This is a base list of items of types {parable, miracle, ministry} from which the Gospel harmony and other tables get automatically generated to achieve consistency.
How to modify this page:
Do not modify sections 1.1 (List of unique parable names), 2.1 (List of unique miracle names), or 3.1 (List of unique ministry names) that include the unique names. These are auto-generated from the rest.
If you see errors, modify each 'bibleverse link', or parable/miracle name.
Do not modify 'Bibleref2c' links that are auto-generated.
Do not add comments within this page, but leave them on the "talkpage". This page is parsed with its section heading-based format.
The system will automatically generate the Bibleref2c links and sections 1.1, 2.1, and 3.1 from the single Gospel lines with names and links (the other sections).