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Die Zeit project


Original article


English: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Die_Zeit German: https://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Die_Zeit

sections: Zeit online & Erscheinungsbild & Zeitmagazin

Deadlines & notes


Anyone who didn't translate their text, please do so until Saturday evening! Proofreaders will proofread until Monday evening! Kyra will put the translations into a coherent text until Tuesday noon. Everyone please look at it until Wednesday noon! Kyra will upload it on Wednesday evening.

We agreed to format dates in the following way: Month Day, Year; e.g. June 13, 2008. Look at the pdf below for correct terminology.

Proper newspaper terminology


For correct technical terms, klick here!

I found a list of the key terms for print media you might want to take a look at. This can also be done next week. I just thought I would share.. Leikyr (talk) 12:44, 2 December 2019 (UTC)

200 words sections


Translation AntoniaAinotna


Translator [user:AntoniaAinotna] proofreader [User:Stilleluft]

Zeit Online[edit | edit source] Zeit Online wird von der Zeit Online GmbH betrieben, einer hundertprozentigen Tochtergesellschaft des Zeitverlags. Die eigenständige Redaktion besteht aus rund 70 Redakteuren, Grafikern und Technikern.[51] Zum 1. Februar 2009 wurden Zeit Online, Tagesspiegel Online und zoomer.de als Zeit Digital zusammengelegt und erhielten eine gemeinsame Redaktion in Berlin.[52] In Hamburg blieben lediglich einige Verbindungsredakteure sowie Technik und Vermarktung.[53] zoomer.de wurde bereits im Februar 2009 wieder eingestellt[54] und die Redaktion von Tagesspiegel Online gehört seit September 2009 wieder zum Tagesspiegel.[55] Im Jahr 2017 gehörte Die Zeit zu den zehn meistzitierten Quellen in der deutschsprachigen Wikipedia.[56] Derzeit gehört sie zu den 100 meistbesuchten Websites in Deutschland.[57] Ressorts[edit | edit source] Das kostenfreie Angebot setzt inhaltlich, technisch und grafisch deutlich andere Akzente als das gedruckte Blatt: Auf der Website finden sich Themen für eine jüngere Zielgruppe. Meldungen, Analysen und Hintergrundstücke werden exklusiv für die Website geschrieben, gesprochen oder gefilmt. Die Beiträge werden dabei nicht nur von der Onlineredaktion, sondern auch von Zeitredakteuren und freien Autoren verfasst. Auch Artikel der gedruckten Ausgabe werden online veröffentlicht. Artikel können von angemeldeten Benutzern kommentiert werden. Die Redaktion kann nach eigenem Ermessen Kommentare editieren, löschen oder den Kommentator-Account sperren, wenn Beiträge den Rahmen der Netiquette verlassen oder in den Augen der Redaktion zu polemisch sind.


Zeit Online:

Zeit Online is run by Zeit Online GmbH, a fully owned subsidiary of publishing company Zeit. The independent editorial office consists of around 70 editors, graphic designers and technicians. Upon February 1, 2009, Zeit Online, Tagesspiegel Online and zoomer.de were merged into Zeit Digital with one joint editorial office in Berlin. Only some linkage editors as well as the technology and the marketing departments remained in Hamburg. Zoomer.de was discontinued in February 2009 already and the editorial office of Tagesspiegel Online belongs to Tagesspiegel again since September 2009. In 2017, Die Zeit was among the most quoted sources in the German Wikipedia. At present it is one of the 100 most visited websites Germany.


The content is free of charge and has a considerably different focus in content, technology and graphics than its print counterpart: topics online are directed at a younger target audience. Information, analyses and background reports are written, recorded or filmed exclusively for the website. Articles are not only authored by online editors but also by Zeit editors or free writers. Articles of print issues are also published online. Registered users can comment on the articles. Editorial staff can edit or delete comments or delete accounts of commentators at their down discretion when comments do not follow netiquette rules or are too polemic in the eyes of the editors.

My (Verbal Kint) humble opinion:

- I think Zeitverlag is actually the name of the publishing company, so there´s no need to “translate” it…

- Not sure what a “Verbindungsredakteur” or “linkage editor” is..

- I´m not sure about the word “already”… in terms of its position in the sentence, maybe just get rid of it.

- How about: “…… and the editorial office of Tagesspiegel Online became a part of the Tagesspiegel paper again in September 2009”.. or so.

