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From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

An ardent fact-lover and encyclopedia-addict, I was destined to be a Wikipedian. Acquainting myself with new facts & stats, rectifying any incorrect info that I discover in the process, and contributing new stuff & thereby enhancing an article/piece, is one of my favourite pastimes.

I am a sports fanatic (a football buff, in particular), and hence, most of what I edit is related to the world of sports. I take keen interest in gaining knowledge in respect of athletes, teams, clubs, records, statistics, history, etc. I have followed most sports closely enough, and for long enough, to judge the credibility, fairness and correctness of various articles, specifically stuff concerning The Beautiful Game.

It is an honour to be associated with Wikipedia in any way, and a privilege to be able to edit and/or contribute on here. I believe as readers & users of information, it is our duty to ensure the correctness of all articles and pages appearing on this great encyclopedia. We ought not to misuse this privilege, and must not post any false or defamatory matter. Further, it would be inappropriate to edit or contribute any stuff, unless one is thoroughly sure about the intended correction or addition/deletion.

Happy Learning!