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Gregg Zimmerman
Born (1976-01-11) January 11, 1976 (age 48)
Occupation(s)Artist, Writer, Philosopher, Linguist, Entrepreneur, Programmer, Public Speaker, Musician
ChildrenMyquel, Justise, Tut and Rosco

In an article by Steven Kalar, dated 12/21/2007, titled “Catholic, Buddhist Zimmerman - and that’s OK, in the Ninth,” Kalar, Senior Litigator (N.D. Cal. FPD), coined the term “Zimmermanism.” [1]

Adding the suffix -ism to Zimmerman’s last name denotes a distinctive system of beliefs, myth, doctrine or theory that guides a social movement, institution, class or group.

Zimmermanism, in reference to Gregory Michael Zimmerman, is perhaps a play on the musical philosophy of Bob Dylan (born Robert Allen Zimmerman), who “became an informal chronicler and a reluctant figurehead of American unrest” [2] in the 1960’s; his songs, such as "Blowin' in the Wind" and "The Times They Are a-Changin'", became anthems of the civil rights movement.

Gregory Michael Zimmerman, after pleading guilty in a false ID case, “was ordered to provide a DNA sample under the “Justice for All Act of 2004.” Though he has a Jewish name (a la “Robert Zimmerman” a.k.a. Bob Dylan), Zimmerman was raised Roman Catholic. He also studied other religions, such as Buddhism. Based on his religious beliefs, he objected to letting the Feds draw blood for DNA. [3] (see also Genesis 9:6) [4] The district court didn’t buy it, noting that Roman Catholics have no objection to having blood drawn.”

On 12/18/2007, USA vs Gregory Michael Zimmerman, Gail Ivens (CD AFPD) wins a "Righteous decision" in the Ninth Circuit Court. [5]

The Ninth Circuit’s "righteous decision" also pragmatically emphasizes that an individual isn’t limited to the religious beliefs of his upbringing; religious beliefs may evolve or change based upon life experiences or personal revelations (again, a la “Robert Zimmerman” a.k.a. Bob Dylan). [6]

Understanding Zimmermanism


Zimmerman's Beliefs:
In his referenced declaration to the US Court of Appeals, Zimmerman quotes Genesis 9:6 to explain, in brief, his objection to DNA sampling; this verse reads "Whoever sheds the blood of man, by man shall his blood be shed; for in the image of God has God made man."

Zimmerman defines a wide scope of both philosophical and religious beliefs on various internet sites, which include MySpace, IndigoSociety, Craigslist, and Zimmerman's own site BilletsDoux. In his response to a post titled "Truth," Zimmerman said, "all questions have answers, some are absolute, some are dynamic. Moreover, all absolutes are answered through the conscious understanding of Love, Truth, and Positive Intent; conscious LT+PI (Love, Truth, and Positive Intent) is a natural filter within higher states of consciousness."

Zimmerman's Declaration


Zimmerman relies on several factors in arguing his case before the Federal Government, one of which is the "DNA/Linguistic relationship" and the "orderless [7] fashion in which our scientific community, in conjunction with our government, is proceeding with experimental genetic engineering;" [8] as illustrated in an article by Linda Bren at the FDA.gov site titled "Genetic Engineering: The Future of Foods," which says; "The Grocery Manufacturers of America estimates that between 70 percent and 75 percent of all processed foods available in U.S. grocery stores may contain ingredients from genetically engineered plants. Breads, cereal, frozen pizzas, hot dogs and soda are just a few of them." Furthermore, Zimmerman refers to the Newborn Screening Saves Lives Act of 2008, as the "beginning of the end," which enables health official to take, store and research DNA samples at birth with the intentions of providing "screening, counseling, or health care services to newborns and children having or at risk for heritable disorders." [9] [10]

In his Linguistic research, Zimmerman is recorded as stating, "The current understanding of tautology, within human language, should not be basis for the same belief of genetic information; and, it should, however, be noted that although DNA is, by definition, a language [11], which contains coded information and a communicated message; one cannot reasonably assume it is structured with logically known syntax or grammatical rule. In addition, Zimmerman points out that "without a natural or inherent primer, which is further proven discernible, we can only theorize as to definition and application of this language; and further tinkering would thus, seemingly, only result in its misuse. However, the negative implications here will not be as simple as a mispronounced word; they have the potential to be catastrophic." [12]

Based on terms like "Junk DNA," Zimmerman says, "there is an unambiguous, tautological inference regarding DNA from an esoteric, materialistic viewpoint; whilst widely implying reasonable comprehension to the general public." The term "Junk DNA," for example, implies that 95-97% (depending on source) of human DNA is redundant or inconsequential. [13] Zimmerman asks; "Can we reasonably make these judgments; principally when lacking complete comprehension of grammatical rule?" Additionally, Zimmerman substantiates his claims by saying, "The ability to manipulate coded information and run simulated tests until you have a working communication does not guarantee legal grammatical usage, qualifying idiomatic aptitude."

