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Proto-Caro-Valdic (PCV)



Labial Dental Alveolar Velar Uvular Pharyngeal Glottal
Stop Voiceless *t *k *q
Voiced *b ~ β *d *g
Affricates *t͡s ~ *t͡ʃ
Fricatives *s *x
Trill *r


Front Central Back
Short Long Short Long Short Long
Plain Slack Nasal Plain Slack Nasal Plain Slack Nasal Plain Slack Nasal Plain Slack Nasal Plain Slack Nasal
High ɪ ɪ̥ ɪ̃ i̥ː ĩ ɨ ɨ̥ ɨ̃ ɨː ɨ̥ː ɨ̃ː ɯ ɯ̥ ɯ̃ u̥ː ũː
Close-mid e̥ː ẽː ə ə̥ ə̃ əː ə̥ː ə̃ː ɤ ɤ̥ ɤ̃ õː
Open-mid ɛ ɛ̥ ɛ̃
Low a ã ḁː ãː



Proto-Caro-Valdic split into five branches based on five distinct phonological and grammatical changes. The largest of these subfamilies, Caric, saw the complete collapse of slack vowels and the grammaticalisation of verbal auxiliaries to create rich polypersonal verb inflections, as well as labialisation in consonants. Urlexic-Valdic languages lost all voicing distinctions in consonants, but developed /p/ and lateral consonants from palatalisation in plain vowels before /ɰ/. The Quiconian languages, one of the oldest subfamilies to split off from PCV, features one of the most lopsided vowel-to-consonant inventories among Caro-Valdic languages, having retained an extensive vowel system, but lost all fricative consonants through fortition. Sirphinian and Zochynean are two isolate branches within the PCV family, with each having fewer than 100,000 speakers in specific regions.

Caric language phonology



Bilabial Dental Postalveolar Palatal Velar Uvular Glottal
plain lab. plain lab. plain lab. plain lab. plain lab. plain lab.
Stop Voiceless *p *pʷ *t̪ *t̪ʷ *t̠ *t̠ʷ *k *kʷ *q *qʷ
Voiced *b *bʷ *d̪ *d̪ʷ *d̠ *t̠ʷ *g *gʷ
Affricates Voiceless *t͡s̪ *t͡s̪ʷ
Voiced *d͡z̪ *d͡z̪ʷ
Fricatives Voiceless *s̪ *s̪ʷ *ʃʷ *x *xʷ
Voiced *z̪ *z̪ʷ *ɣʷ
Approximants *j *jʷ *w
Trill *r


Front Central Back
Rounded Unrounded Rounded Unrounded
Plain Nasal Plain Nasal Plain Nasal Plain Nasal Plain Nasal
High i ĩ y ɯ ɯ̃ u ũ
Close-mid e ø ø̃ ɘ ɘ̃ o õ
Open-mid ɛ ɛ̃ ə ə̃
Low a ã ɑ ɑ


Front Central Back
Rounded Unrounded Rounded Unrounded
Plain Nasal Plain Nasal Plain Nasal Plain Nasal Plain Nasal
High ie, ia, io, ĩɯ̃ ĩẽ, ĩã, ĩõ, ĩɯ̃ ỹə̃ ɯi ɯ̃ĩ uy ũỹ
Close-mid ei ẽĩ ɘoy ɘ̃õỹ oy õỹ
Open-mid əoa ə̃õã
Low ai ãĩ ɑɯ, ɑɯi ɑ̃ɯ̃, ɑ̃ɯ̃ĩ

Language family

  • Caro-Valdic languages
    • Caric
      • North Caric
        • Ataesomian Carician
        • Chesae Carician
          • Eswekárik
            • Carian Proper (Viciswekárik)
            • Sirya (Fisishirekárix)
          • Wichun
        • Phoesonese Carician
      • East Caric
        • Regropo-Vasurian
          • Regropic languages
          • Classical Vasurian
            • Agrithian
            • Heroxian
            • Piregian
            • Napallonian
            • Vasurian
            • Thupravian
        • Ilartio-Nillosevian
          • Illartian
            • Lower Illartian
            • Upper Illartian
          • Nillosevian
      • West Caric
        • Heclivic languages
          • Eizian
          • Malkuni
          • Heclivino-Syrinean
            • Aheranian Heclivinian
            • Caepharigese Heclivinian
            • Dydrean Heclivinian
            • Standard Heclivinian (Dysochloian Heclivinian)
            • Syrinean Heclivinian
            • Toian Heclivinian
            • Xitlean Heclivinian
        • Telodio-Chyrtaenese
          • Izacichoean
            • Izacichoean (Ijacixän)
            • Vusperian (Wüspharti)
          • North Chyrtaenese (Khyürtün mijalsa)
            • Bamabian
          • South Chyrtaenese (Khyürtün völsa)
            • Arrulian
            • Cuvorian
            • Telodian
    • Quiconian
      • Hivastinian
      • Pheraminian
      • Uxhimian
    • Sirphinian
    • Urlexo-Valdic
      • Urlexic languages (Urgóycylänti)
        • Basvanic
          • Lower Basvanian
            • Grabbanian
            • Healdonian
          • Middle Basvanian
            • East Vossuabine
            • West Vossuabine
          • Upper Basvanian
            • Basvanian
              • Standard Basvanian
            • Rigathese
        • Evisenic
          • Evisenian
          • Vavan
          • Xhurgui
        • Ociro-Laensiatan
          • Laensiatan
          • Ociran
          • Qelcari
        • Lonixo-Zaho
          • Lonixian
          • Zaho
        • Tessunic
          • East Tessunic
          • West Tessunic
          • Southwest Tessunic
        • Uffassian
          • Lagafwani
          • Tuynaf
          • West Uflorga
        • Urlexian
          • Upper Urlexian
          • Middle Urlexian
          • Lower Urlexian
        • Yartovamic
          • Yartovami
          • Tismapf
      • Valdian
        • Gilfärin
        • Vilbish
    • Zochynean