My Images
Middle Springs, with the visitor center in the background, Fish Springs National Wildlife Refuge
Granular volcanic lithic fragment
Lathwork and submicrolitic lithic fragments
Microlitic volcanic lithic fragment
Vitric volcanic lithic fragment
Sheep grazing in Snake Valley, Utah
Schematic QFL triangle
Notch Peak sunset
Notch Peak, from the canyon below the notch
Notch Peak with the moon in the notch, at sunset
Sunset at Wheeler Peak (Nevada)
Snow blanketing Snake Valley and Wheeler Peak
Snow on the Deep Creek Mountains
Wild horses run through Tule Valley, Utah
Tourist area around Badwater Basin, flooded by ephemeral Lake Badwater
Cropped version of Lake Badwater pic
A summer storm hits Wah Wah Valley and the Wah Wah Mountains
Geopetal structure in a shell in limestone, near Salt Lake City, Utah
Megaripple from Utah
A Khulan (Mongolian Wild Ass) in silhouette at sunset
A domesticated Bactrian Camel mother and offspring, Mongolia
Hanksite crystal from Searles Lake, California
Crepuscular rays above Pruess Lake, Utah
Northern part of the House Range and Tule Valley, Utah
Snow on the hills around Willow Springs Canyon, Confusion Range, Utah
View of Utah State Route 159, looking north from Garrison, Utah
Confusion Range from Skull Rock Pass, looking west toward Kings Canyon (Utah)
View of Partoun, Utah, looking to the southeast
The community of EskDale, Utah, view to the west
Burbank, Utah and moon at sunset
The historic Dearden Ranch, in Burbank, Utah
The Ferguson Desert and its playa, Utah
Mountain Home Range at sunset, Utah
Downtown Garrison, Utah.
An intrusion (Notch Peak monzonite) inter-fingers with host rock near Notch Peak, House Range, Utah
My Tattoo depicting the national symbol of Mongolia, the Soyombo symbol
Students looking at the Wasatch Fault
A diamictite, NOT necessarily a tillite
Gibson Reservoir, Montana
Pompeii, with Vesuvius towering above
Sheep in Kings Canyon (Utah)
This rock SOOOO looks like an Elephant! It even has a pack and an eye!
Wow, you are that below sea level...
Mongolian fault-line scarp
The front of my home-town museum
Onyx (not the puppy), CA
The glory (hole) of Ridgecrest!
The quartzite tippy-top of Jeff Davis Peak]]
Mini alluvial plain at the real Red Rock!
Strat section in Glen Canyon NRA
My fav pace in Utah: Island in the Sky
Historic Grand Canyon rockfall
An alcove near Moab
Yosemite Valley from an airplane
Mmmm... secret menu...
First and only time rushing the field
My Brunton Geo
Mud log in process, geo is yours truely
Gobi fault gouge
What a load of...
Dextral slickenside of pyrite
Rusty old pyrite
Archeocyathids from the Poleta formation
Looks just like me!
Weathering in a mantle xenolith... not bad for a hand sample from my first geo field trip!
Beating a point...
A severe lake!
Not the Jim Rome screener...
What a cute little fault!
Radioactive log