力波 Gravitational wave 75
247 乔赛亚·威拉德·吉布斯 human Josiah Willard Gibbs 75
248 宁波市 city, sub-province-level division, human settlement Ningbo 75
249 北京大学 public university, vice-ministerial level university, higher education institution directly under Ministry of Education of the People’s Republic of China Peking University 75
250 吉卜力工作室 animation studio Studio Ghibli 75
251 伶盜龍屬 fossil taxon Velociraptor 75
252 .sj country code top-level domain .sj 74
253 亞歷克·道格拉斯-休姆 human Alec Douglas-Home 74
254 阿伏伽德罗常数 physical constant, reciprocal amount of substance Avogadro constant 74
255 希腊历史 academic discipline, history of a country or state History of Greece 74
256 热巧克力 Hot chocolate 74
257 抒情诗 literary genre, literary mode, literary genre by form Lyric poetry 74
258 德意志统一 political union, historical process Unification of Germany 74
259 笃斯越橘 taxon Vaccinium uliginosum 74
260 第一次鸦片战争 war First Opium War 73
261 劍龍屬 fossil taxon Stegosaurus 73
262 阿卜杜勒-马利克 human Abd al-Malik ibn Marwan 72
263 英桑战争 war, conflict Anglo-Zanzibar War 72
264 伊麗莎白·凱迪·斯坦頓 human Elizabeth Cady Stanton 72
265 雅盖沃 human Władysław II Jagiełło 72
266 斷層 Fault (geology) 71
267 泡利不相容原理 education theory Pauli exclusion principle 71
268 北極燕鷗 taxon Arctic tern 70
269 立陶宛国旗 national flag Flag of Lithuania 70
270 樂來越愛你 film La La Land 70
271 新世纪福音战士 anime television series Neon Genesis Evangelion 70
272 教宗选举 assembly Papal conclave 70
273 戴多禄二世 human Pope Theodore II 70
274 孟漢娜 television series Hannah Montana 69
275 量子纏結 physical phenomenon Quantum entanglement 69
276 中華民國大陸時期 historical country, historical period Republic of China (1912–1949) 69
277 大津巴布韦 ruins, archaeological site Great Zimbabwe 68
278 馬拉開波湖 lake Lake Maracaibo 68
279 蜘蛛人2 film Spider-Man 2 68
280 维德孔·吉斯林 human Vidkun Quisling 68
281 狄波拉·嘉 human Deborah Kerr 67
282 葡萄牙國旗 national flag Flag of Portugal 67
283 G点 anatomical point G-spot 67
284 华国锋 human Hua Guofeng 67
285 穆罕默德·摩萨台 human Mohammad Mosaddegh 67
286 阿尔伯特亲王 human Prince Albert of Saxe-Coburg and Gotha 67
287 艾女星 asteroid 243 Ida 66
288 刀嘴海雀 taxon Razorbill 66
289 土星環 ring system, astronomical object in the Solar System Rings of Saturn 66
290 第六感 film The Sixth Sense 66
291 異特龍屬 fossil taxon Allosaurus 65
292 奥利维埃·梅西安 human Olivier Messiaen 65
293 輾轉相除法 algorithm Euclidean algorithm 64
294 新加坡国旗 national flag Flag of Singapore 64
295 遗传漂变 Genetic drift 64
296 阿纳斯塔西娅·尼古拉耶芙娜 human Grand Duchess Anastasia Nikolaevna of Russia 64
297 宮崎市 city of Japan, core city of Japan, big city Miyazaki (city) 64
298 怪獸大學 film, animated film, prequel Monsters University 64
299 普通嫌疑犯 film The Usual Suspects 64
300 Windows 1.0 operating system shell Windows 1.0 64
301 山形市 core city of Japan, big city, city for international conferences and tourism Yamagata (city) 64
302 阿波罗17号 artificial satellite, Moon landing, human spaceflight Apollo 17 63
303 原子理論 scientific theory History of atomic theory 63
304 伊西莱穆利诺 commune of France Issy-les-Moulineaux 63
305 松江市 city of Japan, core city of Japan, special city of Japan Matsue 63
306 萨塞勒 commune of France Sarcelles 63
307 蜘蛛人驚奇再起2:電光之戰 film The Amazing Spider-Man 2 63
308 海盜灣 BitTorrent tracker, digital distribution platform, BitTorrent search engine The Pirate Bay 63
309 大膽查理 human Charles the Bold 62
310 新鐵金剛之不日殺機 film Die Another Day 62
311 海德公园 park Hyde Park, London 62
312 IU human IU (singer) 62
313 王鷲 taxon King vulture 62
314 长征 withdrawal Long March 62
315 泛酸 type of chemical entity Pantothenic acid 62
316 亨丽爱塔·斯万·勒维特 human Henrietta Swan Leavitt 61
317 變態 anime and manga genre, pornography genre Hentai 61
318 震源 source type Hypocenter 61
319 約瑟夫·霞飛 human Joseph Joffre 61
320 霸王行动 military operation Operation Overlord 61
321 皮埃尔·布莱兹 human Pierre Boulez 61
322 偏振 Polarization (waves) 61
323 追風箏的孩子 literary work The Kite Runner 61
324 汤姆·费尔顿 human Tom Felton 61
325 洞里萨湖 lake Tonlé Sap 61
326 特雷布林卡灭绝营 extermination camp, Nazi concentration camp Treblinka extermination camp 61
327 濱崎步 human Ayumi Hamasaki 60
328 神鬼認證 film The Bourne Identity (2002 film) 60
329 新鐵金剛之明日帝國 film Tomorrow Never Dies 60
330 美国权利法案 bill of rights, constitutional document, statute United States Bill of Rights 60
331 吴健雄 human Chien-Shiung Wu 59
332 君士坦丁五世 human Constantine V 59
333 哥德巴赫猜想 conjecture, mathematical problem Goldbach's conjecture 59
334 谋杀绿脚趾 film The Big Lebowski 59
335 新鐵金剛之黑日危機 film The World Is Not Enough 59
336 爆裂鼓手 film Whiplash (2014 film) 59
337 谁陷害了兔子罗杰 film Who Framed Roger Rabbit 59
338 巴納德星 red dwarf Barnard's Star 58
339 閔希豪森男爵 human Baron Munchausen 58
340 请以你的名字呼唤我 film Call Me by Your Name (film) 58
341 城市之光 film City Lights 58
342 迪亚杜门尼安 human Diadumenian 58
343 塞纳河畔伊夫里 commune of France Ivry-sur-Seine 58
344 乐山大佛 tourist attraction, archaeological site, daibutsu Leshan Giant Buddha 58
345 刘少奇 human Liu Shaoqi 58
346 马西 commune of France Massy, Essonne 58
347 罗赖马山 mountain, tepui Mount Roraima 58
348 量子電動力學 branch of physics Quantum electrodynamics 58
349 柳京飯店 skyscraper, hotel, mixed-use development Ryugyong Hotel 58
350 地震波 Seismic wave 58
351 布达佩斯大饭店 film The Grand Budapest Hotel 58
352 第一代馬爾博羅公爵約翰·丘吉爾 human John Churchill, 1st Duke of Marlborough 57
353 皮特·康拉德 human Pete Conrad 57
354 托勒密王國 kingdom, historical country Ptolemaic Kingdom 57
355 坦志麦特 era Tanzimat 57
356 托尔西 commune of France Torcy, Seine-et-Marne 57
357 2型糖尿病 disease Type 2 diabetes 57
358 越南航空 airline Vietnam Airlines 57
359 第84屆奧斯卡金像獎 Academy Awards ceremony 84th Academy Awards 56
360 旅鶇 taxon American robin 56
361 角鼻龍屬 fossil taxon Ceratosaurus 56
362 超時空接觸 film Contact (1997 American film) 56
363 皇家特工:間諜密令 film Kingsman: The Secret Service 56
364 期權 financial instrument Option (finance) 56
365 小樽市 city of Japan, big city Otaru 56
366 席摩·海赫 human Simo Häyhä 56
367 汶川大地震 earthquake 2008 Sichuan earthquake 55
368 4chan imageboard 4chan 55
369 動物遷徙 Animal migration 55
370 阿波罗15号 artificial satellite, Moon landing, human spaceflight Apollo 15 55
371 东突厥斯坦 historical region East Turkestan 55
372 费多尔·冯·博克 human Fedor von Bock 55
373 约翰·C·布雷肯里奇 human John C. Breckinridge 55
374 卡爾·史瓦西 human Karl Schwarzschild 55
375 二叠纪—三叠纪灭绝事件 extinction event Permian–Triassic extinction event 55
376 生化危機之變種生還者 film Resident Evil (film) 55
377 機器戰警 film RoboCop 55
378 輪狀病毒 taxon Rotavirus 55
379 永远的蝙蝠侠 film Batman Forever 54
380 德賴斯·梅滕斯 human Dries Mertens 54
381 勃艮第公國 duchy, vassal state, historical region Duchy of Burgundy 54
382 12族元素 group Group 12 element 54
383 伊恩·史密斯 human Ian Smith 54
384 利奥二世 human Leo II (emperor) 54
385 南度蓝姆·高德西 human Nathuram Godse 54
386 P·L·卓華斯 human P. L. Travers 54
387 木星環 ring system, astronomical object in the Solar System Rings of Jupiter 54
388 萨曼莎·史密斯 human Samantha Smith 54
389 链球菌性咽炎 infectious disease Streptococcal pharyngitis 54
390 斯瓦尔巴全球种子库 architectural structure, subterranea, seed vault Svalbard Global Seed Vault 54
391 T-80主戰坦克 combat vehicle family T-80 54
392 第81屆奧斯卡金像獎 Academy Awards ceremony 81st Academy Awards 53
393 波羅的海之路 protest, human chain Baltic Way 53
394 食肉牛龙属 fossil taxon Carnotaurus 53
395 太陽帝國 film Empire of the Sun (film) 53
396 瑪雅曆 calendar Maya calendar 53
397 副櫛龍屬 fossil taxon Parasaurolophus 53
398 坦克人 human Tank Man 53
399 飢餓遊戲 literary work The Hunger Games (novel) 53
400 愛情限時簽 film The Proposal (2009 film) 53
401 瓦迪斯瓦夫四世·瓦萨 human Władysław IV Vasa 53
402 阿姆鲁·本·阿斯 human Amr ibn al-As 52
403 北京地铁 rapid transit, transport network Beijing Subway 52
404 落日殺神 film Collateral (film) 52
405 戴克斯特拉算法 algorithm, greedy algorithm, pathfinding algorithm Dijkstra's algorithm 52
406 伊兰·拉蒙 human Ilan Ramon 52
407 隱䴉 taxon Northern bald ibis 52
408 斯巴达克斯起义 war Third Servile War 52
409 新加坡国徽 national coat of arms Coat of arms of Singapore 51
410 俄羅斯的瑪麗亞·尼古拉耶芙娜女大公 human Grand Duchess Maria Nikolaevna of Russia 51
411 明道加斯 human Mindaugas 51
412 東南亞條約組織 intergovernmental organization, military alliance Southeast Asia Treaty Organization 51
413 臺灣桃園國際機場 international airport, airport, commercial traffic aerodrome Taoyuan International Airport 51
414 巫师3:狂猎 video game The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt 51
415 提济乌祖 commune of Algeria Tizi Ouzou 51
416 吼海雕 taxon African fish eagle 50
417 阿拉伯—拜占庭战争 series of wars Arab–Byzantine wars 50
418 阴间大法师 film Beetlejuice 50
419 秀麗隱桿線蟲 taxon, model organism Caenorhabditis elegans 50
420 中国南方航空 airline, public company, business China Southern Airlines 50
421 human Den (pharaoh) 50
422 汉斯-乌尔里希·鲁德尔 human Hans-Ulrich Rudel 50
423 绿巨人 film Hulk (film) 50
424 拉普拉斯方程 elliptic differential equation Laplace's equation 50
425 华尔街 film Wall Street (1987 film) 50
426 當哈利碰上莎莉 film When Harry Met Sally... 50
427 亞伯達龍屬 fossil taxon Albertosaurus 49
428 阿历克塞五世 human Alexios V Doukas 49
429 富川市 big city of South Korea, half million city Bucheon 49
430 柯科迪 town, large burgh Kirkcaldy 49
431 莉莉·艾尔伯 human Lili Elbe 49
432 羊肚菌屬 taxon Morchella 49
433 漂泊信天翁 taxon Snowy albatross 49
434 福尔摩斯冒险史 literary work The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes 49
435 生于紫室者狄奥多拉 human Theodora Porphyrogenita 49
436 朱德 human Zhu De 49
437 双极性晶体管 Bipolar junction transistor 48
438 狄拉克δ函数 Dirac delta function 48
439 艾迪·厄文 human Eddie Irvine 48
440 埃德蒙頓龍屬 fossil taxon Edmontosaurus 48
441 胡耀邦 human Hu Yaobang 48
442 遠洋白鰭鯊 taxon Oceanic whitetip shark 48
443 毒裁者 film Sicario (2015 film) 48
444 電子世界爭霸戰 film Tron 48
445 第76届奥斯卡金像奖 Academy Awards ceremony 76th Academy Awards 47
446 玩命再劫 film Baby Driver 47
447 罗曼死 song, single Bad Romance 47
448 喀羅尼亞戰役 battle Battle of Chaeronea (338 BC) 47
449 恐爪龍屬 fossil taxon Deinonychus 47
450 橡皮头 film Eraserhead 47
451 MQ-9收割者偵察機 aircraft model General Atomics MQ-9 Reaper 47
452 卢·亨利·胡佛 human Lou Henry Hoover 47
453 大椎龍屬 fossil taxon Massospondylus 47
454 镫骨 class of anatomical entity Stapes 47
455 薩利機長:哈德遜奇蹟 film Sully (film) 47
456 李成桂 human Taejo of Joseon 47
457 重爪龍屬 fossil taxon Baryonyx 46
458 第二代羅金漢侯爵查爾斯·沃森-文特沃斯 human Charles Watson-Wentworth, 2nd Marquess of Rockingham 46
459 阿道夫·希特勒之死 suicide, occurrence, certain aspects of a person's life Death of Adolf Hitler 46
460 馳龍科 fossil taxon Dromaeosauridae 46
461 爱因斯坦-波多尔斯基-罗森佯谬 thought experiment Einstein–Podolsky–Rosen paradox 46
462 基里尔·阿法纳西耶维奇·梅列茨科夫 human Kirill Meretskov 46
463 米特里達梯一世 human Mithridates I of Parthia 46
464 天倉五 star, double star, near-IR source Tau Ceti 46
465 佐罗的面具 film The Mask of Zorro 46
466 瓦爾特·馮·賴歇瑙 human Walter von Reichenau 46
467 第三代波特蘭公爵威廉·卡文迪許-本廷克 human William Cavendish-Bentinck, 3rd Duke of Portland 46
468 劉德華 human Andy Lau 45
469 奥古斯托·罗亚·巴斯托斯 human Augusto Roa Bastos 45
470 无畏舰 ship type Dreadnought 45
471 邓肯·爱德华兹 human Duncan Edwards 45
472 國際足協世界盃獎盃 sports award FIFA World Cup Trophy 45
473 约翰·汉考克 human John Hancock 45
474 约瑟夫·梅里克 human Joseph Merrick 45
475 劳雷尔·克拉克 human Laurel Clark 45
476 斑龍屬 fossil taxon Megalosaurus 45
477 西辽 khanate, historical Chinese state Qara Khitai 45
478 戟龍屬 fossil taxon Styracosaurus 45
479 毒品网络 film Traffic (2000 film) 45
480 2010年國際足協世界盃決賽 final of the FIFA World Cup, international association football match 2010 FIFA World Cup final 44
481 高棘龍屬 fossil taxon Acrocanthosaurus 44
482 第一代康沃利斯侯爵查爾斯·康沃利斯 human Charles Cornwallis, 1st Marquess Cornwallis 44
483 旋度 Curl (mathematics) 44
484 貝隆夫人 film Evita (1996 film) 44
485 姆禄山国家公园 national park Gunung Mulu National Park 44
486 亨利·萊斯 human Henry Royce 44
487 宇多田光 human Hikaru Utada 44
488 霍勒斯·格里利 human Horace Greeley 44
489 M理论 physical theory M-theory 44
490 苏联元帅 military rank Marshal of the Soviet Union 44
491 玛丽·杰克逊 human Mary Jackson (engineer) 44
492 胜利勋章 order, military decoration Order of Victory 44
493 兰花窃贼 film Adaptation (film) 43
494 阿波罗5号 uncrewed spaceflight Apollo 5 43
495 铁窗喋血 film Cool Hand Luke 43
496 雙縫實驗 experiment Double-slit experiment 43
497 輸電系統 economic activity, academic discipline Electric power transmission 43
498 剝削 concept Exploitation (Marxism) 43
499 孤岛惊魂4 video game Far Cry 4 43
500 弗朗西斯·克利夫兰 human Frances Cleveland 43
501 根纳季·亚纳耶夫 human Gennady Yanayev 43
502 汉斯·冯·塞克特 human Hans von Seeckt 43
503 艾雷拉龍屬 monotypic fossil taxon Herrerasaurus 43
504 林書豪 human Jeremy Lin 43
505 英國樞密院 privy council Privy Council (United Kingdom) 43
506 特暴龍屬 fossil taxon Tarbosaurus 43
507 第五次反法同盟 conflict War of the Fifth Coalition 43
508 天气之子 animated film, anime film Weathering with You 43
509 2014年歐洲冠軍聯賽決賽 UEFA Champions League final 2014 UEFA Champions League final 42
510 褐翅燕鸥 taxon Bridled tern 42
511 妮裳馬戲團 album Circus (Britney Spears album) 42
512 质量效应 video game Mass Effect (video game) 42
513 鸚鵡嘴龍屬 fossil taxon Psittacosaurus 42
514 album Red (Taylor Swift album) 42
515 王充 human Wang Chong 42
516 咸宁市 prefecture-level city, big city Xianning 42
517 永乐大典 leishu Yongle Encyclopedia 42
518 轩辕增十九 binary star 55 Cancri 41
519 第73屆奧斯卡金像獎 Academy Awards ceremony 73rd Academy Awards 41
520 柏林火车总站 tower station, tourist attraction, central station Berlin Hauptbahnhof 41
521 城市:天际线 video game Cities: Skylines 41
522 克林黴素 group of stereoisomers Clindamycin 41
523 刚果危机 conflict Congo Crisis 41
524 攻殼機動隊 anime film Ghost in the Shell (1995 film) 41
525 蛇髮女怪龍屬 fossil taxon Gorgosaurus 41
526 Kuso小紅帽 animated film Hoodwinked! 41
527 地平線 黎明時分 video game Horizon Zero Dawn 41
528 考艾国家公园 nature reserve, ASEAN Heritage Park, national park of Thailand Khao Yai National Park 41
529 梅普·吉斯 human Miep Gies 41
530 腊纳瓦洛娜三世 human Ranavalona III 41
531 君士坦丁堡之围 battle, siege Siege of Constantinople (717–718) 41
532 刺猬索尼克 video game Sonic the Hedgehog (1991 video game) 41
533 斯皮克斯金剛鸚鵡 taxon Spix's macaw 41
534 斯坦利·多南 human Stanley Donen 41
535 薩爾達傳說 時之笛 video game The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time 41
536 古墓丽影 video game Tomb Raider (2013 video game) 41
537 班清考古遺址 archaeological site Ban Chiang 40
538 快克殺手 film Crank (film) 40
539 事件視界望遠鏡 astronomical observatory, astronomical interferometer, research collaboration Event Horizon Telescope 40
540 盖伊·福克斯之夜 holiday Guy Fawkes Night 40
541 賴氏龍屬 fossil taxon Lambeosaurus 40
542 质量效应2 video game Mass Effect 2 40
543 英国重金属新浪潮 music genre, musical movement, musical scene New wave of British heavy metal 40
544 費德魯斯篇 written work Phaedrus (dialogue) 40
545 世越号沉没事故 accident, disaster, sinking Sinking of MV Sewol 40
546 梵蒂岡宗座檔案館 national archives, church archive Vatican Apostolic Archive 40
547 秒速5公分 anime film 5 Centimeters per Second 39
548 布兰妮 album Britney (album) 39
549 美国宪法第一修正案 constitutional amendment First Amendment to the United States Constitution 39
550 希臘戰役 invasion, military operation German invasion of Greece 39
551 阮福映 human Gia Long 39
552 初音未來 mascot character, cultural icon, fictional human Hatsune Miku 39
553 寶可夢 紅寶石/藍寶石 Pokémon paired versions Pokémon Ruby and Sapphire 39
554 里克·赫斯本德 human Rick Husband 39
555 台灣藍鵲 taxon Taiwan blue magpie 39
556 絕地7騎士 film The Magnificent Seven (2016 film) 39
557 钒铅矿 mineral species Vanadinite 39
558 公羊主戰坦克 weapon model, vehicle model, combat vehicle model Ariete 38
559 比斯坎國家公園 national park, National Park of the United States Biscayne National Park 38
560 佛国寺 temple, historic site, Korean Buddhist temple Bulguksa 38
561 色素細胞 cell type, cell class Chromatophore 38
562 蓝纹魟 taxon Common stingray 38
563 美国制宪会议 constitutional convention Constitutional Convention (United States) 38
564 懼龍屬 fossil taxon Daspletosaurus 38
565 哈勃深空 astronomical survey, deep field Hubble Deep Field 38
566 京都動畫縱火案 arson, mass murder, structure fire Kyoto Animation arson attack 38
567 萊蒂茨亞·克里斯汀·泰勒 human Letitia Christian Tyler 38
568 墨西哥毒蜥 taxon Mexican beaded lizard 38
569 娜芙蒂蒂胸像 sculpture, archaeological find Nefertiti Bust 38
570 弗拉特斯三世 human Phraates III 38
571 江湖浪子 film The Hustler 38
572 房間 film The Room 38
573 沃洛吉斯五世 human Vologases V 38
574 查爾斯·詹姆士·福克斯 human Charles James Fox 37
575 嘉義縣 county of Taiwan Chiayi County 37
576 凤头鹰 taxon Crested goshawk 37
577 四三〇事件 battle Fall of Saigon 37
578 戰慄時空2首部曲:浩劫重生 video game Half-Life 2: Episode One 37
579 大白鲨2 film Jaws 2 37
580 帕利塞茲公園 borough of New Jersey Palisades Park, New Jersey 37
581 弗拉特斯五世 human Phraates V 37
582 生化危機7 惡靈古堡 video game Resident Evil 7: Biohazard 37
583 如鳳凰升起 musical work/composition Rise Like a Phoenix 37
584 鐵達尼號沉沒事故 shipwrecking, Wikinews article Sinking of the Titanic 37
585 索菲·布朗夏尔 human Sophie Blanchard 37
586 薩爾達傳說 魔吉拉的面具 video game The Legend of Zelda: Majora's Mask 37
587 2048 video game 2048 (video game) 36
588 第61届奥斯卡金像奖 Academy Awards ceremony 61st Academy Awards 36
589 第66届奥斯卡金像奖 Academy Awards ceremony 66th Academy Awards 36
590 第68届奥斯卡金像奖 Academy Awards ceremony 68th Academy Awards 36
591 動物屋 film Animal House 36
592 安娜·安德森 human Anna Anderson 36
593 安妮·哈钦森 human Anne Hutchinson 36
594 阿维狄乌斯·卡西乌斯 human Avidius Cassius 36
595 神經殺手 film Confessions of a Dangerous Mind (film) 36
596 康沃尔人 ethnic group Cornish people 36
597 克里特战争 war Cretan War (1645–1669) 36
598 至尊神探 film Dick Tracy (1990 film) 36
599 伊丽莎·麦卡德尔·约翰逊 human Eliza McCardle Johnson 36
600 尤金·卡巴斯基 human Eugene Kaspersky 36
601 沙恩霍斯特號戰艦 battlecruiser, shipwreck German battleship Scharnhorst 36
602 佛氏虎鯊 taxon Horn shark 36
603 一路响叮当 film Jingle All the Way 36
604 何塞·埃尔南德斯 human José Hernández (writer) 36
605 质量效应3 video game Mass Effect 3 36
606 風暴作戰 battle Operation Storm 36
607 寂静岭 video game Silent Hill (video game) 36
608 叢林麻雀 taxon Sind sparrow 36
609 黑塔系列小說 novel series, historical forgery The Dark Tower (series) 36
610 湯姆·布羅考 human Tom Brokaw 36
611 90式戰車 combat vehicle model Type 90 tank 36
612 叶剑英 human Ye Jianying 36
613 第64届奥斯卡金像奖 Academy Awards ceremony 64th Academy Awards 35
614 亞美尼亞解放祕密軍 paramilitary organization, guerrilla movement Armenian Secret Army for the Liberation of Armenia 35
615 阿尔达班一世 human Artabanus I of Parthia 35
616 金星大氣層 atmosphere of a planet Atmosphere of Venus 35
617 CD Projekt public company, enterprise CD Projekt 35
618 弗朗西斯·奥尔德姆·凯尔西 human Frances Oldham Kelsey 35
619 金錢怪獸 film Money Monster 35
620 安息的穆薩 human Musa of Parthia 35
621 石井四郎 human Shirō Ishii 35
622 君士坦丁堡之围 siege Siege of Constantinople (674–678) 35
623 脱衣舞娘 film Striptease (film) 35
624 奇幻貓頭鷹小屋 animated television series The Owl House 35
625 沃洛吉斯三世 human Vologases III of Parthia 35
626 沃洛吉斯四世 human Vologases IV 35
627 2018年苏拉威西岛地震 earthquake, tsunami 2018 Sulawesi earthquake and tsunami 34
628 天鵝座61 multiple star 61 Cygni 34
629 同盟鶼鰈 film Allied (film) 34
630 納粹德國禁菸運動 aspect of history Anti-tobacco movement in Nazi Germany 34
631 博格 fictional ethnic group, Star Trek species, fictional hivemind Borg 34
632 驚世狂花 film Bound (1996 film) 34
