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User:KConWiki/C-SPAN projects

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This could be handy:

{{external media | width = 210px | align = right | headerimage= | video1 = [HTTPHERE "PUTNAMEHERE"], [[C-SPAN]]<ref name="cspan">{{cite web | title =PUTNAMEHERE | work = | publisher =[[C-SPAN]] | date =M, D, YYY | url =HTTPHERE | accessdate =M, D, YYYY }}</ref> }}

Table that could be used for authors' bibliographies

Title Year ISBN Publisher Subject matter Interviews, presentations, and reviews Comments

C-SPAN external video templates


{{external media| float = right| video1 = [HTTP1 NAME1], [[C-SPAN]]}}

{{external media| float = right| video1 = [HTTP1 NAME1], [[C-SPAN]]| video2 = [HTTP2 NAME2], [[C-SPAN]]}}

{{external media| float = right| video1 = [HTTP1 NAME1], [[C-SPAN]]| video2 = [HTTP2 NAME2], [[C-SPAN]]| video3 = [HTTP3 NAME3], [[C-SPAN]]}}

{{external media| float = right| video1 = [HTTP1 NAME1], [[C-SPAN]]| video2 = [HTTP2 NAME2], [[C-SPAN]]| video3 = [HTTP3 NAME3], [[C-SPAN]]| video4 = [HTTP4 NAME4], [[C-SPAN]]}}

{{external media| float = right| video1 = [HTTP1 NAME1], [[C-SPAN]]| video2 = [HTTP2 NAME2], [[C-SPAN]]| video3 = [HTTP3 NAME3], [[C-SPAN]]| video4 = [HTTP4 NAME4], [[C-SPAN]]| video5 = [HTTP5 NAME5], [[C-SPAN]]}}

{{external media| float = right| video1 = [HTTP1 NAME1], [[C-SPAN]]| video2 = [HTTP2 NAME2], [[C-SPAN]]| video3 = [HTTP3 NAME3], [[C-SPAN]]| video4 = [HTTP4 NAME4], [[C-SPAN]]| video5 = [HTTP5 NAME5], [[C-SPAN]]| video6 = [HTTP6 NAME6], [[C-SPAN]]}}

{{external media| float = right| video1 = [HTTP1 NAME1], [[C-SPAN]]| video2 = [HTTP2 NAME2], [[C-SPAN]]| video3 = [HTTP3 NAME3], [[C-SPAN]]| video4 = [HTTP4 NAME4], [[C-SPAN]]| video5 = [HTTP5 NAME5], [[C-SPAN]]| video6 = [HTTP6 NAME6], [[C-SPAN]]| video7 = [HTTP7 NAME7], [[C-SPAN]]}}

{{external media| float = right| video1 = [HTTP1 NAME1], [[C-SPAN]]| video2 = [HTTP2 NAME2], [[C-SPAN]]| video3 = [HTTP3 NAME3], [[C-SPAN]]| video4 = [HTTP4 NAME4], [[C-SPAN]]| video5 = [HTTP5 NAME5], [[C-SPAN]]| video6 = [HTTP6 NAME6], [[C-SPAN]]| video7 = [HTTP7 NAME7], [[C-SPAN]] | video8 = [HTTP8 NAME8], [[C-SPAN]] | video9 = [HTTP9 NAME9], [[C-SPAN]] | video10 = [HTTP10 NAME10], [[C-SPAN]] | video11 = [HTTP11 NAME11], [[C-SPAN]] | video12 = [HTTP12 NAME12], [[C-SPAN]] | video13 = [HTTP13 NAME13], [[C-SPAN]] | video14 = [HTTP14 NAME14], [[C-SPAN]]}}



Lamb retirement


Booknotes oral histories




Check these names for alternate spellings and C-SPAN templates



Treasury Department

Defense Department

Cabinet-level officers Secretary of the Interior

Secretary of Commerce

Secretary of Housing and Urban Development

White House Counsel

Administrator of the Environmental Protection Agency

Administrator of the Small Business Administration

Czars Former


Assistant Secretaries Assistant Secretary of State for Democracy, Human Rights, and Labor

