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Talk:California National Party

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Contested deletion


This article should not be speedily deleted for lack of asserted importance because... there are registered voters in California who have registered with this party, it has been recognized as a political body by the California Secretary of State's office, it has a candidate who is running for elective office under this party platform, it contains references to media acknowledgement (more listed below), as well as the political party's lengthy 165-page platform. --Nansy131 (talk) 03:13, 20 March 2016 (UTC)[reply]

US News LA Times: http://www.latimes.com/local/abcarian/la-me-0122-abcarian-california-independence-20160122-column.html Sacramento Bee: http://www.sacbee.com/news/politics-government/capitol-alert/article54004530.html Vice News: http://www.vice.com/read/meet-the-californians-inspired-by-scotland-to-pursue-independent-nationhood

International News Canada: http://www.cknw.com/2016/02/22/california-dreaming-political-party-has-big-plans-for-independence/ Scotland: http://www.scotsman.com/news/yes-scotland-logo-adopted-by-california-independence-movement-1-4037382 France: http://www.ouest-france.fr/monde/etats-unis/cet-homme-veut-lindependance-de-la-californie-4088854

Secretary of State http://elections.cdn.sos.ca.gov/ccrov/pdf/2016/january/16013ms.pdf

Russian connection


Why isn't the topic of Russia pushing this agenda and supporting financially and logistically the major secessionist groups in the U.S.? https://www.nytimes.com/2017/02/21/us/yes-california-calexit-marinelli-russia.html https://ww2.kqed.org/news/2016/12/13/from-his-home-in-russia-calexit-leader-plots-california-secession/ Both articles discuss that many of these groups are getting financial backing and logistical support from Russia. (talk) 00:59, 6 November 2017 (UTC)[reply]

@ This is interesting information, I think it warrants inclusion. Feel free to add something about it, otherwise I will try and get around to it. AusLondonder (talk) 08:09, 6 November 2017 (UTC)[reply]

Article under construction


I've been keeping tabs on this article since it popped up in the new pages feed. I think that it's likely that this is now a notable subject and thus should have an article, but as currently written it has a lot of content that appears to be WP:UNDUE, namely the detailed listing of the party's policy stances. If such stances are not mentioned in independent coverage of the subject, we should not be including them here. Normally I would just make these edits myself, but given that the under construction tag is still up, I figured it would be best to discuss this on the talk page instead of unilaterally making edits. signed, Rosguill talk 23:25, 14 April 2020 (UTC)[reply]

The party seems to no longer be active.


After checking here, it seems like they are no longer active. There website does not contain anything from this year. And does not seem to want to try and register for political party status for the 2024 Elections. Qutlooker (talk) 14:18, 10 December 2023 (UTC)[reply]

Platform content removed


No secondary sources.

Extended content

Political positions


Civil rights


The California National Party has a platform of increasingly guaranteed inclusivity of historically marginalized and oppressed demographic groups including Women, the LGBT population, First Nationals, and peoples of color. Special attention is given to the socio-economic anchors that limit these groups and policies such as: prevention of violence and abuse, medical and prescription equity, increase criminal penalties for discrimination and denial of services against aforementioned population groups, and creation of Federal reparations programs for the wrongdoings of the United States against marginalized ethnic groups.[1]



Taxation and Universal Basic Income


The CNP supports a simplified tax code, with a taxation system that combines negative income tax for the most economically vulnerable; a progressive tax on wages, investments, and inheritances above a certain baseline, with a top marginal rate of 50%; a tax on net wealth in excess of $50 million to encourage investment instead of over-accumulation; a 22% corporate tax rate; and monthly universal basic income payments to all California citizens beginning at the age of eighteen or upon legal emancipation.

Under the UBI system proposed, all Californians would receive a monthly amount regardless of income level. In addition to this, the CNP also proposes a negative income tax, under which those Californians with an annual income below $40,000 will receive a guaranteed tax return. Together, these two policies are intended to replace the current social welfare system, to reduce bureaucracy, and save money.