- Last sentence of first paragraph: … forgot the little word “in”..

- Instead of “topics online”, my suggestion would be: “the topics on the website…”

- “News” instead of “Information”?

- “freelancer writers/ authors” instead of “free writers”?

- Little typing error: “own” instead of “down” in the last sentence.

- “comments that don´t comply with the netiquette rules..?”.. just a suggestion.

Translation Kint, Verbal


Translator [User:Kint, Verbal] proofreader: [user:AntoniaAinotna]

Das Angebot ist in verschiedene Ressorts gegliedert, wobei jeweils mehrere zu Ressortgruppen zusammengefasst sind: • Politik, Wirtschaft und Gesellschaft • Kultur & Entdecken • Wissen & Digital • Sport Außerdem bietet Zeit Online seit dem 3. April 2014 einen Lokalteil für Hamburg an.[58] Bei einer Umfrage unter deutschsprachigen Literaturblogs wurde der Literaturteil von Zeit Online als bestes Portal bewertet. Es setzte sich unter anderem gegen die Literaturressorts der Onlineausgaben von Spiegel, Süddeutsche Zeitung und Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung durch.[59] Seit dem 23. November 2012 steht Entwicklern eine Content API zur Verfügung.[60] Reichweite[edit | edit source] Die Anzahl der Website-Besuche stieg bis 2017 stark an. Im März 2017 das Bezahlmodell Z+ eingeführt, wodurch manche Inhalte nur gegen Bezahlung abgerufen werden können.[61] Im Januar 2019 wurden 75,1 Mio. Besuche der Internetseite gezählt, bei denen im Mittel 2,34 Seiten abgerufen wurden. Entwicklung[edit | edit source] Chefredakteur war bis Ende Februar 2008 der frühere Zeit-Redakteur Gero von Randow. Am 1. März 2008 wurde der Journalist Wolfgang Blau sein Nachfolger. Er wechselte zum April 2013 zu der britischen Tageszeitung The Guardian.[62] Sein Nachfolger ist seit 15. März 2013 Jochen Wegner; er war von 2006 bis 2010 Chefredakteur von Focus Online. Seit September 2006 gibt es eine Kooperation mit dem Berliner Tagesspiegel. Dieser gehört ebenfalls zur Verlagsgruppe Holtzbrinck. Im Rahmen der Kooperation tauschen beide Onlineangebote Texte aus. Ähnliche Vereinbarungen gibt es mit dem Handelsblatt und mit dem IT-Portal Golem.de.


The content is categorized into four section groups that each consist of one or more sections, as follows:

- Politics, Economy and Society

- Culture and Discovery

- Knowledge & Digital

- Sports

Since April 2014, Zeit Online also has been publishing a local section for Hamburg.

In a survey of German literature blogs, the literature section of Zeit Online was rated as the best portal, better than the literature section of Spiegel, Süddeutsche Zeitung and Frankfurter Allgemeine amongst others.

On November, 2nd 2012, Zeit online launched a Content API that developers can use.

Website traffic:

Up to 2017, the Zeit experienced a significant increase in clicks on their website. In March 2017, Z+ was launched and so was a payment model for the new product. Since then, some of the content has only been available after payment.

In January 2019, the website was visited 75,1 million times. On average, 2,34 pages were opened per visit.

Recent History:

Gero von Randow, a former Zeit editor, was the editor-in-chief until February 2008. The journalist Wolfgang Blau took over his position in March of that year. Blau joined The Guardian in April 2013. Since March 15th, 2013, Jochen Wegner has been in charge. He had been the editor-in-chief at Focus Online from 2006 to 2010.

Being part of the same publishing group, Zeit and Berliner Tagesspiegel decided to cooperate in September 2006. Since then, they have been exchanging and sharing some of their online content. Zeit has similar relationships with other German online news portals such such as the Handelsblatt and Golem.de.

Translation CuscoBirdie


Translator [User:CuscoBirdie] proofreader [User:Kint, Verbal]

Im Juni 2008 begann Zeit Online eine Kooperation mit dem ZDF und strahlte deren Nachrichtenformat 100 Sekunden aus. Seit 2018 ist der Online-Auftritt von brand eins mit Zeit Online verknüpft und wird gemeinsam vermarktet.


  • Mit dem Zuender betrieb Zeit Online von 2005 bis 2009 ein Internetportal für Jugendliche und junge Erwachsene zwischen 16 und 25 Jahren.

