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User:Mdupont/List of religious places in Prizren

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NOTE : there are some duplicate entries for some churches from different lists with different dates.

  • 1306 Shen Premte / Bogorodica Ljeviska / The Church of Our Lady of Ljeviš in Prizren (built in about 1306/07)
  • 1330 the 14th century St Saviour Church Built around 1330
  • 1331 St. Nicholas Church - is located in the center of Prizren, and was built in 1331.
  • 1345 end of the capitol of prizren(1300-1345) Capitals_of_Serbia
  • 1346 creation of the Serbian_Empire
  • 1347 Holy Archangels Monastery built
  • 1352, the Ottoman Turks conducted their first incursion into Thrace subduing it completely within a matter of two decades and occupying it for five centuries. Thrace
  • 1353 the Osmans defeated the Serbs at Didymonteichos, and Kantakuzenos appointed his son Matthaios co-regent. [1]
  • 1355 Then Stephan Dusan died in 1355, and with him died the hopes of saving Europe from the yoke of Islam. [2]
  • 1360 PrizrenThe city became a part of the domain of the House of Mrnjavčević under Serbian King Vukašin in the 1360s.
  • 1371 Lazar Hrebeljanovic, Prince (1371 - 1389), assumes royal name Stefan Pomoravlje (river Morava basin)
  • 1371 Vuk Brankovic (ca. 1371 - 1397) Kosovo
  • 1371 Church World Week Црква Свет Недељ
  • 1371 Dissolution of the House_of_Nemanjić
  • 1371 Dissolution of the Serbian_Empire
  • 1371 Following the Battle of Marica in 1371, and the deaths of Volkashin and Uglesha, the Ohrid Archbishopric began to lose its gains. [3]
  • 1371 When the Serbian Empire fragmented into a conglomeration of principalities in 1371, Kosovo became the hereditary land of the House of Branković. Kosovo
  • 1371 Battle_of_Maritsa September 26, 1371
  • 1372 : Prizren The House of Branković under Vuk Branković then became the City's owners, under vassalage to the House of Lazarević that managed to reunite the former Serb Lands. Lazarevićs' founder, hero Prince Lazar was educated in Prizren. The dynasty would switch allegiances to the Ottoman Empire before returning under the Serbian Despot Stefan Lazarević, son of Lazar.
  • 1372 Balšić took Prizren [4]
  • 1372 With the final disintegration of the Serbian Empire, Zeta's ruler Đurađ I of the House of Balšić dynasty took the City with the surroundings in 1372. Zeta_(state)
  • 1375 In 1375 the Serb Patriarch was forced to send a delegation to Constantinopole to appeal for the lifting of the schism from the Serbian Orthodox Patriarchy that was established during the time of Dushan. In the last decade of the fourteenth century, Macedonia was already under Ottoman rule, [5]
  • 1387 The important city of Thessaloniki was captured from the Venetians in 1387
  • 1389 Stefan Lazarevic, Prince (1389 - 1402), assumes title Despot Pomoravlje (river Morava basin)
  • 1389 The Ottoman Turks defeated the Serbian Empire (Yugoslavia) at the battle of Kosovo where Serbian independence is lost for the next five hundred years. The Slavs of Bosnia-Herzegovina (Yugoslavia) are slowly converted to Islam (Muslim) during this period.[6]
  • 1389 Albanian ruler of Durrës invites Ottoman forces to intervene against a rival. [7]
  • 1389 Battle of Kosovo, Ottoman forces defeated a coalition of Serbs, Albanians, and Bosnians [19] led by the Prince Lazar Hrebeljanović. Soon after parts of Serbia accepted Turkish vassalage and Lazar's daughter was married to the Sultan to seal peace. Kosovo
  • 1389 Having this in mind as well as the constant danger from the Turks, Djuradj II Balsic maintained good family ties with Serbian rulers of the time, Prince Lazar Hrebeljanovic. His mother, Milica Mrnjavcevic, was a sister of Prince Vukasin of Serbia, and he married Jelena who was a daughter of Prince Lazar of Serbia. In order to help Prince Lazar to defend his state from Turkish invasion, Djuradj II sent his troops with Ban Tvrtko's forces (with whom he had a dispute over Kotor) to meet the Turkish army at Kosovo Polje. Despite Sultan Murat death, the orthodox coalition suffered a defeat in the epic Battle of Kosovo (1389). [8]
  • 1389 Stefan became Prince in 1389,Stefan_Lazarević
  • 1389 Battle_of_Kosovo June 28 [O.S. June 15] , 1389
  • 1389 in a bloody battle at Kosovo polje on June 15, 1389, Prince Lazar, the Turkish Sultan Murad, and thousands of warriors on both sides were killed. In later historical tradition, this battle would be remembered as the decisive defeat of the Serbs, the end of the Serbian state. [9]
  • 1389 the Turkish victory at the Battle of Kosovo in 1389 effectively marked the end of Serbian power in the region, paving the way for Ottoman expansion into Europe.
  • 1392 Vuk Brankovic, unjustly remembered in epic tradition as a traitor who slipped away from the battle field, resisted them until 1392, when he was forced to become their vassal. The Turks took Brankovic's lands and gave them to a more loyal vassal, Prince Stefan Lazarevic, son of Prince Lazar thereby creating a rift between their heirs [10]
  • 1394 and participated as an Ottoman vassal in the Battle of Karanovasa in 1394, Stefan_Lazarević
  • 1395, the Battle of Rovine in 1395,Stefan_Lazarević
  • 1396 The Battle of Nicopolis in 1396, widely regarded as the last large-scale crusade of the Middle Ages, failed to stop the advance of the victorious Ottomans.
  • 1396 the Battle of Nicopolis in 1396, Stefan_Lazarević
  • 1397 Widow Mara Brankovic with sons (1397 - 1412) Kosovo
  • 1397 The Turks quickly recovered and imposed their own rule over Lazar's successors, and after 1392 over Vuk Brankovic, who had become a leading figure until the Turks overthrew him and imprisoned him in .[11]
  • 1402 Stefan Lazarevic (1402 - 1427) Despots of restored Serbia
  • 1402 Stefan Lazarevic, Prince (1389 - 1402), assumes title Despot Pomoravlje (river Morava basin) END
  • 1402 Battle of Ankara in 1402 Battle_of_Ankara
  • 1402 He became the Despot of Serbia in 1402 after the Ottoman state temporarily collapsed following Timur's invasion of Anatolia with the Battle of Ankara, and in Stefan_Lazarević
  • 1402 In the feud between Turkish vassal Djuradj Brankovic and his uncle Stevan Lazarevic (son of Prince Lazar) who later received the title of Byzantine despot, Djuradj II sided with Stevan. Due to Djuradj's support, Stevan defeated Turkish forces led by Djuradj Brankovic in the battle of Gracanica on Kosovo field (21 June 1402) (J. Jovanovic, Stvaranje Crnogorske Drzave i Razvoj Crnogorske Nacionalnosti, Obod, Cetinje 1947, p. 36). [12]
  • 1402 Part of the Ottoman territories in the Balkans (such as Thessaloniki, Macedonia and Kosovo) were temporarily lost after 1402.
  • 1402 Tamerlane invaded Anatolia with the Battle of Ankara in 1402,
  • 1402 and in the Battle of Ankara in 1402.Stefan_Lazarević
  • 1402 when chaos reigned in the Ottoman Empire following the defeat of Sultan Bayezid I in 1402 by the Mongol warlord Timur (Tamerlane). Although Mehmed Çelebi was confirmed as sultan by Tamerlane, his brothers refused to recognize his authority.[1] Ottoman_Interregnum The capture of Bayezid I threw the Turks into disorder. The state fell into a civil war which lasted from 1402 to 1413, as Bayezid's sons fought over succession. It ended when Mehmed I emerged as the sultan and restored Ottoman power, bringing an end to the Interregnum. Ottoman_Empire
  • 1403 proclaimed Belgrade his capital. He built a fortress with a citadel which was destroyed during the Great Turkish War in 1690; only the Despot Stefan Tower remains today. Stefan_Lazarević
  • 1404 Stefan Tvrtko II Tvrtkovic Bosnian rule
  • 1406 Gjergj Kastrioti Skanderbeg (6 May 1405 – 17 January 1468) was born Skanderbeg
  • 1406 Stefan defeated and killed his brother-in-law Bayezid I's son Musa during the Battle of Despotovac in 1406. After the battle, Serbia had peace with the Ottomans for a long time. Stefan_Lazarević
  • 1408, After John's death in 1408, the Emperor Manuel II Palaeologus gave Thessalonica under the rule of his son Despot Andronicus who was ailing and weakling and could do nothing to strenghten the main city in Macedonia - second of importance in all the empire. [13]
  • 1408, Ohrid as well. The Ottomans did not encroach upon the authocephality of the Ohrid Archbishopric. In their conquests, they showed tolerance towards the Christian faith [14]
  • 1409 Stefan Ostoja (1409 - 1418), second reign
  • 1409 Stefan Tvrtko II Tvrtkovic Stephen Ostoja (restored) (1409–1418) House_of_Kotromanić
  • 1410 Lekë Dukagjini (1410–81) was born Lekë_Dukagjini
  • 1412 After the battle of Angora in 1402, Prince Stefan took advantage of the chaos in the Ottoman state. In Constantinople he received the title of despot, and upon returning home, having defeated Brankovic's relatives he took control over the lands of his father. Despite frequent internal conflicts and his vassal obligations to the Turks and Hungarians, despot Stefan revived and economically consolidated the Serbian state, the center of which was gradually moving northward. Under his rule Novo Brdo in Kosovo became the economic center of Serbia where in he issued a Law of Mines in 1412 [15]
  • 1412 Widow Mara Brankovic with sons (1397 - 1412) Kosovo END
  • 1412 Mosque of Suziut # 1412 -1413
  • 1412 Name is Suziut Rennovated in 1995 Built in (1412/1413) [45]
  • 1412 Stefan_Lazarević Under his rule, he issued a Code of Mines in 1412 in Novo Brdo, the economic center of Serbia. In his legacy, Resava-Manasija monastery (Pomoravlje District), he organized the Resava School, a center for correcting, translating, and transcribing books.
  • 1413 After the Ottoman Interregnum, when Mehmed stood as victor in 1413, he crowned himself sultan in Edirne.
  • 1413 The Interregnum lasted until 1413, when Mehmed Çelebi emerged as victor in the strife, crowned himself sultan, and restored the empire. Ottoman_Interregnum
  • 1415 possible submission of kastriot of albania [16]
  • 1415, Wallachia accepted the suzerainty of the Ottoman Empire; this lasted until the 19th century, albeit with brief periods of Russian occupation between 1768 and 1854 Walachia
  • 1417, Ottoman forces captured Vlora and then Gjirokastra. But their grip on the country was weak, and Albania had not yet given up [17]
  • 1418 Stephen Ostojić (1418–1421) House_of_Kotromanić
  • 1421 Stefan Ostojic (1418 - 1421) END
  • 1421 Tvrtko II (restored) (1421–1443) House_of_Kotromanić BEGIN
  • 1422 the new Turkish sultan Murad II laid a long and heavy siege to Thessalonica which at the end left its inhabitants without any hope for salvation. Next summer Despot Andronicus and the municipality of Thessalonica decided to commit the government of the town to the Venitians hoping that they Would help against the merciless foes. But the Venitians too acted inconsistently and hesitatingly - they could neither defense the town effectively nor rule it properly and gradually they antagonized the inhabitants of Thessalonica. [18]
  • 1422, began the Siege of Thessalonika and Constantinople.[33][34] Byzantine-Ottoman_wars Siege of Thessalonica (1422–1430) Siege_of_Thessalonika_(1422)
  • 1427 Djuradj Brankovic (1427 - 1456) Despots of restored Serbia
  • 1427 Stefan_LazarevićStefan Lazarević died suddenly in 1427, leaving the throne to his nephew Đurađ Branković.
  • 1430 but were later recovered by Murad II between the 1430s and 1450s.
  • 1430 the sultan's troops who had laid a passive siege till now started a direct assault against the town to capture it. Three days later Thessalonica was taken by the Turks and thus the whole Macedonia was conquered.[19]
  • 1439 the Ottomans captured Smederevo, the Branković's capital. Đurađ_Branković
  • 1443 Tvrtko II (restored) (1421–1443) House_of_Kotromanić END
  • 1443, the Ottoman army was defeated, at the Serbian town of Niš, by a crusade under a multi-national leadership which included the Hungarian hero János Hunyadi. At this point Skanderbeg, an Albanian nobleman who had been trained as a soldier in the Ottoman army, raised a rebellion from his family seat at Kruja.[20]
  • 1444 Battle_of_Varna 1444
  • 1448 Battle_of_Kosovo_(1448)
  • 1453 Fall of Constantinople in 1453.
  • 1455 Kërëk Mosque 1455 Kërëk Xhamia 1455
  • 1455 Mosque of Xhumasë # 1455
  • 1455 The Holy Archangels church, however, due to its ill-fated destiny, was destroyed when Prizren fell under Turkish domination in 1455 [21]
  • 1455 The Ottomans occupied Prizren on June 21, 1455, and that is when the oriental urban development of Prizren began [22]
  • 1455 Kosovo was part of the Ottoman Empire from 1455 to 1912, at first as part of the eyalet of Rumelia, and from 1864 as a separate province (vilayet).
  • 1455, it was finally and fully conquered by the Ottoman Empire.[20] Kosovo
  • 1456 Lazar Brankovic (1456 - 1458) Despots of restored Serbia
  • 1456 Siege of Belgrade, 1456
  • 1458 Stefan Brankovic and Helen Palaiologos, Regency (1458 - 1459) Despots of restored Serbia
  • 1459 Stefan Tomasevic (1459) Despots of restored Serbia
  • 1459 Serbia proper was annexed by the Ottoman Empire in 1459. List_of_Serbian_rulers
  • 1459, Serbia was beaten by the Turks, Serbs#History
  • 1471 a dependent Serbian state was established by the Hungarians mostly on the territory of Vojvodina and Syrmia.List_of_Serbian_rulers
  • 1496 the small Serbian territories of Bosnia and Montenegro were lost by 1496 Serbs#History
  • 1500 Xhamia “Maksut Pasha” shek.XVI/XVII in the region of Prizren built in 1500
  • 1500 Xhamia “Sinan Katibi” shek. XVInë in the region of Prizren built in 1500
  • 1513 Xhamia “Suzi Prizreni” in Prizren built in 1513
  • 1526 Xhamia “Haxhi Kasami”në k. Prizren built in 1526
  • 1526 Mosque of Haxhi Kasëmi t (Toska) 1526 /1533
  • 1526 Mosque of Jakup be Evrenozi t 1526
  • 1534 Mosque of Kuklibeu t 1534
  • 1534 Xhamia e “Iljaz Kukës” (1534) në Prizren;
  • 1538 Mosque of the new neighborhood 1538
  • 1543 Mosque of Kuklibeu t 1543
  • 1543 Mosque of Myderis Ali Efendisë (Xh. Ali Hoxha) 1543 -1581 suffered from fire 1975
  • 1545 Mosque of Mehmet Pasha (Bajrakli) 1545 1573 /1574
  • 1549 Bajrakli (Mehmed-Pašina) Mosque - was built in 1549.
  • 1561 The Bajrakli Gazi Mehmet Pasha's mosque is the oldest monument of Islamic art in Prizren. The inscription above the entrance states it was built in 1561. This mosque has a square base and numerous windows, while the main veneration niche (mihrab) and the pulpit (mimber) are made of marble.[23]
  • 1562 Mosque of Mustafe Pashe Prizreni t 1562 /1563
  • 1566 Mosque of Maksut Pasha 1566
  • 1566 Mosque of Sejdi Beu t 1566
  • 1576 Sinan 1576 or 1589 /1590
  • 1591 Mosque of Sinan Qatipi t (mosque short) 1591
  • 1594 Xhamia "Arasta (Evreson beu)" built in 1594 Renovated in 1962
  • 1615 Mosque of Sinan Pasha 1615
  • 1615 Pašina Sinan mosque
  • 1646 Kaderi-Zingjirli 1646 or 1665
  • 1650 Mosque of Sejdi Beu t 1650
  • 1667 Great_Turkish_War 1667-1683
  • 1668 Sinan 1668 or 1706
  • 1689 Mosque of Begzadës # 1689
  • 1699 Helveti Serezi by Osman Baba 1699 /700
  • 1721 Mosque of terzive 1721
  • 1800 Mosque of Budak Hoxha XVIII
  • 1800 Mosque of Dragomani t XVIII
  • 1800 Mosque of Haxhi Ramadani t 1800
  • 1800 Mosque of Tabakhanës XVIII
  • 1808 Mosque of Markëllëqi t (Tabahane) 1808
  • 1828 Mosque of kalasë 1828 was rrënua 1912
  • 1830 Kaderi Rezaki 1830
  • 1831 Mosque of Emin Pasha Rrotllës 1831 /1832
  • 1833 Hoqa Mahallës Mosque of ( Mahmoud Pasha) 1833
  • 1850 Bektashi 1850
  • 1871 Seminary in Prizren was established in 1st October 1871.
  • 1892 Melami 1892
  • 1893 Rufai 1893
  • 1918 The small mosque # 1918


