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Week 6 _ Post links for Writing Class


Emergent Algorithm https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Emergent_algorithm

Parametric design https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Parametric_design

Isaac Asimov https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Talk:Isaac_Asimov

Grasshopper 3D https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Grasshopper_3D

Digital Modeling and Fabrication https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Digital_modeling_and_fabrication

Week 9 Possible Wikiproject Topics (MIT 21G.219 Writing workshop Assignment)

  • Option 1 (top choice)

Shape Grammar


In the Definition part, sentences are choppy. A possible contribution to this topic would be combine sentences to make it more academic. We have read some relative papers about shape grammar, I think i can also add some examples to it.






  • Option 2

Digital Modeling and Fabrication


There are some place that I can improve. First, I can introduce more in modeling related to this topic.




  • Option 3

Parametric design


Your top choice...


Dyson, These changes look pretty minimal. Can you be more specific about what examples and other things you would add that are needed? Eric WritingMan (talk) 16:42, 2 November 2017 (UTC)[reply]

New topic of Wikiproject

  • Hi Eric,

Thanks for your suggestions. However I found that the topics I raised before bring me many difficulties in finding proper useful resources to cite and creating new paragraphs. Besides, the 'Shape Grammar' is original research so it might not be a good choice. Sorry that I did not notice this.

My new topic would be 'Yao Dong'. It is a kind of cave dwelling in my hometown Sanmenxia and my grandparents used to live in a "Yao dong", therefore it is a good choice for me to add something useful to wiki. Moreover, my Architecture background will also allow me to add detailed construction and design related content.


  1. more details to the two types of Yao dong due to its inaccuracy of classification. The sunken courtyard one has a new scenic area established in Sanmenxia
  2. construction process according to resources

Bernard Rudofsky’s Architecture without Architects

Good rescources


1. https://books.google.com/books?id=wndqi4A4AIYC&pg=PA159&lpg=PA159&dq=pit+dwelling+china&source=bl&ots=X5TEawkYIT&sig=EE-Wnh0NL3zkpgJjQb6U07MrF2c&hl=en&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwiQ_tD5wd_XAhVict8KHRkiBVUQ6AEIVTAJ#v=onepage&q=pit%20dwelling%20china&f=false

the types of yaodong and some examples

2. cliff cave, underground cave and hoop cave

3. the underground dwelling https://thefunambulist.net/architectural-projects/architectures-without-architects-tungkwan

4. the construction technique (in chinese) https://books.google.com/books?id=LePZCQAAQBAJ&pg=PT181&lpg=PT181&dq=%E5%9C%B0%E5%9D%91%E9%99%A2&source=bl&ots=jTscCS3Z-R&sig=YpoSKZoG187RDp83ZP3lDl_Dcu8&hl=en&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwjb94SRtdvXAhVp0oMKHUcKD-A4ChDoAQhOMAc#v=onepage&q=%E5%9C%B0%E5%9D%91%E9%99%A2&f=false

its info: http://www.bcin.ca/Interface/openbcin.cgi?submit=submit&Chinkey=438238

5.dikengyuan (could cite) the Sunken courtyard http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S074301671630081X?via%3Dihub

Peer Review_Katetwowiki


Things that are good:

1. adding Chinese explanation to some contents, which may be easier for Chinese readers, who might be the main readers because Yaodong is mainly located in China, to understand; 2. providing further readings; 3. linking contents to related articles in Wikipedia; 4. pictures are used in this article, but I'm not sure if the picture are from the original article.


1. add more contents to this article because currently the article seems not complete, 2. correct grammar error.

--Katetwowiki (talk) 04:07, 29 November 2017 (UTC)[reply]

Hi Katetwowiki, thank you for your advice.Vacuum Dyson (talk) 17:52, 11 December 2017 (UTC)[reply]