633 彰化市 county-administered city Changhua 34
634 陈毅 human Chen Yi (marshal) 34
635 愛因斯坦-西拉德信件 letter Einstein–Szilard letter 34
636 大雁塔 pagoda, inclined tower Giant Wild Goose Pagoda 34
637 秋葵浓汤 Gumbo 34
638 巴黎丽兹酒店 palace hotel Hôtel Ritz Paris 34
639 朝鲜民族人名 Korean name 34
640 洛朗·德·古維翁·聖西爾 human Laurent de Gouvion Saint-Cyr 34
641 镜之边缘 video game Mirror's Edge 34
642 雙人網球 video game Tennis for Two 34
643 亡命大煞星 film The Getaway (1972 film) 34
644 美国宪法第十三修正案 constitutional amendment Thirteenth Amendment to the United States Constitution 34
645 瓦尔丹一世 human Vardanes I 34
646 我们能做到! poster, lithograph We Can Do It! 34
647 第63届奥斯卡金像奖 Academy Awards ceremony 63rd Academy Awards 33
648 電子遊樂場 musical work/composition Arcade (song) 33
649 普洛霍羅夫卡戰役 battle Battle of Prokhorovka 33
650 拜占庭—薩珊戰爭 war Byzantine–Sasanian War of 602–628 33
651 朝鮮哲宗 human Cheoljong of Joseon 33
652 超能失控 film Chronicle (film) 33
653 恐手龍屬 fossil taxon Deinocheirus 33
654 喬治·梅森 human George Mason 33
655 1780年大飓风 North Atlantic tropical cyclone Great Hurricane of 1780 33
656 激龍屬 fossil taxon Irritator 33
657 追殺夏娃 television series Killing Eve 33
658 无爱可诉 film Loveless (film) 33
659 石纹电鳐 taxon Marbled electric ray 33
660 十字路口行动 nuclear test series Operation Crossroads 33
661 峰区 massif Peak District 33
662 足底筋膜炎 class of disease Plantar fasciitis 33
663 櫛齒鋸鰩 taxon Smalltooth sawfish 33
664 人类自愿灭绝运动 voluntary association, cultural movement, environmental movement Voluntary Human Extinction Movement 33
665 西風帶 wind Westerlies 33
666 丁字双髻鲨 taxon Winghead shark 33
667 狼的孩子雨和雪 anime film Wolf Children 33
668 挚爱 album Yours Truly (Ariana Grande album) 33
669 齊納 Islamic term Zina 33
670 2016年高雄美濃地震 earthquake 2016 southern Taiwan earthquake 32
671 巴爾小體 cellular component Barr body 32
672 巴丹死亡行军 death march Bataan Death March 32
673 特倫頓戰役 battle Battle of Trenton 32
674 本·普拉特 human Ben Platt 32
675 雲斑鮰 taxon Brown bullhead 32
676 吉大港山區 province Chittagong Hill Tracts 32
677 膽管癌 class of disease Cholangiocarcinoma 32
678 駭客入侵:人類革命 video game Deus Ex: Human Revolution 32
679 壓鑄 Die casting 32
680 火焰之纹章系列 video game series Fire Emblem 32
681 攻殼機動隊2 INNOCENCE anime film Ghost in the Shell 2: Innocence 32
682 薊花勳章 orders, decorations, and medals of the United Kingdom Order of the Thistle 32
683 生化危机2 重制版 video game Resident Evil 2 (2019 video game) 32
684 留尼汪国家公园 national park Réunion National Park 32
685 SG-1000 product model SG-1000 32
686 album Stripped (Christina Aguilera album) 32
687 超级马力欧银河2 video game Super Mario Galaxy 2 32
688 成功的滋味 film Sweet Smell of Success 32
689 統營市 big city, city of South Korea Tongyeong 32
690 数字中的真相? film Truth in Numbers? 32
691 皺蓋鐘菌 taxon Verpa bohemica 32
692 科罗内尔海战 battle Battle of Coronel 31
693 長島會戰 battle Battle of Long Island 31
694 陈若琳 human Chen Ruolin 31
695 画眉 taxon Chinese hwamei 31
696 第一次瓜分波兰 aspect of history First Partition of Poland 31
697 U-47号潜艇 U-boat German submarine U-47 (1938) 31
698 肌肉注射 route of administration Intramuscular injection 31
699 約翰·斯托塞爾 human John Stossel 31
700 犹大·本杰明 human Judah P. Benjamin 31
701 伯恩哈德行动 covert operation Operation Bernhard 31
702 Quantic Dream video game developer Quantic Dream 31
703 SUN電視台 television station Sun Television 31
704 百萬美元首頁 website The Million Dollar Homepage 31
705 約定的夢幻島 manga series The Promised Neverland 31
706 暴龍超科 fossil taxon Tyrannosauroidea 31
707 2006年巴西大奖赛 Brazilian Grand Prix 2006 Brazilian Grand Prix 30
708 第56届奥斯卡金像奖 Academy Awards ceremony 56th Academy Awards 30
709 銃夢 manga series Battle Angel Alita 30
710 蔚藍 video game Celeste (video game) 30
711 末日之戰3 video game Crysis 3 30
712 糖尿病酮症酸中毒 class of disease Diabetic ketoacidosis 30
713 埃德加拉斯·揚考斯卡斯 human Edgaras Jankauskas 30
714 猫传染性腹膜炎 Feline infectious peritonitis 30
715 埃姆登号轻巡洋舰 light cruiser German cruiser Emden 30
716 生命史 aspect of history History of life 30
717 晋国 ancient Chinese state Jin (Chinese state) 30
718 凯克豪斯鲁·沙帕吉·索拉布吉 human Kaikhosru Shapurji Sorabji 30
719 液体火箭发动机 Liquid-propellant rocket 30
720 愛的故事 musical work/composition Love Story (Taylor Swift song) 30
721 Macintosh Classic computer model Macintosh Classic 30
722 蘇聯國家獎勵制度 Wikimedia list article Orders, decorations, and medals of the Soviet Union 30
723 起源 literary work Origin (Brown novel) 30
724 截角二十面體 Truncated icosahedron 30
725 陳朝 dynasty, historical country Trần dynasty 30
726 10式戰車 weapon model, vehicle model, combat vehicle model Type 10 30
727 Verilog hardware description language, modeling language Verilog 30
728 香港保衛戰 battle Battle of Hong Kong 29
729 俾斯麦级战列舰 ship class Bismarck-class battleship 29
730 陈云 human Chen Yun 29
731 堤岸站 underground railway station, London Underground station Embankment tube station 29
732 俄罗斯之恋 literary work From Russia, with Love (novel) 29
733 朝鮮景宗 human Gyeongjong of Joseon 29
734 畸齒龍科 fossil taxon Heterodontosauridae 29
735 监狱摇滚 film Jailhouse Rock (film) 29
736 慕尼黑火车总站 dead-end railway station, S-Bahn station, central station München Hauptbahnhof 29
737 馬爾他國家圖書館 national library National Library of Malta 29
738 OXO video game OXO (video game) 29
739 P進數 type of number P-adic number 29
740 盜夢偵探 animated film, anime film Paprika (2006 film) 29
741 五角龍屬 fossil taxon Pentaceratops 29
742 大三巴牌坊 church, cultural heritage Ruins of Saint Paul's 29
743 青島戰役 siege Siege of Tsingtao 29
744 联合国安全理事会第82号决议 United Nations Security Council resolution United Nations Security Council Resolution 82 29
745 德軍總部:新秩序 video game Wolfenstein: The New Order 29
746 英雄本色 film A Better Tomorrow 28
747 老人增四 high proper-motion star, A-type star Beta Pictoris 28
748 BitLocker disk encryption software, Microsoft Windows component BitLocker 28
749 诺博士 literary work Dr. No (novel) 28
750 韓國教育 education in country or region Education in South Korea 28
751 冯梦龙 human Feng Menglong 28
752 美國憲法第四修正案 constitutional amendment Fourth Amendment to the United States Constitution 28
753 Genesis Nomad handheld game console model Genesis Nomad 28
754 松井石根 human Iwane Matsui 28
755 施卓琪 human Jacqui Smith 28
756 扬·卡罗尔·霍德凯维奇 human Jan Karol Chodkiewicz 28
757 加泰隆尼亞圖書館 national library, open-access publisher Library of Catalonia 28
758 M25高速公路 motorway ring road M25 motorway 28
759 戚继光 human Qi Jiguang 28
760 喹诺酮类药物 pharmacological class of chemical compounds Quinolone antibiotic 28
761 秘鲁大区 Regions of Peru 28
762 菱形十二面體 Rhombic dodecahedron 28
763 第二次瓜分波兰 partition Second Partition of Poland 28
764 斯特凡·恰尔涅茨基 human Stefan Czarniecki 28
765 猫和金丝雀 film The Cat and the Canary (1927 film) 28
766 火箭手 film The Rocketeer (film) 28
767 狄奥多尔·科穆宁·杜卡斯 human Theodore Komnenos Doukas 28
768 奇異龍屬 fossil taxon Thescelosaurus 28
769 美國憲法第三修正案 constitutional amendment, amendment to the United States Constitution Third Amendment to the United States Constitution 28
770 WonderSwan product model WonderSwan 28
771 阿尔伯特桥 suspension bridge, beam bridge, road bridge Albert Bridge, London 27
772 柏孜克里克千佛洞 archaeological site, grotto Bezeklik Caves 27
773 鸭跖草 taxon Commelina communis 27
774 金刚钻 literary work Diamonds Are Forever (novel) 27
775 恐龙游戏 video game, browser game Dinosaur Game 27
776 八旗 Manchu, social structure, military organization Eight Banners 27
777 GW150914 gravitational wave event First observation of gravitational waves 27
778 反擊號戰鬥巡洋艦 battlecruiser, shipwreck HMS Repulse (1916) 27
779 霍本站 underground railway station, London Underground station Holborn tube station 27
780 淮南子 treatise Huainanzi 27
781 风之旅人 video game Journey (2012 video game) 27
782 贾斯图斯 human Justus 27
783 刘伯承 human Liu Bocheng 27
784 黎利 human Lê Lợi 27
785 卢沟桥 arch bridge, road bridge, stone bridge Marco Polo Bridge 27
786 美熹德河 river Merced River 27
787 米海尔·科穆宁·杜卡斯 human Michael I Komnenos Doukas 27
788 紡綞鰤 taxon Rainbow runner 27
789 拉達那哥欣王國 historical country, historical period Rattanakosin Kingdom (1782–1932) 27
790 塞巴斯蒂安·肖 human Sebastian Shaw (actor) 27
791 壁花少年 literary work The Perks of Being a Wallflower 27
792 雲之彼端,約定的地方 anime film The Place Promised in Our Early Days 27
793 希佩托特克 dying-and-rising deity, god, Aztec deity Xipe Totec 27
794 耶律大石 human Yelü Dashi 27
795 与我同在 musical work/composition You Belong with Me 27
796 阿德莱德·安妮·普鲁克特 human Adelaide Anne Procter 26
797 壞事大飯店 film Bad Times at the El Royale 26
798 赫里斯托弗·利卡潘努斯 human Christopher Lekapenos 26
799 克羅埃西亞之春 cultural movement, political movement Croatian Spring 26
800 吉仙國家公園 national park, nature reserve Cát Tiên National Park 26
801 歐羅巴龍屬 fossil taxon Europasaurus 26
802 發翔羽 Flight feather 26
803 自由如鸟 musical work/composition Free as a Bird 26
804 金手指 literary work Goldfinger (novel) 26
805 伊斯蘭教與奴隸 Islamic views on slavery 26
806 慈圓 human Jien 26
807 周宣王 human King Xuan of Zhou 26
808 莉茲·博登 human Lizzie Borden 26
809 路易斯·斯洛廷 human Louis Slotin 26
810 血王龍屬 fossil taxon Lythronax 26
811 洛克人 video game Mega Man (1987 video game) 26
812 水星计划七人 group of humans Mercury Seven 26
813 屈底波·本·穆斯林 human Qutayba ibn Muslim 26
814 中華民國陸軍軍官學校 military academy Republic of China Military Academy 26
815 佐渡岛 island Sado Island 26
816 南海泡沫事件 Ponzi scheme, colonial society South Sea Company 26
817 史蒂芬·切波斯基 human Stephen Chbosky 26
818 更堅強 song, single Stronger (Britney Spears song) 26
819 孙膑 human Sun Bin 26
820 中山陵 mausoleum Sun Yat-sen Mausoleum 26
821 美国宪法第二十五修正案 constitutional amendment Twenty-fifth Amendment to the United States Constitution 26
822 維克多 human Victor (emperor) 26
823 元谋人 fossil taxon Yuanmou Man 26
824 魔域 video game trilogy Zork 26
825 1939年德国对立陶宛的最后通牒 ultimatum 1939 German ultimatum to Lithuania 25
826 1978年欧洲冠军杯决赛 UEFA Champions League final 1978 European Cup final 25
827 2019年國際單位制基本單位重新定義 change, occurrence, Wikibase reason for deprecated rank 2019 revision of the SI 25
828 妪鳞鲀 taxon Balistes vetula 25
829 伯納斯特·塔爾頓 human Banastre Tarleton 25
830 戰斧骨 film Bone Tomahawk 25
831 广德市 county-level city Guangde 25
832 贺龙 human He Long 25
833 朝鲜文学 sub-set of literature Korean literature 25
834 黎明 human Leon Lai 25
835 利昂娜·伍兹 human Leona Woods 25
836 摩瑞波恩站 dead-end railway station, railway station Marylebone station 25
837 梅明根机场 commercial airport Memmingen Airport 25
838 奥林匹克公园 urban park, neighborhood Olympic Green 25
839 中國角龍屬 fossil taxon Sinoceratops 25
840 太保市 county-administered city Taibao 25
841 撒迪厄斯·史蒂文斯 human Thaddeus Stevens 25
842 新世紀福音戰士劇場版 anime film The End of Evangelion 25
843 夏日春情 film The Long, Hot Summer 25
844 伦敦丽兹酒店 hotel, hotel building The Ritz Hotel, London 25
845 比希尼娅·博尔滕 human Virginia Bolten 25
846 王勃 human Wang Bo (poet) 25
847 约克城级航空母舰 ship class Yorktown-class aircraft carrier 25
848 張遼 human Zhang Liao 25
849 2channel website, textboard 2channel 24
850 愛德華八世退位 political crisis Abdication of Edward VIII 24
851 黑鷹戰爭 war Black Hawk War 24
852 CFM56 engine family CFM International CFM56 24
853 君士坦丁·杜卡斯 human Constantine Doukas (co-emperor) 24
854 罗马尼亚铁路 railway company, defunct organization Căile Ferate Române 24
855 DNA纳米技术 DNA nanotechnology 24
856 Don't Nod organization, video game developer Don't Nod 24
857 美国宪法第十五修正案 constitutional amendment Fifteenth Amendment to the United States Constitution 24
858 塞德利茨號重巡洋艦 heavy cruiser German cruiser Seydlitz 24
859 崩坏:星穹铁道 video game Honkai: Star Rail 24
860 飛馬座IK spectroscopic binary IK Pegasi 24
861 外太空殺人小丑 film Killer Klowns from Outer Space 24
862 曼蒂 film Mandy (2018 film) 24
863 女人的碎片 film Pieces of a Woman 24
864 四庫全書 compendium, literary work, editorial collection Siku Quanshu 24
865 2006年3月29日日食 solar eclipse, total solar eclipse Solar eclipse of March 29, 2006 24
866 天后再臨-解放咪咪 album The Emancipation of Mimi 24
867 科學家 single The Scientist (song) 24
868 螺丝在拧紧 literary work The Turn of the Screw 24
869 泰坦 supercomputer, one-of-a-kind computer Titan (supercomputer) 24
870 环欧快车 album Trans-Europe Express (album) 24
871 富蘭克林號航空母艦 aircraft carrier USS Franklin (CV-13) 24
872 王明 human Wang Ming 24
873 100欧元纸币 100 euro note 23
874 安德烈·帕夫洛维奇·基里连科 human Andrei Kirilenko (politician) 23
875 德南戰役 battle Battle of Denain 23
876 看火人 video game Firewatch 23
877 斷線 film Fractured (2019 film) 23
878 GRB 970228 gamma-ray burst GRB 970228 23
879 GW170817 kilonova, gravitational wave event, neutron star merger GW170817 23
880 Gill Sans typeface family Gill Sans 23
881 海穆·蘭特 human Helmut Lent 23
882 蜜月旅行 album Honeymoon (Lana Del Rey album) 23
883 人類冠狀病毒229E taxon Human coronavirus 229E 23
884 人類冠狀病毒NL63 taxon Human coronavirus NL63 23
885 IOS 4 iOS, mobile operating system, software version IOS 4 23
886 伯力審判 war crimes trial Khabarovsk war crimes trials 23
887 拉普拉斯-龍格-冷次向量 Laplace–Runge–Lenz vector 23
888 長期增強作用 biological process Long-term potentiation 23
889 女僕咖啡廳 Maid café 23
890 每日放送 human, television station, broadcaster Mainichi Broadcasting System 23
891 穆罕默德·本·突格杰·伊赫什德 human Muhammad ibn Tughj al-Ikhshid 23
892 彭真 human Peng Zhen 23
893 格洛斯特公爵威廉王子 human Prince William, Duke of Gloucester 23
894 丽贝卡·克拉克 human Rebecca Clarke (composer) 23
895 album Red (Taylor's Version) 23
896 西門子歌美颯 public company, business, enterprise Siemens Gamesa 23
897 烏頭翁 taxon Styan's bulbul 23
898 秘境探險:失落的遺產 video game, gaiden Uncharted: The Lost Legacy 23
899 白頭果鳩 taxon White-headed fruit dove 23
900 张闻天 human Zhang Wentian 23
901 媽祖閣 temple A-Ma Temple 22
902 魁北克戰役 battle Battle of Quebec (1775) 22
903 柏林腓特烈大街车站 railway station, border train station Berlin Friedrichstraße station 22
904 福音戰士新劇場版:序 film, anime film Evangelion: 1.0 You Are (Not) Alone 22
905 異塵餘生:庇護所 video game Fallout Shelter 22
906 肥城市 county-level city Feicheng 22
907 引力波天文学 Gravitational-wave astronomy 22
908 老希拉克略 human Heraclius the Elder 22
909 中华人民共和国高速铁路 public transport network High-speed rail in China 22
910 第一代費舍爾男爵約翰·費舍爾 human John Fisher, 1st Baron Fisher 22
911 约瑟夫·福勒克 human Joseph B. Foraker 22
912 迷你地铁 video game Mini Metro (video game) 22
913 新世紀福音戰士劇場版:死與新生 anime film Neon Genesis Evangelion: Death & Rebirth 22
914 紫魟 taxon Pelagic stingray 22
915 她與她的貓 original video animation She and Her Cat 22
916 孙皓 human Sun Hao 22
917 见证者 video game The Witness (2016 video game) 22
918 韩国交通 transport by country or region Transport in South Korea 22
919 星之聲 anime film Voices of a Distant Star 22
920 吴起 human Wu Qi 22
921 安東尼·麥考利夫 human Anthony McAuliffe 21
922 淺井氏 uji Azai clan 21
923 白起 human Bai Qi 21
924 贝茨法 alternative medicine Bates method 21
925 鮑勃·吉布森 human Bob Gibson 21
926 癌痛 Cancer pain 21
927 長洲 island Cheung Chau 21
928 2008年夏季奥林匹克运动会男子公路自行车比赛 Olympic sporting event, cycling at the Summer Olympics – men's individual road race Cycling at the 2008 Summer Olympics – Men's individual road race 21
929 达科他盗龙属 fossil taxon Dakotaraptor 21
930 Ddu-Du Ddu-Du single Ddu-Du Ddu-Du 21
931 原賴氏龍屬 fossil taxon Eolambia 21
932 非常律師禹英禑 television series Extraordinary Attorney Woo 21
933 極地戰嚎3:血龍 video game Far Cry 3: Blood Dragon 21
934 謝夫·班特 human Geoff Bent 21
935 ICE-3列車 multiple unit class ICE 3 21
936 伊萨克·科穆宁 human Isaac Komnenos (son of Alexios I) 21
937 伊萨克·科穆宁 human Isaac Komnenos (son of John II) 21
938 日本扁鲨 taxon Japanese angelshark 21
939 殺死這個愛爾蘭人 film Kill the Irishman 21
940 離騷 narrative poetry Li Sao 21
941 Love Yourself 转 'Tear' album Love Yourself: Tear 21
942 吕蒙 human Lü Meng 21
943 聂荣臻 human Nie Rongzhen 21
944 悠悠哉哉少女日和 manga series Non Non Biyori 21
945 聖大額我略教宗騎士團勳章 organization, order, religion-related award Order of St. Gregory the Great 21
946 纸片马力欧:折纸国王 video game Paper Mario: The Origami King 21
947 逆轉裁判3 video game Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney – Trials and Tribulations 21
948 PLUTO ~冥王~ manga series Pluto: Urasawa x Tezuka 21
949 樂佩公主 fictional human, animated character, film character Rapunzel (Tangled) 21
950 綾波零 fictional human, fictional clone, anime character Rei Ayanami 21
951 碇真嗣 fictional human, anime character, manga character Shinji Ikari 21
952 小托马斯·杰罗姆·哈德纳 human Thomas J. Hudner Jr. 21
953 藏曆 lunisolar calendar Tibetan calendar 21
954 三重邊界 film Triple Frontier (film) 21
955 II型超新星 astronomical object type Type II supernova 21
956 奧里斯卡尼號航空母艦 aircraft carrier USS Oriskany 21
957 沙特阿拉伯统一 conflict Unification of Saudi Arabia 21
958 反纳比斯战争 war War against Nabis 21
959 乘著風 single We Ride 21
960 保护世界文化和自然遗产公约 treaty World Heritage Convention 21
961 镇海区 district (China) Zhenhai, Ningbo 21
962 24:救赎 television film 24: Redemption 20
963 AdS/CFT对偶 duality, physical theory AdS/CFT correspondence 20
964 阿莱克修斯·斯特拉特戈普洛斯 human Alexios Strategopoulos 20
965 阿根廷对英格兰 quarter-final, international association football match Argentina v England (1986 FIFA World Cup) 20
966 雅达利游戏掩埋事件 landfill, hoard, electronic waste Atari video game burial 20
967 芭芭拉·卡素爾 human Barbara Castle 20
968 博古 human Bo Gu 20
969 美麗突額隆頭魚 taxon California sheephead 20
970 凯氏带 plant structure Casparian strip 20
971 菱魟 taxon Diamond stingray 20
972 火焰之纹章 风花雪月 video game Fire Emblem: Three Houses 20
973 一級方程式賽車車輛 car classification Formula One car 20
974 Fuego musical work/composition Fuego (Eleni Foureira song) 20
975 六甲苯 type of chemical entity Hexamethylbenzene 20
976 布朗眼中的棒球赛 short film How Brown Saw the Baseball Game 20
977 約翰·巴西隆 human John Basilone 20
978 约翰一世 human John I Doukas of Thessaly 20
979 Key video game developer, brand Key (company) 20
980 藍伯-伊頓肌無力症候群 class of disease Lambert–Eaton myasthenic syndrome 20
981 默特尔·克莱尔·巴舍尔德 human Myrtle Bachelder 20
982 纳米化学 branch of chemistry Nanochemistry 20
983 冰雹行動 military operation Operation Hailstone 20
984 剝脫性骨軟骨炎 rare disease, class of disease Osteochondritis dissecans 20
985 陰部神經 class of anatomical entity Pudendal nerve 20
986 小雁塔 pagoda Small Wild Goose Pagoda 20
987 徐家汇圣依纳爵主教座堂 cathedral St. Ignatius Cathedral 20
988 福治谷號航空母艦 aircraft carrier USS Valley Forge (CV-45) 20
989 2018年8月5日龙目岛地震 earthquake 5 August 2018 Lombok earthquake 19
990 連環粉紅命案 television film, television series episode A Study in Pink 19
991 安德羅尼科斯·杜卡斯 human Andronikos Doukas (co-emperor) 19
992 逆轉裁判4 video game Apollo Justice: Ace Attorney 19
993 周天成 human Chou Tien-chen 19
994 Ding (vessel) 19
995 以色列教育 education in country or region Education in Israel 19
996 费斯·利奇 human Faith Leech 19
997 固始县 Counties of China Gushi County 19
998 怀仁市 county-level city Huairen 19
999 颶風丹尼斯 Category 4 hurricane Hurricane Dennis 19
1000 魚獵龍屬 fossil taxon Ichthyovenator 19
1001 內韋德峽灣國家公園 national park Indre Wijdefjorden National Park 19
1002 朝日號戰艦 training vessel, pre-dreadnought battleship, ironclad warship Japanese battleship Asahi 19
1003 巴拿马国家元首列表 Wikimedia list article List of heads of state of Panama 19
1004 失落的星球:极限状态 video game Lost Planet: Extreme Condition 19
1005 罗荣桓 human Luo Ronghuan 19