Rise_of_the_Ottoman_Empire Rise of Ottoman Empire (1299–1453)


translation of Objektet_fetare_n%C3%AB_Prizren


see also the albanian article : http://sq.wikipedia.org/wiki/Objektet_fetare_n%C3%AB_Prizren

As a city with laramani cultures, Prizreni (municipality), Kosovo was not only the center of Albanian culture, but also the cultures of peoples living in Dardani of ancient peoples to come to this part of the Balkans . Prizreni in this part of the Balkans is also known for religious tolerance among peoples of different communities. This show of religious objects from the Byzantine times until sotë. List of religious objects found Prizren is long. Some of these objects that lujan a big roles in keeping the tradition are:

Mosques Prizren

  1. Kërëk Mosque 1455

Mosque of Suziut # 1412 -1413

  1. Mosque of Jakup be Evrenozi t 1526
  2. Mosque of Kuklibeu t 1534
  3. Mosque of Kuklibeu t 1543
  4. Mosque of Mehmet Pasha (Bajrakli) 1545 1573 /1574
  5. Mosque of Myderis Ali Efendisë (Xh. Ali Hoxha) 1543 -1581 suffered from fire 1975
  6. Mosque of Haxhi Kasëmi t (Toska) 1526 /1533
  7. Mosque of Maksut Pasha 1566
  8. Mosque of Sejdi Beu t 1566
  9. Mosque of terzive 1721
  10. Mosque of Markëllëqi t (Tabahane) 1808
  11. Mosque of Sinan Pasha 1615
  12. Mosque of Emin Pasha Rrotllës 1831 /1832
  13. Mosque of Mustafe Pashe Prizreni t 1562 /1563
  14. Mosque of Sejdi Beu t 1650
  15. Hoqa Mahallës Mosque of ( Mahmoud Pasha) 1833
  16. Mosque of Haxhi Ramadani t XVIII
  17. Mosque of Sinan Qatipi t (mosque short) 1591
  18. Mosque of the new neighborhood 1538
  19. Mosque of Dragomani t XVIII
  20. Mosque of Tabakhanës XVIII

The small mosque # 1918

  1. Mosque of kalasë 1828 was rrënua 1912
  2. Mosque of Bylbylderës rrënua was at the time of the old Yugoslavia
  3. Mosque of Begzadës # 1689
  4. Mosque of Xhumasë # 1455
  1. Mosque of Budak Hoxha XVIII



Helveti # Serezi by Osman Baba 1699 /700 Sinan # 1576 or 1589 /1590 Sinan # 1668 or 1706

  1. Sinani
  2. Kaderi-Zingjirli 1646 or 1665
  3. Saad

Rufai # 1893

  1. Bektashi 1850

Melami # 1892 Kaderi Rezaki # 1830


  1. Dallgën Babes
  2. Tezxhir Babes
  3. XhaferBabës
  4. Murad Babes
  5. Ymer Nabës
  6. Veli Babes
  7. Kalender Babes
  8. Suziut
  9. Mehmet Gazi Pasha
  10. Musa Kutub Babes
  11. Sees Koros Ali
  12. Sylejman views
  13. See Osmani t
  14. Mahmoud Efendisë
  15. Rexhep Efendisë
  16. Vashës
  17. Sees Hysejni t
  18. Mustafe Lallo Kryeziu t - Karabash Babes

Orthodox Churches

  1. St. Friday

Monastery kryeëngjëjve # Mëhill The Gabriel Church # St. Spasi t

  1. Church of Saint Nicholas

Church # St. Trinisë

  1. Church of Saint Nicholas neck shopping district
  2. Church of Saint George t
  3. Church of St. George the great
  4. Rrëfimore Church of Saint Nicholas St. Friday

Catholic Churches


Church # St. Mërisë

  1. Church of Saint Peter t
  2. Church of lifting the Ms in heaven

Church # St. side Church # Mrs. help

the Episcopal Residence Complex



  • the Bishop's residence
  • St. George Cathedral
  • Churches of St.George (Runovic)
  • St. Nichoilas (Tutic).


