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I love Red vs Blue. If you don't know what Red vs Blue is, I recomend you go here for the Wikipedia version of Red vs Blue, or here for the offical site. Red vs. Blue, often nicknamed RvB, is a comic series of short videos made by Rooster Teeth Productions. The series the story of two opposing teams of soldiers fighting a civil war in the middle of a desolate box canyon (Blood Gulch). FUNNY. Go watch it...

I have a Wii and I am gonna kill something because they delayed Super Smash Bros. Brawl. It's just not fair. I mean, we used to get it beofre Japan, but now... let's just say we don't

Through two harsh years, I have Finally made my way to a black belt, in the Korean martial art, Taekwondo.


Short Term


Check user page for errors. -.- DONE!



Attempt to make user page cooler.... -.- DONE!

Long Term


Help Wikipedia -_- ALmost...

Cooler, huh?

This user is a member of the
Machinima work group

Donut This user believes that it's not pink; it's lightish red!

Caboose This user likes food-nap time.