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User talk:Marudubshinki/Archive 3

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Adding pipes when they aren't needed



In this [2] you changed [[prophet]]s to[[Prophet|prophet]]s. This is a pointless edit, becauseMediaWiki ignores the capitalization of the first letter of an articletitle. It merely adds length to the article.--Andre(talk) 21:32, May13, 2005 (UTC)

'MediaWiki ignores the capitalization of the first letter'? News tome- I guess all those templates about techical limitations arepointless.
But seriously, I am just a little neurotic about not relying onimplicit assumptions about what the wiki engine does or does not do,is all. More saliently, what is your actual point? Did I not mark itminor? (I might've) in which case I am sorry; I shall endeavour to bemore accurate with my edit summaries. Or is it simply you object tome taking my time and making a minor edit- does that offend you?
Try to keep a little perspective here- was this worth complainingabout on my talk page? I think not. --maru18:11, 15 May 2005 (UTC)[reply]
I think he was just pointing out that you don't need to do stufflike that. There's no need to get offended. Leaving a comment on auser talk page is a common way of educating other users; it shouldn'tbe regarded as an insult.
And the "technical limitations" templates are useful becauseMediaWiki always capitalizes the first letter of an article title,which causes problems when it's not supposed to be caitalized (as innWo). It's also useful when a name contains characters that aren'tin the Latin-1 character set (which the English Wikipedia is limitedto in titles), such as Paul Erdos, whose name is actually PaulErdős with a double acute accent over the O.--Gwalla |Talk 22:26, 15 May 2005 (UTC)[reply]
Fair enough. But like I said, I don't particularly like being toldhow to spend my time- If I wish to fix a link, then that's mybusiness. (I suspect someone might try to remind me of similar pointsI told Motor, but that's totally different- people are actively tryingto undo his similar pedanticness.) --maru16:27, 20 May 2005 (UTC)[reply]
Nobody is "telling you what to do with your time". He said it waspointless, which it is: it serves no purpose.Gwalla |Talk 21:45, 20 May 2005 (UTC)[reply]

The Dark Tower/Gunslinger


In the discussion on the Dark Tower VII page, you mentioned that Kingrewrote/issued the Gunslinger to 'remove the most glaring of brokenpromises'. What promise? What did he change? It's been many yearssince I read the first book, and I don't remember any details fromit... --Lachatdelarue (talk) 14:46, 23 May 2005 (UTC)[reply]

Well, if you read the Gunslinger many years ago, you are right to notremember the changes- the new edition I believe was published 2000(check: but Amazon claims it was 2003. Hmm.)
The most significant of the changes was in Roland's meeting withWalter- a lot of the dialogue was changed; since I happen to have theold edition at hand, I'll copy from it.
"Who is your master?"
"I have never seen him, but you must. In order to reach the Toweryou must reach this one first, the Ageless Stranger."
pg 211
"This Stranger, this Maerlyn, is a minion of the Tower? Likeyourself?"
"Much greater than I. It has been given to him to live backward intime. He darkles. He tincts. He is in all times. Yet thereis one greater than he.
"The Beast," the man in black whispered fearfully. "the keeper ofthe Tower. The originator of all glammer."
pg 212
Notice how little resemblance to the actual ending all this has.
Also, a good reason why so many felt cheated by the ending- considerthis passage, which is one of the first to really speak of the DarkTower:
Yet suppose further. Suppose all worlds, all universes, met in asingle nexus, a single pylon, a Tower. A stairway, perhaps, to theGodhead itself. WOuld you dare, gunslinger? Could it be thatsomehwere above all of endless reality, there exists a Room...?
You dare not.
You dare not.
pg 209
And so on. Lists of the differences are available online, but I thinkI've lost the link. Oh well. Left as an exercise to the reader...
--maru 15:18, 23 May 2005 (UTC)[reply]
Walter IS the Ageless Stranger, and I do believe The Beast refers toThe Crimson King. --Anon.
You're only fooling yourself. --Maru (talk)Contribs 06:57, 28 November2005 (UTC)
One of my personal theories is that Roland is the beast, and he is the guardian of the Tower, think about it, he is the one who protects the Rose, and he is the one who stops the Crimson King from taking the Tower, and he is the one who lives backwards in time, who darkles, who tincts, he is in all times, yet there is no one greater than he. He did do a great deal of time traveling and he did overcome every challenge with the his ka-tet. -- FireFly



It's really more appropriate to archive old conversations in subpagesof your talkpage, rather than creating entirely new talkpages. Usertalk:Marudubshinki Archive 1 is technically the talkpage for thenonexistent user User:Marudubshinki Archive 1, and creatinguserpages or user talkpages under nonexistent user names isdiscouraged (except in some very rare circumstances—the only oneI can think of at the moment is User:Mr. Treason, and even thenthe username was technically registered for it), even if the"username" is as unlikely as "Marudubshinki Archive 1".

