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Archive 1


He "was a writer".......Thats not true! He IS a writer,because he is still alive and hes still very much writing,so Im going to edit it. 13:20, 17 March 2006 (UTC)

Paranoid??!?!?!OTPOR WAS FINANSED FROM USA,YOU JERK,HE WASNT PARANOID!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Dzoni 23:26, 31 March 2006 (UTC)

You seem unhinged. The fact (?) that Otpor was financed by the USA doesn't make it a CIA front. And even if it did receive US financing, is that all bad? In 1992 and 1993, most opponents of Milosevic were upset that the US did NOT provide funding to his opposition. In any case, calling me names won't make Cosic any less paranoid. profnjm

"For this, the one-time fawning Titoist was ridiculed by many opponents of the Milošević regime who doubted his sincerity. "hahah I swear to god,you are a moron.

Father of Nation was ridiculed?!?!?!?!?

Let me quote late Prime minister Djindjic who said in 2002,upon Cosics 80th birthsday:"Mr.Cosic,you are Serbian Thomas Mann".

Let me quote current president of Serbia Boris Tadic(he said it in Kurir 2005):"Mr. Cosic is the one that got me into politics and I still ask him for advice very often,althought I dont always listen to his advices"

Then,let me quote the man who got most votes in Serbian elections ever,Slobodan Milosevic,ex Presiden,who said in 2004 on his trial said:"Dobrica Cosic is greatest Serb writer alive".

And let me quote current Serbian Prime Minister Vojslav Kostunica:"Mr. Cosic is,in the way,my political father".

Also,dont forget,WHEN KOSTUNICA WAS INOGURATED ON OCTOBER 2000,NEXT TO KOSTUNICA SIT MR.COSIC,ho is clearly a legend of our people,very possible the greatest Serb ever.

So,its clear that no one never "ridiculed" him(except Croatians and maybe some muslims that we call "balijas").

Its clear that you have no knowledge of Serbia and its situation whatsoeverDzoni 15:20, 2 April 2006 (UTC)

You wrote me "molim te nemoj da vandalizujes..." Since you do not accept email in return, I'll tell you that "Ja ne bih nista vandalizovao, samo bih popravljao..."

I think that you need to calm down.

And I also think that your contributions would be better appreciated on the Serbian wikipedia version of Cosic's biography, where rank nationalism is more acceptable. By the way, your language is over the top. You are being a "dick" (in the Wikipedia sense of the word). profnjm

Lol,"Nije popravljanje kad iznosis neistinite podatke sa namerom da stvoris laznu o jednoj licnosti-To je vandalizovanje."

Im very calm,thank you,and Im now making a nationalist article,because its the truth that no one "ridiculed" Cosic,no Serbian politician ever "ridiculed" him.

I would also like to point out that Serbs look at Cosic as an epic figure of our history,as a great figher for Serbian people,and as one of those who suppported opposition very early(let me rimind you,1993-Cosic is removed by Milosevic and SRS;1994-Zoran Djindjic is negotiating to enter Serbian goverment with SPS;1998-SPO enters goverment with SPO,JUL and SRS

So,its clear that Cosic despised Milosevic very early,and thats why hes so widely respected all over the Serbia.Its also important to be said that his book "Kosovo" in 2004 was best selling Serbian book of that year.Dzoni 17:04, 2 April 2006 (UTC)

Lovely. Quit calling me names.

It is not at all clear that Cosic hated Milosevic early. Cosic admits he endorsed Milosevic, and till 1992 obviously did not despise him. How "early" is "very early" for you? He is certainly not respected for despising Milosevic. In fact, those who hate him hate him for approving of Milosevic. profnjm I just told you whats "very early"...Lets go thru it again...

1992-Cosic supported Panic and attacked Milosevic ever since 1994-Djindjic is negotiating to enter Milosevic goverment 1998-9-Draskovic is vice-president of Milosevics goverment.

So,he turned against Milosevic waaaaay before opposition leaders.



"Poet of the revolution of Presidents yacht"?!?!?!?Kako to glasi na Srpskom,kada je knjiga izdata i u cijem izdanju.