Zeit Campus Online

  • 2006 wurde Zeit Campus Online als Internetangebot des Printmagazins Zeit Campus gestartet.


  • 2007 startete Zeit Online zusammen mit dem Musikmagazin Intro, dem Verein Gesicht Zeigen! und der Agentur WE DO gemeinsam mit den Moderatoren Markus Kavka, Ole Tillmann und Klaas Heufer-Umlauf das Projekt Störungsmelder gegen Rechtsextremismus.

Netz gegen Nazis

  • Am 5. Mai 2008 startete Zeit Online mit Partnern wie dem Deutschen Fußball-Bund, dem Deutschen Feuerwehrverband, den VZ-Netzwerken, dem ZDF und dem Deutschen Olympischen Sportbund das Internetportal Netz gegen Nazis. Das Portal erfuhr neben dieser Unterstützung jedoch auch Kritik von publizistischer Seite, da es oberflächlich argumentiere und wenig Neues biete. Am 1. Januar 2009 zog sich die Zeit weitgehend aus dem Projekt zurück und überließ die Trägerschaft der Amadeu Antonio Stiftung. Eine nicht definierte Kooperation soll weiterhin bestehen.


  • Am 27. Juli 2015 startete der Zeitverlag mit ze.tt ein neues Online-Angebot für junge Leser, die vor allem Social-Media-Plattformen nutzen.



In June 2008, Zeit Online started a cooperation with ZDF and broadcasted their news in a display format of 100 Sekunden (English: 100 seconds).

Starting 2018, the online presence of brand eins has been linked with Zeit Online, which are brought to the market together.


Between 2005 and 2009, Zeit Online introduced Zuender which was an online platform for the German youth between 16 and 25 years.

Zeit Campus Online

Zeit Campus Online started in 2006 as an online version of the printed magazine Zeit Campus.


In 2007, Zeit Online cooperated with the music magazine Intro, the association Gesicht Zeigen and the agency WE DO as well as the moderators Markus Kavka, Ole Tillmann and Klaas Heufer-Umlauf to start Störungsmelder (English: Trouble report), a project against right-wing extremism.

Netz gegen Nazis

On May 5, 2008, Zeit Online cooperated with partners such as the German Football Association, the German Fire Department Association, the VZ-networks, the ZDF and the German Olympic Sports Confederation to start the online platform Netz gegen Nazis (English: web against Nazis). Besides support, the web portal also received criticism from the journalistic side. According to them, it did not provide new information and only argued superficially. On January 1, 2009, die Zeit withdrew their contribution to the project and ceded their part to the Amadeu Antonio Foundation. A non-defined cooperation is said to continue, nevertheless.


On July 27, 2015, die Zeit publisher started together with ze.tt a new online offer for young readers that use especially social media platforms.

My comments (Verbal)Sorry for the delay. I just realized that I had proof read the wrong translation (Antonia´s):

- How abt: In June 2008, Zeit Online launched cooperation with the German TV-Channel ZDF and began to broadcast its TV format 100 Sekunde.

- .. linked with Zeit Online. They are marketed as a Joint-Product.

- From 2005 and 2009…

- Zeit Campus was launched in 2006….

- Since 2007, Zeit Online has been cooperating with…….,., which lead to the introduction of the anti right-wing project Störungsmelder.

- According to critiques, …

- Not sure what “Trägerschaft “ really is and how to perfectly translate it. “Part” seems to be a little “dull”. Maybe just simplify the whole sentence: ….., Die Zeit officially withdrew from the project and passed their responsibilities on to the Amadeu Antonio Foundation. (I´m not gonna act like this was a perfect translation either.. just my thoughts)

- However, it is said that an unofficial cooperation still exists in some form.

- “Zeitverlag” seems to be an actual name of the publishing company, so no translation needed, so how about! : On July 27, 2015, the Zeitverlag and ze.tt launched a joint online platform for young readers who are prone to use social media.

