WikiProject Philosophy of Language task list
- Paul Boghossian
- Implicature
- principle of charity (expansion)
- "The Meaning of "Meaning"" - different book, separate article. (Putnam)
- "A Plea For Excuses" (Austin)
- Attributive use of descriptions and Referential use of descriptions (probably one article should suffice)
- Frege's puzzle
- Guise theory
- "How to Do Things With Words" (Austin)
- Linguistic community
- "Logic and Conversation" (Grice)
- "Naming and Necessity" (Kripke)
- Saturated and unsaturated expressions (Frege)
- "Truth and Meaning" (Davidson)
- Contrastivism (Schaffer)
- Hinge proposition
- Anaphora (linguistics) - Definitely needs more philosophy (e.g., the Geach Hob-Nob sentence.)