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Talk:Milnor K-theory

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"Milnor ring" (an alternative name) redirects here. BTotaro (talk) 17:40, 4 November 2015 (UTC)[reply]

Article improvements


There are quite a few useful results from Milnor's original paper "Algebraic K-theory and Quadratic forms" which should be included in this article for a better understanding of Milnor K-theory.

structure of K-theory ring

  • graded commutative ring structure
  • 1.2 and 1.3


  • example 1.5 and implications
  • example 1.6 with generators, also include from section 2
  • for can be deduced from later methods

structure results

  • example 1.7 gives partial computation of local fields : they are all divisible, moreover, using the same argument as 1.5 this gives all milnor K-groups


  • theorem 2.3 (give exact sequence for Q(t), R(t), C(t) (or any algebraically closed field), showing the structure)
  • C(t_1), C(t_1)(t_2), C(t_1)(t_2)(t_3), ...
  • lemma 6.2 -> relation with Galois cohomology (refined further later on Bloch-Kato)
  • A.2

Applications section

  • theorem 1.4 for arithmetic

Wundzer (talk) 17:15, 22 January 2021 (UTC)[reply]

Higher local class field theory


This article should mention the main theorem of local class field theory. The statement can be found in


contains other useful pdfs. Also,

contains useful stuff on Milnor K-theory, starting on page 292 of the pdf.

  • Differential forms and Milnor K-theory

Kaptain-k-theory (talk) 20:40, 14 April 2021 (UTC)[reply]

Motivic steenrod algebra


Should discuss the relation between motivic cohomology and Milnor K-theory. In addition, discuss the various results about the motivic steenrod algebra and motivic eilenberg-maclane spaces. Some resources include

Kaptain-k-theory (talk) 18:19, 28 April 2021 (UTC)[reply]