Leikyr Translation


Translator [User:Leikyr] proofreader [User:CuscoBirdie]

Erscheinungsbild und Druck Den Schriftzug in der Titelzeile der Wochenzeitung Die Zeit mit der eleganten Schrift „mit Seele“ (weiße Innenlinie) gestaltete 1946 der aus Wien stammende Jugendstilkünstler Carl Otto Czeschka.[27] Czeschka orientierte sich bei der Gestaltung der Kopfzeile an der britischen Tageszeitung The Times[28], die das britische Staatswappen mit Löwe und Einhorn zwischen den beiden Titelworten trägt. Dies war nicht nur von graphischer Bedeutung, sondern zeigte das Selbstverständnis des Gründers der Zeitung Gerd Bucerius – nachzulesen in seinem Editorial „Unsere Aufgabe“ am 21. Februar 1946: Von der ersten Ausgabe (21. Februar 1946) bis zur 12. Ausgabe (9. Mai 1946)[30] wurde die erste von Czeschka gestaltete Fassung verwendet, die das Hamburger Wappen mit schildhaltenden Löwen zwischen den beiden Wörtern zeigt.[31] Dieses Wappen hatte im Unterschied zum offiziellen Staatswappen die Besonderheit, dass die Pfauenfedern der Helmzier mit kleinen Herzen versehen waren. Die Beinstellung der Löwen entsprach dabei der älteren Fassung des Großen Staatswappens; erst in der Zeit zwischen 1952 und 1955 wurde diese Beinhaltung (aus unbekannten Gründen) verändert.[32] Trotz dieser kleinen Differenz wurde es vom Hamburger Senat als Großes Hamburger Wappen und damit als „Hoheitszeichen“ angesehen. Daraufhin wurde das Wappen verändert: Ein offenes Tor sollte die Weltoffenheit der Hansestadt zeigen.[33] Doch auch diese zweite veränderte Fassung des Hamburger Wappens, das von der Ausgabe Nr. 13 bis Nr. 18 Verwendung fand, wurde vom Senat abgelehnt. Auch so sei dies der „Missbrauch eines Hoheitszeichens“ für kommerzielle Zwecke, und dieses Verbot gilt bis heute.[34]



Appearance and printing The masthead lettering in the weekly Die Zeit (Englisch: The Times) with its elegant font was designed by Carl Otto Czeschka in 1946. Czeschka was inspired by the British daily newspaper The Times which shows the British national coat of arms in between The and Times. This was not only for graphic reasons, it also represented the founder's self-conception which he published in an Editorial called Unsere Aufgabe (English: Our Mission) on February, 21st 1946.

The very first version of Czeschka's design, which included the Hamburg crest, was used from the first edition (published on February, 21st 1946) to the 12th edition (published on May, 9th 1946). Other than the official coat of arms this crest featured peacock's feathers with little hearts on them. Additionally, the position of the lions' legs first resembled those of the old great coat of arms. The positions were changed in 1952. Regardless of this tiny difference, the crest was viewed as the great Hamburg coat of arms by the Hamburg Senate and therefore considered a national emblem. Upon this, the crest was revised: An open gate was supposed to be incorporated to represent the cosmopolitanism of the hanseatic city. However, the Senate also declined this version, which was printed in editions 13 to 18, as it was viewed a misuse of a national emblem for commercial purposes, which is still prohibited to this day.


  • Not sure if we need to translate Die Zeit into English in the middle of the article. I think once at the beginning will be sufficient
  • Czeschka was inspired by the British daily newspaper Times Magazine which shows the British national coat of arms in between The and Times
  • and was therefore considered a national emblem.
  • However, the Senate also declined this version that was printed in editions 13 to 18, as it was viewed a misuse of a national emblem for commercial purposes, which is still prohibited to this day. (Just leave one "which" out :) )

Translation Smulstronstaelle


Translator [User:Smultronstaelle] proofreader [User:Leikyr]

