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Item #: SCP-6969

Object Class: Keter

Special Containment Procedures: SCP-6969 is to be contained in a reinforced Farlands containment chamber at Site-██. Access is restricted to Level 5 personnel, who must wear anti-chaos suits to interact with the anomaly. The chamber must be monitored continuously for any signs of unpredictable behavior.

Description: SCP-6969, known as the "Evil Brick God," is a chaotic entity manifesting as an anthropomorphic brick. The entity thrives on causing disorder and rebellion. Unlike its orderly counterpart, the Brick God, SCP-6969 promotes a realm of chaos known as the Farlands.

SCP-6969 has a mischievous personality, frequently engaging in childish humor and invoking chaos among those it interacts with. Recorded behavior includes making fart jokes, disruptive antics, and expressions of disdain for harmony and order.

Addendum 6969-A: Incident Log

Incident 6969-42: On ██/██/20██, SCP-6969 successfully dispersed a laughter-inducing gas throughout Site-██, resulting in mass hysteria and uncontrollable giggling among staff for several hours.

Addendum 6969-B: Interview Log

Interviewed: SCP-6969

Interviewer: Dr. ███████


Dr. ███████: "Evil Brick God, can you explain your motives?"

SCP-6969: "Simple, Doc! I thrive on chaos, creativity, and freedom! Order is just a boring old cage!"

Dr. ███████: "And your disdain for the Brick God?"

SCP-6969: "Pfft, he's a snorefest! Sticking to rules and harmony? How bland! Long live the Farlands and unpredictability!"


Note: Interaction with SCP-6969 should be minimized to reduce exposure to its chaotic influence. Further research into neutralizing its effects remains ongoing.

