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Winter Semester 2015/2016


What do we need to keep in mind for future projects? (Guidelines/Tips/Ideas)

·       Look at both halves of an article, not just the first part!

·         Better assignments of translation and proofreading, assign at the beginning who does what and have translators proofread paragraphs underneath their own

·         Copying references from German is alright (main reference will mostly be the German article anyway)

·         Expanding an article by not copying everything but choosing a chunk of text and working on that, then dividing it up and proofreading

·         How to create a new page?

1)    New name? Or an existing article?

2)    Click on red name, indicating a page that doesn’t exist yet.

3)    Wikipedia help page will answer many questions (Wikipedia:Yourfirstarticle)

4)    For work purposes use the link to create a work page (special.myspace.articlename)

5)    You can move a page from the work page to Wikipedia by using the “move page” option

6)    Link it to the other articles by clicking “edit links” under the language section to the left of a page

·         How to create tables?

1)    Insert info once someone has gone through the help page on tables…

Record work on personal page (click “contribs” in work log to see) for those who haven’t



This is our work page. This is where we will coordinate, communicate and document what we do.

First translation



All homework, tasks & schedules will be listed here from now on

Prep for week 4

  1. Create a "work log" on your own user page. Make sure you update this regularly.
  2. Divide up tasks and get started. Between 100 and 150 words per person to translate; go with more rather than less. Consider what other tasks there are and divide these.
  3. Keep notes (either written or on your userpage) on how you did your work. We will use these to document our progress, strategies, solutions, etc.

Prep for week 3

  1. Put something on your userpage. Take a look at other userpages on WP for ideas about how to do this (use Copy&Paste!). Everyone will introduce themselves and their userpage.
  2. Add a link to your userpage on this page. See below.
  3. Make at least three suggestions for texts or articles that we could translate. One of them should have at least 1500 words so that we can do that one as a class project. Look at suggestions made by former students, look at lists of Featured Articles in German and/or just surf around WP and see what you can find. Put your three suggestions down below. Please include number of words on both German (G) and English (E).















Suggested articles:




Thanks for your feedback!

Note: for those who worked on the Asylum in Germany page, we've been linked to the Word of the Year (Germany) page, as this year's word is Flüchtlinge :)