Assistant Secretary of State for European Affairs

Assistant Secretary of State for South and Central Asian Affairs

Assistant Secretary of State for Diplomatic Security

Assistant Secretary of State for Economic and Business Affairs

Assistant Secretary of State for International Security and Nonproliferation

Assistant Secretary of State for Legislative Affairs

Assistant Secretary of State for Political-Military Affairs

Other senior officers Chiefs of Staff

Counselor of the United States Department of State

Chief Information Officer of the Department of State


Coordinator for Counterterrorism

Director of the Office to Monitor and Combat Trafficking in Persons

Inspector General

Top officials Deputy Secretary of the Treasury

Under Secretary of the Treasury for Terrorism and Financial Intelligence

Assistant Secretaries Assistant Secretary for Intentional Affairs

Fiscal Assistant Secretary of the Treasury

Assistant Secretary of the Treasury for Economic Policy

Assistant Secretary of the Treasury for Legislative Affairs

Assistant Secretary of the Treasury for Financial Markets

Fiscal Assistant Secretaries

IRS Commissioner

Top officials Deputy Secretary of Defense

Under Secretary of Defense (Comptroller)

Under Secretary of Defense for Acquisition, Technology and Logistics

Under Secretary of Defense for Personnel and Readiness

Assistant secretaries Assistant Secretary of Defense for Asian and Pacific Security Affairs

Assistant Secretary of Defense for Global Strategic Affairs

Assistant Secretary of Defense for Health Affairs

Assistant Secretary of Defense for International Security Affairs

Assistant Secretary of Defense for Legislative Affairs

Assistant Secretary of Defense for Logistics and Materiel Readiness

Assistant Secretary of Defense for Networks and Information Integration

Assistant Secretary of Defense for Nuclear, Chemical & Biological Defense Programs

Assistant Secretary of Defense for Public Affairs

Assistant Secretary of Defense for Research and Engineering

Assistant Secretary of Defense for Reserve Affairs

Assistant Secretary of Defense for Special Operations/Low Intensity Conflict & Interdependent Capabilities

Assistant to the Secretary of Defense for Intelligence Oversight

Assistant Secretary of Defense for Homeland Defense and Americas' Security Affairs

Other officials Commander of the United States Southern Command Populate list

Commander of the United States Pacific Command

Special Operations Command Commander

Director of the National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency

Director of Administration and Management

Director, Operational Test and Evaluation

General Counsel

Top officials Deputy Attorney General ?*Gary Grindler (acting)

Associate Attorney General

Assistant Attorney General

Assistant Attorney General for Antitrust

Assistant Attorney General Civil Division

Assistant Attorney General for Civil Rights

Assistant Attorney General Criminal Division

Assistant Attorney General for National Security

Assistant Attorney General Justice Management Division

Assistant Attorney General for Tax

Assistant Attorney General Office of Justice Programs

Assistant Attorney General Office of Legal Counsel

Assistant Attorney General Office of Legal Affairs

Assistant Attorney General Office of Legislative Affairs

Other officials Director of the United States Marshals Service No list available right now

Director of the Federal Bureau of Prisons No list available right now

Director of the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives

United States Parole Commission

Assistant secretaries Assistant Secretary of the Interior for Indian Affairs Includes those with former titles like Commissioner

Assistant Secretary of the Interior for Insular Affairs

Other offices Director of the U.S. Geological Survey Source: http://www.usgs.gov/aboutusgs/who_we_are/directors.asp

Director of the Bureau of Land Management

Director of Fish and Wildlife

Top officials Deputy Secretary of Agriculture

Under Secretary of Agriculture for Farm and Foreign Agricultural Services Position was renamed so some had different titles

Under Secretary of Agriculture for Marketing and Regulatory Programs No complete list

Under Secretary of Agriculture for Rural Development No complete list

Under Secretary of Agriculture for Food, Nutrition, and Consumer Services

Under Secretary of Agriculture for Natural Resources and Environment No complete list

Under Secretary of Agriculture for Food Safety

Other officials Head of the Foreign Agricultural Service

Current key officials

Top officials Deputy Secretary of Commerce

Under Secretary of Commerce for Industry and Security No complete list

Other officials Director of the United States Census Bureau

Top officials Deputy Secretary of Labor Includes predecessors with different titles

Deputy Undersecretary for International Affairs

Assistant secretaries Assistant Secretary for Employment and Training

Assistant Secretary for Veterans' Employment and Training

Other officials Director of the Office of Workers' Compensation Programs

Top officials Deputy Secretary of Health and Human Services Includes predecessor titles

Assistant secretaries Assistant Secretary for Health

Other officials Director of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention

Commissioner of Food and Drugs

Top officials Deputy Secretary of Housing and Urban Development

Assistant secretaries Assistant Secretary for Housing

Federal Highway Administrator

Current top officials

Current top officials

Current office-holders

Current office-holders

Deputy Secretary of Education

Assistant secretaries Assistant Secretary for Civil Rights

Assistant Secretary for Elementary and Secondary Education

Assistant Secretary for Special Education and Rehabilitative Services

Other officials Director of the Institute of Education Sciences

Top officials Under Secretary of Veterans Affairs for Health Populate list

Under Secretary of Veterans Affairs for Benefits Populate list

Under Secretary of Veterans Affairs for Memorial Affairs

Other officials Director of the United States Department of Veterans Affairs Police

Current top officials

Under Secretary of Homeland Security for Intelligence and Analysis

Assistant secretaries Assistant Secretary for International Affairs

Other officials

Director of the Federal Protective Service

Administrator of the Transportation Security Administration

Federal Emergency Management Agency

Vice Commandant of the United States Coast Guard

Director of the United States Secret Service

Current top office-holders

Independent agencies Central Intelligence Agency Deputy Director

Director of the National Clandestine Service

Environmental Protection Agency Administrator

Federal Election Commission Commissioners

Federal Energy Regulatory Commission Commissioners

Federal Reserve Board of Governors

Federal Trade Commission Commissioners

General Services Administration

International Trade Commission Commissioners

NASA Director of Kennedy Space Center

National Labor Relations Board Commissioners

National Science Foundation Director

Securities and Exchange Commission Commissioners

Selective Service System Director

Small Business Administration Administrator

Social Security Administration Commissioner

Surface Transportation Board Board Members

Equal Opportunity Employment Commission Chairs

Current C-SPAN projects


Ongoing (weekly or monthly)


Other C-SPAN stuff


Washington Journal 1995


C-SPAN projects - Past, present, future

Wiki pages(s) or categories Status? Official
Outgoing wiki links Internal wiki links Comments
Category:Lists of After Words interviews by year (2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015) In progress (ongoing updates needed) Link Main page: After Words
Should review books to see how many have new articles; Should review empty discussion topics column; Also review authors, books, subject matter links for linking.
The Communicators Not started (ongoing updates needed) Link Wiki pages linking to The Communicators Not a whole ton of outside articles about this show... (Kind of ironic.)
Newsmakers Not started Link
Lists of Washington Journal interviews Not started (ongoing updates needed) Link Main page: Washington Journal - Is this even feasible? Why not?
User:KConWiki/List of Washington Journal programs aired in 1995
User:KConWiki/List of Washington Journal programs aired in... : 1996, 1997, 1998, 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015
Lyndon Johnson Tapes Not started
Richard Nixon Tapes Not started
C-SPAN Bus program Done (ongoing updates needed) Link Wiki pages linking to Local Content Link ("Done", but on the lookout for more to add...) - Maybe try to link individual vignettes to specific articles
*[http://www.c-span.org/LocalContent/xxx/ C-SPAN Local Content Vehicles tour of xxx]
Is it possible to get itineraries of the two classic buses?
In Depth Done (ongoing updates needed) Link Wiki pages linking to In Depth site Link In Depth authors w/ no articles: Gary Gallagher, Ellis Cose, John K. Wilson, Jonathan Karp, Bonnie Morris, Peniel Joseph.
Category:Lists of C-SPAN Q&A interviews by year (04/05, 06, 07, 08, 09, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15 ) Done (Mostly - see below) (ongoing updates needed) Old link
New link
Wiki pages linking to Q&A site Main page: Q&A (U.S. talk show)
*[http://www.q-and-a.org/Program/?ProgramID=xxxx C-SPAN ''Q&A'' interview with xxxx, MONTHDAYYEAR]

Should review books to see how many have new articles; Should review empty discussion topics column; Also review authors, books, subject matter links for linking.
American Presidents: Life Portraits Done Link Wiki pages linking to AP site Link Review links, Fall 2014
American Writers: A Journey Through History Done Link Wiki pages linking to AW site Link DYK, Feb. 5, 2012
Review links, Fall 2014
Category:Lists of Booknotes interviews by year (89, 90, 91, 92, 93, 94, 95, 96, 97, 98, 99, 00, 01, 02, 03, 04) Done (Mostly - see below) Link Wiki pages linking to BN site Main page: Booknotes, Outdated web addresses at Booknotes.org, Interesting Washington Post article. (While working on this, I realized that there is one link where Booknotes.org itself put the wrong video up on the link for that interview. I thought I had made a note about which one it was, but - if I did, I can't find it, nor can I remember which one it was. Oops!) Also - What is the situation with Robert Kagan's / interview from 2003? I can't find it here.
The Contenders Done Link Wiki pages linking to Contenders site Link http://www.c-spanvideo.org/browse?browse=series&id=44
Lincoln-Douglas Debates (1994 re-enactments) Done N/A N/A Link Also created Template:Lincoln–Douglas debates
The Alexis de Tocqueville Tour: Exploring Democracy in America Done Link Wiki pages linking to Tocqueville.org Link Also started Template:Democracy in America
Westport, Kentucky does not yet seem to have a wiki article.
First Ladies: Influence & Image Done Link Washington Post article 2-17-2013

