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Talk:Udumbara (Buddhism)

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internet meme/urban legend


There have been a rash of recent news articles discussing the "rare udambara flower, which blooms only once every 3000 years" - as far as I have been able to tell, this qualifies as an "urban legend", and the photographs of this "flower" are all photographs of lacewing eggs. I suspect it is only a matter of time before some well-meaning editor attempts to insert some of this into this Wikipedia article, so consider this a heads-up that there are NO RELIABLE SOURCES for the claims, nor the photos. Dyanega (talk) 21:32, 3 March 2010 (UTC)[reply]


provides an example. "Miao Wei, 50, was cleaning when she discovered the cluster of white flowers under the washing machine. At first she thought the barely-there stems were worm eggs, however, the next day she discovered that the stems had grown 18 white tiny flowers on top and smelled "fragrant"."

Wikipedia@edlis.org (talk) 22:11, 4 March 2010 (UTC)[reply]

I think it's worth including the fact that many people regard lacewing eggs as udumbara. If you google udumbara, most pictures that come up are these eggs. Yel D'ohan (talk) 05:59, 1 May 2015 (UTC)[reply]

And if you google "god", you'll get a nice looking Jewish boy with a beard who walks on water. Probably not the best metric. Viriditas (talk) 06:28, 1 May 2015 (UTC)[reply]
And indeed I think the most common Protestant imagery used to represent God should be included somewhere. Probably already is. Yel D'ohan (talk) 16:28, 14 August 2017 (UTC)[reply]

Udumbara (Falun Gong)

There are many results for Udumbara by Viet Nam google search https://www.google.com.vn/search?biw=1366&bih=659&tbm=isch&sa=1&q=Hoa+%C6%AFu+%C4%90%C3%A0m&oq=Hoa+%C6%AFu+%C4%90%C3%A0m&gs_l=psy-ab.3..0i19k1.150448.152653.0.152850. this result from Falun Gong. The comunity base on Buddhism's book. But really Buddhism's book don't mention color, size, shape of Udumbara. There are many article from Viet Nam show that Falun Gong using "Chrysopidae eggs and photoshop" and base on Buddhism's book to say Chrysopidae eggs is Udumbara to let Li Hong zhi is god of god, an buddha of buddha

Please helping write Udumbra by Falun Gong from sources : [1] [2]

Base Buddhism's book and [3] then Udumbra (by Falun Gong) is Chrysopidae eggs and photoshop. See more, or translate from in [4] — Preceding unsigned comment added by Nguyenquocminhminh (talkcontribs) 16:10, 14 August 2017 (UTC)[reply]


Translate from wiki Viet Nam


I translate from wiki Viet Nam, please help me correction https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Udumbara_(Buddhism)#Udumbara_.28Falun_Gong.29 — Preceding unsigned comment added by Nguyenquocminhminh (talkcontribs) 16:43, 14 August 2017 (UTC)[reply]

Udumbra by Falun Gong


I am not engough english to write a paper by english. But please see some link as follows:

1, Udumbra by Falun Gong by google search: https://www.google.com.vn/search?q=Hoa+%C6%AFu+%C4%90%C3%A0m&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwiA7Jq-qdnVAhUlT48KHaIuCAAQ_AUICigB&biw=1366&bih=659

2, Chrysopidae eggs by google search: https://www.google.com.vn/search?biw=1366&bih=659&tbm=isch&sa=1&q=Chrysopidae+eggs&oq=Chrysopidae+eggs&gs_l=psy-ab.3..0.95847.95847.0.96828.

3, Some paper in Viet Nam: http://phatgiao.org.vn/y-kien/201412/Truyen-thuyet-Phat-giao-ve-hoa-uu-dam-linh-thieng-da-bi-lai-theo-muc-dich-rieng-16477/

4, http://phatgiao.org.vn/y-kien/201708/Hoa-uu-dam-su-lua-dao-cua-ta-dao-Phap-Luan-Cong-P-2-27957/

5, https://thuvienhoasen.org/a26920/to-chuc-phap-luan-cong-xuyen-tac-truyen-thuyet-ve-hoa-uu-dam-cua-phat-giao-nhu-the-nao-

6, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=r5aIaIocwJ0

Because Falun Gong base on Buddhism's book to said that the Chrysopidae eggs is Udumbra. Falun Gong wrote about 1000 papers to share on 100 website Viet language for ten years. So more and more people believe that Chrysopidae eggs is Udumbra. But the fact Buddhism's book don't mention size, color, and shape of Udumbra in some Buddhism's book which Falun Gong cite. There are many paper on Falun Gong web site base Udumbra to Said that Li Hongzhi is God of God, and Buddha of Buddha. But the fact Udumbra by Falun Gong is Chrysopidae eggs. Nguyenquocminhminh (talk) 13:37, 15 August 2017 (UTC)[reply]

Which website of organization in Viet Nam?