Church of St Nicholas


part of the Episcopal Residence Complex. also called

  • Tutic’s Church
  • Church of St. Nicholas
  • St.Nikole
  • Tutića
  • Црква светог Николе
  • St. Nicholas Church
* Црква светог Николе – налази се у самом центру Призрена и подигнута је 1331 .
* St. Nicholas Church - is located in the center of Prizren, and was built in 1331. 

The Church of St Nicholas-Tutic’s Church is a typical feudal family church with wonderful architecture and good if fragmentary paintings. It is a cultural monument of national importance.

According to a preserved stone inscription, the church was built and decorated by a local landowner Dragoslav Tutic (Nicholas as a monk) and his wife Bela in 1331-1332.

The church was decorated by the painters who executed the first-phase frescoes of St Savior in Prizren.

It was given as a gift (probably in the Middle Ages) to the Dečani monastery, whose property it remains to the present day. The church is situated in front of the bishop’s residence in Prizren. It is a small cruciform building of the compact cross type. The masonry is mixed stone and brick and has been executed carefully and professionally. The walls correspond to the late Byzantine technique of alternating layers of square stones and decorative brick courses. The harmonious wall paintings, although incom- plete (time having taken its toll), were executed by a very skilled master craftsman shortly after the erection of the building and illustrate a wealth of iconographic themes.

The architectural structure is that of a single-aisled nave with a central dome, supported by corbels, over a cross-in-square ground plan and with a small narthex. [25]

Built in the 14th century (1331) [26] [27] [28]

Episcopal residence - Bishop's residence (Former Russian Consulate)


Two story building with basement on the site of the Church of St. George. Initially built in the XIX century as the Russian consulate, the current building is a recent reconstruction. [29]



Other names

  • Episcopal Church of St. George
  • Serbian Orthodox Cathedral
  • Saborna crkva
  • Саборна Црква светог Ђорђа
  • Saborna Church of St. George


See also : St._George See the prizren district article. Prizren_District



It is located on the cultural site of St. George – Runović Church protected by the Decision No. 02.956-64/31.12.1964, of the Provincial Institute for The Protection of Cultural Monuments – Priština. 42°12′32″N 20°44′26″E / 42.2089701°N 20.7405644°E / 42.2089701; 20.7405644



Orthodox Cathedral Church within the historical- urban zone of the Prizren centre.

Main dates

  • 1856 Church construction began
  • 1887. Construction of the church completed.
  • Late 19th century, the church was painted inside.
  • 1903. Wooden bell-tower erected.
  • 1982. New bell-tower erected in place of the old one.
  • 2004.The church was demolished and burnt
  • 2005/2006 – Restoration, reconstruction and rehabilitation of the church architecture

Church construction began in 1856 and was completed and decorated in 1887, thanks to the advocacy and aid of rich Serbian merchants in Prizren.

It was built of ashlar during the period of Turkish occupation, in the area of the old Orthodox cemetery, to the north of the older St. George (Runović) church. The interior of the church was richly decorated and designed with ashlar in different colours, polished onyx, marble panes, fresco paintings, icons etc. In the church, apart from the wooden iconostasis and the old books, there were a great number of very important icons, gathered from other churches, ruined in 1999. In March 2004, the church was first looted, then demolished, and finally mined and burnt. The roof is burnt; the walls are damaged and have cracks; the doors and windows are destroyed. The monument is now completely damaged.

The prefix “Cathedral” speaks for itself of the monument’s importance for the Serbian population in Prizren and surroundings. Having such significance, it occupies an important position in the history of Serbs, in a religious, spiritual and cultural sense.

At the end of 2005 the Council of Europe and Commission for Reconstruction (RIC) carried out urgent measures on protection of the church architecture and in 2006 pillars, curves, arches, cupolas, roofer, belfry and church gallery were reconstructed.

The Cathedral Church St.George is located in the populous and historical centre of Prizren Town within the zone called Sadrvan. The existing network of narrow and curved streets around the church creates less populous residential areas with two-storey houses and small irregular parcels. The following churches are situated nearby:

  • St.Nikole (Tutića),
  • St. or a (Runovića)
  • St.Spas,
  • St.Nedelje,
  • St.Vrači,
  • St.Nikole (Rajkova), the residence of Serbian Orthodox Diocese and Serbian Orthodox



Church World Week

* Црква Свет Недеље – налази се у подграу тврђаве Каљаја и задужбина је Марка Мрњавчевића из 1371 

. Church World Week - is located in the podgrau fortress Kaljaja endowment and the brand Mrnjavčevića from 1371. године. year.



other names: Alb. Kisha e Shën Gjorgjit-Runoviq (IPMPZ) other names: Srb. Crkva Svetog Djordja “Runovic” (Mnemosine) other names: Eng. The Church of St. George - Runovic’s (Mnemosine)

Old Church of St. George – "Runovic’s Church" (16th - 18th century)[32]

XIV-XVI century, byzantine kosovar style. (Dr. F. Drançolli)

Late Byzantine style. Small one aisled church with barrel vault. Rich wall paintings. In the complex of the Episcopal Church of St George (no. 04) Built in the XIV-XVI centuries. Protected monument. [33] Other names :

  • Old Orthodox Church of St. George –
  • "Runovic’s Church"
  • Old Church of Saint George
  • sv. Georgija Runovica

Runovic's church, 16 century [34]

  • Interior damaged by explosion (and fire?); some walls cracked, damage to frescoes; may be salvageable

urgent attention needed (From the revised DoC & CHwB list by András Riedlmayer 8 April 2004)

  • On 17th of March 2004, partly damaged. (DoC)
  • Object qualified as cultural historical monument under protection (decision no. 02.956-64, dt.31.12.1964) (DoC)

The church stands some 10 metres to the south of the cathedral church of Prizren. It is a single-nave domed building with an apse and a separate zone in the southern part containing the tombs of two Prizren bishops on its eastern and western sides respectively. The northern wall has four large arched openings. The 14th-16th century church of St George/Runović’s Church belongs to the cathedral complex. In contrast to the huge cathedral, the small and picturesque chapel is a single-aisled church with a barrel vault, to which additions (lost at an earlier period) had been made on the northern side and where there are now open arches. In the north- western part is a burial place with a sarcophagus, now destroyed. The interior houses a valuable and almost complete set of wall paintings from the 16th century, rich in icono- graphic content and featuring miniature-like scenes and images. Although damaged, it is a very interesting and important monument of post- Byzantine Balkan art. [35]

References :



church of Bogorodica Ljeviska The Church of Our Lady of Ljeviš in Prizren (built in about 1306/07) church of Our Lady Ljeviške turned into a mosque.

   * Bogorodica Ljeviška - the church was built for King Milutin in the ruins of the church from the XII century. 

За време турске владавине била је претворена је у џамију, али после повратка Призрена под српску власт црква је рестаурисана.

During the Ottoman rule was turned in the mosque, but after the return of Prizren in the Serbian government is restaurisana church.


Bogorodica Ljeviska church, Prizren Ca. 1309 ]

Bogorodica-Ljeviska from 1306(13 century) in Prizren City http://www.skyscrapercity.com/showthread.php?p=30946604

"""The church of Bogorodica Ljeviška (1306–07), turned into a mosque by the Turks, was restored in 1950 to reveal large and beautiful frescoes.""" http://www.britannica.com/EBchecked/topic/1283082/church-of-Bogorodica-Ljeviska

Serbian Orthodox Seminary of Sts. Cyril and Methodius


near prizren


Church of St Kyriake

 (Sv. Nedelja) (village of Zivinjane)

One aisled church with narthex, covered by a dome. Remains of wall paintings. Built during the 1960s over the remains of a XIV c. church. [36]

H/ni-0.62- Prizren, The Church of. Sveta Nedelja. [37]

19th c. Church of St Kyriake (Sv. Nedelja) - (village of Zivinjane) Said to be damaged by fire and blast. [38]

Church of Saint Nicholas Bogoshevce


Other names :

  • Bogoševci
  • Bogoshevce
  • Bogosevci
  • Bogusevic
  • Bogosevci
  • Bogoshevcė

open streetmap location

Church of Saint Nicholas, Bogosevci, Prizren/Prizren;

St. Thomas Church

   * Црква Светих Врача и Светог Томе су цркве саграђене у XIX веку у насељаву Поткаљаја. 

Returns the Holy Church and St. Thomas Church was built in the nineteenth century settled in Potkaljaja.



is a section of prizren under the kaljaja, the fortress.

includes streets

  • at Gjergj Fishta Street.

Civil Peace Service (AGEH) - Kolping Kosova/o Shërbimi Civil Paqësor (AGEH) - Kolping Kosova/o Rr. At Gjergj Fishta, Nr. 23; Prizren, Kosova/o

  • Asaf Hadji Vehbiu Street.




photo : http://www.travel-images.com/photo-kosovo82.html photo : http://www.panoramio.com/photo/365837

Holy Archangels Monastery

- in Bistrica 

Manastir Sv. Arhangela Prizren (Manastiri u Srbiji) Manastir Svetih Arhangela Openstreetmap [1]


  * Манастирски комплекс Свети Архангели – налази се 3 km од Призрена и задужбина је цара Душана.
St. Arhangela monastic complex - is located 3 km from Prizren and endowment of the Emperor Dusan.
Црква у комплексу је посвећена Светим Архангелима Михаилу и Гаврилу.
Church in the complex is dedicated to the Holy Archangel Mihail and Gavril.
Манастир је за време турака уништен и остатаци су били кориштени за изградњу Синан – пашине џамије. 