If you dont give the facts about it,then I`ll be forced to delete that sentence.You have a deadline of 48 hours.Dzoni 12:35, 5 April 2006 (UTC)


I may not be an admirer of Ćosić's, but as it stands the article is written in a very unencyclopaedic and partial fashion. For example: "Ćosić's infatuation with Tito would soon turn to hatred". That's whz I've applied the NPOV tag. --estavisti 15:03, 5 April 2006 (UTC)

Well,plain and simple,this guy is a moron,he keeps editing this article to some bullshit every day,I dont know how come his mother didnt teach him to behave,thats cause his mother is a gipsy like himself,STOP EDITING THIS ARTICLE YOU SON OF A CHEAP WHOREDzoni 14:44, 6 April 2006 (UTC) its no wonder why he hates Cosic,beacuse he is a Muslim or should I say BalijaDzoni 14:45, 6 April 2006 (UTC)


How would you express that fact in an encyclopedic fashion? He was infatuated; he admits it; his love turned to hatred; he proclaims that. Where is the problem? I simply don't see the partiality.

Since I just read the npov policy, it seems that you ought to be the one to fix it (the policy's position is that if someone sees a pov problem, it must be there). So go ahead, please.

And, you can delete whatever you want, Dzoni. I'll put it back when I have the cite. I find it hard to believe that you do not know about the poem, which is in fact real. Danilo Kis. 'Pesnik revolucije na predsednickom brodu.'

I'm not planning on responding to any more of your angry b*llsh*t. You probably need therapy. (That's not impartial, though, is it?) profnjm

Since when some second-hand commentary from Radio Free Europe can be source for article which claims to be on something calling "encyclopedia"? Ignorance at its best. —Preceding unsigned comment added by (talk) 20:00, 25 March 2011 (UTC)

The Poem

Found at http://www.grupa.org.yu/cgi-bin/yabb/YaBB.pl?num=1055094836/30, after a quick Google search. (you do read Serbian, don't you???)


Thats clarly a fake,beacuse that was not a Serbian,its croatian language,its clear that it was written by Kis,cause Kis was a Jew from Serbia,so this is fake,and this will never ever be in this article(even if it was real,it should be in article about Danilo Kis,not here,so im going to delete it,and dont do this again,do you understand,mamu ti jebem kurvinjsku u usta)Dzoni 14:48, 6 April 2006 (UTC)

Hey Dzoni Who Thinks I'm an Idiot

Here's a question that will prove just how right you are: how do you get your comments to be time- and date-stamped? (treba li prevod?) profnjm

got it, never mind. Profnjm 14:25, 6 April 2006 (UTC)

This is why that poem wont be mentioned in this article

1.Just because someone wrote it on some internet forum doesnt make it authentic.

2.Its written on Croatian,even tho Kis was from Serbia

3.Its not clear who it is about,since its not mentioning any names

4.Its very bad written and its rude and offensive,its not something that should be mentioned in serious article,and heres a example of how athetic this poem is(for those of you who dont speek Croatian,its about forking):

"Što se paka vjetrova tiče (tu ne mislim na pasate), Treba naprosto suspregnuti crijeva. (to je ka što dođe čovjeku spontano Da zijeva, Kraj logorske vatre Kad mu se zadrijema) Daklem:

Ni naglas niti Profunjariti Neki prdež, Što je, gledano iz aspekta okusa U fokusu pažnje; Još gore: sve to ostaje u zraku! Najbolje je , ako drugog rješenja nema, Izići diskretno I zadržat se tamo što dulje, Prnu vani Pa odmah uniđu (umjesto da puste ovdje goluba Pa da ondak iziđu na palubu)."


Great, you'd censor Danilo Kiš. Here's the citation (within the 48 hours you gave me, oh Fearless Leader and Defender of All that is Serbian):

Danilo Kiš. "Pesnik revolucije na predsedničkom brodu." From Marinko Arsić Ivkov and Ivan Ivanović, Čitanka srpske političke poezije (Beograd: Ivanović/Tadić, 1999).

You only reveal yourself to be the bumpkin that you apparently are when you say things like "it's not clear who it's about." Everyone knows who it's about. Everyone knows Kiš. Everyone who knows diddly-squat, in any case.

I guess you don't. Profnjm 15:43, 6 April 2006 (UTC)

Dzoni, why don't you take the time to make sure that your English is minimally comprehensible before you post things? Thoomas Mann? Is that a Scottish accent you are reproducing???


Once again,its unclear whos its about,I looked for it and it is true that there is such a poem,but many things are pretty strange about it.

First of all,this cionist poet Kis wrote that poem on Croatian.But the name of the poem is written on Serbian(it should be Pjesnik,rather then Pesnik).Thats why its strange why would he write poem in Croatian(while he was Serbian Jew)and then write name of the poem in Serbian.

Also,why would it be important,if he wanted to make such a song he would have done it when that trip happend in 1960,not in 1986.

Also,"everyone knows" is not a valid ground for Wikipedia,if you can prove that its about Cosic,then we can talk about it,but such saying "everyone knows" is not enough,we could also say "everyone knows its not about him",but neither is right,because theres no proves.