1006 從未結束 single Never Really Over 19
1007 半夏 taxon Pinellia ternata 19
1008 后英式摇滚 music genre Post-Britpop 19
1009 嵩岳寺塔 pagoda Songyue Pagoda 19
1010 祥云县 Counties of China Xiangyun County 19
1011 2015年哈萨克斯坦总统选举 presidential election 2015 Kazakh presidential election 18
1012 糊粉層 plant tissue Aleurone 18
1013 安·毕肖普 human Ann Bishop (biologist) 18
1014 惣流·明日香·蘭格雷 video game character, fictional human, anime character Asuka Langley Soryu 18
1015 暴風雨後的寧靜 song, single Calm After the Storm 18
1016 既視感 single Deja Vu (Olivia Rodrigo song) 18
1017 杀出重围:隐形战争 video game Deus Ex: Invisible War 18
1018 敦刻尔克级战列舰 ship class Dunkerque-class battleship 18
1019 阿房宫 archaeological site Epang Palace 18
1020 火焰之纹章 暗黑龙与光之剑 video game Fire Emblem: Shadow Dragon and the Blade of Light 18
1021 韩国外交 Foreign relations of South Korea 18
1022 U-29号潜艇 U-boat German submarine U-29 (1936) 18
1023 U-9号潜艇 submarine German submarine U-9 (1935) 18
1024 大十二面體 Great dodecahedron 18
1025 急征店员 television pilot, segment of a television episode Help Wanted (SpongeBob SquarePants) 18
1026 2005年飓风艾米莉 Category 5 hurricane Hurricane Emily (2005) 18
1027 贾森·穆尔 human Jason Moore (Wikipedia editor) 18
1028 交河故城 city, ruins, archaeological site Jiaohe ruins 18
1029 约翰·谢尔曼·库珀 human John Sherman Cooper 18
1030 拉丁美洲文学爆炸 literary movement Latin American Boom 18
1031 雷霆归来 最终幻想XIII video game Lightning Returns: Final Fantasy XIII 18
1032 卢氏县 Counties of China Lushi County 18
1033 纪念碑谷 video game Monument Valley (video game) 18
1034 脑黏体虫 taxon Myxobolus cerebralis 18
1035 奈斯尔·本·赛雅尔 human Nasr ibn Sayyar 18
1036 耐梅蓋特母龍屬 fossil taxon Nemegtomaia 18
1037 马兜铃猪笼草 taxon Nepenthes aristolochioides 18
1038 二齒豬籠草 taxon Nepenthes bicalcarata 18
1039 Nimrod video game, one-of-a-kind computer Nimrod (computer) 18
1040 海人马 demon Nuckelavee 18
1041 魔術師和兔子 animated short film Presto (film) 18
1042 唐乾陵 mausoleum, archaeological site Qianling Mausoleum 18
1043 超能輪胎殺人事件 film Rubber (2010 film) 18
1044 杜氏扁鲨 taxon Sand devil 18
1045 蔑視 video game Scorn (video game) 18
1046 Kids Computer PICO product model Sega Pico 18
1047 小星形十二面體 Small stellated dodecahedron 18
1048 五色鳥 taxon Taiwan barbet 18
1049 桃園捷運 rapid transit, Mass Rapid Transit Taoyuan Metro 18
1050 雅加达邮报 daily newspaper The Jakarta Post 18
1051 纳税银 fresco The Tribute Money (Masaccio) 18
1052 科罗拉多大学丹佛分校 public university, public educational institution of the United States University of Colorado Denver 18
1053 1950年阿薩姆—西藏地震 earthquake 1950 Assam–Tibet earthquake 17
1054 第三次长沙会战 battle Battle of Changsha (1941–1942) 17
1055 迪恩施泰因之战 battle Battle of Dürenstein 17
1056 利開翁之役 battle Battle of Lechaeum 17
1057 瓦庫爾島戰役 battle Battle of Valcour Island 17
1058 惡靈空間2 film Boogeyman 2 17
1059 布朗BGP 001 racing automobile model Brawn BGP 001 17
1060 上海城隍廟 temple of City God City God Temple of Shanghai 17
1061 雏菊 television advertisement Daisy (advertisement) 17
1062 空间对接 occurrence, activity Docking and berthing of spacecraft 17
1063 以斯拉·米克 human Ezra Meeker 17
1064 西澳大利亞州州旗 flag of a country subdivision Flag of Western Australia 17
1065 敦克爾克號戰列艦 battlecruiser French battleship Dunkerque 17
1066 幽灵诡计 video game Ghost Trick: Phantom Detective 17
1067 黃金太陽 開啟的封印 video game Golden Sun (video game) 17
1068 卡拉登男爵曉治·富特 human Hugh Foot, Baron Caradon 17
1069 颶風卡塔琳娜 South Atlantic tropical cyclone Hurricane Catarina 17
1070 廣義相對論入門 Wikimedia introduction to topic Introduction to general relativity 17
1071 何塞·胡安·塔布拉达 human José Juan Tablada 17
1072 渚薰 Angel, anime character, manga character Kaworu Nagisa 17
1073 Kinect 運動大會 video game Kinect Sports 17
1074 九龍公園 urban park Kowloon Park 17
1075 小事情 single Little Things (One Direction song) 17
1076 Microsoft Office Picture Manager raster graphics editor Microsoft Office Picture Manager 17
1077 新加坡國家美術館 art museum, national museum National Gallery Singapore 17
1078 新南格陵蘭島 phantom island New South Greenland 17
1079 紐約級戰列艦 ship class New York-class battleship 17
1080 老尼基弗鲁斯·福卡斯 human Nikephoros Phokas the Elder 17
1081 奧斯坦德宣言 political statement Ostend Manifesto 17
1082 大不列顛的阿爾弗雷德王子 human Prince Alfred of Great Britain 17
1083 扬起罗德西亚的声音 national anthem Rise, O Voices of Rhodesia 17
1084 桑卓·馬穆克拉什維利 human Sandro Mamukelashvili 17
1085 花招 Sleight of hand 17
1086 棘刺龍屬 fossil taxon Spinophorosaurus 17
1087 团队 single Team (Lorde song) 17
1088 神秘符號 television film, television series episode The Blind Banker 17
1089 陳煚 human Trần Thái Tông 17
1090 我們選擇登月 oration, public speaking We choose to go to the Moon 17
1091 无锡地铁 rapid transit Wuxi Metro 17
1092 折毛事件 Wikipedia controversy Zhemao hoaxes 17
1093 2019年逃犯及刑事事宜相互法律協助法例(修訂)條例草案 bill 2019 Hong Kong extradition bill 16
1094 与上帝有约 graphic novel A Contract with God 16
1095 探險活寶:寶妹與皮姊 animated television series Adventure Time: Fionna and Cake 16
1096 大腦伯蒂 video game Bertie the Brain 16
1097 基哥哥愛之船 television series episode Big Gay Al's Big Gay Boat Ride 16
1098 黑衛士兵團 battalion Black Watch 16
1099 99號牢房的賽局 film Brawl in Cell Block 99 16
1100 瀰漫性泛細支氣管炎 class of disease Diffuse panbronchiolitis 16
1101 火焰之纹章if paired versions of a video game Fire Emblem Fates 16
1102 藤原興風 human Fujiwara no Okikaze 16
1103 GRB 970508 gamma-ray burst GRB 970508 16
1104 高洪波 human Gao Hongbo 16
1105 U-48号潜艇 U-boat German submarine U-48 (1939) 16
1106 消失的爱人 written work Gone Girl (novel) 16
1107 葡萄君 individual animal Grape-kun 16
1108 無政府主義歷史 aspect of history History of anarchism 16
1109 颶風萊斯利 Category 1 hurricane Hurricane Leslie (2018) 16
1110 伊恩·奥布莱恩 human Ian O'Brien 16
1111 艾萨克·谢尔比 human Isaac Shelby 16
1112 寂蓮 human Jakuren 16
1113 瓊·塔特洛克 human Jean Tatlock 16
1114 Kill This Love single Kill This Love (song) 16
1115 雷峰塔 pagoda Leifeng Pagoda 16
1116 李牧 human Li Mu 16
1117 南京长江大桥 truss bridge, multi-level bridge, road-rail bridge Nanjing Yangtze River Bridge 16
1118 第一代伯基特男爵諾曼·伯基特 human Norman Birkett, 1st Baron Birkett 16
1119 諾曼第級戰列艦 ship class Normandie-class battleship 16
1120 埃普索姆行动 military operation Operation Epsom 16
1121 撲克臉 television series Poker Face (TV series) 16
1122 為烏克蘭祝禱 musical work/composition Prayer for Ukraine 16
1123 任弼时 human Ren Bishi 16
1124 无尺度网络 Scale-free network 16
1125 榭赫倫實驗 physics experiment Schiehallion experiment 16
1126 上海站 central station Shanghai railway station 16
1127 皮下氣腫 Subcutaneous emphysema 16
1128 希腊犹太人大屠杀 the Holocaust in one country The Holocaust in Greece 16
1129 二十八宿 group of physical objects Twenty-Eight Mansions 16
1130 聯合國紀念墓園 military cemetery, memorial cemetery United Nations Memorial Cemetery 16
1131 聯合國安全理事會第598號決議 United Nations Security Council resolution United Nations Security Council Resolution 598 16
1132 虛擬鏡頭系統 video game perspective Virtual camera system 16
1133 旺茲沃思橋 road bridge, cantilever bridge, steel bridge Wandsworth Bridge 16
1134 武汉长江大桥 truss bridge, multi-level bridge, road-rail bridge Wuhan Yangtze River Bridge 16
1135 懷俄明級戰列艦 ship class Wyoming-class battleship 16
1136 讀賣電視台 television station, business Yomiuri Telecasting Corporation 16
1137 黃金之門站 metro station Zoloti Vorota (Kyiv Metro) 16
1138 1492年教宗選舉秘密會議 conclave 1492 papal conclave 15
1139 美國陸軍第173空降旅 military unit, airborne infantry brigade 173rd Airborne Brigade 15
1140 2002年世界斯诺克锦标赛 snooker tournament 2002 World Snooker Championship 15
1141 阿布蒂尤 dog Abuwtiyuw 15
1142 布氏棘鯛 taxon Acanthopagrus butcheri 15
1143 探險活寶:遙遠的秘境 animated television series Adventure Time: Distant Lands 15
1144 亞絲娜 video game character, literary character, fictional human Asuna (Sword Art Online) 15
1145 B病毒 taxon B virus 15
1146 烏山戰役 battle Battle of Osan 15
1147 Bic Cristal ballpoint pen Bic Cristal 15
1148 樟宜机场地铁站 metro station, airport railway station, underground station Changi Airport MRT station 15
1149 超大和型戰艦 ship class Design A-150 battleship 15
1150 宫内军家内官 position Domestic of the Schools 15
1151 梦溪笔谈 literary work Dream Pool Essays 15
1152 Edge video game Edge (video game) 15
1153 後宮甄嬛傳 television series Empresses in the Palace 15
1154 艾爾馬克 video game character, group mind, revenants in fiction Ermac 15
1155 火焰之纹章 觉醒 video game Fire Emblem Awakening 15
1156 火焰之纹章 烈火之剑 video game Fire Emblem: The Blazing Blade 15
1157 免於恐懼的自由 human rights Freedom from fear 15
1158 富士型戰艦 ship class Fuji-class battleship 15
1159 藤原朝忠 human Fujiwara no Asatada 15
1160 銀河遊戲 video game Galaxy Game 15
1161 U-28号潜艇 U-boat German submarine U-28 (1936) 15
1162 U-35号潜艇 U-boat German submarine U-35 (1936) 15
1163 U-36号潜艇 U-boat German submarine U-36 (1936) 15
1164 U-46号潜艇 U-boat German submarine U-46 (1938) 15
1165 戈斯皮奇大屠殺 massacre Gospić massacre 15
1166 汉口站 railway station Hankou railway station 15
1167 法本公司大楼 office building IG Farben Building 15
1168 病毒概論 Wikimedia introduction to topic Introduction to viruses 15
1169 河內號戰艦 battleship Japanese battleship Kawachi 15
1170 清原深養父 human Kiyohara no Fukayabu 15
1171 九條良經 human Kujō Yoshitsune 15
1172 劳拉Go video game Lara Croft Go 15
1173 李冶 human Li Ye (mathematician) 15
1174 第二代朗達女子爵瑪格麗特·麥克沃思 human Margaret Haig Thomas, 2nd Viscountess Rhondda 15
1175 马克·克里 human Mark Kerry 15
1176 瑪蒙-赫林頓CTLS輕型坦克 weapon model, vehicle model, combat vehicle model Marmon–Herrington CTLS 15
1177 菌異營 Myco-heterotrophy 15
1178 暗色猪笼草 taxon Nepenthes fusca 15
1179 匙叶猪笼草 taxon Nepenthes spathulata 15
1180 新工黨 rebranding, aspect of history New Labour 15
1181 二條院讚岐 human Nijōin no Sanuki 15
1182 彼得·埃文斯 human Peter Evans (swimmer) 15
1183 天津港 port Port of Tianjin 15
1184 普鲁士起义 rebellion Prussian uprisings 15
1185 放射齒目 fossil taxon Radiodonta 15
1186 光榮號戰艦 pre-dreadnought battleship Russian battleship Slava 15
1187 曾禰好忠 human Sone no Yoshitada 15
1188 星际旅行 video game Space Travel (video game) 15
1189 春日 audio track, musical work/composition Spring Day (song) 15
1190 十二指腸懸肌 ligament Suspensory muscle of duodenum 15
1191 斯维亚托斯拉夫入侵保加利亚 series of wars Sviatoslav's invasion of Bulgaria 15
1192 閃光 video game character, fictional human Tracer (Overwatch) 15
1193 1934级驱逐舰 ship class Type 1934 destroyers 15
1194 颱風利奇馬 typhoon Typhoon Lekima 15
1195 沃爾特·唐納森 human Walter Donaldson (snooker player) 15
1196 风的电话 wind phone Wind phone 15
1197 真的,弗吉尼娅,圣诞老人是真的 letter, Christmas tradition, editorial Yes, Virginia, there is a Santa Claus 15
1198 1769年教宗選舉秘密會議 conclave 1769 papal conclave 14
1199 是時候了 single About Damn Time 14
1200 雲豹裝甲車族 weapon model, vehicle model CM-32 armoured vehicle 14
1201 阴极射线管娱乐装置 video game Cathode-ray tube amusement device 14
1202 中国—哈萨克斯坦关系 bilateral relation China–Kazakhstan relations 14
1203 傻瓜龐克之機器人現形記 film Daft Punk's Electroma 14
1204 列昂尼德·勃列日涅夫之死及葬礼 certain aspects of a person's life Death and state funeral of Leonid Brezhnev 14
1205 1990年10月13日掠地流星体 meteoroid, Earth-grazing fireball Earth-grazing meteoroid of 13 October 1990 14
1206 平方根倒数速算法 numerical method Fast inverse square root 14
1207 火焰之纹章 晓之女神 video game Fire Emblem: Radiant Dawn 14
1208 飛虎航空739號班機空難 aviation accident, flight disappearance Flying Tiger Line Flight 739 14
1209 藤原顯輔 human Fujiwara no Akisuke 14
1210 藤原定賴 human Fujiwara no Sadayori 14
1211 福康安 human Fuk'anggan 14
1212 瞪羚级小巡洋舰 ship class Gazelle-class cruiser 14
1213 Z-3马克斯·舒尔茨号驱逐舰 destroyer German destroyer Z3 Max Schultz 14
1214 U-32号潜艇 U-boat German submarine U-32 (1937) 14
1215 U-34号潜艇 U-boat German submarine U-34 (1936) 14
1216 U-52号潜艇 U-boat German submarine U-52 (1938) 14
1217 黃金太陽 漆黑的黎明 video game Golden Sun: Dark Dawn 14
1218 碧绿丘陵地带 level, fictional lake, fictional forest Green Hill Zone 14
1219 赫布理论 algorithm, theory Hebbian theory 14
1220 飓风曼努埃尔 Category 1 hurricane Hurricane Manuel 14
1221 來自繽紛世界的明日 anime television series Iroduku: The World in Colors 14
1222 伊斯蘭教與兒童 Islamic term Islam and children 14
1223 八島號戰艦 pre-dreadnought battleship Japanese battleship Yashima 14
1224 卡爾斯克魯納海軍基地 naval base Karlskrona Naval Base 14
1225 凯瑟琳·威 human Katharine Way 14
1226 1932年萨尔瓦多农民起义 Rebellions of 1837 La Matanza 14
1227 阿尔戈斯与瑙普利亚领地 administrative territorial entity Lordship of Argos and Nauplia 14
1228 马克·托内利 human Mark Tonelli 14
1229 源宗于 human Minamoto no Muneyuki 14
1230 豹斑猪笼草 taxon Nepenthes burbidgeae 14
1231 爱德华猪笼草 taxon Nepenthes edwardsiana 14
1232 應縣木塔 pagoda Pagoda of Fogong Temple 14
1233 藝術宮 folly, historic district Palace of Fine Arts 14
1234 国际饭店 hotel Park Hotel Shanghai 14
1235 粉狀手指樂團 musical group Powderfinger 14
1236 推手 film Pushing Hands (film) 14
1237 阿里阿德涅号小巡洋舰 light cruiser SMS Ariadne 14
1238 相模 human Sagami (poet) 14
1239 坂上是則 human Sakanoue no Korenori 14
1240 粟裕 human Su Yu 14
1241 网球场 single Tennis Court (song) 14
1242 圣诞精神 animated short film The Spirit of Christmas (short films) 14
1243 加贺级战列舰 ship class Tosa-class battleship 14
1244 广义相对论中的开普勒问题 Two-body problem in general relativity 14
1245 威廉·D·波特號驅逐艦 destroyer USS William D. Porter (DD-579) 14
1246 汪鑫 human Wang Xin (badminton) 14
1247 看你做的好事 song, single What Have You Done for Me Lately 14
1248 向忠发 human Xiang Zhongfa 14
1249 萨格勒布号驱逐舰 destroyer Yugoslav destroyer Zagreb 14
1250 抗肿瘤药 drug class, ChEBI Ontology term antineoplastic (d:Q2853144) 14
1251 大中臣能宣 human Ōnakatomi no Yoshinobu 14
1252 1292年至1294年教宗選舉 papal election 1292–1294 papal election 13
1253 1689年教宗選舉秘密會議 conclave 1689 papal conclave 13
1254 1986年世界斯诺克锦标赛 snooker tournament 1986 World Snooker Championship 13
1255 1987年世界斯诺克锦标赛 snooker tournament 1987 World Snooker Championship 13
1256 2009年世界大賽 season 2009 World Series 13
1257 亚当·艾克菲尔特 human Adam Eckfeldt 13
1258 賈德幹 human Alexander Cadogan 13
1259 Armillaria luteobubalina taxon Armillaria luteobubalina 13
1260 巴祝大屠杀 massacre Ba Chúc massacre 13
1261 杜普林沼地之战 battle Battle of Dupplin Moor 13
1262 沃尚之戰 battle Battle of Vauchamps 13
1263 黑爾戈蘭灣空戰 air battle Battle of the Heligoland Bight (1939) 13
1264 聖母無原罪主教座堂 cathedral Cathedral of the Immaculate Conception (Hong Kong) 13
1265 丹尼尔·卡拉汉 human Daniel J. Callaghan 13
1266 德宏芒市国际机场 airport, commercial traffic aerodrome Dehong Mangshi International Airport 13
1267 誒話 language, modern language E language 13
1268 早期電子遊戲史 aspect of history Early history of video games 13
1269 茶具文物館 museum Flagstaff House, Hong Kong 13
1270 马来西亚外交 foreign relations Foreign relations of Malaysia 13
1271 安南屬明時期 invasion Fourth Era of Northern Domination 13
1272 免於恐懼的自由 painting Freedom from Fear (painting) 13
1273 塔斯特指揮官號水上飛機母艦 seaplane tender French seaplane carrier Commandant Teste 13
1274 藤原敦忠 human Fujiwara no Atsutada 13
1275 藤原清輔 human Fujiwara no Kiyosuke 13
1276 藤原道信 human Fujiwara no Michinobu 13
1277 Z-1莱贝雷希特·马斯号驱逐舰 destroyer German destroyer Z1 Leberecht Maass 13
1278 Z-11贝恩德·冯·阿尼姆号驱逐舰 destroyer German destroyer Z11 Bernd von Arnim 13
1279 希尔德·利瓦伊 human Hilde Levi 13
1280 飓风卡蒂娅 Category 4 hurricane Hurricane Katia (2011) 13
1281 印第安纳州议会 bicameral legislature, legislature of a U.S. state Indiana General Assembly 13
1282 网络观察基金会与维基百科 Internet Watch Foundation and Wikipedia 13
1283 日本社会党 former political party Japan Socialist Party 13
1284 赫拉尼特利 television film Khraniteli 13
1285 楊慕琦 human Mark Aitchison Young 13
1286 源俊賴 human Minamoto no Shunrai 13
1287 艾玛猪笼草 taxon Nepenthes eymae 13
1288 毛盖猪笼草 taxon Nepenthes tentaculata 13
1289 宁波博物馆 history museum Ningbo Museum 13
1290 柏林行動 battle Operation Berlin (Atlantic) 13
1291 气窗行动 military operation Operation Transom 13
1292 佩科夫頓城堡 castle, English country house, country house hotel Peckforton Castle 13
1293 想念你 musical work/composition Pero Me Acuerdo de Ti 13
1294 行星故事 periodical Planet Stories 13
1295 罗纳德·维克多·考特尼·鲍德利 human R. V. C. Bodley 13
1296 U-21号潜艇 submarine SM U-21 (Germany) 13
1297 瑞丽江 river Shweli River 13
1298 高木兼宽 human Takaki Kanehiro 13
1299 四面半六面體 Tetrahemihexahedron 13
1300 美容师与野兽 film The Beautician and the Beast 13
1301 天津西站 railway station Tianjin West railway station 13
1302 德大寺實定 human Tokudaiji Sanesada 13
1303 2005年热带风暴阿尔法 tropical storm Tropical Storm Alpha (2005) 13
1304 2008年热带风暴亚瑟 tropical storm Tropical Storm Arthur (2008) 13
1305 热带风暴富兰克林 tropical storm Tropical Storm Franklin (d:Q264656) 13
1306 贝尔格莱德号驱逐舰 destroyer Yugoslav destroyer Beograd 13
1307 祐子內親王家紀伊 human Yūshi Naishinnō-ke no Kii 13
1308 极限脱出ADV 善人死亡 video game Zero Escape: Virtue's Last Reward 13
1309 艾蒂安·德·南苏蒂 human Étienne Marie Antoine Champion de Nansouty 13
1310 1268年至1271年教宗選舉 papal election 1268–1271 papal election 12
1311 1623年教宗選舉秘密會議 conclave 1623 papal conclave 12
1312 1655年教宗選舉秘密會議 conclave 1655 papal conclave 12
1313 1955年越南国全民公决 referendum 1955 State of Vietnam referendum 12
1314 1984年世界斯诺克锦标赛 snooker tournament 1984 World Snooker Championship 12
1315 2016年世界大賽 sports competition 2016 World Series 12
1316 2018年瓦哈卡州地震 earthquake 2018 Oaxaca earthquake 12
1317 2022年古巴家庭法公投 referendum 2022 Cuban Family Code referendum 12
1318 哈里斯·本·苏赖杰 human Al-Harith ibn Surayj 12
1319 分配器 Allocator (C++) 12
1320 飛鳥井雅經 human Asukai Masatsune 12
1321 古墓屍妖 fictional species of animal Barrow-wight 12
1322 Bat'leth Bat'leth 12
1323 塞特波齐战役 battle Battle of Settepozzi 12
1324 本尼迪克特·约瑟夫·芬威克 human Benedict Joseph Fenwick 12
1325 巴西—日本關係 bilateral relation Brazil–Japan relations 12
1326 父岛事件 incident Chichijima incident 12
1327 第一次世界大戰對中國的影響 country in World War I China during World War I 12
1328 克莉希·寇斯坦薩 human Chrissy Costanza 12
1329 推倒牛 urban legend Cow tipping 12
1330 罗彼特·芬德的梦 comic strip Dream of the Rarebit Fiend 12
1331 廣瀨榮理子 human Eriko Hirose 12
1332 风暴 film Firestorm (2013 film) 12
1333 藤原基俊 human Fujiwara no Mototoshi 12
1334 耶盧達加利機場 airport Geilo Airport, Dagali 12
1335 Z-2格奥尔格·蒂勒号驱逐舰 destroyer German destroyer Z2 Georg Thiele 12
1336 Z-4理夏德·拜岑号驱逐舰 destroyer German destroyer Z4 Richard Beitzen 12
1337 Z-9沃尔夫冈·岑克尔号驱逐舰 destroyer German destroyer Z9 Wolfgang Zenker 12
1338 U-83号潜艇 U-boat German submarine U-83 (1940) 12
1339 最後一戰4:航向黎明 film, web series Halo 4: Forward Unto Dawn 12
1340 2006年飓风佛罗伦萨 Category 1 hurricane Hurricane Florence (2006) 12
1341 殷富門院大輔 human Inpumon'in no Tayū 12
1342 中國哈薩克族 ethnic group Kazakhs in China 12
1343 拉米娅·盖拉尼·韦尔 human Lamia Al-Gailani Werr 12
1344 肖斯塔科维奇第7号交响曲在列宁格勒的首演 première, musical work/composition Leningrad première of Shostakovich's Symphony No. 7 12
1345 1605年3月教宗選舉秘密會議 conclave March–April 1605 papal conclave 12
1346 1605年5月教宗選舉秘密會議 conclave May 1605 papal conclave 12
1347 泰國酸肉 Naem (food) 12
1348 卵形猪笼草 taxon Nepenthes ovata 12
1349 歐文·查特威克 human Owen Chadwick 12
1350 布萊茲諾頓皇家空軍基地 Royal Air Force station RAF Brize Norton 12
1351 骆驼祥子 written work Rickshaw Boy 12
1352 罗伯特·罗斯 human Robert Ross (British Army officer) 12
1353 UB-8号潜艇 U-boat SM UB-8 12
1354 赫拉号通报舰 aviso SMS Hela 12
1355 真田氏 clan Sanada clan 12