The monastery was destroyed during the Turks and ostataci were used for the construction of Sinan - Pašina mosque.


The church was completely destroyed by Sinan Pasha and the material from the destroyed monastery was used by him in 1615 for the construction of his mosque in Prizren. [39]

To them also belonged the 

greater part of Herzegovina, Southern Dal- matia, Northern Albania, Montenegro, Old Servia (Novi-Bazar), the northern districts of the Prizrend pashalik, and the modern Servia. [40]

In a note in a MS. of the Four Gospels written at Mount Athos, about 1347, we are told that " by God's grace and the prayers of his ancestors, it was given to DuSan to rule over the whole of the Serbian land, as far as the town of Morunac, which is called Kristopolje (the Kavala of to-day), and as far as Salonica, and over all Dioclitia as far as Drac." 2 In a deed presented by Tsar Dusan about 1350 to his Monastery of the Blessed Archangels St. Michael and St. Gabriel at Prizren, the gifts he bestowed upon this monastery are enumerated. Among other gifts, he also endowed it with a church in Veles with " men, mills, and vine- yards," and with a church in Strumica with " men, lands, vineyards, and mills." In assessing the rights and duties- of these men whom he assigned to the monastery, he refers to them as Serbs, Albanians, and Vallachians. No Bulgars are mentioned. 3 In the Code which he compiled for the whole of his empire at the State Councils of Skoplje in 1349 and of Seres in 1354, Dusan nowhere mentions Bulgars, although he omitted none of the nationalities represented in his country, viz. Serbs, Greeks, Albanians, and Germans. 4 It is impossible that the Serbian legislators of that time, at two Councils, both held in Macedonia, should have remained ignorant of the existence of a Bulgarian element — if it existed — in Macedonia. If even the small national populations in

1 St. Novakovic, "Balkanska Pitanja" (" The Balkan Question"), pp. 290-293.

- Lj. Stojanovic, " Stari srpski zapisi i natpisi " (" Old Serbian Inscriptions and Notes "), No. 89.

a " Glasnik Srpskog Ucenog Drustva," vol. xv. pp. 264-310.

4 St. Novakovic, " Zakonik Stefana Dusana" (" Stephan Dusan's Code "), Arts. 32, 39, 77, 82, 173.


The archaeological site on the river banks of the narrow gorge in the Bistrica valley near Prizren is of major cultural and historical importance, the Monastery being a pious endowment and the burial place of King Stefan Dušan (1343-1352), constructed on the site of an earlier Christian edifice. The ruins were excavated in 1927 and restored at the end of the 1970s. The monumental Archangel’s church had the form of a Greek cross and was vaulted with a central dome. The monastery had previously been destroyed under the Ottoman rule and the stones of its churches were used to build the Sinan Pasha Mosque in Prizren in the early 17th century. The surviving ruins include the ground walls of the monastery’s two churches (Archangel’s church and St Nicholas church), buildings such as the refectory, and the fortification of the complex, which was connected with a citadel in the neighbouring Višegrád mountains. Recently the old monastic property was reinstated as a Serbian Orthodox monastery. The new church (a small chapel) was built in 1998 together with the cells and storage lodge. The road to the Monastery crosses the river over a small stone bridge. The Monastery complex was once surrounded by stone walls. Dormitories and farm buildings were later added to the walls.

The main monastery church houses the tomb of a king, Dušan, who later became emperor. The church, which measures 17m x 28.5m, was once a spacious tripartite build- ing incorporating a cross-shaped design and with a narthex. Four strong square pillars supported the dome. The facade was covered with red and white marble slabs. The church was decorated with murals and stone-plastic art, particularly around the king‘s tomb. The mosaic floor of the church is unique for medieval Serbia. Located to the south- east of the main church is the church of St Nicolas; and to the west the brotherhood‘s refectory.

After the Ottoman invasion the Monastery was deserted and the stone blocks of the main church were used for the building of the Sinan Pasha‘s mosque in Prizren. Archaeological investigation of the site started in 1929, and the complex was conserved after the Second World War. The contemporary Monastery buildings, laid out in concate- nated form, are situated to the east of the main church. Picture taken from http://www.spc.org.yu/Vesti-2004/03/arhangeli/arhangeli-c.html [42]



Призрен је за време петовековне владавине био важно исламско седиште и у њему су подигнуте бројне џамије, текије, турбета и медресе.

Prizren is the time petovekovne rule was an important seat of Islamic and have brought him numerous mosques, Tekije, turbeta and medresi. 

У Призрену је било развијено преписивање арапских, персијских и турских дела са књижевним и научним садржајем. In Prizren was developed transcription Arab, Turkish and persijskih works with literary and scientific content. У једном периоду у Призрену је било преко 23 џамија, 15 турбета , 21 школа, 4 медресе и два месеџида . In a period in Prizren were over 23 mosques, 15 turbeta, 21 schools, 4 medresi and two mesedžida.

Најзначајније џамије су: The most important mosques are:

  • Бајракли (Мехмед-пашина) џамија – саграђена је 1549 .

Bajrakli (Mehmed-Pašina) Mosque - was built in 1549. године. year. Подигао ју је Гази Мехмед Паша. Built by the Gazi Mehmed pasha.

  • Синан пашина џамија – саграђена 1615 .

Pašina Sinan mosque - built in 1615. године, а за њену градњу коришћен је материјал са порушеног манастира Св. , and for the building materials used in the monastery of St. porušenog. Арханђела. Archangels Карактерише је висок и витак минарет. Characterized by a high and slender minaret. Налази се у самом центру Призрена. It is located in the center of Prizren.seminary

Богословија у Призрену основана је 1 октобра 1871 .

Seminary in Prizren was established in 1st October 1871. 

године од стране великог српског добротвора Симе Андрејевића Игуманова иначе рођеног Призренца. by the great Serbian benefactors Sime Andrejevic prior or Prizrenca born. Налазила се у самом центру Призрена али је током мартовских нереда 2004 . It is in the center of Prizren, but during the March riots in 2004. запаљена. fire.

Иначе по доласку НАТО снага 1999 . 

Otherwise, the arrival of NATO forces in 1999. у Призрен, богословија је престала са радом и премештена је у Ниш због сигурносних разлога, а у њој су живели расељени. in Prizren seminary was with and moved to the Niš for security reasons, and it displaced the inhabitants.

St Peter of Koris


In serbia, Crna Reka. 43°14′10″N 20°34′18″E / 43.2360406°N 20.5716191°E / 43.2360406; 20.5716191 on open streetmap

relics of St Peter of Koris. http://www.orthodoxphotos.com/Holy_Relics/Various/12.shtml

It is in crna reka. """In gratitude, George built a monastery in that place, known today by the name of Devic.""" http://www.serbianorthodoxchurch.net/cgi-bin/saints.cgi?view=051982110264

"""We learned that under the inspired spiritual fatherhood of Bishop Artemye, who followed in the footsteps of the hermit St. Peter of Koris in Crna Reka Monastery, Decani is attracting more and more urban youth from the subculture. """ http://www.kosovo.net/pilgrimg.html

Crna Reka


not really in prizren. monastery of Crna Reka. Black River.

Crna Reka monastery is a hermitage in the midst of the south Serbian mountains situated in the gorge of the Black River. It is surrounded by high rocks and lush vegetation. It dates from 13th century when a small church dedicated to the Holy Archangel Michael was built in a big cave. Soon the monks hermits built their cells around the church and erected a small draw bridge over the dry bed of the Black River. By a great blessing og God the river disappears underground just in front of the monastery and reappears after several hundred meters of its underground flow and thus spares the monastery from the noise. The greatest treasure of the monastery are the holy and incorruptible relics of St. Peter of Korisha, a famous Serbian ascetic from the 13th century. Even today numerous pilgrims come to the monastery to seek healing and spiritual consolation from this great miracle-worker. In the 15th century Crna Reka was home for a time to a famous hesychast St. Ioanichios, who with his monks later moved to the area of today's Devic monastery. Crna Reka was deserted for a long time. It was only in 1979 that Fr. Artemy came to live there and gathered around himself a young brotherhood. After his election as bishop he took several monks and renewed other monasteries of the Diocese of Raska and Prizren. Today there are 18 brethren in the monastery who occupy themselves with prayer, icon painting and wood carving.

[43] photo link {coord|42.946999|N|20.468302|E}

Church of St. Savior


also known as

  • Sveti Spas

Church of St. Saviour,
1.6. Inventory reference
Registry number RIPM of Serbia, SK 1401 (1948 -
1990) R 1598/48, 27.09.1948 RIPM of Serbia
Decision on listing it among cultural monuments of
extraordinary importance: "Official Gazette” of the
Republic of Serbia No. 16 of 3 December 1990
1.7. Monument/Site type: Orthodox Church, historical monument surrounded
by historical urban zone Podkaljaja
1.8. Main dates: 1330 – 1348: Construction and painting of
the mediaeval church
1836: Unfinished construction - addition
1882: the church caught fire
2004: the church was set on fire
2005 works carried out on bell tower couple
1.9. Current use(s): The church has no services
2. Description of the site and its context
The Church of St.Saviour is part of the rich Serbian cultural heritage in Kosovo and Metohija, whose
buildings and architectural achievments belong to the European heritage.
The Church of St. Saviour occupies a dominant position in the northern part of the town Prizren, below
the Fortress. On the slope under this building, there is a part of the historical core of Prizren
"Podkaljaja”, which was traditionally inhabited by Serbs.
With its rehabilitation, the church will again become the spiritual, religous, cultural, historical and
educational centre of the Serbian Orthodox Church and orthodox Serbs in Prizren.

