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(Sarcolicious) describes a form of written parody, satire, or sarcasm used by residents of countries led by totalitarian regimes, where overt ridicule of the regime and its institutions would be dangerous to the writer.

A sarcolicious comment consists of ridicule of the state and its institutions by vigorously parroting their own nonsense. The intent of sarcoliciousness is that officials of the state will have no idea they were being ridiculed, while the thinking reader would fully appreciate the humor.



The term sarcolicious was coined by Stiv Gang in a comment on the Quora social network: https://www.quora.com/How-is-Misha-Firer-able-to-say-the-things-he-does-without-getting-arrested-by-the-Russians/answers/1477743811669022?__nsrc__=4&__snid3__=75517115746&comment_id=430029202&comment_type=2