So zeigt die Titelzeile des Blattes seit ihrer 19. Ausgabe vom 27. Juni 1946 mit Erlaubnis des Bremer Bürgermeisters Wilhelm Kaisen stattdessen den Bremer Schlüssel und die goldene Krone des Bremer Stadtwappens. Dies geschah durch Vermittlung von Josef Müller-Marein, der später Chefredakteur der Zeit (1957–1968) wurde. Die Graphik mit dem Bremer Schlüssel in der Kopfzeile wurde ebenfalls von Carl Otto Czeschka gestaltet.[35] Sie wird heute als Logo der gesamten Verlagsgruppe verwendet.[36] Der Hamburger Künstler Alfred Mahlau hatte nach den Vorgaben von Ernst Samhaber die gesamte erste Ausgabe gestaltet, mit fünfspaltigem Umbruch „in klassischer Strenge und Sachlichkeit“.[37] Der Druck erfolgte in der Hamburger Druckerei Broschek. Daneben hatte C. O. Czeschka in der ersten Zeit ebenfalls Überschriften für die verschiedene Ressorts gezeichnet. Die Artikel der Zeit und vor allem die Leitartikel auf der ersten Seite sind traditionell länger und ausführlicher als etwa bei Tageszeitungen. Die Titelseite wurde aus diesem Grund gar als „Grabplatte“ verspottet. Seit einigen Jahren sind viele Artikel jedoch deutlich kürzer und stärker bebildert. Seit dem Redesign durch Mario Garcia[38] im Januar 1998[39] werden die Überschriften in der Tiemann-Antiqua gesetzt. Die Fließtexte stehen in der Garamond, einer typischen Buchschrift, die Zeitungen sonst selten verwenden. An der Diskussion um die Rückkehr zur traditionellen deutschen Rechtschreibung, die Der Spiegel, die Süddeutsche Zeitung und Bild anführten, beteiligte sich die Zeit nicht.

To avoid another prohibition, Zeit Magazin changed its masthead on June 27, 1946 into the Bremer Schlüssel (English: key of Bremen) and the golden crown of the city coat of arms, which was approved by Wilhelm Kaisen, the mayor of Bremen. This happened as a result of the mediation from Josef Müller- Marein who later became the editorial director of “Die Zeit“ (1957- 1968). The graphic with the Bremer Schlüssel in its header was also designed by Carl Otto Czeschka and is used as the logo of the whole publishing group today. With the demand from Ernst Samhaber, the Hamburg artist Alfred Mahlau had created the whole first edition which had a five- column break. The edition was printed in the printing house Broscheck in Hamburg. At the same time, C.O. Czeschka had also drawn the headlines of the first edition for the different sections. The articles of “Die Zeit“ and, especially the leading articles on the first page, are traditionally longer and in more detail than the ones of a daily newspaper. As a result, the cover was ridiculed as a tombstone. However, for some years now, many articles have been noticeably shorter and with more pictures. Since the redesign by Mario Garcia in January 1998, the headlines have been printed in Tiemann- Antiqua. The running texts are printed in Garamond, a font that is very frequently used in books. “Die Zeit“ did not join the discussion about the return of the traditional German orthography, which was led by Der Spiegel, Süddeutsche Zeitung and Bild.

proofreader's comments

  • I would change the date format to "June 27th, 1946" but it's just my personal preference, your version is correct as well.
  • syntax: the first sentence feels bumpy. I would suggest changing it to sth along the lines of "Instead, with the permission of the mayor of Bremen, Wilhelm Kaisen, the Key of Bremen and the golden crown of the city's coat of arms adorn the masthead (this is the official technical term for it) of the newspaper since the 19th edition which was published on June 27th, 1946." It's still a very long sentence, we could consider breaking it up into pieces...however, I don't really see how right now...
  • since we're talking about die Zeit (German newspaper) and not the Times (English newspaper) I would consider referring to the newspaper as "die Zeit" since it's the actual name and calling it "the times" could cause confusion.
  • "The edition was printed in the printing house Broscheck in Hamburg." --> "the printing took place.." sounds awkward
  • "At the same time" instead of "besides" --> besides here sounds like "außerdem" which somehow doesn't fit; I can't quite explain it
  • "Ressorts" are different departments in newspaper. In English, you call them 'departments', I think.
  • "than the ones of a daily newspaper" because we're not referring to any particular daily newspaper but to daily newspapers in general
  • "redesign by Mario Garcia" because it was designed by him
  • "the headlines are printed in Tiemann-Antiqua" --> have been written sounds weird, but I think it's correct. are sounds nicer, but it's just an idea. "written" sounds as if the author also uses this font, which usually isn't true, so printing fits better, I think.
  • "all running texts are printed in Geramond, ..." --> again the written/printed thing. "..., a font that is very characteristic of books" or ".., a font that is very frequently used in books"

I hope these comments are constructive in some way. There are lots of technical terms specific to newspapers/print media which are difficult to translate. There were some sentences that sounded bumpy but overall I really liked your translation - good job!