C-SPAN to-do list


Adding C-SPAN template to pages for individual people


Adding the template {{C-SPAN|Person's name}} to articles as appropriate, and also seeing if there is anything else that needs doing with those articles. This is a pretty general category from which some good articles could be gleaned: Category:Political office-holders in the United States.

Current and former U.S. federal officials
Current and former U.S. State officials
  • Governors (Lt. Governors, etc.)
Current and former U.S. local officials
Current and former Non-U.S. officials
  • Go thru and use the name of each country of the world as a search term (i.e., Angola leads to Georges Rebelo Chikoti, etc.)
Other people
Topics that are not people

After Words

  • Create live pages: 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013
  • Add subject matter links - 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013
  • Add AW links (if appropriate) to individual articles - 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013
    • Example: Salman Khan (educator) - *[http://www.c-spanvideo.org/program/Khan ''After Words'' interview with Khan on ''The One World Schoolhouse'', November 4, 2012]
      • *[http://www.c-spanvideo.org/xxx ''After Words'' interview with xxx on ''xxx'', xxx x, 20xx]



How do we get a good list of books / authors / events (incl awards)?




C-SPAN Video Library


First Ladies



Washington Journal


Also - Figure out how to go through all these guests and on their individual pages, make sure that they have their C-SPAN appearances linked. For instance, James Atlas / http://www.c-span.org/person/?jamesatlas


Old Q&A program numbers

(Used Excel and old versions of pages to make list here of program ID#, date of air, and interviewee's name)

Booknotes to-do list


For possible article creation:

Authors (disambig needed)
Authors (no disambig needed)

Articles about books to enhance using Booknotes, Q&A, or After Words content


Articles to enhance using misc. C-SPAN programs

  • [[ ]]
  • [[ ]]

Monument and Park visits

Newspaper visits
  • [[ ]]
  • [[ ]]
Books / authors
  • [[ ]]
  • [[ ]]