1356 SEGA Meganet software, concept, digital distribution platform Sega Meganet 12
1357 俊惠 human Shun'e 12
1358 1936年6月19日日食 solar eclipse, total solar eclipse Solar eclipse of June 19, 1936 12
1359 待賢門院堀河 human Taikenmon'in no Horikawa 12
1360 television series The Swarm (TV series) 12
1361 托科家族 noble family Tocco family 12
1362 2005年热带风暴阿琳 tropical storm Tropical Storm Arlene (2005) 12
1363 未知 magazine Unknown (magazine) 12
1364 文森特與博士 television series episode Vincent and the Doctor 12
1365 外白渡桥 footbridge Waibaidu Bridge 12
1366 不滿的冬天 political crisis Winter of Discontent 12
1367 吉野水分神社 Shinto shrine, Yoshino Mikumari Shrine 12
1368 赵树理 human Zhao Shuli 12
1369 1130年教宗選舉 papal election 1130 papal election 11
1370 1159年教宗選舉 papal election 1159 papal election 11
1371 1549年至1550年教宗選舉秘密會議 conclave 1549–1550 papal conclave 11
1372 1988年世界斯诺克锦标赛 snooker tournament 1988 World Snooker Championship 11
1373 1989年世界斯诺克锦标赛 snooker tournament 1989 World Snooker Championship 11
1374 崇禮門縱火事件 arson 2008 Namdaemun fire 11
1375 2016年倫敦市長選舉 London mayoral election 2016 London mayoral election 11
1376 ? film ? (2011 film) 11
1377 探險活寶 television series season Adventure Time season 1 11
1378 奧托的歷險 video game Alto's Adventure 11
1379 轴心国在澳大利亚水域的军事活动 aspect of history Axis naval activity in Australian waters 11
1380 阿賓傑的伍頓女男爵芭芭拉·伍頓 human Barbara Wootton, Baroness Wootton of Abinger 11
1381 戈利亚德之战 battle Battle of Goliad 11
1382 占守岛战役 battle Battle of Shumshu 11
1383 迷幻黑彩虹 film Beyond the Black Rainbow 11
1384 鲍勃·穆塞尔 human Bob Meusel 11
1385 傳奇 literary genre Chuanqi (short story and novella) 11
1386 摩爾多瓦語言和民族問題 controversy Controversy over ethnic and linguistic identity in Moldova 11
1387 氣旋梅庫努 cyclone Cyclone Mekunu 11
1388 氣旋尼洛法 cyclone Cyclone Nilofar 11
1389 當知項欠 human Dhondup Wangchen 11
1390 梁天琦 human Edward Leung 11
1391 伊丽莎白·尼达姆 human Elizabeth Needham 11
1392 Everyday、髮箍 song, single Everyday, Katyusha 11
1393 火焰之纹章 纹章之谜 video game Fire Emblem: Mystery of the Emblem 11
1394 火焰之纹章 苍炎之轨迹 video game Fire Emblem: Path of Radiance 11
1395 火焰之纹章 圣魔之光石 video game Fire Emblem: The Sacred Stones 11
1396 火焰之纹章 多拉基亚776 video game Fire Emblem: Thracia 776 11
1397 Z-7赫尔曼·舍曼号驱逐舰 destroyer German destroyer Z7 Hermann Schoemann 11
1398 Z-8布鲁诺·海涅曼号驱逐舰 destroyer German destroyer Z8 Bruno Heinemann 11
1399 U-53号潜艇 U-boat German submarine U-53 (1939) 11
1400 吉列尔莫·巴伦西亚 human Guillermo Valencia 11
1401 道院 religion Guiyidao 11
1402 漢摩拉比 video game Hamurabi (video game) 11
1403 玛雅文明历史 aspect of history History of the Maya civilization 11
1404 杀手Go video game Hitman Go 11
1405 刺客任務:狙擊挑戰 video game Hitman: Sniper 11
1406 颶風伯莎 Category 3 hurricane Hurricane Bertha (2008) 11
1407 2007年飓风温贝托 Category 1 hurricane Hurricane Humberto (2007) 11
1408 2009年飓风艾达 Category 2 hurricane Hurricane Ida (2009) 11
1409 2013年飓风英格丽德 Category 5 hurricane Hurricane Ingrid 11
1410 集成电路设计 software category Integrated circuit design 11
1411 微笑的面具 film Kedok Ketawa 11
1412 莱克西·格蕾 fictional human, television character Lexie Grey 11
1413 馬來西亞—越南關係 bilateral relation Malaysia–Vietnam relations 11
1414 瑪瑟琳 animated character, television character, fictional humanoid Marceline the Vampire Queen 11
1415 马蒂诺·扎卡里亚 human Martino Zaccaria 11
1416 质量效应 传奇版 video game Mass Effect Legendary Edition 11
1417 迈克尔·弗朗西斯·伊根 human Michael Francis Egan 11
1418 源公忠 human Minamoto no Kintada 11
1419 中務 human Nakatsukasa 11
1420 杏黄猪笼草 taxon Nepenthes flava 11
1421 硬叶猪笼草 taxon Nepenthes rigidifolia 11
1422 显目猪笼草 taxon Nepenthes spectabilis 11
1423 能因 human Nōin 11
1424 鷹遷行動 non-combatant evacuation operation Operation Eagle Pull 11
1425 油漆渐干 film Paint Drying 11
1426 恐龙生理学 Physiology of dinosaurs 11
1427 变形 video game Proteus (video game) 11
1428 葛冯号巡洋舰 unprotected cruiser SMS Gefion 11
1429 格奈森瑙号护卫舰 covered corvette, kreuzerfregatte SMS Gneisenau (1879) 11
1430 SEGA Channel online service Sega Channel 11
1431 前輩是偽娘 manga series Senpai Is an Otokonoko 11
1432 史可法 human Shi Kefa 11
1433 斯坦利·格林 human Stanley Green 11
1434 地面天气图 Surface weather analysis 11
1435 陈嘉庚地铁站 metro station, underground station Tan Kah Kee MRT station 11
1436 统万城 city, archaeological site Tongwancheng 11
1437 热带风暴阿尔玛 tropical storm Tropical Storm Alma 11
1438 UB-I型潜艇 submarine class Type UB I submarine 11
1439 颱風艾達 typhoon Typhoon Ida (1958) 11
1440 颱風尼伯特 typhoon Typhoon Nepartak 11
1441 颱風天兔 typhoon Typhoon Usagi (2013) 11
1442 华沙起义 rebellion, battle Warsaw Uprising (1794) 11
1443 叶挺 human Ye Ting 11
1444 1804年银元 coin, coin type 1804 dollar 10
1445 1924年古巴飓风 North Atlantic tropical cyclone 1924 Cuba hurricane 10
1446 1940年布罗克尔斯比空中相撞事故 aviation accident, mid-air collision 1940 Brocklesby mid-air collision 10
1447 1957年波蘭議會選舉 Polish parliamentary election 1957 Polish parliamentary election 10
1448 1983年世界斯诺克锦标赛 snooker tournament 1983 World Snooker Championship 10
1449 2000年朝韓首腦會晤 inter-Korean summits 2000 inter-Korean summit 10
1450 2018年阿拉斯加灣地震 earthquake 2018 Gulf of Alaska earthquake 10
1451 2018年天鹅群岛地震 earthquake 2018 Swan Islands earthquake 10
1452 利潘迪特兰之战 battle Battle of Lipantitlán 10
1453 昆图拉斯橄榄树林战役 battle Battle of the Olive Grove of Kountouras 10
1454 金文泰 human Cecil Clementi 10
1455 褚时健 human Chu Shijian 10
1456 規定舞 competition stage Compulsory dance 10
1457 博蒙特姐弟失踪案 disappearance Disappearance of the Beaumont children 10
1458 连接埃德蒙顿龙 fossil taxon Edmontosaurus annectens 10
1459 国际足联冠军徽章 award FIFA Champions Badge 10
1460 完全星形二十面體 Final stellation of the icosahedron 10
1461 火焰之纹章 Engage video game Fire Emblem Engage 10
1462 火焰之纹章外传 video game Fire Emblem Gaiden 10
1463 火焰之纹章 圣战之系谱 video game Fire Emblem: Genealogy of the Holy War 10
1464 火焰之纹章 新·暗黑龙与光之剑 video game Fire Emblem: Shadow Dragon 10
1465 法拉盛-緬街車站 metro station, underground station Flushing–Main Street station (IRT Flushing Line) 10
1466 弗赖堡火车总站 interchange station, inter-city rail station, central station Freiburg Hauptbahnhof 10
1467 藤原道雅 human Fujiwara no Michimasa 10
1468 Z-10汉斯·洛迪号驱逐舰 destroyer German destroyer Z10 Hans Lody 10
1469 Z-12埃里希·吉泽号驱逐舰 destroyer German destroyer Z12 Erich Giese 10
1470 Z-5保罗·雅各比号驱逐舰 destroyer German destroyer Z5 Paul Jacobi 10
1471 Girl's Garden video game Girl's Garden 10
1472 黃金太陽系列 video game series Golden Sun 10
1473 草料战斗 battle Grass Fight 10
1474 中国大陆艾滋病情况 HIV/AIDS in a geographical region HIV/AIDS in China 10
1475 亨利·康威尔 human Henry Conwell 10
1476 飓风洛伦佐 Category 1 hurricane Hurricane Lorenzo (2007) 10
1477 飓风宝莲 Category 4 hurricane Hurricane Pauline 10
1478 把酒人生 single I Drink Wine 10
1479 无限科幻 science fiction magazine Infinity Science Fiction 10
1480 天佑非洲 national anthem Ishe Komborera Africa 10
1481 日本—瑞典關係 bilateral relation Japan–Sweden relations 10
1482 实验大鼠 Laboratory rat 10
1483 光復香港,時代革命 political slogan Liberate Hong Kong, revolution of our times 10
1484 生活橱窗 film Life's Shop Window 10
1485 任内逝世的美国总统 Wikimedia list article List of presidents of the United States who died in office 10
1486 源信明 human Minamoto no Saneakira 10
1487 迈克猪笼草 taxon Nepenthes mikei 10
1488 姆鲁山猪笼草 taxon Nepenthes muluensis 10
1489 毛律山猪笼草 taxon Nepenthes murudensis 10
1490 Norid state-owned enterprise Norid 10
1491 制蓬峩 human Po Binasuor 10
1492 惡夜活死雞 film Poultrygeist: Night of the Chicken Dead 10
1493 鏈球菌快速檢測 Rapid strep test 10
1494 小玉理惠子 human Rieko Kodama 10
1495 范徐麗泰 human Rita Fan 10
1496 阿玛宗号小巡洋舰 light cruiser SMS Amazone 10
1497 瞪羚号小巡洋舰 light cruiser SMS Gazelle 10
1498 毛奇号护卫舰 sail-steamer corvette SMS Moltke (1877) 10
1499 宁芙号小巡洋舰 light cruiser SMS Nymphe 10
1500 三枝-伊藤氧化反应 eponymous chemical reaction Saegusa–Ito oxidation 10
1501 感情暫存檔 single Save as Draft 10
1502 黃花崗起義 rebellion Second Guangzhou Uprising 10
1503 南碼頭/白廳街車站 metro station, underground station South Ferry/Whitehall Street station 10
1504 恐怖食肉虫 film Squirm 10
1505 聖若瑟修院及聖堂 church, cultural heritage St. Joseph's Seminary and Church 10
1506 臺北孔子廟 temple of Confucius, Cultural heritage monuments in Taipei Taipei Confucius Temple 10
1507 饥饿土地 television series episode The Hungry Earth 10
1508 南京暴行:被遗忘的大屠杀 written work The Rape of Nanking (book) 10
1509 旅途永不絕 musical work/composition, lyrico-musical work The Road Goes Ever On (song) 10
1510 我們與惡的距離 television series The World Between Us (Taiwanese TV series) 10
1511 困在衣柜里 television series episode Trapped in the Closet (South Park) 10
1512 2009年第一号热带低气压 tropical depression Tropical Depression One (2009) 10
1513 2009年热带风暴安娜 tropical storm Tropical Storm Ana (2009) 10
1514 2005年热带风暴布雷特 tropical storm Tropical Storm Bret (2005) 10
1515 友联影业 film production company Union Films 10
1516 西虢国 historical country Western Guo 10
1517 謝朓 human Xie Tiao 10
1518 大崎八幡宮 Hachiman shrine Ōsaki Hachimangū 10
1519 一二·三事件 riot 12-3 incident 9
1520 1992年大西洋飓风季 Atlantic hurricane season 1992 Atlantic hurricane season 9
1521 1801年8月1日战斗 naval battle Action of 1 August 1801 9
1522 探險活寶 television series season Adventure Time season 3 9
1523 愛旭莉·葛拉漢 video game character, fictional human Ashley Graham (Resident Evil) 9
1524 纯洁的爱情 film Asmara Moerni 9
1525 八月宗派事件 attempted coup d'état August faction incident 9
1526 大黑河橋之戰 battle Battle of Big Black River Bridge 9
1527 班·林德 human Ben Linder 9
1528 超越奇幻 magazine Beyond Fantasy Fiction 9
1529 博尼法乔·达维罗纳 human Boniface of Verona 9
1530 卡罗琳·布雷迪 human Caroline Brady (philologist) 9
1531 白垩翼龙属 fossil taxon Cimoliopterus 9
1532 上海文庙 temple of Confucius Confucian Temple of Shanghai 9
1533 DNS证书颁发机构授权 internet standard DNS Certification Authority Authorization 9
1534 DAICON III & IV OPENING ANIMATION film series Daicon III and IV Opening Animations 9
1535 奇妙历险 periodical Fantastic Adventures 9
1536 丰满水电站 dam, hydroelectric power station Fengman Dam 9
1537 弗朗西斯·格特鲁德·麦吉尔 human Frances Gertrude McGill 9
1538 藤原高光 human Fujiwara no Takamitsu 9
1539 羅富國 human Geoffry Northcote 9
1540 Z-6特奥多尔·里德尔号驱逐舰 destroyer German destroyer Z6 Theodor Riedel 9
1541 膠藻菌屬 taxon Gloeobacter 9
1542 荣耀与伤痕 single Glory and Gore 9
1543 溢血財產 film Harta Berdarah 9
1544 其他机器人皆地狱 television series episode Hell Is Other Robots 9
1545 本因坊道策 human Hon'inbō Dōsaku 9
1546 霍華德海灘-JFK機場車站 metro station, airport railway station, station located on surface Howard Beach–JFK Airport station 9
1547 华为Mate 40系列 smartphone model series Huawei Mate 40 9
1548 飓风安妮塔 tropical storm, Category 5 hurricane Hurricane Anita 9
1549 2006年飓风丹尼尔 Category 4 hurricane Hurricane Daniel (2006) 9
1550 2009年飓风弗雷德 Category 3 hurricane Hurricane Fred (2009) 9
1551 飓风伊西多尔 Category 3 hurricane Hurricane Isidore 9
1552 想象 periodical Imagination (magazine) 9
1553 入間基地 air base Iruma Air Base 9
1554 關西電視台 television station, business Kansai Television 9
1555 协和语 dialect, language variety Kyowa-go 9
1556 李·史密斯 human Lee Smith (baseball) 9
1557 鹿目圓 fictional human, anime character, manga character Madoka Kaname 9
1558 米迪奥拉姆号列车 train service, passenger train service Mediolanum (train) 9
1559 故友重逢 television series episode Meet Kevin Johnson 9
1560 西游记之大圣归来 animated film Monkey King: Hero Is Back 9
1561 柔毛猪笼草 taxon Nepenthes mollis 9
1562 唯一 song, single One (Ed Sheeran song) 9
1563 钱谦益 human Qian Qianyi 9
1564 信天翁号布雷巡洋舰 cruiser SMS Albatross (1907) 9
1565 尚之信 human Shang Zhixin 9
1566 少女Beat magazine Shojo Beat 9
1567 史明 human Su Beng 9
1568 偶像大師2 video game The Idolmaster 2 9
1569 真相 television series episode, two-part episode The Truth (The X-Files) 9
1570 Threes! video game Threes 9
1571 甲狀腺最下動脈 artery Thyroid ima artery 9
1572 芬兰时间 time by area Time in Finland 9
1573 2006年热带风暴贝里尔 tropical storm Tropical Storm Beryl (2006) 9
1574 2007年热带风暴尚塔尔 tropical storm Tropical Storm Chantal (2007) 9
1575 2006年热带风暴克里斯 tropical storm Tropical Storm Chris (2006) 9
1576 2009年热带风暴克劳德特 tropical storm Tropical Storm Claudette (2009) 9
1577 2008年热带风暴爱德华 tropical storm Tropical Storm Edouard (2008) 9
1578 2009年热带风暴格雷斯 tropical storm Tropical Storm Grace (2009) 9
1579 2005年热带风暴何塞 tropical storm Tropical Storm Jose (2005) 9
1580 2008年热带风暴劳拉 Category 1 hurricane Tropical Storm Laura (2008) 9
1581 沱江級巡邏艦 ship class Tuo Chiang-class corvette 9
1582 馬來西亞車輛號牌 Vehicle registration plates of Malaysia 9
1583 优卑亚继承战争 war of succession War of the Euboeote Succession 9
1584 反重力赛车2048 video game Wipeout 2048 9
1585 李齊賢 human Yi Che-hyŏn 9
1586 2018年8月19日龙目岛地震 earthquake 19 August 2018 Lombok earthquake 8
1587 1982年大西洋飓风季 Atlantic hurricane season 1982 Atlantic hurricane season 8
1588 1990年立陶宛最高蘇維埃選舉 legislative election, Lithuanian parliamentary election 1990 Lithuanian Supreme Soviet election 8
1589 1997年大西洋飓风季 Atlantic hurricane season 1997 Atlantic hurricane season 8
1590 2004年印度尼西亞立法選舉 Indonesian legislative election 2004 Indonesian legislative election 8
1591 英雄联盟2016赛季全球总决赛 esport competition 2016 League of Legends World Championship 8
1592 2019年香港理工大學衝突 siege 2019 Hong Kong Polytechnic University campus conflict 8
1593 2020年中華民國空軍UH-60M黑鷹直升機墜毀事故 aircraft crash 2020 ROCAF UH-60M crash 8
1594 2021年司諾克巡迴錦標賽 snooker tournament 2021 Tour Championship 8
1595 探險活寶 television series season Adventure Time season 2 8
1596 人生旅途 television series episode All things 8
1597 環狀熱帶氣旋 Annular tropical cyclone 8
1598 水行俠 television pilot, unfinished or abandoned television project Aquaman (TV pilot) 8
1599 阿萨德·本·阿卜杜拉·盖斯里 human Asad ibn Abdallah al-Qasri 8
1600 横须贺空袭 battle, bombardment Attack on Yokosuka 8
1601 喬治·華盛頓紀念大橋 truss bridge, road bridge, cantilever bridge Aurora Bridge 8
1602 Bam Thwok single Bam Thwok 8
1603 巴伯硬币 coining, coin type Barber coinage 8
1604 八幡空袭 aerial bombing of a city Bombing of Yawata (June 1944) 8
1605 中國—肯尼亞關係 bilateral relation China–Kenya relations 8
1606 菜谱集 literary work Compendium ferculorum, albo Zebranie potraw 8
1607 Cross Days video game Cross Days 8
1608 愛德華三世的騎行劫掠行動 military campaign Crécy campaign 8
1609 氣旋派翠克 storm Cyclone Dagmar 8
1610 起死回生 television series episode Deadalive 8
1611 陶山書院 seowon, historic site Dosan Seowon 8
1612 幻影 album Fantôme (album) 8
1613 火焰之纹章 新·纹章之谜 ~光与影的英雄~ video game Fire Emblem: New Mystery of the Emblem 8
1614 火焰之纹章 封印之剑 video game Fire Emblem: The Binding Blade 8
1615 第一次利曼战役 battle First battle of Lyman 8
1616 第一次同性戀運動 social movement First homosexual movement 8
1617 热那亚占领罗得岛 military occupation Genoese occupation of Rhodes 8
1618 Z-15埃里希·施泰因布林克号驱逐舰 destroyer German destroyer Z15 Erich Steinbrinck 8
1619 小蝸不見了 television series episode Have You Seen This Snail? 8
1620 北海道放送 radio station, television station, business Hokkaido Broadcasting 8
1621 洪大容 human Hong Taeyong 8
1622 2004年飓风亚历克斯 Category 3 hurricane Hurricane Alex (2004) 8
1623 1991年飓风鲍勃 Category 3 hurricane Hurricane Bob 8
1624 2005年飓风艾普塞朗 Category 1 hurricane Hurricane Epsilon (2005) 8
1625 2006年飓风海伦 Category 3 hurricane Hurricane Helene (2006) 8
1626 2007年飓风亨丽埃特 Category 1 hurricane Hurricane Henriette (2007) 8
1627 飓风克劳斯 Category 1 hurricane Hurricane Klaus (1990) 8
1628 2002年飓风丽丽 Category 4 hurricane Hurricane Lili 8
1629 2005年飓风玛丽亚 Category 3 hurricane Hurricane Maria (2005) 8
1630 2011年飓风内特 Category 1 hurricane Hurricane Nate (2011) 8
1631 艾薇·瓦倫汀 video game character, fictional human Ivy Valentine 8
1632 郭伯偉 human John James Cowperthwaite 8
1633 羔羊之歌 manga series Lament of the Lamb 8
1634 辽沈战役 military campaign Liaoshen campaign 8
1635 路易-米歇爾·勒托爾 human Louis-Michel Letort de Lorville 8
1636 陆修静 human Lu Xiujing 8
1637 马尔戈·卡托迪克罗摩 human Marco Kartodikromo 8
1638 真希波·真理·伊拉絲多莉亞斯 fictional human, anime character, manga character Mari Illustrious Makinami 8
1639 惊奇科学故事 pulp magazine Marvel Science Stories 8
1640 瑪麗·貝爾 human Mary Bell (aviator) 8
1641 玛丽·简·理查森·琼斯 human Mary Jane Richardson Jones 8
1642 牛頓旋轉軌道定理 Newton's theorem of revolving orbits 8
1643 氣旋蒂珞 storm surge North Sea flood of 2007 8
1644 惡爛狂人 film PG: Psycho Goreman 8
1645 準性生殖 biological process Parasexual cycle 8
1646 1911年國會法令 Public General Act of the Parliament of the United Kingdom Parliament Act 1911 8
1647 澎湖跨海大橋 road bridge, cross-sea bridge Penghu Great Bridge 8
1648 刺激賽車 video game Rad Mobile 8
1649 柏立基 human Robin Black (colonial administrator) 8
1650 UB-14号潜艇 U-boat SM UB-14 8
1651 UB-2号潜艇 U-boat SM UB-2 8
1652 UB-7号潜艇 U-boat SM UB-7 8
1653 俾斯麦号护卫舰 sail-steamer corvette SMS Bismarck 8
1654 萨克森号战列舰 super-dreadnought SMS Sachsen (1916) 8
1655 施泰因号护卫舰 sail-steamer corvette SMS Stein 8
1656 施托施号护卫舰 covered corvette, kreuzerfregatte SMS Stosch 8
1657 符腾堡号战列舰 super-dreadnought SMS Württemberg (1917) 8
1658 何才 human Solomon Hochoy 8
1659 端午 Japanese festival Tango no sekku 8
1660 羅德斯巨人 painting The Colossus of Rhodes (Dalí) 8
1661 革命前夕 literary work The Day Before the Revolution 8
1662 五羊传说 legend The Legend of Five Goats 8
1663 通靈少女 television series season The Teenage Psychic 8
1664 吐火罗叶护政权 human Tokhara Yabghus 8
1665 2003年热带风暴安娜 tropical storm Tropical Storm Ana (2003) 8
1666 2008年热带风暴克里斯托瓦尔 tropical storm Tropical Storm Cristobal (2008) 8
1667 2006年热带风暴黛比 tropical storm Tropical Storm Debby (2006) 8
1668 2007年热带风暴艾琳 tropical storm Tropical Storm Erin (2007) 8
1669 2007年热带风暴奥尔加 tropical storm Tropical Storm Olga (2007) 8
1670 热带风暴泽塔 tropical storm Tropical Storm Zeta (2005) 8
1671 椿大神社 Shinto shrine, ichinomiya Tsubaki Grand Shrine 8
1672 当你迷失在黑暗中 television pilot, television series episode When You're Lost in the Darkness 8
1673 吴孟超 human Wu Mengchao 8
1674 雪花 single Yuki no Hana 8
1675 僵尸噩梦 film Zombie Nightmare 8
1676 大中臣賴基 human Ōnakatomi no Yorimoto 8
1677 [12:00] mini album (12:00) 7
1678 伊拉克麦粒汞中毒事件 mercury poisoning, disaster 1971 Iraq poison grain disaster 7
1679 1973年大西洋飓风季 Atlantic hurricane season 1973 Atlantic hurricane season 7
1680 1982年英國皇家海軍誤擊陸軍直升機事故 aviation accident 1982 British Army Gazelle friendly fire incident 7
1681 1987年大西洋飓风季 Atlantic hurricane season 1987 Atlantic hurricane season 7
1682 1990年大西洋飓风季 Atlantic hurricane season 1990 Atlantic hurricane season 7
1683 2008年阿巴斯港地震 earthquake 2008 Qeshm earthquake 7
1684 2017年西爪哇地震 occurrence 2017 Java earthquake 7
1685 2019年花蓮地震 earthquake 2019 Hualien earthquake 7
1686 2019年斯诺克上海大师赛 snooker tournament 2019 Shanghai Masters 7
1687 1800年1月1日战斗 naval battle Action of 1 January 1800 7
1688 徽章人 human whose existence is disputed Badge Man 7
1689 戰都天鷹 video game Battle Engine Aquila 7
1690 梅里德辛河之战 conflict Battle of Marais des Cygnes 7
1691 浦項戰役 battle Battle of P'ohang-dong 7
1692 永安戰役 battle Battle of Vĩnh Yên 7
1693 俾斯麦级护卫舰 ship class Bismarck-class corvette 7
1694 中部日本放送 holding company, public company Chubu-Nippon Broadcasting 7
1695 中京電視台 television station, business Chūkyō Television Broadcasting 7
1696 蛤蜊蘸醬 meal Clam dip 7
1697 終審法院大樓 building Court of Final Appeal Building 7