Off course,if the Jew himselg wrote or said at anytime that it is about Cosic,then we can consider including it to this article,otherwise "everyone knows" just isnt valid for this type of articleDzoni 17:11, 6 April 2006 (UTC)

p.s.Thomas Man or Thomas Man,Djindjic wrote it in Serbian,and Im just translating it,but you can edit it if you think I wrote it wrongDzoni 17:11, 6 April 2006 (UTC)

When I give you the cite, then it is good enough. You are the one who thinks that because you do not know about it, it can't be in the article. "Everyone knows" is just my response to you -- you say you don't know about it so it's invalid. Why don't you just go out your door, walk down the street, and ask someone? You are in Serbia, right? Just ask some semi-intelligent friend. They'll know.

The citation satisfies your problem. You need to do your own research to prove that I made it up, if that's what you think is going on.

By the way, we need a cite for Djindjic, Kostunica, and Tadic. Please provide them. They sound a bit unlikely to me. You have 4 hours.

(How's it feel, hot shot?).

Are your references to the "cionist" (Zionist, right?) "Jew" a reflection of your anti-semitism? Sounds like it to me.

If you need to live through Wikipedia, so be it. I'll leave this to you, after a couple of parting gifts that only you could appreciate.

profnjmProfnjm 17:50, 6 April 2006 (UTC) You dumb bastard,your here waaaay more then i am,every time I come on Wikipedia I see that you responded to me in a matter of minutes.GET A LIFE,YOU LOSER.

And yeah,Kis was a cionist,he is just a Jew,so quit petendind that he is or ever was a respected writer in Serbia.

As for your quotation,I can go write a song on a stupid internet forum and then claim its Vasko Popa,but off course its nonsense.

Man,you are so stupid that its even funny.Heres a cite for President Tadic,you little retarded housewife:"Kurir,12 decembar 2005. Intervju Borisa Tadica pod nazivom:"Ja i cika Dobrica",preko cele naslovne strane.........

As for Kostunica and Djindjic congatulations:


Its all there,all you can look for Politika from 2001 ,there you can read both of their congratulations...............I CAN EVEN FIND PICTURES OF DJINDJIC AND COSIC FROM YEAR 2002 AND KOSTUNICA AS WELL AS COSIC FROM 2004 IF YOU WANT!!!!

Man,you are just angry because you hate Democratic Party and you just cant accept that we have the President of Serbia and that we are going to rule this country for the next 10 years.Well,like it or not,we will,so deal with it and get a life,stop wasting all your time on internet you ugly balijaDzoni 19:23, 6 April 2006 (UTC)

Full article(for my retarded friend)

(Kurir ,9 decembar 2005)http://www.kurir-info.co.yu/Arhiva/2005/decembar/09/V-02-09122005.shtml Also,theres a great picture of Mr.Cosic and Boris Tadic talking and showing that they are very good friends.

JA I ČIKA DOBRICA Predsednik Srbije Boris Tadić otvorio dušu i otkrio o čemu je kao dečak raspravljao sa svetskim filozofima Tadić sumnjao da Dobrica Ćosić sam piše svoje knjige i otkrio da "oca nacije" i danas sasluša, "ali ne posluša" BEOGRAD - Predsednik Srbije Boris Tadić u ekskluzivnom intervjuu magazinu Profil otkriva dosad nepoznate detalje iz svog detinjstva, prve dečačke dileme nastale iz druženja sa očevim prijateljima, svetskim filozofima, Dobricom Ćosićem... Kako se ispostavilo, mladi Tadić bio je zabrinut za budućnost sveta i nije verovao da je Ćosić autor knjiga koje je tada objavljivao.

- Već u svojoj desetoj godini razgovarao sam sa Markuzeom, Fromom, Blohom, Habermasom i mnogim drugima. Na naše filozofe gledali su kao na avangardu evropske misli, pošto je i Zapad tada prolazio kroz veliku krizu. Posmatrao sam ih kako igraju šah i zavitlavaju se na temu šta bi bilo kad bi u nekom budućem idealnom društvu, kao nekad u Grčkoj u vreme Platona i Sokrata, vladali filozofi. Čak su među sobom u šali delili i ministarske funkcije. Ispostavilo se da je od svih prisutnih jedino Željo Željev posle postao predsednik Bugarske i ja predsednik Srbije, iako sam tada bio dete - navodi Tadić.