St. Saviour Church dominates the northern part of the town of Prizren known as "Podkaljaja”,
traditionally inhabited by Serbs. In 1999 a part of Podkaljaja was destroyed and burnt down, and the
Serbian community fled from Prizren. In March 2004, the remaining part of this urban inheritance was
destroyed, and the monument was burnt and badly damaged.
The Church complex consists of two major architectural parts. The older church was built around 1330
as an atrophied Greek cross with a dome and a narthex. The pattern on its facades is formed by an
alternation of stone, brick and bands of mortar, with extensive use of terracotta decorative elements.
The frescoes in the sanctuary were carried out in the middle of the 14th century. In 1836 the project for
the construction of a bigger stone church was given up, but the high walls remained around the
churchyard, together with a belfry. In 1882 the church caught fire, which produced additional damage.
The church continued to be in service on religious holidays until 1999.
The Church complex remains abandoned in bad physical condition. The building itself is desolate and
completely damaged by damp. The walls and the bell-tower were damaged by arson in 2004. Roof
protection of the high perimeter walls has disappeared. The mediaeval church covering is damaged.
The interior of the church is badly damaged by fire and the fresco paintings have suffered from soot,
dust and damp.
St. Saviour Church stands as an important testimony to late Byzantine architecture and mediaeval
Serbian fresco painting. It is of great importance for the Serbian community in Prizren, as its
restoration would encourage the return of Serbs to Podkaljaja and Prizren. The objective is complete
conservation and restoration of the church, as well as renovation of the church complex and its new
usage as a religious site.


the 14th century St Saviour Church Built around 1330


Serbian Orthodox Church of Holy Salvation

   * Црква светог Спаса – налази се на брду изнад Призрена и посвећена је Вазнесењу Христовом.
Church of Holy Salvation - is located on the hill above the Prizren and is dedicated to the Ascension of Christ. 



Shen Maria Levishka Sh'nm'ria Levishka Kisha e Shën Premtes Oldest standing church http://www.albanian.com/main/countries/kosova/prizren/index.html

From IV-VI-IX-XIV Shen Maria Levishka ( Kisha e Shën Premtes) was Paleochristian building. In the 14th century it was converted to a Serbian Orthodox church. During Ottoman rule it was a mosque but it was converted back into a Serbian Orthodox church in the Yougoslav period.
Shen Maria Levishka represents all main religion of Kosovo Catholic, Orthodox and Islam.
By the way its not a monastery but a cathedral. Get your facts right! 




near prizren

  1. Xhamia “Sinan Katibi” shek. XVInë in the region of Prizren built in 1500
  2. Xhamia “Maksut Pasha” shek.XVI/XVII in the region of Prizren built in 1500
  3. Xhamia në Dardani
  4. Xhamia në Dobrusht
  5. Xhamia në Mamushë
  6. Xhamia në Pousko

in prizren


Here are the ones I extracted from the list of Mosques .

  1. Xhamia “Suzi Prizreni” in Prizren built in 1513

Name is Suziut Rennovated in 1995 Built in (1412/1413) [45]

  1. Xhamia “Haxhi Kasami”në k. Prizren built in 1526
  2. Xhamia "Arasta (Evreson beu)" built in 1594 Renovated in 1962
  3. Xhamia "Budak Hoxha" (Troshan mahalla)
  4. Xhamia "Mustafa Pasha"
  5. Xhamia "Arasta (Evreson beu)"
  6. Xhamia "Mustafa Pasha" në
  7. Xhamia "Budak Hoxha" (Troshan mahalla)
  8. Xhamia “Emin Pasha”
  9. Xhamia në Arban
  10. Xhamia “Ahmed beu” shek. XVII
  11. Xhamia “Daruselam” në Arbanë
  12. Xamia “Ebu Bekr r.a.”
  13. Xhamia “Haxhi Kasami”
  14. Xhamia “Haxhi Ramadani”
  15. Xhamia “Iljaz Kuka”
  • Xhamia e “Iljaz Kukës” (1534) në Prizren;


  1. Xhamia “Jeni Mahalla” shek.XIX
  2. Xhamia “Kukli beu” (Saraçhana)
  3. Xhamia “Mahmud Pasha”
  4. Xhamia “Maksut Pasha” shek.XVI/XVII
  5. Xhamia “Mehmed pasha”
  6. Xhamia “Mehmet Terziu”
  7. Xhamia “Mesxhidi”
  8. Xhamia “Muderis Ali efendi”
  9. Xhamia “Omeri r.a.”
  10. Xhamia “Osmani r.a.”
  11. Xhamia “Sejdi beu”
  12. Xhamia “Sinan Pasha”
  13. Xhamia “Suzi Prizreni”
  14. Xhamia “Terxhuman Iskenderi” shek.XIX
  15. Xhamia “Çohaxhi Mahmudi”
  16. Xhamia "Emin Pasha-Kala"
  17. Xhamia "Mahmud pashë Rrotulla"
  18. Xhamia "Mehmed beg zade"


Reconstruction Implementation Commission for Orthodox Religious Sites in Kosovo


http://www.rickosovo.org/RIC%20-english/Ric%20Mechanism.htm A Joint Action of the European Commission and the Council of Europe to Promote the Rehabilitation of Cultural Heritage in Kosovo - An EU funded project managed by the European Commission Liaison Office Implemented by the Council of Europe

lists of places in prizren, different sources


Council of europe list of places


Kosovo UNMIK PIL 1. Fortress, Prizren PTA FS 2. Hammam Mehmed Pasha, Prizren PTA FS 6. Mosque of Sinan Pasha, Prizren PTA 17. Church of the Holy Virgin, Ljeviska, Prizren PTA FS 20. The Episcopal Residence, Prizren PTA FS 22. The Episcopal Church of St. George, Prizren PTA FS 24. The Church of St. Saviour, Prizren PTA FS 25. The Monastery of the Holy Archangels, Prizren PTA FS


Another list of churches in Prizren



  1. Holy Virgin of Lyevish - Bogorodica Ljeviska (14th century)
  2. Church of Christ the Savior (14th century)
  3. Cathedral of St. George (1856)
  4. Church of St. Nicholas (Tutic’s church, 14th century)
  5. Church of St. Nicholas (Runovic’s church, 16th century)
  6. Church of St. Kyriake (14th century, reconstructed later)
  7. Church of St. Panteleimon (14th century, reconstructed later)
  8. Church of Sts. Cosmas and Damian (14th century, reconstructed)
  9. Church of St. Kyriake, Zivinjane, near Prizren
  10. Holy Archangels Monastery (14th century)
  11. Serbian Orthodox Seminary of Sts. Cyril and Methodius
  12. Bishop’s residence in Prizren


Church of St. Panteleimon


(14th century, reconstructed later) TODO

Unesco list


Prizren/Prizren Municipality 01. Church of The Holy Virgin of Ljeviska, 14th century : 12 02. Cathedral Church of Christ the Savior, 14th century : 16 03. Episcopal Church of St George, 19th : 19 04. Church of St Nicholas – Tutic’s Church, 14th : 22 05. Church of St George – Runovic’s Church, 15th : 24 06. Holy Archangels Monastery, 14th century : 26 07. Episcopal residence – Bishop’s residence (Former Russian Consulate), 20th century : 29 08. Serb vernacular heritage, 19th-20th centuries : 30


Special Protected Areas of Prizren


Article 7 Classification of Special Protective Zones 7.1 Special Protective Zones shall be defined for the following sites, as in the attached maps: j) Holy Archangels Monastery, Prizren/Prizren; o) Church of Saint George, Gornje Selo/Gornjasellë, Prizren/Prizren; r) Hermitage of Saint Peter of Korisa, Korishë/ Korisa, Prizren/ Prizren.

7.4 Special Protective Zones for the following sites shall be limited to a 100-meter area around their perimeter and shall be identified by the Republic of Kosova Cadastral Agency, in cooperation with the relevant municipalities in a map to be attached to this Law, which will form an integral part of this Law and shall be adopted before the end of the transitional period: d) Monastery of Saint Mark, KorisheV Korisa, Prizren/Prizren; f) Church of the Holy Virgin, Sredskë/Sredska, Prizren/Prizren;

7.5 Special Protective Zones for the following sites shall be limited to a 50-meter area around their perimeter and shall be identified by the Republic of Kosova Cadastral Agency, in cooperation with the relevant municipalities in a map to be attached to this Law, which will form an integral part of this Law and shall be adopted before the end of the transitional period.

i) Church of Saint Nicholas, Mushnikovë/Musnikovo, Prizren/Prizren; j) Church of Saint Nicholas, Bogosevci, Prizren/Prizren; k) Church of Saint Nicholas, Drajçiq/Drajcici, Prizren/Prizren; I) Church of Saint Nicholas, Sredskë/Sredska, Prizren/Prizren; m) Church of the Holy Apostles (or Saint Petka), Mushnikovë/ Musnikovo Prizren/Prizren; and n) Church of Saint George, Sredskë/Sredska, Prizren/Prizren.

Article 8 The Establishment of the Special Protective Zone for the Historic Centre of Prizren 8.1 The Special Protective Zone for the Historic Center of Prizren shall be established by the municipal authorities of Prizren in cooperation with the IMC, and shall include Serbian Orthodox, Ottoman, Catholic, vernacular and other sites of historic and cultural significance.

The following Serbian cultural and religious sites shall be included in the Special Protective Zone:

  • Church of the Holy Virgin of Ljevisa;
  • the old "Maras Mahala";
  • the Church of the Holy Savior;
  • the Orthodox Seminary of Saints Cyril and Methodius;
  • the Episcopal Residence Complex (including the Bishop's residence, St. George Cathedral, Churches of St.

George (Runovic) and St. Nichoilas (Tutic).


more quotes


Religion and Places of Worship Approximately 94 percent of the municipality’s population is Muslim (Kosovo Albanian, Turk, Bosniak, Roma, and Ashkali), 5 percent Catholic (Kosovo Albanian) and one percent Kosovo Serb). Although all imams are members of the Prizren/Prizren Islamic Union Council, there are distinct differences between them as there are different Muslim sects. There is good co-operation between the Muslim and Catholic communities. In the municipality of Prizren there are 24 mosques and three Catholic churches. The two Serbian Orthodox monasteries, the Orthodox Seminary and five Orthodox religious were destroyed or damaged during the March 2004 events. Metropolitan Prizren is considered to be a mosaic of different cultures, influencing the spirit and collective character of the town. Prizren/Prizren town enjoys a Cultural House near the centre that is used for theatre performances and community gatherings and the oldest Albanian cultural association, Agimi and Turkish NGO, Dogru Yol have similar centres. The Music School and Sports Centre are open to the public. The national cultural festival, Zambak of Prizren is held annually in July and features traditional and contemporary folk music performed by Albanian and Turkish singers. [51]

other infomation


novi pazar


See also Sanjak_of_Novi_Pazar

Novi Pazar Traders Climb Out of Recession
After several bad years, town’s famous jeans firms are fighting back while road haulage continues to boom.
Muslim Novi Pazar has earned good money as a Balkan go-between, transporting goods back and forth across borders and earning a commission to do so.