1698 氣旋盧班 cyclone Cyclone Luban 7
1699 林思齊 human David Lam 7
1700 DeepStateMap.Live website, interactive web map DeepStateMap.Live 7
1701 杀出重围Go video game Deus Ex Go 7
1702 独乐寺 Buddhist temple Dule Temple 7
1703 藤原清正 human Fujiwara no Kiyotada 7
1704 藤原元真 human Fujiwara no Motozane 7
1705 芙宁娜 video game character, fictional human Furina (Genshin Impact) 7
1706 T&E虚拟高尔夫 video game Golf (1995 video game) 7
1707 韩愈鳄属 fossil taxon Hanyusuchus 7
1708 初恋 album Hatsukoi (Hikaru Utada album) 7
1709 亨利·胡鲁鲁·皮特曼 human Henry Hoʻolulu Pitman 7
1710 小小魔法使響 manga series Hibiki's Magic 7
1711 雅盖隆王朝时期的波兰 aspect of history History of Poland during the Jagiellonian dynasty 7
1712 豪斯的头 television series episode House's Head 7
1713 华林寺 building complex, Buddhist temple Hualin Temple (Fuzhou) 7
1714 2006年飓风巴德 Category 3 hurricane Hurricane Bud (2006) 7
1715 2006年飓风艾萨克 Category 1 hurricane Hurricane Isaac (2006) 7
1716 2011年飓风奥菲莉亚 Category 4 hurricane Hurricane Ophelia (2011) 7
1717 2006年飓风保罗 tropical cyclone, Category 2 hurricane Hurricane Paul (2006) 7
1718 2005年飓风菲利普 Category 1 hurricane Hurricane Philippe (2005) 7
1719 飓风拉斐尔 Category 1 hurricane Hurricane Rafael (2012) 7
1720 海岛文明 video game Islanders (video game) 7
1721 法律如此 film It Is the Law 7
1722 伊和神社 Shinto shrine, ichinomiya Iwa Shrine 7
1723 李洁明 human James R. Lilley 7
1724 國道279號 road, water transport Japan National Route 279 7
1725 國道58號 road, water transport Japan National Route 58 7
1726 丸山夏鈴 human Karin Maruyama 7
1727 金弘壹 human Kim Hong-il (general) 7
1728 金葉和歌集 chokusenshū Kin'yō Wakashū 7
1729 龜虎古墳 kofun Kitora Tomb 7
1730 女干探 television series Lady Blue (TV series) 7
1731 黑猴 film Loetoeng Kasaroeng 7
1732 麓川之役 conflict Luchuan–Pingmian campaigns 7
1733 洛陽橋 footbridge, stone bridge Luoyang Bridge 7
1734 杜嘉祺 human Mark Tucker (business) 7
1735 最大持续风速 wind speed Maximum sustained wind 7
1736 摩士公園 urban park Morse Park 7
1737 黃娜謀殺案 murder Murder of Huang Na 7
1738 潘曉穎命案 murder Murder of Poon Hiu-wing 7
1739 名古屋電視台 television station, business Nagoya Broadcasting Network 7
1740 阮文戎 human Nguyễn Văn Nhung 7
1741 范理申 human Nick Phillips, Baron Phillips of Worth Matravers 7
1742 硬汉行动 military operation, military deception Operation Hardboiled 7
1743 東方影業 business Oriental Film 7
1744 通往黑暗之路 video game Pathways into Darkness 7
1745 百事侵略者 video game Pepsi Invaders 7
1746 新作家 magazine Poedjangga Baroe 7
1747 波特拉奇河 river Potlatch River 7
1748 疑問…? song Question...? 7
1749 RNA溫度計 RNA thermometer 7
1750 UB-44号潜艇 U-boat SM UB-44 7
1751 UB-46号潜艇 U-boat, preserved watercraft SM UB-46 7
1752 UB-5号潜艇 U-boat SM UB-5 7
1753 UB-6号潜艇 U-boat SM UB-6 7
1754 奥古斯塔号护卫舰 steamboat SMS Augusta 7
1755 布吕歇尔号护卫舰 sail-steamer corvette SMS Blücher (1877) 7
1756 鸬鹚号巡洋舰 steamboat SMS Cormoran (1892) 7
1757 隼号巡洋舰 steamboat SMS Falke (1891) 7
1758 奇異酵母 taxon Saccharomyces paradoxus 7
1759 塞缪尔·梅里尔·伍德布里奇 human Samuel Merrill Woodbridge 7
1760 沈阳北站 railway station Shenyang North railway station 7
1761 遂安县城 cultural heritage, former administrative territorial entity, submerged city Shicheng, Zhejiang 7
1762 约翰·卜内 human Sir John Brunner, 1st Baronet 7
1763 别人 musical work/composition Somebody Else (The 1975 song) 7
1764 江苏省苏州中学 high school Suzhou High School of Jiangsu Province 7
1765 龍環葡韻住宅式博物館 museum, cultural heritage Taipa Houses–Museum 7
1766 神奇传说 science fiction magazine Tales of Wonder (magazine) 7
1767 乌散特勤洒 human Tegin Shah 7
1768 2003年牛津剑桥赛艇对抗赛 The Boat Race The Boat Race 2003 7
1769 兩人的童年花園 video game The Gardens Between 7
1770 偶像大師 為你而唱! video game The Idolmaster Live For You! 7
1771 2016年Dota 2国际邀请赛 world championship, The International The International 2016 7
1772 蘇美爾遊戲 video game The Sumerian Game 7
1773 三十航班之恋 video game Thirty Flights of Loving 7
1774 八哥猴 film Tjioeng Wanara 7
1775 堪萨斯龙卷风 painting Tornado over Kansas 7
1776 特技摩托賽HD video game Trials HD 7
1777 2012年热带风暴贝里尔 tropical storm Tropical Storm Beryl (2012) 7
1778 2009年热带风暴丹尼 tropical storm Tropical Storm Danny (2009) 7
1779 2009年热带风暴埃里卡 tropical storm Tropical Storm Erika (2009) 7
1780 熱帶風暴艾濤 cyclone Tropical Storm Etau (2009) 7
1781 2005年热带风暴格特 tropical storm Tropical Storm Gert (2005) 7
1782 热带风暴泰米 tropical storm Tropical Storm Tammy (2005) 7
1783 Turochamp video game, chess engine Turochamp 7
1784 WI-38 cell line, finite cell line WI-38 7
1785 女人與鬥士 film Wanita dan Satria 7
1786 威廉·亞爾內爾·史萊克 human William Y. Slack 7
1787 玩具車大冒險 video game Windosill 7
1788 写入放大 Write amplification 7
1789 叶赫那拉氏 family name, Manchu surname Yehe Nara clan 7
1790 瑞龍寺 Buddhist temple Zuiryū-ji (Toyama) 7
1791 日本一钱硬币 token coin, coin type 1 sen coin 6
1792 1899年大西洋飓风季 Atlantic hurricane season 1899 Atlantic hurricane season 6
1793 1910年大西洋飓风季 Atlantic hurricane season 1910 Atlantic hurricane season 6
1794 1914年大西洋飓风季 Atlantic hurricane season 1914 Atlantic hurricane season 6
1795 1937年巴西政变 military coup, self-coup 1937 Brazilian coup d'état 6
1796 1959年墨西哥飓风 Northeast Pacific tropical cyclone 1959 Mexico hurricane 6
1797 1960年大西洋飓风季 Atlantic hurricane season 1960 Atlantic hurricane season 6
1798 1961年大西洋飓风季 Atlantic hurricane season 1961 Atlantic hurricane season 6
1799 1972年大西洋飓风季 Atlantic hurricane season 1972 Atlantic hurricane season 6
1800 1986年大西洋飓风季 Atlantic hurricane season 1986 Atlantic hurricane season 6
1801 2019年长宁地震 earthquake 2019 Sichuan earthquake 6
1802 2019年英國休閉議會爭議 controversy 2019 United Kingdom prorogation controversy 6
1803 探險活寶 television pilot, animated short film Adventure Time (short film) 6
1804 韩国农业 agriculture by country or territory Agriculture in South Korea 6
1805 安尼魯·康特 human Aniru Conteh 6
1806 南極條約郵票 stamp edition Antarctic Treaty issue 6
1807 水銀 video game Archer Maclean's Mercury 6
1808 原子线滤波器 Atomic line filter 6
1809 壞念頭 musical work/composition Bad Idea (Ariana Grande song) 6
1810 五當召 monastery, Buddhist temple, Tibetan Buddhist monastery Badekar Monastery 6
1811 巴里·沃伊特 human Barry Voight 6
1812 温井战斗 battle Battle of Onjong 6
1813 弗尔巴尼亚桥之战 battle Battle of Vrbanja Bridge 6
1814 鵟級巡洋艦 ship class Bussard-class cruiser 6
1815 執事咖啡廳 Butler café 6
1816 成昆铁路 railway line Chengdu–Kunming railway 6
1817 中國回教協會 Islamic organization Chinese Muslim Association 6
1818 T3克里斯蒂坦克 combat vehicle model Christie M1931 6
1819 席博羅溪 stream Cibolo Creek 6
1820 压缩空间 video game Crush (video game) 6
1821 達娃·德姆 human Dawa Dem 6
1822 中华人民共和国大元帅 rank of the People's Liberation Army Dayuanshuai 6
1823 Deactivators video game Deactivators 6
1824 羅弼時 human Denys Roberts 6
1825 DIAMOND WAVE album Diamond Wave 6
1826 唐纳德·福雷斯特·布朗 human Donald Forrester Brown 6
1827 同和自动车工业 business Dowa Automobile Company 6
1828 油汀湖 reservoir Dầu Tiếng Lake 6
1829 埃弗拉德·卡爾斯羅普 human Everard Calthrop 6
1830 福克蘭'82 video game Falklands '82 6
1831 韩国经济开发五年计划 five-year plans Five-Year Plans of South Korea 6
1832 乔治·巴顿对第三集团军的演讲 George S. Patton's speech to the Third Army 6
1833 鬼故事 pulp magazine Ghost Stories (magazine) 6
1834 广惠寺华塔 pagoda Guanghui Temple Huatai Pagoda 6
1835 握手會 Handshake event 6
1836 波兰立陶宛联邦历史 aspect of history History of the Polish–Lithuanian Commonwealth (1569–1648) 6
1837 1954年12月飓风爱丽丝 North Atlantic tropical cyclone Hurricane Alice (December 1954) 6
1838 2010年飓风西莉亚 Category 5 hurricane Hurricane Celia (2010) 6
1839 1982年飓风黛比 Category 4 hurricane Hurricane Debby (1982) 6
1840 颶風多拉 Category 4 hurricane Hurricane Dora (1999) 6
1841 2007年飓风弗洛西 Category 4 hurricane Hurricane Flossie (2007) 6
1842 颶風伊萊亞娜 Category 3 hurricane Hurricane Ileana (2006) 6
1843 飓风伊塞莱 Category 4 hurricane Hurricane Iselle 6
1844 2006年飓风塞尔吉奥 Category 2 hurricane Hurricane Sergio (2006) 6
1845 想象传说 magazine Imaginative Tales 6
1846 纳粹大屠杀与种族灭绝国际研讨会 convention International Conference on the Holocaust and Genocide 6
1847 296号州际公路 road Interstate 296 6
1848 東區走廊 road Island Eastern Corridor 6
1849 出石神社 Shinto shrine, ichinomiya Izushi Shrine 6
1850 耶拿六人 group of humans Jena Six 6
1851 约翰·厄尔利 human John Early (educator) 6
1852 傅履仁 human John Fugh 6
1853 约翰·贝施特 human John W. Beschter 6
1854 海神神社 Shinto shrine, ichinomiya Kaijin Shrine 6
1855 荔枝角大橋 road bridge Lai Chi Kok Bridge 6
1856 李卓敏 human Li Choh-ming 6
1857 路易斯·海曼·比恩 human Louis H. Bean 6
1858 红娘公司 television series Love, Inc. (TV series) 6
1859 登陸月球類電子遊戲 video game genre Lunar Lander (video game genre) 6
1860 玛格丽特·利亚·休斯顿 human Margaret Lea Houston 6
1861 美加本浓 film Mega Mendoeng 6
1862 鹦鹉螺级布雷巡洋舰 ship class Nautilus-class minelayer 6
1863 星云科幻 magazine Nebula Science Fiction 6
1864 死侍:好心沒好報 short film No Good Deed (2017 film) 6
1865 铜头蛇行动 military operation Operation Copperhead 6
1866 巴勒 film Pareh 6
1867 琉球郵票 postage stamps and postal history by jurisdiction Postage stamps and postal history of Ryukyu Islands 6
1868 金剛戰士 film, fan film Power/Rangers 6
1869 RKB每日放送 radio station, television station, business RKB Mainichi Broadcasting 6
1870 磐石油彈補給艦 replenishment oiler ROCS Pan Shi 6
1871 麥若彬 human Robin McLaren 6
1872 柔远驿 building Ryukyuan Inn (d:Q11108795) 6
1873 UB-12号潜艇 U-boat SM UB-12 6
1874 UB-13号潜艇 U-boat SM UB-13 6
1875 UB-16号潜艇 U-boat SM UB-16 6
1876 UB-17号潜艇 U-boat SM UB-17 6
1877 UB-42号潜艇 U-boat SM UB-42 6
1878 UB-43号潜艇 U-boat SM UB-43 6
1879 阿科纳号护卫舰 steamboat SMS Arcona (1885) 6
1880 鵟號巡洋艦 steamboat SMS Bussard 6
1881 神鹫号巡洋舰 cruiser SMS Condor 6
1882 喬治·華盛頓號郵輪 ocean liner SS George Washington 6
1883 櫻花大戰 video game Sakura Wars (1996 video game) 6
1884 聖胡安溪 river San Juan Creek 6
1885 西寒多神社 ichinomiya Sasamuta Shrine 6
1886 科学侦探月刊 pulp magazine Scientific Detective Monthly 6
1887 少年Jump magazine Shonen Jump (magazine) 6
1888 思可法 human Si Kefa 6
1889 恶毒的声音 film Soeara Berbisa 6
1890 夺魂使者 film Soultaker (film) 6
1891 圣巴斯弟盎堂 parish church St. Sebastian (Mannheim) 6
1892 星辰影業 film production company Star Film (Dutch East Indies company) 6
1893 赛门铁克端点防护 antivirus software Symantec Endpoint Protection 6
1894 Template:Taxonomy/Pteridopsida Wikimedia template Template:Taxonomy/Pteridopsida (d:Q23004578) 6
1895 蓝焰 literary work The Blue Flame (play) 6
1896 致命格斗 film The FP 6
1897 偶像大師 深情之星 video game The Idolmaster Dearly Stars 6
1898 碧芦冤孽 television film The Turn of the Screw (2009 film) 6
1899 誰是被害者 television series The Victims' Game 6
1900 托马斯·穆勒迪 human Thomas F. Mulledy 6
1901 砥鹿神社 Shinto shrine, ichinomiya Toga Shrine 6
1902 鲁迅墓 grave Tomb of Lu Xun 6
1903 徐光启墓 grave Tomb of Xu Guangqi 6
1904 熱帶低氣壓奧林 tropical depression Tropical Depression Auring (2009) 6
1905 2002年热带风暴亚瑟 tropical storm Tropical Storm Arthur (d:Q910907) 6
1906 2002年热带风暴伯莎 tropical storm Tropical Storm Bertha (2002) 6
1907 2002年热带风暴克里斯托瓦尔 tropical storm Tropical Storm Cristobal (2002) 6
1908 2011年热带风暴艾米莉 tropical storm Tropical Storm Emily (2011) 6
1909 青荃橋 road bridge Tsing Yi North Bridge 6
1910 荃灣路 thoroughfare Tsuen Wan Road 6
1911 都農神社 Shinto shrine, ichinomiya Tsuno Shrine 6
1912 塔克商学院 business school Tuck School of Business 6
1913 颱風范斯高 typhoon Typhoon Francisco (2013) 6
1914 颱風馬鞍 typhoon Typhoon Ma-on (2011) 6
1915 颱風納莉 typhoon Typhoon Nari (2001) 6
1916 颱風紅霞 cyclone, typhoon Typhoon Noul (2015) 6
1917 奇幻夜 animated short film Us Again (film) 6
1918 畹町镇 town of China Wanding 6
1919 度津神社 Shinto shrine, ichinomiya Watatsu Shrine 6
1920 威廉·麦克雪利 human William McSherry 6
1921 Wish You The Best album Wish You the Best (album) 6
1922 吾丘衍 human Wu Qiuyan 6
1923 湘潭大学 university Xiangtan University 6
1924 楊廷和 human Yang Tinghe 6
1925 白鹰号炮艇 ship Yugoslav gunboat Beli Orao 6
1926 柞原八幡宮 ichinomiya, Hachiman shrine Yusuhara Hachimangū 6
1927 大江嘉言 human Ōe no Yoshitoki (d:Q3594014) 6
1928 AKB48第27張單曲選拔總選舉 ✗ (d:Q3277770) 5
1929 庚子俄难 ethnic cleansing, pogrom, Anti-Chinese riots 1900 Amur anti-Chinese pogroms 5
1930 1907年大西洋飓风季 Atlantic hurricane season 1907 Atlantic hurricane season 5
1931 1924年大西洋飓风季 Atlantic hurricane season 1924 Atlantic hurricane season 5
1932 1948年纽芬兰公民投票 self-determination referendum 1948 Newfoundland referendums 5
1933 1983年太平洋颱風季 Pacific typhoon season 1983 Pacific typhoon season 5
1934 1985年世界斯诺克锦标赛决赛 snooker tournament 1985 World Snooker Championship final 5
1935 2006年中太平洋氣旋 storm 2006 Central Pacific cyclone 5
1936 2011年印度尼西亞羽毛球首要超級賽 Indonesia Open Badminton Championships 2011 Indonesia Super Series Premier 5
1937 2014年中国足球协会超级杯 season 2014 Chinese FA Super Cup 5
1938 2018年斐济地震 earthquake 2018 Fiji earthquakes 5
1939 2018年岛根地震 earthquake 2018 Shimane earthquake (d:Q52105048) 5
1940 300页iPhone账单 viral video, video work 300-page iPhone bill 5
1941 日本五钱硬币 coin type 5 sen coin 5
1942 南斯拉夫共产党第六次代表大会 event 6th Congress of the League of Communists of Yugoslavia 5
1943 越南共產黨第六次全國代表大會 6th National Congress of the Communist Party of Vietnam 5
1944 莊士敦 human Alexander Robert Johnston 5
1945 使徒来袭 anime television series episode Angel Attack 5
1946 足利幼女誘拐殺人事件 homicide Ashikaga murder case 5
1947 朝鮮民主主義人民共和國的啤酒 aspect in a geographic region Beer in North Korea 5
1948 傾聽畫語:最美好的景色 video game Behind the Frame: The Finest Scenery 5
1949 枷鎖 written work Belenggu 5
1950 柏林更名基奇纳 geographical renaming Berlin-to-Kitchener name change 5
1951 彭福 human Bernard Penfold 5
1952 张衡一号 Earth observation satellite CSES Mission 5
1953 中心密集雲團區 Central dense overcast 5
1954 查尔斯·斯通斯崔特 human Charles H. Stonestreet 5
1955 齋教 Chinese religions of fasting 5
1956 盧沛寧 human Chris Lu 5
1957 宇宙故事和激动科学故事 magazine Cosmic Stories and Stirring Science Stories 5
1958 泛鲭鲨属 taxon Cosmopolitodus 5
1959 氣旋薩迦 cyclone Cyclone Sagar 5
1960 戴逵 human Dai Kui 5
1961 血與誓 film Darah dan Doa 5
1962 大卫·希尔豪斯·比尔 human David Hillhouse Buel (priest) 5
1963 德文郡战争纪念碑 World War I memorial Devon County War Memorial 5
1964 基辅列宁雕像倒塌事件 occurrence Dismantling of Lenin's monument in Kyiv (d:Q15290943) 5
1965 道命 human Dōmyō (d:Q3045645) 5
1966 JR東日本E993系電力動車組 rolling stock class E993 series 5
1967 埃德溫·多納伊雷 human Edwin Donayre 5
1968 震中距 Epicentral distance 5
1969 美国家庭结构 Family in the United States 5
1970 奇幻之书 magazine Fantasy Book 5
1971 法兰·泽布 human Farran Zerbe 5
1972 无限飞行III video game Flight Unlimited III 5
1973 冯建梅强制引产事件 forced abortion Forced abortion of Feng Jianmei 5
1974 法蘭西斯·魏 human Francis B. Wai 5
1975 济南府学文庙 temple of Confucius Fuxue Confucian Temple 5
1976 上海邮政总局 multi-story urban building General Post Office Building, Shanghai 5
1977 王國棟 human Gordon King (gynaecologist) 5
1978 汉军八旗 military unit, social structure Han Chinese Eight Banners 5
1979 許皓鋐 human Hsu Hao-hung 5
1980 华林寺 Wikimedia disambiguation page Hualin Temple 5
1981 1951年飓风艾伯 Category 1 hurricane Hurricane Able (1951) 5
1982 1973年飓风艾娃 Category 5 hurricane Hurricane Ava 5
1983 2004年飓风达尼埃尔 Category 2 hurricane Hurricane Danielle (2004) 5
1984 1994年飓风佛罗伦萨 Category 2 hurricane Hurricane Florence (1994) 5
1985 1987年飓风弗洛伊德 Category 1 hurricane Hurricane Floyd (1987) 5
1986 2002年飓风埃尔南 Category 5 hurricane Hurricane Hernan (2002) 5
1987 2010年飓风朱莉娅 Category 4 hurricane Hurricane Julia (2010) 5
1988 2007年飓风卡伦 Category 1 hurricane Hurricane Karen (2007) 5
1989 2004年飓风卡尔 Category 4 hurricane Hurricane Karl (2004) 5
1990 2012年飓风莱斯利 Category 1 hurricane Hurricane Leslie (2012) 5
1991 1994年飓风罗莎 Category 2 hurricane Hurricane Rosa (1994) 5
1992 生島足島神社 Shinto shrine Ikushimatarushima Shrine 5
1993 爱尔兰纯种 literary work Irish Thoroughbred 5
1994 伊佐須美神社 Shinto shrine Isasumi Shrine 5
1995 基础教育论:校内同性恋议题 film It's Elementary: Talking About Gay Issues in School 5
1996 詹姆斯·杜南 human James A. Doonan 5
1997 詹姆斯·莱德 human James A. Ryder 5
1998 國道119號 road Japan National Route 119 5
1999 J·H·律敦治 human Jehangir Hormusjee Ruttonjee 5
2000 交阯之亂 conflict Jiao Province Campaign 5
2001 賽馬會氣候變化博物館 museum Jockey Club Museum of Climate Change 5
2002 威傑里男爵約翰·威傑里 human John Widgery, Baron Widgery 5
2003 乔舒亚·伊卢斯特雷 human Joshua Ilustre 5
2004 1號堪薩斯州州道 road K-1 (Kansas highway) 5
2005 居多神社 Shinto shrine, ichinomiya Kota Shrine (Niigata) 5
2006 事任八幡宮 Shinto shrine, ichinomiya Kotonomama Hachiman-gū 5
2007 劳伦斯·威瑟斯 human Lawrence Weathers 5
2008 宁波轨道交通1号线 rapid transit railway line Line 1 (Ningbo Rail Transit) 5
2009 宁波轨道交通2号线 airport rail link, rapid transit railway line Line 2 (Ningbo Rail Transit) 5
2010 宁波轨道交通3号线 rapid transit railway line Line 3 (Ningbo Rail Transit) 5
2011 失蹤行李 video game Lost Luggage (video game) 5
2012 曼加尼斯 ghost town Manganese, Minnesota 5
2013 梁凌杰 human Marco Leung Ling-kit 5
2014 水銀融化 video game Mercury Meltdown 5
2015 鄔勵德 human Michael Wright (architect) 5
2016 米德兰铁路战争纪念碑 war memorial Midland Railway War Memorial 5
2017 美保神社 Shinto shrine Miho Shrine 5
2018 南河內町 dissolved municipality of Japan Minamikawachi, Tochigi 5
2019 水若酢神社 Shinto shrine, ichinomiya Mizuwakasu Shrine 5
2020 中山神社 Shinto shrine, ichinomiya Nakayama Shrine 5
2021 長濱禰留 human Neru Nagahama 5
2022 西春町 dissolved municipality of Japan Nishiharu, Aichi 5
2023 新田神社 Shinto shrine, ichinomiya Nitta Shrine (Satsumasendai City) 5
2024 非选区议员 position Non-constituency Member of Parliament 5
2025 朝鲜驻西班牙大使馆遇袭事件 raid North Korean Embassy in Madrid incident 5
2026 小國神社 Shinto shrine, ichinomiya Okuni Shrine 5
2027 大韓帝國駐美國公使館 building Old Korean Legation Museum 5
2028 一百零八塔 building complex One Hundred and Eight Stupas 5
2029 蘭菌根 Orchid mycorrhiza 5
2030 雄山神社 Shinto shrine, ichinomiya Oyama Shrine (Tateyama) 5
2031 血的呼喚 film Panggilan Darah 5
2032 司馬文 human Paul Zimmerman (politician) 5
2033 朴茨茅斯战争纪念碑 cenotaph, war memorial Portsmouth War Memorial 5
2034 紅槍會 voluntary association Red Spear Society 5
2035 伊文思 human Richard Evans (British diplomat) 5
2036 阿里阿德涅号护卫舰 sail-steamer corvette SMS Ariadne (1871) 5
2037 夏洛特号巡洋巡防舰 kreuzerfregatte SMS Charlotte 5
2038 彗星号通报舰 aviso SMS Comet (1892) 5
2039 狮鹫号通报舰 ship SMS Greif (1886) 5
2040 莱比锡号护卫舰 covered corvette, kreuzerfregatte SMS Leipzig (1875) 5
2041 玛丽号护卫舰 steamboat SMS Marie 5
2042 奥尔加号护卫舰 steamboat SMS Olga 5
2043 索菲号护卫舰 ship SMS Sophie 5
2044 守望号通报舰 aviso SMS Wacht 5
2045 塞缪尔·穆勒迪 human Samuel Mulledy 5
2046 上海市精神卫生中心 research institute, medical facility Shanghai Mental Health Center 5
2047 石壁監獄 prison Shek Pik Prison 5
2048 倭文神社 ichinomiya, shitori shrine Shitori Shrine (Tottori) 5
2049 2020年副熱帶風暴阿爾法 subtropical cyclone Subtropical Storm Alpha (2020) 5
2050 2004年亚热带风暴妮科尔 subtropical cyclone, tropical storm Subtropical Storm Nicole 5
2051 超级科学故事 magazine Super Science Stories 5
2052 台鐵TEMU2000型電聯車 rolling stock class TRA TEMU2000 (d:Q6507048) 5
2053 高瀨神社 ichinomiya Takase Shrine 5
2054 塔齊布 human Taqibu 5
2055 蝙蝠 literary work The Bat (play) 5
2056 偶像大師 閃耀祭典 video game The Idolmaster Shiny Festa 5
2057 藏族人名 Tibetan name 5
2058 王建墓 grave Tomb of Wang Jian 5
2059 1996年热带风暴亚瑟 tropical storm Tropical Storm Arthur (1996) 5
2060 2007年热带风暴芭芭拉 tropical storm Tropical Storm Barbara (2007) 5