You can create user talk subpages by using the slash character. Forexample, User talk:Marudubshinki/Archive 1. Subpages automaticallylink back to their parent pages at the top, and you can write subpagelinks in "shorthand" in the parent page by leaving out the title ofthe parent page and just supplying the slash and subpage title, e.g./Archive 1 leads to the same place as Usertalk:Marudubshinki/Archive 1. --Gwalla | Talk 22:36, 27May 2005 (UTC)

Thanks. I'll remember that next time. --Maru 3July 2005 02:22 (UTC)



Hey, check out this article on Kae and its vfd, and comment on it if you could. Thanks.--Nufy8 00:52, 3 Jun 2005 (UTC)

Done. --maru 02:42, 3 Jun 2005 (UTC)

VFD Kotor II


Thanks for letting me know about the VFD for the cut ending toKOTORII. --K1Bond007 20:08, Jun 11, 2005 (UTC)

I figured the contributors to the page might want to know.--maru 20:18, 11 Jun 2005 (UTC)
Maru, the page got deleted. You know why? cause I remember therebeing more votes for keeping and merging it? --Psiedit
The dude what did closed the VfD claimed that there was nothing tomerge. So he simply deleted it. Bogus I know, but he moved too fastfor me to complain. And after all my work on that article, I'm tootired to restart it from scratch in the main KOTOR II article.--maru 03:38, 26 Jun 2005 (UTC)
Who deleted it? A Wikipedia official? There should be more infoincluded on thet KOTOR II article. --Psi edit
Rossami.VfD.--maru 05:07, 26 Jun 2005 (UTC)

Turns out that I copied all of the info on the article to my computer.If you want it I'll post it on my user page. --Psiedit

Could you? --maru 28 June 2005 22:49 (UTC)
I did. Just click my name. --Psi edit
Thank you! Understand, I can't add it in immediately (a trifle busywriting Grand Admiral Miltin Takel), but soon.--maru 29 June 2005 01:44 (UTC)
I understand. No problem.What parts of it will you add to theKOTOR II article? --Psi edit
The links, the summary, and maybe a summary of the content aswell. Depends. --maru 30 June 2005 03:24 (UTC)

Can you explain what you mean by "copied from Wookiepedia"? I can'tfind any information on this character at eitherhttp://www.objectsspace.com/quote/index.php/Main_Page orhttp://wiki.jenkster.com/index.php/Wookiepedia. I'm trying to findsome evidence that it's okay to copy information from wherever youcopied it without it either being a copyright violation or requiredthat you give credit. --RickK23:28, Jun 5, 2005 (UTC)

Of course- what I mean by that was simply that the text, barring afew minor fixes I threw in, was copied from theStar Wars Wiki, ormore affectionately, "Wookiepedia" (get it? Wiki-pedia,Wookie-pedia... ?). Since it seems to be hosted by a wiki foundationproject and claims to be an offshoot of Wikipedia, I naturally assumedthat their stuff is under the GFDL which allows such copying. Andsince I've copied over to them a few article I wrote for Wikipediaproper (Joruus C'Baoth, Lumiya etc.), I felt it was only fairto bring some back to fix a few links in articles I was writing. Thathelp? --maru 02:23, 6 Jun 2005 (UTC)
The Jenkster page is the first result in a Google search forWookiepedia, so you shouldn't find it surprising that someone whowasn't aware of the Star Wars Wiki would think that was what you werereferring to. Wikicities is not part of Wikimedia likeWikipedia, Wiktionary, et al, but is licensed under the GFDL soit's legit to copy content back and forth, as long as properattribution is given (that means linking to the source page at thevery least, the same standard to which we hold Wikipedia mirrors). --Gwalla | Talk 02:43, 6Jun 2005 (UTC)
Thanks, Gwalla. That's what I meant by "required that you givecredit". If it's a GFDL copy, we have to link back to the original. I've put a copyvio template on it until such a time as a link back tothe original page is included. RickK 04:07, Jun 6, 2005 (UTC)
:( Once again, what I don't know comes back to bite me in thearse- I had thought that the GFDL simply required you to let otherpeople share it as well. Oops. Well, I'll go an add the links to thateffect, but if there is a template or standard format for that sortathing, I'd appreciate knowing. --maru 14:23, 6Jun 2005 (UTC)