Manastir Crna Reka

At Crna Reka I found a monastic community that had been established according to the coenobitic typicon. The brotherhood lived very humbly. Crna Reka was unlike other monasteries in the Serbian Orthodox Church. I was drawn to it by the great Christian love that the brothers had for each other, as well as by the modesty and peacefulness that radiated from them. I consider my arrival and the beginning of my monastic life at Crna Reka to be a great blessing from God. All the monks who came there laid a foundation for their future monastic life.


      Manastir Crna Reka je jedinstveni dragulj srpske srednjovekovne kulture koji je iz anonimnosti počeo da izlazi tek krajem prošlog veka. Zalepljen je za strmu stenu ogromnih masiva Mokre Gore iznad reke ponornice Sovare (Crna Reka). O ranoj prošlosti manastira se ne zna puno. Ktitor je nepoznat. Po jednom predanju nastao je u XII veku, a po drugom posle Kosovske bitke. Manastir nikada nije rušen tako da je jedan od retkih srpskih manastira koji je sačuvao prvobitan izgled, iako su u XVIII veku zabeleženi turski zulumi i podmetanje požara. Tada je manastir zapusteo. Kada su nastala teška vremena za Studenicu, mošti Svetog Stefana Prvovenčanog i ostale dragocenosti prenete su ovde 1687. godine da bi 1696. godine bile vraćene.

Monastery of Black River is a unique jewel of serbian medieval culture from the anonymity that started out only at the end of the last century. Glued to the steep rocks huge massive Mokra Up above the river resurgence Sovare (Black River). The early monasteries in the past do not know much. Founder is unknown. Per predanju was in the XII century, and the second after the Kosovo battle. Monastery never Rüsen so that is one of the few Serbian monasteries that preserved the original appearance, although in the eighteenth century suffered Turkish violence and arson. And the monastery zapusteo. Has been a difficult time for Studenica, relics of St. Stephen the First and other valuables are transferred here in 1687. years to 1696. year were returned.


Ibarska dolina ili Dolina kraljeva kako je je još zovu, predstavlja srce srednjovekovne srpske države. U njoj leže najveće svetinje srpskog naroda, manastiriTurizam - Raška Studenica, Žiča, Đurđevi stupovi, Sopoćani, a ulaz u dolinu još uvek čuva tvrđava Maglič. 
Sa obe strane Ibra uzdižu se planine. Sa jedne strane to je ,,krov Srbije”, nacionalni park i skijaški centar Kopaonik, a sa druge Golija, proglašena od strane UNESCO-a rezervatom biosfere.  

Ibar valley or the valley of the kings is called, the heart of medieval serbian state. It lies most holy Serbian people, manastiriTurizam - Raška Studenica, Zica, Djurdjevi pillars, Sopocani, and the entrance to the valley is still kept fortress Maglić.
On both sides of the Ibar rise mountains. On the one hand it is, the roof of Serbia ", a national park and ski resort Kopaonik, and the other Golija, declared by UNESCO a biosphere reserve.


Novi Pazar is interesting as a typically Muslim town in South Serbia.. It is surrounded by some of most beautiful Orthodox monasteries. Its history is significant by this wedging between the two different religions, Orthodox and Muslim. Under the dynasty if Nemanjics the town of Ras and its fortress was the capital of the Serbian Empire spreading to Kotor at the Adriatic seaside. As at the beginning of the XIV century King Milutin enlarged his empire toward the South, Ras was not the capital any more and was known under the name Pazariste meaning commercial town. In the middle of the XV century Isa Beg Isakovic had founded here a Turkish fortress of Novi Pazar that became an important city for caravans placed on the commercial crossroads. In the XVII century Novi Pazar had been supplied by mosques, medresas, Turkish baths and other bazaars. But already in the XIX century the town declined and today it seems to be dozing. http://www.serbia-visit.com/Novi-Pazar.149.0.html

St. Peter's church near Novi Pazar (7-11 cent) - the mother church of the Raska Diocese St. Peter's church was one of first Serbian episcopal centers where the founder of the medieval Serbian state, Grand Zhupan Nemanya was baptized http://www.kosovo.net/diocese.html

Sava Janic. one of the few clergymen of the Serbian Orthodox Church to withstand the temptations of radical nationalism. http://books.google.com/books?id=lvmlKidxY0EC&pg=PA1087&dq=%22Sava,+Janic+%22&ei=6vuESqCYCqnEzgS_zpiqDg

Janic Sava Cybermonk
Sava Janjic was born in Dubrovnik and attended a school in nearby Trebinje in
 Orthodox Church as a novice at the monastery of Crna Reka near Novi Pazar, 




Manastir Crna Reka Serbian translation


Black River is a monastery monastic anchoress the midst of the mountains of Southern Serbia, situated in the klisuri Black Rivers. It is surrounded by high rocks and stoletnim rich forests. Comes from the thirteenth century, when the little church was built in a large rock above the Black River beds. Soon, the monks built their anchoress kelije around the church, ozidali cave and built a small wooden drawbridge over the dry river bed. The great miracle of God ponire river immediately above the monastery, and again izranja from the country after a few hundred meters of its underwater flow. In the quarter century he lived in the monastery of the famous St. podvižnik Joanikije Devički with his monks. Saint later was moved to the area of Drenica, where today the Devic monastery.

Black River has been long abandoned. Only in 1979. The present Bishop raškoprizrenski His Preosveštenstvo Mr. Artemije settled in a desert monastery, and soon gathered around him young fraternity. After his election to Bishop Bishop Artemije with the help of crnorečkih monks gradually renewed and the other male monasteries raškoprizrenske Eparhije. Monastic fraternity currently has 28 members.

History monastery

Monastery of Black River is located in the Tromeda between Kosovska Mitrovica, and Rozaje Novi Pazar, in the village of Atari Ribaric. It is about Ribaric good hour walk or 15-minute car. Built in the cave gorges Black rivers on the slopes of Mokra Gora, the Monastery is a unique ensemble built of importance not only for Serbia.

Oratory collapsed with severe drop left coast river beds, which rise above the huge reefs branches Mokra Gore, over the bridge over the ravine which enters the sanctuary, the cruelty of the natural environment, clean, nothing polluted air, crystal clear mountain water "under the beech core," and the absolute silence, narušavana only by some birds chirp or morning song nightingale - all around and won the heart of visitors.

Reliable written sources on the founder and time building monasteries - no. No saved tradition, as well as some articles and studies of our art historians testify to the monastery comes from the XIII and XIV century, possibly. Who is the founder monastery do not know, but you might say: founder is a great spirit there, that dwelt in the body of a trošnom us unknown bogoiskatelja and zadužbinara. But certainly we know that the cave in which the oratory is located osvećena podvizima monastery and the prayers of the great Serbian čudotvorca - St. Joanikije Devičkog, which is first podvizavao say here in Montenegro, and when he found and discovered, he, peaceful monk, escaped to glory and respect, and hide away from the people in the Drenica neprohodne woods, where he continued his bogougodni podvižnički life, and where skončao in the Lord, where is now the device.

Through the centuries the monastery never Rüsen, and has preserved its original physiognomy. It keeps the most precious and Serbian fresco živopis sixteenth century. However, the largest value that is stored in the monastery are holy and celebne relics prepodobnog our father Peter Koriškog, Serbian podvižnika from the XIII century, who lived and podvizavao is not far from Prizren, in the village of use, where not far from the monastery and to Markovog there his anchoress. His holy and miraculous body is transferred to the monastery somewhere in the sixteenth century, probably as the skrovitije place.

In the second half of XVII century, when they created a difficult and uncertain time Turkish retaliation, Sopocani transferred from the monastery in the monastery of Black River and the relics of Saint King Stephen the First, where after nine years returned to Studenica.

The monastery at the beginning of the eighteenth century there writing in which written and prepisivane bogoslužbene books, and in addition, probably, and school for monks. The role of monasteries in the life of the people of this region through the centuries has been enormous. From ancient times until today the monastery is a spiritual oasis in which the moštiju St. Peter čudotvorca search relief and comfort in the many plagues and diseases. Patients are now frequent visitors to this remarkable holy.

In the monastery of the Black River in the Turkish time (the beginning of the twentieth century) opened the first primary school for children in the territory of the Serbian whole Ibarskog Kolasin. The school was housed in a specially built monastic konak, which in the time of writing this article, after more than 80 years of serving the needs of the monastery which is part of a detailed renovated. In the surrounding villages (as in the vicinity of Tutin, Brnjaku, Oklacima, etc.). More can be meet by an old man who is taught, and then finished school internatskog type.

Despite all its extraordinary beauty and heritage, the monastery Black River is a long time was almost unknown outside their immediate environment. Only the score, the construction of the bridge over the lake at Ribaric prilaznog and repair times, the monastery Black River, as a rare jewel of serbian medieval culture, out of relative anonymity in which resides the full 700 years. </pref> [59]

catholic church

  • Црква свете Богородице – је католичка црква саграђена је на месту цркве Светог Димитрија.