2061 2013年热带风暴巴里 tropical storm Tropical Storm Barry (2013) 5
2062 2010年热带风暴邦尼 tropical storm Tropical Storm Bonnie (2010) 5
2063 2004年热带风暴厄尔 tropical storm Tropical Storm Earl (2004) 5
2064 2006年热带风暴艾米利亚 tropical storm Tropical Storm Emilia (2006) 5
2065 2002年热带风暴费伊 tropical storm Tropical Storm Fay (2002) 5
2066 2003年热带风暴格雷斯 tropical storm Tropical Storm Grace (2003) 5
2067 2011年热带风暴哈维 tropical storm Tropical Storm Harvey (2011) 5
2068 2008年热带风暴约瑟芬 tropical storm Tropical Storm Josephine (2008) 5
2069 2004年热带风暴马修 tropical storm Tropical Storm Matthew (2004) 5
2070 2006年热带风暴诺曼 tropical storm Tropical Storm Norman (2006) 5
2071 雲林縣立土庫國民中學 public school, junior high school Tuku Junior High School 5
2072 拜寺口双塔 cultural heritage Twin pagodas of Baisikou 5
2073 台风贝贝 typhoon Typhoon Babe (1977) 5
2074 颱風柯娜 typhoon Typhoon Cora (1966) 5
2075 颱風風神 cyclone Typhoon Fengshen (2002) 5
2076 颱風伊莎 typhoon Typhoon Isa 5
2077 颱風妮妲 typhoon Typhoon Nida (2004) 5
2078 颱風雷馬遜 typhoon Typhoon Rammasun (2002) 5
2079 宇倍神社 Shinto shrine, ichinomiya Ube Shrine 5
2080 山頂公園 urban park Victoria Peak Garden 5
2081 威廉米特大学法学院 law school Willamette University College of Law 5
2082 威廉·费纳 human William Feiner 5
2083 西科尔斯基死亡的争议 Władysław Sikorski's death controversy 5
2084 徐顯卿 human Xu Xianqing 5
2085 延安高架路 road Yan'an Elevated Road 5
2086 黃色經濟圈 Yellow economic circle 5
2087 裕華大廈 architectural structure Yue Hwa Building 5
2088 由良比女神社 Shinto shrine Yurahime-jinja (d:Q11577626) 5
2089 钟离 video game character, fictional human Zhongli (Genshin Impact) 5
2090 州城街道 subdistrict Zhoucheng Subdistrict 5
2091 實証史學 school of thought, school of history École méthodique 5
2092 大麻比古神社 Shinto shrine, ichinomiya Ōasahiko Shrine 5
2093 越南共產黨第十次全國代表大會 National Congress of the Communist Party of Vietnam 10th National Congress of the Communist Party of Vietnam 4
2094 1851年大西洋飓风季 Atlantic hurricane season 1851 Atlantic hurricane season 4
2095 1852年大西洋飓风季 Atlantic hurricane season 1852 Atlantic hurricane season 4
2096 1854年大西洋飓风季 Atlantic hurricane season 1854 Atlantic hurricane season 4
2097 1858年大西洋飓风季 Atlantic hurricane season 1858 Atlantic hurricane season 4
2098 1858年布拉德福德糖果中毒事件 arsenic poisoning 1858 Bradford sweets poisoning 4
2099 1859年大西洋飓风季 Atlantic hurricane season 1859 Atlantic hurricane season 4
2100 1860年大西洋飓风季 Atlantic hurricane season 1860 Atlantic hurricane season 4
2101 1861年大西洋飓风季 Atlantic hurricane season 1861 Atlantic hurricane season 4
2102 1862年大西洋飓风季 Atlantic hurricane season 1862 Atlantic hurricane season 4
2103 1863年大西洋飓风季 Atlantic hurricane season 1863 Atlantic hurricane season 4
2104 1864年大西洋飓风季 Atlantic hurricane season 1864 Atlantic hurricane season 4
2105 1865年大西洋飓风季 Atlantic hurricane season 1865 Atlantic hurricane season 4
2106 1866年大西洋飓风季 Atlantic hurricane season 1866 Atlantic hurricane season 4
2107 1868年大西洋飓风季 Atlantic hurricane season 1868 Atlantic hurricane season 4
2108 1890年大西洋飓风季 Atlantic hurricane season 1890 Atlantic hurricane season 4
2109 1893年纽约飓风 North Atlantic tropical cyclone 1893 New York hurricane 4
2110 1897年大西洋飓风季 Atlantic hurricane season 1897 Atlantic hurricane season 4
2111 1902年大西洋飓风季 Atlantic hurricane season 1902 Atlantic hurricane season 4
2112 1904年大西洋飓风季 Atlantic hurricane season 1904 Atlantic hurricane season 4
2113 1905年大西洋飓风季 Atlantic hurricane season 1905 Atlantic hurricane season 4
2114 1909年大西洋飓风季 Atlantic hurricane season 1909 Atlantic hurricane season 4
2115 1909年格兰德艾尔飓风 North Atlantic tropical cyclone 1909 Grand Isle hurricane 4
2116 1909年蒙特雷飓风 North Atlantic tropical cyclone 1909 Monterrey hurricane 4
2117 1912年大西洋飓风季 Atlantic hurricane season 1912 Atlantic hurricane season 4
2118 1919年大西洋飓风季 Atlantic hurricane season 1919 Atlantic hurricane season 4
2119 1925年大西洋飓风季 Atlantic hurricane season 1925 Atlantic hurricane season 4
2120 1928年大西洋飓风季 Atlantic hurricane season 1928 Atlantic hurricane season 4
2121 1930年大西洋飓风季 Atlantic hurricane season 1930 Atlantic hurricane season 4
2122 1933年坦皮科飓风 North Atlantic tropical cyclone 1933 Tampico hurricane 4
2123 1960年比属刚果大选 public election 1960 Belgian Congo general election 4
2124 1962年大西洋飓风季 Atlantic hurricane season 1962 Atlantic hurricane season 4
2125 1977年太平洋颶風季 Pacific hurricane season 1977 Pacific hurricane season 4
2126 1978年美國聯盟東區封王決勝加賽 season 1978 American League East tie-breaker game 4
2127 2010年英國政府籌組談判 government formation 2010 United Kingdom government formation 4
2128 反ICERD大集會 2018 anti-ICERD rally 4
2129 2022年一級方程式季前測試 2022 Formula One pre-season testing (d:Q110993690) 4
2130 阿都阿兹·阿都拉欣 human Abdul Azeez Abdul Rahim 4
2131 敢國神社 Shinto shrine, ichinomiya Aekuni Shrine 4
2132 亞歷山大·史密斯 human Alexander Smith (chemist) 4
2133 青垣町 dissolved municipality of Japan Aogaki, Hyōgo 4
2134 犰狳鞋 Platform shoe Armadillo shoe 4
2135 朝日村 dissolved municipality of Japan Asahi, Gifu 4
2136 航空烈士公墓 cultural heritage Aviation Martyrs' Cemetery 4
2137 粟鹿神社 Shinto shrine Awaga Shrine 4
2138 阿坂城 Japanese castle Azaka Castle 4
2139 擊球 Batted ball 4
2140 雷西姆诺战役 battle Battle of Rethymno 4
2141 伯纳德·马奎尔 human Bernard A. Maguire 4
2142 相亲 television series episode Blind Date (30 Rock) 4
2143 鄧守仁 human Bryan Dutton 4
2144 卡罗拉级护卫舰 ship class Carola-class corvette 4
2145 Carto video game Carto (video game) 4
2146 朝阳北塔 pagoda Chaoyang North Tower 4
2147 象鼻山路 thoroughfare, trunk road, limited-access road Cheung Pei Shan Road 4
2148 張人龍 human Cheung Yan-lung 4
2149 科林·罗伯特·蔡斯 human Colin Robert Chase 4
2150 南卡罗来纳州哥伦比亚一百五十周年半美元 coin type Columbia, South Carolina, Sesquicentennial half dollar 4
2151 麥敬時 human D. J. M. Mackenzie 4
2152 桃園市立大溪木藝生態博物館 museum Daxi Wood Art Ecomuseum 4
2153 伊恩·汤姆林森之死 death, trial Death of Ian Tomlinson 4
2154 杜女士之死 occurrence, death in police custody Death of Ms Dhu 4
2155 多萝西·麦基宾 human Dorothy McKibbin 4
2156 早期大型電腦遊戲 aspect of history Early mainframe games 4
2157 東郊及伊拉瓦拉線 transport service itinerary, train service Eastern Suburbs & Illawarra Line 4
2158 終結者莉莉:騎士救贖 video game Ender Lilies: Quietus of the Knights 4
2159 奇妙小说 pulp magazine Fantastic Novels 4
2160 馬公風櫃尾荷蘭城堡 castle Fengguiwei Fort 4
2161 弗朗西斯·尼尔 human Francis Neale 4
2162 藤橋村 dissolved municipality of Japan Fujihashi, Gifu 4
2163 大蜜蜂'91 video game Galaga '91 4
2164 曲阜孔氏 bon-gwan Gokbu Gong clan 4
2165 大西部铁路战争纪念碑 war memorial, World War I memorial Great Western Railway War Memorial 4
2166 广州市第二中学 secondary school, Guangzhou No.2 High School 4
2167 海宁市图书馆 public library Haining Library 4
2168 哈桑·康塔爾 human Hassan Al Kontar 4
2169 羽合町 dissolved municipality of Japan Hawai, Tottori 4
2170 Hero single Hero (Namie Amuro song) 4
2171 藍澤光 character Hikaru Aizawa 4
2172 西貢公路 thoroughfare Hiram's Highway 4
2173 飓风阿道夫 Category 4 hurricane Hurricane Adolph 4
2174 1982年飓风阿尔贝托 Category 1 hurricane Hurricane Alberto (1982) 4
2175 1961年飓风安娜 North Atlantic tropical cyclone Hurricane Anna (1961) 4
2176 2013年飓风芭芭拉 Category 1 hurricane Hurricane Barbara (2013) 4
2177 飓风巴里 Category 1 hurricane Hurricane Barry (1983) 4
2178 颶風卡洛塔 Category 2 hurricane Hurricane Carlotta (2012) 4
2179 2007年飓风科斯梅 Category 1 hurricane Hurricane Cosme (2007) 4
2180 2010年飓风丹妮尔 Category 4 hurricane Hurricane Danielle (2010) 4
2181 颶風艾格卡 Category 3 hurricane Hurricane Ekeka 4
2182 1994年飓风艾米利亚 Category 5 hurricane Hurricane Emilia (1994) 4
2183 1987年飓风艾米莉 Category 3 hurricane Hurricane Emily (1987) 4
2184 飓风菲乔 Category 4 hurricane Hurricane Fico 4
2185 1994年飓风吉尔玛 Category 5 hurricane Hurricane Gilma (1994) 4
2186 1990年飓风古斯塔夫 Category 3 hurricane Hurricane Gustav (1990) 4
2187 2006年飓风克里斯蒂 tropical cyclone, Category 1 hurricane Hurricane Kristy (d:Q3358402) 4
2188 2011年飓风玛丽亚 Category 1 hurricane Hurricane Maria (2011) 4
2189 2003年飓风马蒂 Category 2 hurricane Hurricane Marty (2003) 4
2190 飓风理查德 Category 2 hurricane Hurricane Richard 4
2191 飓风莎瑞 Category 1 hurricane Hurricane Shary 4
2192 判官贔屓 Hōganbiiki (d:Q11396622) 4
2193 国际联盟妇女大会 convention Inter-Allied Women's Conference 4
2194 互动 television series episode Interactions (The Spectacular Spider-Man) 4
2195 伊勢山皇大神宮 Shinto shrine Iseyama Koutai-jingu (d:Q11378990) 4
2196 伊太祁曾神社 ichinomiya Itakiso shrine 4
2197 岩橋千塚古墳群 kofungun Iwase-Senzuka Kofun Cluster 4
2198 嚴原八幡宮神社 Hachiman shrine Izuhara Hachimangū Shrine (d:Q11410120) 4
2199 J·R·基洛哈 human J. R. Kealoha 4
2200 詹姆斯·汤普森 human James Thompson (surveyor) 4
2201 金華話 dialect Jinhua dialect 4
2202 艾惕思 human John Addis 4
2203 約翰·陶德 human John Dodd (tea merchant) 4
2204 璧約翰 human John Fitzgerald Brenan 4
2205 富爾敦男爵約翰·富爾敦 human John Fulton, Baron Fulton 4
2206 约瑟夫·洛佩兹 human Joseph A. Lopez 4
2207 3號堪薩斯州州道 road K-3 (Kansas highway) 4
2208 卡拉卡瓦硬币 coin type Kalākaua coinage 4
2209 春日村 dissolved municipality of Japan Kasuga, Gifu 4
2210 川部和高森古墳群 kofungun Kawabe-Takamori Kofun Cluster 4
2211 卡威亞河 river Kaweah River 4
2212 林敬三 human Keizō Hayashi 4
2213 氣多神社 ichinomiya Keta Jinja 4
2214 LRP口糧 LRP ration 4
2215 蘇格蘭工黨 political party Labour Party of Scotland 4
2216 拉拉比县 Larrabee County, Iowa 4
2217 利國偉 human Lee Quo-wei 4
2218 LIFE single Life (Mika Nakashima song) 4
2219 小小諾亞:樂園的後繼者 video game Little Noah: Scion of Paradise 4
2220 璃月 fictional country Liyue (Genshin Impact) 4
2221 龙华塔 pagoda Longhua Pagoda 4
2222 鄧蓮如 human Lydia Dunn, Baroness Dunn 4
2223 澳門土生葡菜 fusion cuisine Macanese cuisine 4
2224 澳門獨立 political ideology Macau independence 4
2225 狂人之鼓 wordless novel, literary work Madman's Drum 4
2226 澎湖廳城 wall Magong Old City Wall 4
2227 蒙蘇農多 human Mam Sonando 4
2228 願上帝庇佑你之靈魂 sentence May God have mercy upon your soul 4
2229 迈克尔·布朗冲绳非礼事件 assault Michael Brown Okinawa assault incident 4
2230 美並村 dissolved municipality of Japan Minami, Gifu 4
2231 摩爾莊園 browser game Mole Manor 4
2232 物部神社 ichinomiya, Mononobe shrine Mononobe Shrine 4
2233 南侨中学 high school Nan Chiau High School 4
2234 馬爾他國家檔案館 national archives National Archives of Malta 4
2235 制憲國民大會 constituent assembly National Constituent Assembly (Republic of China) 4
2236 國立虎尾高級中學 high school, public school National Huwei Senior High School 4
2237 圭亞那國家圖書館 national library National Library of Guyana 4
2238 9L號紐約州州道 road New York State Route 9L 4
2239 达西玛姨娘 film Njai Dasima (1932 film) 4
2240 澳大利亚皇家空军第38中队 squadron No. 38 Squadron RAAF 4
2241 澳大利亚皇家空军第450中队 military unit No. 450 Squadron RAAF 4
2242 诺维奇战争纪念碑 war memorial Norwich War Memorial 4
2243 小野神社 Shinto shrine, ichinomiya Ono Shrine 4
2244 柯利達 human Percy Cradock 4
2245 潛望鏡 video game Periscope (arcade game) 4
2246 屏山天水圍公共圖書館 public library Ping Shan Tin Shui Wai Public Library 4
2247 潛在熱帶氣旋AL102017 cyclone Potential Tropical Cyclone Ten 4
2248 公主道 thoroughfare Princess Margaret Road 4
2249 五號作戰 military operation Proposed Japanese invasion of Sichuan 4
2250 量子成像 Quantum imaging 4
2251 工作认真点 musical work/composition R U Professional 4
2252 最大风速半径 Radius of maximum wind 4
2253 雷電將軍 video game character, fictional deity Raiden Shogun 4
2254 罗伯特·卡斯克 human Robert Kaske 4
2255 荃錦公路 thoroughfare Route Twisk 4
2256 琉裝 Ryusou 4
2257 亚历山德里娜号护卫舰 steamboat SMS Alexandrine 4
2258 卡罗拉号护卫舰 steamboat SMS Carola 4
2259 美杜莎号护卫舰 corvette SMS Medusa (1864) 4
2260 流星号通报舰 aviso SMS Meteor (1890) 4
2261 水妖号巡洋护卫舰 cruiser corvette SMS Nixe 4
2262 阿达尔贝特亲王号护卫舰 steamboat SMS Prinz Adalbert (1876) 4
2263 西都原古墳群 kofungun Saitobaru Kofun Cluster 4
2264 埼玉古墳群 kofungun Sakitama Kofun Cluster 4
2265 燕子级巡洋舰 ship class Schwalbe-class cruiser 4
2266 2019年9月美国回购市场危机 occurrence September 2019 events in the U.S. repo market 4
2267 沙田路 controlled-access highway, thoroughfare Sha Tin Road 4
2268 沙门镇 town of China Shamen 4
2269 李福善 human Simon Li 4
2270 星风血雨 video game Sinistar: Unleashed 4
2271 想見你 film Someday or One Day (d:Q112046092) 4
2272 松江唐经幢 dhvaja pillar Songjiang Tangjing Building 4
2273 Spirit circle-魂環- manga series Spirit Circle 4
2274 住吉神社 Sumiyoshi shrine, ichinomiya Sumiyoshi Shrine (Shimonoseki) 4
2275 斯威夫特正义 television series Swift Justice 4
2276 司徒惠 human Szeto Wai 4
2277 台鐵DR3000型柴聯車 rolling stock class TRA DR2900, 3000 (d:Q10915906) 4
2278 台鐵TEMU1000型電聯車 rolling stock class TRA TEMU1000 (d:Q6504632) 4
2279 太极洞 show cave, solutional cave Taiji Cave 4
2280 台北國際書展 book fair, literary festival Taipei International Book Exhibition 4
2281 暴風雨 television series episode Tempest (Smallville) 4
2282 德士古道 street, thoroughfare, arterial road Texaco Road 4
2283 國立暨南國際大學附屬高級中學 high school, public school The Affiliated Senior High School of National Chi-Nan University 4
2284 陌生的天花板 television series episode, anime television series episode The Beast (Neon Genesis Evangelion) 4
2285 2012年牛津剑桥赛艇对抗赛 The Boat Race The Boat Race 2012 4
2286 无序之灾 two-part episode The Return of Harmony 4
2287 停前镇 town of China Tingqian 4
2288 宋庆龄墓 grave Tomb of Soong Ching Ling 4
2289 浡泥国王墓 tomb Tomb of the King of Boni 4
2290 崔西演柯南 television series episode Tracy Does Conan 4
2291 特拉維斯·勒德洛 human Travis Ludlow 4
2292 熱帶性低氣壓WP182013 cyclone Tropical Depression 18W (2013) 4
2293 2003年第九号热带低气压 tropical depression Tropical Depression Nine (2003) 4
2294 1992年第一号热带低气压 tropical depression Tropical Depression One (1992) 4
2295 2010年第二号热带低气压 tropical depression Tropical Depression Two (2010) 4
2296 2013年热带风暴安德烈亚 extratropical cyclone, tropical storm Tropical Storm Andrea (2013) 4
2297 1959年热带风暴阿琳 cyclone Tropical Storm Arlene (1959) 4
2298 2011年热带风暴布雷特 tropical storm Tropical Storm Bret (2011) 4
2299 1973年热带风暴克里斯汀 tropical storm Tropical Storm Christine (1973) 4
2300 2010年热带风暴科林 tropical storm Tropical Storm Colin (2010) 4
2301 1992年热带风暴达尼埃尔 tropical storm Tropical Storm Danielle (1992) 4
2302 1994年热带风暴黛比 tropical storm Tropical Storm Debby (1994) 4
2303 2011年热带风暴唐 tropical storm Tropical Storm Don (2011) 4
2304 1991年热带风暴法比安 tropical storm Tropical Storm Fabian (1991) 4
2305 2003年热带风暴奥德特 tropical storm Tropical Storm Odette (2003) 4
2306 热带风暴奥梅卡 tropical storm Tropical Storm Omeka 4
2307 青衣北岸公路 thoroughfare Tsing Yi North Coastal Road 4
2308 曹善允 human Tso Seen-wan 4
2309 徐步高 human Tsui Po-ko 4
2310 颱風黛娜 typhoon Typhoon Della (1968) 4
2311 颱風白海豚 cyclone, typhoon Typhoon Dolphin (2015) 4
2312 颱風鯨魚 typhoon Typhoon Kujira (2003) 4
2313 颱風瑪莉亞 typhoon Typhoon Maria (2006) 4
2314 颱風蘇迪羅 typhoon Typhoon Soudelor (2003) 4
2315 東海電視台 television station, business Tōkai Television Broadcasting 4
2316 乌拉 Ula (d:Q6856420) 4
2317 美国密苏里东部联邦地区法院 United States district court United States District Court for the Eastern District of Missouri 4
2318 華盛頓公園 park Washington Park (Chicago park) 4
2319 水之神殿 level, location in The Legend of Zelda Water Temple (Ocarina of Time) 4
2320 韋斯科特站 railway station Westcott railway station 4
2321 仙樂飄飄 film Whatever Will Be, Will Be (1995 film) 4
2322 當梅根離開的時候 literary work When Megan Went Away 4
2323 老子想尔注 commentary, written work Xiang'er 4
2324 小嶝島 island Xiaodeng Island 4
2325 山岡町 dissolved municipality of Japan Yamaoka, Gifu 4
2326 大和町 dissolved municipality of Japan Yamato, Gifu 4
2327 杨树浦水厂 infrastructure, waterworks Yangshupu Waterworks 4
2328 葉根壯 human Yeh Ken-chuang 4
2329 與止日女神社 Shinto shrine, ichinomiya Yodohime Shrine (d:Q11613317) 4
2330 雲堇 video game character, fictional human Yun Jin 4
2331 前方後圓墳 architectural style Zenpokoenfun 4
2332 1980年夏季奥林匹克运动会津巴布韦女子国家曲棍球队 national sports team Zimbabwe women's national field hockey team at the 1980 Summer Olympics 4
2333 川汉铁路 railway line ✗ (d:Q11055380) 3
2334 賄征伐 protest ✗ (d:Q11634977) 3
2335 許雲基 human ✗ (d:Q21040480) 3
2336 1815年北卡罗莱纳飓风 cyclone 1815 North Carolina hurricane 3
2337 1853年大西洋飓风季 Atlantic hurricane season 1853 Atlantic hurricane season 3
2338 1855年大西洋飓风季 Atlantic hurricane season 1855 Atlantic hurricane season 3
2339 1856年大西洋飓风季 Atlantic hurricane season 1856 Atlantic hurricane season 3
2340 1857年大西洋飓风季 Atlantic hurricane season 1857 Atlantic hurricane season 3
2341 1869年大西洋飓风季 Atlantic hurricane season 1869 Atlantic hurricane season 3
2342 1884年大西洋飓风季 Atlantic hurricane season 1884 Atlantic hurricane season 3
2343 1887年万圣节热带风暴 North Atlantic tropical cyclone 1887 Halloween tropical storm 3
2344 1896年大西洋飓风季 Atlantic hurricane season 1896 Atlantic hurricane season 3
2345 1896年美国东岸飓风 cyclone 1896 East Coast hurricane 3
2346 1899年卡拉贝尔飓风 North Atlantic tropical cyclone 1899 Carrabelle hurricane 3
2347 1900年大西洋飓风季 Atlantic hurricane season 1900 Atlantic hurricane season 3
2348 1902年阿图什地震 earthquake 1902 Turkestan earthquake 3
2349 1909年大安的列斯群岛飓风 North Atlantic tropical cyclone 1909 Greater Antilles hurricane 3
2350 1913年大西洋飓风季 Atlantic hurricane season 1913 Atlantic hurricane season 3
2351 1917年大西洋飓风季 Atlantic hurricane season 1917 Atlantic hurricane season 3
2352 1929年大西洋飓风季 Atlantic hurricane season 1929 Atlantic hurricane season 3
2353 1932年弗里波特飓风 North Atlantic tropical cyclone 1932 Freeport hurricane 3
2354 1933年古巴—巴哈马飓风 North Atlantic tropical cyclone 1933 Cuba–Bahamas hurricane 3
2355 1933年古巴—布朗斯维尔飓风 North Atlantic tropical cyclone 1933 Cuba–Brownsville hurricane 3
2356 1939年大西洋飓风季 Atlantic hurricane season 1939 Atlantic hurricane season 3
2357 1941年德克萨斯飓风 North Atlantic tropical cyclone 1941 Texas hurricane 3
2358 1952年土拨鼠节热带风暴 tropical storm 1952 Groundhog Day tropical storm 3
2359 1973年太平洋飓风季 Pacific hurricane season 1973 Pacific hurricane season 3
2360 1982年佛罗里达亚热带风暴 subtropical cyclone, tropical storm 1982 Florida subtropical storm 3
2361 1987年太平洋飓风季 Pacific hurricane season 1987 Pacific hurricane season 3
2362 天安门毛泽东像污损案 vandalism 1989 Mao portrait vandalism incident 3
2363 1998年美国国会大厦枪击事件 shooting 1998 United States Capitol shooting 3
2364 2000年伊利诺伊州第一国会选区选举 public election 2000 Illinois's 1st congressional district election 3
2365 2011年格雷羅州地震 earthquake 2011 Guerrero earthquake 3
2366 2012年广西龙江镉污染事件 2012 Guangxi cadmium spill 3
2367 2013年紐西蘭冬季風暴 storm 2013 New Zealand winter storm 3
2368 2015年新疆皮山地震 earthquake 2015 Pishan earthquake 3
2369 2018年浦項地震 earthquake 2018 Pohang earthquake (d:Q48472827) 3
2370 上海浦北路持刀杀人案 murder 2018 Shanghai stabbings 3
2371 2019年自贡地震 earthquake 2019 Zigong earthquake 3
2372 2020年喀什地震 earthquake 2020 Kashgar earthquake 3
2373 2019年7月26日香港集會 processional parade 26 July 2019 Hong Kong anti-extradition bill protest (d:Q65974929) 3
2374 植劇場—花甲男孩轉大人 television series A Boy Named Flora A (d:Q42250009) 3
2375 艾比 television series Abby (TV series) 3
2376 鍾愛理遜 human Alison Bell (politician) 3
2377 鬼馬智多星 film All the Wrong Clues for the Right Solution 3
2378 阿美士德使团 diplomatic mission Amherst Embassy (d:Q124581425) 3
2379 安徽师范大学 university, organization Anhui Normal University 3
2380 安妮·沃伯頓 human Anne Warburton 3
2381 玉环市档案馆 Archives of Yuhuan 3
2382 阿里阿德涅级护卫舰 ship class Ariadne-class corvette 3