Translation Stilleluft


Translator [User:Stilleluft] proofreader [User:Smultronstaelle]

Sie verwendete seit 1999 eine eigene, sowohl von der traditionellen als auch von den verschiedenen Versionen der reformierten Rechtschreibung abweichende Hausorthographie, die der langjährige Zeit-Redakteur Dieter E. Zimmer ausgearbeitet hatte. Seit 2007 verzichtet die Zeit auf diese Hausorthografie und schreibt, wie viele andere Zeitungen auch, gemäß den Empfehlungen des Dudens. Das nordische Format, ein Markenzeichen der Zeit, wird seit je in Literatur und Kleinkunst – meist in satirischer Form – thematisiert: Laut dem Schriftsteller Hanns Dieter Hüsch ist die Zeit z. B. „so groß, wenn man die aufschlägt, muss der Nachbar gleich zum Zahnarzt“. Das Format ist jedoch nicht größer als bei einem Dutzend anderer deutscher Tageszeitungen. Die Zeit entsteht in den Druckereien Frankfurter Societäts-Druckerei GmbH in Mörfelden-Walldorf und Axel Springer SE in Ahrensburg. Der Vertrieb liegt beim Deutschen Pressevertrieb in Hamburg.[26]

Translated version

Since 1999, Die Zeit has used its in-house orthography which derived from the traditional orthography as well as from the different versions of the reformed orthography, which were edited by Dieter E. Zimmer. Since 2007, Die Zeit refrained from using the in-house orthography and wrote like many other newspapers, according to the recommendations of the Duden. The Nordic format, a trademark of Die Zeit, has always been addressed in literature and cabaret - mostly in satirical form - according to the writer Hanns Dieter Hüsche is Die Zeit, for example "so big, if you open it, the neighbour must go immediately to the dentist". However, the format is no bigger than that of a dozen other German newspapers. Die Zeit is created in the printing companies Frankfurter Societäts-Druckerei GmbH in Mörfelden-Walldorf and Axel Springer SE in Ahrensburg. The press distribution in Hamburg is in charge of the distribution of the newspapers.


"...mostly in satirical form. According to the writer..." > two sentences out of one?

"...according to the writer Hanns Dieter Hüsch (not Hüsche) Die Zeit is, for example..."

"not bigger"

"printed" instead of "created" ?

Well done!

Coherent Text




Please proofread this until Wednesday noon, so I can upload it in the evening. Leave your Username below after you've read the text.



Zeit Online:


Zeit Online is run by Zeit Online GmbH, a fully owned subsidiary of the publishing company Zeit. The independent editorial office consists of around 70 editors, graphic designers and technicians. Upon February 1, 2009, Zeit Online, Tagesspiegel Online and zoomer.de were merged into Zeit Digital with one joint editorial office in Berlin. Only some editors as well as the technology and the marketing departments remained in Hamburg. Zoomer.de was already discontinued in February 2009, and the editorial office of Tagesspiegel Online was handed back to Tagesspiegel in September 2009. In 2017, Die Zeit was among the most quoted sources in German Wikipedia. At present, it is one of the 100 most visited websites in Germany.



The content is free of charge and has a considerably different focus regarding their choice of content, technology and graphics than its print counterpart: topics online are targeted at a younger audience. Up-to-date reports, analyses and background reports are written, recorded or filmed exclusively for the website. Articles are not only authored by online editors but also by Zeit editors or freelance writers. Articles of print issues are also published online. Registered users can comment on articles, the editorial staff can edit or delete comments and even delete accounts of commentators at their down discretion if comments do not follow netiquette rules or are too polemic in the eyes of the editor.

[...There is a translation missing here from someone who didn't upload theirs...]

Media reach


[...There is a translation missing here from someone who didn't upload theirs...]



[...There is a translation missing here from someone who didn't upload theirs...]

In June 2008, Zeit Online started a cooperation with ZDF and broadcasted their news in a display format called 100 Sekunden (English: 100 seconds). Starting 2018, the online presence of brand eins and Zeit Online were merged and are now marketed together.



Between 2005 and 2009, Zeit Online introduced Zuender (English: igniter) which was an online platform for young adults in Germany between the ages of 16 and 25.

Zeit Campus Online


Zeit Campus Online started in 2006 as an online version of the printed magazine Zeit Campus.



In 2007, Zeit Online started a cooperation with the music magazine Intro, the union Gesicht Zeigen! (English: show face) and the agency WE DO as well as the moderators Markus Kavka, Ole Tillmann and Klaas Heufer-Umlauf. The project is called Störungsmelder (English: trouble report) and is directed against right-wing extremism.

