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Talk:Kudzu of the North

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Definite keepers

* Persicaria perfoliata, a.k.a. mile-a-minute or devil's tail -- too many in first 30 G-hits to cite but i will count them
* Celastrus orbiculatus, a.k.a. oriental bittersweet, Japanese bittersweet, or Asiatic bittersweet --Midwest, S. New England, S. New England, i will add more citations from first 30 G-hits.

I'm inclined to equal dab'n since oriental bittersweet may well predominate in the usage wherever devil's tail is absent.
--Jerzyt 08:11, 23 September 2010 (UTC)[reply]

Initially sub-marginal candidates


   I'm listing these here bcz i've so far found too few uses in the corresponding sense to justify a Dab entry.

* Lonicera maackii, a.k.a. (& Rdr to it) Amur honeysuckle - "KotN" ref says just "honeysuckle" but 2 others in same discussion had given this species Indiana, it appears
* Lonicera japonica var. Halliana, a.k.a. Hall's Japanese honeysuckle (Rdr to L. Japonica) or Hall's Prolific - NE Ohio
* Buckthorn where?
* Securigera varia, a.k.a. (& Rdr to it) Crown Vetch or (& Rdr to it) Coronilla varia Iowa, presumably (Title of cited Iowa Soil DiSt. Watesheds Bul. article)
* Ampelopsis brevipedunculata 'Elegans' a.k.a. (& Rdr to it) Porcelain Berry
* Vinca minor (esp. in Michigan), a.k.a. periwinkle

--Jerzyt 08:11, 23 September 2010 (UTC)[reply]