Presidential inaugurations


Category:United States presidential inaugurations



Misc. to hang on to


American Presidents

   http://www.americanpresidents.org/letters/39.asp is linked from Ronald and Nancy Reagan Research Institute <-- Archive link
   http://www.americanpresidents.org/places/13b.asp is linked from Millard Fillmore <-- Archive link
   http://www.americanpresidents.org/places/24a.asp is linked from McKinley Bank Building <-- Archive link
   http://www.americanpresidents.org/presidents/president.asp?PresidentNumber=20 is linked from Ohio and Erie Canal <-- Archive link
   http://www.americanpresidents.org/presidents/president.asp?PresidentNumber=28 is linked from Skagway, Alaska <-- Archive link
   http://www.americanpresidents.org/presidents/president.asp?PresidentNumber=32 is linked from List of University of Missouri-Kansas City people <-- Archive link
   http://www.americanpresidents.org/presidents/president.asp?PresidentNumber=42 is linked from George W. Bush <-- Archive link
   http://www.americanpresidents.org/survey/viewer/ is linked from Historical rankings of Presidents of the United States <-- Archive link
  • *[http://www.c-span.org/video/?121783-1/life-portrait-george-washington "Life Portrait of George Washington"], from [[C-SPAN]]'s ''[[American Presidents: Life Portraits]]'', March 15, 1999
  • *[http://www.c-span.org/video/?121951-1/life-portrait-john-adams "Life Portrait of John Adams"], from [[C-SPAN]]'s ''[[American Presidents: Life Portraits]]'', March 22, 1999
  • *[http://www.c-span.org/video/?121787-1/life-portrait-thomas-jefferson "Life Portrait of Thomas Jefferson"], from [[C-SPAN]]'s ''[[American Presidents: Life Portraits]]'', April 2, 1999
  • *[http://www.c-span.org/video/?122316-1/life-portrait-james-madison "Life Portrait of James Madison"], from [[C-SPAN]]'s ''[[American Presidents: Life Portraits]]'', April 9, 1999
  • *[http://www.c-span.org/video/?122387-1/life-portrait-james-monroe "Life Portrait of James Monroe"], from [[C-SPAN]]'s ''[[American Presidents: Life Portraits]]'', April 12, 1999
  • *[http://www.c-span.org/video/?122555-1/life-portrait-john-quincy-adams "Life Portrait of John Quincy Adams"], from [[C-SPAN]]'s ''[[American Presidents: Life Portraits]]'', April 18, 1999
  • *[http://www.c-span.org/video/?122792-1/life-portrait-andrew-jackson "Life Portrait of Andrew Jackson"], from [[C-SPAN]]'s ''[[American Presidents: Life Portraits]]'', April 26, 1999
  • *[http://www.c-span.org/video/?122988-1/life-portrait-martin-van-buren "Life Portrait of Martin Van Buren"], from [[C-SPAN]]'s ''[[American Presidents: Life Portraits]]'', May 3, 1999
  • *[http://www.c-span.org/video/?123123-1/life-portrait-william-henry-harrison "Life Portrait of William Henry Harrison"], from [[C-SPAN]]'s ''[[American Presidents: Life Portraits]]'', May 10, 1999
  • *[http://www.c-span.org/video/?123380-1/life-portrait-john-tyler "Life Portrait of John Tyler"], from [[C-SPAN]]'s ''[[American Presidents: Life Portraits]]'', May 17, 1999
  • *[http://www.c-span.org/video/?123943-1/life-portrait-james-k-polk "Life Portrait of James K. Polk"], from [[C-SPAN]]'s ''[[American Presidents: Life Portraits]]'', May 28, 1999
  • *[http://www.c-span.org/video/?123944-1/life-portrait-zachary-taylor "Life Portrait of Zachary Taylor"], from [[C-SPAN]]'s ''[[American Presidents: Life Portraits]]'', May 31, 1999
  • *[http://www.c-span.org/video/?124976-1/life-portrait-millard-fillmore "Life Portrait of Millard Fillmore"], from [[C-SPAN]]'s ''[[American Presidents: Life Portraits]]'', June 11, 1999
  • *[http://www.c-span.org/video/?125004-1/life-portrait-franklin-pierce "Life Portrait of Franklin Pierce"], from [[C-SPAN]]'s ''[[American Presidents: Life Portraits]]'', June 14, 1999
  • *[http://www.c-span.org/video/?125214-1/life-portrait-james-buchanan "Life Portrait of James Buchanan"], from [[C-SPAN]]'s ''[[American Presidents: Life Portraits]]'', June 21, 1999
  • *[http://www.c-span.org/video/?125640-1/life-portrait-abraham-lincoln "Life Portrait of Abraham Lincoln"], from [[C-SPAN]]'s ''[[American Presidents: Life Portraits]]'', June 28, 1999
  • *[http://www.c-span.org/video/?150104-1/life-portrait-andrew-johnson "Life Portrait of Andrew Johnson"], from [[C-SPAN]]'s ''[[American Presidents: Life Portraits]]'', July 9, 1999
  • *[http://www.c-span.org/video/?150209-1/life-portrait-ulysses-s-grant "Life Portrait of Ulysses S. Grant"], from [[C-SPAN]]'s ''[[American Presidents: Life Portraits]]'', July 12, 1999
