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Global Data Mining:

Data mining helps people examine information and generate new information based on previous findings. Global data mining, data mining on a larger scale, can be used to examine data from around the world to create a wider range of new, possibly more useful content depending on the situiation. Global data mining partnered with business helps companies develop plans of action. On a global scale, results can vary more and be more advantageous for businesses looking to work on a more global market. Global data mining can also help save time, money and other resources. Globally, there is a price difference depending on how much data a company wants and for how long they want to be supplied with the information. Mining also helps companies save money therefore saving their customars save money as they can drop product prices.Merck-Medco Managed Care was able to save customers 10%-15% by cutting costs due to more effcient drug expendatures due to data mining.[1] In some countries it is illegal to use data mining for anything other than "scientific research." There are many different ways to use global data mining such as for games, business, science and engineering, human rights, medical research and mcuh more[2]. Examples of countries who allow more general data mining for things other than "scientific research."

Things to Possibly Add/Look Into::

-more diverse sentence structure

-link key words to other articles

-add dollar amounts “it is a * billion dollar industry” “marketers spend * dollars on data mining(across the globe, specific countries, continents, demographics)”

-(better) definition of data mining

-where data mining servers are located globally?

-how it contributes to the foreign economy because many US organizations outsource their servers

-What do different regions use data mining for?

- Try a more concise definition for your lead. Seems a bit too complex for your lead. I thought you did a great job giving a broad overview of the topic. Lastly, I would add information about which companies use global data mining.

Sources for section:


Examples of data mining#Business

Examples of data mining







Response to peer review comments(how group members addressed the content):

The peer review for our article was very helpful actually as that person had prior experience dealing with our article topic. We appreciate that they noted the things we did well in hand with the areas we needed work in. We will be fixing what the peer reviewer pointed out and looking deeper into the subtopics they mentioned. We will also be addressing our senteance structure to make it more diverse and enhance the readability.

Selected Article:

Data Mining

  • This article is relevant because so many applications use data mining for information. The article has reliable citations and multiple sections

We will be adding a section entitled: Global Data Mining to put the topic on an even more global scale and what different regions use data mining for.

The People utilizing Data Mining:


-Insurances use data mining to competitively place their prices to compete with other insurances. They can also use data mining to protect from fraud


-Data mining in manufacturing allows for manufacturers to predict demand vs supply. So they can accurately predict how much people will want so they can create a desired amount of product.


-Data mining in banking systems helps protect against fraud and also lets the banks track where all their money is going and coming from.


-Data mining in retail helps predict sales and what the consumer might want to buy.


-Data mining in education is a useful tool because it can help predict student’s achievement. This allows educators to improve teaching styles before they begin teaching.


-Communications uses data mining to predict what consumers might want or want to see within ads and stores.

Article Selection:

  • Alcohol
    • This article is relevant to the topic by explaining what alcohol really is chemically along with listing names, history and application
    • The article is neutral and very factual
    • Throughout the article there are citations and references to reliable sources
    • One of the topics discussed on the talk page was the discrepancy of whether to add Alcohol and Cortisol to the page as a subsection. However, opinions were expressed stating that the topic of alcohol and cortisol could stand alone as its own page because of how much information that entails.
  • Organized Religion
    • This article is relevant by defining what organized religion is, as well as providing examples. It neutral and factual, and it includes factual citations. The article includes historical facts and modern views. Not much has been contributed to the Talk page by other Wikipedians.
  • Writing Systems
    • This article focuses on the topic of writing systems around the globe and how they work. This article is part of a WikiProject and has many authors talking continuously and contributing factual citations.
  • Data Mining
    • This article is relevant because so many applications use data mining for information. The article has reliable citations and multiple sections
  • Mental Illness Awareness Week
    • This article is relevant by explaining that there is a week in the year where people try and raise awareness for mental illness: mental illness affects many college campuses. This article has factual citations

Article Evaluation:

C-class article, Talk: Addiction

I found it really interesting and helpful that at the top of the article they have missing concepts where they know what needs to be added and others can help and quickly understand how to collaborate.

I found it slightly hard to follow since this article is a work in progress but I also found it very helpful to see the beginning stages of an article. I really liked how they put notes everywhere of ways they could improve the article and it helped me better visualize how I will have to begin doing projects for my class.

Nothing was out of date, instead it was very recent which I enjoyed.

Things of course were missing because it was a new article that the writer is working on but I think the writer knows where they are going with the article and what information they need due to the many notes put throughout.

Overall, I think a lot could be improved simply because there is a lot missing. However, I think once the article is finished, it will be a thorough with many reliant and recent studies.

The article seems neutral so far. I think that because its halfway finished there are parts that are over represented. Hopefully, It will be well balanced once finished.

There are conversations going on in the article of ways to improve it and I am very happy I came across this article because I think it will benefit my future writing and ability to piece my writing together efficiently.

The sources were working and seemed more factual than biased. Most were studies done on addiction by accredit-able sources.

A question I would have is, under the "National Summit" part of the article, people were debating whether or not it would relate to the article and if it did it would need to address the fact that addiction was a chronic illness and not a moral failing. Could it not be both? Some people grow up in households and are exposed to drugs from a young age before their brains are fully developed and are lacking a moral compass, therefore in those situations I believe it could be seen as a chronic illness within our society. However, I could also see it being a moral failing of adults that choose to try drugs. Drugs are usually a coping mechanism people use as a response to an untreated mental illness and that could also argue the point that drug use is a symptom of untreated chronic illness.

  1. ^ "Data Mining". www.laits.utexas.edu. Retrieved 2018-10-30.
  2. ^ "Examples of data mining", Wikipedia, 2018-10-23, retrieved 2018-10-30