Church of the holy Mother of God - the Catholic Church was built in place of the church of St. Demetrios.

more names


Prizren/Prizren Municipality

   1) The Church of St Kyriake
   2) Church of Sveta Nedelja
   3) Serbian Orthodox Seminary of
      Sts Cyrillus and Methodius (complex)


more information on the churches


PRIZREN (occasionaly the Serbian capital in the Middle Ages):

  1. church of the Virgin Ljeviska;
  2. monastery of the Holy Archangels;
  3. church of the Holy Saviour, erected and frescoed in the 3rd or 4th decade of the 14C (with the remains of wall paintings);
  4. church of St Demetrios (mentioned in the 13C and the 14C), demolished in the 19C so that the Catholic church of the Virgin would be erected on its site
  5. church of St Nicholas - Korac's, from the 14C, converted into a mosque at a later date;
  6. cathedral church of St George, erected in 1887, with an icon of the Virgin from the 14C and an 18th-century iconostasis
  7. church of the Holy Anargyroi, built in the 19C on the foundations of an older church with several icons from the 18-19C
  8. church of St Panteleemon in the Pantelija mahala, constructed in 1937 on the foundations of an older ecclesiastical sturcture;
  9. foundations of the church of St Thomas beneath the Prizren fortress;
  10. ruins of the church of St Prokopios, in the Pantelija mahala
  11. church of St Anna stood on the presentday site of Mustapha-Pasha's mosque;
  12. church of St Athanasios situated in the Prizren Fortress (Kaljaja); on its site Emin-Pasha Rotul erected a mosque and clock-tower in 1805 (the mosque was demolished by the Bulgarians);
  13. remains of the Church of St Peter, on the left bank of the Bistrica river;
  14. church of St Elias formerly situated on the right bank of the Bistrica, until 1915 a graveyard was also located there;
  15. church of the Epiphany, upon whose foundations a mosque was erected in the Maras-mahala;
  16. church of the Transfiguration, according to tradition part of the Emperor Dusan's court, on the present-day site of Mehmed-Pasha's mosque
  17. church of St Nicholas, the so-called Town church (mentioned in the 14C) in the ancient Visegrad fortress, above the monastery of the Holy Archangels;
  18. "Gospodjina Crkva" (church of the Virgin) mentioned in a charter of the Emperor Dusan in 1348;
  19. monastery of St Barbara, in Prizren or its surroundings mentioned in the Turkish defter of 1526-59;
  20. remains of a rock-cut church and monastery (15C) in the locality called Golem Kamen near Prizren;
  21. church of St Nicholas Rajkov from the 14C, restored in 1857 (treasuring a 16th century icon);
  22. church of St George Runovic from the 15C (the Royal doors from the 16C) in the yard of the Cathedral church;
  23. hermitage of St Nicholas, the most significant in the series of hermitages in the Bistrica gorge, adjusted to the form of a church (remains of 14th-century frescoes);
  24. church of St Helena stood on the site of the mosque erected by Mustapha-Pasha of Prizren
  25. ruins of the building of the old Prizren Metropolitan with the Bishop's chapel south-east to the Virgin Ljeviska
  26. church of St Blasios (mentioned in a charter of the Emperor Dusan of 1348) situated somewhere in Pnzren or its vicinity;
  27. church of St Nicholas - Tutics, erected in 1331/32 and painted soon aftetwards, with the remains of frescoes; 28. foundations of the church of the Presentation of the Virgin. the endowment of the young Serbian King Marko from 1371 (the remains of frescoes from the 14C), discovered beneath a more recent church of St Kyriake
  28. church of St Stephen (unascertained), probably erected by the Serbian King Milutin
  29. monument to the Serbian warriors fallen in the wans 1912 and 1914 1918;
  30. memorial chappel of Serbian soldiers fallen in the liberation of Prizren in 1912 and during World War I,
  31. Studenac Kosovo, the memorial drinking fountain to the officers and soldiers of the 3rd Serhian army fallen in the battle for the liberation of Prizren in 1912.


another list of damaged churches


1. Holy Mother of God of Ljevis aka Church of the Holy Virgin of Lyevish, 14th century 2. Christ the Saviour aka St. Spas Church aka St. Saviour Church, 14th century 3. St. George Cathedral (1856) 4. Church of St. Nicholas aka Tutic's Church, 14th century 5. Church of St. Nicholas aka Runovic's Church, 16th century 6. Church of St. Kyriake, 14th century (later rebuilt) 7. Church of St. Panteleimon, 14th century (later rebuilt) 8. Church of Sts. Cosmas and Damian, 14th century (later rebuilt) 9. Church of St. Kyriake, Zivinjane near Prizren 10. Holy Archangels Monastery, 14th century [62]

more information


N. Ibrahimi, Suzi Prizrenasi – dijetar e bamirës i shek. XV-XVI, Prizren, 1410/1990, fq.36. [63]



26. According to The Koran with a translation into Serbian, edition of Fahd, King of Saudi Arabia, Medina, Hijra 1412 year, p. XII, note 33, item 1 [64]

history of prizren captial of serbia


THE NEMANYA DYNASTY It is from this time that the authentic history contained in these lives of the saints begins, for in 1169 Stephen, afterwards known as the monk St. Simeon, founded the Nemanya dynasty and the Christian state began to be established. The story of his early struggles in the province of Rascia against his brothers, and his victories over them and his suzerain the Greek Emperor, is told in his life. He succeeded in forming an independent kingdom for himself in Rascia and along the coast of the Adriatic, but when he pressed southward in league with the Bulgarians, and occupied the land round Uskub and Prizren, he met with reverses and finally abdicated in favour of his second son, and became a monk.

Stephen Milutin Uroch II ruled as king and autocrat from the year 1285, and took as his second wife the daughter of the Greek Emperor Andronicus, Simonide, who bore to him a son, Constantine. He chose Prizren for his capital.

in his capital, Prizren, the church of the Falling Asleep of the Mother of God, and many hospitals ; on the river Grachanitza the church of the Annunciation, with six towers

When this had been accomplished in Constantinople, the patriarch and his whole synod wrote letters con- taining the decision of the council, and sent them by a special embassy to Prizren, the capital of the Serbian tsardom. These were read in church after the Holy Liturgy, thus announcing to all the removal of the anathema from the dead and the living. At this time the second Serbian patriarch, Sava, died, and by order of Tsar Lazar the synod was assembled at Pech, the seat of the patriarchate. There they elected the godly Ephrem, and he was placed in accordance with the canons on the patriarch's throne. As a token of his new dignity, he placed the crown of the tsars on the head of Lazar, at the end of his first Holy Liturgy. Thus he conferred upon him the authority of tsar, in the year 1376, in the presence of the embassy from Constantinople, which returned afterwards to its own land.

When Tsar Lazar had once more united the Church and brought peace to his people, he began to do good works : he gave alms to the poor and the sick ; he made imperial presents to the church of the Lord ; and he built new and splendid churches. Thus, he gave to the hospital of Khilindar many villages for its support and enlarged its church with a new narthex ; and in his fatherland he built a great and splendid church by the name of the Ascension of Our Lord, with cells like palaces. This church was called Ravanitza and was in the diocese of Branichevo.


prizren in turkish wikipedia


The war between the Eastern Roman Empire, Crusaders and timely Serb leader Stefan Nemanja Prizren'i was conquered (1189). However, in 1191 after the defeat to leave the city again in case management, the Eastern Roman remains. Prizren, 1204'te Second Bulgarian State the time of capture, and the Prince 1208'de ise Nemanyiç dynasties Stefan Prvovenčani has been conquered by. In this period, the leadership of the city Boril changes hands frequently with kağanlık Bulgarian is one semester.

Serbian king Stefan Milutin, Azize Ljeviš (Lyeviş) Temple of the 14th kurduğu century in the city in the neighborhood of Serbian Orthodox Church What does' connected bishopric was founded. Emperor Stefan Dusan created transfer authority and sovereignty in the city Prizren'de, the case was the center of the Serbian state. Between the years 1343-1352 Emperor Dusan, a city near the St. Arhancel Monastery then has done. Then existing in the Prizren region Ribnik neighborhood, the headquarters of the Serbian emperor was in the position.

serbian ruler in the time

  • 1371 Lazar Hrebeljanovic, Prince (1371 - 1389), assumes royal name Stefan Pomoravlje (river Morava basin)
  • 1371 Vuk Brankovic (ca. 1371 - 1397) Kosovo
  • 1389 Stefan Lazarevic, Prince (1389 - 1402), assumes title Despot Pomoravlje (river Morava basin)
  • 1397 Widow Mara Brankovic with sons (1397 - 1412) Kosovo
  • 1402 Stefan Lazarevic (1402 - 1427) Despots of restored Serbia
  • 1402 Stefan Lazarevic, Prince (1389 - 1402), assumes title Despot Pomoravlje (river Morava basin) END
  • 1404 Stefan Tvrtko II Tvrtkovic Bosnian rule
  • 1409 Stefan Ostoja (1409 - 1418), second reign
  • 1409 Stefan Tvrtko II Tvrtkovic Stephen Ostoja (restored) (1409–1418) House_of_Kotromanić
  • 1412 Widow Mara Brankovic with sons (1397 - 1412) Kosovo END
  • 1418 Stephen Ostojić (1418–1421) House_of_Kotromanić
  • 1421 Stefan Ostojic (1418 - 1421) END
  • 1421 Tvrtko II (restored) (1421–1443) House_of_Kotromanić BEGIN
  • 1427 Djuradj Brankovic (1427 - 1456) Despots of restored Serbia
  • 1443 Tvrtko II (restored) (1421–1443) House_of_Kotromanić END
  • 1456 Lazar Brankovic (1456 - 1458) Despots of restored Serbia
  • 1458 Stefan Brankovic and Helen Palaiologos, Regency (1458 - 1459) Despots of restored Serbia
  • 1459 Stefan Tomasevic (1459) Despots of restored Serbia

Post-despotate Zeta/Montenegro

 Stefan Crnojevic (1455 - 1465)
 Ivan Crnojevic (1465 - 1490)
 Djuradj Crnojevic (1490 - 1496) 


Stefan Tvrtko II Tvrtkovic (1404 - 1409)
  1. Stephen Ostoja (restored) (1409–1418) House_of_Kotromanić
  2. Stephen Ostojić (1418–1421) House_of_Kotromanić
  3. Tvrtko II (restored) (1421–1443) House_of_Kotromanić

Mehmed generally resorted to diplomacy rather than militancy in dealing with the situation. While he did conduct raiding expeditions into neighboring European lands, which returned much of Albania to Ottoman control and forced Bosnian King-Ban Tvrtko II Tvrtkovic (1404-9, 1421-45), along with many Bosnian regional nobles, to accept formal Ottoman vassalage, Mehmed conducted only one actual war with the Europeans-a short and indecisive conflict with Venice. Rise_of_the_Ottoman_Empire

Stefan Ostoja (1409 - 1418), second reign
Stefan Ostojic (1418 - 1421)