When combined with monthly UBI disbursements of $500, all individuals with California residency would have an annual guaranteed minimum income of $26,000 and an untaxed income from wages and UBI of $46,000. This would be to ensure that food, housing, and other needs are accessible to all Californians. The general increase in the quality of life and the resulting decline in crime, homelessness, and other consequences of poverty will bring benefits to all Californians.

While California remains under the federal tax and welfare system, they propose the immediate enacting of UBI, a tax on inheritances in excess of $1 million, and a tax on net wealth above $50 million, as well as negotiations with the United States to alter California's taxation relationship with the federal government.

California Public Bank


The CNP supports the creation of a state-owned Bank of California. Such a public bank is intended to provide an alternative to high-interest payday loans and check-cashing businesses that charge fees for basic services and are primarily used by people with fewer financial resources. It would also provide access to banking services for industries that are legal in California but remain illegal or over-regulated in the United States.

All California residents would automatically have an account with the California public bank, with the tax refunds and UBI payments directly deposited into these accounts.

In addition to holding California’s reserves of gold and other precious metals, this bank would manage the Innovation and Equity Funds and provide loans and financial services to new, community-based California businesses.

At least one branch will be located in each county which, along with secure electronic banking access, will ensure that all Californians have access to banking services in their local communities.

This bank will be subject to independent audits every 5 years.

California Innovation Fund


The CNP advocates for the creation of an Office of Innovation to administer an Innovation Fund that will provide funding for scientific research and technological development. California will then retain patents on technology created, license those patents to businesses that pay taxes in California at a discount in order to encourage tech companies to locate there. The profits from these patents would then be applied towards an endowment for the fund to help it grow and become self-sustaining over time. The CNP supports funding for such projects as:

Research aimed at improving desalination and clean energy technologies that are critical for California’s long-term resource security.

City and county developed publicly-owned broadband services, designed to be woven together in order to create a California-wide system of public broadband that should seek to be the fastest and most affordable broadband in the world, especially emphasizing increased connectivity in underserved rural areas.

Deployment of autonomous vehicles and any required infrastructure changes, as well as thorough studies that can result in sensible regulations and legislation regarding their use.

Investigating ways to leverage technology to make all levels of California government more responsive, efficient, and democratic.



The CNP supports universal access to education from child-care and primary school to higher education. It advocates that all public schools, colleges, and universities in California should be run by administrations led by educators or former educators with teaching experience, not politicians or third party managers.[2] It supports better hiring and compensation practices for educators.

The CNP platform advocates for access to bilingual education across all California public schools.[2] It promotes the goal of bilingual fluency among all Californians, facilitated by official bilingualism in education between English and Spanish. It similarly supports greater access to foreign language education to promote greater levels of language education, as well as subsidization of foreign-exchange programs.[2]

Primary education


The CNP supports free, universal access to pre-kindergarten and kindergarten education, advocating the expansion of California public schools to include pre-k and kindergarten.[2] The party platform supports the inclusion of "California studies" in all levels of public education, covering topics including California's history, geography, peoples, and cultures; in addition to greater funding of teacher salaries from the Californian government and supports creation of career programs to attract high performing teachers.[2]

Higher education


The CNP advocates that California Community Colleges (CCC) should be free for all Californians and guaranteed offers of admission for all Californians to the California State Universities (CSU) and to the University of California (UC) for all students who meet their respective entrance requirements.[2]



The CNP supports expansion of the California cap-and-trade carbon market. It also supports investment into infrastructure along the California coast to minimize the effects of sea level rise.[3]

It supports the expansion of the California State Parks, to include both recreational parks and conservationist reserves.[3]

The CNP attributes a failing PG&E as a major threat to environmental and public safety. As such, it advocates for mandates to increase building efficiencies and creation of localized renewable energy production.[4]

Water and Agriculture


Protection of littoral and inland waterways is a key component of the CNP's environmental plank. It supports a permanent moratorium on offshore drilling along California's coastal seas. The CNP also supports universal public access to all of the beaches of California, based on the freedom to roam principle established when California was under Spanish law. The issue of water access and agriculture are in complement to their beliefs on climate change. The CNP believes in supporting farmers who switch to more environmentally sustainable practices as well as pushing back against large corporate agriculture.[5] Incentives for urban rain and gray-water collection to offset water needed for agriculture is also advocated for.[4]