Predsednik Srbije posebno se seća jednog razgovora o budućnosti sveta. - Imao sam dvanaest godina i silno sam se uplašio kad je Rudi Supek govorio da uskoro na planeti neće biti dovoljno hrane da se ishrane milijarde ljudi i da ćemo biti prisiljeni da jedemo sintetičku hranu. Da gutamo neukusne tablete, umesto šnicli, bataka, prženih krompirića, ili hleba i masti sa alevom paprikom, što je bila najomiljenija hrana moje generacije - zabrinut je bio mladi Tadić.

Iz ranog perioda Tadićevog života posebno je zanimljiv njegov doživljaj Dobrice Ćosića. - Moj otac i Dobrica Ćosić su najbliži prijatelji valjda četiri decenije. Dobricu sam upoznao kao osmogodišnjak i pitao ga: "Čiko, da li vi stvarno sami pišete svoje knjige ili ih odnekuda prepisujete!?" Rekao mi je blago da ih sam piše - konstatuje Tadić.

Kasnije, kao student, Tadić navodi da je bio "svedok žučnih razgovora slovenačkih i srpskih intelektualaca", koji se, kako je konstatovao, "nisu razumeli". - Na železničkoj stanici sam obično ja dočekivao Tarasa Kermanuera i vozio ga na sesije u stan Božidara Jakšića, na kojima su učestvovali Dobrica Ćosić, Nebojša Popov, moj otac... Nije moje da govorim ko je bio u pravu, a ko nije, osim što je evidentno koliko je Slovenija iz svega bolje izašla od nas. Nacionalni dohodak Slovenaca je sada 12.000 dolara, a naš možda i šest puta niži - izračunao je on.

Obećao Berluskoniju novog Deju

Prilikom susreta sa italijanskim premijerom Silvijem Berluskonijem, Tadić navodi da je iskoristio priliku da se sa njim "malo našali". - Obećao sam da ćemo mu u Milano uskoro poslati nekog novog "genija", kako on zove Dejana Savićevića, ukoliko pomogne srpsku privredu. Rekao je da se dešavalo da Savićevića tokom utakmice niko i ne primećuje, sve dok iznenada ne napravi neki genijalni potez, koji odmah sve reši. Apsolutno ga obožava i o njemu govori sa neskrivenim žarom. Ne samo meni nego i mojim saradnicima, na kraju je poklonio CD sa svojim pesmama i kravate koje on voli najviše da nosi.

Uz sećanja na druženja sa Dobricom Ćosićem, Tadić se posebno osvrnuo i na prijateljstvo sa pokojnim premijerom Zoranom Đinđićem. - Zoran Đinđić, Dobrica Ćosić i moj otac predstavljaju tri potpuno različita načina mišljenja u Srbiji, ali to nikada nije moglo da pomuti njihovu bliskost i prijateljstvo. Kao neposredni svedok znam koliko su se međusobno razilazili i sukobljavali proteklih decenija. U tom trouglu nije bilo dana da se neko ozbiljno ne sporečka.

- Zanimljivo je i to da sam neprestano držao stranu Zoranu Đinđiću, koji je Dobricu Ćosića i mog oca ubeđivao da se od Miloševića ne može očekivati ništa dobro i da je za Srbiju jedina nada ukoliko mu se svi složno suprotstave i odmah u Srbiji uspostavi demokratski poredak - navodi Tadić i dodaje da je Ćosić Đinđićeva upozorenja kasno shvatio.

Danas kao predsednik Srbije Tadić kaže da i dalje održava kontakte sa Ćosićem. - Kad sam slobodan, saslušam mišljenja Dobrice i svog oca, kao ljudi od izuzetnog životnog iskustva, ali najčešće ih ne poslušam. Razgovarao sam s njima i pre svog odlaska u Srebrenicu da kao predsednik Srbije odam poštu nedužnim žrtvama. Rekao sam im da moram ići u Srebrenicu, oni su me od toga odgovarali, ali ne zato što imaju drugačiji odnos prema ratnim zločinima, već zbog eventualne političke konotacije koju može da dobije moja poseta - ističe Tadić.

The Retarded Housewife Needs Another Cite

Good job, young Luke. The force is with you.

Now for the CIA reference, please. You said Otpor was funded by the CIA. Prove it? profnjm

As for the rest: I spend time on Cosic because I improved the entry and wish to continue to do so. Oddly, I drew flies -- you, in particular. You obviously have a lot invested in this. I don't care about Serbia's current politics. I just thought I could help out the Cosic entry on Wikipedia.

You can hold on to your fantasies about me, I don't care. Just so long as they remain fantasies.

profnjm 21:39, 6 April 2006 (UTC)

By the way, I spruced the page up a bit more. Now I'm out of here and you can keep it as your own private sandbox. [[Profnjm]] 00:29, 7 April 2006 (UTC)

I didnt said it fool,I said that Cosic claimed it was finansed from CIA,and theres al least 3 interviews in wich he stated it.

