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Talk:Upper Gotvand Dam

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Upper and lower?


I am having troubling figuring out the difference between the "upper" and "lower" Gotvand dams. Here and here indicates it is just one dam. There is mention in both of those sources of a extension to the power house. IWPCO also seems to refer to it as the "upper" here. The source currently in the article doesn't help much and I am inclined to believe there is just one dam. If so, this article should be redirected to Upper Gotvand Dam. If anyone can help differentiate, please do. Thanks.--NortyNort (Holla) 13:37, 30 January 2011 (UTC)[reply]



There are two different figures about the dam height–both provided by the company. This source says 180 m from foundation while this source says 182 m without specifying what kind of height it is. Beagel (talk) 22:48, 6 January 2012 (UTC)[reply]

Hmm, from the same source too. I tend to lean towards the technical information (first) source; I think there is less room for error. I could see a mistake being made easier in a news report (maybe someone working in a separate office or bad translation). I have seen this confliction before and stick with the owner's main page for the project. This is confusing, it is often hard to find a consistent height for large dams.--NortyNort (Holla) 03:32, 7 January 2012 (UTC)[reply]

راه حلي مناسب تر از تخريب


اينجانب متخصص عمران هستم و راه حلي كه به نظر مي رسد كاهش ارتفاع ابگيري وايجاد تدريجي حائل آب گيري درياچه به سمت كوههاي حاوي معدن نمك مي باشد.به نحوي كه با ايجاد سپر يا سد فرعي مي توان به اين نتيجه دست يافت ،راه حلي كه به تخريب سد منجر نمي گردد. فعلا ارتفاع آبگيري سد را با رها سازي آب به حدي برسانيم كه درياچه فروكش كرده به كوه نمك نرسد. اكبر محمدزاده akbarmohammadzade@yahoo.com' (talk) 05:39, 10 June 2015 (UTC)[reply]

suitable solution for salt increase problem

 I am Iranian civil engineer and want to give any solution for salt 

increase problem of avoiding salt increase of behind dam water . akbarmohammadzade@yahoo.com78.38.28.3 (talk) 05:52, 10 June 2015 (UTC)[reply]