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Talk:Stasis Leak

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"Holly detects a stasis leak"

"Holly (Norman Lovett) detects a stasis leak on Level 16."

I can't find any piece of dialogue in the episode that remotely suggests this. In fact, the episode seems to make it clear that Holly doesn't even know what a stasis leak is, never mind how to detect one, and maybe this is supposition in and of itself, but it looks like the stasis leak being discovered is a time paradox where Rimmer writes in his diary that his future self's head comes through the table and mentions the stasis leak, and Rimmer comes to inform him about his stasis leak because Lister reads about what Rimmer brushed aside as a hallucination in Rimmer's diary after Lister finds the photo of Kochanski.

Lister: Listen to what it said. It says: [reading Rimmer's diary] "The head came through the table and said, 'I'm from the future. I've come to save your life. We found a stasis leak on Floor 16.'" You see, I don't think it was an hallucination.
Rimmer: What's a stasis leak?
Holly: Alright, dudes? What's going down in Groovetown, then?
Lister: Alright, Hol? Listen, what's a stasis leak?
Holly: Oooh, well, very, very, basically, putting it as simply as I can for your average layman to comprehend. A stasis leak is a leak, right? In stasis. Hence the name, a stasis leak.
Lister: You don't know, do you, Hol?
Holly: No, I don't.
Lister: Well I suggest we go down to Floor 16 and see what's there.
Rimmer: How come he never, ever knows anything? He's supposed to have an IQ of 6000.
Holly: 6000's not that much. It's only the same IQ as twelve thousand car park attendants.
Rimmer: But you don't know anything.
Holly: Listen, I happen to be one of the sleekest, most sophisticated computers ever devised by man. I am the nearest thing you can get to infullible.
Lister: Infallible.
Holly: Exactly.

Was the original assertion about Holly pointed out in the secondary source Red Dwarf Programme Guide or something? TardisTybort (talk) 01:05, 24 June 2015 (UTC)[reply]