If you are not interested in Politics,then please dont try to change the history,and make man who stood up against Communist regime as early as in 1954 "ridiculed figure".

So,as I said,just dont edit article about Academic Cosic no more,and it will be fine.......Off course,if you are cionsit like your jew Idol Kis,then you`ll consider to spread lies all over the net,like you Jews do,but that you problem,cause you wont do it in this article any moreDzoni 05:54, 7 April 2006 (UTC)

1. 1954? When was that? What did he do? I know more than you do about DC. He stood up for Djilas, I suppose? Not. But do tell.

2. You clearly implied that the CIA sponsored Otpor by telling me that Cosic wasn't paranoid to say it. If he said it three times, and yet it can't be proven, then he is in fact paranoid. If you can't handle nuanced English, just write it in Serbian.

3. You really ARE a racist pig. Why are you allowed to run wild around here?

4. Thanks to your zionist/jew comment, I'll be hanging out here after all.

Profnjm 13:25, 7 April 2006 (UTC)

4.O boy,you will be hanging if i get my hands on you,thats for sure,you`ll be hanging ,I swear to God,you cionists are good for nothing but hanging,because bullet is too good for you.

You dont know shit about Cosic,boy,you are just a little confused boy whos wondering how come the whole Serbia is now honoring Cosic as father of our nation,while you remember that your communist father used to tell you that "cosic is bad".

Well,dont worry about thing,bitch,cause Im going to school you,as whatever you wanna know,Ima teach you 13-year old ass whatever you wanna know,but dont quote some dirty Jew "poets" and "writers",cause I red Protokoli Sionskih Mudraca and I know what are you trying to do,and please dont try to deny that you are doing it,cause,well cause I red the book and many other book on your dirty kind and I know all of your filthy tricks,so trust me,if we ever meet face to face,you damn right you`ll be hanging.

In the mean time,let me teach you the basics of democracy and literate,let me teach you who people like Dobrica COsic,Zoran Djindjic,Boris Tadic and other really are,so that your dirty little cionist mind can understand that EVERY SERB IS PROUD TO HAVE PEOPLE LIKE COSIC AND DJINDJIC IN HIS NATION,and you can go fuck your self u pathetic piece of shitDzoni 18:25, 7 April 2006 (UTC)


NEMOJTE VISE DA VANDALIZUJETE CLANAK,DIVLJACI JEDNI,SA TIM POTPUNO IZMISLJENIM CITATOM,KOJI CAK NIJE NI VALJANO PREVED NA ENGLESKI!!!!OR I WILL HAVE TO REPORT YOU TO THE WIKIPEDIA ADMINISTRTORS AND YOU WILL ALL GET BLOCKED FOREVER!!Dzoni 12:53, 25 April 2006 (UTC) Pa najveći vandalizam i jeste nepismenost članka. Uostalom šta ako nas blokiraju, nećemo dobiti platu od admina????????? —Preceding unsigned comment added by (talk) 20:03, 25 March 2011 (UTC)

The "quote"

1. The quote is not fake, but it does need context. 2. Somebody out there probably ought to spend some time with the actual writings of Dobrica Cosic before they leap into the discussion. Profnjm 15:33, 25 April 2006 (UTC)

Im just reading Cosics book Prijatelji,so whats your point with 2.?Dzoni 19:52, 25 April 2006 (UTC)

The quote isn't fake.I'll find a good source and put it. —Preceding unsigned comment added by GriffinSB (talkcontribs) 21:16, 21 December 2007 (UTC)

http://www.danas.co.yu/20040611/feljton1.html This is serbian newsportal. —Preceding unsigned comment added by GriffinSB (talkcontribs) 21:23, 21 December 2007 (UTC)

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Nobel prize is a hoax

The web site that announced Nobel for Mr. Ćosić is a hoax. It is made up to look exactly as real official site, and all the links follow to other page, the official one, not to itself. It's obvious. User:hristodulo 1233 6-okt-2011 —Preceding undated comment added 10:33, 6 October 2011 (UTC).

Apologies, I was taken in by the Guardian's announcement. now corrected. Vizjim (talk) 10:59, 6 October 2011 (UTC)

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Since his real name is Dobrosav shouldn't the article be renamed in "Dobrosav Ćosić"? DarkoRatic (talk) 13:28, 17 August 2018 (UTC)

WP:COMMONNAME. 23 editor (talk) 14:54, 18 August 2018 (UTC)