Jedi Exile


Although the male option is canonical, it doesn't nullify the factthat in the game the Exile can be either male or female. If you wantto list the canonical gender, edit both this article and the Revanarticle, to stay consistent. --Anonymous

In case you haven't noticed, the Revan article does indeed list himas male. --maru 04:42, 10 Jun 2005 (UTC)

Disciple and Handmaiden


These two are KOTOR II characters, and have nothing to do with Revan.Perhaps this note would be more appropriate at the Jedi Exile page.--Sikon 16:50, 12 Jun 2005 (UTC)

D'oh! Sorry- I don't suppose the excuse I've been editing so many SWarticles lately I can't see straight will wash...?--maru 19:03, 12 Jun 2005 (UTC)

Thanks for the speedy response


Well, you didn't need to delete the Whole bitch! BUT it's your page.The trouble is Tan won't compromise at all, at all. I think we haveone of the graphics programs around, so I'll turn my 15 y.o. loose onthat avenue. In the meantime, I posted a revert and protect request,and added to the Tan RfC. Yeah, I'm being nearly as stubborn, but heseems to need "the two by four across the ears!". Thanks,--Fabartus 16:48, 13 Jun 2005 (UTC) re: "Kipling? That's somewhat silly- Kipling would have made it rhyme.But more seriously ..." Hey - I placed out of most college englishcourses... give me a break, I'm but a poor humble Eng-Gin-Ear!--Fabartus 16:53, 13 Jun 2005 (UTC)

"Placed out", or "fell out" drunk? --maru17:30, 13 Jun 2005 (UTC)
:-0 ... Did you really spend 4 hours talking to admins, and a fullhour editing the image? I wouldn't have thought it would take muchmore than 25 minutes. --maru 22:55, 13 Jun 2005(UTC)
:>( ... Only half joking... oh, there were other things in theway, but the Bill reads the way it seems. At least, 2.5-3 overall. Idid get some research done, and some other editing, but what a wastedday off! --Fabartus 23:28, 13 Jun 2005 (UTC)
Mr Tan wrote this morning and mentioned that he's only a kid -14-15 y.o., so I wrote him back, made nice and think I'llsuggest he work together on some stuff with my two boys. They bothneed practice writing. I'm going to offer to send him a CDROM I got afew years ago on Middle School Grammer, which of course my guysare too good to bother with. Could make for an interestingsummer! Thanks fer holdin me hand!
btw - 25 minutes!, you trying to make an old fart feelinadequate? --Fabartus 17:14, 14 Jun 2005 (UTC)
Err- no! Of course not! I would not attempt to play such mindgames with a respected elder- what I meant was I broke down theprocedure to a minute to double size through zooming, 2 minutes to getthe color right and erase the arrow pointing to the island, another 10minutes to get the arrow pointing to the strait right, and umm, 12minutes to save the file. Plus about ten minutes to upload (uploadinghas always been very quick for me- I think the Grand Admiral Grantarticle's picture took maybe three minutes to upload and include inthe article. But then, tabbed browsing greatly speeds upwiki-editing.) And I was glad to help- I've been watching Tan eversince Bell quasi-vandalized his user page, so its nice to see onedispute that didn't end in acrimony. Who knows, perhaps one day I'llmake a passable admin. ;) --~~

Dark Lord of the Sith business


Hey. There seems to be some disputes over this whole subject - and toavoid an all out edit-war, I'd like people to comment on this. Istarted a discussion going at KFan's talk page,so please add your thoughts if you would be so kind. Thanks.--Nufy8 22:51, 14 Jun 2005 (UTC)

Unfortunately, the old, old Republic histories are not an area I amparticularly well versed in, so I am largely staying out of this one(although, I do have the SW encyclopedia and guide to characters, andone of the Dark Horse comic books, so a specific dispute I could dosome research in; but not the whole general topic of succession.)--maru 22:54, 14 Jun 2005 (UTC)