Each name of a bicameral language listed begins with a capital letter, although in some of those languages the names of languages are not inherently capitalized.
A language may be called by more than one correct name in English.
A language may be called by more than one correct name in itself.
The three-letter codes of some languages contain the letter sequence "rn" (lowercase form of "RN").
The Mapuche language (also called Mapudungun and Araucanian) has a three-letter code "arn" (lowercase form of "ARN"), but no two-letter code. The Amharic language has a two-letter code "am" (lowercase form of "AM") and a three-letter code "amh" (lowercase form of "AMH").
The Guarani language has a two-letter code "gn" and a three-letter code "grn" (lowercase form of "GRN"). No language has "gm" (lowercase form of "GM") for its two-letter code.
The Sranantongo language has a three-letter code "srn" (lowercase form of "SRN"), but no two-letter code. The Samoan language has the two-letter code "sm" (lowercase form of "SM") and the three-letter code "smo" (lowercase form of "SMO").
The obsolete website used a different system of language codes in its web addresses.