1st-"Hoa Ưu Đàm khai nở tại Sài Gòn?". Báo Pháp luật Việt Nam. Retrieved February 12, 2017. Publish by website of Ministry of Justice of Viet Nam http://baophapluat.vn/bi-an-cuoc-song/hoa-uu-dam-khai-no-tai-sai-gon-186569.html

2nd-"Pháp luân công xuyên tạc truyền thuyết về hoa Ưu Đàm như thế nào?". Retrieved February 12, 2017. Publish by main page of Buddhist Sangha of Vietnam: http://phatgiao.org.vn/y-kien/201612/Phap-luan-cong-xuyen-tac-truyen-thuyet-ve-hoa-uu-dam-nhu-the-nao-25242/

3rd- "Truyền thuyết Phật giáo về hoa Ưu Đàm linh thiêng, đã bị "lái" theo mục đích riêng?". Retrieved February 12, 2017. Publish by main page of Buddhist Sangha of Vietnam: http://phatgiao.org.vn/y-kien/201412/Truyen-thuyet-Phat-giao-ve-hoa-uu-dam-linh-thieng-da-bi-lai-theo-muc-dich-rieng-16477/

4th- "Pháp Luân Công - một con ký sinh trùng của Phật giáo". tongiaodantoc.com. Retrieved February 12, 2017.

5th-"Phát hiện gây sốc về loài hoa ưu đàm '3000 năm mới nở'". Báo Pháp luật Việt Nam. Retrieved February 12, 2017. Publish by website of Ministry of Justice of Viet Nam http://baophapluat.vn/bi-an-cuoc-song/hoa-uu-dam-khai-no-tai-sai-gon-186569.html ; cited 33 time in wiki Viet Nam https://vi.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?search=baophapluat.vn&title=%C4%90%E1%BA%B7c_bi%E1%BB%87t:T%C3%ACm_ki%E1%BA%BFm&profile=all&fulltext=1&searchToken=6gu4nbbnzkirghs3hbpkbc0kp

6th-"Hoa Ưu Đàm thực chất là… nấm nhầy?". Dân Trí. Retrieved November 25, 2015. Publish by Vietnamese Study Encouragement Society http://dantri.com.vn/khoa-hoc/hoa-uu-dam-thuc-chat-la-nam-nhay-1340189294.htm ; good website using 258 time in Viet wiki https://vi.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?search=dantri.com.vn&title=%C4%90%E1%BA%B7c_bi%E1%BB%87t:T%C3%ACm_ki%E1%BA%BFm&profile=all&fulltext=1&searchToken=arhme4pmynj9hqk60gz9fvowz

7th-"Không nên gọi “hoa” lạ là hoa ưu đàm". Giác Ngộ Online. Retrieved February 12, 2017. Publish by A main page of a good journal on Budhism of Việt Nam https://giacngo.vn/PrintView.aspx?Language=vi&ID=17C052

8th- "Pháp luân công xuyên tạc Kinh Phật, Phật Di Lặc nhằm mục đích gì?". Retrieved February 12, 2017. Publish by main page of Buddhist Sangha of Vietnam: http://phatgiao.org.vn/y-kien/201612/Phap-luan-cong-xuyen-tac-Kinh-Phat-Phat-di-Lac-nham-muc-dich-gi-25317/

9th-"Pháp luân công xuyên tạc truyền thuyết về hoa Ưu Đàm như thế nào?". Retrieved February 12, 2017.

10th- "Tổ chức Pháp Luân Công xuyên tạc truyền thuyết về Hoa Ưu Đàm của Phật giáo như thế nào?". THƯ VIỆN HOA SEN. Retrieved February 12, 2017. A good source of Budhism by Viet Nam language https://thuvienhoasen.org/a26920/to-chuc-phap-luan-cong-xuyen-tac-truyen-thuyet-ve-hoa-uu-dam-cua-phat-giao-nhu-the-nao- On ; cited in 33 article https://vi.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=%C4%90%E1%BA%B7c_bi%E1%BB%87t:T%C3%ACm_ki%E1%BA%BFm&limit=500&offset=0&profile=all&search=thuvienhoasen.org&searchToken=emgubw1x59ig5zse7cfrkoyit ; cite more than 200 times in wiki Viet Nam

11- "Hoa Ưu Đàm thực chất là… nấm nhầy?". Dân Trí. Retrieved February 12, 2017. Publish by Vietnamese Study Encouragement Society http://dantri.com.vn/khoa-hoc/hoa-uu-dam-thuc-chat-la-nam-nhay-1340189294.htm ; good website using 258 time in Viet wiki https://vi.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?search=dantri.com.vn&title=%C4%90%E1%BA%B7c_bi%E1%BB%87t:T%C3%ACm_ki%E1%BA%BFm&profile=all&fulltext=1&searchToken=arhme4pmynj9hqk60gz9fvowz

12th- "Hoa Ưu Đàm thực chất là… nấm nhầy?". Dân Trí. Retrieved February 12, 2017. Publish by Vietnamese Study Encouragement Society http://dantri.com.vn/khoa-hoc/hoa-uu-dam-thuc-chat-la-nam-nhay-1340189294.htm ; good website using 258 time in Viet wiki https://vi.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?search=dantri.com.vn&title=%C4%90%E1%BA%B7c_bi%E1%BB%87t:T%C3%ACm_ki%E1%BA%BFm&profile=all&fulltext=1&searchToken=arhme4pmynj9hqk60gz9fvowz

13th- "Sự thật về loài hoa mang tên Ưu Đàm của nhà Phật". Kienthuc.net.vn. Retrieved February 12, 2017. Web site publish by Vietnam Union of Science and Technology Associations http://kienthuc.net.vn/thien/su-that-ve-loai-hoa-mang-ten-uu-dam-cua-nha-phat-129599.html Nguyenquocminhminh (talk) 11:22, 11 September 2017 (UTC)[reply]