Zimmerman's Analogy: For example, although I am the creator of several web sites that use the PHP language to encode various automated site functions; by definition, I could not be considered fluent in the PHP language. However, I am able to manipulate preexisting code and write some original code of my own that results in communication of a message. Similarly, to some degree I am able to speak, read and write several different languages; however, I lack idiomatic aptitude in all of the above, with the obvious exception of my native language. While attempting communication without idiomatic aptitude, one cannot be certain, as to the interpretation of their intended message or possible conveyance of linguistic duality; additionally and likewise, of adherence to grammatical rule.

Linguistic/DNA declaration: It is of the utmost importance for the success of the human species that we ask ourselves the following very important questions:

  1. One What are the possible implications from DNA sampling and genetic engineering absent of verifiable idiomatic aptitude and in-depth semantic analysis of the DNA as a language?
  2. Two Regarding genetic information; can we, or perhaps more importantly, should we make unambiguous, tautological inferences based on an esoteric, Biological understanding; or any narrow viewpoint; regardless of intent or what may seem to be a positive end result, and again, absent of idiomatic aptitude in the True language of DNA?

Zimmerman relies on additional Analogies and Examples of Linguistics and Duality to substantiate, for those with various levels of esoteric knowledge, what some are calling Zimmermanism:


  1. One A Mac OSX program, used to switch between themes.
  2. Two In Mathematics, dualities translate concepts, theorems or mathematical structures into other concepts, theorems or structures, in a 1:1 ratio.
  3. Three In Physics and Chemistry, wave–particle duality is the concept that all matter and energy exhibits both wave-like and particle-like properties.

DNA/Human Language Analogy: Included in the 95-97% (depending on source) of “Junk DNA” is RNA/mRNA, which by way of splicing/trans-splicing serves the purpose of conveying dualities; similarly to the following human language analogy.

In human language we frequently use dualities; however, not always with intent. Although the following is only one sentence, there are several possibilities for completely different meanings. The information that is conveyed depends entirely on context, idiomatic aptitude, and interpretation.

The sentence “You have a green light,” might mean;

you are sitting at a stoplight and the light just turned green;
you are holding a green light bulb in your hand;
your proposal just got accepted;
you are okay to fire on the enemy;
the girl you are attempting to woo is wooed.

Zimmerman's History

  • At the age of 13, Zimmerman was in a local (Portland, Oregon) music group that had "anti-drug" & "anti-gang" TV commercials (public announcements) on channel 8 (KGW). The group worked closely with the Sheriff's Department in the Columbia Villa, which was known to be a gang infested neighborhood throughout the 90's.
  • At the age of 21, Zimmerman owned and operated a 16 and over nightclub; an attempt to keep teenagers off the street and out of gangs. [14]
  • At the age of 25, Zimmerman started Appreciation Cards, which aids "schools, sports teams, religious organizations and youth groups for their fund raising needs."
  • Although Zimmerman's biological father was a drug addict, he steered clear of drugs; taking it a step further, Zimmerman now helps others fight their addictions with an educational tool he created at the age of 27, called Fold'em Cards. [15]



Zimmerman's Research Interests



  1. ^ "Zimmermanism - US Attorney's Office". Retrieved 2008-08-21. Article: “Catholic, Buddhist Zimmerman"
  2. ^ Bob Dylan - Wiki Page
  3. ^ "US Court of Appeals - Page 4, Ch 4" (PDF). Retrieved 2008-08-21.
  4. ^ "Genesis 9:6 - Biblical Reference".
  5. ^ "US Court of Appeals - 9th Circuit Court" (PDF). Retrieved 2008-08-21.
  6. ^ "US Attorney's Office - "Of Note" Heading". Retrieved 2008-08-21.
  7. ^ "Disorder: to destroy the order or regular arrangement of; disarrange". Retrieved 2008-08-02.
  8. ^ "Genetic engineering enables scientists to create plants, animals and micro-organisms by manipulating genes in a way that does not occur naturally".
  9. ^ "House Report 110-570 NEWBORN SCREENING SAVES LIVES ACT OF 2008: As defined in section 1111 - "(4) to establish, maintain, and operate a system to assess and coordinate treatment relating to congenital, genetic, and metabolic disorders."" (PDF). Retrieved 2008-08-02.
  10. ^ "NEWBORN SCREENING SAVES LIVES ACT OF 2008 (HTML version from congress.gov)".
  11. ^ Formal language - "A formal language is a set of words, i.e. finite strings of letters, or symbols"
  12. ^ Colony_Collapse_Disorder, Genetically_modified_food - "Some genetically modified (GM) crops produce the natural insecticide Bacillus thuringiensis (Bt), which was hypothesized to affect bees."
  13. ^ Junk DNA - "About 95% of the human genome has once been designated as 'junk'"
  14. ^ "News Article - "For Zimmerman, the reward is worth the risk."". Retrieved 2008-08-02.
  15. ^ "Article - "I hope that my Fold'em Cards™ will be the inspiration for someone to quit their addiction."". Retrieved 2008-08-02.

See also


Category:1976 births Category:Living people Category:New Thought movement Category:New Thought writers Category:Oregon_people_stubs Category:People in alternative medicine Category:Philosophers