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There are actually many justifications of tyrannicide that predate that of John's. Cicero's, in the wake of Julius Caesar's assassination, is probably the most famous:

"What more atrocious crime can there be than to kill a fellow-man, and especially an intimate friend? But if anyone kills a tyrant — be he never so intimate a friend — he has not laden his soul with guilt, has he? The Roman People, at all events, are not of that opinion; for of all glorious deeds they hold such a one to be the most noble." (Cicero, De Officiis, Book III, 19-20) Terrasirradient 23:01, 12 January 2007 (UTC)[reply]

Thanks a lot -- I changed it to "after antiquity," which I think gets more into the "Middle Ages" part of it.--Idols of Mud 16:13, 13 January 2007 (UTC)[reply]