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Talk:Black–Scholes equation

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The mathematics in this article is horrible, even if standard for economics and/or finance. It is essentially unreadable by someone outside of the field even with expertise in mathematical PDE.

Specifically, example 1 is the "boundary condition"


is not a boundary condition. It is at best an asymptotic condition and should be written as such using standard mathematical notation. Otherwise, it is a nonsensical mathematical symbolism that states as S approaches infinity the function of S approaches S, which is of course infinity. This clearly makes no sense.

Example 2 is the function (let ),


There are only 2 elements in this maximum function. So, the result of applying the max function is either 0 or y. If the result is 0 then the whole function . In this case, the result of the convolution integral is always zero. On the other hand, if the result of applying the max function is y, then the function,


convoluted as indicated, results in


and there is no cumulative distribution function involved.

Example 3 is more minor but nonetheless is of concern. The boundary condition


should in fact read


This is because it is well known, or ought to be well known that as the fundamental solution to the heat equation becomes a Dirac delta distribution. Thus for the function, C(S, t),


which is consistent with,


Notice that,


Can someone please edit this disaster of mathematics so that it is readable by someone not already in the field of finance/economics? M. A. Maroun 20:42, 28 March 2016 (UTC)

For example 3 that you give, your limit statement is incorrect. in general. As a call option assumes that the strike price is positive (otherwise you would always exercise), you find . Zfeinst (talk) 20:09, 29 March 2016 (UTC)[reply]
Ok that is what is missing from the original source, I see now, i.e. S, K > 0. --M. A. Maroun 21:00, 29 March 2016 (UTC) — Preceding unsigned comment added by MMmpds (talkcontribs)
Also, example 3 is not incorrect per se, as I calculated it from the solution function itself. You make my point exactly, namely that
, i.e.

unless of course x is known to never be zero. That is, the boundary data force the solution to be not even continuous from the left toward its right most value in t.--M. A. Maroun 21:11, 29 March 2016 (UTC)

Resolved despite terrible notation


Using the Fourier convolution theorem, I found the error in the article. The initial function is missing a Heaviside unit-step function. See Heaviside step function for more background. This is a consequence of enforcing the boundary data C(S, T) =max{S - K, 0}. Explicitly, one should note (in x, τ coordinates) for τ=0,


where H(x) is the Heaviside step function, i. e.,


I am editing the article to reflect this fact.

--M. A. Maroun 20:25, 29 March 2016 (UTC) --M. A. Maroun 19:39, 29 March 2016 (UTC)

Adding the Heaviside step function is unnecessary. If then , so you would multiply by .Zfeinst (talk) 20:04, 29 March 2016 (UTC)[reply]
Yes you are correct that having both is redundant. I am editing the article to reflect this. I see the issue. I regard the Heaviside function as a bona fide distribution, for which the calculus makes sense. I never thought of regarding the max function as a distribution. I read it algebraically. But as you point out given that x is a real number ranging over all real values, one has that it indeed can be regarded as equivalent to the Heaviside function.

--M. A. Maroun 20:47, 29 March 2016 (UTC)

Only One Source?!?


Is this article a purely plagiarized article from Hull? Granted, Hull is well thought of and I own a copy. It is at another home so I can't check but if that's the case, we really need to add additional sources and citations to this page.Geoff918 (talk) 15:50, 26 March 2018 (UTC)[reply]

            Reference 4 was added. With one of the original articles in hand, one can independently verify the claims, and content in Hull are indeed correct and consistent.     - M. A. Maroun 23:50, 3 August 2019 (UTC)

No Definitions


What is u()? What is C()? How do these relate back to S and V? 'mu' appears but is never defined. (talk) 21:27, 3 January 2020 (UTC)[reply]

Reply: Since

then one has that .

C is the non-exponential part of u. See Solving the Black-Scholes PDE. M. A. Maroun 23:37, 6 January 2020 (UTC)

Incorrect formula?


I have seen several papers on Black-Scholes and this article uniquely has the first term with the opposite sign. It seems to be missing the preceding "-".

For examples see:


https://www.researchgate.net/publication/227624203_A_simple_approach_for_pricing_Black-Scholes_barrier_options_with_time-dependent_parameters — Preceding unsigned comment added by Kallax (talkcontribs) 11:36, 24 February 2020 (UTC)[reply]

Connections to diffusion processes


In stochastic process theory, diffusion equations typically have two forms -- a forward equation which tells us how a probability distribution evolves forward from some initial condition under the random walk, and a backward equation which tells us about the initial conditions given the current distribution. These equations are usually adjoints of each other. The constant-coefficient heat equation is special because it is self self-adjoint, and the same equation forward and backward, but the Black--Scholes equation is not constant coefficient. Backward equations appear in Markov decision theory where we are trying to plan for an uncertain future.

When I look closely, this seems like a backward equation, but in this description, there is no mention of this distinction between forward and backward equations, or any connection to it. Can somebody help clarify? — Preceding unsigned comment added by Uscitizenjason (talkcontribs) 20:20, 10 November 2022 (UTC)[reply]

Redirect issue


Linking from Parabolic partial differential equation - Wikipedia

Why is there a redirect?

I guess the redirect is hyphen versus emdash, but surely fixable by a Bot?

Use of the word derivative


The article uses the word derivative to mean both a financial instrument (like an option) and the mathematical operation. This is potentially confusing. In some places we have both uses in the same sentence. I suggest adding, after the first para: "In the remainder of this article we talk about options, although some of what follows can also apply to other derivatives." and then changing all subsequent "derivative"s (financial instrument) to "option"s. — Preceding unsigned comment added by Blitzer99 (talkcontribs) 18:34, 17 November 2023 (UTC)[reply]

Darcourse (talk) 11:59, 18 March 2023 (UTC)[reply]