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User:M'cLee Chelaz

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Muri Mwari (You're God) Is a gospel song title of a single track recorded on the 8th of March 2021 in an Zimbabwean Town called Norton at Producer's crib (production house). The song explains how sovereign Lord God Almighty is, His ability to break and to build or create, ability to take away or give. As the word of God from the Bible defines Him(God) as the Potter in the book of Jeremiah chapter 18, Isaiah chapter 64, Isaiah chapter 45,,,.It(the song) also talks about how God, the Lord Almighty can Heal the sick, no matter how dreadful the pandemic might be. From the understanding of some Holy Bible scriptures referenced(Genesis chapter 20,Exodus chapter 15, 2 Kings chapter 2,,,,, the list is too long ).

The song was written Leeroy Mucheri, as well as the melody and sang the song. Leeroy Mucheri's social media and stage name is M'cLee Chelaz. @mcleechelaz