This is a list of mammals, birds, reptiles, amphibians, other animals and plants expected to be affected by construction of the Ilısu Dam in southeast Turkey and the filling of the reservoir behind it. When complete, the reservoir is expected to have a normal water level of 525 m (1,722 ft) above sea level and a maximum operating level of 526.8 m (1,728 ft). Filling of the dam is due to begin during 2015 and take between 5 and 27 months.
The primary source for this list is the Environmental Impact Assessment Report for the dam, along with assessments by third parties.[1] The list includes species reported from the region of the dam and reservoir, even where the impact of the project remains unclear.
Protection status in Turkey is taken from the appendices to the annual hunting regulations. Species in Appendix 1 have national protected status; those in Appendix 2 are protected by the Central Hunting Commission; and those in Appendix 3 may be hunted with a permit during approved seasons. [2]
The EIAR identified 29 species of reptiles as being reported from the Tigris river basin.[a] Of these, the Euphrates softshell turtle Rafetus euphraticus is rated as endangered and the spur-thighed tortoise Testudo graeca is rated as vulnerable.
Reptiles threatened by the Ilısu Dam
indicates species endemic to the Tigris/Euphrates basin
^While the EIAR lists Elaphe quatuorlineata as being recorded from the Tigris basin, this species has never been recorded anywhere in Turkey. However, Elaphe sauromates, the former Elaphe quatuorlineata sauromates, has been recorded from the region.
"Ek Liste-1: Orman ve Su Işleri Bakanliğinca Koruma Altina Alinan Yaban Hayvanlari" [Appendix 1: Wild Animals Protected by the Ministry of Forestry and Water Works], 2012-2013 Av Dönemi Merkez Av Komisyonu Karari [Central Hunting Commission Regulations, 2012–2013 Hunting Season] (PDF)