The CNP advocates simplifying currently existing programs into a "Medi-Cal for all" system, which includes expansion of access and automatic enrollment.[6]

Housing and infrastructure


The CNP proposes a constitutional amendment to enshrine affordable housing as a civil right. This is aimed to incentivize construction of housing where demand is highest, with state subsidization if need be. Additionally, the CNP believes California should learn from housing policies that have been effective in other cities, states, and nations; in particular, Singapore with the promotion of large scale government-funded housing construction, and Tokyo which has had success with substantial liberalization of zoning laws.[4]

The California National Party supports the expansion of statewide transportation and consolidation of local transit agencies for streamlining efficiency and interconnectivity.[4]



The CNP platform proposes the Californian government take a greater role in the attraction of immigrants to California, whether for work, study, or residence. It supports the right of California to participate in the issuance of visas for immigrants alongside the U.S. federal government.[7] It also proposes that the Californian government enact a strategic plan for immigration to California.[7]

The CNP advocates the access of all public services as a right of all California residents, regardless of immigration status.[7]

The party opposes the construction of the "Trump wall" along California's southern border with Mexico.[7] It also supports the freedom of movement across the countries of North America.[7]

The CNP's party platform also supports the creation of a guest worker program to allow for fluctuating levels of temporary immigration for labor shortages not met by the local population or other permanent resident immigrants.[7]

Legislative and Electoral Reform




The CNP supports the adoption of ranked-choice voting for all California-wide candidate elections and will work for its adoption in county and local elections. To ensure the integrity of California elections, the CNP supports hand-counting of paper ballots in smaller counties and municipalities and in larger locations, for circumstances in which hand-counting is not feasible, to exclusively use non-proprietary open-source voting (OSV) platforms with the production of paper ballots on devices that are never connected to any computer network.[8]

California Legislature


The CNP supports a voter-approved amendment to the California Constitution to enact an increase to the size of the Assembly to enable each member to represent, and be more directly accountable to, a smaller group of Californians with shared economic, social, and geographic conditions. Rather than fix a number of members, each member must represent no more than 100,000 people. As of 2020, this would set the number of Assembly members at 396. The amendment would also Increase the size of the California Senate to 50 members, with elections by Party List Proportional Representation, In this system, all Californians would either vote for a party, each of which would produce an ordered list of candidates, or an independent candidate who must receive 2% of the total vote to be seated. Parties would receive one Senator for every 2% of the vote.[9]

Autonomy and Independence

The California National Party (CNP) works for policies that strengthen California while simultaneously laying the groundwork for ever-greater autonomy, self-determination, and ultimately independence.[10]
  1. ^ "Platform CR 2020". California National Party. Retrieved 2021-07-22.
  2. ^ a b c d e f "Education platform". California National Party. Archived from the original on 29 September 2020. Retrieved 13 April 2020.
  3. ^ a b "Environment platform". California National Party. Archived from the original on 28 September 2020. Retrieved 13 April 2020.
  4. ^ a b c d "Platform HI 2020". California National Party. Archived from the original on 2021-07-22. Retrieved 2021-07-22.
  5. ^ "Platform Env 2020". California National Party. Retrieved 2021-07-22.
  6. ^ "Healthcare platform". California National Party. Archived from the original on 29 September 2020. Retrieved 11 April 2020.
  7. ^ a b c d e f "Immigration platform". California National Party. Archived from the original on 29 September 2020. Retrieved 13 April 2020.
  8. ^ "Platform Leg 2020". California National Party. Retrieved 2021-07-22.
  9. ^ "Platform Leg 2020". California National Party. Retrieved 2022-04-24.
  10. ^ "Platform Ind 2020". California National Party. Retrieved 2021-07-22.

SocDoneLeft (talk) 04:36, 18 September 2024 (UTC)[reply]