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Talk:Serbian calligraphy

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Query whether Orfelin's calligraphy was Serbian


Zaharije Orfelin wrote one calligraphy book in 1778. This was called "Славенская и валахійская калліграфіа, или Наставленіе къ правилному писанію, во употребленїе учащыяся въ малых школахъ славено-Сербскїя и Валахїйскїя Юности" = "Slavic and Wallachian Calligraphy, or teaching in correct writing, for the use of students in Slaveno-Serb and Wallachian little schools (primary schools?) for young people. This plainly suggests that his calligraphy was aimed for writing in both Slaveno-Serb (extinct language) and Wallachian (present-day Romanian). — Preceding unsigned comment added by (talk) 05:09, 18 August 2017 (UTC)[reply]