2383 歧樂嘉 human Arthur Grenfell Clarke 3
2384 摩士 human Arthur Morse 3
2385 奥古斯塔级护卫舰 Augusta-class corvette 3
2386 锫化合物 structural class of chemical entities Berkelium compounds 3
2387 毕士悌 human Bi Shiti (d:Q16884066) 3
2388 黑领带 television series episode Black Tie (30 Rock) 3
2389 一拳書館 bookstore Book Punch (d:Q107613538) 3
2390 Can't Wait 'Til Christmas musical work/composition Can't Wait 'Til Christmas 3
2391 陳鑑泉 human Chan Kam-chuen 3
2392 车耀先 human Che Yaoxian 3
2393 秩父橋 bridge Chichibu Bridge (d:Q11596146) 3
2394 新加坡布政司 position Chief Secretary (Singapore) 3
2395 芒市土司 Tusi Chiefdom of Mangshi 3
2396 勐卯土司 Chiefdom of Mengmao 3
2397 克里斯·菲尔德 human Chris Field (composer) 3
2398 郭克時 human Christopher Cox (British educationist) 3
2399 城巴20線 bus route Citybus Route 20 3
2400 1753年婚姻法令 Act of the Parliament of Great Britain Clandestine Marriages Act 1753 3
2401 克利夫兰 television series episode Cleveland (30 Rock) 3
2402 库特 television series episode Cooter (30 Rock) 3
2403 企业挤压 television series episode Corporate Crush 3
2404 美洲狮 television series episode Cougars (30 Rock) 3
2405 D·F·蘭杜 human D. F. Landale 3
2406 D37/38次列车 train service D37/38 Beijing-Hankou EMU Train (d:Q15910991) 3
2407 麥道高 human David Mercer MacDougall 3
2408 特拉华州三百周年半美元 coin type Delaware Tercentenary half dollar 3
2409 梁子穎 human Dennis Leung 3
2410 唐纳德·特朗普 television segment Donald Trump (Last Week Tonight with John Oliver) 3
2411 选派艾森豪威尔运动 draft Draft Eisenhower movement 3
2412 地震 television series episode Earthquake (Modern Family) 3
2413 戴斯德 human Edmund Brinsley Teesdale 3
2414 夏理德 human Edwin Richard Hallifax 3
2415 飓风伊莎贝尔对弗吉尼亚州的影响 Effects of Hurricane Isabel in Virginia 3
2416 埃利亚斯·亚伯拉罕·罗森伯格 human Elias Abraham Rosenberg 3
2417 埃尔金斯诉合众国案 legal case, United States Supreme Court decision Elkins v. United States 3
2418 第210集 television series episode Episode 210 3
2419 铕化合物 structural class of chemical entities Europium compounds 3
2420 延長母乳喂养 Extended breastfeeding 3
2421 焰火 television series episode Fireworks (30 Rock) 3
2422 七魚宴 television series episode Fishes (The Bear) 3
2423 餐叉 television series episode Forks (The Bear) 3
2424 史釗域 human Frederick Stewart (colonial administrator) 3
2425 格伦佐 television series episode Greenzo 3
2426 海宝塔 pagoda Haibao Pagoda (d:Q1569030) 3
2427 濱松市立中央圖書館 library Hamamatsu Shiritsu Chūō Toshokan (d:Q41761492) 3
2428 恶战 television series episode Hard Ball 3
2429 神魂颠倒 television series Head over Heels (American TV series) 3
2430 裂缝 television series episode Hiatus (30 Rock) 3
2431 萬宜羈留中心 refugee camp High Island Detention Centre 3
2432 1963年飓风阿琳 North Atlantic tropical cyclone Hurricane Arlene (1963) 3
2433 1987年飓风阿琳 Category 1 hurricane Hurricane Arlene (1987) 3
2434 1990年飓风伯莎 Category 1 hurricane Hurricane Bertha (1990) 3
2435 1992年飓风邦尼 Category 2 hurricane Hurricane Bonnie (1992) 3
2436 1973年飓风布伦达 Category 1 hurricane Hurricane Brenda (1973) 3
2437 1953年飓风卡罗尔 North Atlantic tropical cyclone Hurricane Carol (1953) 3
2438 2013年飓风埃里克 Category 1 hurricane Hurricane Erick (2013) 3
2439 1953年飓风佛罗伦萨 North Atlantic tropical cyclone Hurricane Florence (1953) 3
2440 1979年飓风亨利 Category 1 hurricane Hurricane Henri (1979) 3
2441 2003年飓风伊格纳西奥 Category 2 hurricane Hurricane Ignacio (2003) 3
2442 1980年飓风珍妮 Category 2 hurricane Hurricane Jeanne (1980) 3
2443 2003年飓风希梅纳 Category 2 hurricane Hurricane Jimena (2003) 3
2444 2003年飓风凯特 Category 3 hurricane Hurricane Kate (2003) 3
2445 1981年飓风卡特里娜 Category 1 hurricane Hurricane Katrina (1981) 3
2446 颶風金 Category 4 hurricane Hurricane King 3
2447 1990年飓风丽丽 Category 1 hurricane Hurricane Lili (1990) 3
2448 1998年飓风玛德琳 Category 1 hurricane Hurricane Madeline (1998) 3
2449 1998年飓风妮科尔 Category 1 hurricane Hurricane Nicole (d:Q8357070) 3
2450 飓风奥尔加 Category 1 hurricane Hurricane Olga 3
2451 2010年飓风奥托 Category 1 hurricane Hurricane Otto (2010) 3
2452 2012年飓风保罗 Category 3 hurricane Hurricane Paul (2012) 3
2453 飓风保拉 Category 2 hurricane Hurricane Paula 3
2454 飓风拉蒙 Category 4 hurricane Hurricane Ramon 3
2455 胡薩維克 musical work/composition Husavik (song) 3
2456 一途 single Ichizu/Sakayume 3
2457 岛屿:虚无之地 video game Islands: Non-Places 3
2458 哈文斯·理查兹 human J. Havens Richards 3
2459 杰克入局 television series episode Jack Gets in the Game 3
2460 杰克遇上丹尼斯 television series episode Jack Meets Dennis 3
2461 作家杰克 television series episode Jack the Writer 3
2462 杰克托尔 television series episode Jack-Tor 3
2463 珍妮 television series episode Janet(s) 3
2464 夹边沟农场 Jiabiangou 3
2465 Jiao (commercial guild) 3
2466 2016年7月黃淮氣旋 cyclone July 2016 North China cyclone 3
2467 2020年阿拉斯加地震 earthquake July 2020 Alaska Peninsula earthquake 3
2468 九龍巴士213M線 bus route KMB Route 213M (d:Q24698189) 3
2469 過海隧道巴士P960線 bus route KMB Route P960 (d:Q55707962) 3
2470 過海隧道巴士P968線 bus route KMB Route P968 (d:Q55708142) 3
2471 海津町 dissolved municipality of Japan Kaizu (d:Q17177011) 3
2472 神里綾華 video game character, fictional human Kamisato Ayaka 3
2473 周永勤 human Ken Chow Wing Kan 3
2474 樂品淳 human Kenneth Robinson (historian) 3
2475 林錦公路 road Lam Kam Road (d:Q11107094) 3
2476 兰开夏燧发枪团战争纪念碑 war memorial Lancashire Fusiliers War Memorial 3
2477 福克蘭群島地雷問題 Land mines in the Falkland Islands 3
2478 莱比锡级护卫舰 ship class Leipzig-class corvette 3
2479 李福樹 human Li Fook-shu 3
2480 李子方 human Li Tse-fong 3
2481 小阿普爾蓋特河 river Little Applegate River 3
2482 中央杭州飞机制造厂 business Loiwing factory (d:Q43272343) 3
2483 鲁达圣诞节 television series episode Ludachristmas 3
2484 辣妈岛 television series episode MILF Island 3
2485 木蘭路 road Magnolia Way 3
2486 曼尼拿到了你的枪 television series episode Manny Get Your Gun 3
2487 馬倫巴 video game Marienbad (video game) 3
2488 結婚執照 painting Marriage License 3
2489 梅尔斯战争纪念碑 war memorial Mells War Memorial 3
2490 仁心港湾 television series Mercy Point 3
2491 李栢儉 human Miles Jackson-Lipkin 3
2492 見努世友 tekagami, Kotenseki Minuyo no Tomo (d:Q11630153) 3
2493 美山町 dissolved municipality of Japan Miyama (d:Q11609043) 3
2494 納西妲 video game character, fictional deity, fictional head of state Nahida (d:Q115232300) 3
2495 南京市金陵中学 secondary school Nanjing Jinling High School 3
2496 Night Diver single Night Diver 3
2497 澳大利亚皇家空军第90大队 military unit No. 90 Wing RAAF 3
2498 澳大利亚皇家空军第91大队 military unit No. 91 Wing RAAF 3
2499 史美 human Norman Lockhart Smith 3
2500 北部社区高中 high school North Community High School 3
2501 东北铁路战争纪念碑 World War I memorial North Eastern Railway War Memorial 3
2502 北安普敦战争纪念碑 war memorial Northampton War Memorial 3
2503 2016年11月越南熱帶低氣壓 tropical cyclone November 2016 Vietnam tropical depression 3
2504 宁芙级护卫舰 ship class Nymphe-class corvette 3
2505 善待动物组织的讽刺网页游戏 video game series PETA satirical browser games 3
2506 潘季驯 human Pan Jixun 3
2507 澎湖觀音亭 Chinese temple Penghu Guanyin Temple 3
2508 试播集 television series episode Pilot (30 Rock) 3
2509 寶琳路 road, street, thoroughfare Po Lam Road (d:Q8425354) 3
2510 普仁街 road Po Yan Street (d:Q15923579) 3
2511 潛在熱帶氣旋EP172019 Potential Tropical Cyclone Seventeen-E 3
2512 纯洁心灵·逐梦演艺圈 film Pure Hearts: Into Chinese Showbiz 3
2513 青岛观象台 observatory, cultural heritage Qingdao Observatory 3
2514 何文匯 human Richard Ho (d:Q10886230) 3
2515 罗奇代尔纪念碑 cenotaph, war memorial Rochdale Cenotaph 3
2516 陳仲尼 human Rock Chen 3
2517 罗丝玛丽的婴儿 television series episode Rosemary's Baby (30 Rock) 3
2518 弗蕾亚号护卫舰 corvette SMS Freya (1874) 3
2519 狩猎号通报舰 aviso SMS Jagd 3
2520 路易丝号护卫舰 ship SMS Luise 3
2521 燕子号巡洋舰 steamboat SMS Schwalbe (1887) 3
2522 雀鹰号巡洋舰 steamboat SMS Sperber (1888) 3
2523 维多利亚号护卫舰 steamboat SMS Victoria 3
2524 西樓角花園 urban park Sai Lau Kok Garden (d:Q80161201) 3
2525 佐美長神社 Shinto shrine Saminaga Shrine (d:Q17209205) 3
2526 散木奇歌集 kashū Sanboku Kikashū (d:Q104696651) 3
2527 三明治节 television series episode Sandwich Day 3
2528 撒尼人 Sani people 3
2529 跟我的小朋友说声好 television series episode Say Hello to My Little Friend (Awake) 3
2530 独家新闻 magazine Scoops (magazine) 3
2531 秘密与谎言 television series episode Secrets and Lies (30 Rock) 3
2532 宋飞的视野 television series episode SeinfeldVision 3
2533 福州市初中毕业会考、高级中等学校招生考试 Senior High School Entrance Examination in Fuzhou (d:Q17208667) 3
2534 靜岡市立御幸町圖書館 library, public library Shizuoka Municipal Miyuki-cho Library (d:Q28056321) 3
2535 詹姆斯·阿什利之死 death Shooting of James Ashley 3
2536 站点隔离 architectural element Site isolation 3
2537 拖累邻居 television series episode Slow Down Your Neighbors 3
2538 苏格拉底·尼尔森 human Socrates Nelson 3
2539 有人爱 television series episode Somebody to Love (30 Rock) 3
2540 地铁英雄 television series episode Subway Hero 3
2541 继任 television series episode Succession (30 Rock) 3
2542 硫磺溪 stream Sulphur Creek (California) 3
2543 超级科幻 magazine Super-Science Fiction 3
2544 萨顿胡头盔 sculpture Sutton Hoo Helmet (sculpture) 3
2545 劍與魔法 video game Swords and Sorcery (video game) 3
2546 金錫儀 human Sydney Caine 3
2547 太原戰役 military campaign Taiyuan campaign 3
2548 台州市图书馆 library Taizhou Library 3
2549 台州博物馆 museum Taizhou Museum 3
2550 鄧肇堅 human Tang Shiu-kin 3
2551 臺北製糖所 sugar refinery, cultural center Tangbu Cultural Park 3
2552 遊魂2 -you're the only one- video game Tayutama 2: You're the Only One (d:Q22129424) 3
2553 后果 television series episode The Aftermath (30 Rock) 3
2554 幼儿节目 television series episode The Baby Show 3
2555 1993年牛津剑桥赛艇对抗赛 The Boat Race The Boat Race 1993 3
2556 分手 television series episode The Break-Up (30 Rock) 3
2557 C开头的那个词 television series episode The C Word (30 Rock) 3
2558 收藏 television series episode The Collection (30 Rock) 3
2559 战斗的爱尔兰人 television series episode The Fighting Irish 3
2560 头与头发 television series episode The Head and the Hair 3
2561 乡村陪审员 television series episode The Rural Juror 3
2562 源头奖 television series episode The Source Awards (30 Rock) 3
2563 天津大剧院 theatre building Tianjin Grand Theatre 3
2564 汀角路 thoroughfare Ting Kok Road (d:Q7223994) 3
2565 2010年第五号热带低气压 tropical depression Tropical Depression Five (2010) 3
2566 1987年第十四号热带低气压 tropical depression Tropical Depression Fourteen (1987) 3
2567 熱帶性低氣壓WP172024 tropical cyclone, cyclone, tropical depression Tropical Depression Igme (2024) 3
2568 2001年第九号热带低气压 tropical depression Tropical Depression Nine (2001) 3
2569 1993年第一号热带低气压 tropical depression Tropical Depression One (1993) 3
2570 2006年第二E号热带低气压 tropical depression Tropical Depression Two-E (2006) 3
2571 2006年热带风暴阿莱塔 tropical cyclone, tropical storm Tropical Storm Aletta (d:Q3517869) 3
2572 1953年热带风暴爱丽丝 cyclone Tropical Storm Alice (1953) 3
2573 2007年热带风暴达利拉 tropical storm Tropical Storm Dalila (2007) 3
2574 1983年热带风暴迪安 tropical storm Tropical Storm Dean (1983) 3
2575 1979年热带风暴艾琳娜 tropical storm Tropical Storm Elena (1979) 3
2576 2013年热带风暴弗洛西 tropical storm Tropical Storm Flossie (2013) 3
2577 2010年热带风暴乔吉特 tropical storm Tropical Storm Georgette (2010) 3
2578 1965年热带风暴黑兹尔 cyclone Tropical Storm Hazel (1965) 3
2579 1997年热带风暴伊格纳西奥 tropical storm Tropical Storm Ignacio (1997) 3
2580 热带风暴拉里 tropical storm Tropical Storm Larry (2003) 3
2581 热带风暴尼古拉斯 tropical storm Tropical Storm Nicholas (2003) 3
2582 2012年热带风暴诺曼 tropical storm Tropical Storm Norman (2012) 3
2583 陳文理 human Trần Văn Lý (d:Q10829604) 3
2584 颱風布倫達 cyclone Typhoon Brenda (1989) 3
2585 颱風曼莉 typhoon Typhoon Marie (1954) 3
2586 颱風比芝 typhoon Typhoon Page 3
2587 41號美國國道商業線 road U.S. Route 41 Business (Marquette, Michigan) 3
2588 丑陋 television series episode Ugly (House) 3
2589 怪誕故事 magazine Uncanny Stories (magazine) 3
2590 熬夜 television series episode Up All Night (30 Rock) 3
2591 历险科幻 magazine Venture Science Fiction 3
2592 白色约定 written work Vision in White 3
2593 譚雅士 human W. N. T. Tam 3
2594 宏昌工廠大廈 industrial building Wang Cheong Factory Estate (d:Q107000502) 3
2595 四马拒孙之役 conflict War in Ningxia (1934) 3
2596 香港供水 aspect in a geographic region Water supply and sanitation in Hong Kong 3
2597 威尔·布雷迪 human Will P. Brady 3
2598 漆咸 human William Chatham 3
2599 威廉·莫格福德·哈姆勒特 human William Mogford Hamlet 3
2600 威斯康星领地百年纪念半美元 coin type Wisconsin Territorial Centennial half dollar 3
2601 萧光琰 human Xiao Guangyan 3
2602 天津市耀华中学 high school Yaohua High School 3
2603 约克市战争纪念碑 war memorial York City War Memorial 3
2604 缅因州约克县三百周年半美元 coin type York County, Maine, Tercentenary half dollar 3
2605 裕民坊公共運輸交匯處 bus station Yue Man Square Public Transport Interchange (d:Q106353485) 3
2606 玉环市图书馆 library Yuhuan Library 3
2607 海拉爾日軍工事及萬人坑遺址 cultural heritage ✗ (d:Q11558943) 2
2608 福宁山民会馆 cultural heritage ✗ (d:Q17029809) 2
2609 如心園 urban park ✗ (d:Q19644086) 2
2610 許玉釧 human ✗ (d:Q22998587) 2
2611 2017年米林地震 earthquake ✗ (d:Q43283075) 2
2612 魏可镁 human ✗ (d:Q48645555) 2
2613 讓對話更有溫度「接納篇」 advertising, viral video ✗ (d:Q48900439) 2
2614 西環契仔契女 political term ✗ (d:Q55697191) 2
2615 荃威花園空姐衣櫃藏屍案 ✗ (d:Q55718546) 2
2616 WINGS mini album ✗ (d:Q118977989) 2
2617 Gold ~直到重逢之日~ single ✗ (d:Q124483257) 2
2618 1898年乔治亚飓风 North Atlantic tropical cyclone 1898 Georgia hurricane 2
2619 1909年韦拉斯科飓风 North Atlantic tropical cyclone 1909 Velasco hurricane 2
2620 1912年牙买加飓风 cyclone 1912 Jamaica hurricane 2
2621 1917年新赫罗纳飓风 North Atlantic tropical cyclone 1917 Nueva Gerona hurricane 2
2622 1920年大西洋飓风季 Atlantic hurricane season 1920 Atlantic hurricane season 2
2623 1926年路易斯安那飓风 North Atlantic tropical cyclone 1926 Louisiana hurricane 2
2624 1933年外滩群岛飓风 North Atlantic tropical cyclone 1933 Outer Banks hurricane 2
2625 1933年德克萨斯热带风暴 North Atlantic tropical cyclone 1933 Texas tropical storm 2
2626 1933年特立尼达飓风 North Atlantic tropical cyclone 1933 Trinidad hurricane 2
2627 1940年南卡罗莱纳飓风 North Atlantic tropical cyclone 1940 South Carolina hurricane 2
2628 1942年伯利兹飓风 North Atlantic tropical cyclone 1942 Belize hurricane 2
2629 1942年马塔戈达飓风 North Atlantic tropical cyclone 1942 Matagorda hurricane 2
2630 1946年大西洋飓风季 Atlantic hurricane season 1946 Atlantic hurricane season 2
2631 1949年德克萨斯飓风 North Atlantic tropical cyclone 1949 Texas hurricane 2
2632 1970年爱达荷州州长选举 gubernatorial election 1970 Idaho gubernatorial election 2
2633 1973年阿拉斯加州单一国会选区特别选举 public election 1973 Alaska's at-large congressional district special election 2
2634 1975年太平洋西北地區颶風 Category 1 hurricane 1975 Pacific Northwest hurricane 2
2635 1979年太平洋颶風季 Pacific hurricane season 1979 Pacific hurricane season 2
2636 1987年墨西哥湾热带风暴 tropical storm 1987 Gulf Coast tropical storm 2
2637 1989年佛罗里达州第十八国会选区特别选举 public election 1989 Florida's 18th congressional district special election 2
2638 2007年澳門勞動節遊行 protest 2007 Macau labour protest 2
2639 2012年美国联邦预算 budget 2012 United States federal budget 2
2640 2013年科罗拉多州罢免选举 recall election 2013 Colorado recall election 2
2641 2017年中国朝鲜族灯光节 2017 CXZ Light Festival (d:Q55234316) 2
2642 葵涌警署外衝突 conflict 30 July 2019 Kwai Chung, Hong Kong anti-extradition bill protest (d:Q66102753) 2
2643 美利坚联盟国密苏里州第4步兵团 infantry regiment 4th Missouri Infantry Regiment (Confederate) 2
2644 淘气小兵兵的宽扎节 television series episode A Rugrats Kwanzaa 2
2645 A·W·白克 human A. W. Burkill (d:Q70681528) 2
2646 許敬雅 human Arthur Hacker (illustrator) 2
2647 朝日放送電視台 television station, broadcaster Asahi Television Broadcasting Corporation (d:Q11188768) 2
2648 香港警察向清真寺發射藍色水炮事件 offensive Attack by Hong Kong Police near Kowloon Mosque (d:Q85885310) 2
2649 馬場都都古別神社 Shinto shrine, ichinomiya Baba Tsutsukowake Shrine (d:Q114593121) 2
2650 雀仔園坊 city block Bairro Horta da Mitra (d:Q15896416) 2
2651 富滇银行纸币 banknote Banknotes of the Fu-Tien Bank (d:Q78460949) 2
2652 八通關 mountain pass Batongguan (d:Q10892426) 2
2653 水沙連之役 battle Battle of Shui-sha-lian (d:Q60078371) 2
2654 圣查尔斯之战 battle Battle of St. Charles 2
2655 潍县战役 conflict Battle of Weixian 2
2656 京密引水渠 canal Beijing–Miyun Diversion Canal (d:Q10883147) 2
2657 比克斯比的回归 television series episode Bixby's Back 2
2658 桃園捷運藍線 proposed railway line Blue Line (d:Q4929375) 2
2659 刺刺龜殼 power-up, fictional object, fictional weapon Blue shell 2
2660 C·C·羅拔士 human C. C. Roberts 2
2661 C·哥頓·麥基 human C. Gordon Mackie 2
2662 C·R·白克 human C. R. Burkill (d:Q67593255) 2
2663 高雄市輪船公司旗福一號 ferry, electric boat CHI FU NO.1 (d:Q130900111) 2
2664 華里士 human Cedric Wallis 2
2665 查德·哈里斯-克兰 fictional human, television character Chad Harris-Crane 2
2666 钱德勒福特枪击案 attempted robbery Chandler's Ford shooting 2
2667 義德 human Charles Montague Ede 2
2668 城关中心菜市场 farmers' market Cheng Guan Centre Market (d:Q88383329) 2
2669 玉环市城关第一初级中学 middle school Chengguan No.1 Middle School of Yuhuan City (d:Q56273035) 2
2670 池州市第一中学 high school Chizhou No.1 Middle School (d:Q107859320) 2
2671 嘉義市東區崇文國民小學 public school, , National Primary School Chung-Wen Elementary School (d:Q72283995) 2
2672 城巴12A線 bus route Citybus Route 12A (d:Q10929788) 2
2673 城巴20A線 bus route Citybus Route 20A (d:Q116786998) 2
2674 城巴7號線 bus route Citybus Route 7 (d:Q10929841) 2
2675 城巴78X線 bus route Citybus Route 78X (d:Q109947715) 2
2676 城巴79X線 bus route Citybus Route 79X (d:Q109996958) 2
2677 香港居民巴士NR88線 bus route Citybus Route 88R (d:Q15906911) 2
2678 過海隧道巴士W1線 bus route Citybus Route W1 (d:Q56879699) 2
2679 城巴A29P線 bus route Cityflyer Route A29P (d:Q60988963) 2
2680 城巴A21線 bus route Cityflyer Routes A21 and NA21 (d:Q10929863) 2
2681 果子貍SARS冠狀病毒 taxon, strain Civet SARS-CoV 2
2682 Crispy Gamer website Crispy Gamer 2
2683 過海隧道巴士900線 bus route Cross-Harbour Bus Route 900 (d:Q106627302) 2
2684 尖刀蛏 taxon Cultellus subellipticus (d:Q115114522) 2
2685 气旋西纳 cyclone Cyclone Sina 2
2686 熱帶氣旋塔姆 cyclone Cyclone Tam 2
2687 強烈熱帶氣旋瓦亞努 cyclone Cyclone Vaianu 2
2688 林思顯 human Daniel Lam (businessman) 2
2689 DeSmogBlog website DeSmog 2
2690 康士 human Derek Cons 2
2691 鄧律敦治 human Dhun Jehangir Ruttonjee 2
2692 龙鲨属 fossil taxon Dracopristis 2
2693 強震即時警報 Earthquake Early Warning (d:Q21041603) 2
2694 戴維德 human Edgeworth David (colonial administrator) 2
2695 李國士 human Edward Hewitt Nichols 2
2696 戴磊華 human Edward Tyrer 2
2697 飓风伊莎贝尔对纽约州和新英格兰的影响 Effects of Hurricane Isabel in New York and New England 2
2698 伊芙·罗素 fictional human, television character Eve Russell 2
2699 會展站公共運輸交匯處 bus station Exhibition Centre Station Public Transport Interchange (d:Q112027967) 2
2700 寻找手艺 television series Exploring the Art of Chinese Handicraft 2
2701 法子英和劳荣枝 couple, duo Fa Ziying and Lao Rongzhi 2
2702 荃灣行人天橋網絡 footbridge Footbridge Network in Tsuen Wan 2
2703 胶澳皇家邮政局 museum Former German Imperial Post Office, Qingdao (d:Q15942934) 2
2704 青岛德国海军军官俱乐部 cultural heritage Former German Naval Officer's Casino, Qingdao (d:Q72084532) 2
2705 青岛老舍故居 cultural heritage, residence Former Residence of Lao She in Qingdao (d:Q17028628) 2
2706 G8与王牌战机 pulp magazine G-8 and His Battle Aces 2
2707 麻恭 human George Alexander Malcolm 2
2708 好警察坏狗狗 television series episode Good Cop Bad Dog 2
2709 1996年高城山火 wildfire Goseong Wild Fire Disaster (d:Q16184373) 2
