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Talk:Republic of Prekmurje

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This article is totally unsourced, ethnically biased and therefore proposed for deletion


The history of this article is a kyrielle of claims and counterclaims scarcely understandable. Eklir (talk) 02:47, 19 November 2008 (UTC)[reply]

It is here yet more sources. Doncsecz 07:57, 19 November 2008 (UTC)[reply]



I'm going to have a go at revising this tonight with an online source I've found. I doubt I'll have any luck finding information on a flag or coat of arms or anything, but at least it will be readable. Omaolin (talk) 10:23, 16 January 2009 (UTC)[reply]

Finished. A lot of the information either came from the newly added external link or from the German-language version of this article. I honestly don't have enough decent data to make proper citations, nor do I really know how. If a reliable editor could make this article much, much better with the inclusion of information from Hungarian/Slovenian sources, all the better, since I don't speak either language. Omaolin (talk) 11:50, 16 January 2009 (UTC)[reply]

Some i want to say so much, the baseplate of the german version is the book of Julij Titl Murska Republika. This book was arose in the communist Yugoslavia, hence is insecure source. Doncsecz 20:02, 16 January 2009 (UTC)[reply]

So you instead revert it to something which, I would like to say, resembles English about as much as French does. All of the sources are Hungarian, and you are apparently the only person who cares about this topic. If you are going to simply revert my edit (which is readable in English), at least explain WHICH points are "insecure source". Or maybe get someone who can actually write English to an encyclopedic standard to write it for you. I actually spent a good two hours at my city's central library today. Would you like to know how many sources I found for anything even remotely to do with Prekmurje? Zero. So rather than destroying what I actually worked at to make readable... why don't you help me in a constructive manner? Omaolin (talk) 09:57, 17 January 2009 (UTC)[reply]

Is properly if you want to repair, but...
1. Leave it in peace that passages such as the attack of the Croatian army (1918).
2. The greatest hungarian source is the László Göncz essay, what hungarian source in Slovenia.
3. Regrettably the Tkálecz-republic was not real aim, accordingly it does not construe assert the contrary.
Doncsecz 10:26, 17 January 2009 (UTC)[reply]

Mura republic or Republic of Prekmurje


The Slovene name is Murska republika; in the English summarys of Slovene sources use the Mura republic; in German: Murrepubliek, in Hungarian Mura Köztársaság, Vendvidéki köztársaság (Vendvidék=Slovene march), in Prekmurian Respublika Mörska, Respublika Slovenska okroglina (by the Novine and Mörszka krajina from 1920s). Maybe the Mura republic is better. Doncsecztalk 19:00, 14 February 2012 (UTC)[reply]

Perverting the history about Prekmurian literal language


quote: "The Republic of Prekmurje (Hungarian: Vendvidéki Köztársaság, Mura Köztársaság, Slovene: Murska Republika, Republika Prekmurje Prekmurje dialect: "

This was not a "dialect" but a literal language, also called Vandalic or Vendic(always was). Correct this please. My grand mother always said that they have to learn to write Prekmurian LANGUAGE and never Prekmurian "dialect". They have never heard about "Slovenian language" in school at that time.

Don't pervert the history.