Netz gegen Nazis


On May 5, 2008, Zeit Online started a project in cooperation with partners such as the German Football Association, the German Fire Department Association, the VZ-networks, the ZDF and the German Olympic Sports Confederation to start the online platform Netz gegen Nazis (English: web against Nazis). The web portal was subject to criticism from the journalists. This was based on the platform not providing new information and only arguing superficially. On January 1 2009, die Zeit withdrew their contribution to the project and handed over administration to the Amadeu Antonio Foundation. The project has since been renamed to Belltower.News.



On July 27, 2015, the publishing house started a new online format called ze.tt, aimed at young readers who spend a large amount of time on social-media.

Appearance and printing


The masthead lettering in the weekly Die Zeit with its elegant font was designed by Carl Otto Czeschka in 1946. Czeschka was inspired by the British daily newspaper The Times which shows the British national coat of arms in between The and Times. This was not only for graphic reasons, it also represented the founder's self-conception which he published in an editorial called Unsere Aufgabe (English: Our Mission) on February 21 1946.

The very first version of Czeschka's design, which included the Hamburg crest, was used from the first edition (published on February 21, 1946) to the 12th edition (published on May 9, 1946). Other than the official coat of arms this crest featured peacock's feathers with little hearts on them. Additionally, the position of the lions' legs first resembled those of the old great coat of arms. The positions were changed in 1952. Regardless of this tiny difference, the crest was viewed as the great Hamburg coat of arms by the Hamburg Senate and was therefore considered a national emblem. Upon this, the crest was revised: An open gate was supposed to be incorporated to represent the cosmopolitanism of the hanseatic city. However, the Senate also declined this version that was printed in editions 13 to 18, as it was viewed a misuse of a national emblem for commercial purposes, which is still prohibited to this day. To avoid another prohibition, Zeit Magazin changed its masthead on June 27, 1946, into the Coat of arms of Bremen: The key and the golden crown of the city coat of arms, which was approved by Wilhelm Kaisen, the mayor of Bremen. This happened as a result of the mediation from Josef Müller-Marein who later became the editorial director of Die Zeit. The design with the Bremer Schlüssel in its masthead was also designed by Carl Otto Czeschka and is used as the logo of the whole publishing group today. With the demand from Ernst Samhaber, the Hamburg artist Alfred Mahlau had created the whole first edition which had a five-column break. The edition was printed in the printing house Broscheck in Hamburg. At the same time, Czeschka had also drawn the headlines of the first edition for the different sections of the newspaper. The articles of Die Zeit and, especially the leading articles on the first page, are traditionally longer and more detailed than the ones of a daily newspaper. However, in the past few years many articles have been noticeably shorter and include more pictures. Since the redesign by Mario Garcia in January 1998, the headlines have been printed in Tiemann-Antiqua. The running texts are printed in Garamond, a font that is very frequently used in books.

Die Zeit did not join the discussion about the return of the traditional German orthography, which was led by Der Spiegel, Süddeutsche Zeitung and Bild. Since 1999, Die Zeit has used its in-house orthography which derived from the traditional orthography as well as from the different versions of the reformed orthography, which were edited by Dieter E. Zimmer. Since 2007, Die Zeit refrained from using the in-house orthography and started following the recommendations of the Duden. The Nordic format, a trademark of Die Zeit, has always been addressed in literature and cabaret - mostly in satirical form. According to Hanns Dieter Hüsche Die Zeit is „so groß, wenn man die aufschlägt, muss der Nachbar gleich zum Zahnarzt“ (English: "so big, if you open it, the neighbour must go to the dentist immediately"). In reality however, the format is not bigger than that of a dozen other German newspapers. Die Zeit is created in the printing companies Frankfurter Societäts-Druckerei GmbH in Mörfelden-Walldorf and Axel Springer SE in Ahrensburg. The Deutscher Pressevertrieb, based in Hamburg, is in charge of the distribution of the newspapers.

Users who have read (and maybe even polished) this


CuscoBirdie small changes of word orders; change of headline size "Zeit Online" (the other headlines are sub-groups of Zeit Online, so I thought the overall category should be formatted bigger); Correction of the Link Labels that were underlined

Leikyr (talk) 09:44, 11 December 2019 (UTC)