2710 許光漢 album Greg Han (album) 2
2711 貴港市圖書館 library Guigang Library (d:Q120655377) 2
2712 国华珠算博物馆 museum Guohua Abacus Museum (d:Q85877862) 2
2713 Gurl.com website Gurl.com 2
2714 赤裸裸的心 single Hadaka no Kokoro (d:Q97636398) 2
2715 林育英 human Hao Zhang (d:Q8337276) 2
2716 哈尔滨儿童公园 park Harbin Children's Park (d:Q113461284) 2
2717 哈爾濱市人民防洪勝利紀念塔 monument Harbin Flood Control Memorial Tower (d:Q10922178) 2
2718 哈维·库兹曼的丛林之书 graphic novel Harvey Kurtzman's Jungle Book 2
2719 赫夫南诉帕特森市案 legal case Heffernan v. City of Paterson 2
2720 喜靈洲懲教設施 Hei Ling Chau Correctional Institution (d:Q10923658) 2
2721 甘弼仕 human Henry Gompertz 2
2722 和平工業專用港 harbor Heping Industrial Harbour (d:Q55694919) 2
2723 伊麗莎白二世女王陛下80歲生日肖像 painting Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II – An 80th Birthday Portrait 2
2724 合生大桥 cable-stayed bridge Hesheng Bridge (d:Q64585134) 2
2725 宁波历史 aspect of history History of Ningbo 2
2726 何中中 human Ho Chung Chung 2
2727 海因里希亲王饭店 Hotel Prinz Heinrich (d:Q30944691) 2
2728 惠州市图书馆 library Huizhou Tsz Wan Library (d:Q66413754) 2
2729 1962年飓风阿尔玛 North Atlantic tropical cyclone Hurricane Alma (1962) 2
2730 1970年飓风阿尔玛 Category 1 hurricane Hurricane Alma (1970) 2
2731 1953年飓风芭芭拉 North Atlantic tropical cyclone Hurricane Barbara (1953) 2
2732 1986年飓风邦尼 Category 1 hurricane Hurricane Bonnie (1986) 2
2733 飓风嘉莉 North Atlantic tropical cyclone Hurricane Carrie 2
2734 1962年飓风黛西 North Atlantic tropical cyclone Hurricane Daisy (1962) 2
2735 1978年飓风埃拉 Category 4 hurricane Hurricane Ella (1978) 2
2736 1987年飓风尤金 Category 2 hurricane Hurricane Eugene (1987) 2
2737 飓风费法 Category 3 hurricane Hurricane Fefa 2
2738 1973年飓风弗兰 Category 1 hurricane Hurricane Fran (1973) 2
2739 2010年飓风弗兰克 Category 1 hurricane Hurricane Frank (2010) 2
2740 1956年飓风格雷塔 North Atlantic tropical cyclone Hurricane Greta (1956) 2
2741 1995年飓风朱丽叶 Category 4 hurricane Hurricane Juliette (1995) 2
2742 1998年飓风莱斯特 Category 3 hurricane Hurricane Lester (1998) 2
2743 1984年飓风丽丽 Category 1 hurricane Hurricane Lili (1984) 2
2744 1976年飓风玛德琳 Category 4 hurricane Hurricane Madeline (1976) 2
2745 2003年飓风诺拉 Category 2 hurricane Hurricane Nora (2003) 2
2746 2003年飓风奥拉夫 Category 1 hurricane Hurricane Olaf (2003) 2
2747 1975年飓风奥利维亚 Category 3 hurricane Hurricane Olivia (1975) 2
2748 颶風奧蒂斯 Category 2 hurricane Hurricane Otis (2005) 2
2749 1997年飓风里克 Category 2 hurricane Hurricane Rick (1997) 2
2750 死之岛 video game Isle of the Dead (video game) 2
2751 J·T·墨菲 human James Thomas Murfee (d:Q30094578) 2
2752 詹姆斯·伍德·布什 human James Wood Bush 2
2753 接山镇 town of China Jieshan Town (d:Q11078115) 2
2754 燕山立交桥 interchange Jinan Yanshan Interchange (d:Q97141572) 2
2755 九原岗北朝壁画墓 cemetery Jiuyuangang (d:Q17015726) 2
2756 祈理士 human John Calvert Griffiths 2
2757 胡階森 human John Colville Hutchison (d:Q22774402) 2
2758 傅瑞憲 human John Fraser (British Army officer, born 1896) 2
2759 李德宏 human John Morrison Riddell-Swan (d:Q15897367) 2
2760 華樂庭 human John Walden 2
2761 華智禮 human John Worsley (British Army officer) 2
2762 九龍巴士30線 bus route KMB Route 30 (d:Q10879332) 2
2763 九龍巴士39A線 bus route KMB Route 39A (d:Q10879357) 2
2764 九龍巴士39M線 bus route KMB Route 39M (d:Q10879358) 2
2765 九龍巴士61M線 bus route KMB Route 61M (d:Q15900581) 2
2766 九龍巴士W2線 bus route KMB Route W2 (d:Q56705092) 2
2767 凯蒂·乔普林 television series Katie Joplin 2
2768 彭德 human Kenneth Myer Arthur Barnett (d:Q11069818) 2
2769 刻晴 video game character, fictional human Keqing (d:Q107287676) 2
2770 葵涌公園 urban park Kwai Chung Park (d:Q15925481) 2
2771 龍運巴士A41線 bus route LWB Route A41 (d:Q11180677) 2
2772 叶籁士 human Laishi Ye (d:Q6845391) 2
2773 林子豐 human Lam Chi - fung (d:Q11105938) 2
2774 藍田公共運輸交匯處 transport hub Lam Tin Public Transport Interchange (d:Q15898498) 2
2775 冷楚 human Leng Chu (d:Q109173838) 2
2776 李福和 human Li Fook-wo 2
2777 自由灣 racehorse Liberty Bay (d:Q118383453) 2
2778 林漢河 human Lim Han Hoe 2
2779 賴廉士 human Lindsay Tasman Ride 2
2780 生活書社 bookstore Living Bookspace (d:Q89167391) 2
2781 丸子與銀河龍 video game Marco & The Galaxy Dragon (d:Q85873991) 2
2782 马默杜克-沃克决斗 duel Marmaduke–Walker duel 2
2783 羅能士 human Martin Rowlands (civil servant) 2
2784 忠烈祠 shrine Martyrs' Shrine (Taiwan) 2
2785 梅多溪 river Meadow Brook (Lackawanna River tributary) 2
2786 飓风乔治的气象历史 aspect of history Meteorological history of Hurricane Georges 2
2787 飓风米奇的气象历史 events in a specific year or time period Meteorological history of Hurricane Mitch 2
2788 祁濟時 human Michael David Irving Gass 2
2789 美幾 human Miki (d:Q17211466) 2
2790 826號密西西比州州道 road Mississippi Highway 826 2
2791 902號密西西比州州道 road Mississippi Highway 902 2
2792 莫幹生 human Mok Kon-sang (d:Q15896965) 2
2793 見山書店 bookstore Mount Zero Books (d:Q106944971) 2
2794 新加坡智障人士福利促进会 business Movement for the Intellectually Disabled of Singapore 2
2795 我的書房 bookstore My Book Room (d:Q108584189) 2
2796 新大嶼山巴士36線 bus route NLB Route 36 (d:Q15913800) 2
2797 城巴3A線 bus route NWFB Route 3A (d:Q11082425) 2
2798 藤原長方 human Nagakata Fujiwara (d:Q11623620) 2
2799 新中橫公路 highway New Central Cross-Island Highway (d:Q11080967) 2
2800 伍漢墀 human Ng Hon-tsz 2
2801 镍化合物 structural class of chemical entities Nickel compounds 2
2802 万能青年旅店 album Omnipotent Youth Society (album) 2
2803 我们的孩子,我们自己 television series episode Our Children, Ourselves 2
2804 臺灣總督府專賣局澎湖出張所 department Penghu Office of the Monopoly Bureau of Taiwan Governor Office (d:Q110109494) 2
2805 燒灰爐村 village Povoação do Chunambeiro (d:Q15897281) 2
2806 亞馬喇前地 traffic circle Praça de Ferreira do Amaral (d:Q10882914) 2
2807 柯邦迪前地 square Praça de Ponte e Horta (d:Q11109277) 2
2808 中华人民共和国公共图书馆法 law of the People's Republic of China Public Library Law of the People's Republic of China (d:Q66980841) 2
2809 羌帖 currency Qiang tie 2
2810 孤兒院的劫掠 level Robbing the Cradle 2
2811 布樂思 human Royston Brooks 2
2812 美国弹道导弹威胁评估委员会 Rumsfeld Commission 2
2813 轮船招商局大楼 multi-story urban building Russell & Co Building (d:Q5978819) 2
2814 独眼巨人号炮舰 ship SMS Cyclop (1874) (d:Q2206811) 2
2815 Scent of memory album Scent of memory (d:Q109360675) 2
2816 札幌医科大学卫生短期大学部 junior college in Japan School of allied health professions Sapporo Medical College (d:Q11521167) 2
2817 韩国科技 Science and technology in South Korea 2
2818 伊利诺伊州锡安市市徽 Seal of Zion, Illinois 2
2819 Secret Santa musical work/composition Secret Santa (song) 2
2820 硒化合物 structural class of chemical entities Selenium compounds 2
2821 十七歲的地圖 album Seventeen's Map (d:Q6367920) 2
2822 強烈熱帶風暴皮瓦 tropical storm Severe Tropical Storm Pewa (d:Q15909108) 2
2823 Shoom recurring event Shoom 2
2824 西蒙妮·罗素 fictional human, television character Simone Russell 2
2825 星際之刃 藍星行動 video game Starblade: Operation Blue Planet 2
2826 1972年亚热带风暴阿尔法 subtropical cyclone, tropical storm Subtropical Storm Alpha (1972) 2
2827 中山纪念图书馆 public library Sun Yat-sen Memorial Library (d:Q77825746) 2
2828 人工合成結晶牛胰島素 Synthetic crystalline bovine insulin 2
2829 唐炳源 human Tang Ping-yuan 2
2830 不朽 human Taylor Lee (d:Q67931250) 2
2831 泰勒诉伊利诺伊州案 United States Supreme Court decision Taylor v. Illinois 2
2832 铽化合物 structural class of chemical entities Terbium compounds 2
2833 解憂舊書店 bookstore The Book Cure (d:Q97147092) 2
2834 徠卡:獵手 television advertisement The Hunt (advertisement) 2
2835 飛行器的執行週期 album The Silent Star Stone (d:Q59300205) 2
2836 韩国公务员延坪岛海域遭枪杀事件 incident The shooting death of a civil servant in waters off Yeonpyeong Island (d:Q99566970) 2
2837 中国(天津)自由贸易试验区 free trade zone Tianjin Free-Trade Zone 2
2838 福州历史 Wikimedia timeline Timeline of Fuzhou 2
2839 熱帶性低氣壓WP242018 tropical depression Tropical Depression 24W (d:Q56273015) 2
2840 1988年第一号热带低气压 tropical depression Tropical Depression One (1988) 2
2841 1997年热带风暴安德烈斯 tropical storm Tropical Storm Andres (1997) 2
2842 1981年热带风暴阿琳 tropical storm Tropical Storm Arlene (1981) 2
2843 熱帶風暴貝琦 tropical storm Tropical Storm Becky (1970) 2
2844 2003年热带风暴卡洛斯 tropical storm Tropical Storm Carlos (2003) 2
2845 1982年热带风暴克里斯 tropical storm Tropical Storm Chris (1982) 2
2846 热带风暴西普里安 cyclone Tropical Storm Cyprien 2
2847 1986年热带风暴达尼埃尔 tropical storm Tropical Storm Danielle (1986) 2
2848 1965年热带风暴黛比 cyclone Tropical Storm Debbie (1965) 2
2849 1973年热带风暴迪莉娅 tropical storm Tropical Storm Delia (1973) 2
2850 熱帶風暴多莉 tropical storm Tropical Storm Dolly (2014) 2
2851 熱帶風暴玫瑰 tropical cyclone, typhoon Tropical Storm Kulap (d:Q56097631) 2
2852 熱帶風暴尤娜拉 tropical storm Tropical Storm Unala (d:Q15909772) 2
2853 自然资源部海啸预警中心 organization Tsunami Advisory Center of the Ministry of National Resources 2
2854 颱風喬伊 typhoon, very strong typhoon Typhoon Joe 2
2855 天山乌鲁木齐河源1号冰川 glacier Urumqi Glacier No.1 2
2856 栃木縣立特別支援學校宇都宮青葉高等學園 special needs school in Japan Utsunomiya Aoba Gakuen (d:Q97706306) 2
2857 祁禮賓 human Vandeleur Molyneux Grayburn 2
2858 维罗妮卡·克莱尔 television series Veronica Clare 2
2859 石牆花 human rights organization WALL-FARE (d:Q108558569) 2
2860 流浪者 video game character, fictional puppet Wanderer (d:Q115617669) 2
2861 魔女之旅 anime television series Wandering Witch: The Journey of Elaina (d:Q71574733) 2
2862 1965年戰爭損壞法令 Public General Act of the Parliament of the United Kingdom War Damage Act 1965 2
2863 战锁 video game Warlocked 2
2864 上海市生活垃圾分类制度 aspect in a geographic region Waste management in Shanghai (d:Q64852923) 2
2865 温岭市图书馆 library Wenling Library 2
2866 當我望向你的時候 film Will You Look at Me 2
2867 仙居县图书馆 library Xianju Library 2
2868 八重神子 video game character, fictional fox Yae Miko (d:Q111631165) 2
2869 八槻都都古別神社 Shinto shrine, ichinomiya Yatsuki Tsutsukowake Shrine (d:Q112152942) 2
2870 万佛堂、孔水洞石刻及塔 cultural heritage Zehntausend-Buddha-Halle und Kongshui-Höhle (d:Q2603421) 2
2871 张孤梅 human Zhang Gumei (d:Q117540278) 2
2872 尹志平 human Zhiping Yin (d:Q11040403) 2
2873 中國目錄學 academic discipline cataloging (d:Q11581610) 2
2874 2017年10月6日福岛近海地震 earthquake earthquake in Fukushima, Japan in 6 October 2017, 23:56 (d:Q47482324) 2
2875 貳叄書房 bookstore jisaam.books (d:Q107613525) 2
2876 王滨梅 human ✗ (d:Q9057107) 1
2877 2007年世界聽障游泳錦標賽 ✗ (d:Q10844694) 1
2878 呂衛倫 human ✗ (d:Q10920016) 1
2879 太平兴国寺塔 cultural heritage ✗ (d:Q10941279) 1
2880 宾兴馆 cultural heritage of China ✗ (d:Q10952137) 1
2881 澎湖遊兵 military unit ✗ (d:Q11069902) 1
2882 涞灵战役 conflict ✗ (d:Q11151860) 1
2883 塔后村 village of the People's Republic of China ✗ (d:Q14464240) 1
2884 白眼塘 ✗ (d:Q15896633) 1
2885 廖子明 human ✗ (d:Q15897864) 1
2886 赣州战役 conflict ✗ (d:Q15897926) 1
2887 跆拳道歷史 aspect of history ✗ (d:Q15898196) 1
2888 跆拳道用品 ✗ (d:Q15898990) 1
2889 紗紙契 ✗ (d:Q15899135) 1
2890 龙华二十四烈士 group of humans ✗ (d:Q15902627) 1
2891 颱風嘉曼 storm ✗ (d:Q15912045) 1
2892 葛量洪夫人新村 ✗ (d:Q15942418) 1
2893 白沙村姦殺女童藏屍案 legal case ✗ (d:Q15944971) 1
2894 阿燦 ✗ (d:Q16923996) 1
2895 邓峪村石塔造像 cultural heritage ✗ (d:Q17060103) 1
2896 陳蕉琴 human ✗ (d:Q18669085) 1
2897 学霸 ✗ (d:Q19137291) 1
2898 想見你想見你想見你 musical work/composition ✗ (d:Q19670688) 1
2899 龙华革命烈士纪念地 cultural heritage ✗ (d:Q19841426) 1
2900 颱風黛蒂 ✗ (d:Q22098944) 1
2901 72小时网络生存测试 event ✗ (d:Q22100147) 1
2902 吳木金 human ✗ (d:Q27901984) 1
2903 上章 ✗ (d:Q28409348) 1
2904 桃園捷運紅線 ✗ (d:Q28418637) 1
2905 臺灣桃園國際機場國內線航廈 ✗ (d:Q30941036) 1
2906 黃秉乾 human ✗ (d:Q39040665) 1
2907 桂詩勤 human ✗ (d:Q46281383) 1
2908 颶風羅克 ✗ (d:Q46993142) 1
2909 女流 human ✗ (d:Q47666511) 1
2910 氹仔光遠炮竹廠爆炸大火 ✗ (d:Q48904925) 1
2911 2017年6月初臺灣暴雨 ✗ (d:Q48928597) 1
2912 2016年新疆阿克陶地震 earthquake ✗ (d:Q48929216) 1
2913 奮戰不懈 ✗ (d:Q48938124) 1
2914 2017年6月中旬臺灣暴雨 ✗ (d:Q55594205) 1
2915 2017年10月臺灣暴雨 ✗ (d:Q55693930) 1
2916 李子洲 human ✗ (d:Q55694120) 1
2917 2018年通海地震 ✗ (d:Q56140059) 1
2918 2018年8月東亞熱浪 ✗ (d:Q56272458) 1
2919 中缅南段未定界 territorial dispute ✗ (d:Q57590882) 1
2920 山东货币史 aspect of history ✗ (d:Q60989511) 1
2921 国产三文鱼争议 controversy ✗ (d:Q60991662) 1
2922 6·23惠州专线大巴碰刮事件 ✗ (d:Q64495701) 1
2923 天水圍泥頭山事件 ✗ (d:Q65046058) 1
2924 黎明Leon 30th Anniversary Random Love Songs 4D in Live 2016 concert ✗ (d:Q65053740) 1
2925 中国共产党玉环市委员会 ✗ (d:Q65056266) 1
2926 扬子公司案 ✗ (d:Q65059535) 1
2927 玉环历史 ✗ (d:Q65715452) 1
2928 「守護香港」集會 party ✗ (d:Q65965826) 1
2929 屯門兆麟政府綜合大樓 ✗ (d:Q65967238) 1
2930 栖霞市图书馆 library ✗ (d:Q66771701) 1
2931 陈定模 human ✗ (d:Q67497697) 1
2932 杨哲商 human ✗ (d:Q78123141) 1
2933 河口起义 ✗ (d:Q87755003) 1
2934 白石羈留中心 ✗ (d:Q95949688) 1
2935 美新樓 ✗ (d:Q96279184) 1
2936 坎门鳌龙鱼灯舞 ✗ (d:Q97345653) 1
2937 2020年朝鮮導彈試驗 ✗ (d:Q97350076) 1
2938 劉易斯·詹姆斯·花沙 human ✗ (d:Q97447213) 1
2939 玉环剪纸 ✗ (d:Q97503277) 1
2940 1998年步云乡乡长选举 ✗ (d:Q97695654) 1
2941 颱風愛莉斯 ✗ (d:Q99670747) 1
2942 阿尔泰山两河源自然保护区 nature reserve ✗ (d:Q104900238) 1
2943 藍田童黨虐殺少女案 ✗ (d:Q106252734) 1
2944 梨木樹邨買兇斬傷繼子案 ✗ (d:Q108059317) 1
2945 1999年大鹏镇镇长选举 ✗ (d:Q111317700) 1
2946 解僱最後手段性原則 ✗ (d:Q112161238) 1
2947 特別休假 ✗ (d:Q114633611) 1
2948 柏嘉禮 human ✗ (d:Q117746829) 1
2949 老派約會之必要 ✗ (d:Q118522713) 1
2950 东南湖围垦灭螺与水利综合治理工程 ✗ (d:Q122188456) 1
2951 2023年颱風海葵對臺灣的影響 natural disaster ✗ (d:Q122507520) 1
2952 第8站 film ✗ (d:Q123330626) 1
2953 膠州灣事件 ✗ (d:Q130362698) 1
2954 南北共同聯絡鐵公路炸毀事件 raid, border incident ✗ (d:Q130546284) 1
2955 第十一屆立法院院長選舉 public election 11th Legislative Yuan presidential election (d:Q124644798) 1
2956 2017年《肿瘤生物学》撤稿事件 occurrence 2017 retractions of 107 articles in Tumor Biology (d:Q30943145) 1
2957 2018年宜宾地震 earthquake 2018 Yibin earthquake (d:Q60697255) 1
2958 蜜蜂華報 newspaper Abelha da China (d:Q15911698) 1
2959 黃志光 human Alan Wong (d:Q112869352) 1
2960 百里渠 human Alastair Blair-Kerr (d:Q15895576) 1
2961 爐石塘 Bairro da Baía do Mastro (d:Q15895693) 1
2962 澎湖之战 conflict Battle of Penghu (1624) (d:Q10396978) 1
2963 北横通道 road Beiheng Passageway (d:Q17013052) 1
2964 枪炮的兄弟:叙利亚战争回忆录 written work Brothers of the Gun: A Memoir of the Syrian War (d:Q128214444) 1
2965 杰桑·索南达杰 human Bsod nams dar rgyas (d:Q8289234) 1
2966 陳綱 human Chen Gang (d:Q16923470) 1
2967 張榮冕 human Cheung Wing-min (d:Q11068627) 1
2968 人民交通出版社 publishing company China Communications Press (d:Q60992582) 1
2969 中国·玉环海岛文化节 China Island Culture Festival (d:Q64238675) 1
2970 池州市传媒中心 radio station, public institution, television station Chizhou Media Center (d:Q108029562) 1
2971 池州镇 town of China, former administrative territorial entity Chizhou Town, Guichi County, Anhui Province (d:Q108770683) 1
2972 寻路中国 written work Country Driving: A Chinese Road Trip (d:Q78496966) 1
2973 全網公敵 video game Cyber Manhunt (d:Q108513880) 1
2974 岱山县图书馆 library Daishan Library (d:Q66740043) 1
2975 丘东平 human Dongping Qiu (d:Q94110906) 1
2976 陸增鏞 human Eddie Lu Tseng-yung (d:Q97571905) 1
2977 胡樂甫 human Edward Dudley Corscaden Wolfe (d:Q65056000) 1
2978 见习魔女伊蕾娜 anime television series episode Elaina, the Apprentice Witch (d:Q115726192) 1
2979 中國環境史 Environmental history of China (d:Q55698116) 1
2980 豪門夜宴 film Feast of a Rich Family (d:Q123330452) 1
2981 楓丹 fictional country Fontaine (d:Q121543116) 1
2982 四季大廈 Four Season Estate (d:Q10924711) 1
2983 韓美洵 human Geoffrey Cadzow Hamilton (d:Q16510350) 1
2984 抗爭手語 Gestures for the 2019–2020 Hong Kong protests (d:Q25810247) 1
2985 月臺 tekagami Getsudai (d:Q127965371) 1
2986 守护术师菲兹 anime television series episode Guardian Fitz (d:Q121458283) 1
2987 布達勞 human Henrique Alberto de Barros Botelho (d:Q22056715) 1
2988 伊輔 human Henry Heath (d:Q10863034) 1
2989 云南货币史 aspect of history History of money in Yunnan (d:Q65056103) 1
2990 何高俊 human Ho Ko-tsun (d:Q10886455) 1
2991 香港大專學界國際事務代表團 Hong Kong Higher Institutions International Affairs Delegation (d:Q109260053) 1
2992 黄文宽 human Huang Wenkuan (d:Q94707832) 1
2993 和榮退團事件 occurrence Hwa-young bullying incident (d:Q126539359) 1
2994 稻妻 fictional country Inazuma (d:Q107618703) 1
2995 糸守町 fictional city Itomori (d:Q27881675) 1
2996 黃振麟 human Jenn-Lin Hwang (d:Q24002581) 1
2997 活約翰 human John Roskruge Wood (d:Q93962277) 1
2998 彭定國 human John Vincent Prendergast (d:Q11069762) 1
2999 湛保庶 human John Walter Chambers (d:Q17159454) 1
3000 邱善佑 human Khoo Sian Ewe (d:Q16903380) 1
3001 藍新福 human Lam Sim-fook (d:Q18109530) 1
3002 梁銘彥 human Laurence Leung (d:Q11114409) 1
3003 藍來訥 human Lionel Henry Lamb (d:Q22696530) 1
3004 愛的呼喚 album Love is Calling Me (d:Q101421289) 1
3005 植劇場—戀愛沙塵暴 television series Love of Sandstorm (d:Q48881325) 1
3006 洛場村 village of the People's Republic of China Luochang Village (d:Q14328756) 1
3007 魏達賢 human Malki Issa Addi (d:Q66827358) 1
3008 章子欣遇害案 deliberate murder Murder of Zhang Zixin (d:Q65533646) 1
3009 逆向誘拐 literary work Napping Kid (d:Q115782595) 1
3010 2021年推動朝鮮建設核電站文件案 occurrence North Korean nuclear power plant construction promotion plan (d:Q106319585) 1
3011 太田賴常 human Ota Yoritsune (d:Q11444467) 1
3012 鷹頭貓與音樂箱女孩 literary work Owlish (d:Q116702275) 1
3013 石智益 human Patrick Cardinall Mason Sedgwick (d:Q15896392) 1
3014 唐露曉 human Peter Donohue (d:Q10923046) 1
3015 吕其恩 human Qi'en Lü (d:Q22773479) 1
3016 下雨地震說 geology Raining Earthquake Theory (d:Q55694330) 1
3017 布培 human Robert Douglas Pope (d:Q18110071) 1
3018 陸增祺 human Robert Tseng-chi Lu (d:Q94696639) 1
3019 連些路 human Roger Edward Lindsell (d:Q93964763) 1
3020 麥仕德 human Ronald McAlister (d:Q28169171) 1
3021 歐敬祿 human Rory O'Connor (d:Q22099955) 1
3022 逆夢 song Sakayume (d:Q116213860) 1
3023 李紹鴻 human Shiu-Hung Lee (d:Q15896519) 1
3024 河田末吉 human Suekichi Kawata (d:Q20687311) 1
3025 须弥 fictional country Sumeru (d:Q113668654) 1
3026 司徒志仁 human Sze-to Che-yan (d:Q27441098) 1
3027 譚榮邦 human Tam Wing-pong (d:Q107213576) 1
3028 塔石 Tap Siac (d:Q10930907) 1
3029 家春秋 television series The Ba Jin's Trilogy (d:Q10950898) 1
3030 东营市历史博物馆 museum The History Museum of Dongying City (d:Q17013559) 1
3031 骨宗事件 The incident of Gu-Zong (d:Q15920968) 1
3032 強烈熱帶風暴林茵 severe tropical storm Tropical Storm Lynn (d:Q98755205) 1
3033 蔣法賢 human Tseung Fat-im (d:Q15895744) 1
3034 徐步高槍擊案 legal case Tsui Po-ko case (d:Q11070774) 1
3035 陰道無菌說 internet culture Vaginal sterility theory (d:Q60992201) 1
3036 沈鳳君 human Vivian Sum (d:Q126720973) 1
3037 施戈斐侶 human Walter Schofield (d:Q86730457) 1
3038 人間有情 literary work Where Love Abides (d:Q126009178) 1
3039 楊德強 human Yeung Tak-keung (d:Q106429284) 1
3040 永康市图书馆 library Yongkang Library (d:Q67934591) 1
3041 予樂院臨書手鑑 tekagami Yorakuin Rinsho Tekagami (d:Q126597559) 1
3042 植村吉明 human Yoshiaki Uemura (d:Q23650784) 1
3043 遊仙詩 poem Youxian shi (d:Q17059490) 1
3044 张路 human Zhang Lu (d:Q9085503) 1
3045 赵涛 human Zhao Tao (d:Q63993844) 1
3046 2019年颱風利奇馬對中國大陸的影響 effects of Typhoon Lekima in Mainland China (d:Q67933852) 1
3047 天津地理 geography of geographic location geography of Tianjin (d:Q10939997) 1
3048 畢業 graduation (d:Q20062631) 1
3049 宁德历史 Wikimedia timeline history of Ningde (d:Q106674371) 1
3050 中国国花 national flower national flower of China (d:Q10873419) 1
Average ✓ With English: en/zh (Chinese) = 2697/3050 (88.4%) 24.1
Sum ✗ No article or article with the same title: 256
No label: 97

See also
