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Talk:Open access in Hungary

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Draft by User:Filippo Morsiani


More content could be added to this article from the draft User:Filippo Morsiani/Open access in Hungary, based on a Unesco GOAP report. -- Oa01 (talk) 11:52, 27 March 2018 (UTC)[reply]

Open access repositories in Hungary


A list of open access repositories in Hungary was deleted from this article on 9 April 2018. -- Oa01 (talk) 10:44, 9 April 2018 (UTC)[reply]

Additional discussion: User talk:Oa01#Indiscriminate lists. -- Oa01 (talk) 12:39, 15 April 2018 (UTC)[reply]

Proposed text is below, to be added as a section within the article Open access in Hungary. Discussion of selection criteria here. -- Oa01 (talk) 09:12, 26 April 2018 (UTC) [reply]

Proposed text

There are a number of collections of scholarship in Hungary housed in digital open access repositories.[1] They contain journal articles, book chapters, data, and other research outputs that are free to read.

Institution Free access icon Repository name[1] URL
Budapest Business School Budapest Business School Repository (BORY) http://repozitorium.uni-bge.hu/
Central European University CEU Academic Archive (Central European University's Academic Archive) http://ceu.archives.ceu.hu/
Central European University Electronic Theses and Dissertations (ETDs) http://www.library.ceu.hu/ETD.html
Central European University Policy Documentation Center http://pdc.ceu.hu/
Central European University Research Support Scheme - Central European University http://rss.archives.ceu.hu/
Corvinus University of Budapest Archive of the Institute of Business Economics (Vállalatgazdaságtan Intézet Archivuma) (CUB) http://edok.lib.uni-corvinus.hu/
Corvinus University of Budapest Corvinus Research Archive http://unipub.lib.uni-corvinus.hu/
Corvinus University of Budapest Corvinus University of Budapest http://phd.lib.uni-corvinus.hu/
Debreceni Egyetem Egyetemi és Nemzeti Könyvtár [hu] (DEENK; University and National Library University of Debrecen) University of Debrecen Electronic Archive (DEA) http://dea.lib.unideb.hu/dea/
Eötvös Loránd University ELTE Digital Institutional Repository (EDIT) (ELTE Digitális Intézményi Tudástár) https://edit.elte.hu/
Eszterhazy Karoly University EKE Repository of PhD Dissertations http://disszertacio.uni-eszterhazy.hu/
Eszterhazy Karoly University EKE Repository of Publications http://publikacio.uni-eszterhazy.hu/
Hungarian Academy of Sciences, Centre for Social Sciences KDK Repository http://openarchive.tk.mta.hu/
Hungarian Academy of Sciences, Institute for Regional Studies, Centre for Economic and Regional Studies ELECTRA - Electronic Archive of the Institute for Regional Studies, Centre for Economic and Regional Studies, Hungarian Academy of Sciences http://www.regscience.hu:8080/xmlui
Hungarian Academy of Sciences Library and Information Centre [hu] REAL-d http://real-d.mtak.hu/
Hungarian Academy of Sciences Library and Information Centre [hu] REAL-EOD http://real-eod.mtak.hu/
Hungarian Academy of Sciences Library and Information Centre [hu] REAL-J http://real-j.mtak.hu/
Hungarian Academy of Sciences Library and Information Centre [hu] REAL-MS http://real-ms.mtak.hu/
Hungarian Academy of Sciences Library and Information Centre [hu] REAL-PhD http://real-phd.mtak.hu/
Hungarian Academy of Sciences Library and Information Centre [hu] REAL-R http://real-r.mtak.hu/
Magyar Tudományos Akadémia Könyvtára [hu] (Library of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences) REAL (Repository of the Academy's Library) http://real.mtak.hu/
Kaposvar University KEA https://kea.ke.hu/
MTA SZTAKI SZTAKI Publication Repository http://eprints.sztaki.hu/
National Széchényi Library Hungarian Electronic Library (MEK) http://www.elib.hu/
National University of Public Service Ludovika Digital Knowledge Repository and Archive (LUDITA) (Ludovika Digit ális Tudástár és Archívum) https://ludita.uni-nke.hu/ludita
Óbuda University Repository of the Óbuda University (ÓDA) http://asp01.ex-lh.hu/
Semmelweis University Semmelweis Repository http://repo.lib.semmelweis.hu/
Szechenyi Istvan University SzERep Széchenyi István Egyetem Repozitóriuma http://phd.szerep.sze.hu/jadox/portal/
Szent István University Szent István University Institutional Repository http://archivum.szie.hu/
University of Miskolc MIDRA (Miskolci Egyetem Digitális Raktár és Adattár) http://midra.uni-miskolc.hu/
University of Pécs Pécsi Egyetemi Archívum (PEA) http://pea.lib.pte.hu/
University of Sopron SOE Repository of Dissertations http://doktori.nyme.hu/
University of Sopron SOE Repository of Publications http://publicatio.nyme.hu/
University of Szeged SZTE Doktori Értekezések Repozitórium (SZTE Repository of Dissertations) http://doktori.bibl.u-szeged.hu/
University of Szeged SZTE Egyetemi kiadványok http://acta.bibl.u-szeged.hu/
University of Szeged SZTE Publicatio Repozitórium - SZTE http://publicatio.bibl.u-szeged.hu/
University of Veterinary Medicine Budapest HuVetA (Hungarian Veterinary Archive) http://huveta.hu/


  1. ^ a b "Hungary". Directory of Open Access Repositories. UK: University of Nottingham. Retrieved 15 April 2018.

Hungarian open access journals


A short list of open access journals from Hungary was added to this article on 13 April 2018. It was selected from a longer, more comprehensive list based on information cited in DOAJ. -- Oa01 (talk) 19:10, 13 April 2018 (UTC)[reply]