Pomoravlje (river Morava basin)

 Lazar Hrebeljanovic, Prince (1371 - 1389), assumes royal name Stefan
 Stefan Lazarevic, Prince (1389 - 1402), assumes title Despot

Despots of restored Serbia

 Stefan Lazarevic (1402 - 1427)
 Djuradj Brankovic (1427 - 1456)
 Lazar Brankovic (1456 - 1458)
 Stefan Brankovic and Helen Palaiologos, Regency (1458 - 1459)
 Stefan Tomasevic (1459) 


 Vuk Brankovic (ca. 1371 - 1397)
 Widow Mara Brankovic with sons (1397 - 1412) 


Teqqe Sufis =




Turkish References =


More religious Places: XI. PRİZREN A) KÜLLİYELER 1. Emin Paşa Külliyesi 1.1. Emin Paşa Camii 1.1.1. Mehmed Emin Paşa Mezarı 1.2. Emin Paşa Medresesi

2. Gazi Mehmed Paşa Külliyesi 2.1. Gazi Mehmed Paşa Camii 2.1.1. Abbas Ağa Mezarı 2.1.2. Hacı Ahmed Nurullah Mezarı 2.1.3. Ömer Sabri Paşa Mezarı

2.2. Gazi Mehmed Paşa Hamamı 2.3. Gazi Mehmed Paşa Kütüphanesi 2.4. Gazi Mehmed Paşa Medresesi 2.5. Gazi Mehmed Paşa Mektebi 2.6. Gazi Mehmed Paşa Müderris Evi 2.7. Gazi Mehmed Paşa Türbesi

3. Sûzî Çelebi Külliyesi 3.1. Sûzî Çelebi Camii 3.2. Sûzî Çelebi Köprüsü 3.3. Sûzî Çelebi Kütüphanesi 3.4. Sûzî Çelebi Türbesi [67]




  1. ^ http://www.archive.org/stream/worldshistorysur05helmuoft/worldshistorysur05helmuoft_djvu.txt
  2. ^ http://www.archive.org/stream/worldshistorysur05helmuoft/worldshistorysur05helmuoft_djvu.txt
  3. ^ http://www.m-p-c.org/history/history.htm
  4. ^ http://books.google.com/books?id=QDFVUDmAIqIC&pg=PA380&lpg=PA380&dq=prizren+1453+history&source=bl&ots=8BjcM-8Vap&sig=cXEJtKVXAg6oDvijHwssXCew87A&hl=en&ei=o6mGSoHBE4af_Aa5ntmlBw&sa=X&oi=book_result&ct=result&resnum=2#v=onepage&q=&f=false
  5. ^ http://www.m-p-c.org/history/history.htm
  6. ^ http://www.telusplanet.net/public/dgarneau/euro57.htm
  7. ^ http://www.mzv.cz/tirana/en/about_albania/history_and_chronology_of_events_in.html
  8. ^ http://www.montenet.org/history/balsics.htm
  9. ^ http://www.serbianunity.net/culture/history/Hist_Serb_Culture/Sima_Cirkovic.html
  10. ^ http://www.kosovo.net/histkim.html
  11. ^ http://www.serbianunity.net/culture/history/Hist_Serb_Culture/Sima_Cirkovic.html
  12. ^ http://www.montenet.org/history/balsics.htm
  13. ^ http://macedonia.wikidot.com/themedievalhistoryofmacedonia
  14. ^ http://www.m-p-c.org/history/history.htm
  15. ^ http://www.kosovo.net/histkim.html
  16. ^ http://books.google.com/books?id=QDFVUDmAIqIC&pg=PA514&lpg=PA514&dq=prizren+1409&source=bl&ots=8BjcM-3Z9o&sig=JdtheX6M-wyJDqDs13w5EoRnY-M&hl=en&ei=oJeGStmFB5CMsAbLibz8Bw&sa=X&oi=book_result&ct=result&resnum=5#v=onepage&q=prizren%201409&f=false
  17. ^ http://www.geckogo.com/Guide/Albania/People-Culture/History/
  18. ^ http://macedonia.wikidot.com/themedievalhistoryofmacedonia
  19. ^ http://macedonia.wikidot.com/themedievalhistoryofmacedonia
  20. ^ http://www.geckogo.com/Guide/Albania/People-Culture/History/
  21. ^ http://www.kosovo.net/esarhangel.html
  22. ^ http://www.albanian.com/main/countries/kosova/prizren/index.html
  23. ^ http://www.albanian.com/main/countries/kosova/prizren/index.html
  24. ^ http://www.ecoi.net/file_upload/1504_1220513623_law-on-special-protective-zones.pdf Special Protective Zones
  25. ^ http://portal.unesco.org/es/files/23707/11011375003Kosovo_Mission_Report_2.pdf/Kosovo%2BMission%2BReport%2B2.pdf
  26. ^ http://www.st-george-church.org/English/Kosovo_News.htm
  27. ^ http://portal.unesco.org/en/ev.php-URL_ID=23707&URL_DO=DO_TOPIC&URL_SECTION=201.html
  28. ^ http://www.ecoi.net/file_upload/1504_1220513623_law-on-special-protective-zones.pdf Special Protective Zones
  29. ^ http://www.rickosovo.org/RIC%20-english/Sites%20Church14.htm
  30. ^ http://www.skyscrapercity.com/showthread.php?p=30946604
  31. ^ INTEGRATED REHABILITATION PROJECT PLAN /SURVEY OF THE ARCHITECTURAL AND ARCHAEOLOGICAL HERITAGE (IRPP/SAAH) Regional Programme for Cultural and Natural Heritage in South East Europe 2003 - 2008 FEASIBILITY STUDY Document adopted by the Ministry of Culture of the Republic of Serbia on 20 November 2007 http://www.coe.int/t/dg4/cultureheritage/regional/SEE/IRPPSAAH/FS/FS_KosovoUNMIK_CathedralStGeorgePrizren_APP.pdf
  32. ^ http://www.chwb.org/kosovo/english/newschurches.htm
  33. ^ http://www.rickosovo.org/RIC%20-english/Sites%20Church7.htm
  34. ^ www.spc.org.yu/Vesti-2004/03/list-23-3-04-e.html -Serbian Orthodox Church
  35. ^ http://portal.unesco.org/es/files/23707/11011375003Kosovo_Mission_Report_2.pdf/Kosovo%2BMission%2BReport%2B2.pdf
  36. ^ http://www.rickosovo.org/inc/eng/sites/st_kyriake_prizren.html
  37. ^ http://www.rastko.net/mnemosyne-2003/26_fr_conclusion_long-term.pdf
  38. ^ http://www.collegeart.org/pdf/BalkanHeritageDestruct.pdf
  39. ^ http://www.kosovo.net/esarhangel.html
  40. ^ http://www.archive.org/stream/bookofhistoryhis08bryciala/bookofhistoryhis08bryciala_djvu.txt
  41. ^ http://www.archive.org/stream/macedonia00dorduoft/macedonia00dorduoft_djvu.txt
  42. ^ http://portal.unesco.org/es/files/23707/11011375003Kosovo_Mission_Report_2.pdf/Kosovo%2BMission%2BReport%2B2.pdf
  43. ^ http://www.kosovo.net/ecreka.html
  44. ^ http://www.coe.int/t/dg4/cultureheritage/regional/SEE/IRPPSAAH/FS/FS_KosovoUNMIK_ChurchStSaviourPrizren_APP.pdf
  45. ^ abib ahmedi Theranda-Prizreni Ndër Shekuj pg 238
  46. ^ extracted from
  47. ^ Council of europe Integrated Rehabilitation Project Plan/Survey on the Architectural and Archaeological Heritage (IRPP/SAAH) http://www.coe.int/t/dg4/cultureheritage/regional/SEE/documents_en.asp
  48. ^ http://www.st-george-church.org/English/Kosovo_News.htm
  49. ^ http://portal.unesco.org/en/ev.php-URL_ID=23707&URL_DO=DO_TOPIC&URL_SECTION=201.html
  50. ^ http://www.ecoi.net/file_upload/1504_1220513623_law-on-special-protective-zones.pdf Special Protective Zones
  51. ^ http://www.travelkosova.com/modules.php?name=Articles&file=print&sid=7
  52. ^ http://www.birn.eu.com/en/62/10/1843/
  53. ^ http://westsrbdio.org/decani/decani_monastery.html
  54. ^ http://www.discoverserbia.org/sr/raska-i-ibarska-dolina/manastir-crna-reka
  55. ^ http://www.discoverserbia.org/sr/raska-i-ibarska-dolina
  56. ^ http://books.google.com/books?id=Fnbw1wsacSAC&pg=PA84&lpg=PA84&dq=Crna+Reka+kosovo&source=bl&ots=vyI_klEmT2&sig=IpRc2hz8TZFzQcroB4tmNJKLby8&hl=en&ei=YLiESr3cHJqknQO0lOjnBA&sa=X&oi=book_result&ct=result&resnum=9#v=onepage&q=Crna%20Reka&f=false
  57. ^ http://sr.wikipedia.org/sr-el/%D0%9C%D0%B0%D0%BD%D0%B0%D1%81%D1%82%D0%B8%D1%80_%D0%A6%D1%80%D0%BD%D0%B0_%D0%A0%D0%B5%D0%BA%D0%B0
  58. ^ http://www.mancr.org/
  59. ^ http://westsrbdio.org/decani/decani_monastery.html
  60. ^ http://portal.unesco.org/es/files/23707/11011375003Kosovo_Mission_Report_2.pdf/Kosovo%2BMission%2BReport%2B2.pdf
  61. ^ http://web.mit.edu/most/www/ser/kos/shrines1.html
  62. ^ http://www.mfa.gov.yu/FDP/270303_e.html
  63. ^ http://www.zeriislam.com/bibliografia/NexhatI.html
  64. ^ http://www.eparhija-prizren.com/defaultE.asp?s=vesti&idvestep=650
  65. ^ http://www.archive.org/stream/livesofserbiansa00janirich/livesofserbiansa00janirich_djvu.txt
  66. ^ http://www.serbianunity.net/culture/history/Serb_History/Rulers/index.html
  67. ^ http://www.ttk.org.tr/index.php?Page=Yayinlar&KitapNo=343