  • *[http://www.c-span.org/video/?150637-1/life-portrait-rutherford-b-hayes "Life Portrait of Rutherford B. Hayes"], from [[C-SPAN]]'s ''[[American Presidents: Life Portraits]]'', July 19, 1999
  • *[http://www.c-span.org/video/?151093-1/life-portrait-james-garfield "Life Portrait of James A. Garfield"], from [[C-SPAN]]'s ''[[American Presidents: Life Portraits]]'', July 26, 1999
  • *[http://www.c-span.org/video/?151431-1/life-portrait-chester-arthur "Life Portrait of Chester A. Arthur"], from [[C-SPAN]]'s ''[[American Presidents: Life Portraits]]'', August 6, 1999
  • *[http://www.c-span.org/video/?151466-1/life-portrait-grover-cleveland "Life Portrait of Grover Cleveland"], from [[C-SPAN]]'s ''[[American Presidents: Life Portraits]]'', August 13, 1999
  • *[http://www.c-span.org/video/?151616-1/life-portrait-benjamin-harrison "Life Portrait of Benjamin Harrison"], from [[C-SPAN]]'s ''[[American Presidents: Life Portraits]]'', August 20, 1999
  • *[http://www.c-span.org/video/?151617-1/life-portrait-william-mckinley "Life Portrait of William McKinley"], from [[C-SPAN]]'s ''[[American Presidents: Life Portraits]]'', August 23, 1999
  • *[http://www.c-span.org/video/?151618-1/life-portrait-theodore-roosevelt "Life Portrait of Theodore Roosevelt"], from [[C-SPAN]]'s ''[[American Presidents: Life Portraits]]'', September 3, 1999
  • *[http://www.c-span.org/video/?151620-1/life-portrait-william-howard-taft "Life Portrait of William Howard Taft"], from [[C-SPAN]]'s ''[[American Presidents: Life Portraits]]'', September 6, 1999
  • *[http://www.c-span.org/video/?151624-1/life-portrait-woodrow-wilson "Life Portrait of Woodrow Wilson"], from [[C-SPAN]]'s ''[[American Presidents: Life Portraits]]'', September 13, 1999
  • *[http://www.c-span.org/video/?151625-1/life-portrait-warren-g-harding "Life Portrait of Warren G. Harding"], from [[C-SPAN]]'s ''[[American Presidents: Life Portraits]]'', September 20, 1999
  • *[http://www.c-span.org/video/?151626-1/life-portrait-calvin-coolidge "Life Portrait of Calvin Coolidge"], from [[C-SPAN]]'s ''[[American Presidents: Life Portraits]]'', September 27, 1999
  • *[http://www.c-span.org/video/?151627-1/life-portrait-herbert-hoover "Life Portrait of Herbert Hoover"], from [[C-SPAN]]'s ''[[American Presidents: Life Portraits]]'', October 4, 1999
  • *[http://www.c-span.org/video/?151628-1/life-portrait-franklin-d-roosevelt "Life Portrait of Franklin D. Roosevelt"], from [[C-SPAN]]'s ''[[American Presidents: Life Portraits]]'', October 11, 1999
  • *[http://www.c-span.org/video/?151629-1/life-portrait-harry-s-truman "Life Portrait of Harry S. Truman"], from [[C-SPAN]]'s ''[[American Presidents: Life Portraits]]'', October 18, 1999
  • *[http://www.c-span.org/video/?151630-1/life-portrait-dwight-d-eisenhower "Life Portrait of Dwight D. Eisenhower"], from [[C-SPAN]]'s ''[[American Presidents: Life Portraits]]'', October 25, 1999
  • *[http://www.c-span.org/video/?151631-1/life-portrait-john-f-kennedy "Life Portrait of John F. Kennedy"], from [[C-SPAN]]'s ''[[American Presidents: Life Portraits]]'', November 5, 1999
  • *[http://www.c-span.org/video/?151632-1/life-portrait-lyndon-b-johnson "Life Portrait of Lyndon B. Johnson"], from [[C-SPAN]]'s ''[[American Presidents: Life Portraits]]'', November 12, 1999
  • *[http://www.c-span.org/video/?151633-1/life-portrait-richard-m-nixon "Life Portrait of Richard Nixon"], from [[C-SPAN]]'s ''[[American Presidents: Life Portraits]]'', November 19, 1999
  • *[http://www.c-span.org/video/?151634-1/life-portrait-gerald-r-ford "Life Portrait of Gerald Ford"], from [[C-SPAN]]'s ''[[American Presidents: Life Portraits]]'', November 22, 1999
  • *[http://www.c-span.org/video/?151635-1/life-portrait-jimmy-carter "Life Portrait of Jimmy Carter"], from [[C-SPAN]]'s ''[[American Presidents: Life Portraits]]'', December 3, 1999
  • *[http://www.c-span.org/video/?151636-1/life-portrait-ronald-reagan "Life Portrait of Ronald Reagan"], from [[C-SPAN]]'s ''[[American Presidents: Life Portraits]]'', December 6, 1999
  • *[http://www.c-span.org/video/?151637-1/life-portrait-george-hw-bush "Life Portrait of George H. W. Bush"], from [[C-SPAN]]'s ''[[American Presidents: Life Portraits]]'', December 13, 1999
  • *[http://www.c-span.org/video/?151639-1/life-portrait-bill-clinton "Life Portrait of Bill Clinton"], from [[C-SPAN]]'s ''[[American Presidents: Life Portraits]]'', December 20, 1999
  1. ^ {{cite web}}: Empty citation (help)